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a powerful formalismof great generality, Thermodynamics constitutes The central erectedon a basis of a very few, very simple hypotheses. is the entropy.It entersthe conceptintroducedthroughthosehypotheses formulation abstractly as the variational function in a mathematical extremum principle determiningequilibrium states.In the resultantforparameters, malism, however,the entropy is one of a set of extensive togetherwith the energy,volume,mole numbersand magneticmoment. As these latter quantities each have clear and fundamentalphysical indeedif the entropyalonewereto be it would be strange interpretations exempt from physicalinterpretation. providesthe physicalinterpretation mechanics The subjectof statistical of the entropy, and it accordinglyprovidesa heuristicjustification for the For some simple systems, for Gxtremumprinciple of thermodynamics. which we have tractable models, this interpretation also permits explicit calculation of the entropy and thenceof the fundamentalequation. We focus first on a closedsystemof given volume and given number of we may think of a fluid, but this is in no way particles.For definiteness The parametersU, V, and N are the only constraintson the necessary. tells us that, if the systemis macroscopic, system.Quantum mechanics with the specified there may exist many discretequantum statesconsistent values of U, V, and N. The systemmay be in any of thesepermissible states. Naively we might expect that the system,flnding itself in a particular quantum state,would remainforeverin that state.Such,in fact, is the lore


Srutistical Mechanics in Entropy Representation

of elementaryquantum mechanics; the "quantum numbers" that specifya particular quantum state are ostensibly"constants of the motion." This naive fiction, relatively harmlessto the understandingof atomic systems (to which quantum mechanicsis most commonly applied) is flagrantly misleadingwhen applied to macroscopic systems. The apparent paradox is seatedin the assumptionof isoration of a physical system.No physicalsystemis, or euercan be, truly isorated. There exist weak, long-range,random gravitational, electromagnetic and other forces that permeate all physical space.These forces not only couple spatially separatedmaterial systems, but the force flelds themselues constitute physical systemsin direct interaction with the systemof interest. The very vacuum is now understoodto be a complexfluctuating entity in which occur continual elaborateprocesses of crealion and reabsorptionof electrons,positrons, neutrinos,and a myriad of other esotericsu6atomic entities.All of theseevents can couplewith the systemof interest. For a simple systgm such as g hydrogen atom in spacethe vqJy weak . interactions to which we have alluded seldominduce transitionslbetween quantum states.This is so because the quantum statesof the hydrogen atom are w_idely spacedin energy,and the weak random fields in spice cannot easily transfer such large energydifferences to or from the aiom. Even so, such interegtionsoccassionally do occur. An excited atom may "spontaneously"emit a photon, decaying to a lower energystate.euantum field theory revealsthat such ostensibly "spontaneous" transiiions actually are inducedby the interactionsbetweenthe excitedatom and the modesof the vacuum. The quantumstates of atoms arenot infinitely long lived, preciselybecause of their interaction with the random modesof thE vacuum. For a macroscopicsystem the energy differencesbetween successive quantum statesbecome minute.In a macroscopic assembly of atomseach energyeigenstate of_a singleatom "splits" into some 1023 energyeigenstates of the assembly,so that the averageenergy difference-Letween successive states is decreased by a factor of - ro-23. The slightest random field, or the weakestcoupling to vacuum fluctuations, iJ then sufficient to buffet the systemchaoticallyfrom quantum state [o quanrum state. A realistic uiewof a macroscopic system is onein whichthe system makes enormously rapid random transitionsamong its quantumstates. A macroscopicmeasurement senses only an auerage of the propertiesof myriads of quantumstates. All "statistical mechanicians" agreewith the precedingparagraph,but n_ot.allwould agreeon the dominant mechanism for inducing tiansitions. various mechanisms competeand others may well dominate in some or even in all systems. No matter-it is sufficientthat any mechanism exists, and it is only the conclusion of rapid,randomtransitions that is needed to validate statistical mechanicaltheory.

