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Welcome to the Secrets of the Root Witch

Here you will learn about the truthful will of witchcraft and witchery. This will not be like any other studying program you have ever done before. Because you are entering into this art freely with your mind and hearts opened you will discover that the world around you isn't all it is said to beI must warn you to practice this book is to become everything it stands for. Because the nature of the witch you sought to see, can be very mature at certain times, because Nudity aka Skyclad nature is required if performing the lessons in this book completely to its end. This is the way of the mature mind and body for those whom are serious in continuing their education in the arts of the witchery ways open from the ideals of lessor understandings by word ideals/frames alone... So if you fear either then return to this book in like seven to ten years and grow in the messages of other arts in the meanwhile. Know this is only a review of the

over all material and not required for formal practicing unless you wish to move beyond the education and awareness of it.... Witchcraft is the arts of multiple natures, while witchery is about the magic(k) born in ones own body. The will of this magic(k) and future of it, shall happen in their own time. Now this doesn't give you the right to think you can make what you want. For witchcraft of the wiccan ideals, wants nothing that it cant openly control, even if they say they don't do that. Wicca devoid of its orginal design, an openly truthful image of ancient magic(k) of both Kel "druidism" and occult witch imagery, cant give you power over a word such as thelemic practices of "k" magical orders have been made able to in the expression of, overall "MAGICK" as a subject. It aka Witchcraft, only allows those who choose to be the backwards magic user, to getaway with things that in time will eventually catch up with them, as wiccan designs of modern are starting to find in their practice. This is merely an illusion to the real magic(k) that they as in wiccan study deny themselves. Ok, now here in lay before you is the select secrets of my Covens greatest mysteries. Allowing as one goes up into the mysteries of their own oath, to share in our own design. However due to the "covens" most sacred trust in me and my Coven's Highpriestess. I will not reveal anymore then what you as a student of witchcraft and witchery need to know. Unless you adopt the secrets to your own mind, body and wish to join us physically..... sorry thats the best I can do for now. Those interested in the Coven of the Root know where to find Us.

Witchcraft, aka witchery, aka thitching is a title about the different changes in the Witch's Nature, its a very long story with in each of these indivdual arts. It can become a very lonely art. Though others will not agree, because they are in big groups "gatherings" aka "groves". Denying everything that comes from their way of seeing their "Lives". This is because they want "The Coven Heads" of witchcraft to make them feel like they are reborn "Wiccan Elders" brought back from another time...(more about that later) and part of an "ancient" family. Sounds familiar kinda of like CHURCH need I say more....(so you can see why wicca-craft seeks a more religious view in their understandings and practices) as of witchcraft... Truthfully it would be nice if everything worked that way. But you came to see the "witch" and you shall, even if others dont like it. Witchery is the study and practice of the most basic elemental tenets, it is the harnessing of the energy provided by life and death from within your own body and senses. However the

power to this is the bridge that connects it to all the forms of witchcraft as a skill. Sometimes I think you have to literally die to know what a witch is. "The fires of hate", for they are the stumbling blocks that started the Witch to "their" claim of fame. This again is because a witches nature is born from the loss of something greater then just a ticket to a Magic Show. Laugh here if you wantI did. Sometimes I think the world would be a bit better to itself if witches started to just mess stuff up. Then I think what did I just say....... Witchery another word for Witchcraft as a style and or system. Is the study that makes the mage and magi and the future of the gypsy "Witch" magick user, ready to see abit more in their own as in skill, aquired learning, tapping into. To be a witch has always been a simple thing "LOOK IN A MIRROR" if it looks back at you, (you now know). Witchcraft is what makes the world so confusing. You got cultures, natures, designs, tools and no one to teach them or few that are willing to. You see them in rumor and in theory, so you go looking for that old woman, that old tree, and that old castle like building from which to have these words uttered. "You dont belong"..... But they say this, not to teach you but for you to offer the information to yourself without help from them, by sight and or by touch. They say this not to give you the gift, but to see if you can make them want to offer it to you. As to test you to see if you are ready to enter to its education. "Crafty those things are WITCHES". You are forever on a road that will always have ghostly passengers, and you may or may not be able to speak to them by your skills. But they surely will want to speak to you. You will bake and broil in both the herbal alchemy and the stewing in of our designs, trying to understand in spells, trying to find

