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SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS IAS Part 27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------x Christopher-Earl: Strunk, in esse Plaintiff,


Index No.:




Accordingly, I, Christopher Earl Strunk in esse and sui juris, the secured beneficiary and agent of the debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK, being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury:

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That Christopher Earl Strunk in esse and sui juris, the secured beneficiary and

agent of the debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK (Plaintiff Agent), submits this second reply affidavit with exhibits annexed in support of his motion, in his combined Reply to the Response of CHLARENS ORSLAND of Counsel to MICHAEL A. CARDOZO Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (the CITY) with his affirmation dated May 24, 2013 as the Attorney for the NEW YORK CITY CAMPAIGN FINANCE BOARD with current member Fr. JOSEPH P. PARKES, S.J. and past members Fr. JOSEPH A. O'HARE, S.J. and FREDERICK A.O. SCHWARZ, JR. in each individual capacity; and combined with my Reply to PAUL C. GLUCKOW Partner, and ERIKA H. BURK Associate of SIMPSON THATCHER & BARTLETT LLP representing PETER GEORGE PETERSONs May 21, 2013 JOINDER IN THE BRZEZINSKI DEFENDANTS AND STATE DEFENDANTS MEMORANDA OF LAW that by reference incorporate the same as applies to their arguments opposed in this reply by Affirmant herein too. 2. That on 28 May 2013, Plaintiff Agent received the response from Mr. Orsland for the

CITY and related Defendants therein makes the characterization as to the proposed second supplement against the State and OBAMA related defendants says it seeks leave to amend the complaint to add further rambling and bizarre allegations. to wit Plaintiff Agent emphasizes that the CITY by operation of the CAMPAIGN FINANCE BOARD members of the NEW YORK PROVINCE OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS who are agents of the HOLY SEE, a foreign sovereign power, have no business handing out campaign money or making rules for local municipal elections and such operation with international treaty conflicts by operation of State law as to Fr. OHare and Fr. Parkes (the Fathers) membership in a membership organization registered with the NYS Secretary of State who are not properly listed as members therein, and further to the extent the Fathers are a foreign military presence employed by the City per se is a conflict with the City Charter, State Law, Federal
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law, International Treaty and constitutes the Citys violation of the LOGAN ACT to be specific and poses a serious question of law as to whether or not the CITY may even represent the Fathers in their official and or individual capacity at all; and 3. Further, that as for Mr. Schwarz who is a current sworn member of the New York

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) whose oath along with that of the Fathers supersedes allegiance to either the United States or State Constitution thereby is challenged by Plaintiff Agent, as the sole beneficiary creditor of the debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK, in that the CFR functions since 1921 as a foreign body whose members are variously associated with the Creditors and Sovereign Funds with claim to the assets of the Debtor United States and its assets seized by the state of New York and its officers starting in 1938 with revision of the State constitution, as similarly done in the several States, for the Secretary of the United States Treasury, the receiver and securities intermediary for the United States debtor assets, 4. As further background, that on March 9, 1933, Franklin Delano (whose maternal

family line is that of the Roman Senate B.C.E.) Roosevelt (FDR) as the neo Augustus Caesar military Commander in chief issued an emergency war powers Proclamation. This Proclamation---still in effect today---was a coup dtat that established a de facto Emergency War Powers Military Government. That new government displaced the constitutional, de jure government of the Republic in place since March 4, 1789. 5. The new FDR Military Government, as the conqueror, seized as war booty all

registered property held by the states as conquered territories that now use the Martial Law flag in each state court with yellow fringe on each flag ( 1 ). That all the land registered

Martial Law Flag, despite 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, 1, 2, & 3 (that still only specifies 48 stars), is that created by President, Dwight David Eisenhower, by Executive Order No.10834, signed on August 21, 1959 and printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865,
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in every county of every state, and all the labor in the statutory de facto Public US citizens created by the state-filed Birth Certificates (BCs) with their registered property attached--the constitutional de jure Private US Citizens - remains the seized property that was and is considered as booty. 6. All this property was and is to be used as collateral for the private credit (created

out of nothing with no private assets backing said credit) that would be extended by the 1913 Federal Reserve Act Banks to the new government being directed by the efforts of the Jesuits to increase both the temporal and spiritual power of the HOLY SEE through their Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (2) and trusted third parties of the New Dealers. But

pursuant to law, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides." The President of the United States designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military. The placing of a fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of the stars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but are within the discretion of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy." 34 Ops. Atty. Gen. 83.

The Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem compose the oldest order of the five military orders founded during the First Crusade timeline:.

First Crusade 1096 1099: The People's Crusade - Freeing the Holy Lands. 1st Crusade led by Count Raymond IV of Toulouse and proclaimed by many wandering preachers, notably Peter the Hermit Second Crusade 1144 -1155: Crusaders prepared to attack Damascus. 2nd crusade led by Holy Roman Emperor Conrad III and by King Louis VII of France Third Crusade 1187 -1192: 3rd Crusade led by Richard the Lionheart of England, Philip II of France, and Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I. Richard I made a truce with Saladin Fourth Crusade 1202 -1204: 4th Crusade led by Fulk of Neuil French/Flemish advanced on Constantinople The Children's Crusade 1212 The Children's Crusade led by a French peasant boy, Stephen of Cloyes Fifth Crusade 1217 1221: The 5th Crusade led by King Andrew II of Hungary, Duke Leopold VI of Austria, John of Brienne Sixth Crusade 1228 1229: The 6th Crusade led by Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II Seventh Crusade 1248 1254: The 7th Crusade led by Louis IX of France Eighth Crusade 1270: The 8th Crusade led by Louis IX Ninth Crusade 1271 1272: The 9th Crusade led by Prince Edward (later Edward I of England).
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before the deficit spending could really begin, all the gold had to be taken out of circulation as money. The gold could not be used as collateral for debt by the de facto military government overseen by the NEO-Caesar Roosevelt. 7. So on June 5, 1933, HJR-192 was passed by Congress and signed into law by FDR.

This act removed the gold from the possession of the population and placed it into the hands of the de facto temporary military government, the gold to be stored at an Army installation known as Fort Knox in Kentucky. Years later all the gold would be removed from Fort Knox and placed into the gold vault at the New York City Federal Reserve Bank where it is today. 8. To use said state-registered labor now, the property (booty) of Washington, it would

be the Private US Citizen that would give value to the BCs acting as securities for the debt of the new military government. Here at this time the private trust accounts were created for every Public US citizen, the collateral for the national debt. These accounts give value to the securities and thus all profits made by the government in the name of its Public US citizens (given value by their human sureties) are held in these private trust accounts, similar to the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act (CAFRA) (3) accounts held by every state.

The Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem Grand Master today is an American Cardinal, Edwin Frederick OBrien, former Archbishop of Baltimore. (OBrien was ordained to the priesthood in 1965 by that mastermind of the Kennedy Assassination, Archbishop Francis Cardinal Spellman.) The Orders Grand Prior is Arab Palestinian Archbishop Fouad Twal, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. The Knights of the Order are military men. They guard the most sacred Roman Catholic church in the Middle East, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. They also guard the headquarters of the military Society of Jesus, Borgo Santo Spirito, just outside Vatican walls in Rome. Within the Order are the most powerful Cardinals in the papacy, as the pope is its foremost guardian. The power of the Order, financially, politically and culturally, surpasses the Knights of Malta as well as the Knights Templars. The Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 (CAFRA), Pub.L. No. 106-185, was enacted on April 25, 2000. It is codified in part in Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 983.

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Now the spending could begin. According to FDR and the New Deal by Luchenburg

(1963) on page 120 he wrote: On May 12, 1933, Congress authorized a half-billion in relief money to be channeled by the federal government through state and local agencies. This authorization occurred before the gold was removed from circulation and thus served as an impetus to get the gold out of the way from being collateral for the ensuing and crushing national debt---war debt protected by section 4 of the 14th Amendment 10. As the debt spirals higher and higher, the collateral/surety Public US

citizens/Debtors are more at the disposal of the military government. When the final chapter is in place with national bankruptcy declared and martial law imposed by the Creditors, the Debtors will then be disposed with according to Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). That disposal finally realized will be occurring in the many concentration camps ready to open for business. as a full blown return to the Jesuit Reductions of old now. 11. That by operation of the military process proclamation of FDR in 1933, the U.S.

Congress amended The Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 (40 Stat. 411, enacted 6 October 1917, codified at 12 U.S.C. 95a et seq.) to grant FDR emergency powers and by the passage of the Emergency Banking Relief Act extended its scope regarding the hoarding of gold to include any declared national emergency and not just those declared solely during times of war, and with which FDR then used these new authorities to essentially outlaw gold ownership through the issuance of Executive Order 6102 thereafter enacted by Congress in 1933 to replace civilian process per se, then banning private ownership of specie Gold along with the Foreign Bondholders Act of 1933 for the transaction of any negotiable gold denominated foreign bond instruments to be controlled by the FOREIGN BONDHOLDERS PROTECTIVE COUNCIL, INC (A Maryland corporation registered in

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New York) whose present Director is John R, Petty (4) a previous assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury for International Affairs. 12. There is an Enterprise pattern of interference with elections for unjust enrichment

wherein Mr. Petty starting with the Pentagons PROJECT CAMELOT (5) interfered with elections in South America, and that during its implementation used advertising agencies McCann-Erickson (Mr. Peterson joined in 1953, served as a director until 1958) and J. Walter Thompson leading to Richard Nixons effort that began in 1968 a long association

In the U.S., PROJECT CAMELOT began in 1963 with a budget of $8 million for the first year. It was initially sponsored by a Pentagon department called the Advanced Research Projects Agency, but it soon shifted to CIA control. As part of Project Camelot, researchers were sent to Chile and other Latin American countries with questionnaires that polled attitudes on politics. In the 1964 election of Allende against Eduardo Frei, the CIA had computerized these and other attitude studies for an intensive ad campaign. The known fears and anxieties of the target group were connected with communism: The themes and images were outlined by the CIA, but were actually implemented by the ad agencies of McCann-Erickson and J. Walter Thompson, which ran Frei's campaign. Women were told that if Allende were elected, their children would be sent to Cuba, and their husbands would be sent to concentration camps. On election day women voted as expected. A U.S. firm under contract to Project Camelot, Abt Associates, developed a simulation game called Politica, which was purchased by the Pentagon in 1966. Politica is fed information from a computer that links the files of the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, and the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Crisis situations are simulated and used in the training of Third World police officials at the army's Military Police Training School at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Such a simulation may have eventually played a role in anti-Allende strategy in Chile. It is known that Rand Corporation sponsored in-depth studies of Chilean women and farmers between 1970 and 1973, which were identified by the CIA as the key anti-Allende factions. The CIA spent more than $2.6 million on Frei's successful campaign in 1964, and $175,000 in 1965 for the support of 22 congressional candidates, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Other estimates place CIA expenditures in 1964 at $20 million. Even $2.6 million becomes an outrageously high figure when compared to U.S. campaigns on a per capita basis. Philip Agee reports that a CIA colleague told him in 1964 that "we are spending money in the Chilean election practically like we did in Brazil two years ago."

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with Peter G. Peterson to interfere with the election of Salvador Allende and then to overthrow the duly elected Allende (6); and that as no stretch of imagination as is replicated

At the end of 1968, according to Department of Commerce data, U.S. corporate holdings in Chile amounted to $964 million. During that year, U.S. corporations averaged 17.4 percent profit on invested capital, and mining enterprises alone turned an average of 26 percent. Copper companies, notably Anaconda and Kennecott, accounted for 28 percent of U.S. holdings, but ITT had the largest holding of any single corporation with an investment of $200 million. Chilean copper accounts for 21 percent of the world's proven copper reserves, and demand is expected to increase. Laura Allende recently stated in San Francisco that "over a 42 year period the copper companies earned $420 billion on original investments totaling $35 million." Before Allende's election, ITT channeled $700,000 to Allende's opponent Jorge Allesandri, and used the advice of the CIA on how to channel this money safely. They also compiled a list of leading U.S. corporations in Chile in February, 1970, and through John McCone (CIA director, 1961-1965, and now on the ITT board), ITT president Harold Geneen offered $1 million to the CIA to help defeat Allende. ITT was not the only participant at this early stage. ITT vice-president William R. Merriam testified that he assembled a committee of representatives of U.S. corporations in February, 1971 to work out an anti-Allende strategy. The "united front" began after Allende's election, and included Treasury Secretary John Connally and his assistant John Hennessy (a man with solid Wall Street connections). But there is evidence that other corporations were independently conspiracy-minded at an earlier date: The weight of evidence available from the ITT papers and other sources indicates that Anaconda helped finance a campaign of disruption before the election, and that it also joined with Kennecott in what was effectively sabotage in the copper mines. Ralston Purina cut back production sharply. NIBSA, the leading producers of brass valves and other fittings, a subsidiary of Northern Indiana Brass Company, shut down its plant and laid off 280 workers the day before Allende's inauguration. A representative of the parent company, Northern Indiana Brass, was accused of suggesting an "Indonesian solution" (killing all communists) for Chile. Purina, a subsidiary of Ralston Purina and the country's largest producer of animal feed, also cut production sharply. After Allende's election in 1970, commercial banks, including Chase Manhattan, Chemical, First National City, Manufacturers Hanover, and Morgan Guaranty, cancelled credits to Chile. In 1972, Kennecott tied up Chilean copper exports with lawsuits in France, Sweden, Italy, and Germany, forcing Chile to spend $150,000 in legal expenses. The campaign continued even after Allende agreed, in February 1972, to pay a Kennecott subsidiary $84 million and made a down payment of $5.7 million. Immediately after the 1973 coup, Manufacturers Hanover loaned $44 million to Chile, and ten other U.S. and two Canadian banks loaned $150 million. In 1975 a group of banks that included First National City, Bank of America, Morgan Guaranty, and Chemical gave a $70 million renewable credit to Chile. Ford, GM, Chrysler, and six other firms placed bids for a massive reorganization and expansion of the Chilean auto assembly industry, and ITT gave $25 million for a planned science research center. All 323 firms that were nationalized constitutionally under Allende have been returned to private ownership. ITT, which asked for $95 million from Allende, has recovered $235 million from the junta.

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in the outrageous interference with the 2008 and 2012 election cycle manufactured candidates for President of the United States (POTUS). That efforts of a very broad corporate nature were used to install the present Usurper Mr. Obama, and thereby injuring Plaintiff-Agent as the secured beneficiary and agent of the debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK with ownership of historical gold backed bond obligations ignored by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) for repayment and for which Agent on January 25, 2012 intervened in the case Kennan v Dal Bosco et al. SDNY 11-cv8500 that involves the 2009 theft of $1.2 Trillion of New York Federal Reserve Bank and United States denominated securities (see:; and especially outrageous since the PRC has nevertheless been afforded membership in the New York Federal Reserve Bank member banks for Red Army banking investments afforded by the Usurper and his agents, and that Plaintiff - Agent alleges inter alia in that Wherein in addition to multinationals and commercial banks, the U.S. government also involved itself in the economic boycott. The involvement of the government was partly a result of massive pressure from ITT, which had access to Kissinger, William Rogers, the CIA, and the U.S. Ambassador in Chile. Geneen met with CIA Chief of Clandestine Operations for the Western Hemisphere Division William V. Broe on July 16, 1970, and with Nixon's assistant for international affairs Peter G. Peterson in September, 1971. Merriam visited the State Department 25 times and talked with Kissinger and his aides for a year, according to his testimony, and on October 1, 1971 wrote to Peter G. Peterson suggesting that the administration halt economic aid to Chile. Nixon's new economic policy, introduced in August, 1971, shifted responsibility for the formulation of economic policy toward Chile from the State Department to the Treasury Department. In addition to Connally and his assistant John Hennessy (formerly general manager of the First National City Bank in Lima and LaPaz), other Treasury officials in on the anti-Chile action were: John R. Petty, formerly a vice-president of Chase Manhattan Bank and thereafter concurrently a partner of Lehman Brothers along with Peter G. Peterson; Paul A. Volcker, formerly an executive of Chase Manhattan; Charles E. Walker, formerly special assistant to the president of the Republic National Bank of Dallas and former executive vice-president and chief lobbyist of the American Bankers Association. By October, 1971, the State Department also took the hard Treasury line. In a closed meeting with representatives of ITT, Ford, Anaconda, Ralston Purina, First National City bank, and Bank of America, William Rogers stated that the U.S. would cut off aid unless Chile provided prompt compensation. U.S. Responsibility for the Coup in Chile by Daniel Brandt, 1975.