Physical Significance of the Entropy lor Closed Systems


Becausethe transitions are induced by purely random processes, it is reasonableto supposethat a macroscopic system samples permissible euery quantumstate with equalprobability-a permissiblequantum state being one consistentwith the externalconstraints. The assumptionof equalprobability of all permissible microstates is the fundamental postulate of statistical mechanics.Its justification will be exarninedmore deeplyin Part III, but for now we adopt it on two bases; its a priori reasonableness, and the success of the theory that flows from it. Supposenow that some external constraint is removed-such as the opening of a valve permitting the systemto expandinto a larger volume. From the microphysical point of view the removal of the constraint activates the possibility of many microstatesthat previously had been precluded.Transitions occur into thesenewly availablestates.After some time the systemwill have lost all distinction betweenthe original and the newly available states, and the system will thenceforth make random transitions that samplethe augmented setof stateswith equalprobability. The number of microstates among which the systemundergoes ffansitions, and which therebyshareunifurmprobability of occupation, inueasesto the maximumpermittedby the imposed constraints. This statement is strikingly reminiscent of the entropy postulate of thermodynamics,accordingto which the entropy increases to the maximum permitted by the imposedconstraints.It suggests that the entropy can be identified with the number of microstatesconsistent with the imposed macroscopic constraints. One difficulty arises:The entropy is additive (extensive), whereasthe number of microstates is multiplicative.The number of microstates available to two systemsis the product of the numbers available to each (the number of "microstates"of two dice is 6 x 6: 36). To interpret the entropy, then, we require an additiuequantity that measures the number of microstatesavailableto a system. The (unique!) answeris to identifythe entropy with the logarithm of the number of auailable miuostates (the logarithm of a product being the sum of the logarithms).Thus S: krlnO


where Q is the number of microstatesconsistentwith the macroscopic constraints.The constantprefactor merely determinesthe scaleof s; ii is chosento obtain agreement with the Kelvin scaleof temperature, defined by f-t : dSl|U.We shallseethat this agreement is achieved by taking the constantto be Boltzmann's constant kB: R/NA: 1.3807 x 70-23J/K. wilh the definitionT5-l the basisof statisticalmechanics is established. Just as the thermodynamic postulates were elaborated through the formalism of Legendretransformations, so this singleadditional postulate will be renderedmore powerful by an analogous structure of mathematical formalism. Nevertheless this singlepostulateis dramatic in its brevity,


Statisticttl Mechanics in Entropy Representation

simplicity, and completeness.The statistical mechanical formalism that d.erives directly from it is one in which we "simply" calculate the logarithm of the number of statesavailable to the system, thereby obtainin; s as a function of the constraints u, v, and N. That is, ii is statistical mechanics in the entropy representation, or, in the parlance of the field, it is statistical mechanics in the microcanonical formalism. - In the following seclions of this chapter we treat a number of systems by this microcanonical formalism as examplesof its logical compleieness. As in thermodynamics, the entropy representation is not ahvays the most convenient representation.For statistical mechanical calculations it is frequently so inconvenient that it is analytically intractable. The I.egendre transformed representationsare usually far preferable, and we shall turn to them in the next chapter. Nevertheless the microcanonical formulation establishesthe clear and basic logical foundation of statistical mechanics.

PROBLEMS 15.1-1.A system is composedof two harmonic oscillatorseach of natural frequencyoroand eachhavingpermissible (n + !)hao, wheren is any energies non-negative integer.The total energyof the system is E, : n,hoss, wherer,is a positiveinteger.How many microstates are available to the system? what is the entropy of the system? A secondsystem is alsocomposed of two harmonicoscillators, eachof natural frequency 2,0. The total energy of this system is 8,,: n,,htis,wheren,,is an even integer.How many microstates are availableto this system? what is the entropy of this system? what is the entropyof the system composed of the two preceding subsystems (separated and enclosed by a totally restrictive wall)? Express the entropy as a function of E' and E".


S , " , :k r l n [# \

\ zn-a6 I

l5.l-2. A system is composed of two harmonic oscillators of natural frequencies cro and 2<,r0, respectively.If the system has total energy n : @ -l !)hao, where n is an odd integer, what is the entropy of the system? lf a composite system is composed of two non-interacting subsystemsof the type just described, having energies E, and Er, what is the entropy of the composite system?

