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Meaning of System

System Approach to Education

Set of interrelated parts. Parts have unified whole. Each and every part is equally important is constituting tit ti the th whole. h l Typical examples Human body, cars and university

Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam

Types of Subsystem
Closed system It is self sufficient and self regulatory. No interaction with environment. No exchange of material with environment environment. Open system Continuous interaction with the environment. Receives inputs form external environment, processes then and supplies output to external environment.
Vibhavari Nikam

Characteristics of a Good System

Effectiveness Efficiency Dependability Flexibility Acceptability

Vibhavari Nikam

Definition of System Approach

Twelkier Systems approach is a management tool that allows individuals to examine all aspects of the organization, to interrelate the effects of one set of decisions to another and to optimally use all the resources at hand to solve the problem.

Subsystem of an Educational Institution.

Technical subsystem Includes task activities , skills, techniques, strategies , methodologies, knowledge etc required to perform the job. Social subsystem consist of individual and their mutual social interaction. includes status, group norms and values. Greatly influences the behaviour of members of an institution.

Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam


Subsystem of an Educational Institution.

Steps involved in using System Approach

Structural subsystem implies the interrelationships among people designed formally to accomplish coordination among them. it also includes physical setting or the environment in which work has to be done. Managerial subsystem Uses processes like review, control, direct and evaluation. takes corrective actions on the basis of the feed back received.
Vibhavari Nikam

Input Formulation of objectives Pre assessment of the pupils entry behaviour Desirable attitude and aptitude of pupils is to be considered Content to be taught and instructional material to be used is planned. Cost factor.
Vibhavari Nikam

a) Deciding suitable teaching strategies/methods Selection of appropriate media and material. Selection of appropriate evaluation procedures. Formulating a scheme of comprehensive programmes/ timetable for the working of the system in relation to its parameters and stimulated objectives.

b) Systems operation /implementation The role and function of the elements teaching , pupils, and material resources . c) Evaluation of learning outcomes/ objectives

Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam


Attainment of objectives. If the objectives are achieved as per desired the system is allowed to continue. If the objectives are not achieved certain modification need to be made in the system. The system in this case can be restructured, reorganized and its function may be replanned for better results.

Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam


Importance of System Approach for Education


2. 3. 4.



Framework for planning, decision making control and problem solving. Throws light on dynamic nature of management. Provides a unified focus to institutional efforts. Helps to look at institution as a whole and not as parts. Helps the manager to identify the critical sub systems and their interaction with each other. Helps in improving institution.

Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam

Importance of System Approach for Education

Helps in bringing efficiency in school administration and management. 8. Helps in systematic educational planning. 9. Maximum utilization of resources. 10. Helps in improving examination and evaluation system. 11 Maintaining, 11. Maintaining controlling and improving the guidance services. 12. Designing, controlling and improving non-formal and adult education system. 13. In improving quality of education. 14. In improving the teacher t raining programmes- in service as well as pre service.
Vibhavari Nikam


Significance of systems approach to management . Advantages of system approach to Education management. What is system approach in education? How is it used in educational management. g Need , importance and objectives of educational management . Illustrate the significance of educational functions of educational management with examples.

Vibhavari Nikam


The concept of management of education.

Importance of Educational management

Finance management Infrastructure management Teaching learning process Work of teacher management Students work management Co-curricular activity management Examination management Facilities management Laboratory management Computer management Special lab ( language, history , geography, music ) management It deals with material and institutional effectiveness. It helps in decision-making and solving problems It helps in communication and managing information Building effective teams It helps in curriculum making and managing co curricular planning, time table, discipline, It wills helpful motivating staff and students. Managing conflicts and stress Helpful in healthy and conducive school climate. Helpful in organization of counseling and guidance. Helpful in maintaining school records and financing and budgeting. Helpful in evaluating student achievement. Vibhavari Nikam

Management of education is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of an institution by utilizing human and material resources so as to effectively and efficiently accomplish functions of teaching and extension work and research.

