The Oredigger Issue 24 - April 21, 2013

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The student voice of the Colorado School of Mines

Volume 93, Issue 24 April 22, 2012


Bombing shakes Boston Marathon

Features 4

Magic: The Gathering diverting

Beloved Geology Department secretary Marilyn Schwinger retired last week after forty years of service. Colorado School of Mines celebrated her acheivements with a retirement party.

Sports 6

Secretary retires Crystal synthesis

Evan Ford Staff Writer
Mines celebrated the extensive career of Marilyn Schwinger as faculty and students alike wished her luck in future endeavors. Marilyn served Mines for 40 years as a secretary in the Geology Department, and the impact she left will be remembered for years to come. Food and beverages were provided to those who came to the Ballrooms of the Student Center Friday night. John Humphrey, head of the Geology department, was one of many adoring coworkers to speak kind words about the lively Marilyn Schwinger. The fantastic turnout attests to Marilyns widespread reach on campus, said Humphrey. She is the longest standing classified employee at Mines, and will be very difficult to replace. Over the years, Humphrey states that Schwinger became the face of our department, as she worked in the front office for four decades. Schwinger was hired under former school president Guy T. McBride, and has since then seen five presidents and six department heads come and go. She also worked in several different buildings, as she outlasted the remodeling of Berthoud Hall There will be an empty, lonely space without you, said Humphrey. Schwinger worked side by side with Debra Cockburn for over 20 years for the Geology department. Marilyn was always there, and she was part of a good family [in the department], said Cockburn. She is always warm and friendly, and working with her has been a great, great experience. Cockburn says she will miss the commotion in the front office; Marilyn was always busy and fixing things. Others spoke about Marilyn, and they all offered pleasant memories and recollections. Schwinger is the best listener, and hanging around with Marilyn always put me in a better mood. Another co-worker added, Marilyn will be missed, and we wish her luck as she embarks on a new adventure. It was emphasized throughout the night that Marilyn does so much for the department and the school, and her shoes will be difficult to fill. We dont know exactly what Marilyn did; but we know it was a lot and she was she best at it, said one of Schwingers coworkers. Marilyn always rued the advancing technological equipment during her time at Mines. Getting a fax machine was an advancement that Schwinger was not looking forward to. This trend continued as time went on. It is ironic then that one of the parting gifts the department gave to Schwinger was her own computer. The celebration was concluded with closing remarks from Schwinger herself. It has been a joy and an educational experience. A lot of people struggle at Mines, but I have loved every single solitary minute. There are so many people here I will never, ever forget.

Nicole Johnson Stafff Writer

Spring sports continue seasons

Opinion 8

4-20 fun and deserved, in moderation

had been relatively unexplored until this point because of the limited known compositions that form the George Nolas of the Physics clathrate structure. The traditional synthesis route Department at University of South Florida has recently acquired a consisted of thermal decomposinew lab where he will continue to tion from the Na 4Si 4 precursor. synthesize and characterize single Unfortunately this results in a polycrystalline material with defects crystal clathrates. As a physicist, his work focus- that impair electronic properties important to energy es on the structural property relation- The new synthesis applications. The new synthesis technique ship of materials with the clathrate technique is based is based on current flow, which aids in the structure. Nolas describes the clath- on current flow, transport of sodium atoms outside the cage. rate structure as a cage of atoms that which aids in the After three hours of exposing Na 4Si 4 to a can be put together like building blocks transport of sodium probe signal, a layer of desired clathrate along shared faces, atoms outside the the in single crystal form called the framewill have formed in the work, with an atom cage. reaction chamber. or molecule in the Further investigamiddle called the tion into reaction parameters such guest. Nolass work investigates clath- as temperature and pressure give rates where silicon composes the control over the types of structure framework and sodium atoms are the framework forms. A lower the guest atoms. The clathrate temperature produces the Type 1 structure forms as the silicon at- structure while a higher temperaoms form the framework around ture produces the Type 2 structure. Additional property measurethe sodium atom. However, the intended energy applications in ments on these single crystals has Nolass work require the removal led to a better understanding of of the guest atom from the estab- the rattling phenomena where the bonds connecting the guest lished framework. Nolas presented on a new syn- atom to the framework expand and thesis technique to make single contract to produce a rattling of the crystal silicon clathrates, which atom within the framework.

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april 22, 2013

Arnaud Filliat, Copy Editor University of Guelph, Canada - Researchers showed for the first time how female squirrels use social cues to prepare their offspring for life outside the nest. The results confirm that red squirrel mothers boost stress hormone production during pregnancy which increases the size and chance of survival of their offspring. According to the study, natural selection favors faster-growing offspring and squirrels can produce these faster growing offspring even though they dont have access to additional food resources. The team based its study on the Kluane Red Squirrel Project, a 22-year-long study on North American red squirrels living in the Yukon led by researchers from the University of Alberta, Guelph, and McGill University.

San Francisco, California - Smoking tobacco through a hookah is often misconstrued as being less harmful than smoking cigarettes. In a new study from UC San Francisco researchers measured chemical in blood and urine and concluded that hookah smoke contains a different but still harmful mix of toxins. According to the study, Hookah use exposes smokers to higher levels of carbon monoxide, and to higher levels of benzene. Furthermore, daily hookah smokers are at an increased risk of cancer compared to non-smokers. A 2009 study found that hookah use was disproportionately popular among white college students and especially fraternity and sorority members. The reasons for the difference in the toxins that ended up in the bodies of volunteers were due to the fact that smokers were smoking two different materials. Hookah users are smoking more than just tobacco as they burn a charcoal briquette on top of the tobacco. Additionally, hookah smokers are smoking a moist fruit preparation which is mixed in with the tobacco which smells and tastes good.

Barcelona, Spain - A study published by scientists at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) attempted to shed light on the side effects produced by drugs. The objective of the study was to determine the molecular bases of side effects and provide medical chemists with the tools to design safer drugs and to predict their effects. The study collected and proposed molecular hypotheses for 1,162 side effects. The researchers studied the proteins and chemical structure of drugs that cause each known side effect.

