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st December 1990



N o. 7 2


Sellersshallprovide insuradceon terms not lessfavourablethan thosesetout in the standardform ofthe EnglishMarine Policy in forte as at 3 I st December I 98 I , including the clausesspecified in the contract set out in the following sections. SECTION I - CARGO CLAUSES (ALL RISKS) This insurance allaches from thetime the soodsleavethe warehouseorDlace ofsloraseat the Dlace namedin lhe Dolicvfor lhe commencement o[ lhe transit.continuesdurins the ordin;rv courseof transit and lerminateseither 5n delivirv {a) to the Cbnsisnees' or othEr final warehouse or Dlaceof storaseat lhe deslinationnamedin the oolicv. ofslorage,whetherpriortooiat lhe destination namedin the policy, rihich the Assuredelectto useeither {b) to any otherivarehouseorplace (i) for storageother than in the ordinary courseoftransit or (ii) for allocation or distribution, or (c; . dri the expiry of 60 days after completion of discharge overside of the goods hereby insured from the oversea vessel at the final port of wrucnever dlscnarge. sna! nrsl occul. lf. after discharqe at the finalDort of discharqe, but prior lo terminationofthis insurance, the goodsare to be oversidefrom the overseavessel forwarded to a?estination other than that to which they are'insuredhereuider, tfris insurancewhilst remainins subiecl toiermination as of transit to suchother destination. orovided for above.shallnot exlendbevond the commencement T'hisinsurance 2 below)duringdelaybeyond shallremainin force(subjectlotermination asprovided foraboveand ro the provisionsofClause and duringanyvarialion oflhe adventurearisingfrom the control oftheAssured,anydeviation.forceddischarge. reshipmentortranshipment t. the exercise of a libeny grantid to shipowners or chane-rers under the contractof affreightmen ' Transit Cliuse (incorporating Warehouseto WarchouseChuse)


2, If owins to circumstances bevondthe control ofthe Assuredeither thecontractofaffreiqhtmentis terminatedat a pon or place other than the is otherwiseterminatedbeforedelivervofthe-eoods asDrovidedfor in ClauseI 'above. then.subiect destinaiionnamedthereinoithe adventure to prompt notice beingEven to Underwriters and to an addirionalpremium if required,'this insuianceshall remain in force until either " (i)-thegoodsaresoldtrddeliveredatsucbponorplace,or.unlesiotherwisespeciallyagreed.untiltheexpiryot60daysaftercompletionof frorir the overseavesselar suchpon oi place,whichevershaffirst occrir, discharg; oversideof the goodshereby iosuried within ihe saidperiod of 60 davs(or anv agreed extensio'n thereoolo the desdnalionnamedin the Dolicyor to or (iit iftlle soodsare forwa-rded iny other destination. until termiiated in accoidancewith thi provisi6niof CtauseI above. Terlninationof Adveiture Clause 3. 4. Eachcraft raftorlighter to bedeemeda separate Insurance.The Includingtransitby craft raft orlighterto orfrom the vessel. Assuredare not lo Craf and C. Clause be pre.fudiced by dny agreement-exempting lightermen from liability. Held coiered at a premium to be arrangedin caseof changeof voyageor of any omissionor error in the descriptionof the interestvessel or voyage. Changeof VoyageClause

to the subiect-matter insuredbut shallin no case be demedto extendto coverlossdamage 5. This insuEnceis asainst all risksofloss ofor damape proxirn-ately viceornatirreofthe subjecFmatterinsured. caused bydelay or inheren-i Claimsrccoverableherdundershall be payab_le orexpense A Ri-tf< Clause irresiectiv6 ofperceniage. abandonedeither on accountof their 6, No claim for ConstructiveTotal Loss shall be recoverablehereunderunlessthe qoodsare reasonablv actual total lossaDoearine lobe unavoidableor because the cost ofrecoverine.reionditionins and fon,ardinethe soodsto the destinationlo 'ConItructive Total L,oss which they are iniired w-ouldexceedtheir vaiue on arrival. Clause 7, CenelalAverageandSalvageChargespayable accordingto ForeignStatement orto York-Antwerp Rulesifin accordancewiththecontractof G.A. Clause affreightment. 8, The seaworthiness of the vesselas between the Assured and Underwriters is hereby admitted. In the eventofloss the Assured'snqhl of recoveryhereundershallnot be oreiudicedbvthe fact lhat the lossmav havebeenattributableto the wrongful act or misconductof the ihipowners oi their servants, conmittad without de privity of the Assured. Seawonhiness Admitted Clouse

to takesuchmeasuresas mavbereasonablefor the purposeofaveninqor minimisinga 9. It is lhe dutvoflhe Assuredand their all cases. - Bailee Claise fossand to ensurethat all righls againit carriers.baileesor other lhird paniesare froperly presened and ex'ercised. Not to Inure Clause 10. This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carder or other bailee. I l. This insurance is extended to indemnify the Assured agai-nstsuch proportion of liability under the contract of affreightnent "Both to Blame Collision" Clauseasis in respectof a lossrecoverable[ereunder.' underthe saidClausetheAssured aqree to notify the Underwriterswhoshallhavetheright,at theirown lntheeventofanvclaimbv shipowners -Bothto Blafte C:ollision" cost and exoensi-to defehd rhe Assured asainstsuch claim. Clause

