Zero and First Conditional

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Zero conditional

Exercise 1:
Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings.
1. If you mix black and white,
a. it floats.
2. If you don't water flowers,
b. it turns to ice.
3. When you heat ice,
c. you get dough.
4. If you freeze water,
d. it melts.
5. When you tickle her,
e. they die.
6. If you mix flour and water,
f. she laughs.
7. When the teacher gives us
g. you get grey.
8. If you pour oil on water,
h. she always does it.

Exercise 2:
If you ___________ a coin, the machine __________ working. (insert - start)
____________ the water if the temperature ________ 100 degrees? (boil - reach)
If a motorbike __________ enough fuel, it ____________ . (not have - not run)
If you ____________ this button, you ___________ the computer. (press- turn off)
The mobile phone__________ , if you __________ its battery. (not work - not recharge)

Make zero conditionals:

For example:
(not / rain / the flowers / die)
If it doesnt rain, the flowers die
1. (I / wake up late / I / be late for work)
2. (my husband / cook / he / burn the food)
3. (Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke)
4. (children / not eat well / they / not be healthy)
5. (you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock)
6. (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat)

7. (you / smoke / you / get yellow fingers)

8. (children / play outside / they / not get overweight)
9. (you / heat ice / it / melt)
10. (I / speak to John / he / get annoyed)
11. (I / feel good the next day / I / go to bed early)
12. (lots of people / come / Jenny / have a party)
13. (she / buy expensive clothes / she / go shopping)
14. (my daughter / pass her exams / she / work hard)
15. (David / be sick / he / drink milk)
16. (the river / freeze / it / be very cold)
17. (I / like to visit the museums / I / be in a new city)
18. (I / cycle to work / the weather / be fine)
19. (my flatmate / clean it really well / she / clean the house)
20. (everybody / be grumpy / it / rain a lot)

First Conditional
Choose the correct form of each verb to complete each sentence.
1. If you ________ an apple every day, you'll be very healthy.
A. ? will eat
B. ? eat
2. If a deer ________ into your garden, it ________ all your plants.
A. ? gets / will eat
B. ? will get / eats
3. If I ________ some eggs, how many ________?
A. ? cook / will you eat
B. ? will cook / do you eat
4. She ________ completely different if she cuts her hair.
A. ? looks
B. ? will look
5. If we don't protect the elephant, it ________ extinct.
A. ? will become
B. ? becomes
6. You won't pass the course if you ________.
A. ? won't study
B. ? don't study
7. You ________ heart disease if you eat too much meat.
A. ? get
B. ? will get
8. If you don't put so much sugar in your coffee, you ________ so much weight!
A. ? don't put on
B. ? won't put on
9. You ________ better if you turn on the lamp.
A. ? will be able to see
B. ? are able to see
10. You'll pay higher insurance if you ________ a sports car.
A. ? will buy
B. ? buy
First Conditional

1.- If you

(not/want) to stay, you







4.5.- I











(help) you with the cleaning if you

(can) go with your brother.







(help) me with my project

First Conditional: Complete each sentence with the correct verb form

1) If I

(go) out tonight, I

2) If you

(go) to the cinema.

(get) back late, I

(be) angry.

3) If we
other next week.

(not/see) each other tomorrow, we

4) If he

(come) , I

5) If we

(wait) here, we

6) If we

(go) on holiday this summer, we

7) If the weather
8) They
9) If I

(see) each

(be) surprised.
(be) late.
(go) to Spain.

(not/improve) , we

(not/have) a picnic.

(go) to the party if they

(be) invited.

(not/go) to bed early, I

(be) tired tomorrow.

10) If we

(eat) all this cake, we

(feel) sick .

11) She

(stay) in London if she

(get) a job.

12) If you
13) I
14) He
15) I
16) She
17) They

(not/want) to go out, I
(come) early, if you


(not/get) a better job if he

(not/pass) that exam.

(buy) a new dress if I

(have) enough money.

(cook) dinner if you

(go) to the supermarket. ..

(go) on holiday if they

18) We

(be) late if we

19) She

(take) a taxi if it

20) I

(cook) dinner at home.

(not/go) if you

(have) time.

(not/come) with me.

Using the rules for first conditionals, complete the sentences below.
Example: If the teacher _____ come, who _____?
a) doesn't... will teach
b) does... won't teach - The answer is: a) doesn't... will teach

1. I _____ say anything if you _____.

a) don't... won't

b) won't... don't

2. What _____ if you _____ get a job?

a) do you do... won't

b) will you do... don't

3. If a souffl _____ punctured or shaken it _____.

a) is... will collapse

b) will be... collapses

4. If teachers _____ earn respect, students _____ give it.

a) don't... won't

b) won't... don't

5. You _____ asked to leave if you _____ follow the rules.

a) are... won't

b) will be... don't

6. If you _____ keep up with the payments, you _____ your home.
a) don't... will lose

b) won't... lose

7. Ladybugs _____ fly if the temperature _____ below 13 degrees Celsius.

a) don't... will be

b) won't... is

8. What _____ you get if you _____ a huge, hairy monster with a penguin?
a) do... will cross

b) will... cross

9. We _____ your deposit if you _____ your reservation more than 7 days in
a) return... will cancel

b) will return... cancel

10. If the company _____ bankrupt, how _____ able to pay our bills and feed
our families?
a) goes... will we be

b) will go... are we

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