Oredigger Staff
Deborah Good Editor-in-Chief Emily McNair Managing Editor Taylor Polodna Design Editor Connor McDonald Webmaster Lucy Orsi Business Manager Arnaud Filliat Copy Editor Katerina Gonzales Content Manager Jared Riemer Content Manager Karen Gilbert Faculty Advisor

Local News

Headlines from around the world

Arnaud Filliat, Copy Editor Greek police were searching for three farmers on Thursday. They are suspects in the shooting and wounding of more than 20 migrant workers at a strawberry farm. The three farmers opened fire on Wednesday at a crowd of about 200 Bangladeshi immigrants who were demanding their overdue wages. Luckily, there were no deaths, but numerous injuries were reported. This shooting could have occurred due to anti-foreigner sentiment in Greece where one worker in four is unemployed after five years of recession. Police arrested the owner of the farm but were still searching for the foremen. President Francois Hollande of France asked all ministers of France to reveal their personal wealth on government websites by 11 PM on Monday. This was due to a scandal involving Jerome Cahuzac, the former budget minister. He was responsible for clamping down on tax evasion but was found to have a secret bank account in Switzerland containing upwards of $780,000. He is now facing charges of tax evasion and tax fraud. Seven people were killed in protests over Venezuelas presidential election on Tuesday. According to president-elect Nicolas Maduro opposition leaders that called for protests were seeking a coup against his government. The deaths occurred on Monday when hundreds of protesters blocked streets, burned tires, and fought with security forces in parts of Caracas and other cities. According to officials, 135 people were arrested in the post-election violence. Six people were strangled to death and one decapitated in Cancun, Mexico. Police found the bodies of five men and two women in a shack on the outskirts of Cancun. According to the police report, the victims were independent drug dealers without any links to any specific cartel. Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto has promised to put an end to the violence that took hold of Mexico when the former president, Felipe Calderon, launched a military attack on the warring cartels. According to reports, more than 70,000 people have been killed in drug-related violence in Mexico since 2007. A fertilizer-plant explosion killed 15 or more people and injured more than 160 others, in West, Texas. The small town has only 2,700 residents but the affected area was densely populated. The explosion destroyed a five block radius around the plant where two tanks held highly pressurized anhydrous ammonia. The cause of the fire remained undetermined but there was no indication of criminal activity. Paul Kevin Curtis, 45, was charged by the Justice Department for sending a letter to President Obama that tested positive for the poison ricin. Curtis was arrested Wednesday as a suspect in mailing of poisoned letters to the president and U.S. senator Roger Wicker. Roger Wicker told reporters that he had once hired Curtis to perform as Elvis Presley at a party. The letters were found to have the same closing statement. They were postmarked April 8, 2013 out of Memphis, Tennessee, and ended with the phrase, to see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance. The FBI apprehended Boston marathon suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who lay hospitalized in serious condition after an escape attempt. The explosion killed three and injured more than 180 at the finish line. During the night of violence leading up to the capture, the Tsarnaev brothers killed an MIT police officer, took part in a gun battle and car chase in which they threw explosives at police from a large homemade arsenal.






Five snowboarders were killed in a backcountry avalanche on Loveland Pass last Saturday. Authorities believe that they (and a sixth companion, who survived without injury) went from the top of Loveland Pass, came to the area above Loveland Valley, and triggered a slide. The avalanche was measured at 650 feet wide, 1150 feet long, and eight feet deep, and authorities say they would not have found out until much later if the sixth member of the group had not survived. This is the deadliest avalanche in the past fifty years. The Denver City Council is expected to announce Monday a land use plan to drastically improve the Sun Valley neighborhood of Denvers west side. The Sun Valley neighborhood is one of the citys most impoverished; the median household income among the 1500 residents is a scant $8000 per year. The plan will develop housing, parks, and connections to the rest of Denver. Denver Mayor Michael Hancock said, I am just as excited about the potential of this area as I am for the area around the (National Western) Stock Show. University of Colorado, Boulder officials succeeded in efforts to quash the 4-20 festivities on Norlin Quad. Past years had drawn as many as 10,000 people for the smoke-out, but efforts by campus police and extra security prevented any marijuana smoking on the quad this year.

The article Campus Rumors: Does Chuck Stone wear pants? was printed in the Fools Gold section due to its humorous content, but was a factual article. The Oredigger apologizes for any confusion.


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april 22, 2013

Playground design a facet of humanitarianism

Eric Hake Staff Writer
Humanitarian engineering can affect many, even the often neglected children in various communities. Dr. Marybeth Lima presented on Building Playgrounds, Engaging Communities: Creating Safe and Happy Places for Children, marking the last lecture of the Humanitarian lecture series. Lima started her playground building career soon after graduating from Ohio State University with a Ph.D. in Food, Agriculture and Bioengineering in 1996. From there she moved to Louisiana where she took a job as a teacher of an engineering design course. I was tasked with teaching a first year design course. I had a bunch of freshmen in biological engineering and my students were interested in so many different things. Lima said. About 25% of our students go to medical school. Lima had a lot of students interested in biomedical engineering, as well as the environment and agriculture. So I started thinking to myself what kind of design project can I chose that has got universal appeal, that everyone can relate to. I came up with playgrounds. The very first year I taught the playground design course, I did not know how to design a playground. I stood up on the first day of class and said to my students. This semester we are going to design a playground at Beachwood Elementary School, I do not know how to design a playground right now, but we are going to learn together and we are going to do it together. When I got my course evaluations back at the end of that semester the highest metric I had was out of anything that was asked was Instructor thoroughly understood the subject matter. Lima recalled the night where she actually started taking these designs and using them to build playgrounds. I pitched this idea to a bunch of friends around dinner and one of them jumped up and said, I am a teacher at a local public school and we really need a playground, why dont you work with us? Upon visiting the school and seeing the playground Lima was shocked that the playground was in such poor condition. Lima got started designing the playground and then building it, and the whole process took about three years. But after we finished the first playground, there was a nice little article in the paper, and the very next week I had another call from another school principal saying Can you do another playground at our school? Before finishing with the second playground Lima got another call from another school principal. After getting the second call Lima realized that the need for playgrounds were not isolated events, so she connected with the public school system and learn about the state of the playgrounds in her community. Baton Rouge public schools, like many public schools systems around the country, have no money set aside for playgrounds in the budget, so when a new school is constructed a playground is constructed as well. This is the only time there is money set aside for playgrounds. Most of the schools in Baton Rouge were built in the 60s and 70s. Modern playground safety standards were not published until 1981, so many playgrounds are not safe, but there is no money set aside to upgrade them. As playgrounds started to fall apart, as they usually do after four or five decades, they need to be replaced. Lima said that from year to year her playground design program has changed quite a bit. At first it was just about building a playground, but as time went on it became more important to adapt the playground to fit the soul of the community. For this reason her design students are required to help as reading tutors for the public schools they build playgrounds for. This helps the students connect with the children of the school. Now she has two sections of design classes per semester and each section gets a public school to work with. Students are required to gather input from children at the schools as well as the teachers, parents, physical education teachers, and art teachers before creating a design. By the end of the semester each student group has created a design, and we normally have 8 to 10 designs for the same school. Lima explained this redundancy allows her the children and the school community to pick the best design aspect from each group. Lima and her students have now built 28 playgrounds; twenty-three service public schools, three service survivors of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and two service children with special needs. Additionally Lima has nine more custom designs ready to be built, but no funding to build them