I 2. Warranted free of capture,seizure,arrest, restraint o, detainment,and lhe consequences thereof or of any attempt thereat;also trom the not excludecollision, consequences of hosLilities or warlike operations,wherherthere be a declarationofwar or not; but this warianty sh;all (other than a mine or torDedo).strandins. heaw wealher or frre lnless causeddireclly (and conraci wirh anv ftxed or floatine obiict ioyale coirceniedor, in thEcaseolacollision,anyothervessel involvedtheiein,is indeDenden!ly olthe natureofthe oriervice which the vessel perf6rmingl Sy a hostjleacrby or agdinit a belligerentpowen and for the purposeofthis warranty"power'i iniludes any aulhorily maintaining naval-m rtarv or arrlorces rn assocnttonwttn a Dower. Further warranted free from the consequencesol civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arist"t ,n"r"t.f,f., ;;fg."Arrff Should ClauseNo. 12 be deleted,aherelevrnt War Clausesas set oul in Section 4 hereofshdl be demedto form part ofthis insurance. 13. Warrantedfree ofloss or damaee (a) causedby strikers,locked--out workmen, or personstaking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commolions; F.S.R.andC.C. Clause strikes,lock-ouls labour distdrbances, riotidr civil commotions. ibl resufting-from sfiould Clauie No. l3 be deleled,the relevantStrikcs, Ri6ts and Civil CommotionsClausesas set out in Section 5 hereofshrll be deemdto form part ofthis insurance. l4 in thispolicy beingplacedby the Assuredforthe time beingonlhe cargohereininsured, the valuestated ln lhe eventofanyaddilionalinsurance at th6lime of lossor accidenl. shall-in the eveni ofloss or claim. be deemC-d to be intreasedto the total amount in-sured Where the insuranceis on'increased value'the followins Clauseshallapplv. ................beheincreasedvalueofcarqotobedeemddtobepanof'tfretotalamountinsuredonthecarqovaluedatsuchtotal.amount. effectedon theiargo cover also Advdnced Freightthen lhe word "cargo" in thiipolicy shall be deemedalso to Where the original -policies include'Advailced Freisht". beingDlaced by the Assuredfor the time beinqonthecargohereininsured.thevalueofthecargoshall,in Inlhe eventofanvaddilionalinsurance IncrcosedValueClause the evenl of lossbr claim. be deemedto be-iicreasedto lhe toul amount insuredai lhe time o'f lossor accident. Clause to Biveprompl noticeto for the Assuredwhentheybecomeawareofanevent which is "heldcovered"underthisinsurance NOTE: lt is necessary Underwritersand the right to suchcover is dependentupon compliancewith rhis obligation.

15. It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstances within;lf{o;3fi;o;esDatch

l. from the time lhe goodsleavethewarehouse attaches This insurance orplaceofstorageatthe placenamedin thepolicy forrhe commencemenl of the lransrt,continuesduring the ordinary courseoftransit and termlnates erner on oeuverv fa) to the ConsiSnees'or otherrrna.l warehouse or place of storage at the destination named in the Dolicy. ab) toanv otnerwarenouseorDlaceotslorae,whetherpriortooratthedestinationnamed inthe poficy.\ihich fte Assuredelecllouse eilher ' ' (i) for storageother than in the ordintry oi transit "ourse ti;) 8Jr auocationor cislribution,



:fl$"f;1*?t":?:d"uon - [i]"n?1"T."*"fr1"'#r3t

of discharge overideof rhegoods hereby insured fromtheoversea vessel arrhetrnat ponof

oversidefrom lhe oversea If. after-discharqe vesselat the frnalport ofdischarge, bur.priorto terminalionof this insurance,lhe goodsare to be 'n-iiJuiait forwarded to aaestination olher than thar to *hich rh;t;;'i;;;ed tfus insuran"" iltil.t ;;ili"g to terrnmatro? as "-"" shall.notextendbeyond rhe commeicemeni ofiiansiito suctrottrer oesdn;io;.-" '-" --""" ;;bj"cr provided for above., snallremamln rorce(subJect I hrsrnsurance to terminationasDrovided for aboveand-to thprovisionsofClause2 below)_during delaybeyond the conlrol oflheAssured. anvdevidtiori.forced di.gharge,reihipmini oi tiansrup-rne"t a"o ounnganyvanalronoftheaoventureanslngrrom rhe exercise of a libeny grantid to shipownersor chantiiers under the conlracror amergntmenl,but shall ln no casebe deemed to exrendlo proximatelv cover ross damase orexpense caused bv

derav oridherer'' "". "ifHzi[*:ixy:f;ii;:i;

