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SyndSaral (Clean) - Salaried class Purpose Facility Eligibility Quantum of Loan Repayment Interest Rate Guarantee Charges To meet

any genuine personal credit requirements Demand Loan or ODC (Ceiling Rs.2.00 lacs) Permanent employees of Central/State Governments/Departments/ reputed public sector undertakings/companies/firms having sound financials/ teachers, professors and staff of schools & colleges. 12 months gross salary. Not exceeding 60 equated monthly instalments Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Base Rate + 4.75% . Others - Good 3rd party acceptable to the Bank. Spouse having independent income & sufficient net worth can also be taken as guarantor. Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable

SyndSaral (Clean) -Non Salaried class Purpose Facility To meet any genuine personal credit requirements Clean Loan or Secured Loan Non-salaried class persons such as Doctors, Engineers, Architects, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers, Consultants, Businessmen, etc., Normally not exceeding 65 years. 50% of gross annual income as per latest ITAO (100% of the average gross annual income may be considered, where the party is able to produce ITAO for the immediate previous 3 years) or where the applicant is unable to produce proof of income such as Income Tax Assessment Order, 60% of the value of UREM, subject to a maximum of Rs. 5.00 lakhs. Income of the spouse can be clubbed both for eligibility & cutback, provided proof of income like ITAO is submitted and joins as surety. Not exceeding 60 equated monthly instalments. Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Base Rate + 4.75% . Others - Good 3rd party acceptable to the Bank. Spouse having independent income & sufficient net worth can also be taken as guarantor. Valid mortgage to be created in respect of immovable property.


Quantum of Loan

Repayment Interest Rate Guarantee Other conditions


Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable SyndSaral (Consumer Durables)

Purpose Facility Eligibility

To purchase consumer durables like TV, Fridge, Washing Machine, other audio/video equipment, computer including printer etc and software, furniture, other home appliances etc. Secured Loan (OSL) Salaried and non-salaried class Salaried class: 80% of invoice value of the item to be purchased or 10 months gross salary/pension, whichever is less, with max. Rs.2.00 lakhs. Non-salaried class: 80% of invoice value of the item to be purchased or 50% of the gross annual income as per ITAO / copy of the return duly acknowledged by the I.T. officials, whichever is less, with maximum of Rs.2.00 lakhs. Not more than 60 equated monthly instalments Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Base Rate + 4.75% . Suitable third party guarantee acceptable to the Bank. Item/s to be purchased out of loan proceeds. For salaried class: 50% or 60% (where cut back exceeds 50% on account of voluntary savings like contribution to provident fund beyond statutory requirement, LIC etc.) or 70% where spouse is also an earning member and under regular employment. Provident fund-both statutory and voluntary, income tax/professional tax, insurance premium, deductions towards all loans (excluding festival advance), are to be taken into account for computing cut-back. For pensioners: Cut back shall not exceed maximum of 50%. Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable SyndSaral (Women)

Quantum of Loan

Repayment Interest Rate Guarantee Security




To meet any genuine credit requirements. All working/non-working women with an identified source of income or savings Age between 20 to 50 years For employed women, salary to be routed through a/c with the bank or letter of undertaking from employer for deduction of EMI Housewives demonstrating regularity in savings for a period of 6 months Minimum Rs.10,000/- Maximum Rs.1,50,000 10 times the gross monthly salary for employed women 10 times average monthly balance in Savings Bank during the last 6 months For any tangible asset like gold or consumer durable, 85% of the invoice value will be the loan component. Not exceeding 84 months. Maximum of 84 equated Monthly installments Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Base Rate + 4.75%. Suitable third party guarantee acceptable to the Bank. Third party guarantee may be waived in exceptional cases, having regard to the past satisfactory dealings of the party.


Quantum of Loan Margin Repayment Interest Rate Guarantee


Any member of the family with adequate income / net worth or an acceptable third party. SyndSaral (Secured) All Purpose Credit Scheme

Purpose Facility Eligibility

To meet any genuine credit requirements OSL/SOD at Designated branches Against NSC/IVP/KVP/LIC/Pvt. Ins. policy/RBI Relief Bonds. a) 80% of purchase price of NSC/IVP/KVP if the same has completed 24 months and 65% of the purchase price, if the same have not completed 24 months but completed minimum lock-in-period of 12 months. b) 80% of surrender value of LIC or Pvt. Ins. Policy c) 80% of face value/purchase price of RBI Relief Bonds/other Government Securities. Periodical interest payable in respect of RBI Relief Bonds and other Government Securities, if any, shall be collected & credited to loan a/c. a) OSL Maximum 60 months. Repayment period fixed should coincide with maturity period of the security b) SOD to be renewed once in 2 years Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Base Rate + 1.75%. Suitable third party guarantee acceptable to the Bank. Third party guarantee may be waived in exceptional cases, having regard to the past satisfactory dealings of the party. Securities (NSC/IVP/KVP/LIC/Pvt. Ins. policy/RBI Relief Bonds) shall be pledged/transferred/assigned, as the case may be, in favour of the Bank, before the loan is released. Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable SyndSaral (Agriculturists)

Quantum of Loan

Repayment Interest Rate Guarantee Security Charges

Purpose Facility Eligibility

Quantum of Loan

Repayment Interest Rate Guarantee Charges

To meet any genuine credit requirements/purchase consumer durables like TV, Fridge, Washing Machine, Video/ Audio Equipment, etc. DL (for clean loans) OSL (for purchase of consumer durables/vehicles) Agriculturists. Clean loans may be sanctioned to existing customers only who have availed some facility with the bank and have mortgaged the property. For new clients, the facility is extended only on secured basis. DL-50% of average gross annual income or ` 1.00 lakh, whichever is less, where proof of income from Revenue Authorities is submitted. Otherwise, quantum of loan is restricted 50% of the gross annual income or ` 0.25 lakh, whichever is less. OSL-80% of the consumer durable/vehicle to be purchased or 50% of annual income or ` 0.50 lakh, whichever is less. Not exceeding 3 years. The repayment may be fixed to coincide with the periodicity of his income, viz., monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/yearly. Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Base Rate + 4.75%. Good third party guarantee acceptable to the Bank Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable

SyndSaral (NRI) - Rupee Loans to NRIs Purpose To meet any genuine personal credit requirements Clean loans: i) For salaried class: 12 months gross salary subject to a maximum of `3.00 lakhs ii) For non-salaried class: 50% of gross annual income as per latest income tax assessment order / proof of income, subject to a maximum of `3 lakhs. Secured Loan: iii) Vehicle loans under SyndVahan -95% of on road price repayable in 60EMIs iv) 80% of invoice price of Consumer durables under SyndSaral (Consumer Durables) repayble in 35EMIs v) 80% of purchase price of NSC/RBI/Relief Bond/SV of LIC policy under SyndSaral (All purpose Credit Scheme) repayable in 35 EMIs vi) Jewel loans under SyndSwarna Express not exceeding 24 EMI as per the prevailing scale of finance NRIs, who are having operative NRE/FCNR/NRO accounts with the branch at least for a period of one year and are regularly sending inward remittances. 50% of gross annual income as per latest ITAO (100% of the average gross annual income may be considered, where the party is able to produce ITAO for the immediate previous 3 years) or where the applicant is unable to produce proof of income such as Income Tax Assessment Order, 60% of the value of UREM, subject to a maximum of Rs. 5.00 lakhs. Income of the spouse can be clubbed both for eligibility & cutback, provided proof of income like ITAO is submitted and joins as surety. Not exceeding 60 equated monthly instalments. Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Base Rate + 4.75%. Others - Good 3rd party acceptable to the Bank. Spouse having independent income & sufficient net worth can also be taken as guarantor. Valid mortgage to be created in respect of immovable property. Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable



Quantum of Loan

Repayment Interest Rate Guarantee Other conditions Charges

For Purchase of vehicles Purpose: Purchase of New/second hand Four-wheeler, such as Car, Van, Jeep, etc. Purchase of New two wheeler such as, Motorbikes, Scooter, etc. Nature of facility: Secured Loan (OSL) Eligibility: For four-wheelers: Individuals having minimum annual income of Rs.2.00 lakh. For determining eligibility, quantum of loan, the income of spouse, major children including unmarried daughters, supporting the borrower financially, can be considered. The person/s whose income is/are included for the above purpose shall join the transaction as additional surety/ies. Agriculturists are eligible. For two-wheelers: Individuals having minimum annual income of Rs.0.50 lakh. Quantum: For four-wheeler: a) 95% of on-road price (inclusive of Insurance, Road Tax and Registration charges) of the vehicle for new car and accessories (the cost of accessories is limited to a maximum of Rs.10000/-) or three times the gross annual income, whichever is less. b) 70% of value of the Car (as valued by approved valuer) for 2nd hand car of not more than 5 years old or 3 times gross annual income or Rs.3.00 lakhs, whichever is less. For scooters / motorbikes: a) 95% of on-road price (inclusive of Insurance, Road Tax and Registration charges) of the new 2 wheeler and accessories (max. Rs.500/-) or 12 months gross salary, whichever is less, subject to a maxi of Rs.60000/b) Second hand two wheelers are not eligible for Bank finance. Repayment: For four-wheeler: Maximum 84 months for new Cars and maximum 48 months for old cars. The repayment period for old cars shall be fixed in such a way that the age of the car plus repayment period does not exceed 9 years. For scooters / motorbikes: Maximum 60 months. Rate of Interest: Rate of Interest linked to Banks Base Rate at monthly compounding. For four-wheeler: Base Rate + 2.25%. For two-wheeler: Base Rate + 2.75%. 1% of concession in applicable rate available to employees of Govt/PSU/Corp/Blue Chip companies, where there is a tie-up arrangement or Corporate sponsor the application and give irrevocable undertaking letter. Guarantee: Suitable 3rd party guarantee. Where the loan is additionally secured upto 100% of the loan amount, by collaterals like NSCs/ KVPs/IVP/LIC/Pvt. insurance policy/RBI Relief Bond etc., third party guarantee may be waived.

Other conditions: a) Hypothecation of vehicle with hypothecation charge noted in the RC Book. b) Comprehensive insurance for full value of vehicle with Bank clause noted in the policy bond. Cutback: a) 50% or 60% (where cut back exceeds 50% on account of voluntary savings like contribution to provident fund beyond statutory requirement, LIC etc.) or 70% where spouse/major children unmarried daughters financially supporting the borrower are also earning members and under regular employment. Provident fund-both statutory and voluntary, income tax/professional tax, insurance premium, deductions towards all loans (excluding festival advance), are to be taken into account for computing cut-back, for salaried class. b) 50% for pensioners. c) In the case of non-salaried class/non-pensioners, total installment amount payable in a year towards all loans with us/other banks should not exceed 50% of the reported annual income. Service charges: As applicable.


SyndNivas Plus
Purpose To meet any genuine personal or business credit requirement. Eligibility Housing Loan customers who have demonstrated a satisfactory repayment record of 2 years or more. Quantum Maximum ` 3.00 lakhs. Security Extension of charge for the loan value on the mortgage of the residential property created already towards Housing Loan Rate of Interest Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Rate of Interest is Base Rate + 3.75%. For fresh sanctions made on or after 19.11.2011, Interest rate is Base Rate + 3.25% Surety / Co-obligant: All the persons who had joined the mortgage transaction under the Housing Loan, shall jointly execute the documents for this facility also. Repayment:

In not more than 60 Equated Monthly Instalments. Processing Fees: No processing fees. ****** Please contact our nearest branch in your town for further details

SyndSenior An exclusive personal loan scheme for pensioners Purpose: Any bonafide personal / business credit requirement Eligibility: Pensioners in receipt of regular monthly pension from Central / State Governments / Public Sector Units / Defence Establishments and other government or quasi government institutions whose pensions are being routed through accounts held with our Bank Quantum: Details of the quantum of loan that can be sanctioned based upon age profile of the borrower are as follows:
Age Range Basis of Arriving at Quantum Maximum permissible loan Amount (` in Lakh)

60 65 years 65 70 years Over 70 years Security: Clean Rate of Interest:

18 times the gross monthly pension being routed through our Bank. 18 times the gross monthly pension being routed through our Bank 5 months gross pension being routed through our Bank

3.00 1.50 0.50

Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Rate of Interest is Base Rate + 3.75%. Surety:

No surety for loans upto 6 months gross monthly pension or Rs.50000/- whichever is lower In all other cases the surety of a family member or that of a third party and surety should have adequate means / income. Repayment: In not more than 72 Equated Monthly instalments. Cutback 50% of income from verifiable sources Processing Fees Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable Please contact our nearest branch in your town for further details

SyndNivas - Housing Loan Scheme Purpose: For construction/acquisition of a house/flat or for acquiring a site and building a house thereon. For acquiring a new house or existing house not more than 20 years old. For making extensions/additions to existing house. For NRIs, loan available for acquisition of house for self-occupation on return to India. For acquisition of furniture/fixtures including air conditioners, geysers, fridge, cots, tables, sofas etc which form part of improvements to the home purchased or constructed out of the Housing Loan not exceeding of 10% total cost of the project, may be included. Take over of existing Housing loan from other banks/ financial institutions in the case of salaried class are permitted. Eligibility: Resident Indians, Non-resident Indians, Pensioners, Hindu undivided families. Self-employed/business class having gainful employment in a profession or business for a period of minimum period of 5 years. Individuals not owning a house/flat at the place of work / business / profession having sufficient and regular income. NRIs holding Indian passport, persons of Indian origin, residents outside India, with adequate repayment capacity. Applicant should be a major and not more than 55 years of age. For salaried class, applicant should have completed 5 years of service and the remaining period of service left shall not be less than 5 years. Loan to third house is not permitted. Quantum: For Salaried persons: Maximum of 72 months gross salary (including salary of spouse) For Others: Maximum of 6 times average annual income based on Income Tax Assessment Order/IT returns for the past 3 years. Income/salary of spouse/father/mother/son/daughter with the applicant can also be considered. Security: First mortgage of the site/house/flat to be constructed/acquired or as advised by the Legal Adviser/Law Officer of the Bank. Hypothecation of furniture & fixtures. Margin: 25% of total project cost for construction/purchase of new flat or house upto 5 years old. 30% for acquiring house which is above 5 years old. 30% of the estimated cost of addition/extension/repairs/renovation.

