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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Process Silver Tank Plating Solution 3 0 0 3 1 0 Health PPE X Special 1.

Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Process Silver Tank Plating Solution HEALTH * FLAMMABILITY PHYSICAL HAZ.
Flammability Instability

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2. Hazards Identification
Emergency Overview

Colorless liquid with odor of bitter almonds. Danger! May be fatal if inhaled, absorbed through skin, or swallowed. May cause allergic skin reaction. May be corrosive to skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Environmental hazard.
Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation? Yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Skin? Yes Eyes? Yes Ingestion? Yes

EYE: May be corrosive. Causes eye irritation, burns possible. SKIN CONTACT: May be corrosive. May cause burns and possible allergic reaction. May be fatal if absorbed through the skin. SKIN ABSORPTION, INHALATION, or INGESTION: Mean Lethal Dose (MLD) is 50-60 mg cyanide. Amounts above MLD cause immediate unconsciousness, convulsions, death within 1-15 minutes. Amounts near MLD cause dizziness, rapid respiration, vomiting, flushing, headache, drowsiness, drop in blood pressure, rapid pulse, unconsciousness, convulsions, (death within 4 hours possible). CHRONIC EFFECTS: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause damage to skin, eyes, respiratory system and teeth. May cause severe and delayed health effects such as inflammation of the lungs and chemical bronchitis.
LD 50 / LC 50

50-60 mg
Signs and Symptoms Of Exposure

Dependant on route(s) of entry. See section above for details.

Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated By Exposure

Preexisting skin and eye conditions; respiratory system disorders.

3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) 1. 2. Potassium cyanide Silver cyanide CAS # 151-50-8 506-64-9 Concentration 1.0 -10.0 % 1.0 -10.0 % Formula CN.K CAgN RTECS # TS8750000 VW3850000

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Process Silver Tank Plating Solution

Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) 3. 4. Potassium carbonate Water CAS # 584-08-7 7732-18-5 Concentration 1.0 -5.0 % 75.0 -97.0 % Formula K2CO3 H2O

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RTECS # TS7750000 ZC0110000

4. First Aid Measures

Emergency and First Aid Procedures

First aid providers must take proper precautions for their own safety before entering contaminated areas to assist chemical accident victims and handling their contaminated clothing and equipment. Another person should immediately call the Emergency Medical Service, 911-Operator, Hospital, Physician, Ophthalmologist or Poison Control Center, as applicable. Give the following information: Location of the accident, your phone number, description of the accident, name of chemical agent and product, number and condition of casualties, what is being done for the victims. Stay on the phone until the other party hangs up! Remove victim from contaminated area to a clean, quiet, ventilated area. Calm and reassure him, keep him warm. EYES: Hold eyelids apart and flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. SKIN: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Thoroughly decontaminate (or discard) clothing and shoes. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. Lay victim down, legs raised. Loosen tight clothing, cover with a blanket. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. INGESTION: DO NOT induce vomiting, unless advised by EMS. Give victim large quantities of water to drink. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. ANTIDOTE: Always have on hand a cyanide first aid kit. Break an amyl nitrite pearl in a cloth. Hold lightly under nose for 15 seconds. Repeat inhalation 5 times at 15 second intervals.
Note to Physician

If patient has not responded to amyl nitrite, inject intravenously 10 ml of a 3% solution of sodium nitrite at a rate not greater than 2.5-5 ml per minute. Follow directly with 50 ml of a 25% solution of sodium thiosulfate at the same rate by the same route. Keep patient under observation. If signs of poisoning persist or reappear, repeat nitrite and thiosulfate injections 1 hour later in one-half the original doses.