2. lfowinqto circumstances bevond thecontrolofthe Assured either thecontracl ofaffreightment is terrninated ata ponor place otherlhanthe deslinaiionnamed thereinoithe adventure isottt"r*iii1i].ii"ti,J tii-" a'ei-very of rtregoods asprovidedfor in Ctaus-e I above, rhen,subjecr lo Drompt notice beine civen to underwriters andto anadaitional piimium ii requtreo, trus shallremain in forceunlrlelther tit'the'eoodsaresoldtnddeliveredatsuchpo;;;-ptq;;.;;G;i;rlfii",;i,!.p.h"n!ig'i"d.";tl;li""xp,,6i?d;;;saftercomplerionor -surance dischareE overside of thesoods hereby insured frodrtheoversea vessel at such'pon oi place, *rucheue, sfiaif firsio"-"-,i,, or(ii) itrhesoodsarerorwirdedwithinihesaiapiri.idoiioa:iii?;;;;il;;ii;;$.;,it'"';.;di;iili:ifi#l'n"riliea-reporicvorro - - - -- *-r17iiiii6i';l anvother destination' until teminated i, accoidance wirh thd piovisi6ns'oiCtause ' r itovi. 3'l1"I-dil9,t:ltl:.bfr1lt-laftorligitertoorfromthevessel.Eachcraftraftorlishrertobedeemedaseparateinsurance.TheAssurcdarenotto ^',i;;;;'ci;;"" Depre;uclrcecl by anyagreement exempting lighterme[ fromliability. '- - - "-'"--" " a;i;da.-Ci;; 4' Held coveredat a premiumto be arranged in caseof change of voyage or of anyomission or error in thedescriptionof theinterestvessel or voyase. 5. Warranted freefrom averaee underthepercentage spe4ifid in thepolicy,ur ess geDqral, or thevessel or craftbestranded, sunkorbumt, but notwithstandin ethiswarraitv theu ndeiwritersaie t6 paytheinsurdd valire ofanypaciagi whi.rr ioriinioi;rng, rranshipment-or discharge, also for anyloss ofor damage totheinterest'in3ured whichmay reasoriabty be-attriuuteo i6 nie,J6(oslinl iJil,on or"on,u",o, *" -uybiro-uly 6' No claimfor constructiveTotal Loss be recoverable hereunder unless thegoodsarereasonably abando[edeitheron accountof their -shall actual totalloss appearing to beunavoidable or because thecos oiiiioverine, re;on irioning ?"i'*iiaiie lh;,-e;,|ii to rhedesrinarion to whichrheyareiniirredw-outd exceed theirvatue on ar;vai. CJzirruiiiue-lifit uss ctaus" -a t salvage charges payable according to Foreignstatement or to York-AntwerpRulesifin accordance with theconrract of :rtff;fl,*Hi:titrd 8. The seaworthiness of the vessel asbetween the Assuredand urderwriters is herebvadmitted. ln lheevenl oflosstheAssu reds right oJrecovery.hereunder shall norq. p-f;j,iai;/qy l.h;li.;i rhar lhetoss mayhave been arrriburable ro rhe wronstul acror misconducr of rheihipowners oi theirservants. commirria niriioi,i irie'fiii;i;ij;;A;..iil:it'-",,i)"n oo^rno r.,o^" 9' Il isthedutvoftheAssured andlheirAgents, in allcas-es. to lakesuch measures asmaybereasonable for purpose lhe ofavenrnpormrnlmrsinqa fossandro ensure rhararrrighrs agairircarhers. b;ir;;;;;;h;; tl{;;}?Gs-ar. f .operty prese*;; ;d;;E;"ir;;: Bairee crai*
10, This insurance shallnot iirure to the benefitof the carrier or other bailee. Not to Inure Clause

w{y!f"^""," walehouse crause)




Collision" clauseasis in respect "pgl"ych ofa lossrecoverable hereunder. ln lne evenlolanvclarmbv shiDowners under theiiaidClauserheAssured agreelonotifythe underwriters whoshallhavethe right,at theirown cosl and expensd, ,,Both ro defehd rfie Assuredagainsri"it italrn.-------- '--"'' to Blame L:ollision-Clause l2 warranled free of caPlure.seizure'arrest. restraint or.delainmenl.and lhe consequences rhereofor of any attempt thereat;also from the consequences of hostilitiesor warlike operations,whether rherebe a aectaiaiion *"i-Ji;;i;fii i* r";.#i;; lilPuil not excludecolision, contacr wilh anv ftxed or floatino objrict (olher $an a mine or rorpedo), srinai"g, "i trii"v *e jiri;; ;;'fir.*'i;i;; indeoendentlv oithenature ofthe ioyale or'se.wice *trictr thiuitritio[JJtitta o.. i" tt'" co[ision.any orh", u".J";d;-ai.;;rl;-i;; iiiirulo't'r.,?"li,ii py "useofa p:f^q.i:IF2!l-"_!9_.ll:l9j mainrainins 9t"ci:jj:-b9.{le.."nipi,*ii:-Ji,;iili;;,p;;;-rtil;;iliiri".",iiirilirij!."-"iauthoriry naval,murtaryor arr torcesIn assoctatjon with a Dower. Furlher wartantedfree from the consequences olcivil war. revolution.rebellion,insurreclion.or civil strife arisingtherefrom,or piracy. should clause No. l2 be deleted,the relevantwar clsuses as set out in section 4 hereofshrll be deemed to forln o"".rfit flHrl;r""'f.^" 13. Warrantedfreeofloss or damaee (a) caused bv strikers.locked-iul workmen.or personstaking pan in labour disturbances. riols or civil commotions; (b) re-sufring from srrites, lock-outs.Iabour d15d.fban1|;,;;i! 'q; iquit'!6illoou"nr. F.S.R.and C.C. Ctause Should Claus-e-No. l3 be deleted,thi relevantstrires iioiJ ana iivii c-otimitioos cla.,""s asset ouain Section 5 hereofshall be deemedto form part ofthis insurance. l4 ln theeventofanv additionalinsurancebeingPlacedby theAssuredfor rhedme beingonthecargohereininsured, thevaluestated rn rhispolicy ro u. i"1ciJil1a m i[ei.rit-aino'Lrnr nsurea ar trre trmeof tossor accidenr. :|,"J:T.ll9:l-"19f Where the insu,rance is on "increasedValue" thelottowing Ctausestrati-pfiy:

