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Innovative measures to improve the social and political status of the stateless people
The Kingdom of Netherlands expresses it deep concern of the rising problem with the stateless people all over the world. The Netherlands fully supports all international efforts for solving this major humanitarian matter, reaffirms its readiness for a continuation active role and declares its position for a needable openness, cooperation and pragmatism that the international community can assist in a satisfactory conclusion to this problem. Due to our willingness for an open progressive dialogue and actions in satisfactory conclusion, The Kingdom of Netherlands is calling upon other states for a full respect and observation of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, adopted by the United Nations organization and full cooperation in developing innovative measure to improve the social and political status of the stateless people. The Kingdom of Netherlands believes that there are three major points on which the international community should focus its attention in solving the matter of stateless people and which should be a focus of further development. Firstly, the prevention of statelessness; secondly, the reduction of statelessness; and thirdly, the protection of stateless people. The outlined three objectives form the core of the problem and introduce the path to the creation of working solutions. The Kingdom of Netherlands is convinced that the first and most important initiative should be the prevention of statelessness by improving bilateral, regional and international cooperation. This should include sharing best practices in areas such as registration and documentation in order to prevent people of falling between the cracks and becoming accidental victims of statelessness due to discrepancies in law and legal systems. Possession of nationality is essential for full participation in society; many are unable to exercise a full range of social and political rights, as a result of their statelessness or national minority status in many countries. This is why the Kingdom of Netherlands is convinced that the efforts to develop common law principles with regard to nationality and legislation of this status are essential part of the prevention of the occurrence of statelessness. The Kingdom of Netherlands expresses its position of the need of improvement and facilitation of the legislation path and nationality questions where applicable, in full respect of the stateless persons private matters and the legal system of the state required. Such improvement of the status should include reasonable attention to the questions of deportation; also working practices in integration of stateless people by providing them with all possible levels of education, health care and household; aiming to work closely at national, regional and international levels to develop new policies and strengthen existing law, consultation and

development of policies in specific areas such as strengthening the rights and individual identities and the matters of integration by both local and international working mechanisms. The Kingdom of Netherlands calls upon the other states to work upon an improvement of the mutual work in order to develop a better social and political status of the stateless people, where as countries should mutually share the responsibility for the stateless. The Kingdom of Netherlands would like also to draw attention to problems that have occurred in matters concerning the stateless women and children and expresses its desire for the creation of working mechanisms in which a guiding principle should be the best interest of the standard of children- the usual least protected victims of the statelessness. By focusing its attention on the matter of the protection of the stateless people in general, the Kingdom of Netherlands believes that the international community should join its efforts in developing the existing practices in protection and help for people with a stateless status all over the world by exchanging working mechanisms and involvement in problems with full cooperation in order to solve a pressing matter wherever it has occur. As far as the Human Rights Commission is concerned it should place a greater emphasis on assisting countries that face problems. In return, these countries should demonstrate openness for dialogue with the UN human rights mechanisms. The Kingdom of Netherlands affirms its position to work towards a better life and living conditions for all displaced people.

Another reference on how to make a SDC/MUN Position Paper :

a.Position Paper Guidelines, Milan MUN (online) page_id=1870 b. MUN Research Made Easy, Best Delegate (online) c. MUN Position Paper, The Student Room (online),

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