The Einstein Model of a Crvstalline Solid




With a identification of the meaning of the entropy we proceed to calculate the fundamental equation of macroscopic systems.We first apply the method to Einstein'ssimplified model of a nonmetallic crystalline solid. It is well to pause immediately and to comment on so early an introduction of a specificmodel system.In the eleven chapters of this book devoted to thermodynamic theory there were few referencesto specific model systems,and those occasionalreferences were kept carefully distinct from the logical flow of the generaltheory. In statisticalmechanicswe almost immediatelyintroduce a model system,and this will be followed by a considerable number of others.The differenceis partially a matter of convention. To some extent it reflects the simplicity of the general formalism of statisticalmechanics, which merely adds the logical interpretation of the entropy to the formalism of thermodynamics;the interest thereforeshifts to applicationsof that formalism, which underlies (such as solid state physics, the theory of the various material sciences liquids, polymerphysics, and the like). But, most important,it reflects the fact that counting the number of states available to physical systems requires computational skills and experience that can be developedonly by explicit application to concreteproblems. To account for the thermal properties of crystals,Albert Einstein, in 1907,introduced a highly idealizedmodel focusingonly on the vibrational modes of the crystal. Electronic excitations,nuclear modes,and various other types of excitations were ignored. Nevertheless, for temperatures that are neither very closeto absolutezero nor very high, the model is at least qualitatively successful. Einstein'smodel consists of the assumptionthat eachof the .fr atomsin the crystal can be considered to be bound to its equilibrium position by a harmonic force. Each atom is free to vibrate around its equilibrium position in any of the threecoordinatedirections,with a natural frequency

More realistically(recall Section1.2) the atomsof crystalsare harmonically bound to their neighboring atoms rather than to fixed points. Accordingly the vibrational modesare strongly coupled,grving rise to 3N collective normal modes.The frequenciesare distributed from zero (for very long wavelength modes)to somemaximum frequency(for the modes of minimum permissiblewave length, comparable to the interatomic distance).There are more high frequencymodes than low frequency modes,with the consequence that the frequencies tend to clustermainly in a narrow range of frequencies, to which the Einstein frequency c^ro is a rough approximation.


Skttistical Mechanics in Entropy Representation

In the Einstein model, then, a crystal of fr atoms is replacedby 3lV harmonic oscillators,all with the samenatural frequencyoo. For the presentpurposes it is convenient to choose the zeroof energyso that the energyof a harmonic oscillator of natural frequencyoo can iake only the discjete values nh@s, with n : 0,1,2,3,... . Here h : h/2n : 1.055x 10-34J-s.,h beingPlanck's constant. In the languageof quantum mechanics, each oscillator can be o.occupied by an integral number of energyquanta," eachof energyhao. The number of possiblestatesof the system,and hencethe entropy, can now be computed easily.If the energyof the systemis U it can be considered as constitutingU/hao quanta.Thesequantaare to be distributed among 3fr vibrational'modes. The numberbf *ays of distributing the U/hao quanta among the 3fr modes is the nrrmb"r of states d available to the system. The problem is isomorphic to the calculation of the numberof waysof placing u/hoo identical (indistinguishable) marbles in 3,& numbered (distinguishable) boxes.

1l flfl o o o [ l oo l ]l lo fl l lo . . . .fl .o I o o |] lJoo


Illustrating the combinatorial problem of distributing U/ho4 indistinguishableobjects ("marbles") in 3fr distinguishable "boxes."

The combinatorialproblem can be visualizedas follows. Suppose we have U/hao marblesand 3N - 1 match sticks.We lay theseout in a linear array, in any order. One such array is shown in Fig. 15.1. The interpretation of this array is that three quanta (marbles)are assigned to the flrst mode, two quantato the second, none to the third, and so forth, and two quanta are assigned to the last mode (the 3,&-th)._Thus the number of waysof distributingthe u/_haoquantaamongthe 3N modesis the number of permutationsof (3N - 1 + U/ha) objects,of which u/hao are identical(marbles or quanta),and 3N - 1 areidentical(match sticks).That is

(zw - t + u/n")t. _ --:--------------n --_ (zx + u/no:)t l, :

(3 i v- r)t(u 7 h a r)!

