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Dear friends,
Shang Shung Institute, Russia is announcing the admission of students to the four-year training program of the Tibetan medicine within the The School of Tibetan Medicine of the International Shang Shung Institute. Shang Shung Institute The International Shang Shung Institute is an organization aimed at study, preservation and popularization of the traditional culture of Tibet. The Institute was founded by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu, a Dzogchen master and prominent researcher of the Tibetan history and culture, in 1989 and inaugurated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama 14th in 1990 in Merigar, Italy. Tibetan Medicine School The School of Tibetan Medicine was founded in Conway Massachusetts, USA. Bynow, the third cohort of students who completed the training under the four-year training program, has graduated from the School of Tibetan Medicine of SSI, USA. According to the wish of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, in 2013 the School of Tibetan Medicine under the direction of Doctor Phuntsog Wangmo will start operating in Russia as well. Location The School of Tibetan Medicine of Shang Shung Institute, Russia will open its doors on 29th of May in Kunsangar North, the Gar of the International Dzogchen Community founded by Ch gyal Namkhai Norbu and the main seat of the Shang Shung Institute, Russia, beautifully located on the banks of Klyazma river near Pavlovsky Posad town, 68 kms from Moscow: Training program The program consists of 8 trimesters. The first trimester will start at the end of May, 2013, and last till the end of August. There will be 20 hours of classes per week, 3 days in a row (week days will be determined following the results of inquiring all enrollees). The program contemplates mandatory 20 hours of self-training every week. During the 4-year course, apart from Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo herself, other teachers, the best Tibetan doctors teaching students in China, India etc., invited by the Doctor Wangmo, will teach some disciplines. Supplemental training: Introductory Tibetan language course (24 hours) with Prof. Fabian Sanders. The Course will be held in Moscow on April 1119. For details, see | email: [email protected] | email: [email protected]

Committed to the Preservation of Tibetan Culture

Italy United States Austria Russia Argentina United Kingdom Australia

The first trimester: Theory: Basic fundamental classes: History of the Tibetan Medicine; Root tantra of the Tibetan medicine: Anatomy and physiology according to the Tibetan Medicine; Ethics of behavior of a Tibetan doctor. Supplementary classes: Tibetan language. Practice: The first week of the trimester an intensive course of Tibetan massage Ku-Nye, subsequently with the weekly 2-hour practice of the massage during the whole semester. Thus, upon the completion of the first trimester, the students will already have the sufficient knowledge and skills for successfully starting their own practice of Ku-Nye. Exams The students will have to pass 2 exams: the intermediary exam in the middle of the first trimester and the final exam upon the completion thereof. Further training The second trimester of the four year program will start in winter 20132014 (December January). See the preliminary program of training attached. The complete program of the four year training will be published soon on the web-site of Shang Shung Institute, Russia. Upon the completion of training The students who completed the theoretical training within 8 trimesters and attended all practical seminars will be provided with an opportunity of internship in the North East Hospital of the traditional Tibetan Medicine in Qing Hai, China. Upon the completion of training, the students who successfully completed the program, passed the exams, and undertook the internship, will receive a diploma of the Tibetan Medicine Doctor issued by the Chengdu University, China. In cooperation with the Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists of Traditional and Folk medicine (RANM), Shang Shung Institute is working on the possibility to enable the TM School graduates to practice legally pursuant to the Russian Federation law. The best graduates will be provided with an opportunity of employment at the Tibetan Medicine Center of Shang Shung Institute which will be organized in Kunsangar North. Language & Visa All the main classes will be held in English, with the Russian translation. In the future, some facultative classes may be held in Tibetan or Russian, with the English translation. Attention! All EU citizens, as well as the other foreigners except for the citizens of CIS, need visa to enter Russian Federation. Touristic visa allows maximum stay of 90 days. Well offer all possible help to our students in getting Russian visa. | email: [email protected] | email: [email protected]

