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Method of operation scheduling and project management

In the process planning department, the manufacture and assembly of the products is thought out in detail and specified, furthermore, the schedules are planned and monitored. The main functions of operations scheduling within order processing are to produce parts lists, to draw up operations schedules, NC programming and to plan special-purpose manufacturing resources. Developing the operations schedule involves determining the unmachined part, determining the sequence of operations, selecting manufacturing resources and determining standard times. The results of these planning operations are documented in the work schedule. The data in the work schedule are extremely important since they are required for further use in many areas of the company. Among their other functions, they become part of the socalled working papers. The NC-programming can be regarded as a further detail in the process of drawing up the operations schedule. NC-programs can be written by using various methods, which mainly differ in terms of the location at which the programming is done and of the level of automation involved. One of the long-term functions of operations scheduling is to develop appropriate measures to ensure economically efficient organisation and construction of the manufacturing and assembly area. The main tasks in operations control are to plan the availability of material, to plan schedules and capacities and to control the shop-floor. The duties involved in operations control revolve around the following objectives: - to observe schedules - to minimise the throughput times of material and capital commitment and - to ensure that capacities are fully utilised and that operating resources and labour costs are kept low. The function of scheduling and capacity planning is deadline-oriented planning and control of manufacturing orders, ensuring at the same time that operating resources are utilised to a permanently high level. Short-term control and monitoring of

shop-floor orders is the task of shop-floor control. Rationalisation is an important aid for the economic efficiency of production. If operations scheduling is to be rationalised successfully, it is essential to ensure that the rationalisation objectives are at first formulated and that they are then pursued by systematising the organisation, documents, planning methods and tools. The rationalisation objectives have to be identified from an analysis of the companys boundary conditions and of the requirements to be met by the operations scheduling department. This analysis encompasses the workpieces to be planned, the activities of operations scheduling and the information generated and required. The most important principle of rationalisation is the re-use of planning outcomes already developed. The production and assembly of such parts families can be planned efficiently by using standard work sheets. Operations scheduling uses a number of different tools. The presented systematisation permits tools to be selected purposefully and to be used rationally. Different means of accessing tools selectively will be outlined within the lecture. The rationalisation achieved by systematising operations scheduling and its tools can be further increased by using IT (information technology) components. An approach to the introduction of IT-components will be presented while pointing out that outcomes achieved in conventional operations are an essential requirement for the successful use of IT. In operations scheduling, decisions are made regarding WHAT and HOW manufacturing has to take place using WHICH (kind of) resources. HOW MUCH WHEN WHERE and BY WHOM

In operations control, the issues are

A work-piece or assembly is manufactured. In practice the term operations scheduling (work scheduling) is often replaced by production planning or process planning. Likewise, the term operations control is sometimes replaced by operations management, production control or process control. Within operations scheduling there are differences between industry (serial production) and craft (individual production).

Scheduling pertains to establishing both the timing and use of resources within an organization. Under the operations function (both manufacturing and services), scheduling relates to use of equipment and facilities, the scheduling of human activities, and receipt of materials. While issues relating to facility location and plant and equipment acquisition are considered long term and aggregate planning is considered intermediate term, operations scheduling is considered to be a short-term issue. As such, in the decision-making hierarchy, scheduling is usually the final step in the transformation process before the actual output (e.g., finished goods) is produced. Consequently, scheduling decisions are made within the constraints established by these longer-term decisions. Generally, scheduling objectives deals with tradeoffs among conflicting goals for efficient utilization of labor and equipment, lead time, inventory levels, and processing times. Byron Finch notes that effective scheduling has recently increased in importance. This increase is due in part to the popularity of lean manufacturing and just-in-time. The resulting drop in inventory levels and subsequent increased replenishment frequency has greatly increased the probability of the occurrence of stock-outs. In addition, the Internet has increased pressure to schedule effectively. "Business to customer" (B2C) and "business to business" (B2B) relationships have drastically reduced the time needed to compare prices, check product availability, make the purchase, etc. Such instantaneous transactions have increased the expectations of

customers, thereby, making effective scheduling a key to customer satisfaction. It is noteworthy that there are over 100 software scheduling packages that can perform schedule evaluation, schedule generation, and automated scheduling. However, their results can often be improved through a human scheduler's judgment and experience. There are two general approaches to scheduling: forward scheduling and backward scheduling. As long as the concepts are applied properly, the choice of methods is not significant. In fact, if process lead times (move, queue and setup times) add to the job lead time and process time is assumed to occur at the end of process time, then forward scheduling and backward scheduling yield the same result. With forward scheduling, the scheduler selects a planned order release date and schedules all activities from this point forward in time. With backward scheduling, the scheduler begins with a planned receipt date or due date and moves backward in time, according to the required processing times, until he or she reaches the point where the order will be released. Of course there are other variables to consider other than due dates or shipping dates. Other factors which directly impact the scheduling process include: the types of jobs to be processed and the different resources that can process each, process routings, processing times, setup times, changeover times, resource availability, number of shifts, downtime, and planned maintenance.

