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Document ID: ITQ/HR POLICY MANUAL Release Date:



DLF Corporate Park Block 2b Gurgaon phaseIII

This document of ITQ is for restricted circulation. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without written permission .

Table of Contents
CODE OF CONDUCT.....................................................................................................................................6 POLICY ON EMPLOYEE REFERRAL SCHEME .....................................................................................11 FINAL SETTLEMENT..................................................................................................................................16 NO DUES CERTIFICATE.............................................................................................................................19 EXIT INTERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................22 NOTICE PERIOD..........................................................................................................................................25 ANNUAL INCREMENT FOR NEW ENTRANTS......................................................................................27 RETIREMENT...............................................................................................................................................29 LEAVE POLICY ...........................................................................................................................................31 ANNUAL LEAVE PLAN..............................................................................................................................34 JOINING EXPENSE POLICY.......................................................................................................................36 PROVIDENT FUND......................................................................................................................................38 GRATUITY....................................................................................................................................................40 TELEPHONE CALLS POLICY....................................................................................................................42 TRANSFER POLICY....................................................................................................................................44 MEDICLAIM POLICY..................................................................................................................................47 POLICY ON PROMOTION / ROLE CHANGES.........................................................................................52 POLICY ON OFFICE AUTOMATION........................................................................................................55 DRESS CODE FOR EMPLOYEES...............................................................................................................58 SCHEDULE FOR DISBURSEMENT OF VARIOUS PAYMENTS............................................................63 HOLIDAYS....................................................................................................................................................65 NO SMOKING POLICY...............................................................................................................................67 TRAVEL POLICY........................................................................................................................................69 WORK HOURS..............................................................................................................................................82 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE....................................................................................................................87 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE........................................................................................................................92 INDUCTION & PLACEMENT.....................................................................................................................94 SEXUAL HARASSMENT..........................................................................................................................100 DEALING WITH LOW AND NON PERFORMERS.................................................................................106 STEPS INVOLVED IN ADMINISTERING APPRAISALS......................................................................109 E Mail POLICY (GALILEO INDIA Pvt. LTD)..........................................................................................111 POLICY ON MOBILE PHONES (to be reviewed).....................................................................................127

INTRODUCTION The HR policy manual provides an overview of ITQ human resource policies and procedures. The scope of HR manual covers all the employees. As a ITQ employee, one is expected to abide by all the policies and procedures presented in the manual. It is therefore, in ones best interest to read through this manual and completely familiarize completely with all its contents. The contents of these policies and procedures may change from time to time. Whenever such changes are made we shall issue suitable notifications. One must keep himself/herself informed of such changes. We hope that this manual will be the first reference when any questions arise in your mind regarding the companys policies. Should you have any questions concerning any of the information contained in the manual or if you have specific questions not answered, please speak with the human recourse department. This manual is strictly for internal use and for restricted circulation.


Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Code of Conduct Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


the fast changing business environment, it has become imperative for any organization

to channelise its resources towards keeping pace with the external environment and the achievement of Organization mission. We need to set for ourselves high standards of performance and continuously improve upon them and move towards being Best In Class company. To achieve this goal we, as individuals, need to be ethical and transparent in our conduct and this needs to be reflected in our day-to-day interaction with our stakeholders. Our customers, business associates, colleagues, and the society in which we operate, must perceive our commitment to our Vision, Beliefs and Practices. Only then they will feel that they are dealing with an ethical and highly professional organization. PEOPLE constitute the most important component in this process. Besides selecting and recruiting the best, it is also important to clearly enunciate organization expectations. In order to standardize the expected conduct of behavior, it is prudent to communicate it to all concerned. This document is an attempt to achieve this goal.

a) All employees are strongly encouraged to make a distinction between official company business and personal interests. For instance company material, equipment; tools, etc. are not for personal use. b) Give priority to customers (internal as well as external) and work towards creating a satisfied customer base. c) Protect the confidentiality of the information that you possess or have access to in the interest of the business of the company. d) Be specific and truthful in all communication.

e) Treat with respect colleagues, customers, business associates and all public authorities and not to take any action that causes inconvenience to them. f) Follow the policies, processes and procedures of the company issued from time to time. g) Ensure that our workplace is clean, free from fire hazards and secure. h) Maintain integrity in all transactions. i) Take corrective actions to reduce wastage and costs. j) Ensure adherence to quality, cost and delivery commitments. k) Comply with all regulatory requirements and actions should be ethical and legal. l) All employees should respect all others around them, display intellectual honesty and as self-discipline not engage in political or religious activities within the office premises. m) Employees should avoid actions, which damage the reputation of the company. n) For security purposes, all employees will be issued Identity Cards. This should be in the possession of the employees at all times. o) Whenever an employee is invited to deliver speeches and attend meetings and attend social gatherings in relation to his official duties/position, he should first take approval from Management by making a written request to HR Department. p) An employee is required to adhere to all safety, security, environment and housekeeping requirements and prevailing administrative rules, which are subject to modification/change from time to time. q) Employees are advised not to use company telephones for making personal calls unless such calls are of an urgent/unavoidable/ emergent nature. In case of personal outstation calls, cost of such calls will be borne by the employee concerned. r) An employee is required to be conscious of time and cost issues and ensure no misuse of the same.

s) From time to time employees are sent for attending training program/seminars and other educative forums. guidelines/ rules and utilize the new learning. It is expected that all employees take this sincerely, attend all sessions, follow program

Any act of indiscipline by an employee will be viewed very seriously by the management and will lead to disciplinary action against the employee. indicative areas of indiscipline are as follows: a) Any employee or family member of employee giving out to any outside agency/person by word of mouth or otherwise, particulars or details of our technical know-how, security arrangements, administrative and/or organizational matters of a confidential and secret nature which it may be personal privilege to know by virtue of being an employee. b) System violation c) Integrity issues. d) False claims/declarations (on non-compensation heads) e) Misrepresentation/misuse/concealment of facts and information from the management. f) Misuse of power/authority for personal gains. g) Taking out any property/document of office outside the premises without prior approval of Departmental Head. h) Producing false certificates (e.g. medical, etc.) or extending leave on false pretext. i) Entering office in an intoxicated condition or consuming alcohol within the office premises. j) Display of unruly behaviour, threat or using abusive language vis--vis any person while in office or over the telephone. k) Talking to the press/media without prior approval of the Management. Some

l) Participating in any political activities.

It is the policy of Company to prohibit employees from engaging in any activity, practice or act which conflicts with the interest of the Company. Such sections will be subject to disciplinary action. Indicative examples of conflict of interest are as follows: a) Accepting outside employment or consultancy work in any organization b) Engaging in outside business without prior approval from the Management. c) Financial interest in a firm (vendors/dealers/contractors, etc.) that does business with the company. d) Accepting gifts or favors from any person or firm doing business with the Company; or using your position to obtain such favors. e) Conduct that is disloyal, disruptive, competitive or damaging to the Company.

a) Keeping in mind our basic values and work culture, it is expected that all employees will be well groomed and properly dressed to promote professional image. We have a separate policy on dress code and employees are expected to follow the same.


Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Employee Referral Policy Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



1 Preamble :
The purpose of this policy is to encourage employees to contribute to the talent pool of

I{TQ} by referring candidates known to them who

possess the


qualification, skills sets, etc for suitable positions in the organization .

1. Enables the employees to get involved and support the recruitment drive. 2. It ensures quality of candidates. 3. Minimises cost. 4. Saves time.

2 Effective Date of Implementation :

This policy will be effective from April 1st, 2005.

3 Scope:
This policy is extended to the employees of ITQ; however, the following are excluded; 1. The requisitioning executive / manager. 2. HR professionals of all the Business units of IGE. 3. References provided by any recruitment agencies 4 Any other external party.

4 Definitions : a) Employee Referrals

Candidates that are referred by employees as per the referral policy shall be treated as Employee referrals.


b) Referral Rewards
The reward money that is payable to an employee once a reference candidate joins shall be called as Referral rewards.

5. Policy Details
Employees can recommend/refer candidates who are known to them having relevant Competencies matching our organizational profiles , which would include qualifications, relevant work exposure and personal attributes.
The references may be sent anytime to the HR department or in response to a reference request made by HR.

6. Procedure for Employee referrals

Employees may refer prospective applicants by:

Forwarding the details of the referred candidates to HR on prescribed format (Annexure- I) and attaching the candidates CV preferably a soft copy.

b. Introducing a person face to face.

Please note, the referral shall only be considered under the scheme once the HR department receives the resume.

7. Tracking of Referrals
HR department shall be responsible for tracking of employee referrals through a data bank. Whenever an action is taken on the profiles referred by employees the HR department shall keep the concerned employee informed. HR may also request the concerned employee to help coordinate during the selection procedure.

8. General Conditions:
a. No recommendation of relatives of the employee will be considered under this scheme. b. Any reference older than 6 months (if not materialized) will be treated as redundant.
c. While recommending a candidate employee must confirm the credentials, antecedents and character of the referred candidate.

9. Referral rewards


Employees who refer suitable applicants shall be eligible for referral rewards once the referred candidate joins the organization and fulfills the necessary criteria.. The referral reward shall be Rs.3000.00 for all positions in various functions of I{TQ}
The referral amount may differ depending on the criticality of the positions / function which will be intimated in advance through a written communications

10. Star referee award

A special Star referee award shall be declared annually. The employee that has won the maximum number of employee referral rewards shall be the Star referee of the year. A special prize shall be declared for this purpose.

11. Disbursement of Referral reward

The referral reward shall be disbursed provided the following 3 conditions are met : a. The referral reward shall be disbursed to the employee after the referred candidate has served the organization for 3 consecutive months. b. The mode of disbursement of the referral amount shall be as per the disbursement policy of the organization.
c. The referral amount shall undergo appropriate Income Tax treatment as per tax laws applicable

12. Organizations right to selection

The referred candidates have to pass through the selection procedure of the company before being considered for appointment. The organization shall reserve all rights related to selection of referred candidates.


Annexure - I (Employee Get Employee Scheme) Reference No.: Name: Department: Details of reference: a) Personal Details Name: Age/ DOB: Qualification: Contact No. : Employee Code:

b) Employment Details Total Experience: Current Organisation: And Designation Roles & Responsibility:

Competency/ Skills: (Relevant to us)

Signature :



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Final settlement Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


1. To facilitate speedy settlement of dues, by providing guidelines and time-bound procedures. 2. To ensure that the separating employee has a pleasant exit experience. POLICY AND PROCEDURE: a) The final settlement process will start after the decision has been taken to relieve the employee. Exit interviews will be conducted promptly - by HR/BUH, wherever required. The departmental head will communicate to HR, about resignation or plans for separation as soon as he knows it. b) As soon as it is decided to relieve an employee, HR will issue an acknowledgement / notification letter along with a blank No Dues form (format enclosed). c) Full and final settlement of accounts is a two-way process and requires the involvement and cooperation of the separating employee. It is his/her responsibility to return to HR the clearance form duly completed within the stipulated date. d) It is estimated that the settlement of dues like medical reimbursement etc. from the Company (other than any bonus due / PF and Gratuity) will spread over a minimum period of 15 days from the date of decision on separation. However, attempt will be made to clear the dues as soon as possible. e) The following schedule will serve as a step-checklist for timely final settlement : Step Action to be taken Count of days (Cumulative) 1. Employee Submits Resignation to Reporting Manager 01



Departmental Head/Reporting Manager Communicates to HR by:



Complete exit interviews and decision on accepting resignation or otherwise by: 05


Issue acknowledgment letter along with the Clearance Form to the employee by: (With copies to Finance for loan recoveries) 06


The employee completes clearance formalities and returns the Clearance Form duly filled to HR by: 09


HR approves and sends final settlement advice supported by relevant documents to Finance by (assume that the employee will work till the last day) 10


Finance meets the employee and settles all dues except Bonus/ PF & Gratuity by: 12

Usually the Notice period is 1 or 3 months. The resigning employee and HR can decide as to when and how the formalities are to be spread over this period and settled before the employees last working day. The Notice period could be 15 days to 6 months depending on the period


mentioned in the appointment letter. In that case again the HR and the resigning employee can decide about the completion of formalities within a specific time frame. The following documents will not be issued /processed till full and final settlement of accounts is done: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The final relieving order Service Certificate Application for Bonus or Gratuity Application for transfer/withdrawal of Provident Fund and Family Pension Fund

DECIDING AUTHORITY : a. All matters pertaining to final settlement within policy guidelines will be jointly decided by the Reporting Manager and HR. b. Any decision beyond the scope of the policy guidelines in individual cases may be jointly taken by the BUH and VP (HR).



PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME COMPANY/ DEPTT. ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 ID Card 2 Visiting Cards 3 Cellpho ne 4 Sim Card 5 Parking Sticker 6 Office Vehicle 7 Keys 8 Laptop 9 Office Computer Equipment 10 Residence Computer Equipment 11 Official Files/ Documents 12 Library Books 13 Floopy/Cd's 14 Uniform Date EDP DEPARTMENT 1 Access Key 2 Miscellaneous Dues Date ACCOUNTS STAFF NO DATE OF LEAVING

Authorised Signatory

Authorised Signatory


DEPARTMENT 1 Advance/ Loan 2 Credit Card/Club membership card 3 Imprest 4 Any Other Dues Date Authorised Signatory

Remarks (if any)


Signature Of Unit Head



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Exit Interviews Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


OBJECTIVES: We would like to do our best to value an employee even when he/she is leaving the organization. We would like him/her to get a chance to share his/her positive as well as negative experiences of working in InterGlobe Enterprises Ltd. before he/she leaves. This feedback is important to us for recognizing our strengths and rectifying our shortcomings. POLICY: 1. No separation order will be issued without an exit interview by VP-HR/HR Representative and the Reporting Manager/BUH(as the case may be. 2. All exit interviews will be recorded on the Exit Interview form (specimen copy enclosed) 3. All significant and relevant points arising in the exit interview will be communicated to the concerned persons in the organization. 4. If it is discovered that an employee is leaving on account of genuine grievance, every effort will be made to make amends and retain the employee within the organization. 5. If it is felt that the decision of an employee to leave is not in his /company's best interest, we will try our best to counsel him/her to change his/her decision. 6. The MD/BUH (as the case may be) will interview all employees who leave after 2 years of service in InterGlobe. PROCEDURE: 1. When an employee puts in his resignation or is planning to leave, HR should be immediately informed.


2. The VP (HR)/ HR Representative and the Reporting Manager/BUH will conduct the preliminary exit interview with the employee who has resigned or plans to resign. 3. HR will organize an exit interview-cum counseling session that could last for more than one session as the case may be. 4. The exit interview will be conducted in an unhurried manner, giving full hearing to the leaving employee. 5. The exit interview form will be filled up by the employee and the same will be checked out by HR with the employee for the facts showed by him. 6. If the employees Reporting Manager and /or HR decide to persuade the employee to withdraw his/her resignation, he/she would be asked to either re-confirm the desire to resign within the next two days or withdraw the resignation in writing. 7. If both the employees Reporting Manager and HR are of the opinion that the resignation should be accepted, the same may be done immediately after the exit interview. 8. HR would give any feedback relevant to any employee or department in the Organization to them within a week of the exit interview. In case of certain sensitive information, to avoid embarrassment, this feedback will be given only after the employee leaves the Company.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Notice Period Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


OBJECTIVE : To provide a clear understanding of the notice period that an employee in a particular band is required to serve after the employee resigns from the company / group. PROCEDURE : If an employee wishes to leave InterGlobe, he/she should give in writing due notice as per the employment conditions or forfeit equivalent salary in lieu of such notice period. Similarly, the services of an employee may be terminated with due notice as per the employment conditions or payment of salary in lieu thereof. If an employee wants to leave before the notice period he/she has to route it through his/her Reporting Manager to the BUH for his/her comments before it is sent to HR for action. All cases where the notice period is waived from Band 5 onwards will be put up to the MD for his information. It will be the sole discretion of the management to decide on the following: Notice period waived after deducting the leave balance. Notice period waived without deducting the leave balance. Employee to pay in lieu of the shortfall in notice period.

The notice period to be specified in the appointment letter for any employee relinquishing the services of the company or termination of an employee by the services of the company or termination of an employee by the company is as follows:


Band Up to 1,2, 3 & Above

Notice Period required 1 Month or payment in lieu thereof 3 Months or payment in lieu thereof


Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Annual Increment Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



OBJECTIVE: To convey/communicate to the new entrants their next annual increment date. Policy / Procedure: a) A new entrant will be 'considered' for annual increment only if, he has put in at least six months of continuous service in before 1 st April of a "Particular Year". the full service period. b) Annual increment period is from April to March. It is the same as the Performance Period. However appraisal & counselling process shall be completed in subsequent month i.e. April and compilation of data shall be done in May so as to avoid appraisal period coinciding with closing of financial year. Increment shall be announced in June though effective from April. c) For those who join in between, such that they may have more than three months service prior to the 1st April deadline, will receive a proportional adjustment from that date. d) Increment will be given on pro-rata basis for the number of months completed in a particular increment/performance year. e) Annual increment for an employee is not mandatory or automatic; it will be based on performance and will take into account economic/business conditions etc. Otherwise, his consideration for the Annual Increment would move to the following April and will take into account



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Retirement Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


OBJECTIVE: To define the retirement age of employees working in Interglobe Technologies Ltd. POLICY & PROCEDURE: The normal retirement age for employees at all levels in IGE is 60 years. a) Six months in advance an employee will be informed of his/her retirement date. b) After he/she completes 60 years extension of his/her service if necessary will be at the discretion of the Company. This will be processed by the Reporting Manager, Departmental Head and Vice President - HR with CEO. c) The criteria for extension of service will be i. Company's requirements ii. Performance of the employee iii. Health conditions d) On retirement the employee will be eligible for i. Provident Fund ii. Gratuity ,and

Any other retirement benefit scheme that may be prevalent at the time of his retirement.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Leaves Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


OBJECTIVES: The leave policy intends to define the type of leaves employees are eligible to take. POLICY & PROCEDURE : The following are the leave entitlements of an employee per year. The leave period will be from 1st April to 31st March for every year.

a. Casual/Sick Leave
i. Every employee is entitled to a total of 12 days of Casual/Sick Leave per year. 30 days (including all holidays) of work will earn one days Casual/Sick Leave. An employee can take up to a maximum of 2 days of Casual Leave at a time. If he/she needs to take additional days off because of an illness, a Medical Certificate will need to be submitted. ii. iii. There is also provision for half days Casual Leave. Any employee can take half a day of Casual/Sick Leave if needed. Any Staff member requiring short leave of more than two hours must apply for half days Casual Leave.

b. Privilege Leave
i. Every confirmed employee is entitled to 21 calender days of Privilege Leave in a year. Privilege Leave is credited to a confirmed employees account on the 1st of April every year. ii. New hires are entitled to Privilege Leave on a pro rata basis for every month of completed service.

iii. iv. v.

In principle, Privilege Leave should be taken at a stretch, at the most, it can be taken on 2 separate occasions. Privilege Leave may only be pre-fixed or suffixed with weekend/holidays. Employees should plan Privilege Leave at the beginning as per Annual Leave Plan policy of the Company, so that the supervisors can schedule the work of the Department accordingly.


7 days of unused Privilege Leave will be carried forward to the next Financial Year. However, the rest of the unused Privilege Leave will automatically lapse at the end of the Financial Year.

c. Maternity Leave
All women employees who have completed 180 days of continuous service with the Company are eligible for Maternity Leave. Maximum Maternity Leave period on any one occasion is 12 weeks (with full pay). Maternity Leave may be combined with the Privilege Leave. This entitlement is for two pregnancies only.

d. Birthday off
In addition to the above-mentioned Leave, each employee may take a day off on his/her birthday.

e. Hospitalization Leave
Additional 10 days leave will be granted to any employee in case of an accident, surgical operation, serious illness etc. involving hospitalization.

f. Holidays
The Company observes national and festival holidays. A list of official holidays is prepared and distributed annually by the HR Department.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Annual Leave Plan Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



The objective of this policy is to ensure that :

A. Two or three key people are not away from a department simultaneously B. Adequate arrangements are made for a smooth flow of work before an employee proceeds on leave.
C. The contact address and telephone numbers are available for use in emergencies.


All Staff
Policy / Procedure: a. Each employee should submit a leave plan for the calendar year to his Reporting Manager by 1st week of January every year. b. If it is found that two or more key employees wish to take leave at the same time, then the Department head would request them to mutually adjust their leave plans in such a way that the activities and services of the department are not adversely affected. c. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the leave plan will be adhered to, while at the same time retaining flexibility to adjust to exigencies of work. The finally agreed upon leave plan will be communicated to all concerned within and outside the department, in Galileo so that no one is caught unaware during the absence of an employee.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on joining Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



Objective: 1. To ensure the employee does not go out of pocket with the expenses incurred in connection with his/her joining the company. 2. This gesture extends a feeling of being cared. Policy / Procedures: Joining expense amount: This amount will be conveyed to the new entrant at the time of making the offer. This amount will cover the cost of travel and transportation of personal belongings. Travel: a. As per travel policy, for self and dependent family members as declared in office records. b. Reimbursement will be against used tickets. Transportation of personal belongings: a. Packing, loading, unloading and transportation cost of personal effects from old to new location. b. Insurance cost c. Transportation cost of vehicle d. Vehicle Re- registration cost e. Road tax cost at the new location. Temporary Accommodation and Daily Allowance: a. The HR Department will help the new entrant to identify a suitable hotel. b. Accommodation charges to be borne by the individual. c. All other expenses will be borne by the individual.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Provident Fund Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


OBJECTIVES: The provisions of the Provident Fund Act are statutory and applicable to all the regular employees of the organization except those who have opted out under the permitted clause. Policy & Procedure: Under this scheme 12% of your basic will be deducted and deposited towards your PF accumulation and the company towards the PF accumulation will contribute another 12%. This policy is as per the Provident Funds Act.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Gratuity Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


OBJECTIVES: The Gratuity Scheme is as per the norms laid down in the Payment of Gratuity Act. SCOPE : The Scheme covers all permanent employees. POLICY : a. Gratuity is paid on occurrence of any of the following: Retirement, Resignation, Permanent Disablement or Death. b. A minimum continuous service of 5 years is required for eligibility for payment, except in case of death / permanent disablement. c. The basis of calculation at the time of retirement /separation is: i. ii. Formula: 15/26 x no. Of years of continuous service x last drawn Basic. For example, if one draws Rs.3,000/- (Basic) salary and has served for 10 years 4 months, the calculation will be Rs.3,000/- x 10 years x 15/26. d. However, for computation of tax-free gratuity, the calculation will be as under. i. Average preceding 10 months salary (Basic) x10 years x 15/30. Difference between total gratuity payable and tax-free gratuity will be taxed. Maximum tax-free gratuity is limited to Rs.3,50,000/e. Service for six months and more is counted as a year of service. No credit is given for service less than six months. f. In case of sudden death in service or permanent disablement, the gratuity period will be counted till the time of retirement. As of now, the proceeds of gratuity are exempted from Income Tax.


