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PART B: Design and development of a Finite state machine based Vending Machine Introduction: Nowadays automatic controllers are

becoming more popular due to their Reconfigurability, power saving options, less external passive components, less sensitive to temperature variations and their high efficiency. Development of commercial electronic products requires development of prototypes on embedded controllers. In this part of the assignment students have to develop a finite state machine based Vending Machine. Vending Machines are used to dispense various products like Coffee, Snacks, and Cold Drink etc. when money is inserted into it. Vending Machines have been in existence since 1880s. The first commercial coin operated machine was introduced in London and used for selling post cards. The vending machines are more accessible and practical than the convention purchasing method. Previous CMOS and SED based machines are more time consuming than the FPGA based machines. The FPGA based machine is also more flexible, programmable and can be re-programmed. But in microcontroller based machine, if one wants to enhance the design, he has to change the whole architecture again, but in FPGA user can easily increase the number of products.
Problem Statement: Students are required to develop a controller for controlling the

Vending machine with auto billing features. The proposed machine can vend four products such as coffee, snacks, cold drinks and candies. The logic diagram of the Vending machine is shown in the Figure 1.



Toggle Switch



Cold Drinks



Not Available


Not Available


NotCofffeeAvaila ble


Not Available

Cash 20/-


Cash 30/-


Cash 20/Cash 40/Cancel


Product Out

Product Out

Product Out

Product Out

Figure 1: Logic Diagram of the Vending Machine

Figure 1 describes four states (User Selection, Waiting for the money insertion, product delivery and servicing (when product not available)). Initially when the toggle button is pressed, the machine will be ready for the users to select the product. This state is the initial state of the design. After this the user will select the product to be dispensed. The machine can accept only two types of currency notes i.e. rupees 10/- and 20/-. If the user selects any one input, then the machine will firstly check whether the products are available in the machine or not. After this the control unit should move to the waiting state, where it will wait for the money to be inserted. When the required amount is inserted the machine will deliver the chosen product. If products are not available in the machine then the control unit will

demand for servicing (Product not available) and after service the machine will move to the initial state.

Form 43 Ver: 2 Date: 14-03-2011



Carry out the following: 1. Develop the Flow chart and State diagram (Either Mealy or Moore with justification) for the given logic of the controller 2. Design and model the controller architecture for Vending Machine 3. Develop the Verilog HDL Code for the Vending Machine 4. Simulate and analyze the results to prove functionality of the controller. 5. Provide an efficient test bench waveform in Verilog. The test bench waveform should completely cover the working of controller Guidelines for Part B The Verilog code should be attached as appendix Developed logic should be demonstrated to the module leader PART C: Implementation of FPGA based Vending Machine Introduction: Before the advent of programmable logic, custom logic circuits were built at the board level using standard components, or at the gate level in expensive application-specific (custom) integrated circuits. The FPGA is an integrated circuit that contains many (64 to over 10,000) identical logic cells that can be viewed as standard components. The individual cells are interconnected by a matrix of wires and programmable switches. A user's design is implemented by specifying the simple logic function for each cell and selectively closing the switches in the interconnect matrix. The arrays of logic cells are interconnected to form a fabric of basic building blocks for logic circuits. Once a HDL code has been written, it can be used to develop either an IC or to program an FPGA. Though a HDL may be written efficiently all HDLs need not result in efficient hardware or many a time may not work when synthesized. It is very important that every designer ensures that his/her design works after synthesis. FPGAs provide a very fast and efficient method to prototype all designs. There are many competent FPGA synthesis tools that share a major portion of design implementation leaving the designer with only the burden of modeling architecture resourcefully. Problem Statement: In this part of the assignment, the students are required to generate a prototype of the Vending Machine developed in Part B. A prototype should be provided by porting the synthesized HDL code to the targeted FPGA. Carry out the following: 1. Perform synthesis of the designed Vending Machine and analyze timing reports. 2. Perform Post Map, Post Place & Route simulation and explain simulation waveforms 3. Implement and port the design on FPGA board 4. Verify the system functionality on FPGA using ChipScope Pro tool.

Form 43 Ver: 2 Date: 14-03-2011



Guidelines for Part C: Implementation and verification of system functionality should be demonstrated to the module leader All simulation figures should be accompanied by analysis Learning outcomes: The students should write a paragraph on the module learning and its outcomes. How the module has benefited in understanding the various concepts of Field Reconfigurable Hardware Systems?
Guidelines for submission:

Your assignment should consist of three chapters only, each chapter/part should have the following: Strictly follow the below guidelines: o Introduction (written in your own words-the contents/words/sentences/paragraph should not match with any web/book resources/other assignments) o Literature review and Design details should be original contribution, you can make suitable changes with existing design available, need to mention the same in your assignment o Simulation / Implementation results should be explained very neatly in your own words, more emphasis should be given in this chapter. o Discussion on results with proper recommendations explain in your own words taking more test results from the simulation or from other journals use more than 500 words o Conclusion (Every chapter/part should have separate conclusion)-explain in your own words You need to have one abstract for the entire assignment. References should be in proper format as specified in the student handbook Add acknowledgement wherever required. Results obtained from simulation /synthesis tools needs to be included in your assignment with proper formatting. The results should reflect your work done and the contribution. Results should be demonstrated to the module leader.

Form 43 Ver: 2 Date: 14-03-2011

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