Loading involves assigning jobs to work centers and to various machines in the work centers. If a job can be processed on only one machine, no difficulty is presented. However, if a job can be loaded on multiple work centers or machines, and there are multiple jobs to process, the assignment process becomes more complicated. The scheduler needs some way to assign jobs to the centers in such a way that processing and setups are minimized along with idle time and throughput time.

Two approaches are used for loading work centers: infinite loading and finite loading. With infinite loading jobs are assigned to work centers without regard for capacity of the work center. Priority rules are appropriate for use under the infinite loading approach. Jobs are loaded at work centers according to the chosen priority rule. This is known as vertical loading. Finite loading projects the actual start and stop times of each job at each work center. Finite loading considers the capacity of each work center and compares the processing time so that process time does not exceed capacity. With finite loading the scheduler loads the job that has the highest priority on all work centers it will require. Then the job with the next highest priority is loaded on all required work centers, and so on. This process is referred to as horizontal loading. The scheduler using finite loading can then project the number of hours each work center will operate. A drawback of horizontal loading is that jobs may be kept waiting at a work center, even though the work center is idle. This happens when a higher priority job is expected to arrive shortly. The work center is kept idle so that it will be ready to process the higher priority job as soon as it arrives. With vertical loading the work center would be fully loaded. Of course, this would mean that a higher priority job would then have to wait to be processed since the work center was already busy. The scheduler will have to weigh the relative costs of keeping higher priority jobs waiting, the cost of idle work centers, the number of jobs and work centers, and the potential for disruptions, new jobs and cancellations. If the firm has limited capacity (e.g., already running three shifts), finite loading would be appropriate since it reflects an upper limit on capacity. If infinite loading is used, capacity may have to be increased through overtime, subcontracting, or expansion, or work may have to be shifted to other periods or machines.

Sequencing is concerned with determining the order in which jobs are processed. Not only must the order be determined for processing jobs at work

centers but also for work processed at individual work stations. When work centers are heavily loaded and lengthy jobs are involved, the situation can become complicated. The order of processing can be crucial when it comes to the cost of waiting to be processed and the cost of idle time at work centers. There are a number of priority rules or heuristics that can be used to select the order of jobs waiting for processing. Some well known ones are presented in a list adapted from Vollmann, Berry, Whybark, and Jacobs (2005):

Random (R). Pick any job in the queue with equal probability. This rule is often used as a benchmark for other rules. First come/first served (FC/FS). This rule is sometimes deemed to be fair since jobs are processed in the order in which they arrive. Shortest processing time (SPT). The job with the shortest processing time requirement goes first. This rule tends to reduce work-in-process inventory, average throughput time, and average job lateness.

Earliest due date (EDD). The job with the earliest due date goes first. This seems to work well if the firm performance is judged by job lateness. Critical ratio (CR). To use this rule one must calculate a priority index using the formula (due dateow)/(lead time remaining). This rule is widely used in practice. Least work remaining (LWR). An extension of SPT, this rule dictates that work be scheduled according to the processing time remaining before the job is considered to be complete. The less work remaining in a job, the earlier it is in the production schedule.

Fewest operations remaining (FOR). This rule is another variant of SPT; it sequences jobs based on the number of successive operations remaining until the job is considered complete. The fewer operations that remain, the earlier the job is scheduled.

Slack time (ST). This rule is a variant of EDD; it utilizes a variable known as slack. Slack is computed by subtracting the sum of setup and processing times from the time remaining until the job's due date. Jobs are run in order of the smallest amount of slack.

Slack time per operation (ST/O). This is a variant of ST. The slack time is divided by the number of operations remaining until the job is complete with the smallest values being scheduled first.

Next queue (NQ). NQ is based on machine utilization. The idea is to consider queues (waiting lines) at each of the succeeding work centers at which the jobs will go. One then selects the job for processing that is going to the smallest queue, measured either in hours or jobs.

