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SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES February 28, 2007 PRESENT: Sandra Gregory, HR Director Russell Greene, Emergency Services Director

Jason Williams, Existing Industry Utility Director Leeanne Whisnant, Health Dept. Director Kristin Jolly, PHN Billie Walker Absent Rick French, County Manager



ACCIDENT REVIEW UPDATE: Y-T-D totals: five (5) non-recordable injuries and two (2) recordable (w/1being lost time and 1 being light duty). Y-T-D Citizen Accidents: two (2). INCIDENT INVESTIGATION REVIEW: After the safety meeting the safety committee reviewed the accidents and made appropriate recommendations and assigned corrective action. POLICY UPDATE: Asbestos: Mr. Greene is working with the school system on this policy. Life Safety/Confined Space: After reviewing the confined space and life safety DOL standards, the committee voted to require radios to be used when entering the basement of the Court House. The party entering the area will notify another party upon entering and exiting area. Both parties are required to have a two-way radio and should be in contact until the task is complete. The County will document this procedure for record keeping purposes. Motor Vehicle and Contractor Policy: remains on hold. Workplace Violence: Incomplete. Ms. Gregory is working on. Powered Industrial Trucks: Ms. Gregory has given Mr. Greene the D.O.L. standards for review. It is still in question if this will work for landfill equipment. Mr. Greene will evaluate and the committee will make a final decision at our March meeting. Electrical and Hot Work Policies: Mr. Greene has completed and Ms. Gregory is reviewing.

Bloodborne Pathogen: Ms. Gregory is compiling Health and EMS and creating one BBP policy for the County as a whole. TRAINING UPDATE: The general awareness safety training has been completed countywide and is now a part of our new employee orientation program. There are a small number of part-time employees that work on a rare occasion that did not attend the training. They have been mailed a handbook with a safety memo. Departmental training has been completed in the following areas: Hazardous Communications, Personal Protective Equipment, and Lockout/Tagout. The Health Department and EMS are to provide training material and the training roster for their inservice training that covers PPE, Hazardous Communications, Respiratory, First Aid, CPR, and Bloodborne Pathogen. Mr. Greene is to contact the Sheriffs office regarding training records and training material for Hazardous Communications, Respiratory, PPE, First Aid, CPR and Bloodborne Pathogen. The safety committee is working on training material for powered industrial trucks, electrical, hot work and hazardous substances (Asbestos). Optional training was discussed. In order to focus on reducing accidents, the committee has agreed that there are some departments needing defensive driving, ergonomics, back lifting, slip/trip/fall, and workplace violence training. Mr. Greene reported that Shanna Caviness, Risk Control Consultant is going to come to in-service training for EMS and present an ergonomics training session that is geared towards EMS work. Ms. Whisnant stated that she would like for Ms. Caviness to conduct this training to her home health nurses. Ms. Gregory and Mr. Williams are working on getting the BLR back lifting audio running so that EMS staff can review this during working hours. OTHER INFORMATION: Ms. Gregory requested that the Health Department send her the consent forms of those who have had HEP shots and to also send a list of the employees that have not gotten their shot. Mr. Greene was asked to send a copy of Mark Earles first aid/CPR certification to Ms. Gregory for the records. Ms. Gregory reported that the first aid kit supply was almost completed. Mr. Greene is to send Ms. Gregory some masks for the kits and some cleanup items need to be purchased. In addition to clean up items for first aid kits being needed, additional lockout/tagout kits need to be ordered for maintenance. Anchor points and rope also need to be ordered for fall protection. Mr. Williams created a sample EAP for the Maintenance department. Ms. Gregory reviewed and stated that we needed to take the countywide policy and provide specific instructions for each department on how to react to the emergencies listed in the EAP. Ms. Gregory to provide a sample to Mr. Williams.

Mr. Williams provided a sample of a monthly inspection sheet for the safety coordinators. The committee reviewed and all agreed that the sample was great and after we do the initial inspection for each department, we may need to tailor the form a little. Ms. Gregory gave Mr. Williams sample forms to use for the first initial inspection. Mr. Williams will prepare a general inspection form for all departments and the committee will review. REPORTED SAFETY ISSUES: The sheriffs office has requested that a first aid kit and CPR mask be stationed in the court room. Some officers reported that there have been instances where this was needed. Officers have had to perform CPR without any protection. Mr. Greene stated that he would get this to the sheriffs office. NEW INFORMATION: The yearly safety meeting schedule will be revised to meet the needs of some employees that are attending the meetings. NCACC audit scores were completed for the 2007-2008 year. Ms. Gregory reported on a comparison from last years audit scores versus this year and they were substantially better. We may be in order to receive the discount for workers compensation, but because we dont have some of the audit areas implemented we may not receive it. However, we are off to a good start and headed in the right direction. NCACC has grant applications for safety and/or wellness programs. Ms. Gregory and Mr. Greene are going to apply for the grant and according to Ms. Caviness, we will be able to use the money on safety and/or EMS equipment. A revised training chart was reviewed. Ms. Gregory will update and redistribute. Ms. Gregory and Mr. Williams are working with Mr. French to set up some 2007 goals to be effective April 1st. The areas of focus will be the number of injuries per quarter, the dollar amount spent on injuries per quarter and the reporting time of accidents per quarter. These are the areas that affect our workers compensation rates. The committee has suggested that we communicate this to employees on a quarterly basis through paycheck stuffers, posting on website, through staff meetings, etc. Ms. Whisnant and Mr. Greene are working together to determine if it is possible for the EMS department to draw blood for drug/alcohol testing and the Health Department send bloodwork off for after hour accidents. Ms. Gregory distributed some new after hour procedures of reporting accidents in order to decrease our reporting time. Ms. Whisnant has requested a copy of this for her

department and the committee agreed that the Library needs a copy of this too since the y work on the weekends. DUTIES ASSIGNED: Sandra Gregory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Motor Vehicle/Contractor Policy on hold. Complete workplace violence policy. Review electrical policy and hot work policy for OSHA compliance. Get training material for electrical and hot work policies. Compile BBP policies for county, EMS and health dept. Get back lifting audio to health and EMS departments. Order BBP clean up, safety supplies, anchor points and rope for fall protection and lockout/tagout kits. Provide sample of departmental EAP to Mr. Williams. Send out revised safety meeting schedule. Follow up on being eligible for w/c discount this year and get results of audit. Revise and distribute training chart. Set 2007 goals to be effective 4/1/07. Work on grant application. Send out after hours accident procedures to health dept. and Library. Get HEP shot consent forms from HD and get list of who has not received shot nor submitted a consent/waiver form. Complete life safety policy statement and record of training.

Russell Greene 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Complete Asbestos policy. Review Powered Industrial Truck policy and provide feedback to Ms. Gregory. Get training material and roster for EMS folks having PPE, HazCom, BBP, CPR, First Aid, and Respiratory training. Find out what Sheriffs office has for training material and records of training for HazCom, Respiratory, PPE, First Aid, CPR, and BBP. Get with Ms. Whisnant on EMS staff providing training for HD on HazCom, Respiratory, PPE, First Aid, CPR, and BBP. Coordinate ergonomics training for EMS and Health Dept. with Ms. Caviness. Send masks for first aid kits to Ms. Gregory. Get first aid kit and CPR mask put in court room.

Jason Williams 1. Work on EAPs for departments. 2. Create an inspection sheet for the initial inspection of each department.

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