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Editor: Lui.Giacomello @


11 April 2013\UNISONNews

UNISON News 410


Alex Neil, Scottish Health Secretary, is a keynote speaker at UNISON Scotland's Health Conference in Glasgow tomorrow. Pay and pensions are key issues he will be quizzed on at the Glasgow event, which will also hear from UNISON's Head of Health, Christina McAnea. Willie Duffy, UNISON Scotland lead organiser for Health, said NHS members are feeling angry about increases in pension contributions. The additional contributions do not go towards members pensions; they are simply a tax on public sector workers. We have raised our concerns with the Cabinet Secretary about the increase in NHS pension contributions. he said. "The Scottish Government could make different choices and health workers will want to know from him why they should be paying more when they have effectively had pay cuts for the last couple of years. We are calling on the Scottish Government not to bring in the third year of the increase next year, and pay for this with the efficiency savings made by employers. Tom Waterson, Chair of UNISON Scotland's Health Committee, said that other key issues will be concerns about health and social care integration and a call to scrap the NHS Pay Review Body (PRB). UNISON Scotlands Health Committee wants a return to collective bargaining directly with the UK Government on NHS pay. The Scottish Health Committee wants a return to collective bargaining directly with the UK Government on NHS pay. The Pay Review Body is a busted flush. It is certainly not independent. The UK Government's deplorable actions Tom Waterson have negated the historical Chair UNISON Scotland independent role of the PRB.
Health Committee

We will be asking the UNISON UK Health Conference taking place in Glasgow later this month to agree to negotiate NHS pay on through collective bargaining. Dave Watson, UNISON Scotland Organiser said: We agree that these pension changes are being driven by Westminster, but Scottish Government ministers could do something different on this if they wanted to and they have decided not to.



UNISON supports the calls for modernisation of our public services, but we believe that public service workers must be part of the solution. Investment, leadership, good management, sustained work, training and consultation with staff and service users are all required to move forward. UNISON News is written to inform members in UNISON Lothian Health. Information included in UNISON News is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. UNISON News accepts no liability for any errors or omissions. The views expressed in UNISON News are not necessarily those of UNISON Lothian Health or the union.

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