Thisinsurance is extended to indemnify-t:t:Uig

proportion qrviv.qq\rv'4"rrLEx of liabilityunder contract of affreightment "Bothto Blame -"evr the -

il;;:;r;;":r"::H^{ifid+ A,f on the-cargo wheretheorieinal Dolicies effected cover asoAovaircla i;;isilrfi

include include "Advanced "Advaicedtsreisht"tsreight"

.J!:fi.i9-i!1"":Hgi,5t:'p"l,Tilp,f:tft amounr insured onthecarso varued a,suchtorar amount

til;;il;;;i t; ifi!";ojifi"rtii Lt aeemea aboto

ln theevenlofanyaddiri6nalinsurance beingplaced by the.Assured forthe dmebeingonthecargohereininsured,thevalueofthecarqosha.ll,in the eventof lossbr claim. be deemedto be'iicreasedto the rorai amouni i"i'irJ"l rtt. ti-e o'rto.. o. a"ciainil-- Tiiiliit nfi" ctiiii 15. It is a condition of this insurancethat theAssured shall act with reasonable despatchin all circumstances within thesir control.espatch Clause NOTE: Il is necessarv forrhe Assuredwhentheybecomeawareofan eventwhichis..held covered,, under this insurancetogiveprompl not|ce ro Underwrilers and tha right to suchcover is delendent upon comptiancJ*,ttr iiri, o6fGiiio-".-sEcTroN 3 - CARGO CLAUSES (F.P.A.) | rusmsurance altaches from lhe !ime the goodsleavelhe warehouse al the placenamedin the policy for the cornmencemenr of lhe lransit and conhnues until the goods are delivered tdthe consignee's or otheifin"iuriiltr"use ar tne oesrmatron named in the policy. TnrLrit clause Subject to rhe provisions of Clause 3 hereunder this insurgnce shall rernain in force dunng oevralion, forced disch"iii, a""arranshiomenr tr), any olher delay,beyondthe control of the assured, (ul varialion of the advenrurearising from Ge exerciseof; tibintli-ani;d ; i'ti1iii5.ii'ir under rhe conrracrot anretghtmenl, "rr"n"rers

by delaygrinherentvice or natureofthe subject orexpenseproximatelycaused |'nt shallir no casebe -:- - to extendto coverlossdamage -- deemed



Cover Ctiuse E tended

is terminaledat a port or placeother tha[ the beyondthe control ofthe Assuredeitherthecontractof affreightmnt I rf owinc (o circumstances ";Xirlii;;fi;drhereino/theadventureisolherwiselerminatedbeforedeliveryofthegoodsintoConsignees'orotherfinalwarehouseatthe iliifiiii"-,j n"-"a i" ttrepolicy. then provided notice is given immediatelyafier receiptof advicesand subjecl to an additional premium if reauired,tlus insuranceshall remaln rn lorce ii-itrresoods are sold and deliveredat such pon or Place policyor lo anyotherdestina!ion, ""iii until thegoodshavearrivedatConsignees'or forwardedto thedestinatiot na;nedin ahe ifGiiito?ii." lermtnauon oJAavenlureLlatue at such destmatlon. ",liif irtherfinal warehouse Eachcrafl, raflorlighlertobedeemedaseparateinsuranc^e.TheAssured are Includinglransilby craft,raftand/orlighterloand from lhe vessel. Craft and C Cla*se noiio oe"prquaicla Uy dny agreemenlexemptinglightermentrom liability. Held covered at a premium to be arranged in caseof changeof voyage or of any omission or error in the description of the interest vessel or Change of VoYage Clause voyage. but unlessthe vessel and/orcrafl be stranded,sunk, burnt. or in collision wilh anolher ship or vessel 6. Warrantedfree from parricularave_rage be De wtucn may ieasonably reasonaory n^rwirh<ian.linrthis thls warranty warrantv the tne Uniderwriters underwnters are lo pay oav for lor loss of oI or damage oamaseto the lne inlerest ullerest hereby neteDvinsufed tnsuleo which noiwithstanding \vlth any andlor crafi and/or conveyance attributedto fire, explosionorcontact (o!her than collisionwith anolhership orvessel)of lhe vessel port ofdisiress.To panial loss ata a oort Topay lossoccurringduringtranshipment occurrineduringtranshipment . or o( owinq owing to discharse dischare ofcargo at ofcareo oav oanial iceincluded,otherlhan watdr. substance, porti6n of the carqo cargo value of rf ani an! oortion m-ay be totally total! lost in loadinL loadingor discharge, and fie fi? insured ve and to pay the insuredvalue of any bag which may lncurred and foiwardine forwardingif incurrEd ial charees forlandhgwarehor for landinewarehousing pon ofdisrressowinq against. AIso to pay spe-cial charges owing to perils.insured at a portofdistress conderiuri:d condenned pon woulo DelmDle le undeithe unoer Ine StandardForm Slanoarolofin of or Enflish Marine Poficywith lhe .r an mtermedmle tntermedrate Don ol cau or reruqe, call reruee.lor wrucn unoerwnters v refuge, ofcall at intermediate (W,A.), {as set out in CAFTA Form ?2), attached. Cargo Clauses F.P.A. Clause bv the policy. ThiiClause shall opdraie ooeraieduring durins the whole period oeriod covared coveredby This-Ctause abarndoned hereunderunlesstheyare reasonably to the !.oodsno claim for ConslruclrveTotal Lossshallbe recoverable ln the eventofdamaee neithershalla claim for ConstrucliveTotalLossbasedupon lhe costoI be unavoidable, eitheron accounlofiheiractial total IossapDearingto lhevalueofthe goodsonarrivalat the df them.;be recovembleunless suchcostwouldexceed recoveimgrecondilioningandforwarding(6rany ConslruciiveTolal Loss Clause insured. "' to which they-are destinatio"n payableaccordingto ForeignStatementortoYork-Antwerp Rulesifin accordancewiththecontractof and SalvageCharges t- C-eneralAverage affreiphtment. G.A. Clause