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subject case the Usurper induced retirement of USDJ Richard J. Holwell and replaced him and fixed the case with newly appointed USDJ Jessie M. Furman, brother of the Usurpers White House Council of Economic Advisors member Jason Furman. 13. Now with that long winded introduction although necessary and I apologize, I turn

to my Reply to Mr. Gluckows (7) May 21, 2013 entrance herein as a prestigious Partner of

Paul Gluckow is a Partner in the Firms Litigation Department. His practice focuses on securities litigation including class and derivative actions, disputes in connection with mergers and acquisitions, and government and internal investigations as well as antitrust litigation, defense of law firms in legal malpractice and related matters, and other complex commercial litigation matters.

Mr. Gluckow regularly represents financial institutions, corporations, and individuals in high-profile securities and other shareholder litigations. He has recently handled securities matters involving certain former directors of BearingPoint, Inc. (defending against alleged breach of fiduciary duty claims); Sirius XM Radio Inc. and certain of its directors (defending against alleged breach of fiduciary duty and related claims); MarineMax, Inc. (defending individual defendant against alleged federal securities law, breach of fiduciary duty, and related claims); Banco Hipotecario S.A. (defending action claiming bank defaulted on certain notes); Banc of America and other investment banks (as underwriters defending against Section 11 claims); Morgan Stanley (auction rate securities derivative litigation); HealthSouth (federal securities litigation, shareholder derivative suits, and related ERISA litigation); KeySpan (federal securities litigation and shareholder derivative suits); ImClone Systems (federal securities litigation, shareholder derivative suits, and various related government investigations and inquiries, as well as an internal investigation for ImClones Audit Committee); AIG (internal investigations, government investigations, and related securities and derivative litigation); LDK Solar (investigations related to allegations made by the Companys former financial controller); and other public companies in connection with internal and governmental investigation matters. Mr. Gluckow is an editor of the Firms Securities Law Alert, a monthly newsletter that reports on developments in securities litigation and related areas. The Legal 500 2012 Edition singled out Mr. Gluckow as a talent in Securities Shareholder Litigation, describing him as very responsive and client friendly. Mr. Gluckow has substantial experience in litigation arising out of corporate acquisitions and other transactions, including most recently the acquisition of PSS World Medical, Inc. by McKesson Corp.; the acquisition of TPC Group Inc. by affiliates of First Reserve Corp. and SK Capital Partners; the acquisition of American Dental Partners, Inc. by funds affiliated with JLL Partners, Inc.; the acquisition of BJs Wholesale Club by funds advised by CVC Capital Partners and affiliates of Leonard Green & Partners; the acquisition of Varian Semiconductor by Applied Materials; the acquisition of CNA Surety by CNA Financial; the acquisition of Del Monte Foods by affiliates of KKR, Centerview, and Vestar;
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SIMPSON THATCHER & BARTLETT LLP representing PETER GEORGE PETERSON in regards to the total money amount of $72,696.39 for attorney fees, $4,610.00 for time of support staff, and $6,657.39 for disbursements for a total of $82,943.64; and in that regard the acquisition of the US assets and platform of Centro Properties by affiliates of The Blackstone Group; Fairfax Financials tender offer for Odyssey Re; Overseas Shipholding Groups tender offer for OSG America; King Pharmaceuticals acquisition of Alpharma; the acquisition of Equity Office Properties by affiliates of The Blackstone Group; the acquisition of Open Solutions by affiliates of Carlyle and Providence Equity Partners; the acquisition of HCA by affiliates of KKR, Bain, and Merrill Lynch; the acquisition of TD Banknorth by affiliates of Toronto-Dominion Bank; and the acquisition of KeySpan by National Grid. Mr. Gluckow has also been active in the Firms antitrust practice, litigating antitrust actions on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants, including cases alleging monopolization, price fixing, and other restraints of trade. Antitrust matters on which Mr. Gluckow has advised include representing: KKR in a DOJ investigation related to consortium bidding in leveraged buyout transactions and a civil antitrust action alleging collusion among private equity firms; KKR and Centerview in defending against a civil antitrust action arising out of the acquisition of Del Monte Foods; HCA Inc. and Palmyra Park Hospital in litigation by the Federal Trade Commission, and related matters, seeking to enjoin the sale of Palmyra; Verizon Communications in the Trinko v. Verizon litigation; Drummond Company in an antitrust action against Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama; and Appleton Papers in civil and criminal antitrust matters. Other complex commercial litigation matters on which Mr. Gluckow has advised include representing: various clients in connection with post-closing purchase price adjustment disputes; Cooper Industries in defending against alleged fraudulent conveyance and related claims; Blackstone and Equity Office Properties in various breach of contract disputes arising from Blackstones acquisition of EOP; Wachovia in litigation arising out of the Adelphia bankruptcy; KeySpan in connection with breach of contract disputes; and law firms in defending against malpractice and related claims. Mr. Gluckow is also active in the Firms pro bono practice. Among other things, since 2007 he has supervised the Firms work with co-counsel The Legal Aid Society in the Immigration Removal Defense Project, through which the Firm and Legal Aid have represented numerous clients in removal/deportation cases in Immigration Court. Mr. Gluckow joined Simpson Thacher in 1996. He received his J.D. summa cum laude from Seton Hall University School of Law in 1994 where he was also Editor-in-Chief of the Seton Hall Law Review. He received his M. Phil. with highest distinction in 1992 from the University of Glasgow and his B.A. magna cum laude from the University of Notre Dame in 1988. In 1994-95, Mr. Gluckow served as a law clerk to the Hon. William G. Bassler of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, and in 1995-96 he clerked for the Hon. Samuel A. Alito, Jr., of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

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after receiving the Judgment from the court, on April 16, 2013 I spoke by phone with associate counsel Ms. Burk (8) to find out when they intended to enter the Judgment and she said she would have to discuss the matter with her client Mr. Peterson no entry has yet been filed. 14. As further background with the above associations in mind with the broad nature of

corporate overlapping directorships I referred to the mapping for The Institute For The Study Of Globalization And Covert Politics by Jol van der Reijden in his First version: August 9, 2005 and Newest version: December 31, 2012 entitled ISGP - Analysis of the Permanent Government online at herewith marked at Exhibit 16 as a continuation of the 15 Exhibits of this Motion to renew. 15. That Mr. Peterson acquired remarkable success in a career as a first generation

American born Peter Georgios Petropoulos in 1926 of hard working Greek immigrants a real rags to riches American dream story; and as an Episcopalian he anglicized his name to Peter George Peterson and was educated at Northwestern University and earned a MBA from the University of Chicago in 1951. 16. In 1952 Mr. Peterson joined the McCann-Erickson advertising agency (now the

Interpublic Group of Companies) and was general manager of its Chicago office until 1958. Then Mr. Peterson joined the Bell & Howell Corporation and became Chairman and CEO of the Bell and Howell Corporation 1963-1971. 17. In government service accomplishments, Mr. Peterson became the Assistant to

then President Richard Nixon for International Economic Affairs from 1971-1972. Secretary of Commerce 1972-1973 -- Felix Rohatyn, the Lazard Banker and follow-up of Andr Meyer,

Erika H. Burk, Associate of Simpson Thatcher & Bartlett LLP, Admission New York 2003, Brooklyn Law School, 2002 J.D. Cum Laude; Brooklyn Law Review, Editor-in-Chief, 2001-2002, Columbia University, 1993 M.A., Middlebury College, 1990 B.A.
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handled the investments of Peterson in a blind trust while Peterson was Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Peterson became chairman of President Nixons National Commission on Productivity in 1972, became U.S. Chairman of the U.S.Soviet Commercial Commission in 1972, which negotiated comprehensive trade, Ex-Im credit, arbitration, copyright and lendlease agreements. Then became Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers 1973-1977. Director Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) 1973-1981. Attended the first meeting of the Trilateral Commission in 1973, and continued to attend while being head of Lehman Brothers. Member of the 1976 Iran-US Business Council meeting, which was set up by Henry Kissinger and Hushang Ansary, and included David Rockefeller and Paul Volcker. Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb 1977-1984. Founding chairman of the Institute for International Economics (IIE), from 1981 until today. Past and present directors of the IIE have included George Shultz (Pilgrims), Paul Volcker (Pilgrims; Le Cercle), David O'Reilly (Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay), Maurice R. Greenberg, and David Rockefeller (Pilgrims; Le Cercle). Treasurer of the CFR 1981-1985. Chairman of the CFR 1985-present. In his memoirs, David Rockefeller, the previous chairman of the CFR, wrote about Peterson on page 409: "Pete has introduced a number of innovations that have strengthened the Council. One of his initiatives, in which I participate, are periodic Council trips overseas... Our visits to Israel in 1999 and Cuba in 2000 were typical. We drove from Jerusalem to the Gaza Strip for a luncheon meeting with Yasser Arafat... a small, canny, and charming man obviously suffering from Parkinson's disease. He insisted that Israel must withdraw from the West Bank and allow its incorporation into a fully sovereign Palestinian state... Returning to Jerusalem we met Prime Minister Ehud Barak, a self-confident, assertive man who explained why Israel would never agree to Arafat's demands to return to the 1967 borders." 18. Mr. Peterson and David Rockefeller have also organized meetings with the Chinese

leadership in the United States under the George W. Bush Administration. One of two founders of The Blackstone Group in 1985, headquartered in New York. Blackstone, a leading global investment and advisory group, has a strategic partnership with Kissinger
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Associates (of Pilgrims Society and Le Cercle member Henry Kissinger) and AIG. AIG has an ownership interest in Blackstone. In 2000, Henry Kissinger was quoted by Business Wire: "Hank Greenberg, Pete Peterson and I have been close friends and business associates for decades." 19. The Uri Dowbenko interview with Al Martin states in the , 'The Man Who Knows

Too Much': "They're [Blackstone] an asset of the agency [CIA]. They're not a cut-out. They're just one of the legion of financial companies, mostly domiciled in Washington or northern Virginia, which the CIA turns to, on occasion, to launder money, or for some other illegal purpose... They had been involved with their Blackstone Investment Group, and they have other partners, originally Assistant Deputy Secretary of Defense Richard Stilwell [CIA; DIA; special forces general who fought the communists worldwide; worked for J. Peter Grace and the Rockefellers in South-America; Le Cercle; named as a member of SMOM; named as a key player in the Far-East heroine trade and the European Stay-Behind networks; co-authored Operation Mongoose and Northwoods], the son of the famous General Stilwell. Stilwell himself was a retired Major General. Stilwell was also very close to Armitage [former Seal; named as a key player in the Far-East heroine trade], Carlucci [implicated in CIA-sponsored coups in Congo. Brazil, and Portugal], and Pete Peterson... The Carlyle Group, which is Frank Carlucci, and the Blackstone Investment Group are virtually one and the same. Two different names, but they are virtually the same organization. All they do is ride the crest of the waves of various frauds from country to country." 20. The Blackstone Group was a top Enron financial advisor. October 17, 2000, The

Blackstone Group news announcement, 'Blackstone Acquires Debt on 7 World Trade Center': "Blackstone Real Estate Advisors, the global real estate investment and management arm of The Blackstone Group, L.P., announced today that it has purchased, from Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, the participating mortgage secured by 7 World Trade Center, a commercial office complex controlled by real estate developer Larry Silverstein... We are pleased to be a lender to Larry Silverstein, a seasoned real estate veteran, on one of Manhattans trophy properties..." 21. 7 World Trade Center came down on 9/11, late in the afternoon, under what are

suspicious circumstances as referenced by me in Exhibit 15. Coincidentally, for some reason Larry Silverstein later claimed he and the fire department decided to "pull" the building, after which "they watched it collapse." Many believe Silverstein literally meant "demolish."
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In 2007, I personally drafted the Initiative to Amend the City Charter for Attorney

Carl E. Person to investigate the WTC Building 7 demolition and have just recently been told by Mr. Person, a candidate for Mayor in 2013 who also expressed dismay at the arbitrary nature of the NYC Campaign Finance Board rules, that in 2008 there was a payoff of $50000 to that committee to remove him as counsel from the Ballot initiative by persons associated with Boston College Jesuit trained Attorney William Pepper and SMOM Member Alfred Lamberth Webre an associate of Zbigniew Brzezinski since the Carter Administration. 23. Mr. Peterson is Director of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation, together

with four former U.S. presidents, Maurice R. Greenberg, Henry R. Kravis (Bohemian Grove), David Rockefeller, Jerry I. Speyer (big Rockefeller guy), John C. Whitehead (photographed standing behind Lord Rothschild and Kissinger; likely Pilgrim), Anne M. Tatlock (gone from her WTC on the morning on 9/11), Sir John Bond (HSBC; Multinational Chairman's Group), Michael Eisner (Sun Valley Meetings), and Richard D. Parsons (Rockefeller guy; Sun Valley Meetings). 24. Memorably, Mr. Peterson is the Founding president of the Concord Coalition in

1992, an "organization advocating fiscal responsibility while ensuring Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are secure for all generations." Co-Chair of the Conference Board Commission on Public Trust and Private Enterprises. Class C director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1996-1998. Deputy chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1998-2000. Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2000 to 2004, where he succeeded co-Pilgrims Society member John C. Whitehead. Director of Rockefeller Center Properties. Social and business friend of David Rockefeller. Director of Sony Corporation, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, Federated Department Stores, Black & Decker Manufacturing Company, General Foods Corporation, RCA, The
Plaintiffs SECOND REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew Page 15 of 19

Continental Group, and Cities Service. Trustee of the Committee for Economic Development, the Japan Society and the Rockefeller's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Director of the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Public Agenda Foundation and The Nixon Center. Financial contributor to the Asia Society. April 21, 2005, New York Daily News, Daily Dish & Gossip, 'Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: Celeb rep snaps at his kind': "Nuff said: All you busybodies who've been ringing up financial whiz Pete Peterson to chide him for rudely walking out on former United Nations Ambassador Richard Holbrooke's talk to the posh Pilgrims Club in response to Lowdown's item the other day: Please stop it, won't you? Let's review: Peterson and Holbrooke are old friends who think it's funny to insult each other. Plus, Holbrooke's presentation was running long and Peterson had an appointment." 25. That Plaintiff Agent contends that although Mr. Peterson is a trusted third party

Pilgrim Society member and a prominent SMOM board member of the AMERICARE organization as listed shown on the Exhibit 16 (that had to occur after the merger of the Anglican and Catholic Orders in November 1964 after the death of JFK) Mr. Peterson is not a member of The Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem knightly order of the HOLY SEE and as the pictures show in Exhibit 12 they are in attendance locally during the Red Mass held in Nassau county; therefore, Mr. Peterson I conclude is under their supervision as a member of SMOM. 26. As such I take a closer look at the role of Mr. Peterson and Blackstones Law firm

Simpson Thatcher & Bartlett LLP to figure out why with say only 15 or so written pages in their legal brief for the motion to dismiss and reply with the single page herein how they developed the reached their decision to spend say $5,530 per page and bill me for it. 27. Given the nature of a sanction motion were this a Federal Court action under Rule

