ABB Totalflow Getting Started

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Universal Server ABB Totalflow Protocol Getting Started Guide

MTL Open System Technologies LP 2450 South Shore Blvd., Suite 210 League City, Texas 77573 Tel: (281) 334-9111 Fax: (281) 334-4324 [email protected]

The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of MTL Open System Technologies LP. The software described in this manual is furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use without the written permission of MTL Open System Technologies LP. Copyright 2006 by MTL Open System Technologies LP All rights reserved. All brand names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. A member of The MTL Instruments Group plc SA09-104-012506

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

ABB TOTALFLOW PROTOCOL MODULE ................................................................................... 4 DOCUMENTATION......................................................................................................................... 4 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................ 4 QUICK START ................................................................................................................................ 5 INSTALLING THE UNIVERSAL SERVER............................................................................................... 6 SECURITY ACCOUNTS................................................................................................................... 12 CONFIGURING DCOM SECURITY .................................................................................................. 13 Windows XP ........................................................................................................................... 13 Windows 2000 ........................................................................................................................ 20 LICENSING AND REGISTRATION ..................................................................................................... 25 Product Registration............................................................................................................... 25 License Reset Procedure ....................................................................................................... 26 Installing the License File ....................................................................................................... 28 ADDING A CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................................ 29 CONFIGURING A CIRCUIT .............................................................................................................. 30 ADDING A DEVICE ......................................................................................................................... 38 CONFIGURING A DEVICE ............................................................................................................... 39 COMMUNICATING WITH THE UNIVERSAL SERVER VIA SUITELINK/DDE ............................................. 51 COMMUNICATING WITH THE UNIVERSAL SERVER VIA OPC CLIENT .................................................. 52

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

ABB Totalflow Protocol Module

The ABB Totalflow Module operates within the Universal Server architecture and provides comprehensive support for devices using Totalflow communication protocols. This includes all Totalflow Flow Computers. In addition, the ABB Totalflow module provides full support for collection of Electronic Flow Measurement (EFM) data.

This manual is intended to serve as a Getting Started guide for successful communication between an ABB Totalflow device and the Universal Server. A full set of online Help files, including How to and Troubleshooting sections for the Universal Server, as well as in-depth Protocol-specific help files are delivered and installed with the system. Online Help is accessible from the Help menu, and context-sensitive help is available via the F1 key or Help button the toolbar. in

Please refer to the Universal Server Getting Started manual for additional information regarding Universal Server features, including Multiple Protocol Support, Remote Configuration, Extensive Client Interfaces, EFM Data Storage, Communication Diagnostics, and Remote Log Viewing.

System Requirements
Software Requirements
Windows 2000 SP4 or greater Windows XP SP1 or greater

Hardware Requirements
Minimum PIII 900 MHz Processor 100 MB Hard Disk 64 MB RAM Recommended P4 1.4 GHz Processor 500 MB Hard Disk 128 MB RAM

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Quick Start
Complete the following steps to configure and initiate use of the Universal Server and communicate with the ABB Totalflow Protocol.

Task 1. Install the Universal Server and the ABB Totalflow Protocol Module. 2. Ensure that Security Accounts are configured properly. 3. Ensure that DCOM is configured properly. 4. Register the Universal Server. 5. Install the license file. 6. Add and configure the desired circuits. 7. Add and configure the desired devices. 8. Communicating with Client Applications

Purpose To load the server and its components onto a remote or local console. To allow the appropriate privilege level for all users. To assign DCOM security privileges to the users and groups that were added in step 2. To obtain a license file and register the server. To load the license file onto the server. To add a circuit to initiate communication with a device. To add a device for data collection. To read data gathered by the Universal Server

Reference Installing the Universal Server Security Accounts

Configuring DCOM Security

Product Registration Installing the License File Adding a Circuit Configuring a Circuit Adding a Device Configuring a Device Communicating via SuiteLink/DDE Communicating via OPC

These tasks are described in greater detail in the following sections.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide Installing the Universal Server

1. Insert the Universal Server CD into the appropriate drive. 2. The Preparing to Install screens appear. Note: The text and screen shots in this document are compatible with the current version of the Universal Server. Version x.x.x on the screen shots refers to the current version number of the product that is being installed.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

3. Click Next on the Welcome screen to continue.

4. Review the License Agreement. Select the I accept the terms of the license agreement option to enable the Next button. Click Next to continue

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

5. Complete the User Name and Organization fields on the Customer Information screen. Select the appropriate users option Anyone who uses this computer or a Only for me. Click Next to continue.

6. Select the appropriate type of installation from the Setup Type screen. Click Next to continue.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

7. The Custom Setup screen displays a list of features that are supported by the Universal Server. Select the appropriate installation settings and click Next to continue. Important Note: If you are licensed for EFM data collection, you must scroll through the list of Device Modules (listed in screen A) and expand the EFM Database Server node (shown in screen B). From the drop down list, select the appropriate option to install the EFM Database Server. A B