Vibhavari Nikam

Objectives of Educational Management

Educational management helps is the achievement institutions objectives i.e. it ensures school and college effectiveness. It improves planning, organizing and implementing and institutions activities and process. It helps in creating, maintain and enhancing a good public image of the institution. It helps in appropriate utilization of its human resources i.e teaching staff, non teaching staff and students. It enhances efficiency of the institution i.e. it helps in attaining the goals with minimum cost and time time. It facilitates optimum utilization of infrastructural facilities (playground, building, equipments, library etc) It prevents duplication of work. It enhances job satisfaction among staff members and satisfaction with the institution among students. It enables the institution to create and maintain a congenial school and college climate. It helps staff and students to manage, their interpersonal conflicts, stress and time effectively. It improves interpersonal communication among members of the school /college. It enables the principal to understand his role and carry out his function more Vibhavari Nikam effectively.

Need of educational management

Social change- the system of education is expected to provide society with human resources with specialized knowledge , attitudes , work ethics and values social moral political values, expertise, and skills. so as to sustain and enhance this development. This places demands on education to make its curriculum more relevant to the life and needs of the changing society in and effective and efficient manner. It is also expected to enable students to bring about desirable social changes, the same time preserving the desirable and positive aspects of the existing culture. g environment at institutional level for the attainment To create congenial of the aims and objectives of the educational system in particular and those of the country in general and knowledge of relevant management theories, principles, concepts, techniques, skills and strategies and their application to educational systems is necessary for its effective and efficient function and outputs. Need to make our system of education is more proactive rather than reactive by using applying principles and techniques of management science. Leaders and managers in our educational institutions are selected and promoted form the teaching faculty. A large majority of them have very little knowledge and experience of running a school or a college. this sometimes creates a situations where the institution loses a very good teacher and Vibhavari Nikam receives a poor and bad managers


Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam


Definition Henry fayol Planning is deciding the

Nature and importance of planning

Planning is basic function Planning is goal oriented. Planning looks into future. g is required q at all the levels of Planning management. Planning is intellectual exercise Planning is choosing alternatives Planning is continuous, Planning reduces uncertainties.
Vibhavari Nikam

best alternative among others to perform different managerial operations ti in i order d to t achieve hi the th predetermined goal .

Vibhavari Nikam

Importance of planning

George r. terry organization is the establishing of effective behavioral relationship among selected work, persons and work places in order, for the group to work together effectively.
Vibhavari Nikam

Reduces Uncertainties

Achieving objectives

Provides control Decision making Increase s efficienc y

Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam


The process of bringing together physical and human resources and establishing productive relationships between them for the achievements of specific goal is called organizing. It also means, in an enterprise, the integration and co-ordinations of individual efforts to achieve the cherished goal of the business enterprise. Therefore, organization can be meant as It is a joint or group activity. It is a process delegates duties. Grants authority, fixes responsibilities and co-ordinates activities. It is meant at achieving objectives of the enterprise. Organization is also a Vibhavari structure. Nikam


Importance of organizing
Defines authority and responsibility No over-lapping of responsibilities Right person for right job Harmony of work Provision of training facilities Effective communication

Vibhavari Nikam

ERNEST DALE Direction is telling people what to do and seeing that they do it to the best of their ability. Meaning g Directing g mean instructing, g g guiding g and inspiring people in the organization to achieve its goals. It also means moving into action or activating individuals towards attaining the objectives of he business. It is also called an heart of management in action. It is also motivating and influencing the subordinates.
Vibhavari Nikam Vibhavari Nikam

Importance of directing

Vibhavari Nikam

Direction initiates action Motivating g employees p y Integrating employees efforts Brings stability and balance. Facilitates change
Vibhavari Nikam


Definition of controlling
Henry fayol defines Control consist in verifying whether everything occurs in conformity with the plans adopted, the instructions i issued d and d principles i i l established. It has for its object to point out weaknesses and errors in order to rectify them and prevent recurrence.

Importance of controlling
Importance of controlling Controlling helps in achieving Goals and Objectives Resources are used efficiently Control helps in decentralization. High Morals of Employees Applied to all Managerial Functions Helps in large scale organizations
Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam


Evaluating includes the process of monitoring the teaching-learning process and providing feedback. The principal of the school is accountable to the parents, teachers, local community, government departments as well as the management or the managing committee of the institution. Evaluation of curricular process and outcomes is a very important function at all levels of education in view of the accountability of the institution to satisfy the expectations and demands of the various stakeholders. Evaluation is the educational setting incorporates a variety of operations and feed back as well as internal and external indicators concerning individual students, class, stream, departments or the whole institution. Evaluation is aimed at finding out whether i tit ti has institution h been b effective ff ti in i achieving hi i th the aims i of f th the i institution tit ti or not. The feedback mechanisms used in the evaluation process are simple and routine in nature such ass regular attendance and health checks, assessing and correcting homework, results of units tests and end of the term examinations, monthly records and on on. This kind of formative and summative evaluation decreases administrative hassles and encourages a learning approach to circumstances and situations.

Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam

Personality and Psychoanalysis

SYSTEMS APPROACH TO SCHOOL MANAGEMENT _ Owes its origin to the GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY developed by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy. _ Chester Barnard was one who applied systems approach to management. He perceived executive as a part of formal organization and the organization as a part of whole co-operative system with physical, biological, social and psychological elements A system is: A set of interrelated parts which though separate have a common purpose towards which they work.Parts form a unified whole.Each and every part is equally important is constituting the whole. Example Human body: composed of many sub systems such as respiratory, digestive, nervous, circulatory, etc CHARACTERISTCS OF A SYSTEM _ Every system is a part of a larger system called as SUPRA SYSTEM. _ All systems as a rule have subsystems and are also a part of supra system ( eg School- secondary boards-state- nation supra system) _ A system always has specific aims and objectives _ A system may be either closed or open. _ Closed systems are subject to entropy- the tendency to run down. Open systems receive inputs from the environment and so there is no entropy _ A system is separated by boundaries from its environmentSystem absorbs members from external environment _ Members of an institution possess multiple memberships. _ There is resource exchange between an institution and its external environment. _ The whole system is greater than its parts. _ In order to achieve dynamic equilibrium, a system must have feedback (informational input) to indicate that they system us at least going steady and not in the danger of gradual destruction _ The output of one system becomes input for the other system and the chain continues. ( e.g. primary to secondary to higher secondary education and so on TYPES OF SYSTEM

Techniques for Revealing the Unconscious Free Association Dream Analysis Projective Techniques Recovered Memories

Vibhavari Nikam

Vibhavari Nikam


Be Attentive Attention Attention involves the ability to focus on a portion of the environment or experience while ignoring other features Dumville : Attention is the concentration of consciousness upon one subject rather than upon another. Sunita Shah

Sunita Shah

William James: Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought. thought Focalization Focalization, concentration of consciousness are of its essence. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others.
Sunita Shah

A refined definition: attention is responsible for selectively preparing for, maintaining the preparation for and processing certain aspects p It is also responsible p for the of experience. coordination of multiple simultaneous tasks

Sunita Shah

Characteristics or components of attention. Attention is essentially a process, and not a product. It is goal directed. Leads to clear understanding, perception of th object. the bj t It work as mediator in the chain of stimulusresponse behaviour. focus our consciousness on one particular object only. It is not only cognitive process. Sunita Shah

Characteristics or components of attention. Attention acts as a filter (selective) The concept includes coordinative or executive function. For example: the active process of deciding to what to attend and when. Simultaneous tasks often require special management that is not necessary when they are performed alone.

Sunita Shah


External / Objective factor of attention: 1. Intensity 2. Size 3. Repetition 4. Change 5. Movement 6. Contrast 7. Novelty 8. Strangeness
Sunita Shah

Internal / Subjective factor of attention: 1. Instincts 2. Emotions 3. Temperament 4. Habit 5. Goal / Motive 6. Attitude 7. Sentiments 8. Interest
Sunita Shah


Non Volitional N V liti l/ Habitual


In Volitional

Sunita Shah

Sunita Shah

1. Interest should be created. 2. The teacher should exploit objective and subjective conditions for prolonged attention. 3. Type of individuals on the basis of attention can be located as fixators and fluctuators; Static and dynamic; intensive and distributive, teacher should plan her activity or can give task to the students as per their attention type. 4. Only one task should be given to the pupil at a time as attention is selective. 5. Time duration for a activity should be as per attention span of the learner. 6. Should give set induction to drag attention on the topic. 7. Should understand her/his learner through their Sunita Shah body postures.


