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Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing


Module 1

Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing


1.1 Types of extinguishers Portable fire extinguishers can be divided into five categories according to the extinguishing medium they contain, namely: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Water Foam Powder Halon Carbon dioxide

Extinguishers are normally operated by the use of gas pressure in the upper part of the container which forces the extinguishing medium out through a nozzle. The required pressure is produced by one of the following methods: a. Chemical reaction Two (or more) chemicals are allowed to react to produce an expellent gas when the operating mechanism is actuated. (Not commonly used). b. Gas cartridge The pressure is produced by means of compressed (or more commonly) liquified gas released from a gas cartridge fitted into the extinguisher. c. Stored pressure The expellent gas is stored with the extinguishing medium in the body of the extinguisher which is thus permanently pressurized. In the case of carbon dioxide extinguishers, the expellent gas itself is the extinguishing medium. To summarise, portable fire extinguishers may be classified by contents and by method of operation as shown in Table 1. The ticks indicate which combinations of types may be found.
Table 1


Chemical Gas Cartridge

CONTENTS Water Foam a a a a

Powder a



Module 1

Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

OPERATION Stored pressure a 1.2 Performance requirements A. Rating of extinguishers

Extinguishers are given a rating denoting their extinguishing performance on class A and/or class B fires, according to the results of fire tests prescribed in SS 232:1980. 1. Class A Fires For those extinguishers recommended for use on Class A fires (fires involving solid materials normally of an organic nature), the Standard provides for a series or wooden crib test fires. The cribs are of a standard height and width, but have varying lengths. An extinguisher is given a Class A rating corresponding to the largest standard wooden test crib fire that it can extinguish, e.g. a rating of 27A means that it is capable of extinguishing a standard Class A test fire 2.7m in length. 2. Class B Fires Class B fires are fires involving flammable liquids, solvents, oils, paints, thinner and flammable gases. 3. Class C Fires Class C fires are fires involving live electrical equipment like electrical mains, transformers and electrical appliances etc., and where extinguishing medium used must be electrically non-conducive. (If the electrical equipment is de-energized, extinguishers for Class A and B can be used). 4. Class D Fires Class D fires are fires involving combustible materials e.g. potassium, magnesium, titanium, sodium, lithium and zirconium.

Module 1

Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

Minimum Extinguisher Rating 3A 5A 8A 13A 21A 27A 34A 43A 55A

Maximum Floor Area to be Covered (m) Low Hazard Ordinary Hazard Occupancy Occupancy 120 60 200 100 320 160 520 260 840 420 1080 540 1360 680 1720 860 2200 1100

High Hazard Occupancy 315 405 510 645 825

Footnote: The maximum floor area to be covered by a unit of A is 40 m2 for the low hazard occupancy, 20 m2 for the ordinary hazard occupancy and 15 m2 for the high hazard occupancy.
Table 2: Minimum sizes of fire extinguishers for Class A Hazards

Type of Hazard Low

Medium High

Basic minimum extinguisher rating 8B 13B 34B 70B 144B

Maximum Travel distance to extinguishers (m) 3 5 10 15 15

Note: The specified ratings do not imply that fires of the magnitudes indicated by these ratings will occur, but rather to give the operators more time and agent to handle difficult spill fires that may occur. Table 3: Travel distance to extinguishers for different hazards

Module 1

Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

Capacity/ Types of fire extinguishers

Minimum ratings to which fire extinguisher should be tested 3A/8B 5A/13B 8A/21B 13A/34B 3A/13B 5A/21B 8A/21B 13A/34B 21A/55B 21A/70B -/21B -/70B -/8B -/21B 13A/13A/34B 9A/34B

1.5 kg BCF 2.5 kg BCF 4.5 kg BCF 5.4 kg BCF 1 kg ABC Dry Powder (Mono Ammonia Base) 1.13 kg as above2.5 kg as above4.5 kg as above6 kg as above9 kg as above1 kg BC Dry Powder (Potassium Bicarbonate) 9 kg BC Dry Powder (Sodium Bicarbonate) 3.2 kg CO2 4.5 kg CO2 9 litre water 9 litre Foam (AFFF) 9 litre Foam (Fluoro Protrin)


Other requirements. a. Weight The total weight of a fully-charged extinguisher should not exceed 20 kg. This is considered to be the maximum weight that a person can carry satisfactorily and use effectively. b. Operating mechanism Extinguishers should operate by piercing, opening and/or breaking a sealing device, without the need for inversion as in some older types. It should be apparent whether or not the extinguisher has been operated. Extinguishers should include a device to prevent inadvertent operation, and a controllable discharge facility to enable the discharge to be interrupted.