A part or the whole of the gratuity may be forfeited in case of an employees dismissal from service due to any willful damage/destruction of company property or due to any act of moral turpitude


Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Telephone calls Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



OBJECTIVES: To provide clear direction rules for business and personal telephone call reimbursement SCOPE : All Employees POLICY & PROCEDURE : All personal calls, either incoming or outgoing are discouraged. If you ever need to use the office phones for personal calls, please keep them brief. a. Personal local calls made from Company provided office or residential telephones should be reasonable in number and duration. b. All Personal ISD or STD calls will be chargeable. c. Personal ISD or STD calls, for three minutes duration, once in 4 days will be allowed for those on business tour and temporary transfer. d. A new entrant to InterGlobe, or a staff member who has been relocated and has left his/her family behind can avail the above facility for a maximum period of 3 months. e. Telephone bills will be circulated as soon as it is received. Employees should highlight their personal ISD/STD calls and send a cheque for the amount or advise accounts department for deduction from the salary. f. When an employee is travelling : -all business related telephone expenses would be reimbursed on actuals. -limited personal telephone expenses are included in the daily allowance. P.S.: The present Telephone Policy is in the handbook



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Transfer of Employees Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


Objective: To compensate for the relocation cost. Policy / Procedures: Depending on business need, the services of an employee may be transferred to any branch office/division of the Company or even inter-departmentally. On reassignment and/or transfer, the employee shall be governed by the conditions and benefits of employment as applicable for his/her new assignment. The period of transfer of an employee will be at the sole discretion of the Management. The decision will be governed by a number of factors such as: a. Vacancy in a branch/business unit b. Business need c. The present assignment of the employee is not being suffered d. The employees present profile should match the profile required in the other branch/division/department e. The employees current performance There are two situations consequent to which a decision on transfer takes place: a. The decision is taken by the management alone depending factors cited above. b. The employee requests a transfer due to reasons best known to him/her. (This should be subsequent to a vacancy/need in the other branch/department/division. Here again the management takes the decision).

In both the cases the Company bears the Travel Expenses as per the Travel Policy of the Company.
If the transfer is more than one year (it could be permanent as well) then the following is borne by the Company

Travel Expense: a. As per travel policy, for self and dependent family members as declared/will be declaring in office records. b. One additional two-way fare for self, if family moves at a later date. c. Reimbursement will be made against submission of used tickets. d. The HR Department will administer relocation cost advances and reimbursements. e. Relocation Cost includes the following : Cost of packing , loading , unloading and transportation for personal effects Transport of vehicle Vehicle re-registration. Vehicle road tax for the remaining months of the year. Only road/rail is permissible. Insurance cost should be built into the transportation cost. The amount will be decided based on the distance, family size etc. This will be conveyed by HR department. f. Educational Expenses: Only admission fees will be reimbursed. Books and uniform will not be reimbursed unless it is during the academic year. Donations, capitation fees, school building fund etc. will not be reimbursed. g. Joining time: Maximum of 5 working days. (Prefixed/Suffixed holiday will not be counted) If an employee is transferred for a short period: This will vary between 3 months to a year. The employee will be encouraged to relocate temporarily without his family.

Terms and conditions will be worked out on a case to case basis. It will be ensured that she/he is not inconvenienced financially. HR will support him/her to find a suitable accommodation.

Local Transfer: One day joining time. It is a shift from one office to another within the same city. There will be no allowance or reimbursement of expenses in this case.


Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Mediclaim Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


1. Objective: To provide (partly) financial support to the employees for unforeseen hospitalization expenditure and to ensure smooth interaction with the medical authorities during such emergency in terms of quality, speed and payments. 2. Coverage: 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. This policy will cover all the confirmed employee and their dependants i.e. spouse and up to two children. Employees can add other dependants like parents and a third child, in these cases the employee will have to bear 100% of the premium. This is an optional policy.

3. Effective Date: This policy will be effective from 01st June, 2003. 4. Benefits: Cashless Hospitalization and other benefits are detailed below: 4.1. Cashless medical service facilitation through network medical providers. Due to Third Party Administrators (TPA) contractual agreement with the hospital/ nursing home, the employee (our employee) will not have to make any direct payment to the medical facility providers. TPA will be guaranteeing the payment and hence preventing the hassles of cash payment at the hospital/ nursing home. TPA will render the following services;


4.2. 4.3. 4.4.

Cashless medical service facilitation at TPAs network hospitals up to the limit authorized by Mediclaim Insurance policy. Claims processing, claims filing, liaison with Insurance Company etc. Interaction with hospitals/insured regarding medical diagnosis of insured. Cash less Medical services include the following benefits, too: Bills scrutiny before release of payment. Discounted rates at hospitals since TPAs have preferred rates. Medical procedure audit-elimination of unnecessary prescriptions. Case Management & Audit of Medical bills. Twenty four hour assistance center will provide the following: Information source (about location of doctors/medicos/diagnostics/hospitals etc.); Referral services to the closest and most appropriate medical provider; Free 24 hr telephone consultation with doctor on phone; Ambulance facility for emergency. Doctors on call:

In case of emergency employee can have a free consultation on phone with doctors and if required can ask for emergency evacuation/ arranging the ambulance for the same. 4.5. Maintenance of computerized health record of all employees:

TPAs will maintain a computerized health record of all our employee. Once a year the employees have the option to request for a copy of the file, which will be sent to them at no cost. 4.6. Pre and Post Hospitalization:

Pre-hospitalization expenses upto 30 days and post hospitalization expenses upto 60 days are also reimbursable 4.7. Maternity Benefit:

Maternity expenses are covered upto Rs.50,000/- only with a waiting of nine months as this is the Ist year of the said policy and next year it will be covered from day one. 4.8. Pre- Existing Diseases:


Pre- existing diseases are covered in this policy. 5. Facility: The Mediclaim facility coverage is for Rs.1,00,000/- per year for an employee and his family as described above in Para 2.1.


6. Buffer: We are introducing a new concept of buffer policy, which will take care of any hospitalisation charges for critical illness that exceeds Rs.1,00,000/-. The release of this amount will be at the discretion of the management. 7. Contribution: 50% of the premium will be borne by the company and balance 50% by the employee. This amount will be deducted from the salary. The details will be informed to the employees. 8. Administration: Personnel department will be responsible for administration of this policy. The employees will be given a TPA card for self and their family employees. In case of planned hospitalization from the list of hospitals given by TPA (Network Hospital), the employees should inform the TPA so that they have sufficient time (4-6 days) to authorize the hospital to render cashless facility to the employee. In case of emergency hospitalization, the employees can directly approach any hospital with the TPA card; a) If it is Network hospital they will be entertained but need to inform TPA within 24 hours to avail cashless benefit. b) If it is Non Network hospital, the employee has to pay self and get the documents filled to HO who in turn will co-ordinate with the TPA to get the reimbursement, if payable for the same. TPA will send the medical bills to the insurance company signed up by company. Settlement of the bills will take place between the TPA and the insurance company. Neither the employees nor the company will have any role in it as long as the medical bills are within the TPA and insurance companys guidelines.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Promotion and Role Changes Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


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This policy provides basic guidelines to be kept in mind while considering a promotion. It also spells out a few steps to be followed while screening a case of promotion.

Policy / Procedure:
1. Promotion is a high level of recognition, which needs to be exercised with discretion and care. 2. Promotion should be accompanied by increase in responsibility, with an increase in the leadership role of the employee. 3. Promotion should be given to in recognition of extraordinary continuous achievement by giving him a higher position or repositioning. There are other forms of rewards for one time achievement. 4. Promotions are possible in two ways: i. ii. 5. When a vacancy arises that is posted internally and an individual is selected for the job When job scope increases in line with expanding requirements and the employee has demonstrated constant high level of performance Promotions are not Time bound but Performance bound. Number of years in a grade, level or position is irrelevant but performance, competencies, and interpersonal relationship etc. counts. 6. 7. One time high performance (flash in the pan) would not justify a promotion. Consistently high level of performance over a period of time is essential. If necessary, development programmes should precede promotion. When an employee is sent for such a programme, he/she should be given feedback as to the reason for his/her being nominated for the programme. 8. Form. 9. This policy will only be effective when the same is approved by the BUH & the VP-HR. Promotion/role change is many a times a result of a recommendation given by the Reporting Manager or his/her subordinate, in the Performance Development




Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Office Automation Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


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(Telephone, Fax, Computer, e-mail and Mail Protection) OBJECTIVES: This policy is introduced to ensure that InterGlobes office automation system is used properly and for legitimate business purposes. However, the company does recognize that employees occasionally need to attend to personal work during office hours, but such usage should be kept to the essential minimum and consistent with the high standard of behavior expected of InterGlobe employees. SCOPE : All Employees POLICY / PROCEDURE : a. The computer, telephone, fax and e-mail (office automation equipments) should be used with high standards of ethical behavior. b. Employees should be courteous and respectful while communicating with others using companys communication system. c. The computer, telephone, voice mail, fax and e-mail are the property of InterGlobe and are to be used for company authorized purposes, only. d. Any information transmitted or stored using InterGlobes office automation is the property of the company. e. All messages recorded or saved on e-mail and all files stored on computers are InterGlobes records and may be utilized by the company in connection with business needs, legal requirement etc.



The company reserves the right to monitor/access any e-mail message or computer file created, sent or received by any employee at anytime for any reason and without notice, mainly to give effect to/in pursuance of the contents of points c, e, and k of this policy.


No one should encode or encrypt e-mail or other InterGlobe communication without obtaining prior permission.


Any matter created, received or sent on the telephone or mail systems can not be treated as the employees' personal or confidential material. At the same time the company shall endeavor to protect and prohibit other parties from accessing such matters.


No one shall send messages of a harassing, intimidating, offensive or discriminating nature.


No e-mails or other communications should be sent containing InterGlobes name or other company information except by those who are duly authorized by the company to do so.


No information should be transmitted or stored that would be defamatory to any other party or violate applicable trade secret, copyright and patent laws.

l. m. Note:

E- mail or Internet access system is not for personal use. All e-mails should contain IGT disclaimer statement.

We have a separate telephone usage policy in the Employee Handbook.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Dress Code Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of this policy is to prescribe a dress code for employees for better turnout and project a professional image of the company. SCOPE : All employees on the rolls of the company and the Trainees/Temporary employees. Policy Details: The following dress code has been set on the days: Monday Thursday/Friday (As specified in office working norms) : All these Four/five working days will be formal working days and all employees are required to wear smart casuals. Friday/Saturday : Friday/Saturdays will be informal day and the employees may wear jeans, t-shirts, etc. However shorts will not be permitted. Incase of clients visits or customer interactions employees are required to wear formals. Uniform: Those employees provided with summer and winter uniforms are expected to always wear their uniform while on duty. The uniform should look neat and tidy at all times. Unless required for specified duties, uniforms must not be used for any other occasions. Upon leaving the service of the Company, uniforms must be handed over to the HR Department; alternatively the cost of uniforms will be deducted from the salary.


1. All employees will be required to observe the dress code strictly. 2. Those employees interfacing with the customers or calling on customers. will essentially wear formal/prescribed clothing on all working days including Saturdays / Sundays. 3. Any failure on the above will be construed as an indiscipline attitude on the part of the employee.


DRESS CODE FOR EMPLOYEES OBJECTIVES: The objective of this policy is to prescribe a dress code for employees for better turnout and project a professional image of the company. SCOPE : All employees on the rolls of the company and the Trainees/Temporary employees. Policy Details: The following dress code has been set on the days: Monday Thursday/Friday (As specified in office working norms) : All these Four/five working days will be formal working days and all employees are required to wear smart casuals. Friday/Saturday : Friday/Saturdays will be informal day and the employees may wear jeans, t-shirts, etc. However shorts will not be permitted. Incase of clients visits or customer interactions employees are required to wear formals. Uniform: Those employees provided with summer and winter uniforms are expected to always wear their uniform while on duty. The uniform should look neat and tidy at all times. Unless required for specified duties, uniforms must not be used for any other occasions. Upon leaving the service of the Company, uniforms must be handed over to the HR Department; alternatively the cost of uniforms will be deducted from the salary.

General: 1. All employees will be required to observe the dress code strictly.

2. Those employees interfacing with the customers or calling on customers. will essentially wear formal/prescribed clothing on all working days including Saturdays / Sundays. 3. Any failure on the above will be construed as an indiscipline attitude on the part of the employee.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on schedule for Disbursement of Various Payments Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



OBJECTIVES : To provide a defined process for cash disbursement SCOPE : a. Cash disbursement shall be from 1600hrs to 1700 hrs in Delhi and Gurgaon offices on all working days. For the rest of the branches the Branch Manager has to decide as per the convenience of all. b. All others, except Departmental heads, VP's and GMs, are required to collect the cash in person from the cash section. c. In case of small suppliers bills/invoices will be settled within 8 working days, other than terms specified. d. Any payment beyond two lacs must be informed to the Accounts department at least one week in advance. e. The Travel advance, if required, would not be given earlier than three days of actual travel. f. All other reimbursements like imprest, conveyance hiring charges etc. shall be paid in two days time. g. All salary reimbursement should be claimed once a month (between 1st & 5th).



