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Athersley South Primary

Dear Parents Easter Raffle A huge thanks to all those who supported our Easter fundraising events. The raffle was a huge success with lucky winners enjoying a sweet treat or Easter craft kit. Easter Egg Competition The Design an Egg competition held on the last Friday before Easter was eggxtraordinary! There were an unbelievable number of entries, all of which were presented to an eggxcellent standard. Mrs Thompson had the tricky task of judging the competition. Congratulations to all the winners and to all those who took part and put in so much effort. All the entries can be seen on the Whole School News page on the website. We really do have some very talented and creative individuals here at ASPS. Schools Got Talent Once again Schools Got Talent saw a number of children show case their amazing skills in a variety of areas. After an exciting and entertaining morning, Kimberley Deakin was crowned Schools Got Talent Winner 2013. Congratulations to Kimberley and all the other finalists as well as all those who auditioned in class before the final. Our school really has got talent. KS1 Visit to Legoland KS1 enjoyed a visit to Legoland on Wednesday 20th March. They were involved in a Tall Towers Structure Challenge, made and tested Lego vehicles and even had time to watch a 4-D film that was brilliant (although those on the front did get showered with water!). The children behaved and acted responsibly and were a credit to the school. This was even noted by members of the public who were also at the centre. Well done KS1. Gardening Competition Our annual Gardening Competition has just been launched and this year there will be three categories for Classes to enter. All children will soon be involved in the planting and maintenance of their own class beds and we look forward to the produce that will be grown and sold later this term. TAPS (Teacher and Parents Society) Anyone wishing to join our next informal meeting to enjoy a cuppa and chat are more than welcome on Friday May 3rd at 9am in the House. Outdoor Environment We are making changes to the outdoor learning environment. The area at the bottom of the field is being prepared so that the children can sow a meadow that will become a haven for wildlife as it grows. Further changes are planned and we will update you about these plans.

First Friday
Edition 19 April 2013

For your Diary

School will close for Spring Bank Holiday on Friday 24th May and will reopen on Monday 3rd June

Mrs Harrison Due to personal circumstances Mrs Harrison, who has worked in EYFS and KS1, will be leaving at the end of April. Her enthusiastic and creative approaches to learning were a real asset to the school. We wish her well in the future. PE Trophies Mr Gorner has started an inter class competition in PE. Each week the classes that are taught PE by Mr Gorner are given scores out of ten for their practical ability, their behaviour, the encouragement they give class members and their attitude towards PE. Each term the team that comes first and second will receive a trophy for their class to keep for the term. Last term the winners were Class 10 and in second place were Class 7. The two trophies were kindly donated to school by the Silver Lady Trophy Shop in Cudworth. Spongebob Lunch There will be a themed Spongebob lunch on Thursday 18th April. If you wish your child to have a lunch on this day, please put 1.70 into the cash machine. Sharing Learning Morning Following the success of past Sharing Learning events we will be holding another morning where parents can come into school to work with their child. FS1 Monday 29th April, FS2 - Tuesday 30th April, KS2 Wednesday 1st May and KS1 Thursday 9th May Nearer the time you will be sent a letter to give details of the timings for the mornings. We very much hope you are able to join us and support these events. Celebration Assemblies KS2 will be celebrating their learning with parents from last term on Friday 10th May. The KS1 assembly will take place on Thursday 11th July. Car Park Please can we politely remind all parents that the car park is for staff and visitors only. This is for the health and safety of all children. It should only be used by parents when children are being collected from after school clubs. Also when you are picking children up from after school clubs please can you park in the car park and not on the drive or outside Reception as it is becoming dangerous. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Diary Dates A link to the school calendar can be found on the Office Page of the website. May Day Bank Holiday 6th May 2013. School closed. Y6 SATS Week week beginning 13th May 2013. Arts Week Week Beginning 20th May 2013. Summer Show on the evening of Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July. The prospectus can now be viewed online too.

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