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BATTLESTAR GALACTICA RPG Errata, Clarifications and Corrections Chapter 2

Page 53. Example of Character Creation.(Correction) 2nd Column; This should read as: ...Points, he reviews the Assets list, and picks Tough (d4) to compensate for his average Vitality. He spends the remainder on Talented (d6). For the Talented Skills, he focuses on close combat, and takes Unarmed Combat/Brawl, and Melee Weapon Combat/Knives.

Chapter 3
Page 57. Trait Descriptions. (Correction) 6th Sentence; This should read as: On the other hand, Tough [d4/d8] can only exist at two specific levels. At each level it adds the Trait die to certain rolls, and adds a certain number of Life Points to your total (2/4 Life Points, specifically). These bonuses do not stack, since they simply replace each other, and you cannot have Tough at more than one level at a time, or have multiple copies of it. Page 62. Talented. (Correction) This should read as: Talented [d2-d10] You have a knack for something. Pick two thematically related Specialty Skills (not General Skills) that the GM approves. Whenever rolling either of these Skills, add your Trait die. Page 64. Illness. (Correction) This should read as: d8: Your condition is something both more serious and frequently a problem, such as diabetes or early-stage multiple sclerosis. You probably are taking medication and special precautions to function normally, and even still are often affected. Page 70. Knowledge. (Correction) This should read as: Average (7): Remember the names of all the players on a champion Pyramid team; name the major exports of each of the Twelve Colonies.

Chapter 4
Page 82. Complex Actions. (Correction) 5th paragraph of the example should read as: Starting to get worried, you spend 3 Plot Points, adding a d6 to your roll for the third time increment.This pays offits a 20, and Gaetas running total jumps to 41. Page 95. Fallout (Errata) Dying-When your Wound Damage equals or exceeds your total Life Points, you must make an Endurance (Vitality + Willpower) check every minute or be dead. The good news is that the check starts of Easy, but you must repeat the check for every minute of game time with cumulative +4 to the Difficulty check. Once the character succeeds, no further rolls need be made unless your character is injured again.

Chapter 5
Page 112. Ammunition: Armor-Piercing Round. (Clarification) The text does not state it specifically, but the weapon's table (Table 5.4) on page 111 notes that AP rounds ignore "3W" of Armor , this is correct. Page 113. Armor. (Clarification) Armor seems to need a slight clarification. Body Armor. Protects the torso only. Removes 1W automatically, and then if the damage is

from bullets, it converts all the rest of the Wound Damage to Stun Damage. Armor Piercing rounds lessen this effect and Exploding Rounds ignore it. Combat Helmet. Ignores 4W. Head hits do not do extra damage, unless it is from an attack with an Extraordinary Success (attacks that exceed the Difficulty by 7). The bulk of the helmet incurs a -1 Step Penalty to Alertness related rolls. Combat Suit. Protects the torso only. Removes 3W automatically, and then if the damage is from bullets, it converts all the rest of the Wound Damage to Stun Damage. Armor Piercing rounds lessen this effect and Exploding Rounds ignore it. It has a combat helmet. The bulk of the suit incurs a penalty of a -1 Step to all Agility rolls. The bulk of the helmet incurs a -1 Step Penalty to Alertness related rolls.

Page 151. Control Rolls. (Clarification) A failed Control Roll means that the vessel's higher Attribute die is replaced by the pilot's lower die type. In other words, if the character loses the oppossed Strength rolls, he/she has to roll his/hers Strength die instead of the ship's.

Chapter 6
Page 129. Vehicle Stat Block Example. (Correction) Galactica is listed as having 12 spacecraft scale short DRADIS range nuclear missiles (d12+d8). Table 6.6 Page 135 indicates that those missiles should be long DRADIS range. Change Galactica's stat block to: 12 spacecraft scale long DRADIS range nuclear missiles (d12+d8) Page 130. Vehicle Intiative. (Correction) The 1st paragraph second sentence should read as: The vehicle's Agility + Alertness is used if it has autonomous capability and one of those capabilities is active. Page 140. Galactica. (Correction) see above. Page 144. Olympic Carrier. (Correction) Str should be d6 not d16. Page 144. Colonial Viper. Mark II and Viper Mark VII. (Correction) Change the range on the HD-70 Lighting Javelin missiles from capital to skirmish range. Page 146. Colonial Raptor. (Correction/Errata) Corrected stats: Agi d8, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d10, Int d8, Wil d6; LP 14; Init d8+d10; Scale Planetcraft Speed 7 (5 in atmosphere; JC) Traits None Skills Mechanical Engineering d4, Perception d6, Pilot d4, Technical Engineering d6 Armament None Armour Wound 3, Stun 3 Description 28 x 9.5 x 18 feet; Crew 2; Passengers 10 Equipment DRADIS, electronic countermeasure support, decoys Page 148. Cylon Raider (Sparrow). (Correction/Errata) Corrected stats: Agi d10, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d8, Int d6, Wil d6; LP 14, Init d10+d8; Scale Planetcraft Speed 9 (7 in atmosphere) (SL/JC) Traits None

Skills* Discipline d4, Heavy Weapons d6, Perception d4, Pilot d6 (Astrogation d8) (Raider d8), Survival d4, Technical Engineering d4

Armament 2 medium planetcraft scale skirmish range autocannons (d8); 12 medium planetcraft scale skirmish range missiles (d12) Armour Wound 2, Stun 2 Description 29 x 18 x 5 feet; Crew Biomechanical Page 150. Cylon Heavy Raider (Turkey). (Correction/Errata) Corrected stats: Agi d6, Str d10, Vit d10, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d6; LP 16; Init d6+d6; Scale Planetcraft; Speed 7 (5 in atmosphere) (SL/JC) Traits None Skills* Discipline d4, Heavy Weapons d6, Perception d4, Pilot d6 (Astrogation d8) (Heavy Raider d8), Survival d4, Technical Engineering d4 Armaments 2 medium planetcraft scale skirmish range autocannons (d8); 12 medium planetcraft scale skirmish range missiles (d12) Armor Wound 4, Stun 4 Description 35 x 11 x 10 feet; Crew Biomechanical; Passengers 12 * As Cylon vehicles are uploaded just as Skin-Jobs are, they have the ability to learn and adapt. Thus the "older" a Raider (Sparrow) or Heavy Raider (Turkey) might be, the more skilled it might become. However, as evidence by Scar, repeated uploads and ressurections can have a negative effect, perhaps resulting in psychologically based Complications.

Chapter 7
Page 184. Man-at-Arms: Change this to Brawler.

Chapter 8
Page 206. Felon. (Correction/Errata) Corrected stats: Agi d6 Str d8 Vit d6 Ale d6 Int d4 Wil d6; LP 14; Init d6+d6 Traits Brawler d6, Tough d4, Formidable Presence d4, Convict d6, Rebellious d4, Skills Guns d6/Pistols d8, Influence d6/Intimidate d8, Melee Weapon Combat d6/Knives d8, Perception d4, Planetary Vehicles d6, Unarmed Combat d6 Description Created by the harsh environment of his childhood and perhaps an inner badness, fear is his greatest weapon, but can be his downfall just the same. Using it to his advantage, he will do whatever is necessary to get by. No deed is too dirty for him to carry out, which makes him a valuable tool for those looking to keep their hands clean. As long as the pay is right, hell get it done. Since the attack, its almost as if he never committed his crime. Most folks have more important things to worry about. Sometimes thats a good thing. A guy can accomplish a lot when no one is looking.

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