your way out of that blasted Hogwartz imagery.(I am not kidding) "meaning the formal school image of the youth of today", which had nothing truthfully on the past as in how it was taught.... BUT Hogwartz has it right. Fantasy fills the heart and teaches what might be available, as does the wisdom of any witch or mage. It aka "Magic"(K) just isnt very accepted because its a Thought that makes others have to think. That hurts the lazy whom are not as dedicated as they seem. Witchcraft as in the "ROOT" another understanding in the road to Witchcraft, is the only image that if you have to think about it then you are not fully aware of it. Just like a flowing river it just carries you along, and if your not careful it can drown you, or it will crush you as well if you dont watch where your going, or make your way throught it. You must be sure of yourself in magic(k) at every moment. Just as day turns to night, you must be just as timely as your art. For if you are not you will be LOST as you advance beyond mere practicing. Never to find yourself, even if you look for twelve years or longer down the road, or river. Why, you ask yourself is the Root so cruel. It isnt, it just is there... if you are not there as in aware of it as a skill it wont be open to you. The root is a system of thought that will educate you in the pathways of magick far beyond witchcraft but that is where we begin, in the witches circle. Thereby bringing you closer to that flowing nature of that river spoken of earlier. that is, it just as depend on the keeping up of what you are within your own level of study and or awareness, because it wants you to maintain it. Just like you it has chores in its life to undertake, and within you it will reveal these hidden chores, (long story). It as in Magic(k)al (nature) devoid of a labeling as one type or another, is just as needy and wants to be taken care and serves the one whom can help it out. Otherwise the forces of Magic(k) aka "they", the powers that be, may pile up and

make you and others unhappy as well. It as in Magic(k)al understanding aka awarness is a growing thing that seems to become more natural every day..... However unlike you, magic(k) will advance far beyond your main chores. Your chores are only the beginning and are the pratice to becoming ready in Witchcraft. For as you progress, others are picking up on your awareness of this skill and not know it Cool huh? I like it because at a mere thought I get what I desire if its what I truly NEED. However to make it farther on within Magic"k" the tool of Witchcraft you have to do your chores. Chores aka labors are the model of the practices aka workings in any of your magical designs. The root has always been there when the first ones whom called themselves "witches" or was called in by the name of witchery. It aka Magic(k) is the force that has grown from the ones whom have been selected to have that education aka thought that they wish to "SERVE THE ROOT AND IT SERVES THEM". Witchcraft as a partnership or a companionship as it evolves over time grows or destroys itself as those whom use it exercises its principles. One day soon you will have this event visit your door step or you have this energy aka nature within you or awaiting you. But just dont understand how to use it. WELL here you are welcome to the education.

Ah, the Goddess of the Circle, "not". This is only the position of the one afforded the wisdom to share in the energy of the true circle. Above is a picture of a women within the circle aka Witches Circle. This picture is about placement, a skill that you learn later on however. In this picture the circle is use a wiccan design, It is the union of the circle to serve as a gathering of those whom are alike in energy aka nature to share in others eventual awareness of this practice. Not for the image and or vanity of any appointed person to this station, in practicing rituals for others or themselfs. This is a lesson about responabilty and service to the circle and not to the self which others seem to forget because of the illusion of power. Those whom serve anything in the witches design, do it not in worship or in fear but in love and in selfiless duty, given to them by the power of the circle and never self appointed "REMEMBER THE CHORES" I mentioned earlier. Those whom are given such station are given it to serve, as the connection to the forces and the will of SHE. For they are memories of the futures to come, as they pass the "secerts" to the ones whom are part of the rituals inner workings.

To get to be here is GRAND but you have a heck of a lot of learning beforehand. And not this Year and a day thing the wiccan models of modern day have begun to teach. It may work out to about that time, but that might be only because your good at your chores, and not the services to the chores that others within this art as in forces might command, of you by the will to want be HERE as in your workings and self. For everything is dedication and everything must be accepted before hand without fear of pressure. Witchcraft requires nothing but your desire to be apart of the circle. It is here you will begin to see your connection to the will of HER aka SHE aka The GRAND LADY, and about a few hundred other names of adornment. However it is also here you will begin to understand that a pillar is just that a pillar. Meaning that one must understand the symbols on a building before they know where they are or if they are in the right place. And it takes many others to make a building stand if you are recreating it rather then just repairing. SHE wants you to be a pillar and to take up that position in life as well. As your own educated person in the witches design or a "witch" in naming, You will face trials that you need to overcome by the study of Witchcraft aka the Root. It should bring you much in the ways of life, answers to the puzzles in magic(k) and practices you will do mentally as well as physically. But to do this you must stay dedicted to the circle that you cut in the Earth as your workings progress. The Circle is the union of the earth and the air and you are the Fire. Meaning "you become the candles fire, torch, and or heat of a bonefire" spiritually speaking then perhaps physically..later on. Once properly trained and it is here you will begin to break apart the boundries of the will of both worlds (the seen and not seen). It is here you will begin to see the first established freedoms