( 3tv) !( u/ha) t


This completesthe calculation,for the entropy is simply the logarithm of this quantity (multiplied by kr). To simplify the result we employ the Stirling approximationfor the logarithm of the factorial of a largenumber In\Ml)= MlnM - M + .'. (ifM>> 1) (15.3)

The Eiwtein Model of a CrystallineSotid


whencethe molar entropy is

s : 3 R r n+ ( r - 3R-!rh(l . +) t)
uo = 3N,thoso


This is the fundamentalequationof the system. It will be left to the problems to show that the fundamentalequation implies reasonablethermal behavior. The molar heat capacity is zero at zero temperature, rises rapidly with increasing temperature, and approachesa constant value (3R) at high temperature, in qualitative with experiment. agreement The rate of increase of the heat capacityis not quantitatively correct because of the naivet6 of the model of the vibrational modes.This will be improved subsequently in the "Debye model" (Section 16.7), in which the vibrational modes are treated more realistically. The heat capacity of the Einstein model is plotted in Fig. 15.2. The molar heat capacity c, is zero at T : 0, and it asymptotes to 3R at high The rise in cuoccursin the region krT = ihor(in particular temperature. c,l3R:i andthe point of maximumslopeboth occurnearkrTlhao= i). At low temperaturec, risesexponentially, whereasexperimentally the heat capacityrisesapproximately as T3. The mechanicalimplications of the model-the pressure-volumerelationship and compressibility-are completelyunreasonable. The entropy, according to equation 15.5, is independentof the volume, whence the pressureTdSldVis identically zero! Such a nonphysicalresult is, of course, a reflection of the naive omission of volume dependenteffects from the model. Certain consequences of the model give important general insights. Consider the thermal equationof state

:\nh L: g 1 du h,,o t




Now, noting that there are 3NN, oscillatorsin the system meanenergyper oscillator : U

,hoo/keT 1


The quantity hao/k, is called the "Einstein temperature"of the crystal, and it generally is of the same order of magnitude as the melting


Statistical Mechanics in Entopy

hpT n@o







f "1,o.s 3n



o.3 o.2

o o







Heat capacity of the Einstein model, or of a singleharmonic oscillator.The upper curve refersto the upper scaleof ftsTlhas, and the lower curve to the lower (expanded)scale.The ordinate can be interpretedas the heat capacityof one harmonic oscillitor in units of /<r, or as the molar heat capacityin units of 3R.

temperatureof the solid. Thus below the melting temperature,the mean energy of an oscillatof is less than, or of the order of, ftoo. Alternatively stated, the solid melts before the Einstein oscillators attain quantum numbers appreciablygreaterthan unity.

PROBLEMS 15.2-1. calculatethemolarheatcapacity of theEinstein modelby equation 15.7.

Show that the molar heat capacity approaches 3R at high temperatures. Show that the temperaturedependence of the molar heat capacity is exponentialnear zero temperature,and calculatethe leadingexponentialterm. 15.2-2. obtain an equation for the mean quantum number n of at Einstein oscillator as a function of the temperature. Calculate D for k"T/ho:o: 0,1,2,3,4,10,50,100 (ignorethe physicalreality of meltingof the crystal!).



15.2-3. Assume that the Einstein frequencycoofor a particular crystal depends upon the molar volume:

- rt(i) o o :o B

Calculate the isothermal compressibility of this crystal. constant temperature from u, to ur.

b') Calculate the heat transfer if a crystal (of one mole) is compressed at



Anottrtr model that illustratesthe principles of statisticalmechanics in a simple and transparentfashion is the " two-statemodel." In this model each"atom" can be eitherin its "ground state"(with energy zero)or in its "excited state" (with energye). To avoid conflict with certain generaltheoremsabout energyspectrawe assumethat eachatom has additional states, but all of suchhigh energyas to exceedthe total energyof the systemunder consideration. Suchstates are then inaccessible to the systemand need not be consideredfurther in the calculation. If U is the energyof the system thenU/e atomsare in the excitedstate and (N - U/e) atoms are in the ground state.The number of ways of choosing U/e atomsfrom the total number fr is (15.8) The entropy is therefore

- r,rn(#') - r"r"[(rs: karno: karn(ivr) #)'] (15.e)

or, invoking Stirling'sapproximation (equation15.3)

s: (#-

_lr"nfi # ")r,rn(r

( 1s.10)

Again, because of the artificiality of the model, the fundamentalequation is independentof the volume.The thermal equationof stateis easily calculatedto be