11 safe harbor would keep the Court neutral and would not be apprised of the private discussion between a Plaintiff and Defendant as a matter of due process deprived affects a surprise when there is no provision for safe harbor in the CPLR and therefore immediately

Plaintiffs SECOND REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew Page 16 of 19

joins the court to take sides no one from Simpson Thatcher & Bartlett LLP (STB) ( 9 ) ever contacted Plaintiff Agent 28. That on January 23, 2007 an Article by The New York Law Journal was entitled

Simpson Hikes Pay; First Years Go to $160,000 by Anthony Lin, and using the logic that the motion to dismiss was not all that hard a standard that could not be done by any first year associate of STB as a junior attorney hourly earning $80 per hour (say $160,000 / 2000 hours annually) with say a 300% override or $240 per hour for the 15 or so pages written that say took 16 hours times 3 with three appearances equals say 48 hours x $240 -= $11520. So where do we get to $82k? 29. When Mr. GLUCKOW with such a powerful background participates to merely say

JOINDER IN THE BRZEZINSKI DEFENDANTS AND STATE DEFENDANTS MEMORANDA OF LAW.. and even I appreciate economy of words and his time, such may only happen in a big organization like STB whose important client is Blackstone Group Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP is a law firm headquartered in New York City which employs over 800 attorneys in ten offices worldwide. The firm is highly regarded[3] for its litigation and corporate practices, with special attention focused on its mergers and acquisitions specialty. Simpson Thacher is consistently among the most profitable large law firms in the world on a per-partner basis according to the American Lawyers annual AmLaw 100 Survey. For 2011, Simpson Thacher was ranked #6 on The Vaults Top 100 Most Prestigious Law Firm Rankings, and #1 in Private Equity. The firm is also recognized in various other surveys, including Vault.coms 2010 review of the 20 Best Law Firms to Work For. The firm has relationships with private equity firms Blackstone Group and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, and it has longstanding ties to JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and the United States Department of the Treasury.[4] Notable alumni of Simpson Thacher lawyers have included U.S. Senators, Solicitors General, a Speaker of the House of Representatives, a Secretary of State, a Secretary of the Army, Ambassadors, Judges on U.S. Circuit and District Courts and the New York State Court of Appeals, presidents of the American Bar Association, and presidents of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Notables are: Guido Calabresi (Summer Associate), Cyrus Vance, Karenna Gore Schiff, Thomas D. Thacher, Thomas Brackett Reed, Dennis G. Jacobs, Whitney North Seymour, Wendell Lewis Willkie II, Suzanne Nora Johnson, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Dwight Morrow, Eric Vitaliano, Lynn Forester de Rothschild

Plaintiffs SECOND REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew Page 17 of 19

when directed by William R. Dougherty (10), the Chairman of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLPs Executive Committee, the Firms governing body makes the decision. 30. That Plaintiff Agent requests an audit of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP. in

regards the fees and expense of this adjudged amount at least be adjusted and pending an appeal on the merits of the case. 31. Notwithstanding the decision that frivolous would be alleged applicable herein, as

for the application of $10000 plenary court sanctions as if Agent were an attorney admitted to the bar does not apply to debtor organization and were it to be applied to the Attorney fund, the attorneys were already given fees way beyond the CPLR designated amount due for winning a motion and those who will not participate are not entitled to any relief. 32. That the court should disabuse itself of believing that this issue of what a natural

born citizen is will just go away for as my friend Attorney Mario Apuzzo in his recent essay (see Exhibit 17) stated : The inescapable conclusion is that since Obama, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, and Haley are neither natural born Citizens nor Citizens of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, they are not eligible to be President.

Mr. Dougherty is a Knight of Malta and a personal friend with Father John De Gioia S.J. running Georgetown University and a suspected candidate for the Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Mr. Dougherty previously served as the Firms Co-Administrative Partner from 2009 to 2012. Mr. Doughertys practice focuses on merger and acquisition and corporate finance transactions. He has represented corporations, private equity sponsors and investment banks in a variety of leveraged buyouts, acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures and other business combination transactions. He has also represented issuers and underwriters in initial public offerings, high yield bond offerings and other corporate finance transactions. Mr. Dougherty was in the Firms London office from 1996 until 2002 and was based in the Firms Tokyo office from 1990 to 1991. Mr. Dougherty has been with Simpson Thacher since his graduation from the University of Chicago Law School in 1986. He received his A.B., magna cum laude, in 1983 from Georgetown University. He is a member of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and the New York State and American Bar Associations.

Plaintiffs SECOND REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew Page 18 of 19

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff wishes the Court t o grant an order:

1. with CPLE $2221(f) for leave to renew based upon new transactions
2, with

CPLR $2221(f) for leave to reargue the prior Decision and Order dated March 29,

2013 entered by the Clerk of the Court on April 10, 2013 (Judgment),

3. with CPLR 53025(b) in support of renewal leave t o supplement the Complaint filed

March 22,201 1 with new transactions

4. with 5. with

CPLR 53025{c) t o conform to evidence CPLR $2217(c) grant permission for Plaintiff t o sue N Y S BOE and transfer to

1:A.S. Part 1 in Petition 219443-2012 those matters regarding injury under mIor of EL

ArticIe 12 t o comply with the 22th and IFh amendment complained of above;
6 . with

CPLR 450151a) to vacate or modify the Judgment based upon the argument and by

operation of the above new transactions as to Agent seeking relief and protection under

Section 1 of the


Amendment for a Private US Citizen; and

7. for different and other relief deemed necessary for justice herein including a sur-reply

were any of the other Defendants attorneys to appear herein


Sworn to before me
~ o t a ' Public r~

Christopher-Earl:Strunk in esse agent


PiaintifPs SECOND REPLY in Supprt o f MoQonfor Leave to Renew

... Page 19 of 19


Exhibit 16

ISGP - Analysis of the Permanent Government

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Analysis of the permanent government

A list of 470 private groups worldwide and the most dominant players in them "The friendship Nancy and I shared with Kay Graham is one of the legacies of my government service that we cherish most. ... The Kay of the permanent establishment never lost sight of the fact that societies thrive not by the victories of their factions but by their ultimate reconciliations. Kay and I met in 1969 at the home of Joe Alsop, another member of Washington's permanent establishment."
- July 23, 2001, Henry Kissinger, Eulogy for Katharine Graham of the Washington Post, located at It's not used often, but there's nothing particularly usual about the term "permanent establishment" (or "permanent government").

Introduction Index of institutes and influence Solutions

American Security Council AFIO & OSS Society Le Cercle 1001 Club Pilgrims Society Multinational Chairman's Group Sun Valley Meetings Bohemian Grove JASON Group Unacknowledged SAPs

Note: The names on this page have been gathered from books, newspapers, official websites (including webarchive), regular websites (non-conspiracy for 99 percent), a number of membership lists and the Who's Who. ISGP's membership/biography lists related to the Pilgrims, the 1001, Le Cercle and other groups were used as a starting point to find all these private groups. Many sources can be found in those lists, but certainly all - and unfortunately there's no time to include all the sources here. This page has primarily been put together to make cross referencing a hundred times easier than before.

Introduction Influence index permanent government Liberal (U.S. domestic) Liberal (U.K. domestic) Liberal (Dutch domestic) Liberal (Anglo-American relations) Liberal (U.S.-German) Liberal (Russian relations) Liberal (Europe) Liberal (Institutes of international affairs) Liberal (U.K. clubs) Liberal (U.S. clubs) Liberal (fraternities) Liberal establishment (worldwide - economics and national security) Liberal-conservative (military clubs/groups and pure CIA/government)

Beyond Dutroux "La Nebuleuse" Peak Oil JFK 9/11 Death list Miscellaneous

Enjoyed the information? Consider a donation to compensate for the 10,000 hours of research. Takes 30 seconds with a PayPal account. And... I'll be your best friend. What else can you wish for? ;)

Conservative (rising "military-industrial complex") Conservative (lower level) Conservative (U.S. - intelligence) Conservative (mainly UK - intelligence) Conservative (Vatican-Paneuropa network - intelligence) Zionist establishment (set up by Zionist Jews, not American neocons)

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ISGP - Analysis of the Permanent Government

Extra: anti-Vatican (esoteric) masonic, deist and (esoteric) scientific groups Extra: humanist groups Extra: secret societies Japan The "black network", the "octopus" and the "nebula" Existence uncertain Extra: reported coups (how we keep on top of the world) Introduction People studying international politics should have a good idea of the non-government organizations listed on this page. They vary considerable in purpose and influence, but are an integral part of the globalization process, as well as intelligence and covert operations. For an explanation of the terms Liberal, Conservative and Zionist Establishment, in which these groups are largely divided, the reader can visit the introduction page. The names of these groups/NGOs have been collected by the author of this site over the course of eight to nine years. Some of the less interesting institutes, like the Pugwash Conferences or Williamsburg Meetings, have been kept out. What keeps this entire network afloat are funds from corporations, related foundations, membership fees, fund raisers and occasional government grants is. Ban the foundations, curb corporate contributions, and the whole network will start to fall apart. Interestingly, back in early 2004 this author was unable to find more than six or seven of the more important organizations below on one website or in one book, even after looking for it all over the place. Often groups like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission were mixed in with the "Illuminati", the "Freemasons" and the "New World Order". Tiny bits of information on such groups as the Pilgrims Society, Le Cercle, the 1001 Club, the JASON Group, the Sun Valley Meetings and others were scattered all over the place and often not freely accessible. Information on mainland Europe with regard to these kind of groups was especially scarce. And in all cases no one had a clue how various groups related to each other. As the reader can see, things have changed. Influence index permanent government Below the reader can find names of prominent individuals ranked according to the number of private groups that they have (certainly) been involved with. This does not necessarily accurately cover a person like Ted Shackley and other CIA personnel, but overall this is a really great index to - once and for all - identify all the key players in the liberal (globalist) and conservative (defense) establishments. You can check the rankings for yourself by doing searches on this page for particular (sur)names. Ideally sources would be available with all the groups and names listed, but that just takes too much time at this point. Many names should be easy to verify on the internet or other parts of this site. The following colors have been used to give an indication of the person's professional background(s).

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GREEN: YELLOW: RED BLUE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

Career in banking, other corporations or in economic posts. Congress, senate, lower level government position, or (vice) president. Military career, defense secretary, CIA, national security advisor or national security scholar. State Department. 51 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 9 9 Gen. John Singlaub 9 Norman Augustine 9 John Lehman 9 9 Richard Haass 8 Lynn F. de Rothschild 8 Leslie/Bruce Gelb 8 Michael Ledeen 8 8 Robert Gates 8 Thomas Kean 7 Bobby Ray Inman 7 John McCain III 7 Newt Gingrich 7 George Soros 7 Warren Buffett 7 Lord John Kerr 7 Sir Ronald Grierson 7 Lord Charles Guthrie 7 John D. Macomber 7 Edwin Feulner 7 Robert McFarlane 7 Philip Lader 7 Thomas S. Foley 6 Bill Clinton 6 Edward Teller 6 Sir Peter Sutherland 6 Alan Greenspan 6 Raymond Seitz 6 Rupert Murdoch 6 Chuck Hagel 6 Gen. Wesley Clark 6 Gen. Paul Vallely 6 6 Pehr Gyllenhammar 5 Lord Weidenfeld 5 Jacob Rothschild 4 Evelyn de Rothschild 4 4 Mikhail Khodorkovsky 3 Christine Whitman 3 Morton Abramowitz

32 25 24 23 22 21 17 17 17 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 George H. W. Bush 13 Donald Rumsfeld 13 Patrick W. Gross 12 Richard V. Allen 12 Richard Mellon Scaife 11 Vernon Jordan 11 James Baker III 11 Sam Nunn 11 Dov Zakheim 11 James Wolfensohn 10 Richard Debs 10 Richard Holbrooke 10 Lord George Robertson 10 10 Dick Cheney 10 Gen. James L. Jones 10 Robert Zoellick 10 William Perry 10 John Deutch 10 Baron de Bonvoisin 9

James/Suzanne Woolsey David Rockefeller Zbigniew Brzezinski George Shultz Paul Volcker Frank Carlucci Brent Scowcroft Richard Perle John Brademas John Whitehead Lev/Paula Dobriansky Etienne Davignon Lord Carrington Lee Hamilton Maurice Greenberg Thomas Pickering Madeleine Albright Max Kampelman James Schlesinger Peter Peterson Carla Hills


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Deceased 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15 15 13 12 12 12 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Caspar Weinberger Robert Roosa Claiborne Pell Adm. Thomas Moorer Warren Christopher William Colby J. Peter Grace Paul vanden Boeynants Edmond de Rothschild Samuel Huntington 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 Ted Shackley 3 Edmund de Rothschild 3

Fred Ikle Otto von Habsburg Jeane Kirkpatrick L. Eagleburger Robert McNamara William Simon Jacques Jonet Brian Crozier Gen. Daniel Graham C. Douglas Dillon Gianni Agnelli Jack Kemp

Liberal establishment (U.S. domestic) Carnegie Institute for Science

Andrew Carnegie | Macomber

1895 1899

Bohemian Grove (first 160-acre land purchase of the Bohemian Club)

Nelson and David Rockefeller | Kissinger | Scowcroft | Bechtel | Andrew Knight | Philip Reed | Baker | Shultz | Seitz | William Simon | Inman | Edward Teller | Bush 43 | Brady | Casey | Woolsey | Kaiser | Rumsfeld | David O'Reilly | McCone | Haig | Powell | Gingrich

Rockefeller University / Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research

John D. Rockefeller, Sr. | David Rockefeller | Nancy Kissinger | Greenberg | Macomber | Whitehead | Brooke Astor | Katherine Graham | John Gardner | Frederick Seitz. Scientists: Detlev Bronk | Joshua Lederberg | William Nierenberg | William O. Baker


Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Nicholas Butler | Elihu Root | John Foster Dulles | Eisenhower | Joseph Johnson | Debs | David Rockefeller | Makins | Philip Reed | Stephen Duggan | Abramowitz

1910 1911 1913

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Russell Leffingwell | Warren Christopher (chairman) | Thomas Kean (Chairman) | John Gardner | Cyril Haskins | William Osborn

Rockefeller Foundation
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. | John W. Davis | John Foster Dulles | McCloy | C. Douglas Dillon | Roosa | Rusk | Vance | Vernon Jordan | Brademas | Volcker | John D. Rockefeller IV | Henry Schacht

Federal Reserve System

Roosa | Brademas | Debs | Vance | Whitehead | Volcker | Robert Knight | Greenspan

1913 1916 1921

Brookings Institution
Roosa | McNamara | Wolfensohn | Whitehead | C. Douglas Dillon | Haass | Vernon Jordan | Lee Hamilton | Sonnenfeldt | Nat Rothschild

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

David Rockefeller | Kissinger | Greenberg | Shultz | Peterson | Volcker | Brzezinski | Haass | Carla Hills | Powell | Brokaw | Scowcroft | Albright | Warren Christopher | Deutch | Christine Whitman | Pickering | Gelb | Zoellick | Foley | Holbrooke | Soros | Vance | Roosa | Haskins | Hedley Donovan | Elliot Richardson | Bush 43 | Greenspan | Winston Lord | Leffingwell | McCloy | Allen Dulles | William Simon | John W. Davis | Cheney | Agnelli | Kirkpatrick | Inman | Carrington | Sutherland | Davignon | Baker III | Huntington | Weinberger | MacArthur II | Eagleburger | Robert Gates | McNamara | C. Douglas Dillon | Augustine | Abramowitz | Perle | Ikle | McCain III | Schlesinger | Carlucci | Rumsfeld | Jordan | Lynn Forester de Rothschild | Chuck Hagel | Kean | Lehman | Claiborne Pell | Rusk | Buffett | Kampelman |Wolfensohn | Richard V. Allen | Haig | Brademas | Patrick Gross | Wolfowitz | Goss | Gen. James L. Jones | Nunn | Sonnenfeldt | Macomber | Philip Lader | Gingrich | Perry | Debs | Walter Slocombe | Zakheim

Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (CCFR) Institute of Pacific Relations (closed in 1961)

1922 1925

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Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)

Nelson Rockefeller | David Rockefeller (long-time chairman) | John Hay Whitney | Paley | Agnelli | C. Douglas Dillon | John de Menil | Peter Peterson (life trustee) | Duke Franz of Bavaria (honorary) | Maurice Greenberg (honorary) | Jerry Speyer (chair) | Clarissa Alcock Bronfman | Patricia Phelps de Cisneros | Marie-Josee Kravis | Philip Niarchos | Richard Parsons | David Rockefeller, Jr. | Sharon Percy Rockefeller


Institute for Advanced Study

Wolfensohn (chair 1986-2007)| Drell | Toru Hashimoto | Helene Kaplan | Nathan Myhrvold | Michael Bloomberg

1930 1936 1940

Ford Foundation
McCloy | Bissell | Hedley Donovan | McNamara | Philip Reed | William Simon | Vernon Jordan | Henry Schacht | Bethuel Webster | Paul Hoffman | Roy Larsen

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Nelson Rockefeller | David Rockefeller | Laurance Rockefeller | John D. Rockefeller III | Winthrop Rockefeller | Gen. Lucius Clay | James Killian | Henry Luce | Rusk | David Sarnoff | Edward Teller | John Gardner | Kissinger | Wisner II

Committee for Economic Development (CED)

Paul Hoffman (founder chair) | C. Douglas Dillon | Shultz | John Diebold | Carlucci | Brademas | Patrick Gross | Joseph Kasputys | Peter Peterson | Philip Reed |

1942 1945 1950 1950 1952 1952

U.S. Council for International Business Aspen Institute

Volcker | Robert O. Anderson | Gyllenhammar | Kissinger | Pickering | Brademas | Gardner | Prince Bandar bin Sultan | Patrick Gross

American Assembly
Eisenhower | Clifton Wharton, Jr. | Inman | Gergen | Frank Weil | Bill Bradley

John M. Olin Foundation (considered conservative, but Pilgrims-linked) Resources for the Future (RFF)
Paley (key founder and chairman) | Fairfield Osborn | Laurance Rockefeller | John L. Fisher (president) | Ruckelshaus (president) | Donald M. Kerr | John Deutch (vice chair) | Joseph Stiglitz

Population Council
John D. Rockefeller III | Frederick Osborn | Detlev Bronk | John Foster Dulles | Cyril Haskins | Henry King.

1952 Early 1960s 1968

Suite 8F Group Urban Institute

Buffett | Deutch | McNamara | Suzanne Woolsey (researcher 1975-77; others have been life trustees) | Vance | Vernon Jordan | Henry Schacht | Kemp | Ruckelshaus (chairman) | Katharine Graham | Rockefeller Foundation (financing)

Business Roundtable Kroll Associates National Committee on American Foreign Policy

Hans Morgenthau | Anthony Drexel Duke | Volcker | Pickering | Richard Pipes

1972 1972 1974 1981

Peterson Institute for International Economics

David Rockefeller | Conrad Black | Michael Blumenthal | Zoellick | Lynn Forester de Rothschild | Shultz | Greenberg | Peterson | Volcker | Carla Hills | Greenspan | Jacob Wallenberg | Stiglitz | Montbrial | David O'Reilly | Jacob Frenkel | Geithner | Lee Kuan Yew | Paul O'Neill | Davide Rubenstein | Jacob Wallenberg | Greenspan

Renaissance Weekends
Philip Lader (founder) | Bill Clinton | Wesley Clark | Gerald Ford | William Perry | Strobe Talbott | Buzz Aldrin | David Gergen | Sen. Bob Graham | Gorelick | Robert Hormats | Nye | Kampelman | Viguerie


World Affairs Council, Washington, D.C.

Patrick Gross (founding vice-chairman, chairman and still an executive) | Philip Odeen (chairman) | James Roche (president) | Henry A. Dudley, Jr. (treasurer)

1980 1982

Council for Excellence in Government

Paul O'Neill | Volcker | Whitehead | Suzanne Woolsey | Elliot Richardson | Draper, III | Kasputys | Patrick Gross | Frank Weil | Lee Hamilton | Macomber | Ford | Carter | Bush 43 | Clinton

World Affairs Councils of America

Chairman: Paula Dobriansky

1986 1998

Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy

Co-founders and honorary co-chairs: David Rockefeller, Paul Volcker and John Whitehead

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World Trade Center Memorial Foundation

David Rockefeller | John Whitehead | Peter Peterson | Brian Mulroney | Maurice Greenberg | Sir John Bond | Tatlock | Giuliani | George Pataki | Ford | Carter | Bush 43 | Clinton.


Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Shultz | Volcker | Bill Gates | Ted Turner | Oprah

2008 2009 2009

Good Club
David Rockefeller | Buffett | Bill Gates | Ted Turner | Oprah

The Giving Pledge (annual meetings)

Michael Bloomberg | Charles R. Bronfman | Edgar M. Bronfman | Buffett | Bill Gates | Ted Forstmann | Peter Peterson | T. Boone Pickens | David Rockefeller | David Rubenstein | Ted Turner

Liberal establishment (U.K. domestic) Order of the Garter

Sir Evelyn Baring | Lord Thomas Bingham | Philip Edward Bonn | Lord Carrington | 13th Marqess of Lothian (Kerr) | Cecil family | Dukes of Devonshire | Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor | Lord Peter Inge | Lord Robert Leigh-Pemberton | Lord Richardson of Duntisbourne | Prince Philip | Duke of Kent


Privy Council Order of the Thistle (Scottish version of the Order of the Garter)
13th Earl of Airlie | Lord George Robertson | 11th Marquess of Lothian | Lord David Ogilvy | Prince Philip

16th century 1687 1717 1831 1833 1859 1884 1908 1913 1929

United Grand Lodge (Scottish Rite) Venerable Order of Saint John Crown Agents Corps of Commissionaires Fabian Society (foundation of today's Labour Party) Anti-Socialist and Communist Union (later Economic League) Carnegie United Kingdom Trust Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House)
Pilgrims Society examples of senior leadership: Lord Robert Cecil | Waldorf Astor | Sir Henry Philip Prince | Sir John Wheeler-Bennett | Sir Roderick Jones | Christopher Woodhouse | Sir Duncan Oppenheim | Lord Humphrey Trevelyan | Sir David Ormsby-Gore | Lord Greenhill | Lord Shackleton | Sir Frank Roberts | Sir John Birch | Lord Paddy Ashdown | Lord Kerr of Kinlochard. Ordinary members: Carrington | Brzezinski | Volcker | Lynn Forester de Rothschild | Sir Evelyn de Rothschild.

Central Selling Organization (De Beers) (diamonds) International Financial Services, London (British Invisibles) Hakluyt Asia House
Lynn Forester de Rothschild | Lord Douglas Hurd | Lord David Howell | Lord Michael Heseltine | Sir Robert Wade-Gery | Sir Harold Walker | Lord Swraj Paul | Lord Colin Colin Marshall | Nicholas Platt | Lee Kuan Yew

1934 1968 1995 1996

Multinational Chairman's Group

Sir John Bond | Martin Broughton | Lord John Browne | Sir Christopher Hogg | Sir Niall FitzGerald

1997 2006 2011

Institute for Strategic Dialogue

Lord Weidenfeld | Sir Ronald Grierson | Lord Guthrie | Lord Simon of Highbury

Rothschild birthday parties (40th birthday of Nat Rothschild confidentially agreements had to be signed by personnel)
Tony Hayward | Peter Munk | Milo Djukanovic | Niall Ferguson and wife Ayan Hirsi Ali | Peter Mandelson | Sasha Volkova (Russian model) | Sawiri family | King Kgosi Leruo Molotlegi | Roman Abramovich | Oleg Deripaska

Liberal establishment (Dutch domestic)

This list excludes Bilderberg, the 1001 Club, the Club of Rome and the Club of Madrid, all groups the Dutch establishment has been very active in.

Dutch Carnegie Foundation and the Peace Palace


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Max van der Stoel (chair) | Pieter Kooijmans (chair) | Hans van den Broek (chair) | Ben Bot (chair)

Netherlands-America Foundation
Paul Bremer | Thomas Watson | William vanden Heuvel | | Rudolf Bekink |

1921 1952 1956 1983 2003 2009

Netherlands Atlantic Association Oxfam Novib Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Clingendael)
Hans van den Broek (chair) | Ben Bot (chair)

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies The Rights Forum (pro-Palestinian)
Dries van Agt (founder and chair) | Henri Veldhuis | Frans Andriessen | Laurens Jan Brinkhorst | Hans van den Broek | Marcel Brus | Koos van Dam | Hedy d'Ancona | Pieter Kooijmans | Tineke Lodders | Jan Pronk | Klaas de Vries

The Hague Institute for Global Justice

Madeleine Albright (founding chair) | Lord Chris Patten | Jozias van Aartsen (co-founder)


Two peculiar opposition groups to the Dutch Bilderberg establishment: Republikeins Genootschap / Republican Society
Ben Knapen (BB 1991) | Pieter Korteweg (BB steering committee) | Roelof J. Nelissen (BB 1979) | Hedy d'Ancona (the Rights Forum) | Pim Fortuyn (neocon party; assassinated) | Theo van Gogh (friend of Fortuyn; also assassinated) | Femke Halsema (Green Left party leader) | Harry van Bommel (Socialist Party; only BB critic in congress) | Tomas Ross (neocon; associate of van Gogh; disinformer on Fortuyn case) | Gerard Aalders (anti-BB author) | Hans Blom (boss of Aalders) | Rene Zwaap (anti-BB author) | Willem Oltmans (once invited a former Lee Harvey Oswald handler) | Pamela Hemelrijk (anti-establishment author) | Jan Mulder | Frits Barend | Youp van t Hek | Jort Kelder


Bakker Schut Foundation / Bakker Schut Stichting

Adele van der Plas | Klaas Langendoen (IRT affair)


Liberal establishment (Anglo-American relations) American Society in London Oxford: Rhodes Trust scholarships
Lord Nathaniel Rothschild | Cecil Rhodes | Frank Barnett | Rusk | Woolsey | Walter Slocombe | Robert Roosa | Brademas | Harold Anderson (Buffett friend) | Hedley Donovan | Malcolm Forbes, Sr. | Philip Kaiser | Gen. Bernard Rogers | W. Scott Thompson | Sen. David Boren | Richard Dolan | Charles J. Hitch | Joseph Nye | W. Scott Thompson | William Y. Elliott

1895 1902

Pilgrims Society
Morgan family | Nicholas Butler | Thomas Lamont | John W. Davis | Andrew Carnegie | Cornelius Vanderbilt III | John D. Rockefeller | Nelson Rockefeller | David Rockefeller | Dulles brothers | McCloy | Eisenhower | Shultz | Weinberger | Brzezinski | Kissinger | Haig | William Simon | Volcker | Whitehead | Peterson | Vance | Rusk | Robert Knight | Detlev Bronk | Macomber | Debs | George Franklin, Jr. | George Ball | Lord Nathaniel Rothschild | Anthony G. de Rothschild | James A. de Rothschild | Edmund de Rothschild | Warburg and Schiff families | Cecils | Sir John, Tony and Henry Keswick | Lord Weidenfeld | Lord Harold Caccia | Sir Evelyn Baring | Sir Antony Acland | Lord John Kerr | Sir Michael Palliser | Edward Streator | John Drexel III and IV | C. Douglas Dillon | Russell Leffingwell | John Hay Whitney | John Train | James Gerard | Frank Polk | Bishop James de Wolf Perry | Carrington | Lord Roll | Grierson | Sutherland (dinner) | Haass (speaker) | Woolsey (speaker) | Rees-Mogg (speaker) | Gen. David Petraeus (invited to UK luncheon before becoming USCENTCOM commander) | Rifkind | Brademas | Seitz | Philip Lader | Patrick Gross | William vanden Heuvel | Thomas Watson, Sr. and Jr. | Arthur Watson | George von Mallinckrodt


Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies (after Hitler threatened 1940
UK) Nicholas Butler (Morgan) | Thomas Lamont (Morgan) | John W. Davis (Morgan and Rockefeller) | James Gerard | Frank Polk (Vanderbilt) | Bishop James de Wolf Perry

Ditchley Foundation
Lord Carrington | Sir John Keswick | Lord Harold Caccia | Sir Evelyn Baring | John Major | Sir Antony Acland | Lord John Kerr | Sir Malcolm Rifkind | Sir Christopher Hogg | Sir Peter Mandelson | Sir Michael Palliser | Edward Streator | George Franklin, Jr. | Brademas (U.S. chairman) | William Farish | Philip Kaiser | Vance | Volcker | Lewis Branscomb | Robert Hormats | Kampelman | Scowcroft | Sonnenfeldt | Seitz | Weinberger | Strobe Talbott | Jack Straw | Sen. John Warner | Jami Miscik | Joseph Califano, Jr. |


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Richard Gardner | Philip Lader | Pickering | Andrew Knight | Pauline Neville-Jones | Lord George Robertson | Robert Worcester

International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

Sonnenfeldt | Kissinger | Lynn Forester de Rothschild | Haass | Ikle | Joseph Johnson | Guthrie | Chalfont | Patrick Gross | Sir Robert Wade-Gery | Pauline Neville Jones | Zakheim


Atlantic Council
George Franklin, Jr. | Roosa | Haig | William Simon | McNamara | Gen. Bernard Rogers | Woolsey | Kissinger | Shultz | Scowcroft (chairman) | Eagleburger | Chuck Hagel | Albright | Brzezinski | Lynn de Rothschild | Baker III | Henry Catto, Jr. | Macomber | Lord Makins | Lord Robertson | Rupert Murdoch | Kampelman | Patrick Gross | Inman | Jacob Wallenberg | Powell | James L. Jones (chair) | Sonnenfeldt | Philip Lader


British-American Project
Carrington | Lord George Robertson | Brademas | Diana Villiers Negroponte


Liberal establishment (key corporations) International advisory council Chase Manhattan, renamed in 2001 the 1965 international council of JPMorgan Chase
David Rockefeller | John Loudon (Shell) | Gustavo Cisneros | Henry Ford II | Gyllenhammar | Gianni Agnelli | Lord Carrington | Shultz (chairman international council 1990s-2009) | David O'Reilly (Chevron) | Lee R. Raymond (Exxon; not IC) | Kissinger | Riley Bechtel | Brian Mulroney | Jacob Frenkel (chairman IC 2009-2010) | Tony Blair (chairman IC since 2010) | Andre Desmarais | Jean-Louis Beffa | Bill Bradley (Allen & Co.) | Minoru Makihira (Mitsubishi) | Mustafa Koc | Lee Kuan Yew | Mohammed Ali Abalkhai | Sir John Rose | Cees van Lede | Edgar Bronfman, Jr. | David Rubenstein (Carlyle; not IC) | Stephen Schwarzman (Blackstone; not IC).

Forstmann Little & Company/Gulfstream Corp.

Rumsfeld | Shultz | Powell | Kissinger | Lynn Forester de Rothschild | Theodore J. Forstmann (at Freedom House with Zbig, Rummy, Huntington and Woolsey)

during 1990s

Kissinger Associates (just about the only important company with no 1982 website)
Kissinger | Scowcroft | Eagleburger | William Rogers | William Simon | Robert Anderson | Bremer | Geithner | Carrington | Lord Roll | Davignon | Gyllenhammar | Saburo Okita | Jami Miscik | Stapleton Roy

AIG (strategic partnership with Kissinger Associates and Blackstone mid 1980s since mid 1980s)
Maurice Greenberg | Kissinger: chair advisory board since 1987 for at least two decades) | David Cohen (CIA) | Sir Richard Dearlove (MI6) | Carla Hills | Holbrooke | MacArthur II

Blackstone Group (strategic partnership with Kissinger Associates and mid-1980s AIG since early 1980s)
Stephen Schwarzman | Peter Peterson | Sir Ronald Grierson | Jonathan E. Colby | Jacob Rothschild | Jacob Wallenberg | Brian Mulroney | Shaukat Aziz.

