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Designation: D 4157 92

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Standard Test Method for

Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Oscillatory Cylinder Method)1

This standard is issued under the xed designation D 4157; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 1.1 This test method covers the determination of the abrasion resistance of woven textile fabrics using the oscillatory cylinder tester. This test method may not be usable for some fabric constructions.
NOTE 1Other procedures for measuring the abrasion resistance of textile fabrics are given in: Test Methods D 3884, D 3885, D 3886, D 4158, and AATCC 93.

3. Terminology 3.1 Denitions: 3.1.1 abrasion, nthe wearing away of any part of a material by rubbing against another surface. 3.2 For denitions of other textile terms used in this test method, refer to Terminology D 123. 4. Summary of Test Method 4.1 Abrasion resistance is measured by subjecting the specimen to unidirectional rubbing action under known conditions of pressure, tension, and abrasive action.5 Resistance to abrasion is evaluated by various means which are described in Section 12. 5. Signicance and Use 5.1 The measurement of the resistance to abrasion of textile and other materials is very complex. The resistance to abrasion is affected by many factors, such as the inherent mechanical properties of the bers; the dimensions of the bers; the structure of the yarns; the construction of the fabrics; and the type, kind, and amount of nishing material added to the bers, yarns, or fabric. 5.2 The resistance to abrasion is also greatly affected by the conditions of the tests, such as the nature of abradant; variable action of the abradant over the area of specimen abraded, the tension of the specimen, the pressure between the specimen and abradant, and the dimensional changes in the specimen. 5.3 Abrasion tests are all subject to variation due to changes in the abradant during specic tests. The abradant must accordingly be changed at frequent intervals or checked periodically against a standard. With disposable abradants, the abradant is used only once or changed after limited use. With permanent abradants that use hardened metal or equivalent surfaces, it is assumed that the abradant will not change appreciably in a specic series of tests, but obviously similar abradants used in different laboratories will not likely change at the same rate due to differences in usage. Permanent abradants may also change due to pick up of nishing or other material from test fabrics and must accordingly be cleaned at frequent
5 A machine similar to that described may be obtained from Polyspec, Inc., 2301 South Tyron St., Charlotte, NC 28203. An evaluation was made of this apparatus in the Report of the ASTM Task Group Studying the Wyzenbeck Precision Wear Test Meter, by Scaman J. Tanenhaus and Gerald Winston in the ASTM Bulletin, October 1948.

1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard; the values in English units are provided as information only and are not exact equivalents. 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: D 123 Terminology Relating to Textiles2 D 1682 Test Methods for Breaking Load and Elongation of Textile Fabrics2 D 1776 Practice for Conditioning Textiles for Testing2 D 3597 Specication for Woven Upholstery Fabrics Plain, Tufted, or Flocked3 D 3884 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary Platform, Double Head Method)3 D 3885 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Flexing and Abrasion Method)3 D 3886 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Inated Diaphragm Method)3 D 4158 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Uniform Abrasion Method)3 2.2 Other Document: AATCC 93, Impeller Tumble Method4
1 This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-13 on Textiles and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.60 on Fabric Test Methods, Specic. Current edition approved June 15, 1992. Published August 1992. Originally published as D 4157 82. Last previous edition D 4157 82. 2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 07.01. 3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 07.02. 4 Available from American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.