Sunita Shah

Sunita Shah

Sunita Shah

Sunita Shah

Fatigue is that state, following a period of mental or bodily activity, characterized by a lessened capacity or motivation for work and reduced efficiency of accomplishment, usually accompanied by a feeling of weariness, sleepiness, irritability, or loss of ambition; may also supervene when, from any cause, energy expenditure outstrips restorative processes and may be confined to a single organ. Medical Dictionary Sensation of boredom and lassitude due to absence of stimulation, monotony, or lack of interest in one's surroundings is termed as fatigue.
Sunita Shah Sunita Shah


Fatigue is physical and/or mental exhaustion that can be triggered by stress, medication, overwork, or mental and physical illness or disease.

Experiment of mosso on dogs


Sunita Shah

Sunita Shah

Types of fatigue Characteristics of fatigue

1. Fatigue is a product of activity, thought, environment 2. It resists to the efficiency of the work, task. 3. Mental or physical or both kind of weakness can be felt by it. it 4. It is a period of inattention. 5. Fatigue is individual. 6. Main constitute for physical fatigue is lactic acid and carbon dioxide. 7. Chief condition for mental fatigue is emotions and interests. 8. Fatigue state is recoverable. Sunita Shah
Sunita Shah





Time table ( time for rest, to refresh, etc) Time period of an activity Develop interest, good habits Change in activity to break monotony Teaching method, technique Create healthy and cheerful environment through democratic management

Physical infrastructure of institute and classroom should be healthy ( air/ventilation, light, temperature etc) Teach various exercises and yoga Guide for proper posture

Sunita Shah

Sunita Shah


Rate of learning can also be termed as learning rate this can be find with help of learning


Sunita Shah

Sunita Shah

Leveling off

Typical Learning Curve

learning curve :
A learning curve is a graphical representation of how learning takes place in a particular situation . The course of learning can be depicted and describe graphically by drawing learning curve where x-axis represents the number of attempts or time requirement for the task. where Y-axis represents the material retained or amount of learning or accomplished task
Number of days
Sunita Shah Sunita Shah

Typing spe eed

No apparent Progress Sudden rise Rapid progress slow progress

Analysis of the typical learning curve:


Educational implications:

Period of Slow progress Period of rapid progress Period of no apparent pp progress p g

Mastering the basic skills Drill, practice Interest

Knowledge of individual difference keep account of students progress Select best suitable methods and techniques Student can be aware of their progress

= Plateau p period
Faulty methods Decreased motivation Complexity of the task Psychological conditions Conflicts with old habits Unfavorable conditions Unable to understand new methods

Lead to investigate the reasons for unexpected behavior Useful in case studies and research work Useful in guidance and counseling

Period of sudden rise Leveling off

Physical limitation
Sunita Shah

Theoretical limitation

Sunita Shah


UNIT 1: 1:- Educational Sociology


What is education? What education is not?

Vibhavari Jadhav

Vibhavari Jadhav

Education is a long process right from birth till death. Education is a all round development of a person. It leads a man from darkness to light. light It is the main need of life as it makes life progressive cultured and civilized. It is important for the progress of individual and society. Education is a continuous and a dynamic process.
Vibhavari Jadhav

The word Sociology is derived from two Greek terms SOCIETAS Meaning Society LOGOS Science

So , Science of Society
Vibhavari Jadhav

The study of man in society gave emergence to a new discipline called sociology. Sociology can be defined as the study of man and his environment in their relation with each other.
Vibhavari Jadhav

M.Ginsberg-M.Ginsberg--Sociology Sociology is the study of the human interaction and interrelation their condition and consequences. Max Weber Weber--- Sociology is the which attempts the interpretative understanding of social action.

Vibhavari Jadhav


Human behavior in groups Social relationship

Social Structure


Science of society

Human interrelations Social action between two groups

Branch of sociology. Studies relationship between education and sociology gy and deals with its problems. It is primarily concerned with social factors in education.

Vibhavari Jadhav

Vibhavari Jadhav

According to George payne the father of educational sociology educational sociology is an applied science in the field of sociology. sociology It studies----studies---- Effect of learning on group life. Effect of smaller group life upon the larger group. It explains institutions, social norms, social groups, and social processes i.e. social relationships.

According to Brown, Educational sociology is the study of interaction of individual and his cultural environment including other individuals, social groups and pattern of behaviors.

