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Dry Bulk Cargo Charges

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4.1 WHARFAGE Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Classification Cereals/Pulses/Oilseeds Foodgrains Oil Cakes Sugar Salt Pig Iron Steel and Metal Scrap Steel Pipes Rate per metric tonne (in Rs.) 32.50 32.50 32.50 37.50 32.50 97.50 65.00 117.50 135.00 Coastal rate per metric tonne (in Rs.) 19.50 19.50 19.50 22.50 19.50 58.50 39.00 70.50 81.00

1. 2.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Steel Coils

a) Length less than 12 mtrs. b) b) Length 12 metres or more

107.50 57.50 37.50 50.00 57.50 37.50 75.00 125.00 625.00 107.50 107.50 55.00 42.50 38.25 upto 5.0 lacs tonnes per annum above 5.0 lacs tonnes per annum

64.50 57.50 37.50 30 34.50 22.50 45.00 75.00 375.00 64.50 64.50 33.00 25.50 22.95

Iron Ore Pellets Iron Ore fines and lumps Bauxite Direct Reduced Iron/Hot Briquette iron Sized coal having not more than 10 mm dia-meter Asbestos Arms and ammunition Over dimensional Cargo Break Bulk Machinery parts Limestone Cement

1. 2.
22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Cement Clinker Wood pulp Paper rolls Timber/Wood/Bamboo Per Cum Steel Slab / steel billets Unenumerated Items Cargo abandoned/excess landed/confiscated by customs, uncleared/condemned by Port Health Authority and ultimately destroyed by JNPT/salvaged.

42.50 42.50 42.50 75.00 65.00 135.00 135.00 50.00

25.50 25.50 25.50 45.00 39.00 81.00 81.00

Note: Before classifying any cargo under unspecified category under the wharfage schedule, the relevant customs classification sh ould be referred to find out whether the cargo could be classified under any of the specific categories mentioned in the wharfage schedule 4.1.2. VOLUME DISCOUNT FOR HANDLING CEMENT: Vessels carrying Cement will be eligible for availing discounts on incremental traffic: Traffic Upto 300000 MTS Above 300000 but upto 400000 MTS Above 400000 but upto 500000 MTS Above 500000 MTS 4.2. HANDLING CHARGES (WITH GRAB UNLOADER): Discount NIL 5% of Wharfage charges on exceeded quantity. 10% of Wharfage charges on exceeded quantity. 15% of Wharfage charges on exceeded quantity.

Handling charges for steel coils and General Cargo with Grab unloader shall be Rs.50/- per Metric Tonne for foreign cargo and Rs.30/per tonne for coastal cargo. Notes: (1).Package exceeding dimensions of 6 mts. X 2.5 mts. X 2.5 mts. or 3 MT in weight shall be charged at rates applicable to Over Dimensional cargo. (2).Definition of Over Dimensional cargo shall not apply to steel pipes/coils slabs/steel billets. (3).Wharfage charges on Timber/Wood/Bamboo shall be based on per metric tonne or per cubic meter, whichever is beneficial to the Port. (4).In respect of vessels carrying on overside operation of loading and unloading of cargo without involving usage of berths, wharfage charges at the rate of 75 per cent of applicable rate shall be levied. (5).In respect of vessels carrying on loading and unloading of operation of cargo at the anchorage berth, wharfage charges at the rate of 50 per cent of applicable rate shall be charged. (6).Any cargo temporally unloaded from a vessel on the jetty and reshipped back into the same vessel during the same voyage, will be liable to pay the import as well as export wharfage charges as may be applicable depending on the type of cargo. (7).Items of goods free of Wharfage: (i). Bonafide passengers' baggage and seamen's baggage and personal effect accompanying them. (ii).Postal articles/mail bags, manifested or unmanifested. (iii). Ships stores and provisions for crew for consumption during voyage other than bunkering oil. 4.3. DWELL TIME CHARGES: Dwell time charges per day for items specified in clause 5.1 shall be levied at the rates given below: Sl. No. 1. Item Import 1-7 days 8-14 days 15 - 21 days Thereafter Export 1 - 15 days Thereafter Rate per metric tonne per day or part thereof (in Rs.) Nil 8.00 16.00 32.00 Nil 8.00


Notes: (1).In case of import, dwell time shall be calculated from the day following the day the vessel discharge is completed. (2).In case of export, dwell time shall be calculated from the day following the day of receipt of cargo in JNPT. (3).The export cargo which could neither be exported/nor found suitable for export shall be taken back to town by the consignor on payment of dwell time charges. A free period of 3 days will be allowed for such cargo from the day following the day of entry in JNPT and thereafter the dwell time charges shall be levied at the rate of Rs.8 per metric tonne per day or part thereof. (4).Free dwell time allowed shall be exclusive of custom notified holidays and port non-working days. (5).The demurrage shall not accrue for the period during which the JNPT is not in a position to deliver cargo for reasons attributable to it when requested by the user. 4.4. WEIGHING CHARGES:

(1).The charges for using weigh bridge facility by the users for any cargo shall be Rs.2 per MT

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