Client Components Installs the Universal Server Configuration Client. Universal IO Server Installs the Universal IO Service and selected device modules. Device Modules Installs support for field devices using specific protocols. Network Circuit Module Installs support for communications using TCP/IP, UDP/IP, and Terminal Servers. Serial Circuit Module Installs support for communications using Direct Serial Ports, Radios, Line Drivers, and Standard Modems. ABB Totalflow Device Module Installs support for all models of ABB Totalflow Devices. Allen-Bradley DF1 Device Module Installs support for communications with devices using Serial DF1 Protocol. Bristol Babcock BSAP Device Module Installs support for all Bristol Babcock Devices using Native BSAP Protocol. Fisher ROC Device Module Installs support for real time and EFM data for all Fisher ROC models. Flow Automation Device Module Installs support for Flow Automation Automate with EFM collection. Halliburton RTU Device Module Installs support for Halliburton WCU with EFM collection. Modbus Device Module Installs support for field devices using Modbus Protocol, including Modbus RTU, ASCII, and TCP protocols. Control Microsystems ScadaPack Device Module Installs support for the ScadaPack Enron and ScadaPack Telebus Protocols.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

SuiteLink and DDE Support Installs support for Client Data Access using Wonderware SuiteLink and Windows DDE Protocols. EFM Database Server Installs support for management of collected EFM data for reporting purposes. The Change button allows you to specify where you would like the program to be located. The Space button invokes the Disk Space Requirements screen, which displays the available space on your drives and space required for feature installation. 8. The Ready to Install the Program screen appears. Click Install to continue.


9. The Installing screen appears. A progress bar indicates the status of the installation.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

10. Following a successful installation, the Completed screen appears. Select the option to View the Latest Release Notes for Universal IO Server, if desired and click Finish.


Note: If you are using Windows 2000, you are prompted to restart your computer.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide Security Accounts

This dialog is only enabled for users with permission to edit user accounts. By default, the administrator and the user under which the server was installed are enabled to edit user accounts. If a new user is added to a node, the username must be on the local machine. If a new user is added to a network, the user must be part of a domain.


To add a new user or group (requires Administrator privileges): 1. Access the Universal Server via the Start menu or open the desktop icon. 2. If the server isn't running, right-click the server icon in the Universal I/O Servers folder and select Start Server. 3. Right-click the Configuration folder and select Edit Configuration. 4. Select the Security Accounts tab from the Configuration dialog. 5. The username under which the server was installed is listed, by default. If you wish to access the server under a different username, type the appropriate name in the UserName field and select the desired Privileges. Click Add User and then select Apply Changes.

The following is an explanation of user privileges. Read Write Users with this privilege are able to view data that is provided by the server. Users with this privilege are able to execute commands to the server.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Configure Users with this privilege are able to run the configuration interface. The user must be in the system and logged on to the computer where the configuration changes are being made. Users with this privilege are able to change the settings to and run the diagnostic interface. Users with this privilege are able to add users and define user privileges. The Security Accounts tab is only activated for users with this privilege level.


Execute Diagnostics Edit User Accounts

Configuring DCOM Security

Typically, a client is not able to communicate with a server across a network. DCOM must be configured before you can access a server as a client.

Windows XP
If you are using Windows XP, complete the following steps:

Component Services 1. DCOM is configured using the Component Services utility. From the Start menu, select Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Component Services.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

DCOM Configuration - Default Security 2. To specify the Default Access and Default Launch permissions, access Component Services | Computers.


3. Right-click My Computer in the Computers folder and select Properties. 4. Select the Default COM Security tab from the resulting window.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

5. To configure the default Access Permissions for the NETWORK, INTERACTIVE, and SYSTEM identities, select the Edit Default button in the Access Permissions section.


6. Click the Add button.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

7. Click the Advanced button.


8. Ensure that the proper location was selected in the From this location field (this should be your domain). 9. Click Find Now to access a list of available accounts. Using the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select NETWORK, INTERACTIVE, and SYSTEM and click OK. 10. Click OK on all screens until you return to My Computer Properties.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

11. To configure the default Launch Permissions for the NETWORK, INTERACTIVE, and SYSTEM identities, select the Edit Default button in the Launch Permissions section.


12. Repeat steps 6 through 9 to set the Default Launch permissions. Click OK on all screens until you return to Component Services.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

13. From the Component Services screen, expand the DCOM Config folder under My Computer.


14. Right-click Universal I/O Server under the DCOM Config folder and select Properties. 15. Select the Security tab and ensure that Configuration Permissions is set to Customize. Click the Edit button.

16. Repeat steps 6 through 9 to add NETWORK, INTERACTIVE and SYSTEM to Configuration Permissions. Click OK on all screens until you return to Component Services.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

DCOM Configuration - Default Properties 17. Right-click on My Computer in the Component Services screen and select Properties. Select the Default Properties tab. 18. Verify that the Default Authentication Level is set to Connect and the Default Impersonation Level is set to Identify. Click OK.


19. Finally, you must restart your computer to initiate the changes. DCOM is now configured and you can successfully connect and make changes to a server machine from a client.

Configure File Sharing for Windows XP

In order for the Universal Server to operate within a workgroup (from workgroup to domain, workgroup to workgroup, etc.), simple file sharing must be disabled. 1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel | Folder Options.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

2. Select the View tab.


3. Scroll to the bottom on the Advanced Settings list box and ensure that Use simple file sharing is not selected. Click OK.

Windows 2000
If you are using Windows 2000, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Run from the Start menu. 2. Enter dcomcnfg and click OK.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

3. The Distributed COM Configuration Properties box appears.


4. Select the Default Security tab and click the Edit Default button in the Default Access Permissions area. 5. The Registry Value Permissions box appears.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

6. Click the Add button. The Add Users and Groups popup box appears.


7. Select the appropriate domain from the List Names From drop down list. 8. Select Show Users. Highlight the NETWORK account and click the Add button. Do the same for the INTERACTIVE and SYSTEM accounts and click OK. 9. Verify that NETWORK, INTERACTIVE and SYSTEM are listed in the name field of the Registry Value Permissions box. Click OK.