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Deborah Good Editor-in-chief

Mathematical modeling in K-12 curriculum

interests in speaking was , I dont think math educators and mathematicians get enough chances to talk. Abel first had to define the CCSS and mathematical modeling in an educational context as well as their purposes. The standards are designed to combat a traditional criticism that U.S. math education is mile wide, inch deep, said Abel. One of the main focuses of the standards is a conceptual understanding as well as computational skill. Abel explained that this understanding, specifically in the form of modeling was important, because Real world situations are not organized and labeled for analysis. Modeling standards require students to analyze situations and form their own processes to solve for unknowns. Abel represented the CCSS modeling process with a flowchart, wherein students begin with a probe into a question, formulate a solution, compute the answer, interpret their answer, validate their process, and report successful results or return to the formulate step with unsuccessful results and repeat the process. However, the integration of modeling into K-12 curriculums is faced with a number of challenges, the largest being the math teachers themselves. If we want students to be involved in this creative process, we need teachers who can do it... most teachers are really not prepared for that, said Abel. One challenge in preparing teachers to think more creatively about math problems is the preconceptions of teachers themselves. Abel reported on a classic study, which found that high school geometry teachers believed that if a student could not solve a problem within five minutes, they could not understand mathematics. Students, perhaps picking up on this attitude, are highly unlikely to continue on a problem after between three and four minutes of effort, Abel reported. A general belief in unchangeable statuses as good at math or bad at math is also prevalent. As an additional challenge, most American math teachers have few experiences with rigorous mathematics relative to their international peers. Another specific challenge Abel has met with in educating teachers is the question But, when do I teach? Abel explained he received this reaction after he showed a group of educators methods for integrating modeling into their curriculum. He ascertained that the educators were viewing teaching as a chalkboard lecture and were not open to working problems alongside their students. Abel said many of these problems could be combated by either pre-service or in-service courses

with. She claims this is probably the most difficult part of the projects, recalling times where she had to be creative and persistent when writing grants and fund-raising for these projects. Lima gave one example where she wrote a grant that was supposed to be used for buying teaching equipment, so she claimed that the playground she wanted to build would be used to teach children how to calculate areas, perimeters, and volumes. Lima also recalled a time when she was rejected nine time before getting a grant that would pay for the playground. Other funding she does comes from the community through penny wars, bake sales, and similar tactics. Limas entire story can be found in her new book entitled Building Playgrounds, Engaging Communities. Lima described goal for the book as a reflective inspiring story that encourages people to get involved in their communities. In this spirit, Lima finished the lecture with a quote by Rachel Naomi Remen: When people help, they see life as weak. When they fix, they see life as broken, When they serve, they see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul.

Boston Marathon bomber

Arnaud Filliat Copy Editor
Police secured two suspects for Mondays Boston marathon bombing. The suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev lay hospitalized and in serious condition. He was hurt in a car chase that involved a homemade arsenal of bombs. Tsarnaev and his brother hid behind a black Mercedes SUV and took part in a shoot out that involved numerous police officers. The shooters were 200 feet apart, exchanging gunfire and the suspects lit explosives that blew up between the police and the convicts. Before the brothers were caught they were involved in shooting at the MIT campus that killed one MIT police officer. The brothers are the suspects in the bombing at the Boston marathon finish line that killed three and injured more than 170 others. The three deaths were Lu Lingzi, a 23 year old Boston University student from China, 8 year old spectator Martin Richard, and 29 year old spectator Krystle Campbell. Reported injuries involved runners, spectators, and children. Some are in grave condition with lost limbs or senses. Thursday, April 18th at 5 PM, the FBI released photos and a surveillance video of two men with backpacks. Nearby residents were advised that they may be armed and dangerous. At 7 PM hits poured in response to their photo release. Then at 10:20 PM a student heard gunshots on the MIT campus. A police officer, Sean Collier, was found dead in his vehicle. A bit later, the police told the public to stay indoors. They then chased the suspects into Watertown and according to the district attorney, the suspects tossed explosive devices from the SUV seriously injuring a police officer. One of the suspects Tamerlan Tsarnaev was subsequently injured and pronounced dead Fri-

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS), created by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers and adopted by 45 of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and four U.S. territories, outline minimum standards for K-12 student progress in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Given their prevalence in all states except Alaska, Texas, Minnesota, Virginia, and Nebraska, most educators regard them as the future of education in grades K-12. Dr. Todd Abel, a Mathematics Education expert from Appalachian State University, spoke to the Colorado School of Mines Applied Math and Statistics Department on one challenge of the CCSS, integrating mathematical modeling. He explained that one of his greatest

for teachers, such as the Discrete and Continuous Math Modeling and Statistics for Teachers courses offered for education students at Appalachian State University and summer institutes and conference workshops for current teachers. If students have some hook for understanding [mathematics], theyre much more likely to be able to answer the problem, said Abel. He outlined a three act formula for teachers to integrate into their lessons. In Act 1, the hero is faced with a problem. In Act 2, he or she must overcome adversity, and in Act 3, the hero reaches a resolution. By integrating a classic narrative structure into mathematics, students are able to understand the problem more clearly. Abel concluded by soliciting discussion from the audience and saying optimistically of the mathematics education situation, Were having a moment here.

day morning. The other suspect in the case Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was also injured and hid in a boat until the next day when he was caught after thermal imaging displayed his location The brothers were born in North Caucasus and are ethnics Chechens. The Chechens constitute a native ethnic group in the Nakh peoples family originating in Caucasus region of eastern Europe. The entire Tsarnaev family, both brothers and their sisters, immigrated in 2002 to the United States. They settled in Massachusetts, and Tamerlan lived in Cambridge for ten years. He attended the Cambridge Rindge Latin School for high school and was a wrestler. According to the latest reports, a federal team may question Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda Rights due to a legal exception designed to protect public safety, he will not be offered a lawyer for up to 48 hours.