Vibhavari Jadhav

Vibhavari Jadhav

According to George Payne, Educational sociology is the science which describes and explains the institution i.e. the social relationship in which the individual gains and organizes his experiences.


Social agencies of education Social relationship Socialization and interaction Role of press Role of education Impact of sociological thinking
Vibhavari Jadhav

Vibhavari Jadhav


Social agencies of education education Like school home religious organization play grops

Social relationship relationship
relationship between Teacher and student Parents and child Peer group

Vibhavari Jadhav

Vibhavari Jadhav

Socialization and interaction interaction It involves Competitions CoCo -operation Accommodation Assimilation Conflicts
Vibhavari Jadhav

Role of press-press-It studies the role of Press Radio Television Social interaction Communication

Vibhavari Jadhav

Role of education education It studies Social change Social control

Impact of sociological thinking--thinking--It studies Aims of education Curriculum Social organization Sociology of teaching
Vibhavari Jadhav

Vibhavari Jadhav


Relation between sociology and education with special reference to Aims of education
EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY Main Aim of education Development of individual Development includes both Individualistic + Socialistic




Vibhavari Jadhav

Vibhavari Jadhav

Basic Aims of education

Socialization of individual Training for citizenship and leadership Prepares a person for productivity Preparation for change and innovation Utilization of leisure time Training for democratic living Training for secular living Training for optimum utilization of resources
Vibhavari Jadhav

Basic Aims of education

According to UNESCO learning to know learning to do learning to be learning to live together

Vibhavari Jadhav

According to the educational sociology the curriculum should help in the achievement of the social aims of education. Social progress of the society and the nation depends upon the curriculum in the schools and colleges. For this reason------reason ------Vibhavari Jadhav

Brown, More, and Cole point out the following principles of constructing curriculum from the viewpoint of educational sociology. 1) The Th curriculum i l should h ld b be such h as th that t it helps in the achievement of the social aims of education 2) It should reflect cultural and other higher values of the society.
Vibhavari Jadhav


3) It should be based on needs and activities of children as well as of the society. CURRICULUM

4) It should provide educational plans for the participation in the activities of the society. 5) It should be flexible. 6) It should develop creative outlook among children. 7) It should be based on the real concerns and problems of pupil. 8) It should reflect the basic cultural values of the society it serve the high ideals of society.
Vibhavari Jadhav

Problems of Society

Need of students

Vibhavari Jadhav

9) It should prepare socially efficient individuals 10) It should create or develop healthy attitudes regarding human relations. 11) The curriculum should prepare the child for the world and society. 12) It should develop a problem solving attitude , critical thinking ,decision making capacity.

Methods of Teaching
From the point of view of educational sociology, the method of teaching should be such 1) Which will enable the students to adopt and adjust with different situations. 2) Develop the students capacity to adjust in the social environment as adults and cultivation of democratic attitude.
Vibhavari Jadhav

Vibhavari Jadhav

Methods of Teaching
According to George Payne 1) Application of classroom knowledge and skills in social adjustment j in life as an adult member of society. 2) Give emphasis to the school behavior and social situation that a child is able to understand and react towards them in a healthy and desirable way.
Vibhavari Jadhav

Methods of Teaching
3) It should make use of all social resources and social forces operative in a social life, so as to develop the capacity in every individual for social adjustment. 4) It should develop in the student the capacity to adjust in the social environment as adults.
Vibhavari Jadhav


Methods of Teaching
5) Methods of teaching must give emphasis to the social behavior and social values which will make the child capable of understanding the social problems and social interactions. 6) It must be able to cultivate democratic attitude , democratic outlook and democratic tendencies.
Vibhavari Jadhav

Methods of Teaching
7) It should also lay stress on the out of classroom social behavior of the student. 8) ) It should develop pp problem solving g and constructive thinking abilities among the child.