10. Select the Edit Default button from the Default Launch Permissions area of the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

11. Click the Add button. The add users and groups popup box appears.


12. Select the appropriate domain from the List Names From drop down list. 13. Select Show Users. Highlight the NETWORK account and click the Add button. Do the same for the INTERACTIVE and SYSTEM accounts and click OK. 14. Verify that NETWORK, INTERACTIVE and SYSTEM are listed in the name field of the Registry Value Permissions box. Click OK. 15. In the Distributed COM Configuration Properties box, click the Applications tab and scroll down until you find Standard Automation IO Server; highlight it and select Properties.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

16. The Standard Automation IO Server Properties popup box appears.


17. Select the Security tab and verify that each of the three radio buttons is using default permissions. Make any necessary adjustments and click OK. 18. On the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog, click Apply and then click OK. 19. Finally, you must restart your computer to initiate the changes. DCOM is now configured and you can successfully connect and make changes to a server machine from a client. Note: Windows 2000 allows access to launch permissions, access permissions, and configuration permissions, which you have already set up to use Interactive, Network, and System. However, the Universal Server is configured to use a custom setting for the configuration permissions. You must access the DCOM settings for the Universal Server and change the settings to use the default.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide Licensing and Registration

Universal Server functionality is enabled through the use of software licensing. It is necessary to register the server on the Product Registration website for activation. Registering the server enables you to receive notification when Universal Server modifications and enhancements are available. The product requires that a license be saved to the appropriate installation directory. To obtain your license and register your server, complete the following steps and your license file will be emailed to you.


Product Registration
1. Open the Universal Server and expand the Universal I/O Servers node. 2. To start the server, right-click on the appropriate node and select Start Server. The Universal Server has started when there is a green checkmark on the server icon; this may take a few seconds. 3. Expand the node, select and right-click Configuration. Select Edit Configuration. 4. Select the License Info tab. Leave this window open and proceed to the next step. Note: The message !!! DEMONSTRATION MODE Server will run 60 minutes Maximum. is displayed on the bottom of the dialog until the license file is successfully installed.

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

5. Locate the Company ID and Serial Number on the back of the CD case. In a browser window, go to and enter this information into the appropriate fields. Click Register.


6. On the next page, select the license type. Typically, you will request a permanent license. (See License Reset Procedure for instructions on obtaining a temporary license.) Enter the Activation Code, which is listed on the License Info tab in the Universal Server, and the appropriate Node Name. Click the Submit button. 7. Enter the email address to which the license file should be sent and click Send. 8. The website immediately emails your license file and displays a confirmation message indicating that the license file has been emailed. 9. Upon receipt, open the email and save the license file to your desktop, taking note of the directory that you save to.

License Reset Procedure

Product licenses are node locked since part of the license includes the serial number of the workstation hard drive (on which the software is installed). Therefore, any change to the hard drive (re-formatting, changing a hard drive due to disk failure, BIOS change, etc.) results in an invalid workstation license. In order to continue using the license, it needs to be reset so that the hard drive information can be re-entered. The new license then contains the information pertaining to the modified hard drive. Most license resets are due to unexpected events, such as a hard disk failure. However, there are other times when a customer may wish to have the license re-issued, for example, if the license is moved from one PC to another. This may occur when a system integrator uses the license to develop an application and needs to install the application at the end-user customer.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Such resets, though, are not urgent. The procedure for license resets must accommodate both urgent needs, as well as non-urgent needs. Any new license requires the Company ID and the Serial Number, both of which are located on the back of the CD Case. Please save the CD Case or this information so that it can be quickly retrieved in the event of an urgent need.


Urgent License Regeneration

1. Locate your Company ID and Serial Number. 2. Go to the Product Registration website ( 3. Enter the Company ID and Serial Number. 4. Select Temporary for the license type. 5. Enter an email address to which the license can be mailed. 6. This temporary license runs for 4 days, allowing a sufficient amount of time to use the Non-Urgent License Regeneration procedure to obtain a new permanent license. Note: A temporary license can only be issued 3 times per serial number.

Non-Urgent License Regeneration

1. Locate your Company ID and Serial Number. 2. Call the Technical Support group (1-888-334-3293) and provide the Company ID and Serial Number so that the license can be reset. You will also be asked to explain the reason for the request of the license reset. Note that if the Company ID and Serial Number cannot be found, you can email the uniserv.lic license file to Technical Support [email protected]. The license file will be used along with the disk serial number to reset the license. 3. Technical Support notifies you when the license has been reset. This normally takes 24 to 48 hours. Once the license is reset, go to the Product Registration website ( and follow the normal registration process to retrieve a permanent license for the product. Note: The Non-Urgent License Regeneration process can be used once per serial number. Exceeding that, you must contact the local sales office to have the license reset. Contact Product Registration at [email protected] or call 1-888-334-3293 and ask for Product Registration with questions or comments.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Installing the License File
1. 2. Click the Update License button on the License Info dialog in the Universal Server. Browse to the location where you saved your license file in step 9, above, and click Open.



The message on the License Info tab now reads "This Server is Permanently Licensed.".