-') +:?"(f



Stutistical Mechanics in Entropy Represmtation

Recalling that the calculation is subject to the condition U < .&e, we observe that the temperatureis a properly positive number. Solving for the energy (15.12) The energy approachesIiIe/2 as the temperatureapproaches infinity in this model (although we must recall that additional statesof high energy would alter the high temperatureproperties).At infinite temperaturehalf the atoms are excitedand half are in their ground state. The rnolar heat capacityis

du e2 ' : aT: N.tEP

: *^#(eet2kar (l * e"rzk"r1z


+ e-enkBr)-2 (15.13)

A graph of this temperature dependence is shown in Fig 15.3.The molar heat capacity is zero both at very low temperaturesand at very high



Ne, O.2




0.2 03

0.4 0.5 0.6 07


0.8 0.9



FIGURE 15.3 Heat capacity of the two-state model; the "Schottky hump."

A Polymer Model-The

Rubber Band Reuisited


peakingin the regionof kBT : .42e.This behavioris known temperatures, as a "Schottky hump." Such a maximum, when observedin empirical data, is taken as an indication of a pafuof low lying energystates,with all other energy states lying at considerably higher energies.This is an example of the way in which thermal properties can reveal information about the atomic structureof materials. PROBLEMS
t 15.3-1. In the two-statemodel systemof this section supposethe excited state energy e of an "atom" dependson its averagedistance from its neighboring atoms so that
e : a

n :

where a and y are positive constants.This assumption,applied to a somewhat more sophisticatedmodel of a solid, was introduced by Gruneisen,and y is the "Gruneisen parameter."Calculatethe pressure P as a function of A and T. Answer: p : * < rL a '/ k s n 1 + 1 ; - r




There exists another model of appealingsimplicity that is euphemistically referred to as a "polymer model." Its connectionwith a real polymer is tenuous, but that connection is perhaps close enough to serve the pedagogicalpurpose of providing some senseof physical reality while again illustrating the basic algorithm of statistical mechanics.And in particular the model provides an insight to the behavior of a "rubber band," as discussed on purely phenomenological groundsin Section3.7. As we saw in that section the extensiveparameter of interest, which replacesthe volume, is the length; the corresponding intensiveparameter, analogousto the pressure, is the tensiore. We are interestedin the equation of state relating tensionto length and temperature. The "rubber band" can be visualized as a bundle of loqg chain polymers. Each polymer chain is considered to be composedof fr monomer units each of length a, and we focus our attention on one particular polymer chain in the bundle. One end of the polymer chain is fixed at a point that is taken as the origin of coordinates. The other end of the chain is subject to an externally applied tension V, parallel to the positive x-axis(Fig. 15.4).


Statistical Mechanics in Entropy Representation

(=7) wei*ht should be much longer than shown, so that the end of th polymer is free to movein the y-direction, and the appliedtension.Z is directedalong tl x-direction. FrouRE 154 '?olymer" model. The string

In the polymer model eachmonomerunit of the chain is permittedto lie either parallel or antiparallelto the x-axis, and zero energyis associ. ated with thesetwo orientations. Each monomerunit has the additiona

monomer. A somewhatmore reasonable model of the polymer might permit the perpendicularmonomersto lie along the xz directionsas well as alonl the ty directions,and, more importantly, would accountfor the interferenceof a chain doubling back on itself. such modelscomplicatethr analysiswithout adding to the pedagogic clarity or qualitativecontentof the result. We calculatethe entropyS of one polymer chain as a function of the energy U = U'e, of the coordinates L, and L, of the end of the polyme, chain, and of the numberN of monomerunit'sin the chain. Let N,+ and N; be the numbersof monomersalong the * x and - x directions respectively, and similarly for Nu+and N,-. Then

NJ + N ; * N r * + N ; : i i /


I -"x



- N ; : ;L =, ,r ;




A Polymer Model-The

Rubber Band Reuisited


from which we find


N;:i(u,+L;) N; :i(u,L;)


The number of configurationsof the polymer consistent with given coordinates Z" and L, of its terminus,and with given energyU, is

( 1s.16)
The entropy is, then, using the stirling approximation(equation 15.3) S: ftrlnO: fr/caln U - W;*"lnN,* - N;kBlnN; -Nr*k"lnN; - N, krlnN, or (tS.tZ)

_ +(jf _ rJ, _ u, + a,)l ^s: frkrhfrr + L)kBtnl+(frr - +(iV - (J, - L!,)karnli(fr - u, - L,,)l - i(u' + L;)kBrnIL(u' + 4)l -i(u' - L;)kBtnlL(u, - z;)l


L '-, o 2 : : + : \ ^ " r n u ' T 0L, 2a"^ U, + L;

from which we conclude(as expected) that Lv: L;: o

( 15.1e)



Sutistical Mechanics in Entropy Representstion


4% -_ aass :_& , .h N -u ' - L ' * _. kB NT AL, 2a"'frt- U ' + L ' .