Arnaud Filliat Copy Editor

Barcelona, Spain The researchers studied the proteins and chemical structure of drugs that cause each known side effect. Of the 1,162 side effects that the scientists studied, 446 can be explained on the basis of biology, 68 on the basis of chemistry, and 645 requiring both biological and chemical considerations. Some of the side effects that were studied include yellow vision, pulmonary obstruction, involuntary body movements, and respiratory paralysis. San Francisco, California However, when compared to cigarette use the intake of nicotine was less with water pipe use. According to the study, the most common pattern of hookah use in the United States -- about once per week -- is not likely to cause addiction. Exposures for various known toxins differed for the two modes of smoking and because

individuals vary in how their bodies metabolize and excrete toxic substances, the researchers had volunteers smoke cigarettes and a water pipe on different days for better results. University of Guelph, Canada In the field, the team used rattles and recordings of territorial vocalizations, to create the illusion of a big population of squirrels. The females reacted to the rattles by producing more stress hormones while pregnant and their pups grew faster. In a follow-up study researchers manipulated stress hormone levels in mothers to conclusively show that stress hormones caused the pups to grow faster. It seems that despite the perception that stress is bad, the study shows that when it comes to survival of the fittest, stress can be a good thing. In squirrel populations when population density is high only the fastest-growing offspring survive.

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EWB-USA Mines completes bridge in Nicaragua

Taylor Polodna Design Editor
to get some. But when the rice and beans hit the table this was never a concern; there was always more than the group could A group of Mines students, eat and with this new found freerepresenting Engineers Without dom we feasted. Borders-USA (EWB-USA), travDespite the teams ultimate elled down to Nicaragua to the goal to complete the bridge, small community of Los Gomez there was enough time to build to complete a pedestrian footand strengthen the relationships bridge over the frequently flooded that mean so much to the comRio Ochomogo River. The bridge munity and the travel team alike. had been under construction for Not only did the completion of the preceding year. The cohort the bridge increase the health included six students, a faculty and safety of community memmentor, and a professional menbers, but also demonstrated the tor, ranging in majors from civil to compassion of Mines students humanitarian to chemical engitowards others. neering, all of whom donated their Looking forward, EWB-USA spring breaks to helping those Mines is planning a similar projless fortunate than themselves. ect in the neighboring community The trip marked the 4th trip to of La Conquista, Nicaragua. The the small community over the last new project is expected to take year in which the team was able an innovative approach to involvto finish hand mixing and pouring ing the community beyond the two concrete anchors, stringing COURTESY BARBARA ANDERSON typical scope of EWB-USA. five steel cables, and layThe intention is to partner ing the decking and fencing with a local university in orof the 42 meter pedestrian der to involve their engineerfootbridge. ing students in a hands-on EWB-USA Mines is a stuopportunity that would aldent led campus club that low them to design as well focuses on sustainable deas construct a pedestrian velopment of communities bridge under the guidance outside of the US with six of EWB-USA Mines. The core values: integrity, seropportunity not only allows vice, collaboration, ingenuthe students to apply their ity, leadership, and service. knowledge of engineering In addition, the club particito a real world problem, but pates at a local level in a variety of on-campus and off- The travel team enjoyed the local wildlife. also creates a pathway for campus events including Relay time to talk with the locals and future projects and ongoing relafor Life, Up Til Dawn, and many feast on home cooked meals. As tionships among local communiHabitat for Humanity builds. with nearly all international travel, ties. Ultimately, EWB-USA Mines Barbara Anderson, a gradu- the most memorable experiences hopes to encourage the growth ating senior in Civil Engineering were those grounded in the cre- of a communitys sustainability as accounts her experience nearing ating and building of relation- well as increasing the livelihood of the end of the bridge comple- ships. Another member of the its residents. The club is open to all mation. As we began putting the travel team, Jake Montgomery decking on the bridge we were a sophomore in Civil Engineering, jors on campus and has several able to muster a lot of commu- shared his cultural experience in weekly committee meetings innity support and could tell that Nicaragua. He said, We worked cluding the Logistics Committee, the community members, even some very long days - sometimes which focuses on fund-raising, the ones that didnt come to throwing rocks and sometimes publicity, and event coordinawork site, were getting excited mixing concrete. On these days tion, the Nicaragua 1 Commitfor their bridge to be completed. lunch was rather light. So when tee, which is responsible for the Kids would walk by on their way at 6 oclock rolled around we erecting of the new bridge, and home from school and just watch headed to wherever we were eat- lastly the Nicaragua 2 Commitus work on the bridge for hours ing that night and were ready for tee, which is currently assessing and, as soon as we left, would food. Now at these dinners there the viability of a new project in play on it. At the end of the week, was always a decent variety of the community of La Conquista, we had an opening ceremony for food, ranging from plantains to Nicaragua. For more information the bridge with the whole com- chayote and even homemade and meeting times please visit munity. It was an awesome expe- tortillas, of which everyone would their OrgSync page and personal rience to see all the people that be careful to take just enough of web page at had worked with us, fed us, and each dish to allow everyone else org/ewbmines. welcomed us into their homes gather together and celebrate the success of their project. EWB-USA prides itself on their ability to foster the sustainable development of communities by not just supplying the community with a capital donation (i.e. a bridge), but rather growing the community sustainability such that every citizen can meet their basic human needs independent of the organization. One of the keys to the success of EWB projects is the ability to foster community driven projects that require an investment of either time or a small portion of the project cost. The result is a community that demonstrates ownership of and pride in a project which ultimately creates a stronger and more sustainable community. Despite the long hard days faced by the team, there was

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april 22, 2013

Several members of the travel team in Nicaragua install the crossmembers leading to the installation of the decking.