Processing Charges: Rs.700/- per lac with a minimum of Rs.1000/- at present. (Processing charges are subject to change from time to time) Documentation charges as applicable. Repayment: For acquiring a house Equated monthly instalments with maximum repayment period of 20 years including repayment holiday of 18 months where eligible. In case of salaried persons, repayment period shall not extend beyond superannuation and for others beyond 65 years of age. For repairs/renovation: Maximum repayment period is 5 to 7 years. Rates of Interest: Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. SyndNivas-Fixed rate of interest upto 10 years is 11.00% subject to reset clause Reset Clause: Bank has the option to reset the interest rates on Fresh Fixed Rate Housing Loans sanctioned anytime after completion of 3 years from the date of availment. Surety: A good third party security acceptable to the Bank. The following important documents are to be submitted along with the application Proof of income. Original title deeds of the property with Encumbrance Certificate and agreement for sale. Permission for construction with approved plan issued by Competent Authority. Estimation of construction cost, valuation report in case of purchase of ready built house/flat. Any other documents depending upon the individual case. For more details contact our nearest branch.

A SyndicateBanks Education Loan Scheme

Purpose: Providing financial support to deserving / meritorious students for pursuing higher education in India and abroad.

Courses Eligible: (a)Studies in India : Approved courses leading to graduate/ post graduate degree and PG diploma conducted by recognized colleges/ universities recognized by UGC/ Govt./ AICTE/ AIBMS/ ICMR etc. Courses like ICWA, CA, CFA etc. Courses conducted by IIMs, IITs, IISc, XLRI. NIFT, NID etc. Regular Degree/Diploma courses like Aeronautical, pilot training, shipping etc., approved by Director General of Civil Aviation/Shipping, if the course is pursued in India. Approved courses offered in India by reputed foreign universities. Other courses leading to diploma/ degree etc. conducted by colleges/ universities approved by UGC/ Govt./ AICTE/ AIBMS/ ICMR etc Courses offered by National Institutes and other reputed private institutions. Banks may have the system of appraising other institution courses depending on future prospects/recognition by user institutions. Courses, which are not covered under the criteria, mentioned above, CMD/ED may take a view to consider extending Education loan under the scheme taking into account the future prospects/recognition by user institution. Teacher training course/Nursing course/B.Ed are eligible for education loan, provided the training institutions are approved either by the Central Government or by the State Government and such courses should lead to Degree or Diploma course and not to certification course.

(b) Studies abroad: Graduation: For job oriented professional / technical courses offered by reputed universities. Post Graduation: MCA, MBA, MS etc. Courses conducted by CIMA-London, CPA in USA etc. Degree/diploma courses like aeronautical, pilot training, shipping etc provided, these are recognized by competent regulatory bodies in India/abroad for the purpose of employment in India/abroad.

Student eligibility: The student should be an Indian National/NRI Should have secured admission to a higher education course in recognized institutions in India or Abroad through Entrance Test/ Merit Based Selection process after completion of HSC(10 plus 2 or equivalent). However, entrance test or selection purely based on marks obtained in qualifying examination may not be the criterion for admission to some of the post graduate courses or research programmes. In such cases, banks will have to adopt appropriate criteria based on employability and reputation of the institution concerned.

Quantum of Finance: Need based finance subject to repaying capacity of the parents/ students with margin and the following ceilings. Studies in India Maximum Rs.10.00 lakh Studies abroad Maximum Rs.20.00 lakh Margin amount (to be brought in by the student/parent): Upto Rs.4 lakh Above Rs 4 lakh Studies abroad : Nil : Studies in India - 5% : 15%

Security: Upto Rs.4 lakh: parents to be joint borrowers. No security. Above Rs.4 lakh upto Rs.7.50 lakh: Besides the parent(s) executing the documents as joint borrowers, collateral security in the form of suitable third party guarantee acceptable to the Bank will be taken. Above Rs.7.50 lakh: Parent(s) to be joint borrower(s) tangible collateral security of suitable value along with assignment of future income of student. The security can be in the form of land/building/Govt. Securities/Public Sector Bonds/Units of UTI, NSC, and KV, Life Policy, Gold, Shares/Mutual Fund Units/Debentures, Bank deposit etc.

Rate of Interest: Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Loan Amount Upto Rs.4.00 lakhs Above Rs.4.00 lakhs Concessional rate of interest: Girl students and students belonging to SC/ST category are eligible for concession of 0.50% per annum on the above rates. The girl students under SC/ST category are eligible for a further concession of 0.25% on the above rates (Total concession 0.75%) Simple interest would be charged during the repayment holiday /moratorium period. Interest rate Base Rate + 2.25% Base Rate + 2.75%

Repayment: Repayment holiday / moratorium: Course period + 1 year or 6 months after getting job, whichever is earlier. For loans up to `7.50 lakhs upto 10 years For loans above `7.50lakhs upto 15 years

Processing & Documentation Charges: No processing charges and Documentation charges. <<>>

Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy for the period of moratorium on Educational Loans taken by students from economically weaker sections from scheduled banks under the Model Education Loan Scheme of IBA.

Please contact our nearest branch in your town for further details

A Syndicate Banks Education Loan Scheme _____________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: Providing financial support to deserving / meritorious students for pursuing higher education IN Reputed Business schools/ Technical / Professional Institutes in India.

Parameters Courses Eligible Quantum of Finance: Margin Technical courses and Post Graduate Masters degree courses and one year Executive Development Programme offered in India by Premier Technical and Management Institutes. Maximum `20.00 lakhs 5%

Guarantee/Surety/Colla Guarantee of parent for loans above `4.00 teral Security lakhs. No collateral security. BR+0.50% if interest is serviced during moratorium period, otherwise 1% additional Rate of Interest interest 0.50% concession to girl students. However the rate of interest will not be less than the Base Rate. Branch nearest to the permanent domicile of Place of Sanction parent/guardian or branch nearer to the Institute Applicant to submit Proof of Identity, Xerox KYC norms copy of admit card, admission letter, photo of the applicant The student is eligible to Open self introduced SB A/c with Debit cum ATM Card Avail additional loan upto `3.00 lakhs if ADD ONS selected to go abroad under student exchange scheme during the second year of the course in Management, upto the maximum loan of `20.00 lakhs Note : All other guidelines for financing are same as provided under our SyndVidya Scheme.