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide Adding a Circuit

Complete the following steps to add a circuit. 1. Once the Universal Server has been installed, double-click on the desktop icon to open the user interface. 2. In order to add and/or configure a circuit or device, the server must be running. To ensure that the server is running, verify that there is a green check ( ) on the server icon. To manually start the server, right-click on the appropriate node name under Universal I/O Servers. Select Start Server or AutoConnect to automatically access the server when the system is started. 3. Select New | Circuit from the Action Menu on the Microsoft Management Console folder to ensure that Toolbar. (You must first click on the Configuration the option to add a new circuit is available on the action menu.) or Right-click on the Configuration icon and select New | Circuit.


4. Select the appropriate circuit type and enter a unique name into the Enter Circuit Name field. (You can use up to 255 characters to name the circuit.) The following circuits are available:

The TCP/IP circuit is used for connection using normal network TCP/IP protocol, including Terminal Servers (Point-to-Point Communication). The UDP/IP circuit is the network protocol for broadcast applications. The TCP Terminal Server Modem circuit is used for connection to modems that are connected to Terminal Servers. The Direct Serial circuit is used for connection to devices that are directly connected to the local COM ports. The Modem circuit is used for connection to a dial-out modem device that has been installed as a Windows modem on the local or a network computer. The CDPD Modem circuit is used for connection to a CDPD modem device that has been installed as a Windows modem on the local or a network computer.

Note: Before adding a CDPD Modem Circuit, you will need to download and modify the mdmarlnk.inf form from the Airlink Communications website. Refer to the

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Universal Server online Help for more information. The Advanced Serial circuit is used for connection to radios, line drivers, or data conversion devices that require handshaking and warm up/warm down time and are directly connected to the local COM ports. The Serial Metricom circuit is used for connection to a Metricom Radio connected directly to a local serial COM port. The Dynamic UDP circuit allows for connection to multiple field devices using network UDP/IP protocol. The Remote Host addresses are set at the Device level.


5. Click Add and the Circuit Configuration Dialogs appear.

Configuring a Circuit
Complete the following steps to configure a circuit. 1. Right-click on a circuit icon or select Edit Circuit Configuration from the Action menu. 2. Select the Circuit Options tab and enter the appropriate configuration settings.

Circuit Name Remote Host/IP Address

The name of the selected circuit. The name of the remote host or its IP address.

Note: This field is not available for Direct Serial, Modem, Advanced Serial, Serial Metricom, Dynamic

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

UDP, and CDPD Modem Circuits. Port


TCP/IP, UDP/IP, TCP Terminal Server Modem Circuits: Assigns a port on the remote host for communication. Direct Serial, Advanced Serial, Serial Metricom Circuits: The connected COM ports on the node from which the server is running appear in the drop down list. Modem Circuit: A list of installed Windows modems appears in a drop down list. CDPD Modem Circuit: A list of installed CDPD modems appears in the drop down list.

Note: This field is not available for Dynamic UDP Circuits. Use Local Binding Select this option to specify which network card to use for communication.

Note: This field is not available for Direct Serial, Modem, Advanced Serial, Serial Metricom, and CDPD Modem Circuits. Local Host/IP Address This option becomes enabled if Use Local Binding was selected. Enter the local host or IP address for the network card you wish to use.

Note: This field is not available for Direct Serial, Modem, Advanced Serial, Serial Metricom, and CDPD Modem Circuits. Port Assigns a port on the local host for communication.

Note: This field is not available for Direct Serial, Modem, Advanced Serial, Serial Metricom, and CDPD Modem Circuits. Circuit Description Circuit Options Off Scan Standby A unique description of the selected circuit. Options specify which mode the circuit is in upon startup. Scanning does not occur until enabled by the user. The server only executes circuit diagnostics; IO transactions are not enabled. The circuit is available for use by a device. If selected, a circuit object attempts to obtain exclusive use of the resources upon startup. Otherwise, it connects and disconnects with each IO transaction.

On Scan Maintain Exclusive Use of Assigned Port

Note: If this port is being used by another program, do not select this option. Monitor for RBX (unsolicited) Data Select this option to enable dial-in support for unsolicited RBX.

Note: This field is not available for Direct Serial, Modem, Advanced Serial, Serial Metricom, and

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January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

CDPD Modem Circuits. Port Inactivity Timeout


Used only for connections that are configured to maintain exclusive use of the port. In these cases, many devices disconnect the port after a deviceconfigured period of inactivity. The timeout option sets the circuit so that if no transactions are executed on the circuit for the period of the configured timeout, the circuit closes and reopens the connection. This should reset the inactivity timeout at the device.

Note: This field is not available for Direct Serial, Modem, Advanced Serial, Serial Metricom, and CDPD Modem Circuits. Use Modem Dialing Rules Modem dialing rules are a set of rules for a Modem, which are configured in the Operating System Modem configuration. Dialing rules establish whether or not to add a "1" to dial a number for long distance or local call or a "9" for an outside line, etc.

Note: This field is only available for Modem Circuits. Interpoll Delay in msec In some configurations there may be a requirement for a delay between the issuing of messages from the host station to the field devices. If this is true, enter a time (in milliseconds) that indicates how long the server should wait before sending a message from the communications port once a previously issued message has received an appropriate response. This delay helps prevent false time-outs when connected to devices that cannot respond quickly to consecutive poll requests. Initiates the changes and closes the dialog. Returns the fields to the state at which they were last saved.

Apply Changes Restore

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

3. If you are configuring a TCP Terminal Server Modem Circuit, select the Modem Options tab and enter the appropriate configuration settings.