Module 1

Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

c. Hose and nozzles Extinguishers with a nominal charge of more than 3 kg or 3 litres should not be fitted with a discharge hose and nozzle, the length of which should not be less than 80% of that of the extinguisher body. The hose should not be under pressure until the extinguisher is operated. d. Marking of extinguishers-----SS 232:1980.


Classification of Hazards a) Low Hazard Where the amount of combustibles or flammable liquids present is such that fires of small size may be expected and these may include offices, classrooms, places of worship, assembly halls and domestic kitchens. b) Medium Hazard Where the amount of combustibles or flammable liquids present is such that fires of moderate size may be expected and these may include storage and display areas, motor showrooms, covered car parks, light-industry premises, warehouses not classified as high hazard, shopping areas, laboratories, small painting areas and commercial kitchens. c) High Hazard Where the amount of combustibles and flammable liquids present is such that fires of severe magnitude may be expected and these may include exhibition areas, furniture showrooms, wood working premises, vehicle repair workshops, aircraft hangars, warehouses with high-bay (4 m or higher) storage and processes such as flammable liquid handling, paint and dipping.


Siting a) Extinguishers shall be conspicuously located in positions where they will be readily accessible and immediately available in the event of fire. Preferably they shall be located near to room exits, corridors, stairways, lobbies and landings. In large rooms, and in certain

Module 1

Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

locations where visual obstruction cannot be completely avoided, signs shall be provided to indicate the location. b) Extinguishers provided to deal with special risks shall be sited near to the risk concerned, but not too near as to be inaccessible in case of fire. If the special risk is contained in a confined space, it is generally advisable to position the extinguisher outside that space. c) Extinguishers shall not be located in places where they may be exposed to unduly corrosive atmospheres or splashing by corrosive fluids. 1.6 Installation a) Extinguishers shall be mounted on walls by the hangers or brackets supplied. b) Cabinets, if permitted to house extinguishers, shall not be locked. Where extinguishers are subject to malicious use, locked cabinets may be used provided they include means of emergency access, e.g. a glass-fronted box to house key used to unlock fire extinguisher cabinet. Such key shall be located next to the cabinet or as part of the cabinet. c) If permitted by the relevant authority, free-standing extinguishers may be placed on shelves or on the floor if these extinguishers are designed for such form of placement. d) Extinguishers installed under conditions where they could be subject to dislodgement shall be installed in brackets specially designed to cope with this problem. e) Extinguishers installed under conditions where they could be subjected to physical damage shall be protected from possible impact. f) Extinguishers shall be installed so that the carrying handle of the extinguishers is not more than 1.50 m above the floor. g) Operating instructions as in accordance with SS232 shall be located on the front of the extinguisher. 1.7 Fire Extinguisher Size and Placement for Class B Fires in Flammable Liquids of Appreciable Depths. (Appreciable depths refers to flammable
liquid hazards having a depth greater than of 8 mm)

Module 1

Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

a) Portable fire extinguishers shall not be installed as the sole protection for flammable liquid hazards of appreciative depth where the surface exceeds 1 sq. m. b) For flammable liquid hazards of appreciable depth such as in dip or quench tanks, a Class B fire extinguisher shall be provided as follows: i) ii) 34B for surface area not exceeding 0.5 sq. m 70B for surface area not exceeding 1 sq. m

c) Travel distances for portable fire extinguishers shall not exceed 7 m. Scattered or widely separated hazards shall be individually protected. An extinguisher in the proximity of a hazard shall be carefully located so as to accessible in the presence of a fire without undue danger to the operator. 1.8 Class B Fire Extinguishers for pressurized Flammable Liquids and Gas Fires Travel distances for hand portable extinguishers used to protect pressurized flammable liquids or gas hazards shall not exceed 7 m. Caution: It is undesirable to attempt to extinguish this type of fire unless there is reasonable assurance that source of fuel can be promptly shut off.


Cooking Grease Fires An extinguisher which has at least a rating of 70B shall be selected for this type of hazard. As for bromochlorodifluoromethane (Halon 1211) extinguishers which are normally recommended for domestic kitchens, they should have a minimum rating of 8B. Such extinguishers shall be located at a safe distance away from the potential hazard area and shall have a distance of not more than 7m.


Three-Dimensional Class B Fires The travel distance for portable fire extinguisher provided for threedimensional Class B shall not exceed 7 m.

Module 1

Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing


Fire Extinguisher Size and Placement for Class D Hazards. Extinguishers with Class C ratings shall be required where energized electrical equipment may be encountered. This will include fire either directly involving or surrounding electrical equipment. Since the fire itself is a Class A and/or Class B hazard, this Class C fire extinguishers shall be sized and located on the basis of the anticipated Class A and/or Class B hazards. NOTE: Electrical equipment should be de-generalized as soon as possible to prevent re-ignition.