Copyright ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 4157
intervals. The measurement of the relative amount of abrasion may also be affected by the method of evaluation and may be inuenced by the judgment of the operator. 5.4 The resistance of textile materials to abrasion as measured on a testing machine in the laboratory is generally only one of several factors contributing to wear performance or durability as experienced in the actual use of the material. While abrasion resistance (often stated in terms of the number of cycles on a specied machine, using a specied technique to produce a specied degree or amount of abrasion) and durability (dened as the ability to withstand deterioration or wearing out in use, including the effects of abrasion) are frequently related, the relationship varies with different end uses, and different factors may be necessary in any calculation of predicted durability from specic abrasion data. Laboratory tests may be reliable as an indication of relative end-use performance in cases where the difference in abrasion resistance of various materials is large, but they should not be relied upon where differences in laboratory test ndings are small. In general, they should not be relied upon for prediction of actual wear-life in specic end uses unless there are data showing the specic relationship between laboratory abrasion tests and actual wear in the intended end-use. 5.5 These general observations apply to all types of fabrics, including woven, nonwoven, and knit apparel fabrics, household fabrics, industrial fabrics, and oor coverings. It is not surprising, therefore, to nd that there are many different types of abrasion testing machines, abradants, testing conditions, testing procedures, methods of evaluation of abrasion resistance, and interpretation of results. 5.6 All the test methods and instruments so far developed for abrasion resistance may show a high degree of variability in results obtained by different operators and in different laboratories; however, they represent the methods now most widely in use. 5.7 Since there is a denite need for measuring the relative resistance to abrasion, standardized test methods are desirable and useful and may clarify the problem and lessen the confusion. 5.8 Because of the conditions mentioned previously, technicians frequently fail to get good agreement between results obtained on the same type of testing instrument both within and between laboratories, and the precision of this test method is uncertain. This test method is accordingly not recommended for acceptance testing in contractual agreements between purchaser and seller because of the poor between-laboratory precision of the test method. In such a case, if there is a disagreement arising from differences in values reported by the purchaser and the seller when using this test method for acceptance testing, the statistical bias, if any, between the laboratory of the purchaser and the laboratory of the seller should be determined with each comparison being based on testing specimens randomly drawn from one sample of material of the type being evaluated. 6. Apparatus 6.1 The apparatus, shown in Figs. 1 and 2, should consist of an oscillating cylinder section furnished with edge clamps to permit mounting of a sheet of abrasive material over its curved

FIG. 1 Oscillatory Cylinder Abrasive Machine

surface. The section should oscillate through an arc 76 mm (3 in.) long at the rate of 90 cycles (double rubs) per min. Three or four specimen-holding arms should be provided to permit testing of several specimens simultaneously. Each arm should consist of a set of controlled tension clamps and a controlled pressure pad. Tension on the specimen should be adjusted by use of a calibrated sliding weight on a bar attached to the forward specimen clamp. The rear clamp should butt against a thumb screw to provide for taking up the slack of the specimen. The pressure pad, made of sponge rubber, should be tted to a pressure bar at the top of the specimen-holding arm. A second calibrated sliding weight should furnish the required pressure between the pad and the cylinder section. The rubber pad, 50 by 50 mm (2 by 2 in.) in dimension, should be shaped to the curve of the cylinder surface. Suspended over the drum should be two slotted vacuum pipes to remove lint and dust particles. An automatic counter should be provided to record the number of oscillations. 6.2 Maintenance and CalibrationThe rubber pads on the tester may not be in proper alignment when installed or may become misaligned or worn through use. In order to achieve uniform wear the following procedure should be followed: Remove the screen wire and clean the drum. Insert 36-grit sandpaper, rmly seat the pads in holders, lower the pads onto sandpaper, engage, and remove all pressure. Run tester for 400 cycles or until pads are evenly worn to the shape of the drum. After each test, brush the rubber pads to remove loose ber,

D 4157

FIG. 2 Schematic Diagram of Oscillatory Cylinder Machine

etc., using a nylon brush of medium stiffness. Clean the drum with the brush and then with a cloth using stoddard solvent. Weekly maintenance should be done as follows: Take off the screens and clean in a detergent solution. Clean out the vacuum system by removing the attachment and blowing out with an air hose and vacuuming. Inspect the pads for wear and reverse or replace, as needed. 7. Sampling 7.1 Take a lot sample as directed in the applicable material specication, or as agreed upon between the purchaser and seller. In the absence of such a specication or other agreement, take a laboratory sample as directed in 7.2. 7.2 Take a laboratory sample from each roll or piece of fabric in the lot sample. The laboratory sample should be full width and at least 50 cm (approximately 20 in.) long and should not be taken any closer to the end of the roll or piece of fabric than 1 m (1 yd). 7.3 Sample shipments of garments as agreed upon between purchaser and seller. 8. Number and Preparation of Test Specimens 8.1 In the absence of any applicable material specications, take 16 specimens, 8 warp and 8 lling, from each sample to be tested. 9. Conditioning 9.1 For the tests made as described, precondition the specimens by bringing them to approximate moisture equilibrium in