Initialization String

This string is sent to the modem upon initial setup for communication. Generic HAYES command sets are honored. This string corresponds with your modem to initiate dial up. (A common example is ATDT.) Generic HAYES command sets are honored. This string corresponds with your modem to initiate hang up. (A common example is ATH.) Generic HAYES command sets are honored. The interval during which no data is sent.

Dial Prefix String

Hangup String

Modem Guard Time in msec Modem Connection Timeout in Sec Modem Echoes Command String CRLF Command Terminator

The amount of time that the modem awaits connection.

Tells the driver whether or not the modem will send strings back after they've been sent out. Select if a carriage return line feed sequence is required.

Initialize Modem Before Select to send out an initialization string before each call. Each Use Apply Changes Initiates the changes and closes the dialog.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Restore Returns the fields to the state at which they were last saved.


4. If you are configuring an Advanced Serial Circuit, Direct Serial Circuit, or a Serial Metricom Circuit, select the Serial Port tab and enter the appropriate configuration settings.

Serial Port Options

Set these options to correspond with the device to which you wish to communicate. A measurement for communication time between instruments using a serial connection, indicating the number of bit transfers per second. For example, 300 baud is 300 bits per second. The actual data bits in a transmission. A single character is represented by 7 or 8 bits. Signals the end of communication for a single packet. Typical values are 1, 1.5, and 2 bits. A form of error checking. There are four types of parity: even, odd, marked, and spaced. Uses the serial port control lines RTS and CTS to control the flow of data between the server and the communication device that the server is directly connected to, such as a modem, radio, or data converter. Select if your communication device requires hardware handshaking

Port Speed

Data Bits

Stop Bits




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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Handshaking Require Clear-toSend (CTS) for Transmit


(RTS/CTS). (This option is always enabled on the Advanced Serial Circuit.) The communication device must set the CTS line high before the server will transmit data. If this option is disabled, the circuit transmits as soon as the warm up period has elapsed, regardless of the state of the CTS line.

Note: This field is not available for Direct Serial Circuits or Serial Metricom Circuits. Transmit Transmit data as soon as the CTS signal goes high, even if the warm up Immediately upon period has not fully elapsed. Clear-to-Send (CTS) during Warm-up Note: This field is not available for Direct Serial Circuits or Serial Metricom Circuits. Apply Changes Restore Initiates the changes and closes the dialog. Returns the fields to the state at which they were last saved.

5. Select the Advanced tab and enter the appropriate configuration settings.

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ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Port Opening


Parameters that effect how the circuit handles failures when trying to open a communications port, or connecting a communications channel. If the circuit does not have the Maintain Exclusive option enabled on the Circuit Options tab, these parameters can be used to tune the connection logic of multiple circuits that use the same communication port or device. The number of times the circuit retries opening or connecting the communications port or channel after a failure occurs.

Number of retries if port cannot be opened or access denied Delay between retries in milliseconds Transaction Interleaving

The amount of time the circuit delays between attempts to open the communications port.

Each circuit object maintains a set of transaction queues that are used to store pending read, output, and EFM message transactions. The transaction queues are defined by the priority of the message type that they contain. The output message queue has the highest priority, followed by the read message queue, with the EFM message queue having the lowest priority. The transaction logic that the circuit object uses sends messages with a higher priority before messages with a lower priority. Since a situation can occur where a lower priority message never gets sent because there is always a higher priority message pending, Transaction Interleaving logic must be used to ensure that the lower priority messages eventually get sent. The options in this section are used to configure the interleaving logic and how many consecutive messages from one priority queue are sent before a lower priority message is sent. These settings are used when there are multiple pending transactions in each queue. If a higher priority queue is empty, a message from the lower priority queue is automatically sent with no regard to the interleaving values. The number of output transactions that are made before a read transaction is performed.

Output priority queue

Read priority queue The number of read transactions that are made before an EFM transaction is performed. EFM priority queue Transactions The maximum amount of time that the circuit allows for a device object to Maximum complete a message transaction. The circuit object uses this value to detect transaction duration in seconds when a catastrophic port or device object failure has occurred and an attempt to recover the communication channel needs to be performed. This value should be set to a time period that is at least three times longer than the time period you would normally expect a message transaction to complete in, or the default value, whichever is larger. For modem type circuits, the time the modem takes to connect is included in the transaction duration time. EFM transactions are interleaved at the lowest priority.

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Maximum consecutive transactions to same destination


The maximum number of consecutive transactions sent to a single device when there are transactions pending for other devices. This option is available only for circuit types that dynamically connect to multiple field devices, such as a dial-up modems. If your circuit connection times are long, you can increase this value to enable the circuit to stay connected to the field device longer and process more transaction messages.

Note: This field is not available for TCP/IP, UPD/IP, Direct Serial, Advanced Serial, Serial Metricom, and CDPD Modem Circuits. Apply Changes Restore Initiates the changes and closes the dialog. Returns the fields to the state at which they were last saved.

6. When the configuration changes are complete, right-click on the newly created circuit icon and select Finish Editing Configuration. Repeat the steps above to add another circuit.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide Adding a Device

Complete the following steps to add a device. 1. In order to add and/or configure a circuit or device, the server must be running. To ensure that the server is running, verify that there is a green check ( ) on the server icon. To manually start the server, right-click on the appropriate node name under Universal I/O Servers. Select Start Server or AutoConnect to automatically access the server when the system is started. 2. Select New | Device from the action menu on the Microsoft Management Console folder to ensure that Toolbar. (You must first click on the Configuration the option to add a new device is available on the action menu.) or Right-click on the configuration icon ( ) and select New | Device.