This week in Colorado history

Mines road trip
Deborah Good Editor-in-Chief
This Week in 1914, all 58 members of the Colorado School of Mines class of 1914 departed on their long trip of inspection, which takes in the biggest mills, smelters and mines of Colorado, Utah, Montana and Idaho. They were to travel in a private car on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and were expected back in Golden May 18. This would give the students enough time to prepare for graduation May 22. The Colorado Transcript argued that its a safe bet they will get considerable fun as well as education out of the long journey together for the last time before scattering to the four corners of the world. The graduates began their trip at Colorado Springs. They then headed to the Golden Cycle mill, mines at Victor, a cement plant at Portland, and a smelters in Canon City. They were expected to then spend an afternoon at the famous swimming pool in Glenwood Springs. Then, the graduates were to continue their trip to the power plant at Shoshone, the coal mines of Castle Gate and Midvale, and the mines and smelters of Bingham. Salt Lake, Tooele, and Magna were also on the agenda. From there, the class was to travel to Pocatello, then Silver Bow and Butte. The mining engineers would stay in Butte while the metallurgists headed to Anaconda. The two groups were to meet back up on May 16 and then head home. Golden firemen were already preparing, this week in 1914, for their May 15 inspection day. For inspection day, the firemen have their annual parade with decorated

apparatus, and inspection is made of the hose and things are looked after generally. This combination of fun and function was to have a big dance at the opera house with an orchestra in addition to the parade. The Colorado Transcript crowed: One of the best assets to a town is a good fire department, Golden possesses that asset and it is to be hoped that...the firemen will continue to retain that incentive to make the Golden department one of the best in the state. The young men of the U.S. and Colorado especially were enlisting in the army in case of war with Mexico this week in 1914. Already, Adjutant General John Chase of the Colorado National Guard declared he could muster 1,800 troops within 18 hours and could fulfill the rest of Colorados 2,648 man recruiting quota within three days.

After some apprehension, the community of Los Gomez tested out their new pedestrian footbridge.

The travel team celebrates the completion of the bridge.

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april 22, 2013

Art on the Brix adult fun

Nicole Johnson Staff Writer
One recent trend for young and old is creative entertainment facilities. Offering painting classes paired with alcohol these places provide a creative experience paired with a fun, social atmosphere. Art on the Brix is one such place in Golden, located in the alley behind Indulge, next to Urban Escape Day Spa. Opened in October 2011, Art on the Brix offers guided classes that cover canvas and glass painting as well as providing open studios for local artists to work on their own projects. Father and daughter co-owners Alyssa and Barry Graves opened Art on the Brix after Alyssa encountered a similar place in Denver, Colorado meeting an old high school friend for art and drinks. It was an experience she had never had and she could not believe how simple and effective it was, especially the social component. Alyssas father, Barry, had also participated in one of these classes and found the idea of combining wine and creativity intriguing. From those experiences, Art on the Brix was born. Barry provided the extensive list of wines while Alyssa sought local artists to guide the classes and interacted with customers. With their motto Create Taste Play, Alyssa and Barry have created an adult playground that allows those of all experience and walks of life to enjoy a night with good friends that ends with a personal creation. Alyssa urges those who have never participated or who might hesitate because of minimal art skills to have an open mind to the experience. Theres no bar

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you have to reach. We certainly dont expect you to be the next van Gogh... ninety-nine percent of the time, your work turns out far better than you think. She also reassures nervous newcomers by explaining the process is step by step and the instructor is there to help in any way he or she can. Everyone else is likely in the same mindset but by the end of the night, everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves. And whenever in doubt, participants can take another drink of wine. Student Activities is still selling student vouchers for Art on the Brix that run $15 (classes typically start at $35-$40). Alyssa is extremely pleased with the amount of student response that she has seen. CSM students are reportedly particularly common on Friday nights.

Continue YouR Climb

Join us for dinner as the alumni community celebrates your accomplishments and welcomes you to your lifelong family.
Friday, April 26, 2013
6:00 p.m. cocktails; 7:00 p.m. dinner

Youve established strong roots

Student Recreation Center

lockridge arena, 16th & Maple streets golden, Co
Art on the Brix offers a unique twist on traditional painting classes for those of legal drinking age.

The Room a cult classic

Ramrio Rodriguez Staff Writer
The Room is a romantic drama which stars, was directed by, written by, adapted from theater by, and produced by Tommy Wiseau. The Room is a curious movie, one which has a quality depending on what the viewer expects to see. As a romantic drama, this is easily one of the worst movies ever created and should never have seen the light of day. That being said, as Clark Collis of Entertainment Weekly said, this is the Citizen Kane of bad movies. The sheer amount of plot holes, inconsistencies, as well as terrible acting and writing makes The Room one of the greatest comedies written that has spawned audience participation based viewing events similar to The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The following summary contains plot spoilers, but this is not a movie watched for plot. The story of The Room follows the life of Johnny, a San Francisco banker, as well as his fiance Lisa, who is an out of work person in an ambiguous computer related field. They have a relatively good life together until Johnny is passed over for a raise which causes Lisa to become suddenly dissatisfied with Johnny and resent him. After talking about the issue with her mother and her best friend, who both recommend staying with Johnny, Lisa then seduces Johnnys best friend Mark. Lisa decides she wants it

business or Cocktail attire requested. this event is free for graduating students to attend and $45 for each guest.

all and will stay with Johnny for movie, since it depends on how it Please RSVP online by April 12, 2013 money while cheating on him with is viewed. As a serious work, The visit Mark. She also begins falsely ac- Room is a terrible movie that cusing him of domestic assault should not be seen. As a piece of after getting him (a non-drinker) unintentional comedy, it is on par drunk using a cocktail made from with Manos: The Hands of Fate vodka mixed with scotch (known and Mega Shark Versus Giant 43568 MAG-1321_RWDin_Stud.indd 1 2/28/13 affectionately by the fans of The Octopus. The Room cannot be Room as Scotchka). recommended enough for any fan While the affair is happening, of terrible movies. The DVD is esthere are numerous subplots oc- pecially recommended as it concurring. A neighboring college tains as an extra an interview with student named Denny has an un- Tommy Wiseau where he is asked explained run-in with a drug deal- about several of the plot holes and er named Chris-R that is stopped then proceeds to answer in a seby Mark and Johnny bring Chris-R ries of rambling speeches. to the police station. This is never COURTESY WISEAU FILMS brought up again. Lisas mother also then reveals she has breast cancer to Lisa, and this is also never brought up again. Several games of touch football later, including one game in tuxedos, Johnny has a surprise birthday party. During this Lisa begins publicly cheating on Johnny with Mark resulting in Johnny committing suicide using the gun he took it upon himself to confiscate from Chris-R instead of turning it in as evidence. It is hard to say whether or not The Room is a bad The Room is an unintentional comedy.

Why DONT Catholics

11:46 AM



Exposing the Dictatorship of .