Hollinger (financier of the National Interest magazine)

Conrad Black | Perle | Kissinger | Brzezinski | Volcker | Raymond Seitz | Henry Keswick | Sir Evelyn de Rothschild | Lord Hanson | Carrington | Margaret Thatcher | Alfred Taubman | Sir James Goldsmith | Lord Kenneth Roy Thomson | Gianni Agnelli | Chaim Herzog.


The Carlyle Group

David Rubenstein | Carlucci | Baker III | George H. W. Bush | John Major (chair Carlyle Europe) | Leslie L. Armitage | Jonathan E. Colby


Liberal establishment (U.S.-German relations) Industrieclub (basically national) Ruhrlade

Fritz Thyssen | Albert Vogler | Ernst Poensgen | Gustav Krupp | Frederick Springorum | Fritz Winkhaus of Hoechst AG | Martin Blank

1912 1928-1939 1952

Max Warburg (founder) | McCloy (co-founder) | Kissinger | Nelson Rockefeller | Walter L. Kiep | George H. W. Bush | Gen. James L. Jones | Richard von Weizsacker

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American Council on Germany (Atlantik-Brcke's sister organization) 1952

Volcker (chairman) | McCloy | Debs | Kissinger | Holbrooke | George C. McGhee | Robert Ellsworth | Walter Slocombe | Hagel | McCloy II | Scowcroft | Marie Warburg | Zoellick

Carl Duisberg Society (CDS International since 1987)

Partnered with Atlantik-Brcke and Robert Bosch Foundation, while also cooperating with the German marshall Fund | Kissinger (speech in 1987) | Mohammed Atta (scholarship holder and tutor 1995-1997)


Robert Bosch Foundation (controls 90% Robert Bosch GmbH shares) 1969
Hans Merkle | Kissinger (member international advisory board of Roberth Bosch GmbH 1980s-today)

German Marshall Fund

David Rockefeller | C. Douglas Dillon | Robert Ellsworth | Gabriel Hauge | John McCloy | Willy Brandt | James Conant | Lord Makins | Suzanne Woolsey | Zoellick | Holbrooke

1972 1990

Carnegie Bosch Institute for Applied Studies in International Management

Founded by Kissinger, Hans Merkle (CEO Bosch Group) and Richard M. Cyert (president Carnegie Mellon).

American Academy in Berlin

Kissinger (co-founder and chairman); Holbrooke (co-founder) | Richard von Weizsacker | David Rockefeller (personal donor $10,000-$50,000). Major financiers: DaimlerChrysler AG, Allianz AG, General Motors-Adam Opel AG, Siemans AG, John W. Kluge Foundation, Robert Bosch Stiftung, etc.


Liberal establishment (Russian relations) U.S.-USSR Trade and Economic Council

David Rockefeller | Shultz | Michael Forrestal | Harold B. Scott

1973 1992 1993 1997 2001

Russian-American Bankers Forum

David Rockefeller | Vance | Whitehead | Debs | Gerald Corrigan | John Opel

U.S.-Russia Business Council E.U.-Russia Industrialists' Roundtable Open Russia Foundation

Jacob Rothschild | Kissinger | Khodorkovsky

Liberal establishment (Europe) Wilton Park conferences

Jacques Jonet | Jean Violet | Alfredo Sanchez Bella

1946 1946 1948 1951 1956 1963 1983 1983 1987 1989 1989 1991 1996 1996

European League for Economic Cooperation European Movement Cini Foundation

Count Vittorio Cini

Action Committee for the United States of Europe (ACUSE)

Jean Monnet (founder and head) | Max Kohnstamm | Valery Giscard d'Estaing | Willy Brandt | Pietro Nenni | Herbert Wehner | Rainer Barzel | Mariano Rumor | Guy Mollet

Europa Nostra European Round Table

Davignon (co-founder) | Gyllenhammar (co-founder) | Agnelli

Centre for European Policy Studies Association for the Monetary Union of Europe
Davignon (co-founder)

European Institute
Yves-Andre Istel (Rothschild) | Davignon | Collomb | Delors | Sutherland | Zoellick | Nitze | Sonnenfeldt

Forum Europe Europaeum

Lord Weidenfeld | Lord Ronald Grierson | Lord Chris Patten

Centre for European Reform European Policy Centre

Peter Sutherland | Lord John Kerr | Karel Van Miert | Max Kohnstamm | Hans Blix

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E.U.-Japan Business Round Table


1999 1999 2000 2000 2001 2003 2006

Friends of Europe
Davignon (founder and president); Baron Daniel Janssen

European Business Summit Financial Services Forum European Financial Services Round Table
Gyllenhammar (founding chairman)

China-E.U. Business Summit Business for a New Europe Liberal establishment (institutes of international affairs) Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House or RIIA) Council on Foreign Relations Chicago Council on Foreign Relations Institute of Pacific Relations (shut down in 1961) Canadian Institute of International Affairs Australian Institute of International Affairs South African Institute of International Affairs Swedish Institute of International Affairs Institute of Jewish Affairs (now Institute for Jewish Policy Research) Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) Royal Institute for International Relations (IRRI-KIIB) (Belgium)
Davignon (chairman) | Baron de Bonvoisin | Willy Claes | Willy De Clercq | Guy Spitaels | Baron Daniel Janssen

1920 1921 1922 1925 1928 1933 1934 1938 1941 1944 1947 1949 1955 1957 1959 1959 1961 1961 1965 1979 1983 1983 1989 1993 1995 2007

Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs German Council on Foreign Relations Prague Institute of International Relations Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Japan Institute of International Affairs Finnish Institute of International Affairs Atlantic Institute for International Affairs (Paris-based) Institute of International Affairs, Rome French Institute for International Relations Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Clingendael) National Democratic Institute For International Affairs Israel Council on Foreign Relations Danish Institute of International Affairs Pacific Council on International Policy European Council on Foreign Relations
Soros (financier) | Mabel Wisse-Smit | Joschka Fischer | Lord John Kerr (panel discussion)

Liberal establishment (U.K. clubs) White's (most elite men's club in terms of political discussion)
Julian Amery | Astor | Carrington | McGowan | Douglas-Home | Stirling | Prince Charles | Schroder | Tiarks | Spiro | Keswick | Mowbray | Norfolk | Fairbanks | Heinz, II | Pell | Rifkind | Guthrie


Society of Knights of the Round Table

Leopold Amery | David Stirling | Earl of Dalhousie

1720 1762 1764 1812

Boodle's Brooks's Roxburghe Club

Rothschild | Cecil | Oppenheimer | Morgan | Norfolk | Devonshire | Lord Rees-Mogg

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Grillion's Garrick Club Carlton Club Pratt's Beefsteak Club American Society in London Pilgrims of Great Britain Other Club
Carrington | Cecil | Lord Rees-Mogg | Duntisbourne | Rothschild | Prince Charles | Tony Blair | Gordon Brown | Edward Heath | Denis Thatcher | Churchill, III | Julian Amery

1812 1831 1832 1857 1876 1895 1902 1911 1919

Buck's Liberal establishment (U.S. clubs) Union Club New York Yacht Club Century Association Down Town Association Union League Club Harvard Club University Club Knickerbocker Club Bohemian Club, San Francisco The Zodiac Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C. Corsair Club Alibi Club, Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Club Chevy Chase Club Yale Club Pilgrims of the United States Piping Rock Alfalfa Club, Washington, D.C. Liberal establishment (fraternities) Oxford: Bullingdon Club
King Edward VII | King Edward VIII | Frederick IX of Denmark | Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany | Gottfried von Bismarck | Cecil Rhodes | Nat Rothschild | David Cameron | 13th Marquess of Lothian | Alan Clark | 9th Earl Spencer | William Sinclair

1836 1844 1847 1859 1863 1865 1865 1871 1872 1872 1878 1882 1884 1891 1892 1897 1903 1911 1913


Harvard: Porcellian (largely irrelevant) Yale: Scroll & Key Yale: Skull & Bones Princeton: Ivy Club Yale: Wolf's Head Princeton: Cap and Gown Cornell: Quill and Dagger Oxford: Piers Gaveston Society

1791 1842 1832 1879 1884 1890 1893 1977

Liberal establishment (worldwide - economics and national security) International Chamber of Commerce Institute for International Education
Henry Kaufman | Debs | Brzezinski | Draper, III | Kissinger | Maryam Ansary | Maurice T. Moore | Henry Fowler | Stephen Duggan

1919 1919

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League of Nations Association International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Leo Cherne (chairman 1951-1991 and chairman emeritis until death in 1999) | Casey (president) | Angier Biddle Duke (president) | John Richardson Jr. (president) | Whitehead (president) | Albert Jolis | Kissinger | Greenberg | Albright | Abramowitz | Rohatyn | Wolfensohn | Tom Brokaw | Winston Lord | Claiborne Pell | John Train

1929 1933

H. Smith Richardson Foundation (CIA/Pilgrims/conservative-linked)

Eugene Stetson, Jr. | Frank Barnett | Woolsey | Rumsfeld | Brzezinski | Huntington | Ikle

1935 1941

Freedom House
Leo Cherne (chairman 1946-1976) | Kampelman (chair) | Woolsey (chair) | Brzezinski | Huntington | Rumsfeld | Wolfowitz | Kirkpatrick | Foley | Morton Abramowitz | Diana Villiers Negroponte | Taft IV (chairman) | John N. Moore | Paula Dobriansky | David Eisenhower | Theodore Forstmann | Otto Reich | Malcolm Forbes, Jr. | Andrew Young, Jr.

United Nations Association (set up just before the creation of the UN)
Kissinger | Whitehead | Volcker | Jacob Rothschild | David Rockefeller | Happy Rockefeller

1943 1947 1948 1948

Institute for Defense Analyses (JASON-related)

Killian (founder) | William O. Baker (co-founder) | Richard Bissell | William A. M. Burden | Chas Freeman | Maxwell Taylor | Suzanne Woolsey

American Council on Japan (1948-1952) American-Australian Association

Sir Keith Murdoch (founder) | Russell Leffingwell (co-founder) | Juan Trippe (co-founder) | Rupert Murdoch | Frank Lowy | Wolfensohn | Greenberg | David Rockefeller | William Simon | Riley Bechtel

RAND Corporation
Kissinger | Volcker | Carlucci | Schlesinger | Ikle | Brzezinski | Wohlstetter | Charles J. Hitch | Lord Robin Renwick | Palliser | Philip Lader

1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1954 1954 1954

National Committee for a Free Europe

Allen Dulles | C.D. Jackson | Henry Luce | Lucius Clay | Eisenhower | J. Peter Grace | H. J. Heinz II | Henry Ford II | George C. McGhee |

1st Committee on the Present Danger (to promote containment) National Committee for a Free Asia (Asia Foundation)
Bechtel | Kaiser | Juan Trippe | Robert Knight

Japan Society
John D. Rockefeller III (founder) | David Rockefeller (hon. chairman) | life directors: Peterson and Volcker | Greenberg | Debs |

5412 Special Group (government body; later 303 and 40 Committee) European-Atlantic Group Bilderberg
Prince Bernhard | Queen Beatrix | David Rockefeller | Sharon Percy Rockefeller | Henry Kissinger | George Ball | Nicholas Brady | Heinz II | Hauge | Holbrooke | Haass | Whitehead | Davignon | John Loudon | Wolfensohn | Vernon Jordan | Max Kohnstamm | Conrad Black | Wolfowitz | Perle | Jacob Wallenberg | Marcus Wallenberg | Lord Roll | Lord Carrington | Sir Peter Sutherland | Lord John Kerr | Edmond de Rothschild | Montbrial | Agnelli | Mustafa Koc | Grierson (4x) | Lord George Robertson (2x) | Nunn (2x) | Deutch (3x) | Hans van den Broek (3x) | Bill Clinton (2x) | Rumsfeld (2x) | Brademas (2x) | Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (2x) | Rupert Murdoch (1x) | Lee Hamilton (1x) | Lynn Forester de Rothschild (1x) | Pickering (1x) | Joseph Nye | (1x) | Gen. James L. Jones (1x) | Frans Timmermans | Maxime Verhagen | Jaap de Hoop Scheffer | Neeli Kroes | Jeroen van der Veer | Ernst Hirsch Ballin

Asia Society
Holbrooke | John Negroponte | Charles Rockefeller | John Rockefeller IV | Nicolas Rohatyn | Whitehead (honorary life trustee and chairman emeritus) | Greenberg (chairman emeritus) | Peterson (financier/member) | Pickering (visitor)| Wisner II (visitor) | Nicholas Platt


American Society for a Free Asia (CIA-funded to back Dalai Lamai) Korea Society
Donald Gregg

1956 1957 1958

James Killian (founder) | William O. Baker (co-founder) | Joshua Lederberg | William Nierenberg | Sidney Drell | Luis Alvarez | Lewis Branscomb | Richard Garwin | Murray Gell-Mann | Gordon MacDonald

Logistics Management Institute

McNamara (founder) | Josep Nye (trustee 1997-2009)| Joseph Kasputys (1999-2009) | Paul Kaminsi (joined in 2002)


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Atlantic Institute for International Affairs (AIIA)

Agnelli | Aurelio Peccei | Carlo de Benedetti | Albright | Robert A. Anderson | George Ball | Carrington | Lord Roll | Davignon | Eagleburger | Scowcroft | Rumsfeld | Oliver Giscard d'Estaing | Halberstadt | Baron Paul-Emmanuel Janssen | Walther Kiep | Andrew Knight | Henry C. Lodge | George Loudon | John Loudon | Hans Merkle | Richard Gardner | John Macomber | Lord Makins | McCloy (president) | Baron Alfred von Oppenheim | Jonathan Pollard | Chuck Robb | Robert Roosa | Sir Evelyn de Rothschild | Baron Robert Rothschild | Peter Tennant | Peter Wallenberg | Frank Weil | Paul van Zeeland


Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Adm. Burke | Sam Nunn | Abshire | Edmond de Rothschild | Davignon | Pell | Kissinger | Greenberg | Brzezinski | Woolsey | Joseph Nye | Joseph Gorman | Carla Hills | Scowcroft | Carlucci | Richard V. Allen | Schlesinger | Scaife | Albright | William Cohen | Baker | Tempelsman | Felix Rohatyn | Patrick Gross | Gen. James L. Jones | Thomas McLarty | Anne Armstrong | Lord George Robertson (done studies) | Kampelman | Arnaud de Borchgrave | Zakheim | 6th Duke of Westminster


Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba (CCFC)

Adm. Burke | Claire Boothe Luce | Nicholas Duke Biddle | Paul D. Bethell (CIA) | John Fisher | Leo Cherne | Edward Teller | Hans Morgenthau | Spruille Braden

1963 1965 1966 1967 1968 1971

Americas Society
David Rockefeller (co-founder and chairman)

National Committee on U.S.-China Relations

Kissinger | Greenberg | Carla Hills | McNamara | Schlesinger | Albright | Kean | Hamilton

Pacific Basin Economic Council Club of Rome

Agnelli | Peccei | Rusk | Carroll L. Wilson | Lubbers | Robert O. Anderson | Maurice Strong | King Juan Carlos | Queen Beatrix | Gorbachev | Prince El Hassan bin Talal.