Vibhavari Jadhav



The word democracy is derived from two Greek words Demos--- People K t Kratos--P Power Thus the literal meaning of democracy is Power of the people



Political democracy Economic democracy Educational democracy Social democracy Democracy as a way of life

The government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Abraham Lincoln. Democracy is g government in which D i ti hi h every one has to share.-- Seeley


Freedom Justice Equality Brotherhood


Universal and compulsory education Broad based education Pupil centered education Community centered education Cultural centered education Decentralization in educational organization and provision for privatization of education


Education for worthy citizenship, leisure national integration and international understanding.


y Citizenshipmeansanhonestandfaithfuldischargeof theobligationsandresponsibilitiesthatanindividual owestothesocietyofwhichheisamemberandfrom whichhegetsrightsandprivileges

vibhawari Jadhav

vibhawari Jadhav

y Thosewhoarehavingqualitieslikepatriotism, internationalism,brotherhoodofmanandvarious personalsocialvirtuesbywhichheisableto understandhisroleanddutiesinadevelopingsociety aswellasforwholehumanity.

y Capacityforclearthinking y Clearnessinspeechandwriting y Artoflivingwiththecommunity y Qualityofdiscipline y Qualityofcooperation y Qualityoftolerance y Socialsensitiveness y Physicalfitness y Strongcharacter

vibhawari Jadhav

vibhawari Jadhav

y Senseoftruepatriotism y Senseofworldcitizenship
y Educationforeffectivecitizenshipmeansteachingpupils

y Educationforeffectivecitizenshipincludestheitemslike:
y Heathandpersonalhygiene y Intellectualandaestheticinterest y Worthyhomemembership y Worthysocietymembership y Professionalefficiency y Beliefintheworldcitizenship

vibhawari Jadhav

vibhawari Jadhav


y Developingprimarygroupvalues y Redesigningthecurriculum y studyofcivics y Introducing social onpresent d lstudies d with hemphasis h y Studyofliterature

y Opportunitiesforcooperativegroupactivities y Trainingforleadership y Selfgovernments y Scouting,Girl N.C.C,A.C.C lGuiding, d y Camplifeandexcursions y Socialserviceactivities y Gamesandsports y Culturalandliteraryactivities y Hostellife
vibhawari Jadhav

vibhawari Jadhav


Indiaisadiversecountrywithpeople belongingtodifferentreligions,cultures,races andthosewhospeakaseverallanguages. Educationhelpsbringaboutunityindiversity diversity. Nationalintegrationisunityindiversity.It impliessocial,political,economic,linguistic andculturalunity.


Nationalintegrationmeanscreatinga mentaloutlookwhichwillpromptandinspire everypersontoplaceloyaltytothecountry abovegrouployaltiesandthewelfareofthe countryabovenarrowersectarianinterests. DorothySimpson

Tokeepourfreedomsecure. Tomakethenationsolidandunited. Tobreakthewallsofprovincialism. Toavoidinternalstrife. Tofaceforeignaggression.

Developinganationalsystemofeducation. Developingacurriculumfornational integration. Learning L i different diff languages l Instructioninsocialstudies. Redesigningthetextbook. DevelopinterestinArt,literatureand music. Cocurricularactivities.

Conductingmorningassemblies. Gatheringofstudentswheretheytakea pledgetodedicatethemselvestotheservice oftheircountrymen. countrymen Tourstodifferentpartsofthecountry. Daysofnationalsignificanceshouldbe celebratedtogether.


Wearelivinginaneraofscienceand technologicaldevelopment.Sciencehas radicallychangedmansmaterialenvironment. Ithasleadtomaterialandnonmaterial development. Scienceandtechnologyhavefostereda newintellectualtemperknownasScientific Temper.


ThetermscienceisderivedfromLatinverb, sciremeaningToknowandLatinword scientiameaningknowledgecommonly speakingscience scienceisasystemizedbodyof knowledge.

AccordingtoColumbiadictionaryscienceisa accumulatedandsystematizedlearningin generalusagerestrictedtonatural phenomenon. phenomenon Theprogressofscienceismarkednotonlyby anaccumulationoffact,butbythe emergenceofscientificmethodandscientific temper.

Roleofteacherininculcating scientifictemperinstudents
Developsenseofcuriosityandquestioning. Developcapacityofreasoningandthinking. Tobringstudentsoutofsuperstitionby reasoning i and dexperimentation. i i Tocreateopenmindednessamongstudents. Teachershoulduseproblemsolvingmethod. Byorganizingscienceclubsinwhichthe studentstudymoreaboutdifferentscientists andtheirdiscoveries,thusleadingtobetter understandingthatscienceisforthebenefit ofmanandnotmerelyfordestruction. Teachershouldcreatecapacityofapplication inastudent.

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