Fire Extinguisher Size and Placement for Class D Hazards Extinguishers or extinguishing agents with Class D ratings shall be provided for fires involving combustible metals. Extinguishing equipment shall be located in the vicinity of the Class D hazard. Size and determination shall be on the basis of the specific combustible metal, its physical particle size, area to be covered and recommendations on data from control tests conducted by the extinguisher manufacturer, subject to the approval of the relevant authority.

Module 1

Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing


6.1.1 General a) All buildings except Purpose Group I and inclusive of common areas of Purpose Group II shall be provided with portable fire extinguishers. b) Portable fire extinguishers where required to be provided shall be constructed in conformity with specifications stipulated under SS 232:1980 Specification for Portable Extinguishers. c) All portable fire extinguishers where required to be provided shall be charged, tested and maintained in fully operational conditions and properly tagged in conformity with requirements in SS CP55: Code of Practice for Use and Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers. 6.1.2 Type, size and siting Classification of portable fire extinguishers provided shall be selected in accordance with criteria specified under the relevant SS CP such that the nature of processes and contents within the building concerned can be effectively protected. The size, quantity and siting of these portable fire extinguishers shall comply with the requirements in SS CP under the respective class of occupancy hazard. 6.1.3 Installation, marking Portable fire extinguishers provided shall be installed and conspicuously marked in accordance with requirements by SS CP.


Types of Extinguisher A1) Water (gas cartridge) extinguisher The water content of this plastic-lined cylinder is generally 9 or 6 litres and the expellent gas, usually CO2, is contained in a cartridge fitted inside the body of the extinguisher.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

The expellent liquid is pure water, although non-corrosive antifreeze compounds can be added. The operating pressure is in the region of 10 bar. Fig. 1 shows a typical example of this type of extinguisher where removal of a safety pin or plug and pressure on the operating lever causes a pressure disc on the cartridge to be pierced, and at the same time opens a control valve. The release of gas exerts pressure on the surface of the water, forcing it up the discharge tube and out through the hose and nozzle. The discharge can be controlled by the operating lever.


Water (stored pressure) extinguisher This is of similar construction to the gas-cartridge type and of similar capacities, the difference being that the whole container is pressurised (Fig. 2). Air or nitrogen is pumped into it through a special adaptor in the operating head until the pressure reaches about 10 bar. The extinguisher is operated by removing the safety pin or plug and squeezing the operating lever. This opens the control valve and allows the pressurized air to expel the water. Again, the discharge can be controlled by the lever.


Chemical foam extinguishers These have now largely been replaced by more modern types. The chemical reaction in the extinguisher produces a foam containing CO2 bubbles, and the gas pressure itself causes the discharge.


Self-aspirating foam extinguishers Here a foam solution (foam concentrate in water) is stored in a container, usually of 6 or 9 litres capacity, and is either discharged by a gas-cartridge of CO2 fitted in the body of the extinguisher (Fig) or by compressed air or nitrogen which has been pumped into the container. In both cases the solution is forced out through the delivery hose and aspirated by the specially designed branch, which is of the low-expansion type. Th operating pressure is usually about 10 bar. Operation is either by striker (Fig A) or lever to pierce the gas-cartridge pressure disc or, in the stored-pressure type, a lever to open a valve (Fig B). Extinguishers operated by a striker do not have a controllable discharge.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing


Powder extinguishers C1) General Powders used to extinguish or control fires are composed essentially of very small particles of an appropriate chemical or chemicals. These are treated with flow additives to give resistance to moisture absorption and caking during storage and to give a free flow when discharged through hoses and nozzles. Different chemicals are effective on different Classes of fire. Class A------solids (wood, paper, textiles etc.); Class B------flammable liquids, liquefiable solids; Class C------fires involving special hazards such as chemical and metal fires. (Other international standards). Powders are classified according to their potential application e.g. BC, ABC. C2) Types of Powder a) Class BC powders These powders extinguish fire mainly by means of a chemical reaction which inhibits flame propagation. The most effective powders for use against Class BC fires are based on the salts of the alkali metals. The chlorides and sulphates are effective, but relatively corrosive. In general, the most useful powders for Class BC fires have been found to be based on the bicarbonates of sodium and potassium, a particularly effective one being a complex combination of urea and potassium bicarbonate (Monnex). b) Class ABC (general purpose) powders These powders not only inhibit flame, like the BC type, but also suppress the smouldering type of combustion found in Class A fires. When applied to solid material, they form a crust over it by the action of heat on the powder. Oxygen is excluded and a smothering effect