1001: A Nature's Trust (1001 Club)

Prince Bernhard | Prince Philip | Anton Rupert | David Rockefeller Laurance Rockefeller | Edmund and Edmond de Rothschild | Michel David-Weill | David Samuel Montagu | Edmond Safra | C. Douglas Dillon | Bechtel | McNamara | Astor | Robert O. Anderson | Peter Grace | Henry Heinz II | Conrad Black | Maurice Strong | Agnelli | Henry Ford II | John Loudon | Gustavo Cisneros | Stavros Niarchos | Duchess of Alba | Hans Merkle | Berthold Beitz | Thurn und Taxis | Liechtenstein | Habsburg | Herbert Batliner | Michel Relecom | Tibor Rosenbaum | Louis M. Bloomfield | Salem bin Laden | Agha Hasan Abedi | Ardeshir Zahedi | Princess Mahnaz Zahedi | Alfred Hartmann | Stephan Schmidheiny | Bertrand Collomb | Manuel Fraga | Basil Hersov | Dirk Hertzog | Thomas Watson, Jr. | Arthur Watson

World Economic Forum (DAVOS)

Bill Clinton | Tony Blair | David Cameron | Angela Merkel | Shimon Peres | Colin Powell | Bill Gates | Sutherland | Patrick Gross | Kasputys | James Wolfensohn | George von Mallinckrodt | Kofi Annan | Queen Rania of Jordan | Yasser Arafat | Bono | Conrad Black | Joseph Gorman (TRW) | Haass | David Rockefeller | Maurice Strong | Henry Kravis | Christine Lagarde (IMF) | Howard Buffett | Nat Rothschild


Trilateral Commission
David Rockefeller (founder) | John D. Rockefeller IV | Kissinger | Brzezinski (founder) | Peterson | Roosa | George Ball | Haig | Maurice and Jeffrey Greenberg | David Packard | Volcker (chairman) | Joseph Nye (chairman) | Elliot Richardson | Vance | Holbrooke | Michel David-Weill | Warren Christopher | Thomas Foley | George Franklin | Sutherland (chairman) | Guthrie | Grierson | Abshire | Maurice Strong | Russell Train | Sir Henry Keswick | Edmond de Rothschild | Brademas | Carla Hills | Carrington | Lord John Kerr | Haass | Davignon | Daniel Janssen | Paul-Emmanuel Janssen | Conrad Black | Maurice Lippens | Clinton | Deutch | Jordan | Rumsfeld | Perle | Cheney | Carlucci | Wolfowitz | Lee Raymond | Soros | McNamara | David Rubenstein | Raymond Seitz | Katharine Graham | Gergen | Lee Hamilton | Grevenspan | Paula Dobriansky | Albright | Gen. James L. Jones | Pickering | Max Kohnstamm | Willy de Clercq | Toru Hashimoto | Toru Kusukawa | Shunichi Suzuki | Lee Raymond | Ruckelshaus | Shultz | Weinberger | Michael Blumenthal | Talbott | Sol Linowitz | Sir Philip de Zulueta | Henri Simonet | Kurt Biedenkopf | Walter L. Kiep


Iran-U.S. Business Council

Kissinger | David Rockefeller | Volcker | Peterson | Hushang Ansary


Center for National Security Studies 1974 The Crisis of Democracy: On the Governability of Democracies (TC 1975 report - not counted)
Samuel Huntington | Michel Crozier | Joji Watanuki (promoted at the time by Zbig)

U.S.-Saudi Joint Economic Commission U.S.-Taiwan Business Council

Carlucci | Wolfowitz | John D. Rockefeller, IV

1975 1976

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Trades Union Committee for European and Transatlantic Understanding World Wilderness Conferences
David Rockefeller | Edmund de Rothschild | Baker III | Maurice Strong | Ruckelshaus

1976 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980

Canada-China Business Council

Paul Desmarais, Sr. | Maurice Strong | Paul Lin

Group of Thirty
Volcker (chairman) | Debs | Greenspan | Roosa | Duntisbourne | Lord Richardson (chairman) | Sir David Walker

U.S.-China Business Council

Kissinger | David Rockefeller | Vance | Carla Hills

Open Society Foundations

George Soros | Mabel Wisse-Smit | Morton Abramowitz | Bill Moyers

New Israel Fund

Ford Foundation funded; accused of being anti-Israel

Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF)

Stiner | McCain III | Carlucci | Sam Nunn

U.S.-Japan Foundation
Kissinger | Draper | Duke | Carter | Foley | Sasakawa Carter | Agha Hasan Abedi | Ryoichi Sasakawa

Global 2000 (Carter's private project after his term as U.S. president) 1980 EastWest Institute
George H. W. Bush (honorary chair) | Helmut Kohl (honorary chair) | Berthold Beitz (chairman) | John Kluge | Mikhail Khodorkovsky | Mustafa Koc | Lord Weidenfeld | Ross Perot, Jr. (chair) | Sarah Perot (wife of Perot, Jr.) | Michael Chertoff | Gen. James L. Jones | Joseph Nye | Whitehead


Middle East Policy Council (MEPC)

Chas Freeman | Carlucci

1981 1982 1982

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Business Executives for National Security (BENS)
Kissinger | Greenberg | Hayden | Webster | Meigs | Philip Lader. Membership: James Angleton, Jr. | Norman Augustine | Carlucci | Draper III | Jamie Gorelick | Patrick Gross | Peterson | Whitehead

Sun Valley meetings

Herbert Allen | Herbert Allen III | Bill Bradley | Tom Brokaw | Michael Bloomberg | Vernon Jordan | Rupert Murdoch | Gordon Brown | Michael Eisner | Donald Graham | Christie Hefner | Steve Jobs | Michael Bloomberg | Edgar Bronfman, Jr | Buffett | Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer and Paul Allen | Oprah | Steven Spielberg | Richard Parsons | George Tenet.


National Democratic Institute (NDI)

Gephardt | Moynihan | Brademas | Tempselsman | Vance | Albright | Wolfensohn

1983 1983 1983 1983 1983

Arab Bankers Association of North America American Academy of Diplomacy

Former chairmen: Pickering, Kampelman, Eagleburger, Carlucci, Linowitz, Elliot Richardson. | Carla Hills | Richard Gardner | Chas Freeman | Bruce Gelb.

Inter-American Dialogue
Sol Linowitz | McGeorge Bundy | McNamara | Theodore Hesburgh

National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Walter Raymond, Jr. | Brademas (chair) | Paula Dobriansky (vice chair) | Brzezinski | Abramowitz | Ikle | Taft IV (wife) | Wolfowitz | Holbrooke | Thomas Kean | Lee Hamilton | Carlucci | Wesley Clark | Dick Gephardt (chair) | Barbara Haig (daugther of Alexander) | Sen. Bob Graham | Sen. Jon Kyl | Fukuyama | Richard V. Allen (conference participant and public supporter)

American Austrian Foundation (AAF)

Co-founders: David Rockefeller, Cyrus Vance, George Ball and John Leslie

1984 1985 1987 1987

Hitachi Foundation
Elliot Richardson (founder and chair until 1998) | Joseph Kasputys founding member and chair since 1998) | Patrick Gross (trustee since 2003)

EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation


America-China Society (ACS)

Kissinger | Vance | McFarlane

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Praemium Imperiale (Japan Art Association)

David Rockefeller | S. Dillon Ripley | Shunichi Suzuki

1989 1989 1991 1991 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994

National Bureau of Asian Research

Gen. John M. Shalikashvili | Lee Hamilton | Sam Nunn | Zoellick | Pickering

Gorbachev Foundation of North America

Paul Dietrich | John Deutch

Israel Democracy Institute

Chair: Shultz | Kissinger | Wolfensohn | Drell | Martin Indyk | Sen. Lieberman

Eurasia Foundation
Albright | Carlucci | Baker | Tempelsman | Lee Hamilton | Stiglitz

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Dr. Stephan Schmidheiny | Bertrand Collomb

U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council


Baker Institute for Public Policy

Albright | Baker III | Baker IV | Powell

Forum for International Policy (FFIP)

Eagleburger | Scowcroft | Robert Gates | Hills | Haass | Rice | Powell | Deutch

Virginia Neurological Institute

Robert Gates | Scowcroft | Eagleburger | Hills | Edgar Bronfman | John Kluge

Center for the National Interest (CFTNI)

Kissinger | Schlesinger | Greenberg | Scowcroft | Peterson | Brzezinski | Kristol | Perle | Conrad Black | Abramowitz | Fukuyama

American-Turkish Council
Scowcroft | Armitage | Carlucci | Berger | Taft IV | Mustafa Koc

State of the World Forum conferences

James Garrison | Daniel Sheehan | Brzezinski | Shultz | David Packard | Ted Turner | Sam Keen | Deepak Chopra | Lubbers | David Rockefeller (co-financier) | Joe Firmage (co-financier)

Transatlantic Business Dialogue U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce

Kissinger | Baker III and IV | Brzezinski | Scowcroft | Perle

1995 1995 1995

International Crisis Group (ICG)

McNamara | Christian Schwarz-Schilling | Vernon Jordan | Jacques Delors | Paddy Ashdown | Khodorkovsky | Brzezinski | Pickering | Berger | Armitage | Gen. Wesley Clark | Soros | Hills | Leslie Gelb | Lord George Robertson | Wim Kok | Joschka Fischer | Abramowitz | Hunsang Ansary | Turki al Faisal | Lord Chris Patten

New Atlantic Initiative (existed until 2005)

Kissinger Leadership council: Baker III | Carlucci | Carter | Warren Christopher | Eagleburger | Haig | Kampelman | Kissinger | Claiborne Pell | Elliot Richardson | David Rockefeller | William Rogers | Scowcroft | Shultz | Soros | Taft IV | Vance | Volcker | Zoellick


Emergency Coalition for U.S. Financial Support of the United Nations 1996

American Iranian Council

Cyrus Vance (hon. chair) | Hooshang Amirahmadi (president) | Chas Freeman | Wisner II | Pickering | Soros (known visitor)

1997 1998

Americans for Humanitarian Trade with Cuba (US-Cuba Trade Assoc.)

David Rockefeller | Volcker | Whitehead | Carla Hills | Schlesinger | Carlucci | Gen. Sheehan | Oliver Stone | Francis Ford Coppola | William D. Rogers

E.U.-Japan Business Round Table


1999 1999

American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC pro-Chechnya)

Co-founders: Brzezinski, Alexander Haig, Kampelman. Others: Brademas | Richard V. Allen | Decter | Gaffney | Barbara Haig | Thomas Kean | Kampelman | Ledeen | Kristol | McFarlane | Perle | Weinberger | Woolsey | Richard Pipes | Sonnenfeldt | Abramowitz | Dobriansky | Taft IV

Council for a Community of Democracies

Albright | Carlucci | Whitehead | Brademas | Kampelman | Paula Dobriansky | Walter Raymond, Jr.

2000 2001

If Americans Knew

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Atlantic Partnership
Kissinger | Sen. Joseph Biden | John Major | Sam Nunn | William Cohen | Scowcroft | McCain III | Lord George Robertson | Powell | Sir Evelyn de Rothschild | Paula Dobriansky | John Drexel IV


Nuclear Threat Initiative

Ted Turner (co-chair) | Nunn (co-chair) | Susan Eisenhower | Buffett | Perry | Prince El Hassan bin Talal

2001 2001 2002 2002

Club of Madrid
Wim Kok

Anglo-Arab Organization
Nadhmi Auchi (founder and president)

America Abroad Media

Trustees: Abshire | Albright | Hunsang Ansary | Armitage | Augustine | Sam Berger | Brzezinski | Chertoff | Paula Dobriansky | Draper III | Robert Gates | Bruce Gelb | Leslie Gelb | Gergen | Haass | Chuck Hagel | Lee Hamilton | Carla Hills | Huntington | Martin Indyk | John Kerry | Kirkpatrick | McLarty III | McNamara | Pickering | Rohatyn | Scowcroft | Talbott | Whitehead | Woolsey | Philip Zelikow

European Economic Round Table

Organizers: Jacob Rothschild & Buffett | Schwarzenegger | Nicky Oppenheimer | Wolfensohn

2002 2004 2005

Global Leadership Foundation

Pickering (chair) | Lord Chris Patten | Michel Rocard | Hans van den Broek | Prince Hassan bin Talal

Partnership for a Secure America (PSA)

Brzezinski | Shultz | Albright | Berger | Whitehead | Wisner II | Lehman | Lee Hamilton | Slade Gorton | Thomas Kean | Pickering | Nunn | William Perry | McFarlane | Carla Hills | Paula Dobriansky | William Cohen | Warren Christopher

Alliance for a New Kosovo

Carlucci | Samuel Hoskinson (JWI) | Kempton Jenkins (JWI)

2005 2006 2006 2007 2007

National Security Network

Leslie Gelb | Richard Clarke | Sam Berger | Wisner II | Wesley Clark

Project on National Security Reform (PNSR)

Abshire | Augustine | Wesley Clark | Giambastiani | Gingrich | Michael McConnell (DNI) | Jessica Tuchman Mathews | Tom Ridge | Pickering | Scowcroft | Gen. James L. Jones

Nuclear Security Project (NSP)

Kissinger | Shultz | Perry | Nunn

Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University
Bush 41 | Brent Scowcroft | Robert Gates | Kissinger | Eagleburger | Brzezinski | Inman | Deutch | Marine Corps Gen. James L. Jones | Marine Corps Gen. Bernard Trainor

American Security Project

Gary Hart | John Kerry | Chuck Hagel | Augustine | Christine Whitman

2007 2007 2009

Center for a New American Security

Joseph Nye | Albright | Armitage | Augustine | William Perry | John Podesta

Top Level Group of UK Parliamentarians for Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament and Non-proliferation (TLG - inspired by the NSP)
13th Marquess of Lothian (Michael Kerr) | Lord Carrington | Lord Guthrie | Lord Howe | Lord Howell | Lord Hurd | Lord Owen | Sir Malcolm Rifkind | Lord George Robertson

Consensus for American Security Yale's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
Senior fellows: Woolsey | Wolfensohn | Gen. Stanley McChrystal

2010 2010 Unknown

Oil Club
Chairman: Lord Norman Lamont

Liberal-conservative (military clubs/groups and pure CIA/government) Naval and Military Club, London ("In & Out")
Sir John Cuckney

1862 1885

Army and Navy Club, Washington

Quite popular among Pilgrims.

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Veterans of the OSS (OSS Society)

Gen. John Singlaub | James Schlesinger | Arthur Schlesinger | Porter Goss | Ross Perot | George H. W. Bush | Paul Mellon | William Webster | James Woolsey | William Colby | William Casey | Bernadette Casey Smith | William vanden Heuvel | S. Dillon Ripley | Richard Helms | Cynthia Helms | John Negroponte | Robert Gates | David Petraeus | Gen. John Mulholland | Gen. Michael Mullen


George Town Club, Washington, D.C. (CIA-ran)

Leaders/founders: Robert Keith Gray | Tongsun Park | Tommy Corcoran | Rita Chappiwicki (president 1966-76; Bill Harvey's former secretary) | Anna Chennault | Kenneth Crosby (knew Dulles) | Lloyd N. Hand (TS/SCI clearance) | Norman Larsen (H.L. Hunt associate) | J. Thomas Malatesta (Monument Capital Group) | Dr. John H. McDonough (Edgewood arsenal) | Monsignor John J. Murphy | Marion H. Smoak | William E. Timmons | Carol T. Crawford. Members/visitors: Barry Goldwater | Gen. Graves Erskine | Edwin Wilson | Richard Viguerie | Ernst Werner Glatt | Neil Livingstone | Brademas (friend of Park) | Kissinger | Cheney | John Tower | Hale Boggs | Sen. Lloyd Bentsen | Claiborne Pell | Princess Nora Lichtenstein | Emil Mosbacher | Warren Burger | Ardeshir Zahedi | George H. W. Bush | Ed Meese | Weinberger | Donald Regan | Sandra O'Connor.