5. Fire Fighting Measures

Flammability Classification: Flash Pt: Explosive Limits: Autoignition Pt: Special Fire Fighting Procedures Material Will Not Burn NA LEL: None UEL: NA None

NIOSH/MSHA approved positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus. Structural fire fighters' protective clothing may not provide adequate protection.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards

Containers can build up pressure and burst if exposed to heat (fire). Water runoff can cause environmental damage. Dike area for later disposal.
Suitable Extinguishing Media

Unsuitable Extinguishing Media

6. Accidental Release Measures

Steps To Be Taken In Case Material Is Released Or Spilled

Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Isolate hazard area and keep people away. Notify your facility emergency coordinator. Eliminate all sources of ignition. Provide maximum ventilation. Do not release into soil, sewers, or natural bodies of water. Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Carefully mop up or vacuum spill and triple rinse with water into suitable plastic container. Release of a reportable quantity (RQ) requires notification of proper authorities. Dispose of according to local, state, and federal regulations.

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Process Silver Tank Plating Solution 7. Handling and Storage
Precautions To Be Taken in Handling

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Use "buddy system" when working with chemicals. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not breathe vapor, mist or gas. Use with adequate ventilation. Throughly wash hands. Triple rinse container clean before discarding. Put nothing else in this container.
Precautions To Be Taken in Storing

Keep container tightly closed in upright position. Store at 60-90F away from incompatible materials and physical hazards. Do not remove or deface container labels.

8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) 1. 2. 3. 4. Potassium cyanide Silver cyanide Potassium carbonate Water CAS # 151-50-8 506-64-9 584-08-7 7732-18-5 OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 0.01 mg/m3 0.01 mg/m3 ACGIH TLV Other Limits 2 mg/m3 0.01 mg/m3

Respiratory Equipment (Specify Type)

If engineering controls are not feasible, the respiratory protection program must comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134.
Eye Protection

Face shield and safety glasses w/side shields or splash-proof chemical goggles. Do not wear contact lenses. Eye wash station, safety shower, washing facilities near work area.
Protective Gloves

Nitrile, neoprene, vinyl, latex gloves.

Other Protective Clothing

Impervious boots, apron, protective clothing as required by job conditions.


Local exhaust ventilation is required to meet the permissible exposure limits (PEL) during the use of this product.

9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical States: Melting Point: Boiling Point: Autoignition Pt: Flash Pt: Explosive Limits: Specific Gravity (Water = 1): Evaporation Rate (vs Butyl Acetate=1): Solubility in Water: Percent Volatile: pH: Appearance and Odor [ ] Gas [ X ] Liquid [ ] Solid <= 32.00 F (0.0 C) >= 212.00 F (100.0 C) NA NA LEL: None UEL: None 1.063 - 1.073 <1 Complete N.A. 12.3 - 12.7

Clear liquid with the odor of bitter almonds.

10. Stability and Reactivity

Stability: Conditions To Avoid - Instability Unstable [ ] Stable [ X ]

Stable under normal ambient conditions in tightly closed containers. Avoid overheating

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Process Silver Tank Plating Solution

Incompatibility - Materials To Avoid

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Acids, chlorates, nitrites, and magnesium

Hazardous Decomposition Or Byproducts

Hydrogen Cyanide, Carbon Oxides, Silver

Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: Will occur [ Conditions To Avoid - Hazardous Reactions ] Will not occur [ X ]

11. Toxicological Information

Not Available
Carcinogenicity/Other Information
Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) 1. 2. 3. 4. Potassium cyanide Silver cyanide Potassium carbonate Water CAS # 151-50-8 506-64-9 584-08-7 7732-18-5 NTP IARC ACGIH OSHA



IARC Monographs? No

OSHA Regulated? No

12. Ecological Information

Not Available

13. Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal Method

Ship to approved treatment/disposal facility. Dispose of according to local, state, and federal regulations. Follow the applicable regulations for disposal of empty containers and rinsate. The disposal information applies to the material as manufactured. Contamination may affect the disposal requirements. The responsibility for proper waste disposal is with the generator of the waste.
RCRA Waste ID Code: Additional Disposal Information F007


14. Transport Information

LAND TRANSPORT (US DOT) DOT Proper Shipping Name DOT Hazard Class: DOT Hazard Label: UN/NA Number: Packing Group: MARINE TRANSPORT (IMDG/IMO) UN Number: Packing Group: Marine Pollutant: UN1935, Cyanide Solution, n.o.s. 6.1, PG II - ERG 157 6.1 POISON UN1935 II 1935 II Yes