the standard atmosphere for preconditioning, then bring the specimens to moisture equilibrium for testing in the standard atmosphere for testing. Equilibrium is considered to have been reached when the increase in weight of the specimen in successive weighings made at intervals of not less than 2 h does not exceed 0.1 % of the weight of the specimen. 10. Preparation of Specimens 10.1 Cut the test specimen 45 mm (178 in.) by 230 mm (9 in.). The long dimensions are cut parallel to the warp yarns for warpwise abrasion and parallel to the lling yarns for llingwise abrasion. Do not cut two warp specimens from the same warp yarns or two lling specimens from the same lling yarns. Abrade the specimens on the face of the material unless otherwise specied. Specimen preparation need not be carried out in the standard atmosphere for testing. 11. Procedure 11.1 Test the conditioned specimens in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles, which is 70 6 2F (21 6 1C) and 65 6 2 % relative humidity. 11.2 Place the specimen in the clamps with the long dimension parallel to the direction of abrasion. Draw the specimen tight enough to bring the weighted tension scale bar into a horizontal position. If the specimen stretches during the test, bring the scale bar back into a horizontal position by adjusting the screw behind the rear clamp. Set the weight on the pressure bar at the specied load. Depending on the thickness of the specimen, adjust the knurled screw on the top

D 4157
of the overarm to allow the pressure bar to rest in a horizontal position. Unless otherwise specied, abrade the specimen using a 908-g (2-lb) dead weight load tension and a 908-g dead weight load for 250 continuous cycles with No. 0 emery paper used as the abradant. Change the abradant for each set of specimens. 11.3 Abrade the specimen, by agreement, to rupture and record the number of cycles; or to a specied number of cycles.
NOTE 2Other abradant materials may also be used.

B 5 breaking load after abrasion. 12.3 Evaluation for Visual ChangesAbrade the specimen a specied number of cycles and then evaluate visually for the effect of the abrasion on luster, color, napping, pilling, etc. 13. Report 13.1 State that the specimens were tested as directed in ASTM Test Method D 4157. Describe the material or product sampled and the method of sampling used. 13.2 Depending on the test option used, report the following information: 13.2.1 Type of abradant used, tension, and load adjustment. 13.2.2 Average number of cycles required to rupture the specimen, if determined. 13.2.3 Average percentage loss (reported to the nearest percent) of breaking load obtained after abrasion for one or more specied number of cycles, if determined. 13.2.4 Effect of abrasion on luster, color, napping, pilling, thickness, etc., at a given number of cycles, recorded by qualitative or comparative ranking, if determined. 13.2.5 If any other means of evaluating the effect of abrasion is used, describe the particular method employed. 14. Precision and Bias 14.1 PrecisionThe precision of Test Method D 4157, oscillatory cylinder procedure, for measuring abrasion resistance of textile fabrics, is being established. 14.2 BiasNo justiable statement can be made on the bias of Test Method D 4157, oscillatory cylinder procedure for measuring the abrasion resistance of textile fabrics, since the true value of the property cannot be established by an accepted referee test method. 15. Keywords 15.1 abrasion; woven fabric

12. Interpretation of Results 12.1 Abrasion to RuptureAverage the number of cycles to rupture for each sample using the following table:
Total Number of Cycles Under 200 200 to 1000 excl 1000 to 5000 excl 5000 and over Average to the Nearest 10 cycles 25 cycles 50 cycles 100 cycles

12.2 Percentage Loss in Breaking LoadDetermine the breaking load of specimens abraded for a specied number of cycles, using Test Methods D 1682 raveled-strip procedure. The abraded area of the specimens should be in the central portion of the raveled strip and be placed midway between the clamps of the tensile tester. 12.2.1 Determine the breaking load of an unabraded portion of the same sample, or control fabric, under the same conditions. 12.2.2 Compare the breaking load of the abraded specimens to that of the control specimens by calculating the loss in breaking load and report to the nearest 1.0 % using Eq 1:
Loss in breaking load, % 5 100~A 2 B!/A (1)

where: A 5 breaking load before abrasion, and

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every ve years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (

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