Task Force 157

Paul Nitze | Thomas Moorer| Edwin Wilson

1966 1985 1994 1997 1998 1998 1999 2002 2002 2006 2007 2008

Defense Policy Board

Kissinger | Woolsey | Perle | James Schlesinger | Gingrich | Gen. John Sheehan | Thomas Foley | Richard V. Allen | Ikle | David Jeremiah | Helmut Sonnenfeldt | Chuck Hagel

Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

Brzezinski | Claiborne Pell | Bush 43 | Abshire | Lev Dobriansky | Gingrich | Feulner | Richard Pipes | Singlaub | Kemp | Crozier

Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group

Vic DeMarines | Robert Gates | Jamie Gorelick | Fred Ikle | Joseph Nye | William Perry | Gen. Jack Sheehan | Zoellick. Report authors: John Deutch and Philip Zelikow.

US Commission on National Security

Gart Hart | Walter Rudman | Anne Armstrong | Augustine | Leslie Gelb | Gingrich | Lee Hamilton | James Schlesinger | Harry Train II | Andrew Young, Jr. | Charles Boyd.

Vulcan Team
Armitage | Perle | Zakheim | Zoellick | Wolfowitz | Cheney | Powell | Shultz

National Commission on Terrorism

Paul Bremer (chair) | Ikle | Woolsey

Homeland Security Advisory Council

William Webster (chair) | James Schlesinger (vice chair) | Gary Hart (vice chair) | William Bratton (vice chair) | Augustine | Freeh | Lee Hamilton | Mitt Romney

9/11 Commission
Kissinger (initial chair) | Thomas Kean (chair) | Lee Hamilton (vice chair) | John Lehman | Jamie Gorelick | Slade Gorton | Philip Zelikow

Iraq Study Group

Co-chairmen: James Baker and Lee Hamilton | Chas Freeman | Vernon Jordan | Edwin Meese | Sandra Day O'Connor | Leon Panetta | William Perry | Chuck Robb

Secretary of the Navy Advisory Panel

James Woolsey | Dov Zakheim | Adm. Richard Mies | Adm. Giambastiani | Adm. Studeman

International Commission on Non-Nuclear Proliferation and Disarmament

Turki al Faisal | William Perry | Hans Blix | Kissinger | Sam Nunn | Hans van den Broek | Lord George Robertson | Rocard | Shultz

United Against Nuclear Iran (also Mossad and conservative-linked)

Woolsey (CIA) | Meir Dagan (Mossad) | Dearlove (MI6) | Mark Wallace | Holbrooke | Guthrie | Pauline Neville-Jones (chair JIC) | Gelb |


The Mont Pelerin Society, a group which has brought together leading economists since 1947, is actually another example of a liberal-conservative group. Not military though. Conservative establishment (rising "military-industrial complex")
Based on the directorships of friends and aides of Gen. Douglas MacArthur: Gen. Bonner Fellers, Gen. George Stratemeyer, Gen. Pedro del Valle, Gen. Albert Wedemeyer, Gen. Charles Willoughby, as well as the financiers of MacArthur's campaign in 1952: Gen. Robert E. Wood (his wealthy campaign manager), H.L. Hunt, Nelson Bunker Hunt, and reportedly Clint Murchison, Sr. (a close supporter in any case).

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Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem (early Shickshinny Knights) 1908

If real: Pichel | Habsburg | Thurn und Taxis | Wittelsbach | Windisch-Graetsch | Radziwill

America First Committee

Wood | Regnery | Wedemeyer | Ford

1940 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1957 1958 1958 1958

Hotel del Charro

Clint Murchison | Sid Richardson | J. Edgar Hoover | Clyde Tolson | McCarthy

Fact Forum/Life Line

H.L. Hunt | Wood | Wedemeyer

Constitution Party and MacArthur-For-President (Eisenhower opponent)

H.L. Hunt | Wood | Gale | del Valle | Fellers |

Citizens for Taft Committee (also opposed Eisenhower)

Wedemeyer (chairman)

Defenders of the American Constitution

Del Valle | Chennault | Fellers

For America
Wedemeyer | Wood | Clark | Smoot | Buckley

Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice [for McCarthy]

Del Valle | Stratemeyer

Mid-American Research Library (soon the ASC)

Gen. Robert Wood

National Military-Industrial Conferences (hosted by ASC)

Frank Barnett | Gen. Robert Wood | John Fisher | Martin Blank | Baron Friedrich August von der Heydte | Robert Strausz-Hupe | Wernher von Braun (speaker)

Citizens Foreign Relations Committee

Willoughby | Stratemeyer | Wedemeyer | Manion | Menjou

Shickshinny Knights of Malta

Pichel | Willoughby | Del Valle | Wedemeyer | Stratemeyer | Fellers | Tabbutt (KKK)

Americans for Constitutional Action

Moreell | Fellers | Wood

Liberty Lobby
Co-founders: Willis Carto, Del Valle, Stratemeyer.

John Birch Society

Robert Welch | Nelson B. Hunt | Wedemeyer | Manion | Menjou | MacDonald

Conservative establishment (U.S. - lower level)

Important roles have been played by Rev. Wesley Swift and Rev. Col. William P. Gale, another former aide to Gen. MacArthur.

Ku Klux Klan America Legion California Rangers Minutemen Intelligence Digest (Kenneth De Courcy) Christian Identity (British Israelites) Congress of Freedom League of Empire Loyalists Veritas Foundation White Citizen's Council New Order (American Nazi Party) National States Rights Party California Rangers American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Defenders of American Liberties Christian Defense League Friends of Rhodesian Independence

1865 1919 1959 1961 1938 1946 1951 1954 1955 (approx.) 1956 1958 1958 1959 1961 1962 1964 1966

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Eagle Forum The Spotlight (magazine of the Liberty Lobby) Western Goals Foundation Religious Roundtable, Council of 56 Ludwig von Mises Institute Edwin A. Walker Society American Free Press (website of the Liberty Lobby) Conservative establishment (U.S. - intelligence) Military Order of the Carabao
Guests: Strom Thurmond | Adm. Moorer | Adm. James L. Joy | Adm. Wesley McDonald | Gen. Jack Merritt | Pete Aldridge, Jr. | Dov Zakheim | Gordon England | James Roche | Colin Powell | Robert Gates | James Schlesinger | Ike Shelton | Sean O'Keefe | Gen. Peter Pace | Gen. Richard Myers | Gen. Paul. X. Kelley | Gen. Alfred Gray | Adm. James Loy | Gen. Jack Merritt | Gen. Carl Mundy | Louis Dechert, Sr.

1967 1975 1979 1979 1982 1999 2001


National Security Industrial Association / National Defense Industrial 1919 Association (with its Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict (SO/LIC) Division that organizes the annual SO/LIC Symposium & Exhibition)
Russell E. White (chair) | John S. Foster, Jr. (advisory board)

Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation

(later on turned conservative and was CIA-linked)

1941 1954 1954 1954

Moonie Cult
(freed by MacArthur, later backed by two MacArthur-freed yakuza leaders)

Asian People's Anti-Communist League (APACL)

Ray Cline (reportedly) | Kai-shek | Sasakawa

American Security Council (ASC)

Robert Wood | Sid Richardson | Patrick Frawley | Robert Galvin | Cleon Skousen | Gen. MacArthur | Gen. Willoughby | Gen. Twining | Gen. Lemay | Gen. Power | Gen. Lemnitzer | Gen. Lansdale | Bissell | Angleton | Ray Cline | Daniel Arnold | Gen. Schriever | Gen. Harkins; Gen. Edwin Black | Gen. Singlaub | Gen. Robert Richardson | Gen. Milnor Roberts | Gen. Haig | Col. Raymond Sleeper | Gen. Daniel Graham | Gen. Stilwell | Gen. Mark Clark | Gen. Lewis Walt | Gen. Woellner | Gen. Wedemeyer | Gen. Vernon Walters | Gen. Abrahamson | Adm. Radford | Adm. Moreell | Adm. Stump | Adm. Chester Ward | Adm. Moorer | Adm. Zumwalt | Sven Kraemer | Regnery | Bendetsen | Lev Dobriansky | Van Cleave | Feulner | Kirkpatrick | Luttwak | McCain, Jr. | Pennington | James Atkinson | Wannall | Pawley | Richard Pipes | Andy Messing | Oliver North | Livingstone | George Hearst, Jr. | Wohlstetter | Sen. Jackson | Sen. Tower | Jack Kemp | Edward Teller | Sam Cohen | Eugene Wigner | Possony | Joseph Coors | Scaife (very minor financing) | Spruille Braden | Garnier-Lancon | D'Aubuisson | Mario Sandoval | Stedman Fagoth | Col. Bermudez | Adolfo Calero | Roberto Alejos | Jonas Savimbi | Ian Smith | Gen. van der Westhuizen | Gurmit Singh Aulakh | Schwarzenegger | Nelson Rockefeller | Eugene Rostow | Henry Luce | Clare Boothe Luce | John D. Lodge | Averell Harriman | Kissinger | George Pataki | Christine Whitman | Mark Wallace | T. Boone Pickens | Russell E. White | John S. Foster, Jr.

National Military-Industrial Conferences (NMIC)

Frank Barnett | Gen. Robert Wood | John Fisher | Martin Blank | Baron Freidrich August von der Heydte | Robert Strausz-Hupe | Wernher von Braun (speaker)

1955 1955

Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)

Robert Strausz-Hupe | Possony | Kintner | William Y. Elliott | Adm. Arthur Radford | Kissinger | Haig | Rumsfeld | John F. Lehman | Daniel Pipes | Schlesinger | Dov Zakheim | David Eisenhower | McFarlane

Information Council of the Americas (INCA)

Edward Butler | Ochsner | Murchison | Frawley | George Albertini | Eustis Reily | C. C. Too

1961 1962

National Strategy Information Center (NSIC)

Barnett | Casey | Bendetsen | Joseph Coors | Hanes, Jr. | Sven Kraemer | Scaife (finances) 70s) Scaife (fiancing) | DeMuth | Cheney | Kirkpatrick | Gingrich | Ledeen | Perle | Lee Raymond | Shultz | William Simon

American Enterprise Institute (date of name change; orig. 1938; influential since 1962

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World Anti-Communist League (WACL)

Ray Cline | Roger Pearson | Gen. Singlaub (chairman) | Gen. Daniel Graham (vice chairman) | Gen. Lewis Walt | John Fisher | Paul Bethel | Andy Messing | David Rowe | McCain III | Col. Ray Sleeper | Possony | Lev Dobriansky | Fred Schlafy | Anna Chennault | Gen. Milnor Roberts | Anthony Kubek | Steven D. Symms. Outside U.S. : Mario Sandoval Alarcon | Adolfo Calero | Gen. Robert Close | Paul Vankerhoven | Stefano Delle Chiaie | Count Hans Huyn | Ryoichi Sasakawa | Yoshio Kodama | Ferdinand Marcos | Blas Pinar | Alfredo Stroesser.


Confederacin Anticomunista Latina (CAL - WACL)

John Carbaugh | Margo Carlisle | Stephano Delle Chiai | Roberto D'Aubuisson.

1970s (est.) 1971

America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL)

Founders: Nelson Rockfeller and Senator Henry Jackson | Brademas | Kemp | Eagleburger | Vernon Jordan | Kissinger | Giuliani | Shultz | Vallely | Mortimer Zuckerman (president) | Abraham Foxman | Malcolm Hoenlein

Heritage Foundation
Feulner | Scaife | Coors | Weyrich | Bechtel | Habsburg | William Simon | Richard V. Allen | Zakheim (scholar)

1973 1974 1975

American-Chilean Council
Lev Dobriansky | Anthony Kubek | Stefan Possony | Francis Bouchey | James Atkinson | David Rowe | Lord Alun Chalfont (British-Chilean Council)

Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO)

Shackley | Thomas Spencer | David Atlee Phillips | Carl Jenkins | Schlesinger | Hugel | Gittinger | Inman | Carlucci | Wannall | Webster | Woolsey | George H. W. Bush | Goss | Wedemeyer | Critchfield | Gen. Paul Vallely (guest) | Clare Lopez (guest). Sponsors: SAIC, Lockheed Martin, TRW, Motorola.

Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA)

Co-founders: Ledeen and Sen. Jackson | Woolsey | Cheney | Perle | Feith | Shoshana Bryen | David Jeremiah | Kampelman | Phyllis Kaminsky | Kirkpatrick | Kemp | Bolton | (Ledeen, Woolsey and Perle all quit at the same time in 2012, immediately after Bryen)


Second Committee on the Present Danger (2nd CPD)

Paul Nitze | Kampelman | Casey | Bendetsen | Gen. Stilwell | Richard V. Allen | Richard Pipes | Fred Ikle | Van Cleave | Geoffrey Kemp | Kirkpatrick | John Lehman | Shultz | Perle | Reagan | John Connally | J. Peter Grace | Clare Boothe Luce | C. Douglas Dillon | John M. Cabot


Nathan Hale Institute (NHI)

Founder: Raymond Wannall

1976 1976 1977 (est.)

Security and Intelligence Fund (SIF)

Founding chairman: James Angleton | Gen. Robert Richardson | John M. Fisher (ASC)

Defense Advisory Committee for President-Elect Reagan

John Lehman | Gen. Singlaub | Gen. Daniel Graham | Lawrence Korb | Richard V. Allen | William Clark | Charles Lichenstein | Adm. James Nance | Adm. Edward Outlaw | George Patton III | Richard Pipes | Gen. Gordon Sumner, Jr. | Louis Dechert, Sr.

National Defense Council Foundation (NDCF)

Andy Messing | Coors (financing) | Dick Cheney | Singlaub | Robert Brown (SoF editor); Tommy Corcoran | Gen. Lansdale.

