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Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Area of Compound Shapes Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All students should be able to determine the area of a compound rectilinear shape by counting. Most students should be able to determine the area of a compound rectilinear shape by calculating. Some students should be able to determine possible perimeters when given the area of a compound rectilinear shape. Key words: Rectilinear, Compound, Area, Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Students create their own rectilinear shapes by investigating the maximum and minimum perimeters given a fixed area. Students should work on square cm paper creating rough sketches without the use of ruler. By creating their own rectilinear compound shapes they will be more able to split compound shapes into individual rectangles later in the lesson. Development By counting the number of the squares inside the shapes students are able to determine the area. With the same shape demonstrate to the students how the compound shape can be split to create two rectangles so that the total area is the sum of the two joined rectangles. Have students attempt the next question similar to this on mini-whiteboards to assess and feedback. Use the next example where the area must be calculated to demonstrate the need for calculations rather than counting. Have a student come to the board to demonstrate how it can be split into two joined rectangles. The rest of the class should then be able to calculate the sum of the two rectangles and determine the area of the compound shape. For the final shape, explain how the area is now found by the difference of two rectangles rather than their sum. When completed students should be able to work independently through the questions on the third slide. Feedback throughout their progress to maintain pace. To extend this the question on the fourth slide could be posed to the class for them to attempt on mini-whiteboards. All students should be able to complete this when working in pairs and allowed to discuss strategies. The matching worksheet could be attempted at this point with the students working in pairs. Plenary The plenary is intended to challenge and consolidate the concept by having the students determine possible areas of the two joined rectangles that have a total area of 20cm2. From this students should be able to determine the lengths of the individual areas and therefore possible perimeters. Resources: Mini-Whiteboards Calculators Worksheet
Differentiation More able: Students could calculate the area of compound shapes involving non-rectangle shapes. Investigating maximum and minimum perimeters of compound shapes extends the concept through working the problem backwards. Less Able Students may need to count the compound area rather than calculate

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