offered to you as a student of the Rooting Witch. Still abit Lost well, read farther and see.......

The Picture of the four woman here represent the four natures of the elements, it is here that one may view in imagery that which madeup the modern witches theory that has come to establish the four corners and elemental natures of FIRE, EARTH, WATER, and AIR. As far as that is concerned, they of modern thought would be right. However they place these Elemental Natures as others of non magic(k)al education have them, as different planetary birthrights and their kindered elemental self. But to those of image and the witches balancing of the elements of nature they aren't so easy to label.......(astrologically speaking) Example, you find someone whom is calling themselves an Air

sign because of the zodiac of their birth, they may be in fact a "fire" element....... (a mysterious evolving change of elemental power happens to all whom are magic(k)al) so they aren't stuck as being just one element.....under their birth.... You will find that it is the idea of the Modern witches messages aka neo-pagan wiccan, wiccan theology. That they, want to say any of the witches natures are all links in a chain. But truthful messages of witchery show only so many chain links fit at one time. So they whom are wiccan/neo don't want to hint at this in any form, until your part of the whole in their study, practice........ Then they shout it as if it was a Fact.....underlining the image of witchcraft as a whole, to serve a personal self education and not respecting the messages that help them, to be created in the first place.... The Mystery of the four element natures can be found from the first ones, whom has begun speech itself or the builders of ancient temples... It is these mysteries that has created this understanding in the physical body, connection to life and death. This has left us even to the bridge of the soul and the understanding of the angelic arts as well. These mysteries arent mysterious to witchcraft, as they are the power and influences of the future changes in our very own being. And as such they are studied, and even born again in the ready minds of the ones whom can feel the calling of this or any Art. Even the seasons and changes in the weather, plus the course of the stars are measured by the symbolism of each elemental design, and magic(k)al wording. It is with these "secret namings" whom have begun the mysterious ARTS and in this design they only grow and learn and evolve in their own making. Witchcraft aka Thitching is the tool from which this

foundational awareness of the witches nature as beginning started. Of sound as well as tooled labor the spindel woman would "weave" string from fur of an animal that would be used for new cloth. This act has started the image of the object of life as we know it, "transformation from one nature to another," but staying within the lines of the new image to be and it is within this tool "the thitching machine" aka spindel that Magic(k)s nature of the witches design it it was born as in chores. The new witch mind became forged with Womanly Presences seeking to became the artisans of this new in "teacher of it".... but took Second place to those of the Ecletic Priestly design "whom hunted and pushed at any whom in "womanly wisdom tried to add to society as a whole. The Man of the Magic(k)'s of their day refused to allow the freedom of womanly answers until later on as "women of sight" joined a Priestesses to their design..... The Root is greatful to these lost teachers, because if it wasnt for their misguided seeking of mysterious natures... Witchcraft as the world knows it would have been destroyed by the Ecletic Priestly Elitist (Occult orders as you know them this day). Because with a pen and a bit of ink, they became the writers of the lies, that would hide the very Arts they sought to become offered into. and in such natural design the witch as she would be years later, would eventually get to a place where their secrets was her ownRexamined again of course but this time by the witches eye. Throughout this Book, you will be seeing that the elemental natures have helped to shape and transform the magick of the witch. Do not take for granted what is being offered to you because when it goes away so will the secrets.....

