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Nevada Will End All Taxation Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek

March 23, 2013 By David Lory VanDerBeek An issue on my platform now states: Replace and Phase Out All Taxation. Nevada will operate under the fuduciary trust management principle. Taxes are simply one revenue source for government. Governments have investment and enterprise income that now surpasses their tax revenues. Governments therefore are fully capable of being self-sustaining without taxation. Mining, gaming, and all businesses will no longer face the constant harassment by legislators to pick their pockets. Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) are our local governments statement s of net worth built up over decades. Governments use CAFRs to list their assets as advanced liability funds to dupe the public into believing those investments should be maintained for a good purpose, but which actually serve as power-based holding funds for the government. In turn, the governments then claim that they are always operating at budget shortfalls in their operating funds so they claim they must raise your taxes. This is a convenient conspiracy of silence. As Governor, I will assist governments in liberating the potential of this wealth. This plan eliminates the predatory relationship between the government against the people and business, because everyone is happy making money. In fact, the people and businesses will actually cheer such government. Truthfully, as Jesus said when asked a tax question, The children are free. Walter Burien makes the concise argument on his websites (see following comment): 1. What is Taxation? ANSWER: A revenue source. ANSWER: A revenue Source. ANSWER: Generate a revenue Source. ANSWER: Use #2 & #3 to knock out #1

2. What is Investment Return?

3. What do Enterprise operations do?

The Big question of ending all taxation?

The reality is that governments are wholly capable of financial self-suffciency and prosperity. We can end the adversarial relationship between the people, business, and government. So, were going to detail over course of the campaign how this will occur. This will be the topic of the next episode of Occupy Freedom TV. If you would prefer to study it independently, follow the below links.
Credit: Walter Burien - - Filed Under: NevadaGovernor2014 Tagged With: economic collapse, fiat currency, global government, global taxation, irs, taxation


This is Walters response article to my original post Nevada Will End All Taxation Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek Walter Burien says: March 24, 2013 at 4:20 am As David noted: 1. What is Taxation? ANSWER: A revenue source. 2. What is Investment Return? ANSWER: A revenue Source. 3. What do Enterprise operations do? ANSWER: Generate a revenue Source. The Big question: How to end all taxation? ANSWER: Use #2 & #3 to knock out #1 The City of Mesa, AZ, has done this in part for over 40 years. The City Council structures city operations mandating that X amount of investment return from the many investment funds the city manages is applied each year to the citys Budget which is referred to within government as the general purpose operating funds. The enterprise operations the city owns are also required to pitch in X amount also. One enterprise operation the city owns is the electrical power company. Not only do the residents of the city of Mesa enjoy the lowest electrical rates in the state, but the power company also contributes back, depending on what year you examine, between 30 and 110 million dollars each year into the citys general purpose operating funds. So there is no magical answer as to why the city of Mesa, AZ, until 1999 had the lowest city tax rate in the State of Arizona. The Mesa City Council, when implementing this method of operation, did not want to use its residents as easy marks through ever increasing taxation; they wanted to benefit their residents by enab ling lower taxation, while maintaining services at an exemplary standard, by virtue of this method of operation. Consider that this very same method of operation can be taken the extra distance whereby 100% of any local governments general purpose operating funds are satisfied in this fashion. Taxation is simply not needed. Interestingly, for the first time in history, all three power groups are on the same page: the general population; government administration; and the industrial / financial cartels. With the above described method of operation, the population, without the drain of taxation, maintains their productivity value and builds their wealth, while government administration has the same truckloads of cash rolling in to do what they must - but now with the revenue source of taxation taken out of the picture. The industrial / financial cartels have a virtually unlimited pool of capital reinvestment funds from these government self-sufficiency fiduciary trust funds to back / fund their projects a nd ventures. Now, for the first time in history - a win/win for one and all!