3. Select the appropriate device type from the Device Name list and enter a unique name into the Enter Device Name field. (You can use up to 255 characters to name the device.)

4. Click Add and the Device Configuration Dialog appears.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide Configuring a Device

Complete the following steps to configure a device. 1. Right-click on a device icon or select Edit Device Configuration from the Action menu. 2. The Device Options tab allows you to assign a unique and meaningful name and description to a device and set the corresponding parameters to enable communication and EFM data collection. (The device name cannot be changed once it is created.)


Device Name

The name of the device that is being configured. All device names are case sensitive and must be unique to the server. Enter a unique description of the device that is being configured. Select if the device supports retrieval of EFM archival records by the Universal Server. If deselected, no EFM records are uploaded. If selected, you will need to edit the EFM configuration for uploads to work correctly. This feature sets a limit on the number of days to collect EFM data. This is useful if you are having difficulty collecting EFM data on the first download from a device.

Device Description Enable EFM Data Collection

Maximum EFM Days to Collect

Note: This option is only enabled if the Enable EFM Data Collection option has been selected.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide



Newer flow computers, such as the Model 6400 and 6700, have the capability of using a new protocol (DB2) that breaks the collection data into Packets and also collects a newer database. Older devices use DB1 protocol and some devices can use either. Block size and packet size are parameters for the DB2 protocol. 128, 256, 512, or 1024 bytes. Packets are broken down into blocks. Larger block sizes are more efficient, but smaller blocks may be preferable if communication problems exist. 1, 2, or 4 kilobytes. Larger packet sizes are more efficient, but smaller size packets may be preferable if communication problems exist. Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters for the devices identification. This must match the ID of the device. Enter a 4 digit alphanumeric code. This must match the first of second level code at the device. The frequency at which the device listens to see if a host is requesting its ID. Set to 0, 2, or 4 seconds. (Four seconds is the default.) This must match the setting at the device.

Data Block Size

Data Packet Size

Device ID

Security Code


Default Baud Rate Used to specify the data rate of the flow computer when it is connected with a non-serial circuit. This is required to handle timing within the protocol. Apply Changes Click to initiate the changes to the server and device. The device begins running according to these specifications. Once selected, the device configuration must be released for editing by other users. 1. Right-click on the device object you were configuring. 2. Click Finish Editing Device. 3. Right-click on the Configuration folder. 4. Click Backup Configuration Changes. This makes a backup copy of the server configuration and saves it to C:\Program Files\Standard Automation\Universal IO Server\Project. Restore Returns the fields to the state at which they were last saved.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

3. The Circuit Options tab, which is standard for all devices, allows you to select which circuit and scan interval to use when communicating with the device. Each registered field device can be configured to support primary and/or secondary communication circuits.


Device Startup Scan Status

Device Items may be added to a scan during Off Scan, Standby, or On Scan, but data is not retrieved until the Scan Interval or a command to collect data is sent. The option selected here is displayed in the Status field of the Device Diagnostics dialog. (Refer to the online Help for more information about Device Diagnostics.) Scanning is disabled. The device does not perform any scheduled scanning. Only demand scans and output commands are executed. The device is ready to perform scans. All IO operations and periodic data collection is executed for active items. Displays the circuit to which the device is currently communicating.

Off Scan Standby

On Scan

Device Circuit Mode

Note: The corresponding system tag is $CircuitSelect; it is readable and writable from the client. Values can be changed from the OPC Client or the SuiteLink client. Primary = 1, Secondary =2. Primary Circuit Only Select to enable communication solely on the primary circuit.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Secondary Circuit Only Alternate Circuits Enable Auto Failover Failed Poll Retries Select to enable communication solely on the secondary circuit.


Select to alternate communication between circuits. Select to switch circuits in the event of a failure in the designated circuit.

In the event of a comm fail, this is the number of times that communication is attempted. If communication is not successful within the defined number of retries, the scan interval switches to Slow Scan Interval. Once communication is successful, the normal scan interval resumes. In the event of an error in connecting to a device, this is the number of times that the server attempts to reconnect to the device. In the event of unsuccessful communication, the failing device should be scanned for data less frequently.

Connection Retries

Slow Scan Interval

Note: The corresponding system tag is $SlowscanInterval; it is readable and writable from the client. Advanced Options Invokes the Advanced Device Communications Options dialog, which allows you to set defined scan intervals This circuit is responsible for communication of data to and from the device and server. Invokes the Select Communications Circuit dialog. Select the circuit that you wish to use for communication with the device. Invokes the Edit Circuit Options dialog, which presents a list of circuit parameters and their default settings. This option is only enabled if the selected circuit requires additional configuration for communication. Informs the system that it can use any modem for communication. (Modem banks are supported.) This option is only enabled if a modem circuit is selected. Represents how often regular data is collected. Time can be entered in hours (hh): minutes (mm): seconds (ss), or in milliseconds.