9. The seaworthiness of the vessel as between the Assured and the Underwnters is hereby admitted. ln the eventof losslhe Assured'srishl of recoveryhereundershallnot be preiudicedby ihe fact that the lossmayhavebeenattributableto the committedivithout the privity of the Assurld wrongtuf act or misconductoflhe;hipowners oitheir servants. Admiued (Jause arvo rthiness


I l.

betakento measuresto Assuredundertake tocauseappropriate In caseoflossordamaeewhjch mayresullin aclaimbeingmadehereunder,the barredby reason ofnon-compliancewilh termsandconditionsgovemingthe anvca;rier or other baileebe-coming oreventanv remedvaq-arnsr be incirred lheraby Underwriterswill re-imbursethe Assuredfor suchexPendilure liabillty ofiuch car'riejor orher bailee.Should expenses -ii"i,id"j BaileeClause a"mage falls within rhe provjsionsof this insurance. itr" 1.* "i suchproponionofliabilityunder thebilloflading"Both toBlameCollision"Clauseas ro indemnifvthe Assured against This policy is e-xlended ls rn resDect oI a lossrecovemole! .(lerIne po|lcY. lhe righr.atlh_eirown lo notify lhe Underwriterswho_shqllhave undei rhesaidClauselhe Assuredagree in rheeientofany claim by shipowners "lloth lo 6lam? ( olllston Llause suchclaim. to defend the AssuredaBainsl cost and expens6,

in FreeofCaptureand SeizureWarranty Marine Policyby thestandard 12. Warrantedfreeofthe risksexcludedfrom the StandardForm ofEnglish -

War Risks Exclusion Clause force at the time when the risk under this insurance attaches. ShoutaCUusc No. t U be deleted,the rclevantWar Clausesas set out in Section 4 hereofshall be deemedto fo.m part ofthis insurance. 1 3 . Warranted free of the risks excludedfrom the StandardForm of English Marine Poticy by the standard Free of Striks,Riots and Civil &C, E clusionClause Sftikes, CommotionsWarranlv in force ar lhe lime when the risk under this iniurance attaches. sfr""fa f:U"se No. f 3'be dcleted.thc retevantStrikes Riots and Ciyil CommotionsClausesas set out in Section 5 hereofshall be deemedto form part ofthis insurance, l4 in lhispolicy beingplacedby the Assuredfor the rimebeingonthecargohereininsured,thvaluestaled In lheeventofanv addilionalinsurance to be iricreased lo lhe lotalamountl suredallhetimeo[lossoraccident. shallin rheeveniof lossor deemdd Wheie the insuranceis on -incteasedvalue" the following Clauseshallapply:al suchtotalamount. on the cargovalued of t}letolalamountinsured;ne;ncreasedvalueolcargolobedeem-edrobepa _cargo"in lhis policy shall be deemedalso lo cover also Adviinced Freight then the word *here the original iolicies effecledon the-cargo include"AdvancedFreip,ht". insured, by theAssuredforthetimebeingo_nthecargo-herein beingplaced iniheevenr ofany additi;nal insurance Increas?avatuc I Musc the evenl of fossor cfaim, be deemedlo be increasedto the tolal amountrnsuredat the llme ot lossor accroenl. fftl)oi"rpot"h Clour"

withiltheir desPatch in all circumstances 15. It is a condition ofthis insurancethat the Assuredshallact with reasonable