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Holidays Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


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List of Holidays
The HR Department and the Regional Heads of InterGlobe finalize a List of holidays for their respective branches in the beginning of a year. These holidays have to be strictly followed by the employees. Some of the Holidays are subject to change depending on the appearance of the moon. The List of Holidays for InterGlobe is drawn out from the gazetted holidays list declared by the Government. The list covers: a. 3 National holidays which are mandatory i.e. Republic Day-26 th January, Independence Day-15th August and Gandhi Jayanti-2nd October. b. 4 main festivals from the 4 major religions i.e. from Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christianity. c. 5 remaining are the holidays are prominent region wise i.e. North, South, East and West. d. There will be 2 restricted holidays.

Concept of Restricted Holidays: An employee can choose his/her leave from the list of gazetted holidays declared by the Government.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change No Smoking Policy Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


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The Company operates a strict non-smoking policy in all its offices. You are requested to adhere to this policy without exception and to ensure that visitors are fully aware of and comply with the policy.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Travel Policy Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


Objective: 1. 2. 3. To define the policy that determines employees travel entitlements. To provide reasonably comfortable travel, boarding and lodging facilities while on business tour commensurate with the image of the company and conducive to good performance. To ensure efficient use of company money for business travel

Effective Date: The policy will be effective from August 16, 2004. Policies & Procedures: 1. Employees must complete a Duty Travel Requisition Form as prescribed by the company (Exhibit 3). The duly approved form should be submitted to Accounts for payment of advance, if any and for final settlement of the travel expenses. One copy of the form to be retained by the Business Unit Head (BUH). All business travel must have prior approval by the respective Business Head/Functional Head/Regional Manager/Branch Manager. Cash advance, if required, would normally be released 3 days prior to actual travel. Daily Allowance (DA) can be claimed only when the employee is not availing the hotel facility but staying with his/her friends/ relatives. The company will additionally bear all reasonable expenses on transportation, entertainment of business guests and other incidental expenses as per policy entitlement. Bills do not have to be produced while claiming DA and Incidental Allowance (IA). All other claims must be supported by vouchers IA includes Incidental expenses include laundry, tips, porterage, newspaper/ magazine etc. The cities have been classified into three levels, viz. A,B,C. Category A Delhi, Mumbai Category B Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad Category C All others The business travel shall commence with effect from the time the employee leaves residence and shall complete when the employee returns to residence. Business Promotion Expenses will not be allowed for Bands 1-5 unless sanctioned by the Business Head/GM. On return from a tour, the Expense Claim should be submitted within 7 days in the prescribed form (Exhibit 4).

2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.


11. 12.



The companys Travel Desk, should be used for all foreign travel arrangements as far as possible. The company normally discourages family members from accompanying employees on short-term business travel assignments (up to 3 months). However, in exceptional cases where such a requirement arises, or is necessary, prior formal approval from the Business Head will be necessary for family to accompany the employee on his/her business tour. The company will purchase appropriate Medical Insurance for all employees traveling overseas. If the travel is expected to last longer than the period covered by the plan, employees are responsible to ensure that the Head office in India has appropriately extended the validity period of the insurance policy. When travel is sponsored by another party as in the case of training or airline Familiarization trips, the employee will not be entitled to any of the facilities and allowances under this policy unless the same is approved in advance by the BUH. All staff entitled for ID Ticket must opt for it, for these employees full fare will be approved only on an exceptional basis.




Employees while on business travel may claim for reimbursement of liquor or cigarettes/tobacco, only if it is consumed while entertaining business guests. No reimbursement will be made for consumption of alcohol or cigarettes/tobacco for self, while on tour. Reporting Managers prior approval is required for entertaining business guests.


Exhibit 1: Domestic Travel

Mode of travel BAND Band 1 & 2 Mode of travel If distance is less than 300kms AC Bus/AC Chair Car/Personal Vehicle wherein fuel of Rs.2.00 per km reimbursed If distance is greater than 300kms & journey time less than 18 hours Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Superfast/AC Second Else, by air Economy class If distance is less than 300kms AC Bus/AC Chair Car/ Personal Car wherein fuel of Rs.3.50 per km reimbursed Else, by air Economy class If distance is less than 300kms AC Bus/AC Chair Car/ Personal Car wherein fuel of Rs.4.50 per km reimbursed Else, by air Economy class If distance is less than 300kms AC Bus/AC Chair Car/ Personal Car wherein fuel of Rs.5.00 per km reimbursed By air Economy class On Actual On Actual

Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Leadership

Also, for train journey a maximum reimbursement of Rs100/- per day towards miscellaneous expenses (including meals) is allowed. Staff who are entitled to free or rebated transportation must avail that facility. Alternate arrangements should be made only if these are found more economical.

Hotel Accommodation: is as per the city category.

BAND Band 1 & 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Leadership Max. amt. per day Max. amt. per day Max. amt. per day Category A Category B Category C 2500 2000 1500 3000 2500 2000 3500 3000 2500 4500 3500 3000 On Actual On Actual On Actual On Actual On Actual On Actual


Daily Allowance (DA): is as per the city category

BAND Band 1 & 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Leadership Max. amt. per day Max. amt. per day Max. amt. per day Category A Category B Category C 350 300 300 400 350 350 450 400 400 550 400 400 650 550 500 1000 750 600

Local Conveyance while on Tour BAND Band 1 & 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Leadership Mode of Travel Auto Rickshaw* / Public Transport Auto Rickshaw*/ Public Transport Hired Vehicle / Personal Car Hired Vehicle / Personal Car Company car, public or private Taxi Company car, public or private Taxi Reimbursement On Actual On Actual Rs.4.50 per km Rs.5.00 per km On Actual On Actual

Fuel consumption while on tour is in excess of employees fuel entitlement if applicable. In Mumbai & Calcutta city use of Taxi is authorised in areas where Auto Rickshaws are not allowed Band 1 onwards all the employees are entitled to hire a vehicle for a drop & pickup to & from airport / railway station, between 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. This will be subject to prior approval from the Reporting Manager.

Meals: as per city category against bills BAND Band 1 & 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 & 6 Leadership Telephone Max. amt. per day Max. amt. per day Max. amt. per day Category A Category B Category C 400 300 300 450 350 350 500 400 400 On Actual On Actual On Actual On Actual On Actual On Actual


Calls from the hotel should be kept to the minimum. Personal call for 3 minutes per day allowed to contact ones family within India (STD). All official calls can be reimbursed against submission of bills

BAND Band 1, 2 & 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Leadership Maximum reimbursement limit per day Amount sanctioned by Business Head 1200 2500 4000 On Actual

Note: Upto Band 3 no alcohol bills allowed and No five star or home entertainment allowed unless prior approval from the Reporting Manager.


Exhibit 2: International Travel

Mode of Travel BAND Band 1 5 Band 6 Leadership Mode of Travel Economy Class Business Class Business Class

Daily Allowance: when hotel facility is not availed by the employee BAND Band 1 4 Band 5 6 Leadership Reimbursement per day in USD 50 75 100

Hotel Accommodation BAND Band 1 & 2 Band 3 & 4 Band 5 Band 6 Leadership Max. Reimbursement per day in USD 75 100 125 150 On Actual

Note: Reimbursement will be done only on actual on submission of bills.

Entertainment BAND Band 1 4 Band 5 Band 6 Leadership Reimbursement On Actual as approved by Business Head On Actual as approved by Business Head On Actual On Actual


Short Term Assignment On short-term assignments, the company will try to facilitate renting of apartments on a twin sharing basis wherever practical. Each apartment will consist of two bedrooms, bathrooms, a kitchen and a living area. However, in the eventuality that the apartments are not arranged the employee can stay in a hotel as per policy until such time the apartment can be arranged.


Exhibit 3: Duty Travel Requisition

Date: TO: FROM:

Purpose of travel: _________________________________________________ (In detail) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Destination: ______________________

Period of Travel: From______________ To _____________ No. of days _____ Travel Costing: Tickets (INR): Visa: Expected Costs (USD): (INR): Additional Costs (INR): Signature of Employee ___________________________ ___________________________ Name & Designation of Employee Airline: Country:

Signature of the Business Head


Exhibit 4: Travel claim settlement bill

Staff Name Location Places visited Purpose of visit Date of travel : : : : : From: Staff No.:


Note: Please mention any advances taken from the company in the following Columns

Foreign Exchange Advances Currency Advance Expenses Settlement Balance





Staff Signature with date




FOR ACCOUNTS USE ONLY Details of Travelling Bill (DOM/INTL.) Journey Travelling Expenses Allocation Others Total Forex INR Code

Other Expenditures Account Head Currency Forex INR

Total Remarks:


Details of Travelling Bill (attachment) Travel Bill Particulars Hotels Tickets Transport Remarks

Please tick/fill appropriate column above.



Currency Code Amount Forex INR



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Office Work Hours and Days Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


InterGlobe generally practices a 40-hour workweek for all Staff and Management employees. However, based on business needs, employees may be required to work upto 48-hours per week. Actual work timings may vary from time to time and from location to location based on the business and customer service requirements. Employees will be advised by their supervisor or manager of the working hours, lunch period and weekly rest days for each branch. Depending on local requirement, regional management can change the timings of the entire office or any Department/Branch.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Employee Benefits at unusual hours Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


Employee benefits for Work at unusual hours

a. Purpose of the document: This document outlines the policy guidelines pertaining to the employee benefits that are outlined for team members that are assigned to projects with unusual work hours. b. Purpose of the Policy The objective of this policy is to have standard benefits practices for team members that are perennially required to work at unusual hours. The organization recognizes the need for additional assistance for team members that perennially work in unusual working hours as per requirement of the nature of the assignment. The qualification of such team members shall be as per the recommendation of the concerned Practice head of the department.

The scope includes the recognized team members that are considered under the purview of the program. Team members that do not fall under this category shall not be eligible for benefits under this program even if they are temporarily assigned work at unusual work hours.

Policy Details Eligibility

All team members of the organization that are assigned to projects with unusual working hours and identified by practice heads shall be eligible to participate in this program.

Details of the Program:

The team members that are covered under this program shall be entitled to the following benefits subject to their not availing similar or superior benefits under any entitlement policies existing in the organization. a. Car Petrol reimbursement


The team members that use their cars shall be entitled to a reimbursement of car petrol for their travel from home to office and vice-versa. This reimbursement shall not exceed 60-Km round trip. The reimbursement shall be at the rate of Rs.3/- per Km. The reimbursement shall be made as per the number of actual working days in a month. The team member shall be required to declare in a specified format the residential address and the distance in kilometers from office to residence. Parking charges on actuals shall be considered with prior approval in case the employee is required to come on normal hours. b. Car maintenance
The team members that use their cars for commuting from home to office and vice-versa shall be paid car maintenance of Rs.500/- per month. The reimbursement shall be made against suitable vouchers.

c. Dinner Reimbursement The team members that come under the purview of this program shall be entitled to reimbursement for Dinner upto a limit of Rs.1000/- per month. The reimbursement shall be made against suitable vouchers. The Approved List shall be maintained by the organization in a suitable format available to all the team members.

Procedure for availing the benefits

The Identified team members shall be required to fill in a declaration form; Employee declaration to avail the benefits outlined in the program. The details of the benefits entitled for the team members shall be communicated to the corporate HR and Finance for their records. The identified team members shall be required to submit suitable vouchers and details every month to claim reimbursements under this program. The claims must be approved by the practice heads and shall be submitted to the Finance for payment.


Organizational rights The organization shall reserve the right to amend, modify or discontinue the program based on various business conditions.


Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Disciplinary Procedure Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this procedure is to help and encourage employees to achieve and maintain acceptable standards of conduct, attendance and job performance. The aim is to ensure consistent and fair treatment for all. SCOPE : All Employees . PROCEDURES : a. The procedure is designed to establish the facts quickly and to deal consistently with disciplinary issues. b. No disciplinary action will be taken against an employee until the case has been fully investigated. c. At each stage in the procedure an employee will be advised of the nature of the complaint against him/her and will be given the opportunity to state his/her case before any decision is made. d. An employee will have the right to be accompanied (but not represented) by a friend or work colleague at all disciplinary hearings. e. An employee will not be dismissed for a first breach of discipline except in the case of gross misconduct, when the penalty will be dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice. f. An employee will have the right to appeal against any disciplinary penalty imposed.

Nature : a. The following list, which is not exhaustive, gives examples of the type of conduct or performance where disciplinary action should be expected: reporting late for work, unauthorized absence, unacceptable performance, misuse of company facilities, inappropriate standards of dress, problematic relations with clients/other staff members, breach of smoking


policy, excessive personal use of the telephone, disruptive behavior, contravention of minor safety regulations. b. The following disciplinary procedure may be implemented at any stage (whether or not previous stages have been followed) if your conduct or performance warrants such action.

Procedure : a) Stage 1 - Oral Warning If an employees conduct or performance does not meet acceptable standards he/she will normally be given a formal ORAL WARNING. He/she will be advised of the reason for the warning, the consequences of any repetition or failure to improve to acceptable standards and of his/her right of appeal. A brief note of the oral warning will normally be kept, but it will normally be considered nullified after 6 months, subject to an acceptable standard of conduct and performance being maintained. b. Stage 2 - Written Warning If the offence is a more serious one or if a further offence occurs or any offence repeated or if performance does not improve, the employee will be given a WRITTEN WARNING. He/she will be advised of the reason for the warning, the consequences of any repetition or failure to improve to acceptable standards and of his/her right of appeal. A copy of the written warning will be kept on file, but it will normally be considered nullified after 12 months, subject to an acceptable standard of conduct and performance being maintained. (c) Stage 3 - Final Written Warning If there is still a failure to improve and conduct or performance still does not meet acceptable standards or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious to warrant only one written warning, but insufficiently serious to justify dismissal, the employee will be given a FINAL WRITTEN WARNING. He/she will be advised of the reason for the warning, the consequences of any repetition or failure to improve to acceptable standards and of your right of appeal. A copy of the final written warning will be kept on file, but it will normally be considered nullified after 12 months, subject to an acceptable standard of conduct and performance being maintained. (d) Stage 4 - Dismissal He/she will be If the employees conduct or performance is still not acceptable and he/she still fails to reach the prescribed standards, DISMISSAL will normally result.


provided, as soon as reasonably practicable, with written confirmation of the dismissal, the date on which employment terminated or will terminate and the right of appeal. [An appropriate note for summary dismissal will be introduced]

Gross Misconduct This list is illustrative and not exhaustive (and the Company will endeavor to inform employees of any further designated offence(s) if circumstances should change, and reserves the right to designate an offence as gross as the circumstances dictate): a. Physical assault; b. Fraud, theft, falsifying records or any other form of dishonesty; c. Harassment on grounds of sex, race, religion or disability; d. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs during working hours, or abusing controlled drugs, including trafficking; e. Serious breach of security regulations; f. Divulging confidential information causing serious commercial damage to the Company; g. Willful disobedience of management instructions; h. Conduct of any kind which endangers the health and safety of others; i. j. Gross negligence in the performance of duties; Conduct of any kind which offends or otherwise jeopardizes the Companys relationship with a client; k. Committing a criminal offence which might adversely affect the Companys standing and reputation (if an individual is charged with a criminal offence, the Company reserves the right to implement disciplinary action if it believes that it is fair and reasonable to do so); l. Serious breach of, or non-adherence to the requirements of the Staff Policy Manual or other company policies; m. Failing to participate fully in any investigation in which the Company is involved, whether internally or externally driven; or n. Breaching any professional or institutional rules, codes of conduct or business ethics, which might adversely affect the Companys interests. Suspension :


a. While the alleged gross misconduct is being investigated, an employee may be suspended, during which time he/she will be paid normal salary. Any period of suspension will be kept to a minimum, consistent with a proper investigation of the facts. Appeals b. If an employee wishes to appeal against any disciplinary decision he/she must do so in writing to the MD within three working days.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Grievance Handling Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


OBJECTIVES & SCOPE : The object of the grievance procedure is to enable employees who consider that they have a grievance or complaint arising from their employment with the Company to have it dealt with at the nearest appropriate level within the shortest time possible. Anyone wishing to use this procedure can do so freely and without prejudice to his/her position in the Company. It applies to all employees, irrespective of job or grade. In the first instance the immediate superior who will attempt to deal with the matter after making such consultations as are necessary will deal with all grievances. A work colleague at any grievance hearing may accompany an employee who has grievances. Every opportunity will be given for your grievance to be stated and thoroughly discussed. Further appropriate investigation arising out of such consultations may take place and action taken thereon. PROCEDURE : If an employees complaint or grievance relates to your immediate superior, the grievance can be escalated to the next level of management. If the matter is not resolved to the employees satisfaction within a reasonable time, he/she can escalate it to the next level of management. Within seven working days of the receipt of a complaint, the person so dealing with the grievance will arrange a meeting to investigate the matter. A work colleague at any grievance hearing may accompany the employee. Every opportunity will be given for your grievance to be stated and thoroughly discussed. Further appropriate investigation may take thereon and action taken. A decision will normally be given within ten working days.


If he/she remains dissatisfied with the decision, request that the person who reached the decision refers the matter to the BUH. The MD will make arrangements for a grievance appeal hearing at which the employee will have the right to be accompanied and to make written submissions for consideration. The BUH will normally give a decision within ten working days. For those reporting to the BUH, the appeals may be made to the MD of InterGlobe. In all other cases, the decision of the BUH will be final.


Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Induction & Placement Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



OBJECTIVES: Familiarize the new employee with the philosophy, policies, and practices of the Company. Help the new entrant to understand his/her role, responsibility and his/her position in the department and in the Organization, vis--vis his/her own function and other functions. Give an opportunity to the employee to meet and acquaint himself/herself with his peers, juniors and seniors within and across relevant departments. Induct the person into the organizations culture and into his/her role and enable him/her to meet the expectations of the Organization. Make his/ her entry smooth, effective and make him/her feel at ease, comfortable and welcomed into the new environment. POLICY: We prefer that an employee comprehends his/her role clearly. Induction is the first stage of this process and it is a big step in building a lasting and effective relationship between the individual and the Organisation. Self-help practices in this direction should be encouraged. Induction is a very important and valuable entry process.


The inductors need to be sensitive to the mental state of the new employee. His/her mind may be preoccupied with issues of separation and final clearance with the previous Organisation, the induction and acceptance issues with us, issues of relocation, resettlement, job security, etc. In our induction system, the responsibility of induction rests with HR and the department in which the employee joins. The HR representative and a senior member of the department or the Reporting Manager (as co-inductor) will be jointly responsible for the same. PROCEDURE: The induction of an employee starts, in essence, from the time of interviews. However, the formal procedure starts from the moment a candidate is selected and he accepts the job offer. The procedures and progressive steps of induction are as follows: (Copy of Induction checklist is enclosed). On issuing/making the job offer to the selected candidate, HR will advise the following departments immediately : i ii BUH/Reporting Manager concerned Administration

After the candidate confirms the date of joining or a week before the expected date of joining, the HR representative and the co-inductor from the concerned department will jointly work out his/her induction program and prepare the induction folder. They will also ensure that necessary arrangements have been taken care of in order to welcome the new entrant. (A co-inductor is a person nominated by the dept. He would be a person from the department of the new entrant. He will be working along with the representative and the department head to help the new entrant settle down). On the day the candidate joins, after completion of the joining formalities and briefing with HR, a HR representative will introduce him/her to Administration, Security, Telephone Operators/Receptionists, Cashier and then bring him/her over


to the department head. The department head or his nominee will receive and will in turn introduce him to his department members and the department head. The inter-departmental and cross-functional induction program would normally commence from the 2nd or 3rd day of joining. This program will be monitored by the HR representative and the Co-inductor. At the end of this program, the new entrant, the department head, co-inductor and the HR representative will review the induction. Relevant feed back received during this review will be given to the department head concerned. The new entrant is to take the initiative in pursuing his/her induction program. The program of meeting various people would be normally spread over a number of half-days so that he/she can simultaneously start taking over his/her job during the remaining part of the day. Our HR will conduct bi-annual company induction programs for the benefit of new employees. The departmental heads should ensure that all the new entrants attend this program within 6 months of their joining the company. The departmental head, reporting manager and HR will work as a team in inducting and grooming the employee during the first 6 months.


JOINING REPORT NAME:___________________________________________________________ _ DESIGNATION:___________________________________________________ _ BAND : ___________________________________________________________ STATION: ___________________________OFFICE: ______________________ REPORTING MANAGER:___________________________________________ DATE OF JOINING: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS PERMANENT:_____________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________ PRESENT:________________________________________________________ ___ ____________________________________________________________ BLOOD GROUP: ____________________________________________________ OTHERS: __________________________________________________________ Signature Date:


(Signature of Reporting Manager)

Form: New Joinees Feedback (To be filled by the new joinee) Inductor/s name: For each question, please put a check mark in the one box that best represents your response. Assessment Parameters S t r o n g l y A g r e e A g r e e D i s a g r e e S t r o n g l y D i s a g r e e N . A .

The organization structure and overview was clearly presented at the beginning. The content was effective & presented in a clear, well-organized manner. The inductor was knowledgeable and was effective in conveying the


information. HR Policies and Procedures were clearly explained The inductor could handle all the queries comfortably The program arrangements and coordination was effective. Attending this program will help me perform my job more effectively. The inductor provided with all the necessary brochures and the Employee Handbook The inductor introduced me to the all the key personnel Ill be interacting with 12. Overall, how satisfied were you with the Induction program? (Rate on a scale of 1-5 where 1- Very Dissatisfied & 5 Very Satisfied) What would have made the Induction program more effective?


Name of the new joinee Designation Reporting Manager Date of joining Signature of the new joinee

: : : : :


OBJECTIVES : Sexual harassment is an unacceptable conduct of a sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex abuse affecting the dignity of men or women at work. Sexual, racial or religious harassment will generally be unwanted, unreasonable or offensive or it may be a combination of all three. It may cause the employee who is being harassed to feel threatened or humiliated. It may interfere with the employees job performance, undermine job security or create a threatening or intimidating working environment. Although the word harassment has connotations of repeated conduct, an employee can be harassed by a single act. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and as such both men and women can be discriminated against. It is fair to say, however, that women rather than men usually make complaints of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can consist of several different types of behaviour, some of which are more obvious than others. This list is not exhaustive but, for example, sexual harassment can take the form of gestures or leering, sending letters, gifts or offensive publications or the use of pin-ups. Alternatively sexual harassment may consist of spoken comments, including unwanted propositions, jokes of a sexual nature, questions or comments of a sexual nature or the suggestion that an employees career can be advanced by bestowing sexual favours (or alternatively that an employees career will be damaged if they do not accede to sexual requests). A third sort of sexual harassment involves physical contact including accidental contact, or deliberate patting, fondling or groping. What should employees do if they have a complaint of sexual or racial harassment? Staff has a right not to be harassed (or for that matter not to be discriminated against in any other way). If he/she is being harassed in any way the following action is suggested: If it is practical the employee should make it clear to the person who is harassing him/her that their behaviour is unacceptable and ask them to refrain from such conduct. It is understood, however, that in many cases this may not be practical.