Synd Rent Purpose: Any genuine business/personal credit requirement excluding for speculative/ prohibited purposes as per the credit policy guidelines in force. Facility: OSL (Other Secured Loan) Eligibility: Bonafide owners of commercial or residential property standing in their own names and legally let out on lease/rental agreement with tenant/ lessee who may be Govt. undertaking/Dept/institutions or Companies with sound financials & satisfactory payment record. Quantum: Maximum of 80% of rent receivable by owner on the whole or part of lease period not exceeding 108 months. Period of Lease: Minimum period of lease shall be 36 months and maximum period of rent receivables to be financed, not to exceed 108 months. Security: Mortgage of property being let out. Repayment: EMI from rent amount payable by the lessee/tenant not exceeding the unexpired period of lease, including in built renewal period, subject to maximum of 144 months. The entire rent amount shall be credited to the bank. In case rent received is more than the stipulated EMI surplus amount after appropriating the EMI may be credited to the operative account of the borrower. Rate of Interest: Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Rate of Interest is Base Rate + 3.75% for accounts classified as Commercial Real Estate (CRE) and BR + 2.50% for Non-CRE. Guarantee: Good third party guarantee acceptable to the Bank. Charges: Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable


Gold Loans
A facility of Term Loan or Overdraft against the security of Jewels and Hall-marked Gold

Particulars Purpose


SyndKisanSwarna / SyndSwarna (priority) Jewel Loans/Overdraft for priority sector purpose as requested by the borrower Borrower should be an agriculturist if he is seeking Loan/Overdraft for agriculture and allied purposes. (SyndKisanSwarna). In case of other priority sector purposes, he should be pursuing such activities as per the extant guidelines in force. {SyndSwarna(Priority)}

SyndSwarna Express Jewel Loans/Overdraft for NonPriority sector purpose as requested by the borrower

Jewel Loans/Overdraft to all others will be classified as non priority sector.

Quantum of Loan:
Particulars MAXIMUM Scale of Finance Rate of Interest SCHEME I 22 ct Gold`.1850/gram 24 ct/hallmarked Gold `.1900 /gram BR+2.50% - `.1900/gm BR+2.25% - `.1850/gm BR+1.75% - `.1800/gm If the loan is not closed before 6 months, maximum rate of BR+2.50% will be applicable from the date of disbursement. --------------------------For Agriculture purpose, it is 8.50% for loans upto `.3.00 lacs with interest subvention of 1.50% SCHEME II 22 ct Gold`.1800/gram 24 ct/hallmarked Gold `.1850 /gram ---------BR+2.25% - `.1850/gm BR+1.75% - `.1800/gm If the loan is not closed before 12 months, maximum rate of BR+2.25% will be applicable from the date of disbursement. --------------------------For Agriculture purpose, it is 8.50% as per circular No.260-2010BC dated 28-09-2010 for loans upto Rs.3.00 lacs with interest subvention of 1.50% More than 6 Months upto 12 Months 25% More than 12 Months upto 24 Months 25% SCHEME-III 22 ct Gold`.1750/gram 24 ct/hallmarked Gold `.1800 /gram ------------------------BR+1.75% - `.1800/gm

Repayment: Margin

Upto 6 Months 25%

Jewel Appraiser Fees: 50 paise per `.100/- subject to a minimum of `.30/- and maximum of `.300/-. Processing Charges: `.1.50 per thousand with a minimum of `.150/-. =<<>>=

Eligibility: Bonafide owners of residential or commercial property standing in their own names (Third party and agricultural property shall not be accepted). Preference shall be given to customers with satisfactory dealings with our Bank. While extending the facility to non-customers it shall be ensured that their market standing and credit worthiness are verified before entertaining the proposal. Purpose: Any genuine business/personal credit requirements. However it shall be ensured that the facility shall not be used for any speculative purpose or for any other purpose specifically prohibited by the Credit Policy of the Bank in force at the time of sanction of loan. Facility: Secured Loan facility. Quantum: Salaried-individuals Maximum quantum of loan shall be not more than 2 to 2.5 times of annual net salary subject to maximum of Rs.50 lacs. (Salary of spouse only is permitted to be clubbed for arriving at the quantum of loan and cutback norms. Income from other sources such as interest/rent/dividend with dependable proof may be accepted. However income from agriculture should not be taken into consideration. Other than Salaried-individuals Maximum quantum of loan shall be not more than 2 to 2.5 times of annual gross income subject to a maximum of Rs.50 lacs. IT return for last 3 years shall be compulsory. (Spouse income supported by IT returns is only permitted conditions apply). Income from agriculture shall not be taken into consideration. Rate of Interest: Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Residential and Non residential : Base Rate + 6.25%. Fresh term loan sanctions made only on or after 19.11.2011 interest charged as below Upto 3 years : Base Rate + 4.25% Beyond 3 years : Base Rate + 4.75% Repayment: In equated monthly installments not exceeding 7 years. Guarantee: Suitable third party guarantee acceptable to the Bank. Charges: As applicable. =<<>>=

Reverse Mortgage Concept:

(REVERSE MORTGAGE LOAN SCHEME OF SYNDICATE BANK) ********************************************** A SCHEME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS TO LIVE WITH DIGNITY **********************************************


Under the Regular Mortgage Loan scheme, Bank lends and the borrower makes repayment at monthly intervals. Under Reverse Mortgage Loan (RML) Scheme, the payment stream is reversed. The borrower mortgages the house property to the lender, who gives the loan by way of periodic payments, say monthly, to the borrower over the agreed period of loan after loading the interest thereon. The borrower is not required to service the loan during the loan period and hence, he/she need not make monthly repayments of principal and interest to the lender. Scheme: This scheme is a reverse of Home Loan Scheme. While under Home Loan, the customer pays monthly instalments to own a house, in a Reverse Mortgage Scheme, Bank pays instalments to the customer and takes possession of the house after his/her life time. While the customer can continue to live in the house, even after the maturity period of the loan, the interest component will keep adding up till the loan is repaid. Even the spouse can continue to stay in the house if he or she outlives the borrower. Thus, the borrower and the spouse are sure of a roof over their head till their life time, besides periodic payments supplementing the income. The borrower can sell the house at any time during his life time and liquidate his/her RML. If both borrower and spouse die, legal heirs can redeem the house by liquidating the dues under RML within 6 months of the death of the last surviving borrower/spouse. Eligibility: Any individual above 60 years of age (Senior Citizens including retired staff of our Bank/other Banks), Married couples will be eligible as joint borrowers for financial assistance provided one of them is above 60 years of age. The property must be a self acquired residential property with absolute, clear title/conveyance and self*occupied and it should be principal residential house/flat, located in India. The property should be free from encumbrance and is saleable. The residual life of the property should be more than 20 years in the case of single borrower and 25 years in the case of spouse being below 60 years of age. Certificate from empanelled engineer/architect is required to be obtained for this purpose, in addition to valuation of property . Eligible loan amount: Margin band of 10% to 30% depending on the age of the borrower on the realizable value of property is stipulated for independent houses and 25%*40% band for flats. The minimum amount of loan is ` 5.00 lacs and the maximum loan is ` 100 lacs Purpose of Loan: Any personal expenses. Supplementing income. House repairs etc. Period of loan: Minimum 10 years and maximum 15 years or till death of the borrower(s), whichever is earlier.