- u')+ finQr - r,,- u')- brnv *''. +:#: fi'4n

,2e/keT -

(u - u')'- L':


This is the "thermal equationof state." The "mechanicalequation of state" (15.21)can be written in an analogous exponential form
N _ o-2{,a/ksT:'=

N _ U'* ''

III _ "

I' ",


The two preceding equationsare the equationsof state in the entropy representation,and accordinglythey involve the energy U'. That is not generally convenient.We proceed,then, to eliminate U'between the two equations.With somealgebrawe find (seeProblem15.4-2)that

LI _

cosh(.{,a/k"T) + "-c/kpr


For small {a order

(relativeto krT) the equationcan be expandedto first

, t,:



-r-" '


The modulus of elasticity of the rubber band (the analogue of the compressibility-[/V(AV/aP)r) is, for small {

#W),: #(L

-'l +e-a*"r


Counting Techniquesand their Circumoention; High Dimensionality


The fact that this elastic modulus deueases with increasing temperature (or that the "stiffness" increases)is in dramatic contrast to the behavior of a spring or of a stretched wire. The behavior of the polymer is sometimes compared to the behavior of a snake; if we grasp a snake by the head and tail and attempt to stretch it straight the resistance is attributable to the writhing activity of the snake. The snake, in its writhing, assumes all possible configurations, and more configurations are accessibleif the two ends are not greatly distant from each other. At low temperatures the rubber band is like a torpid snake. At high temperatures the number of configurations available, and the rate of transitions among them, is greater, resulting in a greater contractive tension. It is the entopy of the snake and of the rubber band that is responsible for the tendency of the endp to draw together! The behavior described is qualitatively similar to that of the simple phenomenological model of Section 3.7. But compared to a truly realistic model of a rubber band, both models are extremelv naive. PROBLEMS 15.4-1.Is the sign correctin equation15.19? Explain. 15.4-2. Eliminate U/e between equations 15.23 and 75.24 and show that the formal solution is equation 15.25 with a + sign before the secondterm in the denominator.Considerthe qualitativedependence of L,/Fta on e, and show that physical reasoningrejectsthe negativesign in the denominator,thus validating equation 15.25. 15.4-3. A rubber band consistingof n polymer chains is stretchedfrom zero length to its full extension(L : Na) at constanttemperatureZ. Does the energy of the systemincrease or decrease? Calculatethe work done on the systemand the heat transfer to the system. 15.4-4. Calculate the heat capacity at constant length for a "rubber band" consistingof n polymer chains.Expressthe answerin terms of T and,L,. 15.4-5. Calculate the "coefficient of longitudinal thermal expansion" defined by 7 [aLu\ - = . . ,7 K r\

n ).

Express rc', as a function of Z and sketch the qualitative behavior. Compare this with the behavior of a metallic wire and discuss the result.



To repeat, the basic algorithm of statistical mechanics consists of counting the number of statesconsistent with the constraintsimposed;the


Statistical Mechanics in Entropy Representation

entropy is then the product of Boltzmann'sconstantand the logarithm of the permissiblenumber of states. unfortunately counting problems tend to require difficult and sophisticated techniquesof combinatorial mathematics(if they can be done at all!) In fact only a few highly artificial, idealizedmodels permit explicit solution of the counting problem, even with the full armamentariumof combinatorial theory. If statistical mechanics is to be a useful and practical science it is necessarythat the difficulties of the counting problem somehowbe circumvented. one method of simplifying the counting problem is developedin this section. It is based on certain rather startling propertiesof systems of "high dimensionality"-a conceptto be defined shortly. The method is admittedly more important for the insights it plovides to the behaviorof complexsystems than for the aid it provides in practical calculations. More general and powerful methods of circumventing the countingproblem are basedon a transfer from thermodynamics to statistical mechanicsof the techniqueof Legendretransformations.That transferwill be developed in the following chapters. For now we turn our attention to the simplifying effects of high dimensionality,a concept that can best be introduced in terms of an explicit model. we choosethe simplestmodel with which we are already familiar-the Einsteinmodel. Recall that the Einstein solid is a collection of f atoms.eachof which is to be associated with three harmonic oscillators(correspondingto the oscillationsof the atom along the x, y, and z axes). A quantumstateof is specified the system by the 3N quantumnumbers fl1,/t2tn3,...tn3fi; and the energyof the systemis
U ( r r , f l 2 , . . . , n z n ): zr't \ nrhoso
i - 1


