Rayleigh Fading Channel Modeling

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Rayleigh fading channel modeling: Rayleigh fading channel is described as the worst fading case because it depends on non

line of sight connection. In this chapter, the performance of a quadrature DPSK scheme is evaluated over Rayleigh frequency selective field channel. Channel and signal model: The transmitted complex base band signal is written as S(t)= aig( t iT)

Where g(t) is the impulse response of the transmit filter,1/T is the symbol rate and {ai} are uncorrelated data symbols satisfying the relation E[aiaj*] = {1 0 Where subscript * denotes complex conjugate. We assume that the channel is slowly fading such that its impulse response does not vary significantly over a symbol period. we also assume that only linear channel variations are significant .following [5] and [6], the signal component of channel output is then expanded as Taylor series truncated to the first two terms and is written as r(t) = To(i)aig(t iT) + T1(i)aig(t iT) The term g(t) represents the time derivative of the transmit filter impulse response g(t).To(i) and T1(i) are correlated complex Gaussian random variable known as the time selective coefficients. They are related to the complex random gains of each of the delay paths of the channel. As in [6],we let the mean delay path be zero and,hence,the cross correlation of the time selective coefficients becomes E[To(i)T1*(i)]= 0 The channel output r(t) is filtered by the receiver filter w(t).Thus, the overall response of the transmit and receiver filter is P(t) = g(t) w(t) Where denotes convolution .it can also be shown that the derivative of p(t) is given by P(t) = g(t) w(t) The output of the receiver filter y(t) is sampled at time t=KT and resulting sample is [4] Y(k) = To(i)aip[(k i)T] + T1(i)aip[(k i)T] for i= j Otherwise

Simulation analysis: There are several parameters affecting the transmitted signal Bit rate Multipath delays Power of multipaths M-ary Modulation scheme BER vs Bit Rate: In data and voice communications, the information is digitally processed and transmitted then, the whole process results into the data streams. Lesser the data rate, wider will be the bits/symbol, in time domain, and vice versa. Rayleigh channel fades quickly while the bit rate is small; following are the results of the Matlab code; BER vs Multipath Delays: The distance between transmitter and receiver means a lot, greater the distance greater would be the large scale fading .scattering, reflection and diffraction are the important phenomenon in the propagation of a signal but they cause multipath to be generated. If those multipaths arrive at the transmitter with a relatively small propagation delay then it enhances the systems efficiency. BER vs power Multipaths: When the multipaths of a signal arrive at the receiver, they cause a good or bad effect; they either cancel each other or added to each other .lesser the power of later arrived multipaths compared to the earlier ones, lesser would be the fading, hence decreasing the BER. BER vs M-ary Modulation Scheme: There are two major categories of modulation schemes; Linear Modulation Techniques Constant envelope Modulation Techniques Linear modulation techniques are better bandwidth efficient and constant envelope modulation techniques are better energy efficient. Another combined linear and constant envelope modulation techniques provide better bandwidth efficiency than linear and worse energy efficient than constant envelope techniques.[7] By the eq. C = 2Blog10(M) C/B= 2log10(M) Increasing the M causes the bandwidth efficiency but at the cost of increasing Pb,which increases the bit error rate.

Ricean Fading: When there is a dominant (non fading) signal component present such as line-of-sight propagation path, the small scale fading envelope distribution is Ricean.Ricean is the most straight forward to understand when the rayleigh fading understood.Ricean case is similar with the expectation that there is line-of-sight or at least dominant, component in the mix of signal that reach the receiver. figure 1 shows the Ricean PDF along with the rayleigh.

x Ricean fading can apply on the same scenario where Rayleigh is applicable. That is many multipath propagator getting to the receiver. The Ricean case is mostly considered a characteristic of short term indoor propagation while the Rayleigh Model is considered outdoor short term propagation. The channel is can be characterized by a parameter K defined as follows

When K = 0 channel is Rayleigh (Numerator is Zero) and when K = the channel is AWGN (Denominator is Zero).

AWGN (Additive white Gaussian Noise): An AWGN channel adds white Gaussion noise to the signal passes through it. use the awgn function for the modeling of AWGN channel. Describing the Noise Level of an AWGN channel: The relative power of noise in AWGN channel is typically described by quantities such as Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) per sample is Actual input parameter to the awgn function. Ratio of bit energy to noise power spectral density (Eb/No) This quantity is used by bit error ratio tool and performance evaluation functions in tool box. Ratio of symbol energy to the Noise power spectral Density (Es/No). Relationship between Es/No and Eb/No: The relationship between both expressed in dB is as follows

k is the number of information bit per symbol. Relationship between Es/No and SNR: The relationship between Es/No and SNR both expressed in dB is as follows.

where Tsys is the Signals symbol period and Tsamp is Signals Sampling period

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