Disbursement: Monthly/Quarterly payments. A lump sum payment not exceeding 20% of the loan amount with a cap of ` 15.00 lacs may be opted once during tenure of loan. Lumpsum payment made conditional and limited to purposes like medical exigencies, upgradation, renovation and extension of house and repayment of existing loan on the property. In case of death of the first borrower during the disbursement period, the payments will continue to be made to the spouse who has joined the transaction as co*borrower. Valuation of property: Bank shall determine the market value of the residential property through their approved valuer (s) and loan is based on realizable value which is 10% less than the market value. The property mortgaged will be revalued at regular intervals depending upon the location of the property, its physical state etc. Such revaluation may be done at least once in every 3 years and the quantum of loan may undergo revisions based on such revaluation of property at the discretion of the Bank. Accordingly, the amount of periodic disbursement will also be refixed. Rate of Interest: Presently 12.50% (fixed) with reset clause once in three years. Security: Mortgage of residential property in favour of the Bank (Registration is mandatory in states where such provision is available). Commercial property will not be eligible for this loan. Repayment terms: The loan shall become due and payable only when the last surviving borrower dies or opts to sell the home, or permanently moves out of the home to an institution or to relatives. Typically, a "permanent move" may generally mean that neither the borrower nor any other co*borrower has lived in the house continuously for one year or do not intend to live continuously. Bank may obtain such documentary evidence as may be deemed appropriate for the purpose. Settlement of loan along with accumulated interest is to be met by the proceeds received out of sale of residential property or prepayment/repayment by borrowers and his next of kin. The legal agreement empowers the Bank to sell the mortgaged property through SARFAESI Act. Processing fee: As applicable. Prepayment: The borrower(s) will have option to prepay the loan at any time during the loan tenure or later. There will not be any prepayment levy/penalty/charge for such prepayments.

Repayment: The legal heirs of the borrower can repay the dues under RML after the death of both the borrower and the spouse within 6 months of the death of the last surviving borrower/spouse and redeem the property. Failure to do so will result in Bank enforcing its rights through sale of the property. Insurance and Maintenance of property: The borrower shall insure the property against fire, earthquake and other calamities. The borrower shall ensure to pay all taxes, electricity charges, water charges etc. The borrower shall maintain the residential property in good condition. =<<>>= SyndPigmy
(For Pigmy Deposit Account Holders)

Purpose: To meet any contingent requirement of pigmy depositors. Eligibility: Pigmy depositors with regular contribution for 24 months. Quantum: 3 times pigmy deposit balance with maximum Rs.1, 50,000/-. Repayment: 35 months for loans and overdrafts renewable on yearly basis. Rate of interest: Interest linked to Loans-Base Rate of the Bank at monthly compounding. Base Rate + 3.75%. Security: Pigmy deposit Requirements: Third party guarantee for the amount beyond pigmy balance. Contributions to Pigmy Deposit should be continued. ******

SyndVyapar - Improved Scheme

Purpose: To meet the credit requirements of All type of traders/service providers/Professional & Self Employed. Eligibility: All type of traders/service providers/Professional & Self Employed. Nature of facility: Overdraft or Term Loan (Fund based and non Fund based limits). Assessment: Based on the projected turnover for all limits covered under this scheme. Quantum: Not exceeding ` 200.00 lakhs. Security: Hypothecation of stock and book debts not older than three months wherever current assets are available for creation of charge in favour of the Bank with appropriate coverage. Mortgage of property/pledge of NSC/KVP/ SV of LIC Policy/RBI Relief bonds with appropriate margin as applicable. Guarantee: The owner of the property should join the transaction as guarantor. (If the property is not owned by the borrower) CGMSE guarantee cover available for loans granted to Micro and Small enterprises. Repayment: Term Loans: repayable in not more than 60 months Overdraft: Renewal once in two years. Rate of Interest*: Rate of Interest linked to Banks Base Rate at monthly compounding. Base Rate + 3.75% Charges: Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable. For latest Base Rate, Please check the home page of SyndicateBank website =<<>>=

Target Group: To meet the credit requirement of all Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) in Manufacturing and Service sector as per MSMED Act 2006 and RBI/GOI guidelines Eligibility and Loan Amount: All borrowers classified under Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) including Retail Trade classified under MSE. There is no cap on Maximum loan amount under the scheme, all Credit facilities sanctioned to Micro and Small Enterprise are covered under the Scheme, including credit facilities sanctioned to Retail Trade upto `.20 lacs classified under MSE Nature of Facility: Overdraft/Loans, Bill Limits, LCs/BGs may be offered in one package within a predetermined overall limit. Security: For all credit facilities under MSE up to `.10 lacs Only primary security /mortgage of land and building associated with the business shall be obtained and all eligible accounts to be covered under CGMSE. No collateral security obtained For all credit facilities above `.10 lacs up to `.100 lacs under MSE eligible for coverage under CGMSE Only primary security /mortgage of land and building associated with the business shall be obtained and all accounts shall be covered under CGMSE. No collateral security obtained. For all credit facilities above `.10 lacs under MSE not eligible for coverage under CGMSE and credit facilities more than `.100 lacs Hypothecation of machinery/vehicle/plant &equipments/stock and book debts (Not older than 3 months) to cover 110% of the value of the limit. Collateral security /Mortgage of properties /other securities of appropriate value shall be explored wherever possible. Guarantee: No third party guarantee obtained for credit facilities eligible for coverage under CGMSE. For other accounts not covered under CGMSE, suitable third party guarantee obtained. Third party guarantee is not compulsory if the facility is fully secured by mortgage/NSC/ KVP/ SV of LIC policy/ RBI relief bonds to the extent of 100% of the amount of advance (in addition to hypothecation of stock The owner of the property /security should join the transaction as guarantor. (If the property /security are not owned by the borrower

Minimum Margin: Credit facilities Upto `.25000/= Above `.25000 & upto `.100 Lacs Above `.100 Lac Interest Rate: Credit Facilities(Cumulative) Interest Rate Upto `.50000/= BR+0.50% Above `.50000/= upto `.10.00 lacs BR+1.00% Credit Rating Above `.10 lacs & upto `.100 Lacs Above `.100 lacs Synd 1 & 2 BR+1.25% BR+2.00% Synd 3 &4 BR+1.50% BR+2.50% Synd 5 &6 BR+2.00% BR+3.00% Synd 7 &below BR+2.50%. BR+3.50%. * Tenor premium of 0.25% on all Term Loans to be added to the above rates. * Rated MSME accounts are eligible for concession in applicable rates. * Micro Enterprises will get a rebate of 0.50% in rate of Interest for prompt repayment. Coverage under CGMSE: All eligible accounts are covered under CGMSE without exception. Weavers Credit Card (WCC) for all loans granted to weavers up to `.2.00 lacs are issued Syndicate Laghu Udyami Credit Card (SLUCC) for credit limit upto `.10 lacs are issued Syndicate Laghu Udyami Artisan Credit Card (SLU-ACC) for all loans granted to Artisans upto `.10 lacs are issued. Recover arrangement with door step banking facility for recovery of loan installment through Pigmy Deposit provided for loan limit upto `.4.00 lacs Repayment : Maximum Repayment period of 7 to 10 years including repayment holiday/ moratorium period Charges: Service charges & Documentation charges - As applicable. For latest Base Rate, Please check the home page of SyndicateBank website =<<>>= Margin NIL 15% 20%