15. Regulatory Information

Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) 1. 2. 3. 4. Potassium cyanide Silver cyanide Potassium carbonate Water CAS # 151-50-8 506-64-9 584-08-7 7732-18-5 Sec.302 (EHS) Yes 100 LB No No No Sec.304 RQ Yes 10 LB Yes 1 LB No No Sec.313 (TRI) Yes-Cat. N106 Yes-Cat. N740, N106 No No Sec.110 No No No No


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Process Silver Tank Plating Solution

Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) 1. 2. 3. 4. Potassium cyanide Silver cyanide Potassium carbonate Water CAS # 151-50-8 506-64-9 584-08-7 7732-18-5 EPA CAA HAP, ODC () HAP, ODC () HAP, ODC () HAP, ODC () EPA CWA NPDES No No No No EPA TSCA Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory

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CA PROP 65 No No No No

SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986) Lists:

Sec.302: Sec.304: Sec.313: Sec.110:

EPA SARA Title III Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Chemical with TPQ. * indicates 10000 LB TPQ if not volatile. EPA SARA Title III Section 304: CERCLA Reportable + Sec.302 with Reportable Quantity. ** indicates statutory RQ. EPA SARA Title III Section 313 Toxic Release Inventory. Note: -Cat indicates a member of a chemical category. EPA SARA 110 Superfund Site Priority Contaminant List

TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Lists:

Inventory: 5A(2): 6A: 8A: 8A CAIR: 8A PAIR: 8C: 8D: 8D TERM: 12(b):

Chemical Listed in the TSCA Inventory. Chemical Subject to Significant New Rules (SNURS) Commercial Chemical Control Rules Toxic Substances Subject To Information Rules on Production Comprehensive Assessment Information Rules - (CAIR) Preliminary Assessment Information Rules - (PAIR) Records of Allegations of Significant Adverse Reactions Health and Safety Data Reporting Rules Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule Terminations Notice of Export EPA Clean Water Act NPDES Permit Chemical EPA Clean Air Act Hazardous Air Pollutant EPA Clean Air Act Ozone Depleting Chemical (1=CFC, 2=HCFC) California Proposition 65

Other Important Lists:


International Regulatory Lists: EPA Hazard Categories:

This material meets the EPA 'Hazard Categories' defined for SARA Title III Sections 311/312 as indicated:
[X] Yes [X] Yes [ ] Yes [ ] Yes [ ] Yes Regulatory Information [ ] No [ ] No [X] No [X] No [X] No Acute (immediate) Health Hazard Chronic (delayed) Health Hazard Fire Hazard Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard Reactive Hazard

U.S. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: 1. Supplier Notification about toxic Chemicals. Applied Surface Concepts is required to inform you, that this product contains a toxic chemical or chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372, if specified annual thresholds are met or exceeded. Toxic Chemical CAS # Wt.%(Maximum) Potassium Cyanide - 151-50-8 (10) Silver Cyanide - 506-64-9 (10) Your other suppliers of trade name products or mixtures containing section 313 chemicals must also notify you.

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Process Silver Tank Plating Solution

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If you repackage or otherwise redistribute this product to industrial customers you are required to furnish similar notification to them. 2. CERCLA and EPCRA: Threshold Planning Quantity: N/A (Release) Reportable Quantity: > 42 liters Extremely Hazardous Substances: Potassium Cyanide - Potassium Silver Cyanide 3. EPCRA Hazard Categories: Immediate (Acute) Health: Yes Delayed (Chronic) Health: Yes Fire: No Sudden release of Pressure: No Reactivity: Yes 4. TSCA Statement. All ingredients of this product are listed under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). 5. ODS Certification. This product does not contain and is not manufactured with Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS). 6. VOC Certification. This product does not contain any Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). 7. PCB Certification. This product does not contain any polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). STATE REGULATIONS: California Prop. 65: Not applicable

16. Other Information

Company Policy or Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: This information is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warrenty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes.

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