Least setup (LSU). This rule maximizes utilization. The process calls for scheduling first the job that minimizes changeover time on a given machine. These rules assume that setup time and setup cost are

independent of the processing sequence. However, this is not always the case. Jobs that require similar setups can reduce setup times if sequenced back to back. In addition to this assumption, the priority rules also assume that setup time and processing times are deterministic and not variable, there will be no interruptions in processing, the set of jobs is known, no new jobs arrive after processing begins, and no jobs are canceled. While little of this is true in practice, it does make the scheduling problem manageable.


The scheduling of services often encounters problems not seen in manufacturing. Much of this is due to the nature of service, i.e., the intangibility of services and the inability to inventory or store services and the fact that demand for services is usually random. Random demand makes the scheduling of labor extremely difficult as seen in restaurants, movie theaters, and amusement parks. Since customers don't like to wait, labor must be scheduled so that customer wait is minimized. This sometimes requires the use of queuing theory or waiting line theory. Queuing theory uses estimate arrival rates and service rates to calculate an optimum staffing plan. In addition, flexibility can often be built into the service operation through the use of casual labor, on-call employees, and cross-training.

Scheduling of services can also be complicated when it is necessary to coordinate and schedule more than one resource. For example, when hospitals schedule surgery, not only is the scheduling of surgeons involved but also the scheduling of operating room facilities, support staff, and special equipment. Along with the scheduling of classes, universities must also schedule faculty, classrooms, labs, audiovisual and computer equipment, and students. To further complicate matters, cancellations are also common and can add further disruption and confusion to the scheduling process.

WHAT IS A PROJECT? Organizations perform work. Work generally could be classified into either operations or projects, although in some cases both of them may overlap. Both operations and projects share many characteristics in common like: People perform both the activities. Both are constrained by limited resources. Both are planned, executed, and controlled. However operations and projects differ primarily in its repeatability. Operations are ongoing and repetitive whereas projects are temporary and unique. A project is thus defined in terms of its distinctive characteristicsa project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. Temporary means that every project has a definite beginning and a definite end. Unique means that the product or service is different in some distinguishing way from all other products or services. For many organizations, projects are a means to respond to requests that cannot be addressed within the organizations normal operational limits. Projects are undertaken at all levels of the organization. They may involve a single person or many thousands. Their duration ranges from a few weeks to a few years. Projects may involve a single unit of one organization or may cross-organizational boundaries. As projects are often implemented as a means of achieving an organizations strategic plan they are critical for the organizations growth. Examples of projects could include: Developing a new product or service. Effecting a change in structure, staffing, or style of an organization. Developing a new or modified information system. Implementing a new business procedure or process.


Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. Project management is accomplished through the use of the following 5 processes: Initiation Planning Execution Controlling and Closure The project team manages the various activities of the project, and the activities typically involve: Competing demands for: scope, time, cost, risk, and quality. Managing expectations of stakeholders. Identifying requirements. It is important to note that many of the processes within project management are iterative in nature. This is partly due to the existence of and the necessity for progressive elaboration1 in a project throughout the project life cycle; i.e., the more you know about your project, the better you are able to manage it. The term project management is sometimes used to describe an organizational approach to the management of ongoing operations. This approach treats many aspects of ongoing operations as projects to apply project management techniques to them. A detailed discussion of the approach itself is outside the scope of this document. Project Integration Management describes the processes required to ensure that the various elements of the project are properly coordinated. It consists ofproject plan development, project plan execution, and integrated change control.

Project Scope Management describes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully. It consists of initiation, scope planning, scope definition, scope verification, and scope change control.

Project Time Management describes the processes required to ensure timely completion of the project. It consists of activity definition, activity sequencing, activity duration estimating, schedule development, and schedule control.

Project Cost Management describes the processes required to ensure that the project is completed within the approved budget. It consists of resource planning, cost estimating, cost budgeting, and cost control.

Project Quality Management describes the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It consists of quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control.

Project Human Resource Management describes the processes required to make the most effective use of the people involved with the project. It consists of organizational planning, staff acquisition, and team development.

Project Communications Management describes the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage, and ultimate disposition of project information. It consists of communications planning, information distribution, performance reporting, and administrative closure.




describes the processes concerned with

identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risk. It consists of risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response planning, and risk monitoring and control. Project Procurement Management describes the processes required to acquire goods and services from outside the performing organization. It consists of procurement planning, solicitation planning, solicitation, source selection, contract administration, and contract closeout.

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