A scheme is implemented by Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India to provide support for modernization/upgradation of Textile/Jute industries by offering incentives and to create more employment generation. The scheme is implemented during XI plan period and is valid up to 31.03.2012 Purpose

To facilitate setting up of New units/Expansion/Technology industry, Cotton ginning and pressing and Jute industry

Upgradation in textile

Eligible borrowers Sole proprietorships, partnerships, co-operative societies, private and public limited companies in SSI sector units with minimum economic size Existing units proposing to modernize and/or expansion with appropriate eligible technology New units which are being set up with appropriate technology Units with good track record, viable and positive net worth even if they had incurred losses in one or more of the previous 3 years, provided the project is viable

Segments Covered Cotton ginning and pressing Textile industry covering Silk reeling/twisting; Wool scouring, combing and carpet industry; Synthetic filament yarn texturising, crimping and twisting; Spinning; Viscose staple fiber (VSF) and Viscose filament yarn (VFY); Weaving, knitting and fabric embroidery; Technical textiles including non-wovens; Garments/design studio/made-up manufacturing; Processing of fibers, yarns, fabrics, garments and made-ups Jute industry

Loan Amount and subsidy Assistance shall be need based and No ceiling on project cost/amount of loan. Assistance shall be by way of Term Loan. Loan in foreign currency is permissible. The scheme provides 10% / 15% Credit Linked Capital Subsidy (CLCS) and 5% interest reimbursement (IR) on investment in TUF computable machinery as per the terms of scheme for different sectors.

Other Terms

Promoter's contribution, security, debt-equity ratio, upfront fee, etc. will be determined by the bank as per its existing norms Capital Subsidy is available only for such units where term loan is sanctioned by the bank The eligible units will be of minimum economic size and confirm to the lending norms of the bank. =<<>>=


The credit linked capital subsidy scheme aims at facilitating Technology Upgradation of Micro and Small Enterprises by providing capital subsidy on institutional finance availed for induction of well established and improved technology in approved sub sectors/products. The scheme is implemented during XI plan period and is valid up to 31.03.2012. Objective

The scheme aims to facilitate technology upgradation by MSE units in the specified products/sub-sectors by providing 12% back ended capital subsidy for induction of proven technologies approved under the scheme.


To enable Micro and Small enterprises in specified sectors/industries to install state of art technology with a view to improve productivity and to bring improvement in quality of products

Eligible Borrowers

Sole proprietorship, Partnerships, Co operative Societies, Private and Public Limited companies in MSE Sector. Priority shall be given to women entrepreneurs. Existing MSE units registered with State Directorate of Industries , which propose to upgrade their existing plant and Machineries with the state of art technology, with or without expansion New MSE units which are registered with State Directorate of Industries , which set up their facilities only with the appropriate eligible and proven technology duly approved by Governing and Technology Advisory Board(GTAB)

Loan amount and subsidy

The financial assistance for technology upgradation will be need based subject to a Maximum of Rs 100 crore. The scheme provides 15% back ended capital subsidy, the subsidy support would be on the basis of Purchase price of Plant and Machinery.

Other conditions for loans

Promoter's contribution, security, debt-equity ratio, up front fee, etc. will be determined by the bank as per its existing norms. Entrepreneurs availing subsidy under CLCSS shall not avail any other benefit including Interest Subsidy, under any other scheme of the Central Government. Availability of competent management to carry out the upgradation Programme and to manage the operation of the unit efficiently is essential. conditions as may be considered necessary =<<>>= the bank may stipulate

Syndicate General Credit Card (SGCC)

Purpose: General credit needs of the customers of Small means based on the assessment of cash flow, without insistence on purpose or end use. Eligibility: Credit worthy customer of rural and semi-urban branches having definite source of income. Should be permanent resident of the place and produce proof of address. Should be from service area of the branch and should not be a defaulter to any financial institution in the area Customers who have availed loan under other products of the Bank, like SyndSaral or under SKCC, SKSCC, SSCC, etc are also eligible based on assessment of income stream. The existing facility in such case should be regular and should not include the credit component for consumption purpose. Women customers engaged in income generating activities having identifiable source of income are given special preference. Nature of facility: Operative overdraft facility valid for three years subject to annual review. Limit: Maximum of Rs.25,000/-. Rate of Interest: Interest linked to Base Rate of the Bank, compounding at monthly rests. Base Rate + 0.50 %(Floating). Security & Margin: No margin and security shall be insisted. Borrowers encouraged to open CD/ PD accounts. Guarantee: Credit worthy guarantee for limit above Rs.10,000/In respect of women beneficiary, there is no need for surety. No third party guarantee for loans granted to Micro and Small enterprises. Insurance: The beneficiaries under the scheme shall be covered under (PAIS) Group Insurance Scheme. CGMSE: All eligible loans are covered under CGMSE. Charges: As applicable =<<>>=

Financing Rural Tourism

The Tourism Industry is one of the largest sources of employment with an estimated employment potential for about 28 million persons directly or indirectly. Financing Rural Tourism Scheme has been introduced with the following objectives: To promote sustainable livelihood in rural areas byway of providing credit support for construction of new structures for the purpose of accommodation of tourists. Credit support for expansion and repair / renovation of existing accommodation. Credit and promotional support for creating additional employment opportunities to other tourism related services in rural areas.

Activities covered under the above scheme.

Bed & Breakfast facilities in local houses, havelis, houses of erstwhile Zamindars and Royal families. Stay arrangements in log houses and tree houses in orchards and agricultural fields / farm houses. Stay arrangements in tents in orchards and beaches. Healthtourism indigenous and herbal medicines, meditation, yogasanas etc. Handicraft tourism, Spice tourism, Agri tourism production system, education and entertainment activities. Local home made cuisine Local arts and crafts, handicrafts, outfits, festivals Local media/theatre, photographer, videography Local sight-seeing, wildlife safari, visit to bird sanctuary, national parks, cycle safari, fishing safari, nature trails, trekking. Production systems for agri tourism such as orchards, dairy, fishery, herbal park, spice gardens, crop cafeteria etc. Educational, extension and entertainment activities like use of non-conventional energy, Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITKs) Green houses, health management, etc. Market outlets like shops, Malls etc. Any other activity promoting rural tourism.