The (Zodiac) the Modern kiddy witch maps, the world by Astrology, but to those of the witches mind need only look inward for their future. Witchcraft isnt the understanding of the stars and the tools of the modern shaman, and or druid. Instead it is the ever reaching powers of change and sensation created by way of symbolism and tools...that comes from the very life of the earth and energies of the sun, forces of the wind and the connection to the sounds of the moon. It is here that the stars will begin to reveal their mysterious messages to the Root Ones and then all things will be possible. The Root only uses the stars to map the ones whom they will understand later, and in this We developed as secret art of Reading...the soul.. I shall reveal this now TEMPERAL PROGNOSTICATION When you wanted to know the future for another you need only do what it is we do.If someones birthdate made them a

Leo in the astrological chart then when you read them if they was born early in the day, then you move THREE astrological signs ahead of the leo sign. If they was born later on in the night or eve then they are THREE astrological signs after the leoSorry to tell you how and why we do this is to break my trust and I wont do it here as of yet. When you use this tool you get to see what the future of this person truly is, and what emotional natures they may have to look forward to, its a great tool however it can be fooled (misread) if it is a Witch your trying to read, or someone of great energy...... Why, well read on and see..........

Fire, Water, Earth, and Air for those whom dont know soon will share The prize of living and pangs of truth as one begins too tap the root

For all will know you as, you truly will see as one begin to climb with thee When you entered your will is thin, until you solve what ye will find within Begin in the center and spin all to three as ye say it SO SHALL IT BE A poem "about the nature of witchcraft" (first line is about all the elements are as they say they are no matter how you add it up this is what you will work with in the end). (next line) if you seek to enter with a good heart then you will gain, if you aren't what you say expect the circle during the ritual to (magic(k)al kick you out.... (and next) because to do the ritual reveals the truth of why you seek witchcraft or any other art within it... (and still next) meaning don't expect to learn it all in one day, and don't expect to have magic(k) just come to you, it will.....(as you grow) do, and practice.... (final line) step into the circle and work by the 3 elements of the beginnings...or just study their natures and apply them to yourself.... Fire, teacher of the fate guardian of the one whom has mastered their own will, it will serve the one whom calls on it at the time they enter the gate and then helps them become the one whom calls all the others...... Water, Guider of the spirit, it will offer you the sensations of emotional caring and connection to the living and the dead... it is here your mind must mature for without it you can not charge yourself by the energy of this element and without charge you will be lost in the energy of the universal circle and its endings...Limbo

Earth, Teacher of all things and teller of non (more about this being later) when called to serve as a tool in your workings, earth will form messages in your mind, to begin to speak and understand the times and things that you see... and eventually become the next force you command as you open the gate to get the true rewards of the circle. Air, Guide of the mind and teacher to the sighted skills of the age of the eye, you will see your will done "like hypnotics" in others and they will shape their will to yours, you will walk open in the day and night without image (as if invisible) and in the end it will be the will to shape the shape any mind.........

The Duel Ways: It is here you fight your own soul (in the form of a shadow) from the bridge of the mind to the circles real space, to travel through both planes.... the living will want to share and shape and the dead will, wants to call you to them, so in both forms of these planes be aware... You will want to bring back rewards and peace, to each their designs and existances..... But They will tear you apart "mentally" as in stress, if you try to go beyond your own borders as you will be learn, and leave nothing of yourself. For they are both the

sign, and sight, that you sought as a Witch.... To be able to understand and connect with them. you need only bask in the circles shadow, a power caters when one is in the ritual of calling..."taught as you advance".......but as one not in their natures as of yet, it will just EMPTY you (as in make you feel that way) and with you this way they get nothing done and so do youSo be aware of your will, and the wills that press on it by outside changes, because they don't seek to harm you but to help you understand the bridge, and once you crossed it. Forever is your will over thereawaiting your return. Now to be on either bridge is to give of yourself as in letting go, and you must if you want in...... Life is full of power and flavor and it requires you to give at times, of life in return to share in its rewards... In the past one was said to give of blood so that they may travel to another plane of existance, but that was a lie about this road/practice. It is your sexual energy and your connection to this energy that is required for you to bridge this gap(if you are in such rituals of personal design as required to the advancement of the physical arts....). Your Body is a Tool that when it is tuned it as in energy or awareness, will then begin to collect the required wisdom needed to advance into the worlds beyond. But to get this tool tuned on properly, it requires you to think not as a person but as a plant..of the very earth we stand upon. A simple little plant that requires the three ingredients of living. Dirt for food, Water for drinking, and Light for growth... Well the dirt is offered in the words and the practices of your Art...and the light is offered in the will of your spirit to want the change or charge your existance in the circle. So what is left is the water.........