If the problem continues despite his/her having made clear about the conduct of harassment being unacceptable, (or if the employee feels that he/she cannot speak to them directly), he/she should ask his/her Reporting Manager to investigate and resolve the matter. If the employee cannot speak to his/her immediate supervisor about the problem (perhaps because they are the problem) then he/she should either escalate to a level higher or, take up with someone in HR. The most important thing is for the employee to take appropriate steps to tell someone who will be able to take action. What action will the Company take? The Company will take all necessary steps to investigate the employees complaint. It is more than likely that senior management will be brought in and they will assess whether the situation can be resolved informally. If not, then they will probably want to have investigation interviews with both the employee and the person who is harassing that employee and also anyone else who is able to throw further light in the matter. Both the employee harassed and the person harassing will have the right to be accompanied (perhaps by a representative or a friend or colleague); the accused will be given full details of the nature of the complaint and the opportunity to respond; and strict confidentiality will be maintained throughout any investigation into an allegation. Where it is necessary to interview other people, the importance of confidentiality will be emphasized. If, after investigating the complaint, the Company agrees that there are reasonable grounds to uphold the complaint then disciplinary action will be taken against the accused under the Companys usual disciplinary procedures. This action may result in the dismissal of the accused. The Company wishes all employees to realize that sexual or racial harassment (in conjunction with other types of discrimination on grounds of sex, race or disability) is a very serious offence and will be treated as gross misconduct under the Companys disciplinary procedure. An incident of sexual or racial harassment is therefore likely to lead to dismissal.


What should employees do if they feel that they have been unfairly accused? If an employee feels that he/she has been unfairly accused he/she should use the Companys grievance procedure in the usual way. The Company will not tolerate harassment or victimization in the workplace and will ensure that all complaints of such behavior are fairly investigated. Behavior of this type constitutes gross misconduct and will result in disciplinary action. SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment is an unacceptable conduct of a sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex abuse affecting the dignity of men or women at work. Sexual, racial or religious harassment will generally be unwanted, unreasonable or offensive or it may be a combination of all three. It may cause the employee who is being harassed to feel threatened or humiliated. It may interfere with the employees job performance, undermine job security or create a threatening or intimidating working environment. Although the word harassment has connotations of repeated conduct, an employee can be harassed by a single act. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and as such both men and women can be discriminated against. It is fair to say, however, that women rather than men usually make complaints of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can consist of several different types of behaviour, some of which are more obvious than others. This list is not exhaustive but, for example, sexual harassment can take the form of gestures or leering, sending letters, gifts or offensive publications or the use of pin-ups. Alternatively sexual harassment may consist of spoken comments, including unwanted propositions, jokes of a sexual nature, questions or comments of a sexual nature or the suggestion that an employees career can be advanced by bestowing sexual favours (or alternatively that an employees career will be damaged if they do not accede to sexual requests). A third sort of sexual harassment involves physical contact including accidental contact, or deliberate patting, fondling or groping. What should employees do if they have a complaint of sexual or racial harassment?


Staff has a right not to be harassed (or for that matter not to be discriminated against in any other way). If he/she is being harassed in any way the following action is suggested: If it is practical the employee should make it clear to the person who is harassing him/her that their behaviour is unacceptable and ask them to refrain from such conduct. It is understood, however, that in many cases this may not be practical. If the problem continues despite his/her having made clear about the conduct of harassment being unacceptable, (or if the employee feels that he/she cannot speak to them directly), he/she should ask his/her Reporting Manager to investigate and resolve the matter. If the employee cannot speak to his/her immediate supervisor about the problem (perhaps because they are the problem) then he/she should either escalate to a level higher or, take up with someone in HR. The most important thing is for the employee to take appropriate steps to tell someone who will be able to take action. What action will the Company take? The Company will take all necessary steps to investigate the employees complaint. It is more than likely that senior management will be brought in and they will assess whether the situation can be resolved informally. If not, then they will probably want to have investigation interviews with both the employee and the person who is harassing that employee and also anyone else who is able to throw further light in the matter. Both the employee harassed and the person harassing will have the right to be accompanied (perhaps by a representative or a friend or colleague); the accused will be given full details of the nature of the complaint and the opportunity to respond; and strict confidentiality will be maintained throughout any investigation into an allegation. Where it is necessary to interview other people, the importance of confidentiality will be emphasized. If, after investigating the complaint, the Company agrees that there are reasonable grounds to uphold the complaint then disciplinary action will be taken against the accused under the Companys usual disciplinary procedures. This action may result in the dismissal of the accused.


The Company wishes all employees to realize that sexual or racial harassment (in conjunction with other types of discrimination on grounds of sex, race or disability) is a very serious offence and will be treated as gross misconduct under the Companys disciplinary procedure. An incident of sexual or racial harassment is therefore likely to lead to dismissal. What should employees do if they feel that they have been unfairly accused? If an employee feels that he/she has been unfairly accused he/she should use the Companys grievance procedure in the usual way. The Company will not tolerate harassment or victimization in the workplace and will ensure that all complaints of such behavior are fairly investigated. Behavior of this type constitutes gross misconduct and will result in disciplinary action.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Dealing with Low and Non-Performers Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



OBJECTIVES: This policy gives guidelines on: How managers are expected to deal with employees whose performance does not meet InterGlobes standard in some/most areas will be highlighted by a rating of less than 2 in the performance appraisal process What the employees, who are rated as not meeting InterGlobes standards in their performance, can expect by way of organizational support Policy/Procedures: The company believes that no employee would like to perform unsatisfactorily. It is possible that the low/non performance of an employee could be on account of factors beyond his/her control and, hence, it is important to study the circumstances of the case in depth. While the organization should do everything possible to help an employee to perform at his/her best, it is equally the employee's responsibility to make the required effort, the company would like to be supportive but not tolerant of deliberate or unjustifiably poor performance. If clear strengths are identified in an employee who is not performing well, every effort should be made to find another job for him within the organization where his strengths could be better utilized. The training needs of low performers would be given the highest priority. Continued unsatisfactory performance after all organizational support has been exhausted will lead to separation. Procedure:


It is the Departmental Heads/Functional Heads/Regional Managers/Branch Managers responsibility to identify low performers and initiate proper measures before low/non performance sets in. Cases of low performers should be discussed with HR at the end of the annual appraisal cycle and more often, if required. Specific action plans should evolve from such discussions. The employee whose performance is recorded as 'Unsatisfactory' must be informed and counselled. For example a sales professional is not able to achieve his/her targets then he/she should be told about the same and of course be counselled to improve his/her productivity. If training is given it should be followed by feedback about improvements as and when they take place. Even after all efforts, if low performance persists, separation will take place. The employee will be given 3 months time (individual contracts will be taken into consideration too) to look out for a job. Full CTC will be paid during this period. The exact date of separation will be informed to him, 3 months in advance. Whether he gets a job or not he will be forced to leave on the notified date. He will be entitled to PF, Medical reimbursement etc. If he/she has completed 5 years of service in InterGlobe, he/she will be entitled to gratuity which will be paid as per the payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Performance & Development Process Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



Steps a. HR intimates the Departmental Head/Functional/Regional and branch heads to distribute the PDP (Performance Development Process) forms to their staff for the purpose of evaluation of their performances for the current financial year. This process is undertaken in the month of February every year. b. The Branch Unit Heads/Functional/Regional/Branch Heads hand over the PDP Forms to their staff. Also, PDP Form is not issued to the employee who has joined on or after 1st October of the current Financial year. c. The Individuals fill up the Part I (Goal Setting) of the PDP Form at the beginning of the current financial year. There are five goals which were decided jointly by the Employee. It includes the action steps taken by the employee for achieving the goals. d. The individuals rate themselves only for the Goal Setting part. e. The PDP forms are submitted to the concerned managers for their rating and feedback. f. The Manager reviews the self-ratings of the employees in Goal Setting. The Manager makes the necessary changes as per his/her observation. g. The Managers rate the employees on their core (applies to all Bands), managerial (applies to all Managers), and leadership competencies(applies to the Departmental Heads). h. Reporting Managers meet individuals for a review /feedback etc. i. j. l. Individual reads the ratings and signs it Reporting Manager signs it PDP Forms (completed) are sent to the HR Department.

k. Departmental Head/Functional Head signs it m. HR discusses with Departmental Head/Functional Head


n. Consolidation done by HR o. Presentation of the feedback and ratings to the Departmental Heads of InterGlobe. p. Final decision regarding increments is taken. q. HR dispatches Increment letter to Departmental Head r. Employee receives letter of increment s. For more information refer to the PDP manual.


Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change E-mail Policy Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails



This Policy clarifies the applicability of law and policies to Electronic Mail. It also defines new policy and procedures where existing policies do not specifically address issues particular to the use of Electronic Mail. The Company recognizes that principles of freedom and professionalism, freedom of speech, and privacy of information hold important implications for Electronic Mail and Electronic Mail Services. The Company regards Electronic Mail privacy protections comparable to those, which it traditionally regards to paper mail and telephone communication. This Policy reflects these firmly held principles within the context of legal and other obligations. Company encourages the use of Electronic Mail and respects the privacy of users. It does not routinely inspect, monitor, or disclose Electronic Mail without the Holders consent. Nonetheless, subject to the requirements for authorization, notification, and other conditions specified in this Policy, the Company may deny access to its Electronic Mail Services and may inspect, monitor, or disclose Electronic Mail (i) When required by and consistent with law (ii) (iii) (iv) When there is Substantiated Reason to believe that violations of law or of Company policies listed in Attachment have taken place When there are Compelling Circumstances or Under Time-dependent, Critical Operational Circumstances as those terms are defined below.

The company Electronic Communications Policy (ECP), is fully applicable to employees of Galileo India Private Limited. This Policy reflects all of the relevant provisions in the ECP concerning Email, and has been extended to include all regional and other office implementations in the area of Electronic Mail only.

PURPOSE The purpose of this Policy is to assure that: All Galileo India employees are informed of the provisions of the ECP relevant to Email, extensions of the policy, and the applicability of other policies and laws to Electronic Mail. Electronic Mail Services are used in compliance with those policies and laws; Users of Electronic Mail Services are informed about how concepts of privacy and security apply to Electronic Mail; and Disruptions to Galileo India Electronic Mail and other services and activities are minimized. DEFINITIONS The terms Electronic Mail and Email are used interchangeably throughout this Policy. Authorizing Officials: The Electronic mail administrator is the authorized official of Galileo India Private Limited with the ability to approve access to a Galileo Email Users Email without the consent of the user under certain circumstances as set forth in the section.


Compelling Circumstances: Circumstances where failure to act may result in significant bodily harm, significant property loss or damage, loss of significant evidence of one or more violations of law or of Company policies, or significant liability to the Company or to employee/employees of the Company or Group Company. Computing Facility or Facilities: Computing resources, services, and network systems such as computers and computer time, data processing and storage functions, computer systems and services, servers, networks, input/output and connecting devices, and related computer records, programs, software, and documentation. Electronic Mail, Email Record or Email: Any of several electronic computer records or messages created, sent, forwarded, replied to, transmitted, stored, held, copied, downloaded, displayed, viewed, read, or printed by one or several Email Systems or Services. This definition of Email Records applies equally to the contents of such records and to transactional information associated with such records, such as headers, summaries, addresses, and addressees. Electronic Mail Systems or Services: Any messaging system that depends on Computing Facilities to create, send, forward, reply to, transmit, store, hold, copy, download, display, view, read, or print computer records for purposes of asynchronous communication across computer network systems between or among individuals or groups, that is either explicitly denoted as a system for Electronic Mail or is implicitly used for such purposes, including services such as electronic bulletin boards, list servers, and newsgroups. Emergency Circumstances: Circumstances where time is of the essence and where there is a high probability that delaying, action would almost certainly result in Compelling Circumstances. Holder of an Email Record or Email Holder: An Email User who is in Possession of a particular Email Record, regardless of whether that Email User is the original creator or a recipient of the content of the record. System Operator of Company Email Systems or Facilities (Operator): The departmental computer system operator(s) or Email System administrator(s) responsible for operating and maintaining the companies Email System. Possession of Email: An individual is in possession of an Email Record, whether the original record or a copy or modification of the original record, when that individual has effective control over the location of its storage. Thus, an Email Record that resides on a computer server-awaiting download to an addressee is deemed, for purposes of this Policy, to be in the possession of that addressee. Systems administrators and other Operators of Companies Email Services are excluded from this definition of Possession with regard to Email not specifically created by or addressed to them. Email Users are not responsible for Email in their Possession when they have no knowledge of its existence or contents. Substantiated Reason: Reliable evidence indicating that a violation of law or of policies listed probably has occurred, as distinguished from rumor, gossip, or other unreliable evidence. Time-dependent and Critical Operational Circumstances: Circumstances where failure to act could seriously hamper the ability of the Company to function administratively or to meet its obligations, but excluding circumstances pertaining to personal or professional activities, or to matters of Corporate governance.