REVISED SCHEME FOR FINANCING SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS With a view to promoting widespread use of solar water heaters, the above scheme has been introduced incorporating the following features: a. The revised scheme is being implemented in collaboration with Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA), a Public Sector Company and the corporate financing arm of the Ministry of Nonconventional Energy Sources.

b. Solar Water Heating Systems comprising of Flat Plate Collectors (FPC) or

Evacuated Tube Collectors (ETC) are eligible to be financed under the scheme. The benchmark cost for different system capacities (in litres

per day) to be financed are as below: Litres per day (LPD) Cost of the System For Flate Plate For Evacuated Tube Collector (FPC) Collector (ETC) 100 LPD 150 LPD 200 LPD 250 LPD 300 LPD 400 LPD `22,000 31,000. --`48,000 52,000. `53,000 60,000. `65,000 70,000. ` 80,000 88,000. `18,000 20,000. `25,000 28,000. `31,000 33,000. `35,000 40,000. `41,000 49,000. `60000 65,000.

c. The Entrepreneur will have the option to avail Capital Subsidy or Soft loan at an interest rate of 5% p.a. But for Entrepreneurs who opt for availing Soft loan at 5% p. a, no subsidy will be available. The entrepreneur who is opting for capital Subsidy is eligible to get subsidy as follows: For Flat Plate Collector (FPC) System @ 30% of the bench mark or `3300/- per Sq. M of Collector area whichever is less ( In case of domestic and institutional users in special category states i.e., Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, J & K and NE states it is @60% of bench mark cost or `6600/- per Sq. M whichever is less). For Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC) System @ 30% of the bench mark or `3000/- per Sq. M of Collector area whichever is less ( In case of domestic and institutional users in special category states i.e., Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, J & K and NE states it is @60% of bench mark cost or `6000/- per Sq. M whichever is less). d. The loan is repayable over a period of 5 years.

Syndicate Farm House Scheme - Bring Home the Happiness

The scheme is meant for farmers to enable them to have a decent dwelling house which also takes care of other requirements such as cattle shed, drying yard, farm implements shed. Credit support is extended up to a limit of Rs.20 lakh for construction of farm house. Loans for repair of damaged houses are also extended in rural and semi-urban areas up to Rs.1.00 lakh. Loan is available for purchasing ready built house and also construction of additional farm house. Maximum repayment period is 20 years for new farm house and five years for repair of farm house and the repayment period is linked with the cash flow. The borrower should be an agriculturist with assured source of income and should not be more than 55 years of age Margin to be contributed is 25% of the estimated cost of construction / repair. No conversion of land is necessary and no income proof insisted.

Farm Mechanisation Schemes - For efficient and timely farming

Medium to long term loans are extended to farmers for Purchase of Tractors. Power Tillers and Small H.P. Tractors. Combine Harvesters. Threshers and Sugarcane Crushers. Sprayers, Dusters and other equipments.

Finance for Hi-tech Agriculture - Financial support available for

Medium to long term loans are extended for Tissue Culture and establishment of Green Houses. Mushroom Production and Processing. Production of Fruits, Vegetables and Cut flowers. Export of Horticultural Products. Traditional and non-traditional Plantations. Aquaculture. Agro-processing Industries.

Aromatic and Medicinal Plants. Cold Storage units.

Development of Irrigation Infrastructure

production Medium to long term loans with repayments upto 15 years.

- For greater and sustained

Construction of Open Wells, Borewells, Tubewells, Check dams, Irrigation Tanks and Pump sheds. Repair of Existing Wells. Laying out Pipeline, Sprinkler and Drip Irrigation system. Lift Irrigation projects. Repayable in convenient Quarterly/Half Yearly/Yearly instalments. Loan amount is linked with approved project cost. Composite Developments can also be takenup.

<<>> A: Joint Liability Group Approach: 1. Objectives: To augment flow of credit to tenant farmers cultivating land either as oral lessees or sharecroppers and small farmers, who do not have proper title to their land holding, through formation and financing Joint Liability Groups (JLGs). To extend collateral free loans to target clients through JLG mechanism. To build mutual trust and confidence between banks and tenant farmers and among group members. 2. General Features of JLG: It is an informal group comprising 5 to 10 members. The JLG is primarily a credit group and savings by the JLG members is voluntary. Each member will be jointly and severally liable for repayment of loans taken by all individuals in the group. There has to be mutual agreement and consensus among all members about the amount of individual debt liability that would be created. The groups shall be organised by the like-minded farmers and not imposed by the Bank or others. Groups shall comprise members of same economic status and preferably running similar farm related activities. The farmers joining the group should be cultivating lands in the same village or in a contiguous area and knows each other well and has interest and mutual trust to continue as group members. They should be engaged in agriculture and farm related activities for a period of not less than one year in the area of operation of the Branch.

Only one member from a family having genuine interest in agriculture and farm related activities should be included in the group. Members may be encouraged to meet at a common place on a monthly basis to discuss about common problems, the improved package of practices and other matters related to farming & voluntarily contribute a small saving, which may be deposited in the group account to develop a corpus fund. 3. Financing Model: Group would be eligible for accessing individual loans from the bank. All members should jointly execute Joint Liability Agreement making each member jointly and severally liable for repayment of loans taken by the individuals. There has to be mutual agreement and consensus among all members about the amount of individual liability. For this purpose, group has to submit a resolution along with details of individual loans required by each member, as per Micro-Credit Plan (MCP) signed by all the members. Branch has to assess the credit requirement based on the extent of land cultivated, crops grown, scale of finance, and credit absorption capacity of the individuals in the group. 4. Purposes for which credit can be extended under the scheme: To meet the crop production requirements as per Micro-Credit Plan (MCP) of the group. Other need based credit to meet the expenses, contingent to cultivation of crop. Maximum ceiling: Rs. 2.50 lakh per group with a ceiling of Rs. 25000/- per member including a limit of Rs. 2500/- for meeting the expenses contingent to crop production. 5. Rate of interest: As applicable for short term crop production loans. 7.0% per annum till the interest subvention scheme of GOI is in force and as per normal rate applicable to such type of advances afterwards. 6. Repayment period: Repayment shall be fixed based on the crops grown and possible time of harvest with some leverage for marketing and realization of proceeds. 7. Other Conditions: The farmers should not be indebted to any other financial institutions. Group members shall undergo one day orientation training in group dynamics by the branch in association with officials of SIRD / RUDSETI if operating in their area, with LDM, AGM/ DDM of NABARD and reputed NGOs in other areas. At least two members of the group should have permanent residence within the operational area of the branch and all remaining members are having permanent residence within the district. The eligible crops are to be covered under crop insurance scheme. The individual borrower shall be covered under Personal Accident Insurance Scheme. B: Individual approach: 1. Objectives: To extend collateral free loans to tenant farmers / oral lessees/ share croppers individually, under the following circumstances: i. Farmers cultivating lands under registered tenancy rights. ii. Farmers cultivating lands without registered tenancy rights, but their names appear as cultivators in the land records.

iii. Farmers cultivating lands as oral lessees and land owner is ready to join the transaction as co-borrower. iv. Farmers cultivating lands as oral lessees, but land owner is not ready to join the transaction as co-borrower.