April 23th 6-7:30pm Metals Hall


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Optimal Oxtail Stew Introducing the Arduino Uno

Ramrio Rodriguez Staff Writer
Oxtail Stew is a tasty entree at any meal. Made from oxtail, a gelatin rich meat, it fills ones stomach on these brisk spring mornings throughout Colorado. Ingredients 2 lb of oxtail cut into chunks 1 minced onion 2 sprigs of fresh parsley 2 sprigs of fresh sage 4 pints of water 2 slices of toasted bread 1 cup of vinegar tsp. each of cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, thyme, marjoram, rosemary, basil, fen nel, and lavender. A pinch of saffron (optional, but recommended ) Directions: If you are scaling this recipe down, do not add less water. This is important. Boil the chunked meat all together in a large pot at medium heat. Then add the spices, herbs, and minced onion. Let it all re-boil and allow simmering until the meat is falling off of the tail bone. This will take approximately four hours. Check on the stew periodically to make sure it doesnt become dry before the four hours. This is to say, add water if there is more than a quarter of an inch of exposed meat any time before the last hour, though this shouldnt happen if you use the correct amount of water in a covered pot under medium low heat. Remove the bones, which can be used to flavor a broth later if desired. Take the toasted bread (preferably, lightly burned) and add it to 1 cup of vinegar. Push this mush through a strainer, making sure to remove as much vinegar as possible in the process. Do not do this over the stew. While you might add vinegar later, you also may not so do it over a sink. This mush will act as a roux for this stew. A roux is a thickening agent traditionally made from flour and some sort of fat and is commonly used in the mother sauces of classical French cooking, as well as in stews and gravy. Add in this mush to the stew, but do this gradually and stirring while doing it. Add enough to thicken the stew. Allow stew to boil once more time, and then add your saffron. Do not use too much, as saffron can be overpowering in larger amount. Season as desired with salt and vinegar. RAMIRO RODRIGUEZ / OREDIGGER

f e a t u r e s
Chase Tyree Staff Writer
Every engineer has at some point thought of a neat device, like a temperature gauge or an alarm clock that uses lights to go off. A small company in Ivrea, Italy wanted to let students build designs like this with an easy to use device. Enter the Arduino. An Arduino is a single-board microcontroller designed to make the process of using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. The Arduino is programmed using an open source hardware to design projects that students can create. The hardware uses a simple C programming language that is transferred to the Arduino which is stored until another code replaces the existing code. Arduinos can be purchased

april 22, 2013

pre-assembled or in a do-it-yourself kit. Since 2005, the Arduino has been widely bought, with over 300,000 official Arduinos sold by mid 2011. In this weeks gear review, The Oredigger will specifically be looking at the Arduino Uno, one of the newer versions of the Arduino product line. The Uno was bought in a Inventors Kit, which includes the board and basic circuit supplies. It comes with jumper wires and a breadboard to hook up devices. Some of the sensors include, a flex sensor to measure flex, a photocell to detect ambient light,and a thermistor for detecting temperatures. Other parts include buzzers, buttons, and resistors. These components are everything one needs to build some fun stuff. The Uno is simple to use. The ports on the board are all marked

with the number of that pin plus LEDs to test to see if the board is working. When first setting up the board, the Arduino is plugged into the computer using a USB cable that produces a nice 500mA power supply which is enough for most projects. From there, Arduino provides example codes to test out the board. The first is a blinking LED. When compiled and ran, a small LED on the board blinks, then board is working and it is ready to go. The Arduino boards are perfect for Computer Science and Engineers alike. Sparkfun electronics located in Boulder CO is a good supplier of Arduinos for beginners place to get started. The Starter Kit is only $59.95 and includes all the above plus an online guide with project ideas and troubleshooting.

The Arduino Uno offers students a cheap electronics design experience.

Psy invades once again

Chase Tyree Staff Writer
but in a pelvic thrust kind of way to the beat. Halfway through, their arms go up for a yay kinda look, then go back to thinking while they pivot around one foot to do a complete 360 to the beat. At the very end, a thriller-like dance then occurs, going side to side with T-Rex hands out. If this sounds confusing at all, check

Magic: The Gathering

Chase Tyree Staff Writer
This week in the game review, we take a look at another popular form of gaming out there, Trading Card Games. One of the oldest known out there is known as Magic the Gathering, or MTG for short. MTG was released in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast. Two or more players can battle by using a deck of printed cards. Each game of MTG represents a battle between mighty wizards, known in the MTG world as planeswalkers, who use spells, items, and summoned creatures to fight each other. MTGs original concept was based around fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, but the gameplay is far from pencil and paper games like that. Cards are separated into two types: Spells and Lands. Land cards provide mana needed to fuel the spell cards to cause destruction. Spells that are more powerful usually have a higher mana cost and such that as a game progresses, more strategic and powerful spells appear to defeat your opponent. Players start a game with 20 health, which can increase or decrease throughout the game. Once a players health drops below 0, that player loses. Well, thats not always true. In MTG, there is the Golden Rule of Magic which states that Whenever a cards text directly contradicts the rules, the card takes precedence. This causes Wizards of the Coast to make new cards with flexible rules. For example, one card called Platinum Angel states that You cant lose the game and your opponents cant win the game. This card will allow you to drop below 0 health and still be kicking and fighting. Spells and Lands are also split up into five colors: Red, Green, Blue, White and Black. Each color has specific characteristics that makes each have its own strengths and weaknesses. Decks are based around these colors as well. Decks can be comprised of one or all the colors. The combinations are endless. Decks are usually based around themes or strategies. Magic the Gathering is a great game. It is easy to get into it for long-term fans and for new players alike. Every year, more and more cards are released, making new strategies and decks to be created. The author would give it a 9 out of 10. Currently, a new set of cards called Dragons Maze is having a pre-release on April 27. To pick up cards, check out the local card shops and see if they are hosting one of these events. For more information, check out CSMs Magic the Gathering club and learn how to play this fun card game.

Traditional Oxtail Stew a tasty entree for any occasion.

video, which is essentially Psy being mean to his girlfriend, kids, and to other people. But then the girlfriend starts to be evil back A song came out last sumwhich turns Psy on but also his mer and a lot of people heard it girlfriend, which makes no sense. playing on youtube. It was called Thats strange but lets not quesGangam Style. Psy swept the tion their relationship. From there, world by storm with his song the group shot of the dance is Gangam Style and went viral. played and the music video ends Well, hes back and this time he COURTESY SCHOOLBOY RECORDS with Psy and his has brought a girlfriend pole dancwhole new song ing on street lights. to the table On youtube, called GentleGentleman has alman. The song ready gained 164 is pretty good. million views as of It has a techno April 19th, just afkind of beat to ter coming out on it along with lyric April 13th. But its styles similar to not popular everyGangam style. where. In South KoGangam Style rea, the music video had the iconic is banned from teledance that evvision. One scene in eryone knew. the beginning that OPPA GANis not gentlemanly GAM STYLE! behavior to pubFollowed by lic property. KBS tapping your said that the mufeet side to side sic video doesnt and putting meet its standards your hands out as a public broadfront. Well, with caster. In the ofGentleman, Psy fending scene, Psy has created a is shown kicking a new dance to go along with the Album artwork for Psys new single release Gentleman traffic cone in the chorus. Not as dance happy as out the music video, it will make a first five seconds while he then looks at the camera and laughs. Gangam style, but still as weird. little more sense. Speaking of the music video, Really, it has nothing to do with When it starts, dancers put their left arm across their bodies and Gentleman is strange. It starts anything else Psy does in the put their right arm as if they are out with Psy in a department video. All in all, the song and vidthinking, with their hand resting store with 3 older men carrying all on their chin. While doing this, his purchases in hand. It switches eo are pretty cool and worth a they move their hips side to side, to what is the main theme of the check-out.