'underthisinsur?rnce togivepromPlnolicelo whenlheybecome awareofar eventwhichis'heldcovered [or theAssured NOTE: lt isnecessary with thisobligation and the r ightto suchcoveris deiendenluponcompliance Under*riters l. SECTION 4 - WAR CLAUSES (CARGO) This insurancecovers l.l the risks excludedfrom the StandardForm of English Marine Policy by the clause .Warrantedfree of caDture. Lhereoforofany attemptthereat:alsofrom !he aird'theconsequences arrest.restrai-itor delainment, sei?ure. thereba declarationofwaror not;butthis warrantyshallnol excludecollision. conseouences ofhoslilitiesorwarlikeoperalions.whether contaci wirh anv fixed or floatinp obidct (other than a mine or torpedo),stranding,heavy weatheror fire unlesscauseddirectly (and 6f lhe natureof th-evoyageor servicewhjch the vesstl concemedor, in lhe caseola collision, any olher vessellnvolved indeDendentlv anyauthonty forthe purposeofthiswarranty'power'includes 6yiragainsl abelligerentpowerland ther;in is periorm ing)by a hostile.act wltn a power. naval.mrl'lary or alr lorces m assocrauon marntarnme ofcivil war, re.iolution,rebellion,insurrection,or civil strife arisingtherefrom,orPiracy." F" iii.t"ii"u?r-rlii i.i" irdm the consequences insured caused by lo the inlerest 1.2 lossofor damage therefrom. insurrection or civil strifearising rebellion, oper,rlions, civil war,revoiution, l-2.1 hoslililies.-warlike mines.lorpedoes,bombsor other engineso[ war' 1.2,2 incuried.for the purposeofavoiding.or in connectionwilh the avoidanceof.loss bv a oeril insured ii)uag. ;";t;;i;na i:5';*";;i "harges to ForeignSlatementor to Yoik_Antwe;? Rulesif in payablea"ccorJing averageand salvagi charges uenerar by lnesecrauses. aqarnst with theconlraclofaffreightmenl. aicordance This insurance excludes of Kiogs b;;;Afion loss of, or frustration of, the insuredvoyageor adventurecausedby arrests,restraintsor detainments i:i";;;;i;il or personsattemptingto usurppower. . PrincesPeoplesLfsurpers weaponof waremployingalomicor nuclearfissionand/orfusion orother like ,.2 il;;,;;;;J;;;;enle !risirigt."m any trostileuseof any lorce or matter reactronor raclro-acllve Uy itre Stanaararorm of EnglishMarine Policy with the Free of Capture etc, clause (asquoted in 1.1 above) a;;tt;.t;;eJ 23 i;;;; insertedtherein arisingfrom delay exceptsuch z.l iois oi oimise proximalely causedby delay inherenl vice or losso[ market,or any claim for expenses as iould be recoierable in principle in Englishlaw and pracliceunder York-Anlwerp Rules. expenses


rorpedoe:J:,t",:11c"::.::1*'i:*:efjled lo.llclause s blow' o[ minesand.derelicr for therisks xcept 4. Thisinsurance,

port or placeofdischarge,

of percentage' irrespective Claimsrecovembleshallbe Payable

l.T'ililJ#f:fi!!''ii""tii!*i[':H:.|i;d:1i'-;:1il:|1i.*ii3jf,"*r^':39:9::"l[:ff:',:X:::n'"?lg ro q.) a ti lll3i'lil$J"ti$i,:';:i';?idit;T;;id;ii'oiJiiitioiida""toanypartasthatpartisdischarsedrromanoverseavesseratthe ternjnates,suDlect

at the final port or placeof discharse' from midnightof the davof arrivalof the vessel l,i"f"l*::*lrtlU;ountins 4.3 ;;;i;""i;.';h;:;ith*r vesseratthe Ttl'9-'J ll9:g{ry1^:,'^191".?f ;t*:llll ihe p'un u,tr'iiiiiiiiiiiii"rr"iaii"t'"'e"airom 4.4 fffif]A:lfi#l*ilj],iil:6""'ff.';A;;;,T;i;i;;i;il;i.uny
nevertheless, toanadditional and theunderwriters uusEr wrrr !#;;;;;tii""fiJP;;oililaci rornc Premium' lubiect to prompt noucero lftiliil?i;*o, thereJrom'.anc the vssel.sails of discharge' ".,ice having-discharg{ihe


of discharge, portor place

anorher forontarriagebv inrerest rodischargethe ponorDlace atanintermediare u"rsel affives 93ill" *" ou"rr"u aa ilff1i""",i".1i1*:tJ at lheintermediate of thevessel of arrival oi l5 dayscountingfrommidnightoftheday
t"..-ii"i oiiiili.y insu_r^',"" such overseavessel, theperiodof I 5 i"q,ou9 otg :."9.'9!; on-cat-ty loadei-on"the i'si.i anyparti* ttrat-part-is porl or place. bu! reatta"n",* *. -D"tlring pon or intermediate pan is at such aslhat i"tgt*t ui" st 6'[ry Jt'drfiiiiutg" in to'"e -,.-r"-.tirri remalns bavss,rih insurance $rlt$g T,Xn:? "rt acco in terminates it tFereafter reattaches' Lh;insu-rance be shall ;i,i"" .ft;;ii;tg;:ii suchponor Dlace rherein, agreed thedistinarion r rhan othe r]i,ni, place in th" 4.6 If rhevoyase "on,ru.,o,"urn"g-"'iiJffi'itiir "ii

re-arrival ofthe vesselat the final 3l e*piry of I s days .ounring from midnight of the day of at a sibaliluled port or placeol olscnarge'

