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Subject Year Date/Day Time Theme Topic Focus Skill Integrated skill Learning Outcome : : : : : : : : : English Language 2 Ibnu Sina 30th September 2012 / Sunday 10.15 am 11.15 pm World of Knowledge On the farm Listening and Speaking Writing 1.1.3 songs. 1.1.4 Behavioural Objective: Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. Match at least 4 out of 5 animals with the correct sounds.

Vocabulary Sentence Pattern

: :

Cow, Duck, Sheep, Dog, Cat Q1: What is the sound of this animal? .. (Animals sound) A1: This is a /an . . (Animals name)

Previous knowledge: Moral values CCTS : :

Pupils have learnt about the animals in Year 1. Care and love to the animals. Identifying, Analyzing Music, interpersonal and verbal linguistic. Video clip, farm modelling set, and worksheet.

Multiple intelligence : Teaching aids :






Stage 1 Induction Set (5 minutes)

1. Eliciting pupils attention. Video clip 2. Teachers questions.

1. Teacher shows a video clip about Old McDonald Has A Farm song to the pupils. 2. Teacher asks a question about the video clip. a) List out the animals that you see in the video clip?

1. To captivate pupils attention. 2. To introduce or give the outline of the lesson.

Materials: -Video clip Vocabulary: -Animal -Farm CCTS: -Generate and extend ideas Multiple intelligence: -Visual-spatial -Verballinguistic

Stage 2 Presentation

1. Introducing the animals. -cat

1. Teacher introduces the animals based on the song of Old McDonald Has A Farm.

1. To ensure the pupils know the animals and its names.

Materials: -Pictures -Flashcards -Song Vocabulary: -Cat -Cow -Dog -Duck CCTS: -Identify -Analysis

(20 minutes) -cow -dog -duck -sheep

2. Teacher shows the pictures of the animals and their sounds. 2. To get pupils say correctly the 3. Teacher pronounces the name sound of the of the animals correctly. animals. 4. Teacher asks the pupils to pronounce the animals correctly. 3. To attract pupils attention as they love to sing.

1. Teacher says aloud the sound of the animals correctly. 2. Presenting the sounds of animals. -meow -moo 2. Teacher asks the pupils to repeat the sounds with teachers guidance. 3. Examples of the sounds: Cat Meow Cow Moo Duck Quack

Stage 3

1. Group activity

1. Teachers divides the pupils

1. To help the


Practice (15 minutes)

Modelling a farm

into 4 groups and appoint a leader for each group 2. Teacher show a model of a farm made from polystyrene and printed pictures. 3. Teacher gives instructions on how to do the activity. 3. Teacher asks each leader from each group to collect the items for the model. 4. Pupils were given 12 minutes to complete the farm model. 5. Pupils are encourages to use their creativity to complete the model.

pupils concentrate more on the topic. 2. To instill the cooperative value in pupils. 3. To provide some space for students to show their creativity.

-Polystyrene -Printed pictures -Scissors -Glue CCTS: -sort -sequence Multiple intelligence: -Visual-spatial -Verballinguistic -Bodilykinaesthetic

Stage 4 Production (15 minutes)

1. Individual worksheets. (a) Match the animal with the animals sound (b) Colour the pictures

1. Teacher distributes worksheets to the pupils. 2. Teacher asks the pupils to answer the questions. (a) Pupils have to match the animal with the correct sound. (b) Pupils have to colour up the animal. 3. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.

1. To check the pupils on what they have learnt. 2. To check or assess how much has really been learnt.

Materials: -worksheets CCTS: -sort -classify Multiple intelligence: -visual-spatial

Stage 5 Closure (5 minutes)

Sing the song along.

1. Pupils are guided by teacher to sing old mcdonald had a farm song based on the rhyme. 2. Teacher plays back the video. 3. Pupils are asks to sing the song along.

1. To reinforce the pupils understanding on the topic. 2. To instill moral values.

Materials: Values: Vocabulary: CCTS:

3. To help the Multiple students remember intelligence: more on what they have learned

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