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april 22, 2013

Mines baseball shut-out by Regis

Katerina Gonzales Content Manager
The CSM baseball team traveled to Denver to play the Regis Rangers in a set of double headers Saturday and Sunday. Mines couldnt get the bats going Saturday as they fell 9-0 in the first game and 4-0 in the second. Senior righty Blake Dunham started Game 1 and got off to a rough start. Regis put up 3 runs in the first inning, but most of the hits were bloopers or grounders that got through. The Rangers started hitting the ball well in the second and third, scoring 2 and 3 runs, respectively. Dunham settled down after that, throwing four shutout innings, and finishing the game with four strikeouts. The Mines defense was sharp, turning three double plays while committing no errors. The Orediggers failed to put any runs up on the board, but collected 8 hits, 3 of which belonged to senior catcher Jordan Williams. Mines had an opportunity to break the shutout in the eighth, as sophomore third baseman Zach Bothwell bunt singled to the left side of the field and was caught stealing second base on a call that went Regis way, as it appeared the catchers high throw

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Mines stays strong at Western State Open

Courtesy CSM Athletics
GUNNISON The Colorado School of Mines outdoor track and field teams continued their recent string of strong showings, totaling five wins and several high finishes at the two-day Western State Open at the Mountaineer Bowl in Gunnison. The Orediggers went 1-2 in both the men's pole vault and hammer throw on Friday. Sophomore Ben Timmer earned his second win and fourth top-five finish of the outdoor season in the pole vault with a height of 14-11.00 (4.55 meters) and senior Cody Walega matched his season-best effort of 14-5.25 (4.40 meters). Sophomore Austin Roup recorded his second triumph in the hammer throw, topping the ninethrower field with a toss of 173-3 (52.81 meters) and junior Ryan Ewen set a new personal-record, throwing the implement 168-2 (51.25 meters). Roup led all Division II participants in the discus, placing fourth with the second-farthest throw in program history of 157-2 (47.90 meters). Senior Jarrod Sparks ranked fifth with a career-best of 149-2 (45.46 meters). Ewen took fifth in the shot put at 41-1.75 (12.54 meters) and redshirt freshman Jace Warren claimed third with a personal-record of 439.25 (13.34 meters). Freshman James Lewis clocked season-bests in the 100 and 200, placing seventh out of 16 runners in the 100 in 11.54, before capturing his first collegiate win in the 15-runner, 200 field with a time of 22.80. Classmate Nicholas Masching was fifth in the 200 in 23.20, his second top-five result in the event. Seniors Erin Beach and Bailey Hoover each bettered 11 competitors for their first wins of the season as Beach won the long jump with a leap of 17-7.00 (5.36 meters) and Hoover claimed the discus behind a distance of 130-3 (39.71 meters). Hoover was also third out of 15 in the hammer throw, twirling a mark of 147-9 (45.04 meters). Freshman McKenzie Zeman posted a season-high finish in the 400 hurdles, finishing second in a personal-record time of 1:07.89 and classmate Margarita Schvachko crossed third in the 400 in 1:00.86. Junior Kayla Johnson had her fourth top-five finish in the triple jump, staking third place with a distance of 36-11.50 (11.26 meters), and anchored the 4x100 and 4x400 relays to respective secondand third-place results. She joined Beach, Zeman and sophomore Michelle Rigsby for a time of 50.20 in the 4x100 and teamed with Beach, Zeman and Schvachko for a mark of 4:13.13 in the 4x400. Freshman Emily Lathen was third in the discus with a seasonbest of 123-6 (37.65 meters), while junior Casie Ratzlaff placed fourth in the shot put (34-9.50; 10.60 meters), fifth in the hammer (1401; 42.70 meters) and eighth in the javelin (87-5; 26.65 meters). Sophomore Kodi Burns took second and fifth in the 400 and 800, respectively, with times of 51.90 and 2:03.30, both seasonbests. Senior Matt Schroeder posted a personal-record in the long jump with a fifth-place effort of 19-8.75 (6.01 meters), then combined with Masching, Lewis and sophomore Marc Leachman for second place in the 4x100 in 43.78. The Orediggers return to Golden next Saturday for the CSM Pre Conference Meet, the first of three consecutive home meets before the NCAA Division II Outdoor National Championships on May 2324 in Pueblo. Mines will also send runners to the three-day Hillsdale College Gina Relays in Hillsdale, Mich., beginning on Thursday, April 25.

The Mines outdoor track team competed at the Western State Open this past weekend.

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Sudoku Puzzle - Medium

The CSM baseball took on the Regis Rangers last Saturday.

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brought the second baseman off the bag. Freshman Nate Olinger reached on an error following the base stealing attempt, and Williams singled to right center, but a fly out ended the inning. Mines went down in order in the ninth, losing the game 9-0. For the offense in the seventh inning afternoon game, it was more of the same for the Orediggers, this time with seven hits, two of which Bothwell hit. Sophomore Ben Gilman started game two, and put forth an overall solid outing, going the full 6 innings and striking out 7 batters. Gilman allowed 3 runs in the first, although the triple down the left field line that scored two was ruled fair when it appeared foul by a foot. Gilman only allowed one more run in the fourth inning, keeping Mines in the game. Gilman took the loss, but still leads the starters with an ERA of 2.98 and shares the lead for pitcher wins with Dunham, at 5. Mines played Regis Sunday in another double header. The team will make up a game against CSUPueblo that was earlier postponed due to snow and face Colorado Christian University over the weekend in their final series of the season at Darden Field.