port or place ofdischarge or arrival of the vessel

"" g:'"H*':f#x'f,:i!J,lilTli3f#f ;til$**#:JJwlrn**i;i.x,t:'**.",*:$*:"*uni1""1i"il

oversea on-carryins onthe pa isloaded rhar pan as roany and as o.u.,."ol',;th'""i"3"011'1f,3'rBHfHl}.n!'J'"T.'t$'ii'',?lill!'1fi!""res!
finalport ofdischarge; deemed fromsuch sails whenlhevesset discharsed. been 4.6.2 u',*J:ll?:?l;:il"133i;or having t""'l9lit"ii#":::"#;i#;iiii,", insurangg such thereafter a berthor place or orherwise moored ,t u..."1is anchored. " sr 4 *arnvalofClause lFor thepurpose "

floadng or lhe risks-o[minesand derelicl rorPedoes' againsr of or place 5. The insurance thewarehouse leaves suc\inrerest bi#.i"i-ot"iiu'r, load"d 9l"u.9t-'."1^ol^:.t1 isfirst isnrst $atPart $atPari part p"'t as as to any as mterestano iiiiiliii.i. tbe 5 | attaches as ili;il:,'#;;?f,;il 5.tattachesasiheinterestandastoanypartastnatpanlsDDrroau I "rr". and transit the of "'v tns'!iinl" ioi the commen"ement storaseat the Dlacena-.o tn rne either 5.2 terminates

$$,*.}:#J:frJl"t$::t.Jfi:ilni*HfffiBlT:ll:li"dstPtifmEii'ii;;:ii'i;'';;ii;"dwhen submerged'
Undirwriters, or,

tbtvth" ::1.i"'''*"lf;:iil:::,'.pj,:::"^3ly.pjjii:ll?lll*[i:,."j$t;'.ff.till:3u,:ffi13''"ffft31fJ"ti"*uJ'if $",*"":Tfi:'gi;:li.ffif"'"iJ:X1',[31ff*.ii.::1",1;Tt;".'lf.til,i:eu,:il1fi:iifi5;;;"ii"i;";fifi;iiu"vi

subjelt to PromPtnotice to eltnef rcffrnnates 5.2.2.|astheinterestandastoanypartasthatPartisdischargedfromvesselorcraftpriortosaleanddeliveryatsuchportorPlace or,

5'22 H};fi"lii:t"#:i#",i:ili'"9;i".$'#S'',t,'Jijli&ti'"itib"h3:i:,1#iiillci:iii#i iii'"e;"iii-.iii",r,"-",1,fr,:l#"ffj;iiXfilXleiLgd.J,Bffi+?:lXT"f:*ig::

discharge s.2.2.2 :y;:io?':ii[;'fiu.H"l*fiff'i":[:1",:l9fiis:Twt.fiiJJJ,1ft:fl3":lf#l"d,:jTi-":,1,:li'"'-'"

-"r.iiui"ui.".oiu"ti-."uitiitr"oaesdnationin to port orplace one rrom yli,"#iJ""'{11911-14r.0" interest rhe carrving avesser romean o""med th. pu.po:::?tfl"'"1:T:t":3t",:i: {Fo. bv tbat vessel) a seapassage
i'.;d;;;[;F;".h t"vage involves

aavs w;ilru deoo r'l "eSE4-"11'{iil,1t'"iii?.t}f is ror*a,aeair'riii,'ieie.t i53n;l'i"J,3l'iffi."$51g:Xlil:T.:t'"*: -l

rti:ltff'l"llnlill:1';i"til:,'J,3ffi['rj['],ffi?fi,."#,!l;;a;';;;ilanouuvr,o,,i.uo,.ro,"'uri thleeventofachange atft desturauonnuln"orn oJslonqe or ptace thewarehouse

6'Anythingcontainedinthiscontractwhichisinconsistentwithclauses2.l,2'2,4or5shall,totheextentofsuchinconsistency'benullandvoid' clausesul premium, the interest is held covered within the pfovlsions of these 7. Subject to prompt notice to the u nderwriters and to an additional

contractoraffreishtment' underthe srupownerorcharterer tothe sranred ii"il?f!r"":t"il,l"'*t:ll"tl""U, *lrl?3Fit " ""","i.".ranyliberty

E'ltisaconditionofthisinsurancethattheAssuredshallactwithreasonabledespatchinallcircumstanceswithintheircontrol. NoTE:ttisnecessaryfortheAssu.redwhenlheybecomeawareofa4.eventwJrichis..he|dcovered.'underlhisinsUrancetogivepro upon.o-pii-ce withthisobligation covii'isdifr."n-dJni to sucn andrherrgnr tJnderwriters CLAUSPS ANDCI\IL COMMOTTONS RTOTS 5 - STRIKES, SECTION

.i"o o,"ivlcommorions: ' x; hr-g*nt-..fxt"gi,i""+xq'."r'l:$3td'llx$:"Jtli#$l;lJi?3J,i"".. personsactingmaliciouslY

fbj Warrantedfree of

2, -'

at the placenamedin rhe leavethe warehouse from the time rheBoods attaches 3. This insurance wirehouse at the destinalionnamedrn tne porrcy' frnal ottttt ot continuesunlil the eoodsare oerrttiei'io"iit-etonsignets