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

obtained. This crust must be left undisturbed for the material to cool below its ignition temperature. The most popular Class ABC powder is based on mono ammonium phosphate. C3) Types of powder extinguishers Available in sizes ranging from 1 to 12 kg of powder content. The methods of expelling the powder from the container are similar to those of water and foam extinguishers, i.e. stored pressure or gas cartridge. a) Stored pressure type This type is pressurised in the same way as the corresponding type of water or foam extinguisher, i.e. air or nitrogen is pumped in until the fitted gauge (see Fig A) registers the required pressure. Operation requires the safety pin or plug to be removed and the lever squeezed. The flow of powder can be controlled by the lever. The pressurised gas, when released, fluidifies the powder and ejects it via a discharge tube and nozzle. The design of nozzle varies, some extinguishers having a fan-shaped type. Also in the larger models, the nozzle is at the end a short length of hose, whereas the smaller types have the nozzle directly attached to the operating head. Operating pressures vary from about 7.5 to 15 bar. b) Gas-cartridge type Extinguishers of this type have a suitable CO2 gas cartridge fitted inside the container. Following removal of the safety pin or plug, either (a) the knob on top is struck or (b) the lever is squeezed. In the case of (a) there is a squeeze-grip discharge control on the end of the delivery hose. On some models the CO2 when released from the cartridge, flows to the bottom of the container via a gas inlet tube (Fig B). This helps the powder to fluidify.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

D) D1)

Halon extinguisher Halons find their main application in their rapid knockdown effect on small or incipient class B or C fires, especially in confined spaces. In class A fires, they may be used but are much less efficient. They are electrically non-conductive, so are particularly safe to use on electrical or electronic equipment and cause little damage. It should be remembered that, because a halon has very little cooling effect on a fire (even less that of CO2), re-ignition can easily occur following its discharge from a portable extinguisher. Back-up supplies of halons or other suitable extinguishing media should therefore be available.


Types of extinguishers Portable halon extinguishers commonly range from 0.7 kg to 7 kg and are invariably of the stores-pressure type. They are normally pressurized to about 10 bar with dry nitrogen, to ensure efficient discharge. Most halon extinguishers have their discharge controlled by a lever (see Fig. A and Fig. B) but a few designs have a striker, which may or may not give a controllable discharge.


Carbon dioxide extinguishers E1) General characteristics of CO2. CO2 has a number of properties making it useful for extinguishing fire. It does not react with most substances, it provides its own pressure for discharge from an extinguisher and, since it emerges as a gas, it can penetrate to all parts of a fire area. It is a non-conductor of electricity and will not damage electronic equipment. Its uses are generally similar to those of the halons, except that it is not recommended for Class A fires. In comparison with halons, it is relatively non-toxic, and unlike halons, does not decompose in a fire, so it produces no toxic by-products. When liquid CO2 is released from a pressurised storage cylinder there is an extremely rapid expansion from liquid to gas which produces a refrigerating effect that converts part of the CO2 into snow (i.e. solid particles). This snow, which has a temperature of about -79C, soon sublimes (i.e.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

changes directly from solid to gas). This sublimation produces some cooling effect, but it is the smothering effect of the gas which is of primary importance in the extinguishing process. In general, 1 kg of liquid CO2 will produce about 0.5 m of free gas at atmospheric pressure. E2) Portable CO2 extinguishers CO2 extinguishers (Fig A and B) consist basically of a pressure cylinder, a control valve for releasing the gas, and a discharge horn for applying the gas onto the fire. On the smaller models the discharge horn is connected directly to the operating heads, whereas the larger sizes have a short pipe or flexible high-pressure hose and the discharge horn is connected to the end of the pipe or hose. The extinguisher must incorporate a relief device to prevent excessive pressure build-up; this can be seen in Fig B. The CO2 is retained in a liquid condition in the cylinder under about 56 bar pressure at normal temperature of 20C. The cylinder is usually filled with liquid CO2 to approximately two-thirds of its total capacity. A small amount of CO2 evaporates and fills up the top third of the cylinder, and it is this gas which acts as the expellent. The gas is released by first removing a safety pin and then operating the discharge lever. A discharge tube is fitted into the cylinder so that liquid CO2 from the bottom of the cylinder is released through the valve in the cylinder head. The valve should open quickly and provide a clear passage for the CO2. Expansion may commence in the flexible hose, if fitted, most cases take place in the discharge horn. The main purpose of the discharge horn is to stop the entrainment of air with CO2 gas by reducing the velocity of the gas. Without this horn, the jet of CO2 gas and air would act like a blow-torch and increase the intensity of the fire.


