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Year 12 AS Level Chemistry

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Questions on Kinetics 2.3



The diagram below shows the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve for a sample of gas at a fixed temperature. Ea is the activation energy for the decomposition of this gas.

Number of molecules with a given energy




On the diagram sketch the distribution curve for the sample of gas at a higher temperature.


What is the effect of an increase in temperature on the rate of chemical reaction? Explain your answer with reference to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Effect ... Explanation .


What is the effect of the addition of a catalyst on the rate of chemical reaction? Explain your answer with reference to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Effect ... Explanation . (9) TOTAL 9 marks



Below is a Maxwell-Boltzmann curve showing the distribution of molecular energies for a sample of gas at a temperature T

(i) (ii)

Label the axis on the diagram above. What does the area under the curve represent? .


State why the curve starts at the origin. . (4)



State what is meant by the term activation energy. .


The rate of a chemical reaction may be increased by an increase in reactant concentration, by an increase in temperature and by the addition of a catalyst.

State which, if any, of these changes involves a different activation energy. Explain your answer. Change(s) .. Explanation . (5) TOTAL 9 marks 3. (a) Give the meaning of the term catalyst. . (2) (b) Explain in general terms how a catalyst works. . (c) In an experiment, two moles of gas W reacted completely with solid Y to form one mole of gas Z as shown in the equation. 2W (g) + Y (s) Z (g).

The graph below shows how the concentration of Z varied with time at constant temperature




On the axis above sketch a curve to show how the concentration of W would change with time in the same experiment. Label this curve W.


On the same axis above, sketch a curve to show how the concentration of Z would change with time if the reaction were to be repeated under the same conditions but in the presence of a catalyst. Label this curve Z.


In terms of the behaviour of particles, explain why the rate of this reaction decreases with time. (2) TOTAL 10 marks



An excess of calcium carbonate was added to some hydrochloric acid in a flask on a balance which was immediately set to zero. The mass reading on the balance was then recorded over a period of time. Other similar experiments were performed at the same temperature and the results were shown below.
0 5 Reading on balance 4


The reaction of lumps of calcium carbonate with 100 cm3 of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid gave curve 4. Which one of the curves, Labelled 1-5 could have been produced using the following mixtures? Each curve may be used once only. (i) 100 cm3 of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid with finely powered calcium carbonate . (ii) 50 cm3 of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid with lumps of calcium carbonate. . (iii) 50 cm3 of 0.2 M hydrochloric acid with lumps of calcium carbonate? . (3)


A large excess of zinc was added to 100 cm3 of 0.2 M hydrochloric acid. After the reaction had ended, 240 cm3 of hydrogen has been formed. In three further experiments, extra substances were added to the original mixture as shown in the table below. Fill in the table to show the total volume of hydrogen formed in each experiment and the qualitative effect of these additions on the initial rate of reaction compared to the original experiment.

Substances added to an excess of zinc and 100 cm3 of 0.2 M hydrochloric acid 100cm3 water l0g zinc 50 cm3 0.2 M hydrochloric acid

Volume of hydrogen/cm3

Effect on initial rate of reaction

(6) TOTAL 9 marks 5. (a) Explain the term rate of reaction . (1) (b) Explain, in terms of the collision theory, why the rate of reaction decreases as time increases (3)


Explain why the rate of reaction between magnesium and dilute hydrochloric acid is increases much more by changing the magnesium from powder than by doubling the concentration of the acid. (2) TOTAL 6 marks

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