Each such state can be representedby a " point," with coordinates nylt2tfl3,...,ft3;1,itt a 3N-dimensional "statespace." Only pointswith positive integral coordinates are permissible, corresponding to the discretenessor "quantization" of statesin quantum mechanics.It is to be stressedthat a single point representsthe quantum state of the entire crystal. The locus of stateswith a given energy U is a "diagonal" hyperplane with interceptsU/ho:o on eachof the 3N coordinateaxes(Fig. 15.5).All stateslying "inside" the plane(i.e.,closerto the origin) haveenergies less than U, and all stateslying outsidethe plane,further from the origin, have energiesgreater than U. The first critical observationwhich is called to our attention by Fig. 15.5 is that an arbitrary "diagonal plane," corresponding to an arbitrary energy U, will generally pass through none of the discrete coordinate points in the space!That is, an arbitrarily selectednumber U generally

Counting Techniquesand their Circumuention; High Dimensionality


ntx FIGURE 15.5

statespaceshownis for Quantum state spacefor the Einsteinsolid. The three-dimensional an Einstein solid composedof a single atom. Each additional atom would increasethe by three.The hyperplaneU has interceptsU/hoh on all axes. dimensionality of the space There is one state for eachunit of hypervolume,and (neglectingsurfacecorrections)the number of states with energy less than U is equal to the volume inside the diagonal hyperplane U.

cannot be represented in the form of equation 15.28,such a decomposition being possibleonly if U/hao is an integer. More generally,if we inquire as to the number of quantum statesof a system with an arbitrarily chosen and mathematically precise energy,we almost always find zero. But such a question is unphysical.As we have stressedpreviously the random interactions of every system with its environment make the energy slightly imprecise.Furthermore we never know (and cannot measure) the energy of any system with absolute precision. The entropyis not the logarithmof the numberof quantumstatesthat lie on the diagonalhyperplane U of Fig. 15.5, but rather it is the logarithm of the number of quantumstatesthat lie in the closeuicinity of the diagonal hyperplane. This considerationleadsus to study the number of statesbetweentwo hyperplanes:[/ and U - L. The energyseparationA is determinedby the imprecision of the energy of the macroscopicsystem.That imprecision may be thought of as a consequence either of environmentalinteractions or of imprecision in the preparation(measurement) of the system. The remarkableconsequence of high dimensionalityis that the uolume between the twoplanes(U - A and U), and hence the entropy,is essentially independent of the separation A,of theplanesl


Stufistical Mechanics in Entropy Reprcsentation

This result is (at first) so startlingly counter-intuitive,and so fundamental, that it warrantscareful analysisand discussion. We shall first corroborate the assertionon the basis of the geometricalrepresentationof the states of the Einstein solid. Then we shall reexamine the geometrical representationto obtain a heuristicunderstanding of the generalgeometrical basis of the effect. The number of states01U; wittr energies lessthan (or equal to) a given value U is equal to the hypervolumelying "inside" the diagonal hyperplane U. This hypervolumeis (seeproblem 15.5-1) 0(U) : (numberof states with energies lessthan U) ,

:oh'( #)'.