Primary Circuit

Select Circuit

Circuit Options

Use Any Available Modem Circuit

Scan Interval

Note: The corresponding system tag is $PrimaryInterval; it is readable and writable from the client. Reply Timeout The time (in milliseconds) allowed for the device to respond to a request for data. If the time is exceeded, the message is retried. The timeout should be sufficient for the longest message to be received based on your communications platform and data rate. If the timeout is too short, false timeout errors are logged. When configuring a topic, it is recommended that the timeout be set to a sufficiently large value (in the range of 5-8 seconds) so that false timeouts cannot occur. Once reliable communication is achieved, reduce the timeout

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

value until timeout errors occur; then increase it until the errors stop. Note: A reply timeout of 0 is not valid, a minimum value of 55 msec. is recommended, although few devices are capable of responding that quickly. Secondary Circuit For device redundancy, select the circuit that you wish to use for communication in the event of a comm fail in the primary circuit. The options in the Secondary Circuit field are identical to those in the Primary Circuit field. If you wish to enable a secondary circuit for communication, select the appropriate settings. Note: The corresponding system tag for the Secondary Scan Interval is $SecondaryInterval; it is readable and writable from the client. Apply Changes Click to initiate the changes to the server and device. The device begins running according to these specifications. Once selected, the device configuration must be released for editing by other users. 1. Right-click on the device object you were configuring. 2. Click Finish Editing Device. 3. Right-click on the Configuration folder. 4. Click Backup Configuration Changes. This makes a backup copy of the server configuration and saves it to C:\Program Files\Standard Automation\Universal IO Server\Project. Restore Returns the fields to the state at which they were last saved.


MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

4. The Device Items tab allows you to add and edit Device Groups and Items to be scanned at different intervals from the parent device.


Configured Devices and A tree view of all device groups ( ), item groups ( ), and items ( Items have been configured for the server are displayed here.

) that

Right-click on a device group or item group and choose the Edit option or double-click on a device group or item group to invoke the edit dialog. Editing the device group allows you to rename the device group and editing the item group allows you to rename the item group and set items to Autoscan. Double-click on an item (or right-click and select Autoscan On or Autoscan Off) to set/clear Autoscan. Item icons turn green and an A ( ) is displayed when the Item is set to Autoscan On. Item icons remain unchanged ( ) during Autoscan Off. If an item is on Autoscan, data is collected from the device even if it is not requested by a client. Normally, data is only collected for items that the client has requested. Sort by Name/Address Sorts the device items lexically (similar to alphabetically) by name or in ascending ROC Data Type number. Invokes the Edit Device Group dialog, which allows you to create a device subgroup that can be scanned at a different interval than the parent device group. Group names must be unique within the server. Select the item or group you wish to delete and click the Delete button. Allows you to edit an existing Device Group or Item Group, place an item

New Device Group

Delete Edit

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide


on Autoscan or off Autoscan. Select the group or item that you wish to edit and click the Edit button. You may also double-click on the group or item to invoke the Edit dialog or right-click on the group or item and select Edit from the right-click menu. Note: You cannot edit the default Device Group. Apply Changes Click to initiate the changes to the server and device. The device begins running according to these specifications. Once selected, the device configuration must be released for editing by other users. 1. Right-click on the device object you were configuring. 2. Click Finish Editing Device. 3. Right-click on the Configuration folder. 4. Click Backup Configuration Changes. This makes a backup copy of the server configuration and saves it to C:\Program Files\Standard Automation\Universal IO Server\Project. Restore Returns the fields to the state at which they were last saved.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

5. The EFM Settings tab allows you to set the frequency with which EFM data is gathered and the starting time for the retrieval. You may also disable the feature that checks the database for missing data. Timezone information for the device is entered here, as well. A link to the EFM report configuration dialogs is provided. This page is only included when the product is licensed for EFM.


EFM Demand Polling Only

If selected, scanning occurs only if a demand to retrieve data is sent from the client. The parameters for EFM Hourly Scheduling and EFM Daily Scheduling are disabled. The RTU Timezone and Daylight Savings Time options must be set for proper timestamping. If selected, the options to set the Base Start Time and Frequency for EFM data collection are enabled and can be configured to collect hourly EFM data at desired intervals. Scan time is adjusted as if scanning began at this time and scanning resumes at the next interval. Scan intervals are calculated as if the scan was started at the base start time. The base start time is represented by HH:MM:SS, where: HH: Hours MM: Minutes SS: Seconds

Automatically Collect Hourly EFM Records Base Start Time


The interval at which scanning occurs. The scan interval is represented by HH:MM:SS or msecs, where: HH: Hours MM: Minutes SS: Seconds or Msecs: Milliseconds

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Automatically Collect Daily EFM Records Daily Collection


If selected, the option to set the Daily Collection time for EFM data records is enabled and can be configured to collect daily EFM data at the desired time. Set to the time of day when you wish to collect daily EFM data. The daily collection time is represented by HH:MM:SS, where: HH: Hours MM: Minutes SS: Seconds

RTU Timezone Uses Daylight Savings Time Disable Automatic Recovery of Missing EFM Data EFM Server Options Apply Changes

Select the timezone that applies to the location of the field device. (By default, the timezone of the user interface machine is displayed.) Select this option if the field device is located in an area that observes daylight savings time. If selected, missing EFM data is not recovered. This option is useful for reducing overhead when you expect gaps in the data. Invokes the EFM Configuration dialog. Refer to the EFM Server section of the Universal Server online Help. Click to initiate the changes to the server and device. The device begins running according to these specifications. Once selected, the device configuration must be released for editing by other users. 1. Right-click on the device object you were configuring. 2. Click Finish Editing Device. 3. Right-click on the Configuration folder. 4. Click Backup Configuration Changes. This makes a backup copy of the server configuration and saves it to C:\Program Files\Standard Automation\Universal IO Server\Project.


Returns the fields to the state at which they were last saved.

