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DECLARATION AND NOTICE OF EXPATRIATION January 17, 2002 state of Texas Section republic of Texas Section Subscribed, and

Sealed county of Dallas Section Know all men by these presents: DECLARATION AND NOTICE OF EXPATRIATION, SEVERANCE, WAIVER, FORFEITURE, AND REJECTION OF ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME BENEFITS in the nature of an AFFIDAVIT I, Ralph-kenneth, Evans and all derivatives thereof, a man, living soul, Citizen/sovereign, Kemper v. State, 138 S. W. 1025, page 1043, Declarant, declare that I am competent to testify, that I am over the age of majority, that the following facts stated are true and correct, and if I am called to testify in a court of proper venue and jurisdiction, I will so declare. I, Ralph-kenneth, Evans and all derivatives thereof, a man, living soul, (hereinafter Declarant, I, Me, or Myself), by this Declaration in the nature of an Affidavit, hereby timely and publicly give Notice to the world of My "DECLARATION AND NOTICE OF EXPATRIATION, SEVERANCE, WAIVER, FORFEITURE, AND REJECTION OF ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME BENEFITS in the nature of an AFFIDAVIT" publishing My total rejection and non-acceptance of all enfranchisement benefits, imposed by this STATE, the STATE OF TEXAS, and the UNITED STATES, (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Cartel"), or any other party, juristic or otherwise, because of the intentional neglect of the Cartel of ensuring knowledge by notice and full disclosure, the neglect of the Cartel of ensuring willingness by notice and full disclosure, and the neglect of the Cartel of ensuring that there has been an exchange of a certain and fair and valuable consideration, (hereinafter knowing, willing, and exchange of certain and fair and valuable consideration are the "tenets of simple contracting"), on the part of commercial agents of the Cartel. I, Declarant, declare that this notice of Expatriation, severance, waiver, forfeiture and rejection of benefits is not limited to severance, waiver, forfeiture and rejection of recourse and contract enforcement benefits under the Texas Business and Commerce Code (Uniform Commercial Code) and police protection benefits. I hereby explicitly sever, waive, forfeit and reject all implied trusts, powers of attorney, judicial contract enforcement, and police protection benefits for negligent failure of fair notice and full disclosure and for negligent failure of exchange of certain, fair and valuable consideration and the concealment of statuschanging adhesion contracts imposed upon Declarant, by the commercial agents of the Cartel. I, Declarant, hereby declare, that for all the foregoing reasons stated, Declarant hereby revokes, severs, waives, forfeits, and rejects all implied trusts, all powers of attorney, and all contracts imposed or attempted being imposed by the commercial agents of the judicial system of the Cartel, especially those implied trusts, powers of attorney, and contracts in which the STATE OF TEXAS is a party to any action. It is res judicata and stare decisis that fraud vitiates all contracts ab initio. Said trusts, powers of attorney, and contracts are, nunc pro tunc, ab initio December 13, 1937, deemed in a condition of annulment. I, Declarant, by publishing this affidavit of Expatriation into the public record, hereby declares, claims, implements, and enforces the Right, privilege, and immunity for being free from slavery, Bailey v Alabama, 219 U. S. 219, that is provided for in 15 United States Statutes at Large, Chap. 249, page 223, 40th Congress for expatriating My res in trust from the foreign jurisdiction known as the municipal corporation of the District of Colombia, a.k.a. variously, the United States of America and the United States, as defined at Title 26 IRC Section 7701 (a) (9) and (10), and Title 26 IRC Section 3121(e)(1)and (2), and Title 28 USC Section 3002(15) and