Use of CO2 extinguishers Portable CO2 extinguishers are often installed in kitchens, in hotels and large restaurants, and fish-frying establishments, since CO2 does not contaminate the frying oil when discharged onto it. The same precautions should be taken when handling them as with any other compressed gas cylinder.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

The discharge horn should be directed at the heart of the fire, starting at one edge and sweeping across the surface of the burning material. It should be noted that the discharged range of a CO2 extinguisher is fairly limited. If it is necessary to use such an extinguisher in the open air, the operator should stand up-wind of the fire and apply the gas in a down-wind direction, as close as possible to the fire. After a CO2 extinguisher has been used indoors and the fire extinguished, the room should be adequately ventilated. Owing to the intense cold generated on discharge, the gas should not be directed onto exposed parts of the body, nor should the cylinder, hose or discharge horn be held with the bare hands except where a handgrip is provided on the horn. Other points which may be mentioned are: 1) The gas makes a considerable noise during discharge and, if the fireman has not used such an extinguisher before, the sound may take him off his guard and cause him to misdirect the jet for the first vital seconds. CO2 issues from the extinguisher in the form of a very dense vapour which, in a confined space, will impair visibility considerably. Since CO2 has no substantial cooling effect on the burning materials, it is essential that a CO2 extinguisher always be backed up with additional CO2 extinguishers or other media, in case reignition should occur. CO2 extinguishers should be sent to the manufacturers or other specialist firms for recharging.





Maintenance Procedure Annual maintenance should include a thorough examination of the three basic elements of an extinguisher: a) Mechanical Parts

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

b) Extinguishing Agents and c) Means of expulsion Detailed maintenance procedures are described in Appendix B of CP55:1991.


Selection of Extinguishers To consider: A. Physical Conditions that Affect Selection 1) Gross Weight In the selection of an extinguisher, the physical ability of the user should be contemplated. When the hazard exceeds the capability of a hand portable extinguisher, wheeled extinguishers or fixed systems should be considered. 2) Corrosion In some extinguisher installations, there exists a possibility of exposing the extinguisher to a corrosive atmosphere. When this is the case, consideration should be given to providing the extinguishers so exposed with proper protection or providing extinguishers that have been found suitable for used in these conditions. 3) Agent Reaction The possibility of adverse reactions, contamination, or other effects of an extinguishing agent on either manufacturing processes or on equipment, or both, should be considered in the selection of an extinguisher. 4) Wheeled Units When wheeled extinguishers are used, consideration should be given to the mobility of the extinguisher within the area in which it will be used. For outdoor locations, the use of proper rubber-tired or widerimmed wheel designs should be considered according to terrain. For indoor locations, the size of doorways and passages should be large enough to permit ready passage of the extinguisher.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

5) Wind and Draft If the hazard is subject to winds or draft, the use of extinguishers and agents having sufficient range to overcome these conditions should be considered. 6) Availability of Personnel Consideration should be given to the number of persons available to operate the extinguishers, the degree of training provided, and the physical capabilities of the operator.


Health and Safety Conditions that Affect Selection 1) Halogenated agent-type extinguishers contain agents whose vapour has a low toxicity. However, their decomposition products can be hazardous. When using these extinguishers in unventilated places, such as small rooms, closets, motor vehicles, or other confined spaces, operators and others should avoid breathing the gases produced by thermal decomposition of the agent. 2) Carbon dioxide extinguishers contain an extinguishing agent that will not support life when used in sufficient concentration to extinguish a fire. The use of this type of extinguisher in an unventilated space can dilute the oxygen supply. Prolonged occupancy of such spaces can result in loss of consciousness due to oxygen deficiency. 3) Extinguishers such as the water-type presents a shock hazard if used on fires involving energized electrical equipment. 4) Extinguishers not for rated Class C hazards (water, antifreeze, soda acid, loaded stream, AFFF, wetting agent, foam and carbon dioxide with metal horns) present a shock hazard if used on fires involving energized electrical equipment. 5) Dry chemical extinguishers, when used in a small unventilated area, may reduce visibility for a period of up to several minutes. Dry chemical, discharged in an area, may also clog filters in air-cleaning systems. 6) Most fires produce toxic decomposition products of combustion and some materials may produce highly toxic gases. Fires may also consume available oxygen or produce dangerously high exposure to convected or radiated heat. All of