Water is the liquid based energy that in magickal arts of Thitching becomes the contract union and connection to the powers of the womanly heart, aka nature of the witch in female, and the key to the existence of Life as one. It is this that must be sacrificed, to the goddess and the forces of the elementals to show your truly here for the rewards, and not just seeking to feel like something outside your standard five senses connect to that you have no idea of or what it isto be apart of. For a Male, water is the tool to advance the mind by way of "drinking and or partaking of the secrets within the ceremonial cup/goblet and sometimes the "womanly powers in (personal) rituals, which will be spoken of later on"...... To tune you have TWO forms of expression Sola and Deul In SOLA (female workings) , "Our secret coven word for "self", you use the energy of yourself and you arouse yourself (sexually, either massage or more...) before the lights of the candles will or cut circle into the ground by your ritual blade...and prepare yourself there. This is so you will produce the liquid that will be used to mark your person, and or others, or the candles, or whatever is needed as the arts advance on beyond the "physical training"... However in Sola "you" in the beginning are not required to do this as your enterance, if its spiritual training only, (as for male workings) sola is more about a witches marking on them with this liquid, then they performing this ritual by themselves..." (however if you are wishing to enter without the essense of the "goddess" then incenses and wax (fire) will only be required, as witchcraft is bold and taboo'ish to most....However again if you wish to enter fully as "one" you will only be Accepted into the secrets of the elemental candles wills as a visitor..until you make a "physical" connection to the bridge of the spectrums lessons here within and walk the get the Full measure of

your Existance and features of the witches mind (so eventual you may need to do both) The "Male" side of the art is about recieving the "skill and blessings if you will of the other "sex" as in female goddess," It is because you can arrouse yourself all you want, but your doing it in vain....for that was a "subsitute to one whom practied an "homosexual theology" of cultivation of (primal energy) and trying to remove once again the goddess from her rightful place as helper to the "male consort to mage to be...." Lets face the fact "witchcraft is a female design", it is a cultivation of their biology and mastery...."as a student of all forms of witchcraft and now the Text writer here, I can honestly say, it has never changed even as i was "TAUGHT THE ROOT", Accept it or not, in time it will be found to be the only truth left to you....... (more answers to this as we mover farther in). In DEUL you will by virtue of a partner in the arts with you, will mix and arouse and even if needed take into union and join...(all in respect and acceptance of this practices on both sides equally)... By doing this you will share in the advancing will of both the seen and the shadowed images in both each others eyes and body... By virtue of the Deul Nature (another word in the arts translated " unioned") Meaning two of the same type energies that serve the symbol and or nature of the ritual alone...This isn't an open love You can become a fully aware of witch as a being, and witchcraft as an art....and see and join with the secrets of the nature of lifes forfilling within the root......(as lessons of the past taught). You Reader need not fully enter these ways, but merely explore the truth of them. Because as you grow in knowledge of this book so will it grow in knowledge of you, and even if you don't,

practice anything in this book....She the goddess will reward you for your search, by advancing your growth along the road, you see for yourself.... (The lessons within this book are for the ones whom, are more physically in touch with their journey, but you are also learning about their secrets, and will share in this Education, Re-education that for so many years remained in the dark...or did it? In the Universe there is both sides of the Natures Active as well as Inactive... It is these forces that will help and shape your witchery and even advance you into much more as you read these very pages. It is of common note that such things as in sexual expression are Taboo. But these messages was setup by those that fear and doubted themselves, and the (voices) of others they wanted to share this secret with. Because of the doubts of the modern world threaten to unhinge the witches aka rooting Union of all living natures as wellWhen we enter into a Taboo secret, its not because its recorded as wrong, "fully". Its because it is mature in the ideal that if it was with Adult aquired mindsets in its would be allowed openly, However being educated in the need and desire to do such in a "physical ritual"and not just invisioning it in a meditative state... scares those whom are not what they say, and want the easy way to get in..... Sadly because it was strange or mysterious it would be common practice privately... It is because of modern fear not to "openly" express what we discovery and or re-learn... Im not telling you try all the taboos as you see them, just trying to state that as one of a Taboo marked ideal "Witchcraft" as in the magick practices, devoid of the "K" of modern creation.... it is simply a mystery that others want to setup as a lost chapter to time. So as to give this "Older" expression of practice a new make over for the masses..... lets move on. Nature and just don't mean care about one own "path or design", but Truthfully wanting to see