all of its municipal corporations, political subdivisions, states, States, and their political subdivisions and municipal corporations and by this public notice do hereby repatriate My res into the Land within the outer borders of the de jure state of and republic of Texas in which I am guaranteed the preservation of immemorial GOD given Rights under a Republican Form of Government as proscribed in Article 1, Section 2 and Section 29 of the Constitution of the republic of and state of Texas. I, Declarant, further declare that, ab initio, for failure of being created based upon the tenets of simple contracting and for the concealment of status-changing adhesion contracts, all past and present contracts for registration, of the appellation of Declarant, or RALPH KENNETH EVANS copyright, a copyrighted legal fiction and Title, or any derivations of the copyrighted legal fiction, or the juristic person, the juristic person without notice and without full disclosure created by the assignment of a number by commercial agents of the de facto corporation government of the Cartel for the use by the public trust, and again presumption specifically rebutted and Declarant gives Notice of Texas Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 52 that Declarant is not a private corporation, nor a natural or juristic person, and Declarant is a man living soul, said appellation and legal fiction being private property belonging to Declarant, said contracts implied by operation of law or otherwise in trust with the above cited municipal corporations nunc pro tunc, ab initio, are hereby revoked, dissolved and terminated, and are in a condition of annulment. I, Declarant, gives this notice to the public at large and to the commercial agents of the Cartel, that, with respect to the public trust, the status of the Declarant is that of civiliter mortuus to the public trust and Declarant voluntarily severs, waives, rejects, forfeits, and refuses accepting all franchised and co-franchised benefits, and it is deemed that Declarant has never accepted a benefit from the public trust. I, Declarant, further declares that by the laws of Nature and the laws of simple contracting, and with this public notice of Expatriation, severance, waiver, forfeiture and rejection of admiralty and maritime benefits, there is total termination of all rights, privileges, immunities, responsibilities, duties, and obligations arising under statute between Declarant, or the fiction belonging to Declarant, and the Cartel, and all said duties and obligations cease altogether, and further, there are no residual reciprocal obligations imposed upon either party. Declarant will avoid the Cartel, and the Cartel must avoid the Declarant. I, Declarant, and the legal fiction, RALPH KENNETH EVANS copyright, and all created-withoutnotice juristic persons allegedly being Declarant, ab initio, explicitly reserve the Right of not being compelled for performing under any contracts, or commercial agreements, which have not been created based upon the tenets of simple contracting and 'meeting of the minds', and by such 'Reservation of Right,' I, Declarant, or RALPH KENNETH EVANS copyright, or derivations, and all alleged juristic persons, do not, and will not, accept, and specifically reject the direct or adhesion liability associated with the compelled benefits of such unrevealed contracts or commercial agreements, or both, be they Admiralty, Maritime, or otherwise. "Further Declarant Sayeth Naught." Executed under the laws of the united States of America on January ___, 2002, and all the foregoing applies ab initio from December 13, 1937. L. S. Ralph-kenneth,Evans, a man, Declarant, Citizen/sovereign, county of Dallas, republic and state of Texas. VERIFICATION On this January xxx, 2002, Ralph-kenneth, Evans, a living man, appeared before Me, a Notary

Public from within the outer borders of the state of Texas, and after declaring before me, He does say and declare that He does execute the forgoing "Declaration And Notice Of Expatriation Severance, Waiver, Forfeiture, And Rejection Of Admiralty And Maritime Benefits in the nature of an Affidavit" and that under the penalty of perjury pursuant to the Law of the republic of and the state of Texas, and the Texas Government Code Section 602.004, 'declaration made outside United States,' in recognition of the Laws of the united states of America cited in statute at Title 28 USC Section 1746(1), without the UNITED STATES [as defined at Title 26 IRC Section 7701 and Section 3121(e)(1) and (2), and Title 28 USC Section 3002(15)], He declares that the contents of the foregoing Declaration are true and correct and if called to testify in a court of proper venue and jurisdiction, will so declare. Signed and subscribed before me, a Notary Public from the state of Texas, this January ___, 2002. Notary Public SEAL: DECLARATION AND NOTICE OF EXPATRIATION, SEVERANCE, WAIVER, FORFEITURE, AND REJECTION OF ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME BENEFITS in the nature of an AFFIDAVIT

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