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Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

these may affect the degree to which a fire can be safely approached with extinguishers. C) Selection by Hazard Extinguishers shall be selected for the specific class(es) of hazards to be protected in accordance with the following sub-divisions. 1) Extinguishers, for protecting Class A hazards shall be selected from the following: water, anti-freeze, soda-acid, foam, aqueous film forming foam (AFFF), wetting agent, multipurpose dry chemical, Halon 1211, and Halon 1211/1301. 2) Extinguishers for protection of Class B hazards shall be selected from the following: aqueous film forming foam (AFFF), carbon dioxide, fry chemical types, foam, and halogenated agent types. 3) Extinguishers for protection of Class C and electrical fire hazards shall be selected from the following: carbon dioxide, dry chemical types and halogenated agent types. 1.16 Ventilation Controlled Fires Fire in room with limited openings for ventilation is ventilation controlled as the increase in vent openings would increase the rate of fire. 1.17 Fuel Controlled Fires Fires in rooms with large openings is fuel controlled as the amount and configuration of fuel affects the rate of fire.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing



232 : 1994
(ICS 13.220.30)

CP 55 : 1991
(UDC 614.845)



Portable Fire Extinguishers

Use and Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers

Published by Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research

Published by Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS 6.1.1 General a) All purpose groups, except Purpose Group I and II (Residential floors) shall be provided with portable fire extinguishers. b) Portable fire extinguishers where required to be provided shall be constructed in conformity with specifications stipulated under SS 232 Specification for Portable Extinguishers. c) All portable fire extinguishers where required to be provided shall be charged, tested and maintained in fully operational conditions and properly tagged in conformity with requirements in SS CP 55 Code of Practice for Use and Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers. 6.1.2 Classification of portable fire extinguishers provided shall be selected in accordance with criteria specified under SS CP 55 such that the nature of processes and contents within the building concerned can be effectively protected. The size, quantity and siting of these portable fire extinguishers shall comply with the requirements in SS CP 55 under the respective class of occupancy hazard. 6.1.3 Portable fire extinguishers provided shall be installed and conspicuously marked in accordance with requirements by SS CP 55.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

Fire Extinguishing Agents 1 Water

a) General The great majority of fires are extinguished by the use of water. A hose delivery of a solid stream or a spray. A sprinkler system or a water spray system. The use of water in wet/dry and hose reel systems. b) Extinguishing Properties of Water Traditionally, the principal method of extinguishing fires has been to direct a solid stream of water into the base of a fire. A more efficient method is to apply water in a spray form over a fire Principles of extinguishment of fire by water: cooling & smothering c) Advantages ! At ordinary temperature, water is a heavy and relatively stable liquid. ! Water has high specific heat capacity (4.2 kJ/kg K). ! Water also has good latent heat of vaporization (2255 kJ/kg of heat at atmospheric pressure) ! When water is converted to steam, its volume increases by about 1600 times. (This large volume of steam displaces an equal volume of air surrounding a fire, thus reducing the volume of air available to sustain combustion) ! Water is cheap. ! Water is readily available.

d) Disadvantages ! Water in its natural state contains impurities that make water conductive. If water is applied to fires involving LIVE electrical equipment, a continuous circuit might be formed which would conduct electricity back to the applier and cause a shock. ! Generally water should not be used on fires involving combustible (burning) metals as an explosion may occur. ! Water should not be used continuously on radioactive substances. ! Water should also not be used on chemicals as reaction might release flammable gases and heat. ! If more water is applied than necessary, surplus will drain off, seep through floors and cause more damage to goods and properties.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

Carbon Dioxide

a) General Carbon dioxide has been used for many years in the extinguishment of flammable liquids, gas fires and fires involving electrically energized equipment and to a lesser extent, on ordinary combustibles, such as paper, cloth, etc. b) Extinguishing Properties of Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide is effective primarily because it reduces the oxygen content of the atmosphere by dilution to a point where the atmosphere no longer will support combustion. As carbon dioxide is discharged it boils (vaporizes) off rapidly as a gas, extracting heat from the surrounding atmosphere. It is also used for smothering a fire. c) Advantages ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Non combustible. Non conductive of electricity. Does not react with most substances. Non toxic. No residue. It is a gas and can penetrate and spread to all parts of the fire area. Easily liquefied and bottled under pressure.

d) Disadvantages (Limitations) ! Use of carbon dioxide on general fires is limited mostly by: low cooling capacity, enclosure incapable of retaining extinguishing atmosphere. ! For deep seated fires. A high concentration and much longer holding time are required for complete extinguishment . ! Gas is not visible. Leaking of gas might cause suffocating atmosphere. Dangerous for human beings. ! Carbon dioxide should not normally be used in occupied spaces unless arrangements can be made to assure evacuation before discharge. The same restriction applies to spaces where personnel might be present sometimes for maintenance or other purposes.