Study Break
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april 22, 2013

Minds at Mines Science and the Quran Chocolate Preferences

Katerina Gonzales Content Manager
In life, there are many great debates: Coke or Pepsi, Firefox or Chrome, Star Wars or Star Trek, and what variety of chocolate is the best. With finals quickly approaching, Mines students will likely be debating the last question in their mind before going out and acquiring comfort in hard times. This week, Minds at Mines asked, What is your favorite type of chocolate?

Ethics Across Campus

does not constitute good evidence for C. There are a number of reasons that support my view, many of which have to do with the vagueness of this passage. Granting for the moment, as Alaswad believes, that the Quran is the perfect word of God, we are still faced with the question on how we should interpret these words [1]. This passage in particular allows for at least two interpreta-

A philosophical review
Brian Zaharatos Guest Writer

Milk chocolate I guess. Because I hate white. Matt Peters

Milk because its very balanced. Austin Wilkes

Cadbury milk chocolate is the best. Carly Conley

Milk. No, cookies and cream because Hersheys Cookies and Cream bar...[drifts off]. Chris Pacher

nection is much like the purported connection between astrological events and social interactions: dubious at best. Recently, the Muslim Students One might object here that Association hosted a talk by Im being too demanding. PerMines Physics PhD student Abhaps what is important about dulaziz Alaswad entitled, From the Quran-and what is important the Atom to the Galaxy; Quran about many religious texts-is that and Science. During the talk, it displays the mysterious nature Alaswad interpreted a number of of God. Rather than speaking dipassages in the Quran as clear rectly, and with precision, God is evidence that the author of the mysterious and unknowable. Im Quran had knowledge of contemsympathetic to this view. porary (i.e., twentieth and twenty-first century) sci- The Quran may be the word of God But, if we accept that Gods writings are mysterious, ence. This fact, he claims, is proof that God authored the but we, as finite beings, are left then it doesnt seem reasonable to expect that the Quran. There is no doubt that Alaswad is a well-spo- with the monumental task of inter- word of God be understood scientifically. Science is ken scientist with a special talent for explaining compli- preting His (unfortunately ambigu- meant to be clear, unambiguous, and devoid of mystery cated subjects (e.g., cosous) word. [2]. It values not believing mology, atomic physics) in a over believing falsely. Thus, way that the non-specialist can understand. There is also no tions (and in reality, many more I think that the best we can hope doubt that Alaswad has a sincere but well consider two), neither of for is that the Quran is consistent belief in a higher power. Here, I which seem better than any oth- with contemporary science. But do not wish to take issue either er. For example, it is not clear at that is a very different claim than with his scientific knowledge or all what is meant by the claim that the one made by Alaswad. The Quran may be the word his faith; I have a sincere respect the heavens and the earth were for both. Rather, I would like to joined together. Does the word of God but we, as finite beings, analyze the arguments that he heaven refer to the several levels are left with the monumental task presented for the claim that the of the afterlife that most Muslims of interpreting His (unfortunately author of the Quran had knowl- believe exist? If so, then it should ambiguous) word. In many cases, edge of contemporary science be apparent that this passage there arent any good reasons to has nothing to do with modern believe that one interpretation is (call this claim C). All of Alaswads evidence for science since the Big Bang Theo- better than the other. But, withclaim C was presented in the ry does not posit the existence of out a relatively unambiguous infollowing way: first, Alaswad ex- this kind of heaven. But, perhaps terpretation of a religious text, plained a bit of a contemporary heaven refers what we call the it is extremely difficult-if not imscientific theory; then, he present- heavenly bodies-the moon, the possible-to make a link between ed a passage from the Quran that planets, the stars, etc. This inter- that text and a scientific theory. he believed to be overwhelming pretation might lend some sup- As someone not at all opposed evidence that the author of the port for claim C, but with a bit of to religious thinking, it is hard for Quran knew the claims of the sci- inspection, we see that it doesnt me to understand the appeal of entific theory just presented. So, lend much. Being joined togeth- making such connections (which, for example, Alaswad presented er is certainly not equivalent to to be fair, are made by apoloa brief summary of the Big Bang being infinitely dense; it is hard gists of many religions, including Theory - the theory that, at some to see how we can interpret this Christianity). There are consistent time in the past, the universe oc- passage as at all matching the positions that allow science and cupied an infinitesimally small, level of precision of the Big Bang religion to coexist without sacriinfinitely dense point. Then he Theory. The Big Bang Theory ficing intellectual rigor. presented the following passage makes claims about temperature, from the Quran: The heavens the nature of space, time, and [1] I am granting this claim-that the and the earth were joined togeth- matter; none of these things are Quran is the perfect word of God-for the er, and we clove them asunder addressed in the Quran passage sake of argument. Full disclosure: the de(21:30). He holds that this pas- (or anywhere else in the Quran, to gree to which I believe that this claim is true is very low. sage is strong evidence for claim the best of my knowledge) with [2] To be clear, I am not judging which C. I believe that this example is any precision. Such precision is representative of the argument necessary in order to make the kind of discourse is superior; rather, I am merely arguing that, on an important level, connection between science and the goals of each type of discourse are very structure of the entire talk. On my view, this connection the Quran. Otherwise, the con- different.

Celebrating 4-20 in Colorado

April 20th is a fun day every year. No matter if its a Monday, a Wednesday, or a Saturday. In Colorado with the recent passing of Amendment 64 this fun has often translated into consuming large amounts of marijuana in scones, banana bread, brownies, and other tasty consumables. Our society developed these drug habits out of an unstable lifestyle. Sadly, even though it is hard to admit it, sometimes smoking marijuana is used as a coping mechanism for other stress such as tests and other more personal and heartfelt issues. Life is short and enjoying it to the fullest is the key. Enjoying life to the fullest has different meanings, is it the smoking behaviors exhibited on April 20th or succeeding in a sport such as soccer, or skiing. Maybe it could be the achieving of a 4.0 for a semester or having success in a business venture. Whatever it means everyone should strive to find their own meaning. This year on April 20th a group of friends got together and smoked a few bowls of marijuana. It was a fun experience of a 4-20 in

Milk. No, mint chocolate! Moel Salmon

Colorado. Slacklining in the neighborhood and then falling asleep to south park. A classic 4-20 story. But what could they have done differently? Might they have not instead tried to do some homework or gone skiing. Or maybe at least not smoke the ganja. Our society has ingrained this idea of April 20th as being associated with the consumption of marijuana as well as the time 4:20. Being only one day a year April 20th isnt too rough, but hey, lets make sure to try to keep it at that level. A few times at best, right my friends?

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