Please refer to the Universal Server online help and/or the Universal Server EFM Quick Start guide for additional information on configuring EFM data collection.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

6. The Meters tab allows you to designate the type of meter that is connected to the flow computer. There are three types: Orifice, Turbine, and Liquid. You may designate whether the unit supports valve control and which valve control options are supported. Note: Normally, only one device is supported, however, the X-Series supports up to ten devices.



The order that the tube application has been assigned to the device. This pertains only to the X-Series devices that can run flow calculations for multiple tubes simultaneously. Enter the name for the new meter in the Meter Data portion of the dialog. The Name field in the top portion of the dialog is automatically populated when the meter is added. Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters for the devices identification in the Meter Data portion of the dialog. This must match the ID of the device. The Device ID field in the top portion of the dialog is automatically populated when the meter is added. Enter a description for the meter in the Meter Data portion of the dialog. This is not mandatory, but is helpful when building Filter Groups based on these descriptions or when sorting IDs within a group based on these descriptions. The Description field in the top portion of the dialog is automatically populated when the meter is added. Select the appropriate meter type (Orifice, Turbine, or Liquid) from the drop down list in the Meter Data portion of the dialog. The Type field in the top portion of the dialog is automatically populated when the meter is added.


Device ID


Meter Type

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

Double-click or right-click on the appropriate tube number to edit or delete a meter. Valve Control


Select this option from the Meter Data portion of the dialog if the meter supports valve control. Yes appears in the column when the meter is added. If the Valve Control option was not selected, NO appears in the column when the meter is added. Select this option if you are using an X-Series with Valve Control.


Note: KDT and PBUT are not supported with X-Series at this time. Nominations KDT PBUT Extended IO ID Select if the meter supports nominations. Select if the meter supports the Kansas Deliverability Test. Select if the meter supports the Pressure Buildup Test. Extended IO provides the KDT and PBUT functionality via a separate module that is installed in an FCU. This module has its own ID that is used to access the KDT and PBUT. Enter that ID in this field for communication between the driver and the module. This option is enabled after a meter has been created and Updated. You must then select the appropriate Tube number, click Apply Changes and ensure that Valve Control is selected. Select to view the Valve Control configuration screens. Valve Control is an application-specific IO feature that provides automatic feedback control of Differential Pressure (DP), Absolute Pressure (SP), and Flow Rate for the purpose of positioning a flow valve to maintain a desired value of DP, SP, or Flow Rate. All control features can be access remotely using the Configure VC feature. Keeping the valve in a position to maintain the selected input Process Variable constant is the job of the controller. Parameter values and limits for the controller to use in determining its output must be entered. These values and limits can be entered using the valve control dialog of the Totalflow driver. (For additional information, please refer to the ABB Totalflow Help that was installed with your system.) New Update Enables the Meter Data fields for configuration of a new meter. Initiates any entries made in the Meter Data fields. The respective columns above are populated with the new data. Double-click or right-click on the appropriate tube number to edit or delete a meter. Select to discard any changes made to the Meter Data fields. Click to initiate the changes to the server and device. The device begins running according to these specifications. Once selected, the device configuration must be released for editing by other users.

Configure VC


Cancel Apply Changes

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

1. Right-click on the device object you were configuring. 2. Click Finish Editing Device. 3. Right-click on the Configuration folder. 4. Click Backup Configuration Changes. This makes a backup copy of the server configuration and saves it to C:\Program Files\Standard Automation\Universal IO Server\Project. Restore Returns the fields to the state at which they were last saved.


7. When the configuration changes are complete, right-click on the newly created device icon and select Finish Editing Configuration. 8. To add another device that is supported by your license file, repeat the processes described in the Adding a Device and Configuring a Device sections, above. If you are attempting to add a device other than Totalflow, refer to the Getting Started manual that corresponds to the device that you wish to add for configuration information.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide Communicating with the Universal Server via SuiteLink/DDE
Complete the following steps to read data gathered by the Universal Server in a SuiteLink/DDE client application. 1. Go to the Diagnostic window for the device and verify that the status is Running.


2. Go to the Diagnostic window for the circuit, and verify that the status is Running.

3. Minimize the Universal Server Configuration. 4. Open InTouch WindowMaker. Create an access name with the Application name of StacServer and the Topic name that is the same as the device that you created in Universal Server. Select either DDE or SuiteLink.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

5. Create an IO tag that is linked to the access name you just created, and has an item name that is a valid register in your end device. 6. Add a value display that is linked to the IO tag that you have created for the access name. Go to runtime and verify the data is correct.


Communicating with the Universal Server via OPC Client

Complete the following steps to read data gathered by the Universal Server in an OPC client application. 1. Go to the Diagnostic window for the device and verify that the status is Running.

2. Go to the Diagnostic window for the circuit and verify that the status is Running.

MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

ABB Totalflow Getting Started Guide

3. Minimize the Universal Server Configuration. 4. Open the OPC client. (This example uses the Matricon OPC Explorer as the test client.) When you open the Matricon OPC Explorer, StacServer.StacOpcServer is listed under the local host; right-click and select Connect. Right-click again and select Add Group. (The group name does not matter to the actual server client connection.) 5. Right-click on your new group and select Add Items. A new window opens, allowing you to add items. 6. In the Item ID field, enter topicname.itemname. (In this example test_01.40001) and leave the Access Path blank. 7. Select to add this item to the browser. Additionally, you can add items based on tags that are already created in the Universal Server. 8. Update the main client window and close the popup window for adding items.


MTL Open System Technologies LP

January 2006

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