2. Financing Model: a) In respect of the first three categories, tenant farmers will be financed by obtaining registered tenancy deeds, or records of rights as a proof of cultivation, or joining of land-owner to the transaction, as the case may be. b) In the case of fourth category, where there is neither documentary proof of cultivation nor the land owner willing to join the loan transaction as co-borrower, branches shall adopt the following approach to extend need based credit. i. A letter from Revenue Officials / Village Pradhan / Village Panchayat or any Govt. Officials, confirming cultivation of lands by the applicant as tenant farmer, shall be obtained and kept as record. ii. In case the tenant farmer is not in a position to produce the letter as above, he explore the possibility giving a creditworthy third party guarantee, who is a land holder as guarantor. iii. In case the tenant farmer is not in a position to comply with the above, the Branch Manager shall make local enquiries so as to establish that the applicant tenant farmer is a true cultivator of the land. 3. Purposes for which credit can be extended under the scheme: To meet the crop production requirements as per scale of finance. Other need based credit to meet the expenses, contingent to cultivation of crop. Towards any allied activity like dairy / sheep rearing etc. or a non-farm activity in which the applicant has the requisite skill. This shall be a separate loan in addition to the crop loan / SKCC to be extended to the tenant farmer, encouraging him to take up an alternate income generating activity. 4. Quantum of Loan: a) Quantum of loan: Quantum of loan shall be decided based on the crops to be cultivated and scale of finance for such crops and a small component for meeting the contingencies related to cultivation of crops. Some additional loan component towards alternate income generating activity, as per need. b) Maximum ceiling: Rs. 25000/- per member including a limit of Rs. 2500/- towards consumption expenses. 5. Rate of interest: For short term crop production loans: @ 7.0% per annum till the interest subvention scheme of GOI is in force and as per normal rate applicable to such type of advances afterwards. For income generating activities under allied activities / non-farm sector: As per extant guidelines. 6. Other Conditions:

The applicant should be a permanent resident of the operational area of the branch. Branches shall establish the identity and permanent address of the tenant farmer / oral lessee. The tenant farmer / oral lessee shall open SB A/c under SyndSamanya Scheme. The applicant is not indebted to any other financial institutions. Eligible crops are to be covered under crop insurance scheme. The borrower shall be covered under Personal Accident Insurance Scheme. In the case of subsidiary activity like dairy / sheep rearing etc. insurance of animals is compulsory.

Land Development Schemes - For increasing productivity

Levelling of Land. Contour Bunding and Terracing. Land reclamation and to treat Acid and Alkaline soils. Surface and Subsurface Drainage System. Application of Fresh Soils to the Garden. Fencing including Electrical Fencing.

Purchase of Land for Agricultural Purpose

Medium term loans extended to agriculturists to make Small and Marginal holdings economically viable. Loans given for purchase of fallow lands, waste lands and to bring them under cultivation to improve the income and productivity of Small/Marginal farmers and Agricultural Labours.

Syndicate 2/3/4 Wheelers Scheme - For convenient Farm Management

Financial assistance available for Purchase of 2/3/4 wheelers. Medium term loans are extended for purchasing. Two wheelers such as Scooter / Motorcycle / Mopeds. Pickup vans, Luggage carriers, Cars, Jeeps and Vans.

Animal Husbandry Scheme - For supplementary and sustained stream of income

Medium term Composite loans extended. Under the scheme, the activity can be taken-up as a whole time as well as subsidiary occupation. Support available for the establishment of mini as well as Commercial Dairy Units.

Eligible purposes include Purchase of quality Animals, feeds, Equipments and machinery such as Deep freezers etc. Construction of Cattleshed and silage. Establishment of Mini Milk Processing Plant, Calf Rearing units. Establishment of Broiler and layer poultry Farms, hatchery units. Construction of poultry shed, Egg Store, Purchase of Chicks, Feeds etc. Establishment of piggery Breeder and fattener units. Inland and Deep sea fishing.

Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) The objective of the programme is to generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas through setting up of new self-employment ventures / projects / micro enterprises. The programme was launched on 15th August 2008 to empower the first generation entrepreneurs to set up micro enterprises. The Scheme is formulated by merging Prime Ministers Rojgar Yojana (PMRY) and Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP). The details of the scheme are furnished below: Eligibility conditions of Beneficiaries: Individual above 18 years of age setting up new projects. Institutions registered under Societies institutions, Societies and Charitable Trusts. Registration Act, Specified

Self Help Groups which have not availed benefits under any other Scheme Only one person from one family eligible. The family includes self and spouse. There is no ceiling on income. The applicant should have passed at least VIII standard for setting up of project above `10 lakh in the manufacturing sector and above `5 lakh in the business / service sector Only new projects for activities excluding the negative list of village industries notified are eligible for assistance under the Scheme. Existing units which have already availed subsidy under any other scheme are not eligible. Project Cost:

The maximum cost of the project admissible is `25 lakh under the manufacturing sector and `10 lakh under business / service sector. Project cost will include Capital Expenditure and one cycle of Working Capital. Projects without Capital Expenditure are not eligible for financing under the Scheme. Cost of the land should not be included in the Project cost. Working Capital component should be utilized in such a way that at one point of stage it touches 100% limit of Cash Credit within three years and not less than 75% utilization of the sanctioned limit during the first year. If it does not touch aforesaid limit, proportionate amount of the subsidy will be recovered and refunded to the KVIC at the end of the third year. Margin: The margin money contribution @ 10% of the project cost for General category borrowers and @ 5 % of the project cost for Special category borrowers. Subsidy: General Category: The eligible subsidy is @ 15% of the project cost in urban area and @ 25% of the project cost in rural area. Special Category : The eligible subsidy is @ 25% of the project cost in urban area and @ 35% of the project cost in rural area. Rate of Interest and Repayment Schedule: Normal Rate of Interest as applicable to the enterprise from time to time. Repayment Schedule may range between 3 to 7 years. Security: No collateral security and third party guarantee are insisted. Assets created out of the bank loan should be hypothecated to Bank. Nodal Agency: The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is the nodal agency at the national level. The scheme will be implemented through KVIC and KVIB in rural areas and through DICs in both rural and urban areas. Training: Training for a period of 2 weeks is mandatory for all the beneficiaries. The sponsoring agency will arrange the EDP training through accredited training center on receipt of information of sanction.

To meet the aspirations of farmers including small & marginal farmers, tenant farmers, share croppers, oral lessees and farm labourers who require credit to get freed from the clutches of money lenders, a new scheme exclusively for the purpose of Debt Swap is formulated under the name SyndKisan Sathi (SKS).

The salient features of SyndKisanSathi a) It is a debt swap product for farmers to redeem their high cost debt with money lenders with a condition that they do not create fresh debts with money lenders. b) For farmers the maximum loan amount shall be Rs. 50,000/- per borrower. c) For farm labourers the maximum loan amount is rs. 10,000/- per borrower. d) Rate of interest is PLR-2.50 % e) A credit worthy person known to bank may be taken as guarantor. f) Repayment period: 5 to 7 years including moratorium period of 12 months.


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