The fact that this result is proportional to (J3N,where 3lf is the dimensionality of the "state space," is the critical feature of this result. The preciseform of the coefficientin equation 15.29will prove to be of only secondaryimportance. By subtraction we find the number of states with energiesbetween U-LandUtobe

- o(u: #(#)'" - #(#)* o(u) A)


- 0 ( u -a ) : o t u l [ o(u) r( r


But (1 -^!/U) is less than unity; raising this quantity to an exponent 3N = 10" resultsin a totally negligible quantity (seeproblem 15.5-2), so that

o ( u ) : 0 ( u-) 0 ( u - A )= 0 ( u )


That is, the number A(U) of stateswith_energies betweenU - L and U is essentiallyequal to the total number 0(u) of states with energiesless than U-and this result is essentially independentof A! Thus having corroboratedthe assertionfor our particular model, let us reexaminethe geometryto discern the more generalgeometricalroots of this strange,but enormouslyuseful,result. The physicalvolumein Fig. 15.5can'be looked at as one eighth of a regular octahedron(but only the portion of the octahedronin the physical

Counting Techniquesand their Circumuention; High Dimensionality


octant of the spacehasphysicalmeaning).With higher dimensionalitythe regular polyhedron would becomemore nearly "spherical." The dimensionlessenergy U/hao is analogousto the "radius" of the figure, being the distancefrom the origin to any of the cornersof the polyhedron.This viewpoint makes evident the fact (equation 15-29) that the volume is proportional,to the radiusraisedto a power equal to the dimensionalityof the space(r2 in two dimensions, 13 in three,etc.).The volumebetween two concentric polyhedra, with a difference in radii of dr, is dV: (0V/ 0r) dr. The ratio of the volumeof this "shell" to the total volumeis

V: a,v
, or,if V: Anr'


0V dr

( 15.32)

V : N ;



If we take n: l0z3 we find dV/V = 0.1 only if. dr/r - 10-24.For dr/r greater than - L0-'* the equation fails, telling us that the use of differentials is no longer valid. The failure of the differential analysisis evidencethat dV/V already-becomes on the order of unity for valuesof dr/r as small as dr/r = 10-23. In an imaginary world of high dimedsionality there would be an automatic and perpetual potato famine, for the skin of a potato would occupy essentiallyits entire volume! In the real world in which three-dimensional statistical mechanicians calculate entropies as volumes in many-dimensionalstate spaces,the propertiesof high dimensionalityare a blessing. We neednot calculatethe number of states"in the vicinity of the system energy(J"-it is quite as satisfactory,and frequently easier,to calculatethe number of stateswith energiesless than or equal to the energyof the physical system. Returning to the Einstein solid, we can calculate the fundamental equation using the result 15.29 for 01U;, the number of stateswith energiesless than U; the entropy is S: kalrl'0((l), and it is easily corroborated that this gives the sameresult as was obtained in equation t5.4. The two methods that we haueusedto soluethe Einsteinmodelof a solid should be clearly distinguished. In Section I5.2 we assumedthat IJ/ho:o was an integer,and we countedthe number of waysof distributing quanta among the modes.This was a combinatorialproblem, albeit a simple and tractable one because of the extremesimplicity of the model. The second method, in this section,involved no combinatorialcalculationwhatsoever. Instead we defineda volumein an abstract"state space"and the entropy was related to the total volume inside the bounding surfacedefinedby the


Stutistical Mechanics in Enrropy Representation

energy u. The combinatorial approachis not easily transferableto more complicated systems-the method of hypervolumesis general and is usuallymore tractable.However the last methodis not applicable at very low temperaturewhereonly a few statesare occupied,and where the occupied volumein statespace shrinkstoward zero. PROBLEMS 15.5'1.To establish equation 75.29 let o, be the hypervolume subtended by the diagonal hyperplane in n dimensions. Drawappropriate figures for n : I,2, and. 3 and showthat if Z is theintercept on each of thecoordinate axes
Qt: L

o,: o,/'(ro,: or/'(r

and by mathematicalinduction

t)*: #

- ; ) 'o *: #

-;)^-'a,:4 o,_ o,_,/.(r

15.5-2. Recalling that

l yr(t
show that

+ x)L /':,

(= 2.718...)

( t - + ) = s - N U ro, $.. t
with this approximationdiscussthe accuracyof equation15.31for a rangeof reasonable valuesof A,/U (rangingperhaps from 10-3 to l0-r0). with what precision a,/u would the energyhave to be known in order that correctio-ns to equation 15.31might becomesignificant?Assume a systemwith .& = 1023. 15.5-3. calculate the fraction of the hypervolumebetweenthe radii 0.9r and r for hyperspheres in L, 2, 3,4, and 5 dimensions.Similarly for 10, 30, and 50 dimensions.

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