it openly. Others whom basic(k) magic(k) call "outsiders" make up the re-creation of their awareness, not fully knowing that it will eventually "become them" and then say Well there is nothing here, lets make it up as we go...... You wiccan practicing others know of what I speak of..... Well lets move on...... Below is the example of the Markings used in Ritual, at the time one is brought into the Circles of the Root.....these will unveil the powers of the elements and the keys to their uses on the physical body...(please don't tattoo them on your person) many want to....i find... As I stated before I will show you are keys but not the door unless you join as I did, Sorry my Oath to the Root Stands......

Common as these symbols are none seem devoid of the messages that the Root has grown to understand them by. The

same can be said as for most older Witchcraft models, They seem to understand as we have been aware of these for a long our workings... These are the true tuning keys of existence. At the Head is the key to the birth of all, when designed it was one of the five keys that was understood, and is the secret message of the angelic arts, but overtime it has become the connection to the elemental secrets of Air. On the left hand is the Gate way of Earth/Fire. a secret that even witchcraft is just beginning to learn to master as a symbol, and is an advancement from the Ankh that would be there on the beginner, as it was written on me by my witchery teacher aka highpriestess.... but for the sake of unity, doesnt as a symbol serve fully the message of the roots design in men so i placed this symbol as well... ever since then the Roots secrets have been funneled though that the outer circle as you will learn in time....(remember i can't give it all away). On the right hand is the "all seeing eye" remember your looking at this picture oposite yourself (as if in a mirror) and when apart of your person you will change and be able to shadow as well as see the thoughts yet to come.... It becomes a pain after a bit because it is quite powerful as a sygil aka symbol, but in time as you are marked with the sigils you too will control them easily...(this symbol is denoted as water). In the middle of the chest is the symbol denoted as the upwards triangle it is this symbol that will change as you grow and adopt more the secrets of witchery... however until then. This symbol unifies your spirit without boundries of both sexes and that makes you now able to share in the wisdom of both sexes.... To know more on this you have to advance from abit farther from the witches design alone, because "witch"

education and or lessons don't explain why...(remember they keep alot more secret, then even they know, "long story"). But it also serves to open the gate to the will of the mages natures. Here however it is used merely as a key on a witch of priestess design. This to was replaced as a symbol to its true "one", the iota of ancient greek design. The Iota symbol brings any whom call on it, the powers of mirror, and with it they become pleasing to any whom look at them, but on a witch of skill its can be much more. Secrets of the external circle that even witches don't fully understand are here as well. At the belly a few inches from the button, is the next of the witches wisdom sigils explained as the Druid symbol for Water (the swirl) it is not, it is the symbol of an older class of nature. And on the witch the spiral as it is called, will become the tool from which, the witch can then collect from others of the cultures they encounter "the secret inner nature of "witchcraft as an Art". It the sygil commands the body to learn and to advance that learning and a bit more... On the front of the left leg is the symbol of the Witches Ax. It is here that the witch gets her protection and the ability to defy nature at times. To strike back at those that attack her or them in "witchcraft".... This symbol isnt a toy and is way older then you could imagine. However its value as a symbol to use is a contract and bond that connects you to the root by the Goddess...(long story), and if you break it then it will make you wish you didnt... Symbols truly can't make you do a thing and can't fully harm you. HOWEVER you sware an oath a promise or any other bond, and it can then... (because you are putting your energy as a form of connection to this bond) and will suffer if you aren't truthful.... On the front of the right leg is the symbol of the Stone Gateway, it is this stone imagery that is going to make you

visible as a witch, or magick user or anything that serves in "aware". It is this Sygil that marks all others whom are dedicated to seek it out, for they will come future seekers. For you however it is merely your contract to serve, "a freely given request" by you as to have a home in the wisdom offered to you..... To work in the root as a guide/more.... and become one with its secrets. All these symbols, aka sigils are written in ink at the time of ritual... and then after you bath they will fall away, but they still will be there in image "as if ghostly, invisible writings". So as you meet others and see their soul, It will shape your magickal world. (PLEASE DONT TATOO THEM!!) You might not like the nightly attention you might get.......

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