Now David Lory VanDerBeeks first name of David is appropriate. Remember, there was another David from times long ago, who took the reins of government and led his people into a very prosperous, truly justice oriented, and high-standards, state of affairs; for one-and-all. I look forward to this current day David providing the same for the benefit of the peoples of Nevada come the year 2014, and well beyond. Keep in mind, when he s ays No Taxation, that means - no taxation! Personal tax; sales tax; corporate tax; property tax, NO TAXATION! Remember - it is not needed. The structured mode of operation of using #2 and #3 to axe #1 is simply waiting to be put into action to make it happen. This standard was not put into play decades ago due to the fact that the self-appointed, self-important inside players greed and opportunity factors got the better of them, and it was simply far too easy instead, to pitch the population for ever-increasing taxation. This has been the state-of-affairs, going on for thousands of years. It has enabled the upper-level government inside players, over these past seventy-years, to vastly increase their take, as simply as if taking candy from a baby. The impetus: the huge sums of money and wealth involved. With the basics never permitted open discussion, as per the collective view pertaining to the ever increasing amount of the take, the astounding growth of the investment funds and revenues generated by the enterprise operations, a most effectively orchestrated void was maintained in the cognitive thinking and awareness of an entire population. What the population was intentionally spoon fed, was a selective presentation of but one side of the coin: debt, debt, and more debt. In fact, government had so much money rolling in the door each and every year they needed to establish parking zones for much of it. What were these parking zones which were found and then developed by them? The answer: Government would promote debt, at the front door, and through the back door, would use their own investment assets to fund that very same debt. The public, when confronted by governments ever increasing debt would ask: Are those government officials idiots taking on more and more debt? Well, when you comprehend the little trick they have been playing out over the last 65-years, the answer to that question is No. The public was just used as an easy mark due to the money and wealth involved. In this environment the government and the industrial / financial cartels teamed up together utilizing the population as an easy mark to be drained and managed. This has been going on for thousands of years, but in modern times, it has become a refined art. From the perspective of the population, in true perspective, this never was a good thing, nor could it ever be a good thing. The population, in the end, ALWAYS comes up on the (extremely) short end of the equation. Note also, the governments perspective is to simply continue under this modus of operandi since it is essential that the the public remain masterfully entertained, and off in La-La Land in order to continue this form of business-as-usual, on-going. I call it the three Ms: Misdirect; Misguide; and Mis inform. Due to the money and wealth involved, it drew in the full cooperation of many top players, and the population never stood an ice-cubes chance in hell of opposing or, in fact, even

remotely comprehending the general process due to a long-term, carefully maintained void in place. Are you ready for the millennium, a thousand years of prosperity for one-and-all? Then, consider operating government under the self-sufficiency fiduciary trust funds format - or, as I call it the TRF (Tax Retirement Fund) principle of funding governments operations - with taxation completely removed from, and taken out of, the picture. A TRF doing what it implies Retiring Taxation This mode of operation will create a level playing field for the first time in history , where the millennium is a given. The economy would revert to being the most prosperous, perpetually functioning, wealth base - for one and for all - of no equal. Again; but now with all being on the same page, and having the same mutually beneficial intent. No longer might government have the motive - or the opportunity of draining the population while at the same time hiding the investment wealth amassed. With this alternative, open transparency becomes the name of the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXAMPLE OF A FUTURE NEVADA GOVERNMENT PRESS RELEASE: The state of Nevada Treasurers Office announces on the State level our Nevada Self-Sufficiency Fiduciary Trust Fund (NSFTF) reached 852 billion this year, and the return from the fund, in combination with contributions from our enterprise operations, has reached the requisite generated annual return whereas, of June 30th of this year, all further state taxes will have been eliminated. The report on local government fund performance for our cities; counties; and school districts is running close to the States performance where all non -state local government taxation should reach the point of complete elimination this coming year. The state of Nevada also would like to announce that due to the friendly tax-free zone now established for our state, 1400 domestic and International industrial companies have established or will establish company production operation plants and offices this year in Nevada bringing 375,000 new jobs to the state, and revenue generation from the same is expected to be over 1.1 trillion dollars of additional financial activity in our state. This year, for the fifth consecutive year, Nevada home values have increased 8% making Nevada, as reported in several national publications, the best place to retire and live in the country. We are sad though, to report we will be loosing Nevadas most popular Governor this year. David Lory VanDerBeek has announced he will not be seeking a further term of office of Nevada State Governor. Next year he will be running for President of the United States where he and his team will be focusing their full efforts to accomplish for our great country all that he has accomplished for the Great State of Nevada. We all will miss greatly him here at the Capitol, but our country needs the implementation of his vision in order to accomplish the same prosperity nationally which we all now enjoy in Nevada. We are all behind him, and hope he and his team sets the record from an extremely enthusiastic population for the strongest voter turnout in our history for a national election. -- END --

Lets all join together and truly support David for the future prosperity for One-and-All. He may have a few rough edges, but I am confident all will be worked out in time, making him one of the the best Peoples candidate of choice in modern times. Yours truly, Walter Burien ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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