Galileo India Email System or Service (Galileo): An organization, department, as represented by the department head of such unit, that provides and maintains an Email System for the use of its staff or associates. Company Email Record: A Record in the form of an Email Record regardless of whether any of the Computing Facilities utilized to create, send, forward, reply to, transmit, store, hold, copy, download, display, view, read, or print the Email Record are owned by the Company. This implies that the location of the record, or the location of its creation or use, does not change its nature as: Company Email Systems or Services: Electronic Mail Systems or services owned or operated by the Company or any of its sub-units. SCOPE This Policy applies to: All Electronic Mail Systems and Services provided or owned by the Company; All Users, Holders, and uses of Company Email Services; All Company Email Records in the Possession of Company employees or other Email Users of Electronic Mail Services provided by the Company. This Policy applies only to Electronic Mail in its electronic form. The Policy does not apply to printed copies of Electronic Mail. However, other Company Records management policies do not distinguish among the media in which records are generated or stored. Electronic Mail messages, therefore, in either their electronic or printed forms, are subject to those other policies, including provisions of those policies regarding retention and disclosure. This Policy applies equally to transactional information (such as Email headers, summaries, addresses, and addressees) associated with Email Records and attachments to such records as it does to the contents of those records. This Policy also applies to the Galileo and Operators of Company Email Systems and Services as it does to the users of such services. . GENERAL PROVISIONS As noted in the Introduction, the Company recognizes that principles of freedom and professionalism, freedom of speech, and privacy of information hold important implications for Electronic Mail and Electronic Mail Services. This Policy reflects these firmly held principles within the context of the Companys legal and other obligations. A.Purpose In support of its service, the Company encourages the Use of Company Electronic Mail Services to share information, to improve communication, to transact business, and to exchange ideas. B.Company Property Company Electronic Email Systems and Services are Company facilities as that term is used in other policies and guidelines. Any Electronic Mail address or account associated with the Company, or any sub-unit of the Company, assigned by the Company to employees, sub-units, or functions of the Company, is the property of the of the Company Galileo India Private Limited.


C.Service Restrictions Those who use Company Electronic Mail Services are expected to do so responsibly, that is, to comply with state and Central laws, with this and other policies and procedures of the Company, and with normal standards of professional and personal courtesy and conduct.

1.General Restriction of Services

Access to Company Electronic Mail Services, when provided, is a privilege that may be wholly or partially restricted by the Company without prior notice and without the consent of the Email User: when required by and consistent with law; when there is a Substantiated Reason to believe that violations of policy or law have taken place; or in exceptional cases, when required to meet Time-dependent, Critical Operational Needs. Personnel policies and procedures applicable to Galileo India staff, employment contracts, Code of Conduct may contain or imply other restrictions to an employees Email Service. An Authorized representative of Galileo India may restrict access to Email Services to a particular user or users in accordance with the provisions of this Policy. An Authorized representative intending to restrict an individuals Email Services must ensure that the action is in compliance with the policies and procedures that govern the individuals employment.

2.Allegations of Misuse of Email Services

Allegations concerning the misuse of Electronic Mail Services involving Galileo India Staff should be brought immediately to the attention of either the Department Head of the employing department or the divisional Head.

3.Notification of Restriction of Use of Galileo India Email Services

The Email User shall be notified of the scope, reason and duration of the restriction consistent with applicable Company policy. Email Services may be restored when the situation that occasioned the restriction of service has been resolved.

4.Restriction upon Termination of Galileo India Employees

Mail administrator shall be required to terminate access to Email Services of any employee, department, or group when such employee, department, or group ceases its employment with the Company or is otherwise no longer eligible to utilize Email Services. Unless the Galileo has defined otherwise, use will be canceled when staff terminates their association with Galileo India. Mail administrator may, but are not required to, provide former Email Users with Email forwarding services, the duration of any such forwarding service (generally 30 days) to be at the discretion of the CEO. Galileo India shall not provide any notification prior to service discontinuance


D. Consent and Compliance An Email Holders consent shall not be sought by the Company prior to any inspection, monitoring, or disclosure of Company Email Records in the Holders Possession. Employees are, however, expected to comply with Company requests for copies of Email (How ever concerned GM or above will have to give the written consent (with reason) for any such action in advance and this would be with the knowledge of CEO ). Records in their Possession that pertain to the administrative business of the Company, or whose disclosure is required to comply with applicable laws, regardless of whether such records reside on a computer housed or owned by the Company. In order to reduce the need to access an employees Email in the event of that employees absence, Galileo India departments and units may use, individually or in combination, a number of techniques, such as: Email forwarding and with the consent of the Email Holder, so that during planned absences employees can forward Email to the person responsible for performing the work in their absence common workgroup files for departmental-related business so that Email Records can be accessed by others in the employees absence; an on vacation program, so that during absences correspondents can be advised to re-route business Email to an alternative address. E. Access without Consent The Company shall only permit the inspection, monitoring, or disclosure of Electronic Mail without the consent of the holder of such Email (i) When required by and consistent with law (ii) (iii) (iv) When there is a Substantiated Reason to believe that a violation of law or of a Company policy has taken place When there are Compelling Circumstances or Under Time-dependent, Critical Operational Circumstances. When the contents of Email must be inspected, monitored, or disclosed without the Holders consent, authorization for such access must be obtained in accordance with the following procedures.

Except in Emergency Circumstances, as described below, such actions must be authorized in advance. Authorization shall be limited to the least perusal of contents and the least action necessary to resolve the situation.

Galileo India Authorization

Authorization for the inspection, monitoring, or disclosure of Electronic Mail without the consent of the Email Holder must be obtained in advance and shall be made by the following Galileo India Authorizing Officials depending upon the status of the affected Email Holder: Galileo India E-Mail Holder Galileo India Authorizing Official Status


Staff Manager Regional Head/HOD


The CEO & PRESIDENT without regard to the status of the affected Email Holder may also exercise this authority. This authority may not be further delegated. The authorization shall be in writing and shall be based on a request with a valid reason submitted in writing. The authorization shall be limited to the least perusal of contents and the least action necessary to resolve the matter and will be brought to the knowledge of the CEO prior to any action been taken. Where the inspection, monitoring, or disclosure of Email held by staff is involved, the advice of the HR & Statutory shall be sought in writing in advance. All such advice shall be given in a timely manner.

1.Galileo India Authorization under Special Circumstances

Authorization under certain special circumstances is to be provided as follows: Violation of Criminal Law The CEO will request authorization for access to Email Records when there is Substantiated Reason to believe that violations of law have taken place, following the procedure set forth above. In the event of compelling, or Time-dependent, Critical Operational Circumstances, the emergency procedure set forth below will be followed instead. Preservation of Evidence A Department/Unit Head may request authorization to take steps to secure electronic mail records to preserve evidence when there is a Substantiated Reason to believe that violations of law or of Company policies have taken place, following the procedure set forth above. However, no such evidence may be inspected or disclosed without written authorization as specified herein. In the event of a Compelling Circumstances, or Time-dependent and Critical Operational Circumstances, the emergency procedure set forth in Subsection 7 below, will be followed instead.

2.Emergency Circumstances
In Emergency Circumstances, the least perusal of contents and the least action necessary to resolve the emergency may be taken immediately without authorization, but appropriate authorization must then be sought immediately following the procedures described above. Such Emergency Circumstances may include Compelling Circumstances or Time-dependent and Critical Operational Circumstances. If the action taken is not subsequently authorized, the responsible authority shall seek to have the situation restored as closed as possible to that, which existed before action was taken.


In either case, the responsible authority or designee shall, at the earliest possible opportunity that is lawful and consistent with other Company policy, notify the affected individual of the action(s) taken and the reasons for the action(s) taken. The Galileo India Authorizing Official shall be responsible for tracking instances of authorized or emergency non-consensual access and reporting such information to the Galileo India Information Technology (IT) Security Coordinator or (CTO). The Galileo India IT Security Coordinator or (CTO) shall be responsible for tabulating the nonconsensual access data for the campus and providing the annual report. The Galileo India IT Security Coordinator or (CTO) shall provide a copy of such annual report to the CEO of Galileo India.

4.Compliance with Law

Actions taken under this section, including access to Email Records residing on computers not owned or housed by the Company shall be in full compliance with the law and other applicable Company policy, including laws and policies. A. Galileo India Recourse Galileo India Email Users who believe that actions taken by employer or the Company were in violation of this Policy regarding procedures for review and appeal of actions taken under Sections E. may file a complaint with the appropriate Galileo India Authorizing Official. The decision of the Galileo India Authorizing Official may be appealed to the CEO whose decision will be final. B. Misuse In general, both law and Company policy prohibit the theft or other abuse of computing resources. Such prohibitions apply to Electronic Mail Services and include, but are not limited to, unauthorized entry, use, transfer, and tampering with the accounts and files of others, and interference with the work of others and with other Computing Facilities. Under certain circumstances, the law contains provisions for felony offenses. Users of Electronic Mail are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these laws and policies.

A. Allowable Use In general, Use of Company Electronic Mail Services is governed by policies that apply to the use of all Company facilities. In particular, Use of Company Electronic Mail Services is encouraged and is allowable subject to the following conditions:

Electronic Mail Services are to be provided by Company organizational units in support of the business, service mission of the Company, and the administrative functions that support this mission.


Users of Company Electronic Mail Services are to be limited to Company staff for purposes that conform to the requirements of this Policy. Galileo may choose to provide or not provide Email Services to defined categories of users, and may limit the types of services offered based upon consideration of department or unit missions, available resources, or other business needs and priorities. The Company will provide individual mail boxes on domain to the below defined category of staff by default 1. All Sales Staff on joining 2. All Supervisors / Team Leaders 3. All Managers & above (regional/Corporate) 4. All Corporate employees in Staff cadre and above 5. All Vendor support Staff Company expects and demand judicious use of all resources provided to individuals with respect to electronic communication (E-Mails), hence they need to maintain their mailbox size as defined below after which any mail received will bounce back.

All Staff Cadre Mangers GM/HOD Above GM/HOD

5 MB 10 MB 20 MB 30 MB

Email Services may be provided for groups, or entities not affiliated with the Company provided such use is determined to be in the institutional interests of the Company and, provided further, that the terms, conditions, and restrictions to be placed on such use are contained in a written agreement.

Company Electronic Mail Services may not be used for: unlawful activities; commercial purposes not under the auspices of the Company; personal financial gain; personal use; or uses that violate other Company policies or guidelines. The latter include, but are not limited to, policies and guidelines regarding intellectual property, or regarding sexual or other forms of harassment.

Electronic Mail Users shall not give the impression that they are representing, giving opinions, or otherwise making statements on behalf of the Company or any unit of the Company unless appropriately authorized (explicitly or implicitly) to do so. Where


appropriate, an explicit disclaimer shall be included unless it is clear from the context that the author is not representing the Company. An appropriate disclaimer is: The information in this electronic mail message is sender's business Confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this Internet electronic mail message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. The sender believes that this E-mail and any attachments were free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse, and/or malicious code when sent. This message and its attachments could have been infected during transmission. By reading the message and opening any attachments, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and remedial action about viruses and other defects. Galileo India is not liable for any loss or damage arising in any way from this message or its attachments.

F.False Identity
Company Email Users shall not employ a false identity. Email may, however, shall not be sent anonymously, and does not unreasonably interfere with the administrative business of the Company.