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Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing


a) General Halons (Halogenated agents) are hydrocarbons in which one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by atoms from the halogen series: Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine. This substitution confers Non-Flammability as well as flame extinguishment properties to many of the resulting compounds (BCF, BTM). Halons are used widely in portable extinguishers and in fixed total flooding systems. b) Extinguishing Properties A chemical reaction occurs which interfere with the combustion process. Exposure of heat of fire fractures the C-BR bonding. The Bromine element combines with highly reactive H+ radicals present in combustion. The Hydrogen Bromide then reacts with OH+ radicals, also always present in combustion chain reaction. The final release of free bromine permits re-entry into fire to continue process. These reactions cause rapid flame extinguishment. F F C F Br H+ HBr OH+ Br (process repeated) Steam

c) Advantages ! Non conductive of electricity. ! Non-injurious to delicate electronic equipment. ! Not messy. d) Disadvantages ! Expensive ! Halons contribute to reductions in OZONE layer in earths upper atmosphere (more severe than CFCs used in HVAC equipment). It also acts as GREENHOUSE gas trapping heat in atmosphere causing GREENHOUSE EFFECT (Global Warming). Montreal Protocal limits the use of Halons by a certain year. ! Toxicity (Limit by its concentration and exposure time).

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

4 Dry Powder a) General Powders used to extinguish or control fires are composed essentially of very small particles of an appropriate chemical or chemicals. Different chemicals are effective on different classes of fire. Powders are classified according to their potential applications, i.e. AB, ABC. [ABC: mono ammonium/ AB: Bicarbonates of sodium & potassium] Used commonly in portable fire extinguishers. b) Extinguishing Properties Powder forms a barrier to reduce the oxygen content for sustainable combustion. A crust is formed over the burning material by the action of heat on the powder. This crust enables the material to cool and thus retard the burning. c) Advantages ! ! ! ! Effective for fires involving plastics, burning metal. Give quick knock-down. When applied, cloud screens flames, enables close attack to be made on fire. Forms a radiant heat barrier.

d) Disadvantages ! Very messy, not suitable for electronic equipment.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

SS232:1994 Class A Location: Sheltered from draughts Does not impede the natural development of test fire of effective firefighting Wind speed > 1 m/s Procedure: Add fuel/water to 8 mm depth Ignite 2 min later, withdraw tray Burn a further 6 min Extinguish the fire Requirement: All flames extinguished No recurrence of flaming for 3 min after complete discharge of extinguisher Test criteria: Two out extinguishers CLASS B Location: Same as above Procedure: Add fuel/water as specified Ignite Burn for 1 min Operate extinguisher fully for 5 s Thereafter, use continuously or in bursts Requirement: All flames extinguished No recurrence Min 5 mm of fuel in tray
Dimensions are in millimetres.

Front view identical for all test fires Dimensions are in millimetres

Class A test fire front view



Class A test fire side view showing a 13A fire

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

Dimensions of class A test fires Designation of test fire 3A 5A 8A 13A 21A (27A) 34A (43A) 55A Number of 500 mm wooden sticks Length of test fire (m) in each transverse layer 3 0.3 5 0.5 8 0.8 13 1.3 21 2.1 (27) (2.7) 34 3.4 (43) (4.3) 55 5.5

Dimensions of class B test fires Designation of test fire Minimum of volume of Fuel Water Fuel and (L) (L) water (L) 8 10 15 25 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250 325 400 3 3 6 9 15 20 29 38 44 58 83 96 127 154 210 11 13 21 34 55 70 89 113 144 183 233 296 377 479 610 Dimensions of test fire tray Diameter Depth (measured (mm) at rim) (mm) 100 10 560 10 720 10 150 10 920 10 150 10 1170 10 150 10 1480 15 150 10 (1670) 15 (150) 10 1890 20 200 15 2130 20 (200) 15 2400 25 200 15 (2710) 25 (200) 15 3050 30 200 15 (3440) 30 (200) 15 3880 40 200 15 (4380) 45 (200) 15 4940 50 200 15

8B 13B 21B 34B 55B (70B) 89B (113B) 144B (183B) 233B (296B) 377B (479B) 610B

Nominal thickness of walls (mm) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 (2.5) 2.5 (2.5) 2.5 (2.5) 2.5 (2.5) 3.0 (3.0) 3.0

Approximate area of fire (m2) 0.25 0.41 0.66 1.07 1.73 (2.20) 2.80 (3.55) 4.52 (5.75) 7.32 (9.3) 11.84 (15.05) 19.16

(13L x 10-3) m3 0.41 m2

0.032 m (32 mm deep fuel/water)

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

General Requirements 1 Classification of Extinguishers Numeral & Letter (Class A & B only) 2 Location Conspicuously located preferably near to: Room exits Corridors Stairways Lobbies Landings In large rooms where visual obstruction is present, provide signs. 3 Special Risks Sited near to the risk If special risk is confined in room, position outside the room 4 5 Atmosphere Cabinets Cabinets are not to be locked Locked cabinets: Glass-fronted box to house key 6 Physical Damage Mechanically protected 7 Height of Extinguisher Carrying handle is not more than 1.5 m above floor 8 Operating instructions In accordance to SS 232 and presented on the front