Committed to the Preservation of Tibetan Culture

Italy United States Austria Russia Argentina United Kingdom Australia

Accommodation Our students can choose between few accommodation options: Accommodation in Bolshie Dvory settlement (~1 km from Kunsangar North); Pavlovsky Posad town (5 kms from Kunsangar North); or in Moscow. In the case of necessity, the students will be assisted in the search of suitable residence in Pavlovsky Posad town, its adjacencies, Moscow or in any other place according to the circumstances; Accommodation at the retreat center of SSI only during the training (3 days per week); Accommodation at the retreat center of SSI for the whole period of training (3 months in summer and approximately 2.5 months in winter); please refer to for accommodation prices. Cost of training The cost of training for the first trimester is 36000 RUR (~900 Euro) for the members of Shang Shung Institute, Russia and 40000 RUR (~1000 Euro) for everybody else. (The price indicated is valid for the first trimester. We reserve the right to change the cost of the education in future). Admission requirements Attention! To enroll, please fill out the questionnaire and the application forms below: Questionnaire for enrollees Application of admission to the TTM School Please, note that all enrollees have to send us letters of recommendation from three individuals (friends, colleagues, relatives, organizations, etc.) The letters may be drawn in free form but they should recommend you for training at the School of Tibetan Medicine. The letters of recommendation from those individuals need to be sent to the Schools email: [email protected] The correct motivation is important We would like to emphasize the importance of your firm intention to be engaged in the study of the Tibetan medicine seriously and deeply. Chgyal Namkhai Norbu and Doctor Phuntsog Wangmo particularly emphasized the necessity of such motivation as a important condition for participation in this program. We encourage future students to make sure that they really have a serious attitude before enrolling for the 4-year study program. Good news for the students! During his stay in Kunsangar North in summer, 2013, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu will give initiation of Medicine Buddha to the students of TTM School of Shang Shung Institute! Information on modules for external therapies For those who are interested in the profound study of external therapies of the Tibetan medicine, additional certification modules of different length will be realized in the future within the TTM School. | email: [email protected] | email: [email protected]

Committed to the Preservation of Tibetan Culture

Italy United States Austria Russia Argentina United Kingdom Australia

Committed to the Preservation of Tibetan Culture

Biography of Doctor Phuntsog Wangmo Menpa (Dr.) Phuntsog Wangmo received her advanced degree from the Lhasa University School of Traditional Medicine in 1988 where she also served a two-year residency after completing her five year training program (19831990). During that time she studied with the Khenpos Troru Tsenam and Gyaltsen, two of Tibets foremost doctors who are credited with the revival of Tibetan Medicine within Tibet under the Chinese. Dr.Phuntsog Wangmo had the exceptional opportunity of extensive clinical training under Khenpo Troru Tsenam for four years. Thereafter, she dedicated many years of work as a doctor in the Eastern Tibet where she collaborated and directed the implementation of A.S.I.A projects in the region, the non-profit organization founded by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu. Since that time, she has worked on behalf of A.S.I.A. setting up hospitals and training centers in the remote regions of Sichuan Province and Chamdo Prefecture. From 1996 present, she has been the A.S.I.A. project coordinator for the development of Gamthog Hospital in Tibet in collaboration with expatriate personnel. Besides, she remains a coordinator and practitioner of the traditional Tibetan medicine supervising health activities through out the surrounding region of Chamdo Prefecture. Prior to 1996, she was on the faculty of Shang Shung Institute in Italy where she gave numerous seminars and conference presentations on the Tibetan medicine. Currently, Dr. Wangmo lives in the USA heading the Tibetan Medicine School of the Institute. Chgyal Namkhai Norbu personally authorized Dr. Phuntsog to be responsible for the preservation and spread of the Tibetan medicine traditions in the West. Useful links: Website of Shang Shung Institute, Russia Website of International Shang Shung Institute Tibetan Medicine School of Shang Shung Institute, USA Contacts and additional information: [email protected] | email: [email protected] | email: [email protected]

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