6.Mass Messaging
A Galileo India Email User shall not send or forward unsolicited bulk email messages (also known as spam; including any attachments to such messages, to mailing lists, to other Galileo India Email Users, or to other non-Galileo persons. The mass messaging of content related to Company business or activities sent to a specific target audience using global address list services, user-created distribution lists is permitted, provided that the name of the sender is properly identified and the Company-business-related purpose of the Email is clearly stated in the message. Subscribers to a Galileo India-sponsored electronic mailing list will be deemed as having solicited any material delivered by such a service so long as the material is consistent with the lists purpose and the service has published a procedure for opting out of the service. Mass messaging to all Galileo India employees must be coordinated through the designate manager or regional head. Galileo India Electronic Mail Services may be used for incidental personal purposes in accordance with section I below. H. Interference Company Email Services shall not be used for purposes that could reasonably be expected to cause, directly or indirectly, excessive strain on any Computing Facilities, or unwarranted or unsolicited interference with others use of Email or Email Systems. Such uses include, but are not limited to, the use of Email Services to: (i) Send or forward Email chain letters;



Spam, that is, to exploit list servers or similar broadcast systems for purposes beyond their intended scope to amplify the widespread distribution of unsolicited Email; and Letter-bomb, that is, to resend the same Email repeatedly to one or more recipients to interfere with the recipients use of Email.


I.Personal Use
Company Electronic Mail Services may be used for incidental personal purposes if, in addition to the foregoing constraints and conditions, such use does not: (i) Directly or indirectly interfere with the Company operation of Computing Facilities or Electronic Mail Services (ii) (iii) Burden the Company with noticeable incremental cost; or Interfere with the Email Users employment or other obligations to the Company. Email Records arising from such personal use may, however, be subject to the presumption in the definition of a Company Email Record regarding personal and other Email Records. Email Users should assess the implications of this presumption in their decision to use Company Electronic Mail Services for personal purposes.

Security and Confidentiality

The obligations of Galileo and users of Email Services with respect to security and confidentiality are as follows:

A.Limitations on Confidentiality
Confidentiality of Email may be compromised by the applicability of law or policy, including this Policy, by unintended redistribution, or because of the inadequacy of current technologies to protect against unauthorized access. Users, therefore, should exercise extreme caution in using Email to communicate confidential or sensitive matters.

B.Unauthorized Access or Disclosure

Business and Finance Bulletin, Legal Requirements on Privacy of and Access to Information, prohibits Company employees and others from seeking out, using, or disclosing without authorization personal or confidential information, and requires employees to take necessary precautions to protect the confidentiality of personal or confidential information encountered in the performance of their duties or otherwise. This prohibition applies to Email Records. In this Policy, the terms inspect, monitor, or disclose are used within the meaning of seek, use, or disclose.


C.Access by Computer Operations Personnel in the Performance of Their Duties

Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, users should be aware that, during the performance of their duties, network and computer operations personnel and system administrators need from time to time to observe certain transactional addressing information to ensure proper functioning of Company Email Services, and on these and other occasions may inadvertently see the contents of Email messages. Except as provided elsewhere in this Policy, they are not permitted to see or read the contents intentionally; to read transactional information where not germane to the foregoing purpose; or disclose or otherwise use what they have seen. One exception, however, is that of systems personnel (such as postmasters) who may need to inspect Email when re-routing or disposing of otherwise undeliverable Email. This exception is limited to the least invasive level of inspection required to perform such duties. Furthermore, this exception does not exempt postmasters from the prohibition against disclosure of personal and confidential information of the previous paragraph, except insofar as such disclosure equates with good faith attempts to route the otherwise undeliverable Email to the intended recipient. Re-routed mail normally should be accompanied by notification to the recipient that the Email has been inspected for such purposes.

D.Security of Email Records

The Company attempts to provide secure and reliable Email Services. Galileo Electronic Mail Services are expected to follow sound professional practices in providing for the security of Electronic Mail Records, data, application programs, and system programs under their jurisdiction. However, such professional practices and protections are not foolproof and the security and confidentiality of Electronic Mail cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, Operators of Email Services have no control over the security of Email that has been downloaded to a users computer. Email Users should employ whatever protections (such as passwords) that are available to them as a deterrent to potential intruders and to misuse of Email.

E.Discarded Email Records

Users of Electronic Mail Services should be aware that, even though the sender and recipient have discarded their copies of an Electronic Mail Record, there might be backup copies that can be retrieved. Systems may be backed up on a routine or occasional basis to protect system reliability and integrity, and to prevent potential loss of data. The back-up process results in the copying of data onto storage media that may be retained for periods of time and in locations unknown to the originator or recipient of Electronic Mail. The practice and frequency of back-ups and the retention of back-up copies of Email vary from system to system. Electronic Mail users are encouraged to request information on the back-up practices followed by the System Administrators of Company Electronic Mail Services, and such Operators are required to provide such information upon request.

F.Galileo India Email Addresses

Email addresses that are issued by a Galileo India Galileo to, staff or others affiliated with Galileo India are generally considered public information and as such, may be made

available in electronic or paper directories. Email addresses of Galileo India staff and others affiliated with Galileo India are generally considered as non-personal information and may be released upon request in accordance with applicable policies and laws. Also the ID nomenclature used by Galileo India Private Limited for its mail id is based on the principle of <First Name>.<Last Name> all the group/functional IDs will also use the same principle with location being the First name and group/function being the Last name.

G.Archiving and Retention

Company Records management policies do not distinguish among media with regard to the definition of Company Records. As such, Electronic Mail Records are subject to these policies. In particular, such records are subject to disposition schedules in the Company Records Disposition Schedules Manual, which distinguishes among different categories of records, from the ephemeral to the archival. The Company does not maintain central or distributed Electronic Mail archives of all Electronic Mail sent or received. Electronic Mail is normally backed up, if at all, only to ensure system integrity and reliability, not to provide for future retrieval, although backups may at times serve the latter purpose incidentally. System administrators of Company Electronic Mail Services are not required by this Policy to retrieve Email from such backup facilities upon the Holders request, although on occasion they may do so as a courtesy. Email Users should be aware that generally it is not possible to ensure the longevity of Electronic Mail Records for record-keeping purposes, in part because of the difficulty of guaranteeing that Electronic Mail can continue to be read in the face of changing formats and technologies and in part because of the changing nature of Electronic Mail Systems. This becomes increasingly difficult as Electronic Mail encompasses more digital forms; such as embracing, compound documents composed of digital voice, music, image, and video in addition to text. Furthermore, in the absence of the use of authentication systems, it is difficult to guarantee that Email documents have not been altered, intentionally or inadvertently. Email Users and those in Possession of Company Records in the form of Electronic Mail are cautioned, therefore, to be prudent in their reliance on Electronic Mail for purposes of maintaining a lasting record. Where longterm accessibility is an issue, sound business practice suggests that consideration be given to transferring (if possible) Electronic Mail to a more lasting medium/format, such as acid-free paper or microfilm

Violations of law or Company policies in the Use of Company Electronic Mail Services may result in restriction of access to Company information technology resources. In addition, disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, may be applicable under other Company policies.
122 Cautions in the Use of Email Users of Email Services should be aware of the following:

1.Privacy Limitations
Both the nature of Electronic Mail and the public character of the Company make Electronic Mail less private than users may anticipate. For example, Electronic Mail intended for one person sometimes may be widely distributed because of the ease with which recipients can forward it to others. A reply to an Electronic Mail message posted on an electronic bulletin board or lists server intended only for the originator of the message may be distributed to all subscribers to the list server. Furthermore, even after a user deletes an Electronic Mail Record from a computer or Electronic Mail account it may persist on backup facilities, and thus be subject to disclosure under the provisions of Section V of this Policy. The Company cannot routinely protect users against such eventualities.

2. Record Disclosure Requirements

Electronic Mail, whether or not created or stored on Company equipment, may constitute a Company Record subject to disclosure under law or other laws, or as a result of litigation. However, the Company does not automatically comply with all requests for disclosure, but evaluates all such requests against the precise provisions of the Act, other laws concerning disclosure and privacy, or other applicable law. Users of Company Electronic Mail Services also should be aware that the disclosure Act and other similar laws jeopardize the ability of the Company to guarantee complete protection of personal Electronic Mail resident on Company facilities.

3.Email Content
The Company, in general, cannot and does not wish to be the arbiter of the contents of Electronic Mail. Neither can the Company, in general, protect users from receiving Electronic Mail they may find offensive. Members of the Company, however, are strongly encouraged to use the same personal and professional courtesies and considerations in Electronic Mail as they would in other forms of communication.

4.Validating Authenticity
There is no guarantee, unless authenticated mail systems are in use that Electronic Mail received was in fact sent by the purported sender, since it is relatively straightforward, although a violation of this Policy, for senders to disguise their identity. Furthermore, Electronic Mail that is forwarded may also be modified. As with print documents, in case of doubt receivers of Electronic Mail messages should check with the purported sender to validate authorship or authenticity.

5.Encryption of Electronic Mail

Encryption of Electronic Mail is another emerging technology that is in widespread use as of the date of this Policy. This technology enables the

encoding of Electronic Mail so that for all practical purposes it cannot be read by anyone who does not possess the right key. The answers to questions raised by the growing use of these technologies are not now sufficiently understood to warrant the formulation of Company policy at this time. Users and Operators of Electronic Mail Facilities should be aware, however, that these technologies will become generally available and probably will be increasingly used by members of the Company

Policies Relating to Non-consensual Access to Email

This Policy references circumstances where access to Email may occur without the prior consent of the holder. Following is a list of Galileo India policies that may trigger such non-consensual access Policies governing sexual or other forms of harassment, specifically: of the Code of Conduct; Personnel Policies for Staff Members; selected Administrative and Professional Staff Personnel Policies.

The Company is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which all persons who participate in Company programs and activities can work together in an atmosphere free of all forms of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation, including sexual. The Company will not tolerate sexual harassment. This behavior is prohibited both by the law and by Company policy. The Company will take whatever action is necessary to prevent and correct such behavior and, if appropriate, discipline persons whose behavior violates this policy.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of instruction, employment, or participation in other Company activity; Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for evaluation in making personnel decisions affecting an individual; or Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individuals performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive Company environment. In determining whether the alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, consideration shall be given to the record of the incident as a whole and to the totality of the circumstances, including the context in which the alleged incidents occurred Violations of other policies can normally be detected and investigated without requiring non-consensual access to Electronic Mail. However, on occasion attention to possible policy violations is brought about because of the receipt by others of Electronic Mail. Electronic Mail however can be forged; the true identity of the sender can be masked; and the apparent sender may deny authorship of the Electronic Mail. In such circumstances and provided there is a Substantiated


Reason that points to the identity of the sender, non-consensual access to the purported senders Electronic Mail may be authorized, but only to the least extent necessary for verifying the identity of the sender, and only for major violations of the following policies:

Because Company policies are subject to change; this list may change from time to time. The authoritative list at any time will be posted under the listings of Company policies. Authority to change this list rests with the CEO & President of the Company



Document History
Ver No. 1.0 Release Date CR. Ref N.A. Policy / Description of Change Policy on Mobile Phones Authored / Revised by Reviewed By Approved By


Uncontrolled when printed unless signed by approving authority Only controlled hardcopies of the document shall have authorization signatures on them Softcopies of the documents do not need any signature and can be authorized by alternate means such as emails


POLICY ON MOBILE PHONES (to be reviewed)

ITQ would provide Mobile phones to the following people: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Managers at Corporate office General Managers Sales Managers State Heads Services Managers

The maximum limits for reimbursements will be as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. National Managers General Managers State heads Sales Managers Services Managers Managers (Corporate) Assistant Managers Sales and Technical staff - 3000 p.m. - 3000 p.m. - 2000 p.m. - 2000 p.m. -2000 p.m. - 2000 p.m. - 1500 p.m. -1000 p.m.

Any exceptions to these would have to be approved by the President & CEO ITQ and intimated to Corporate Accounts at DLF. In the event that, any staff is asked to assume the responsibility of any of the positions mentioned above he/she would be eligible to claim as per the above policy till the time the person is doing the job.
This policy comes into effect from 01 December 2003 and is valid till 31st March 2005.


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