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

Marking on Extinguishers 1 General a) b) c) d) e) f) The words : fire extinguisher Extinguishing medium : water / powder/ carbon dioxide Type : stored or cartridge Nominal charge : kilograms or litres Class of Fire : Fire Test Rating..A or B or A, B Method of operation : in prominent letters or diagrams indicate range of discharge g) Words : appropriate and suitable uses symbols and pictures recommended 2 Warning markings Examples are: WARNING DO NOT USE ON LIVE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WARNING: DO NOT USE ON LIQUID FIRES

Other Information Extinguishers are to be clearly marked with the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) Manufacturers name Number & date of applicable Singapore Standard Temperature range for satisfactory operation Year for manufacture Test pressure & working pressure Manufacturers identification of medium

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

MAINTENANCE Frequency of Maintenance. Extinguishers shall be subjected to maintenance not more than one year apart or when specifically indicated by an inspection. Maintenance procedure shall be performed in accordance with 4.3.2. Extinguishers taken away for maintenance or recharge shall have in replacement, extinguishers of the same type and at least equal rating. Maintenance Procedures. Maintenance procedures shall include a thorough examination of the three basic elements of an extinguisher: a) Mechanical parts; b) Extinguishing agent; and c) Means of expulsion.
Exception: It is not necessary during the annual maintenance to internally examine stored pressure extinguishers equipped with pressure indicators or gauges or carbon dioxide extinguishers. However, such extinguishers shall be thoroughly examined externally in accordance with the applicable items of 4.3.2 (a).

Detail maintenance procedures are described in Appendix B. Record Keeping. Each extinguisher shall have a tag or label securely attached that indicates the month and year the maintenance was performed and shall identify the person and organisation performing the service. The same record tag or label shall indicate if recharging was also performed. In addition to the required tag or label ( see 4.3.3), a permanent file record should be kept for each extinguisher. This file record should include the following information as applicable: a) The maintenance date and the name of person or agency performing the maintenance; b) The date when last recharged and the name of person or agency performing the recharge; c) The hydrostatic retest date and the name of person or agency performing the hydrostatic test; d) The date of the next recharge.

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

Inspection Procedures. Periodic inspection of extinguishers shall include a check of at least the following items: a) Located in its designated place; b) No obstruction to access or visibility; c) Operating instructions on the extinguisher label legible and facing outward; d) Seals and tamper indicators not broken or missing; e) Determine fullness by weighing or hefting; f) Examine for obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage or clogged nozzle; g) Pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operative range or position.

INSPECTION Frequency of Inspection. It is recommended that extinguisher should be inspected monthly or at more frequent intervals when the following circumstances exist: a) High frequency of fires in the past; b) Severe hazards; c) Susceptibility to tampering, vandalism, or malicious mischief; d) Possibility of, or experience with, theft of extinguishers; e) Locations that make extinguishers susceptible to mechanical injury; f) Possibility of visible or physical obstructions; g) Exposure to abnormal temperatures or corrosive atmospheres; h) Characteristics of extinguishers, such as susceptibility to leakage. RECHARGING General. All extinguishers shall be recharged after use or as indicated by an inspection or when performing maintenance. When performing the recharging, the

Module 1


Fire Safety Manager Course: Fire Extinguisher Theory, Servicing

recommendations of the manufacturers shall be followed. For recharge chemicals, see (Refer to Appendix C for general safety guidelines for recharging.) Frequency of Recharging. All extinguishers shall be completely emptied and recharged at intervals as follows: a) Every 2 1/2 years water (stored pressure) chemical foam mechanical foam (gas cartridge)
mechanical foam (stored pressure) b) Every 5 years water (gas cartridge) powder (gas cartridge) powder (stored pressure)

c) Every 10 years

carbon dioxide halon 1301 halon 1211

FREQUENCY Extinguishers shall be hydrostatically tested at intervals not exceeding those specified
Hydrostatic test interval for extinguishers
Extinguisher type Cartridge operated water Stored pressure water Foam AFFF ( Aqueous Film Forming Foam) Powder type with stainless steel body Carbon dioxide Powder type, stored pressure, with mild steel shells or aluminium body Powder type, cartridge or cylinder operated, with mild steel body Bromochlorodifluoromethane (Halon 1211) Bromotrifluoromethane (Halon 1301) Test interval (Years) 5 5 5 5 5 10 5

10 10

Module 1


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