[it- ioisor damS"Proxirnat"JlfL""t"i"ll* insured.;.., notor o-o.rlv he,reb] disturbance' labour lock-our' anv strike' ^- *hatsoever during i"tAption short"g" dbsence. ibl the under -*iii"ftiidi',ie";fjibo,lioJini lawandpractice in English in principle berecoverable aswoutd expenses such r.o. o"tuyexcept ,u, "* "il]1.,?:ru3:ilJ. therefrom' arisins strire insurrectionorcivil orbvrevolution,rebellion, **-likeoperarions,civilwar, i,,,, [!J:,Hy#"lllllJiiSiutu* oftbe transitand polig/ tor the commencement

shf! nTSl-:if,ffi:ililngd thisinsurance 5 hereunder totheprovisions of Ctause 4. t.unrhip'n"nr d$chlrcE:J:-!ru!-T'::1'i1'::lLi:lli#'!';', - subject of oftheA6sured'forced *'e cont.ol thecontract under ii-ir-":"iit'iii'iiiiiu uivona or chanerers ro shipowners of 5 ribenv exercise i}re !'anred irom "harrerers ' ;;i;ffi;;;ii;"J;i"rh;;;;;i;;;;;'f li{)

5.Ifowingtocircumstancesbeyondthecontro|oftheAssuredeithe,rthe.contractofaffreightmentisterminaiedatapoJtorDtaceothertha into ConslSn:gs'or.9{er friral warehouse at thcbe,t9,,-9 destination nam.d rherein or rhe advenrure is otherwise t"rminated 9...l;il;iii;?;;9; and"subject to an additional premium rr destination named in the policy, then. provided notice is given rmm"ar",.,v "'riliiiiiip'ior-"'aiiies reouired.thisinsurancesfrallr6inain iri force (i)' untii the goodsare sold and deliveredat suchpon or placc

havearrivedat CoosiSnees'or until theSoods namedin the policy or to aoyother destination, or (ii) iflhe goodsare forwardedto thedestination at suchdestinatiun. irrher 6nal_warehouse otYork-Anlwerp Rulcsif ForeiSnStatemenl payable(subject tothetermsoftheseclauses)accordinSto 6. GeneralAverageand SalvageCharges wlln lhe contractot anrergntmenl. In accordance 7. Claimsfor lossor damagewithin the termsof theseclausesshall bc payablewithout referenceto conditionsof average. or 8. Held coveredat a premiuh to be armngedin caseof changeofvoyageorofany omissionorerror in lhe descriplionof the lnterestvessel voyage. within their control. despatchin ali circumstances 9. It is a condition of this insurancethat the Assured shaUact with reasonable _held togjve prompt nolice covered"underthisinsurance NOTE: lt is necessarv for the Assured,when theybecomeawareofan eventwluch is to underwriters,andihe right to suchcover is dipendent upon compliancewilh this obliSation SECTION 6 - AUSTRALIAN, CANADIAN, SOUTH AFRICAN AND UMTED STATES OF AMERICA ACTS (Relatineto Cerriaeeof Goodsby Sea) rlossordamadearisingor lti ngfrom act,neglecl ordefaultofthe master,mariner,P.ilotortheservantsof res_u is h;ld cover?dagainst The assured under: of the ship" for which the "carrier'-or'ship - is relievedof responslbtllty rhecarrie i the navieation6( in lhe manapement SeaCarriaeeofGoods Act, 1924,or nni.l.4 of the Commonweallhof Au-stralia to the WateiCarriage of Goods Act, !916. of Canada'or Anicle tV Section2 ofthe RulesaDDended Act. No. 57. of t951 or Shipping 309 (2) of the ljriion ofSouthAfrica Merchanl ChaDter 8 Section Slates, approved 13lh February. l 893 or Section3 of the Act of C<ingress -the of the United Carriageof Goods by SeaAcl. 1936,of the United Statesof Amelica Secrion4. sub.section2 of theowners orotherwtse.againsl containedshalllirn]toraffecrany rightswhich Underwritersmay haveby subrogation but noihinein ihisclause of the saidlessel. to the F.P A. waaranty Claims arisingunder this clauseare not sub.iect promplnotice to Elve under(hisinsu'ance is"heldcovered" whentheybecome a\rare ofan eventwhich for rheAssured, NOTE: lr i5necessary ro underwnters,and the righl to suchcover is dapendenlupon compliancewith this obligation. SECTION 7 _ SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION or by heating,swealing to the contrary this insurancecoverslossof or damageto the subjectmalte. insuredcaused anyttLing ttotrvithstanding comDustron. sPontaneous to glvePromptnotice whichis 'heldcovered underths insurance whentheybecome aware of anevent for theAssured, NOTE: It is necessary wilh this obligation. to underwriters,andihe right to suchcover is dapendenlupon comPliance I FORM 72 - RADIOACTTVE CONTAMINATION Amendmcnt0l/91 "lrreslEctive of which conahtionsand clauses have been agrced the InstituE Radioactive Contamination Erclusion Clause shall apPlyin any case' Effectite IsrJatuary lgg2. Printed in England and issudby



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