1978 1979

Jonathan Institute and conferences

Bush 43 | Claire Stirling | Jacques Soustelle | Shultz | Weinberger | Chalfont | Richard Pipes | Crozier | Douglas Feith | Robert Moss | Jack Kemp | Gen. Keegan | Sen. Jackson | Kirkpatrick | Yitzhak Rabin | Benjamin Netanyahu | Ray Cline | Fred Luchsinger

Religious Roundtable, Council of 56

Falwell | Graham | Keegan | James Kennedy | Hunt | Schlafly

1979 1979 1980 1981 1981 1981

Western Goals Foundation

MacDonald | Rees | Moorer | Singlaub | Cohn | Gen. Close & Walker; Huyn | D'Aubuisson

CAUSA (Moonies)
Woellner | Borchgrave | Cline | Graham | MacArthur II

Committee for the Free World

Scaife | Decter | Chalfont | Sir James Goldsmith | Kirkpatrick | Perle | Podhoretz | Ledeen | Richard Pipes

Committee for a Free Afghanistan

Chairman: Gen. J. Milnor Roberts

Council for National Policy (CNP)

J. Peter Grace | Hunt | Coors | Messing | North | Singlaub | T. Spencer | Gen. Graham | Feulner | Falwell | Hugel | Teller | Richard V. Allen

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U.S. Global Strategy Council (USGSC)

Ray Cline | Gen. Stilwell | Gen. Graham | Adm. Inman | Colby | Luce | Gen. Taylor | Gen. Wedemeyer | Kirkpatrick | Adm. Moorer | Borchgrave | Scowcroft | Teller | Sonnenfeldt | Gen. Woellner


Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)

Carlucci | Ikle | Stilwell

1981 1982 1982

American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC) AmeriCares

J. Peter Grace | Brzezinski | William Simon | Stilwell | Stilwell, Jr. | Eagleburger | Robert Macauley (friend of George H. W. Bush) | Prescott S. Bush, Jr. | Jeb Bush | George P. Bush | Barbara Bush | Bruce Ritter | Sen. Gordon Humphrey | A. James Forbes, Jr. | Robert W. Galvin | James Earl Jones | Powell | Thomas L. Sheer

Henry M. Jackson Foundation

Schlesinger | McCain

1983 1983 1984

Special Operations Policy Advisory Group (SOPAG)

Carlucci | Ikle | Stilwell | Luttwak | Singlaub | Secord | Messing | Lansdale | Aderholt

Jamestown Foundation
Jameson | Casey | Woolsey | Haig | Brzezinski | Cheney | Rumsfeld | Kampelman | Richard V. Allen | Tom Clancy | Decter | Nunn | Regnery | Patrick Gross | McCain III | Carlucci (wife)

International Security Council (Moonies)

Kelley | Cleave | Ikle | Rumsfeld | Zumwalt | Gray | Woellner | | Sumner | Borchgrave

1984 1984 1985 1985 1988

Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies

Clean Break report | Feith | Perle

Maldon Institute
Raymond Wannall | John Rees | Robert Moss | Dr. James Kennedy | Scaife-funded

Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP)

Woolsey | Perle | Kissinger | Shultz | Luttwak | Eagleburger | Christopher | Kampelman

Center for Security Policy (CSP)

Gaffney | Woolsey (co-chair) | Sen. Jon Kyl (co-chair) | Schlesinger | Rumsfeld (regular visitor) | Weinberger (regular visitor) | Gen. James L. Jones (regular visitor) | Cheney | Perle | Feith | Ikle | John Lehman | Gen. McInerney | Gen. Carl Mundy | Gelb (chair board of regents) | Sven Kraemer | Paula Dobriansky | Kenneth deGraffenreid | James T. deGraffenreid (chair) | Margo Carlisle | Decter | Feulner | Charles Fairbanks | Jamie Jameson | Zakheim | Phyllis Kaminsky | James Roche | Evan Galbraith | William Van Cleave | Michelle Van Cleave | George Keyworth | Charles Lichenstein | Gen. Piotrowski | William Schneider, Jr. | Gen. Schriever | Edward Teller | Gen. Vallely

Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

Cheney | Rumsfeld | Jeb Bush | Gaffney | Ikle | Perle | Lehman | Richard V. Allen | Woolsey | Armitage | Paula Dobriansky | Wolfowitz | Francis Fukuyama | Decter | Daniel Pipes \ Zakheim | Zoellick | Steve Forbes | Bolton | McCain III


Korea-United States Exchange Council

Kissinger | Feulner

2001 2001 2002 2002 2004 2005 2005 2011 2012

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

Chairman: Woolsey | Kirkpatrick | Kemp | Perle | William Kristol | Gen. Paul X. Kelley | Paula Dobriansky | Steve Forbes | Freeh | Kampelman | McFarlane | Lieberman

Committee for the Liberation of Iraq

Chairman: Shultz | Woolsey | Perle

Coalition for Democracy in Iran

Woolsey | Ledeen | Gaffney | Kemp

Third Committee on the Present Danger

Woolsey | McFarlane

Iran Policy Committee

Woolsey | Livingstone | Vallely | McInerney

Henry Jackson Society

Woolsey | Perle | Gen. Jack Sheehan | Chertoff

United States Energy Security Council

Woolsey | Shultz | McFarlane | Wesley Clark | Augustine | Lehman | Greenspan | William Perry | Gary Hart

Langley Intelligence Group Network (part of Newsmax)

Hayden | Rees-Mogg | Bolton | Borchgrave | Ermarth | Otto Reich

Conservative establishment (Mainly UK - intelligence)

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Stay-Behind networks
Colby | Critchfield

1949-55 1961 1970 1975 1976 1976 1977 1984 1985 1986 1987

Monday Club
Cecil | Amery

Institute for the Study of Conflict

Crozier (founder and chairman); Scaife (financier)

Washington Institute for the Study of Conflict (WISC)

Crozier | George Ball | Brzezinski | Komer | Kermit Roosevelt | John Diebold

Foreign Affairs Research Institute (FARI)

Crozier | Casey | Scaife | Cline | Graham

Safari Club
Gen. Walters | Marenches | Kamal Adham | Turki al-Faisal | Sadat | Hussein | Shah of Iran

Crozier | Gen. Walters | Gen. Stilwell | Gen. Fraser (S.A.) | Georges Albertini. Financiers: Rupert Murdoch | Sir James Goldsmith | Richard Mellon Scaife.

Global Economic Action Institute (Moonies)

Chairman: Lord Julian Amery (Cercle); Brian Griffiths (Pilgrims)

Institute for the Study of Terrorism (IST)

Founder and chairman: Lord Alun Chalfont

Mackenzie Institute for the Study of Terrorism (Canada) Committee for a Free Britain (CFB)

Conservative establishment (Vatican-Paneuropa network - intelligence) Knights of Malta (SMOM)

William Simon | Haig | Paul Dietrich | Laura Dietrich | J. Peter Grace | Joseph Kennedy | Thomas L. Sheer | Casey | Bernadette Casey Smith | Prescott S. Bush, Jr. | Rusk | Elmer Bobst | Konrad Adenauer (honorary) | Pinay (honorary) | Otto von Habsburg (honorary) | Gen. Reinhard Gehlen (honorary) | Gen. Mark Clark (honorary) | Gen. David Woellner | Gen. Vernon Walters | Gen. Daniel Graham (rumors) | Clare Boothe Luce | Jacques Jonet | Prince Baudouin de Merode | Princess Mathilde d'Udekem d'Acoz | Valery Giscard d'Estaing | Andreotti | Feulner | Manuel Fraga | Jean-Claude Gaudin | Edward Leigh | Robert McKinney | Duncan Bauman | William Wilson | Sir Michael Craig-Cooper | Lord Guthrie | Lord Peter Kerr | Lord Jude Kerr | Lord Mowbraw | Dukes of Norfolk | Roberto Alejos Arzu.


Society of Jesus
Daniel Sheehan | Pierre Teilhard de Chardin | Charles De Selliers De Moranville

1534 1922 1923 1928

Paneuropa Union (PEU)

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi | Otto von Habsburg | Vittorio Pons

Coudenhove-Kalergi Foundation
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi | Otto von Habsburg | Count Hans Huyn | Jakob CoudenhoveKalergi | Prince Carlo della Torre e Tasso | Nikolaus von Liechtenstein.

Opus Dei (Seldom official. Catholic fascism. Basically the belief system of everyone in the Vatican-Paneuropa network)
William Colby | Tommy Corcoran | Andreotti | Franco | Manuel Fraga | Monsignor Alberto Giovanetti | Otto von Habsburg | Prince Miguel de Bourbon | Alois Mertes | Silva Munoz | Pinay | Bonvoisin | Franz Josef Strauss | Jean Violet | Sir Peter Sutherland

P2 Lodge (Italy)
U.S. side: Shackley (Cercle), Haig and agents and Frank Gigliotti and Ledeen. Top Italian leaders, according to member Roberto Calvi (top down): Giulio Andreotti (Cercle), Francesco Cosentino, Giordano Gamberini, Licio Gelli. | Florio Fiorini | Prince Vittorio Emanuele | Elio Ciolini | Silvio Berlusconi


Institut Franais des Sciences Administratives (IFSA)

Jean Violet | Father Yves-Marc Dubois

1947 1952

Centre of Documentation and Information (CEDI)

Otto von Habsburg (key founder) | Alfredo Sanchez Bella | Paul Vankerkhoven | Gaston Eyskens | Paul van Zeeland | Vittorio Pons (known visitor) Count Jacques Pirenne | Ernest-John Solvay | Ernest-John Solvay | Nicolas de Kerchove | Sir John Rodgers | Geoffrey Rippon | Kenneth Clarke

Le Cercle
Habsburg | Count Hans Huyn | Antoine Pinay | Jean Violet | Konrad Adenauer | Crozier | Julian Amery | Alan Clark | Jonathan Aitken | Lord Lamont | Lord Chalfont | Timothy Landon | Col. Tim Spicer | Shackley | Donald Jameson | Casey | Colby | Ermarth | Chas Freeman | Walter Raymond, Jr. | Samuel Hoskinson | Stilwell | Critchfield | Richard V.


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Allen | Perle | Kirkpatrick | John Carbaugh | Margo Carlisle | Ikle | Sven Kraemer | Abrahamson | Moorer | John Negroponte | Baron de Bonvoisin | Gen. Robert Close | Florimond Damman | Jacques Jonet | Nicholas de Kerchove | Paul Vankerkhoven | Gen. Reinhard Gehlen | Pesenti II | Andreotti | Georges Albertini | Alfredo Sanchez Bella | Manuel Fraga | Feulner | Paul and Laura Dietrich | Monique Garnier-Lancon | Charles Pasqua | Nadhmi Auchi | Hooshang Amirahmadi | Prince Turki al Faisal | Sultan Qaboos | Ardeshir Zahedi | Monnet | Nelson Rockefeller | David Rockefeller | Kissinger | Volcker | Robert Knight | Brzezinski | Scowcroft | Grierson | Anton Rupert | Basil Hersov | Dirk Hertzog | Lord Michael Cecil | 7th Marquess of Salisbury (Cecil).

Charlemagne dinners
Otto von Habsburg | Jacques Jonet | Florimond Damman | Count Alain de Villegas | Paul Vankerkhoven | Bernard Mercier | Jean-Pierre Grafe | Leo Tindemans | Willy De Clercq | Comtesse Antony de Meeus | Baron Jean de Marcken de Merken | Bernard de Marcken de Merken | Father Yves-Marc Dubois | Baron Patrick Nothomb | Alfredo Sanchez-Bella | Ernest Tottosy | Vincent van den Bosch | Richard van Wijck | Kai-Uwe von Hassel | Giulio Andreotti | Brian Crozier | Jean Violet | Count Hans Huyn | Giancarlo Elia Valori


l'Institut Europeen de Developpement

Paul Vankerkhoven | Baron de Bonvoisin

1960s 1963 1964 1966 1969

Centre d'Observation du Mouvement des Ides Ordre du Rouvre

Jacques Jonet | Vincent vanden Bossche | Paul Vankerkhoven |

Hanns Seidel Foundation

Otto von Habsburg |

Acadmie Europeene des Sciences Politique (AESP)

Jean Violet | Florimond Damman | Paul Vankerkhoven | Baron de Bonvoisin | Paul vanden Boeynants | Count Alain de Villegas | Bernard de Marcken de Merken | Jacques Jonet | Richard van Wyck | Bernard Mercier | Ernest Tottosy | Carlo Pesenti

Mouvement d'Action pour l'Union de l'Europe (MAUE - PEU)

Jacques Jonet | Florimond Damman | Gaston Eyskens | Yves Guerin Serac | Emile Lecerf | Bernard de Marcken de Merken | Luc Beyer de Rycke | Pierre Nothomb |

1969 1969

Cercle des Nations

Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin | Emmanuel de Bonvoisin | Paul vanden Boeynants | Jean-Paul Dumont | Aldo and Philippe Vastapane | Ado Blaton | Jacques Jonet | Serge Kubla | Charly De Pauw | Roger Boas | Jean Violet | Felix Przedborski | Pierre Salik | Xavier Magnee | Guy Mathot. Prince Francois de Merode | Philippe Cryns | Nicholas de Kerchove | Philippe de Kerchove | Bernard Marcken de Merken | Philippe Boel | Comte Philippe and Louis de Meeus d'Argenteuil | Prince Albert de Croy | Prince Rodolphe de Croy-Roeulx | Prince Antoine de Ligne | Comte Bertrand, Herve and Yannick d'Ursel | Comte de Launoit | Edgar Parser | Philippe Cruysmans | Paul Vankerkhoven | Florimond Damman | Baron Jean van den Bosch | Vincent van den Bossch | Jo Gerard | Henri Simonet | Richard van Wijck | Michel Relecom | Jean-Pierre Grafe | Baron Paul Kronacker.

Ligue Internationale de la Libert (LIL)

Paul Vankerkhoven | Emile Lecerf | Florimond Damman

1969 1969

European Institute of Management

Radbot de Habsburg | Baron and Bernard de Marcken de Merken | Count Alain de Villegas | Count Paul van Zeeland | Gaston Eyskens | Baron Pierre Nothomb | Florimond Damman | Michel Relecom (owner) | MacArthur II | Col. Rene Mayerus | Jean Bougerol

P7 Lodge (Belgium)
Vittorio Pons | Ernest Tottosy | Victor de Stankovich

1970 1971 1972 1974 1975 1977 Pre-1980 1981

Nouvel Europe Magazine (Belgium)

Baron de Bonvoisin | Paul vanden Boeynants | Emile Lecerf | Francis Dossogne

CEPIC (Belgium)
Baron de Bonvoisin | Paul vanden Boeynants | Jean-Paul Dumont | Paul Vankerkhoven | Jean Breydel | Jo Gerard | Joseph Franz | Bernard Mercier

Public Information Office (PIO)

Baron de Bonvoisin | Paul vanden Boeynants | Major Jean-Marie Bougerol

The Freedom Association (TFA)

(libertarian; both Pilgrims & conservative intelligence links)

Comite Hongrie (at CEPIC headquarters)

Ernest Tottosy | Victor de Stankovich | Emile Lecerf | Florimond Damman | Bernard Mercier

"Club de Vaduz"
Jacques Jonet | Brian Crozier

American-European Strategy Institute / Western Goals Europe

Count Huyn | Werner Marx | Gen. Robert Close (WG Belgium)

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Europaeisches Institut fuer Sicherheitsfragen

Otto von Habsburg | Leo Tindemans | Kai-Uwe Von Kassel | Gen. Robert Close | Nicholas de Kerchove | Gerhard Lowenthal | Fred Luchsinger | Monique Garnier-Lancon

1981 1983

Institut Europen pour la Paix et la Scurit (IEPS)

Jacques Jonet | Gen. Robert Close | Paul Vankerkhoven | Nicholas de Kerchove | Brian Crozier | Count Hans Huyn | Gen. Daniel Graham | Gen. Robert Richardson | Wolfgang Reinecke | Jean Gol | Willy De Clercq | Giovanni Spadolini.

Balmes Foundation & Razon Espanola

Federico Silva Munoz | Gonzalo Fernandez de la Mora

1983 1998

Cercle de Lorraine (continuation of Cercle des Nations)

Davignon | Maurice Lippens | Leopold Lippens | Gerard Mestrallet | Albert Frere | Baron Daniel Cardon de Lichtbuer | Comte Jean-Pierre de Launoit | Jean-Pierre Laurent Josi.

Zionist establishment (set up by Zionist Jews, not American neocons) B'nai B'rith American Jewish Committee Anti-Defamation League
Abraham Foxman

1843 1906 1913 1914 1929 1936 1953 1956 1957 1965 1976 1985 1986 1989 2000 2001 2003 2003 2004 (approx.)

Joint Distribution Committee, New York

Kissinger | David de Rothschild | Charles Bronfman | Edgar Bronfman | Alan Greenberg | Lord Weidenfeld

Jewish Agency for Israel World Jewish Congress AIPAC CPMAJO

Malcolm Hoenlein

Benjamin Blumberg | Rafi Eitan

Israel-America Chamber of Commerce Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Jewish Policy Center
Decter | Kristol | Ledeen | Medved | Daniel Pipes | Podhoretz | Shoshana Bryen

UJA-Federation of New York

Edgar Bronfman | Edmond Safra | Max Fisher | Larry Silverstein | Rupert Murdoch

Israel Council on Foreign Relations

David Kimche (founder and president until his death in 2010)

Herzliya Conference (IPS)

Gen. Danny Rothschild | Zakheim

Michael Cherney Foundation Jihad Watch

Ran by what appears to be a Catholic Jew from the Intelligence Summit

Jerusalem Summit
Key founders: Michael Cherney and John Loftus | Daniel Pipes | Paul Vallely

Intelligence Summit
Key founders: Cherney and Loftus. Directors: Vallely | Woolsey | Deutch | Mossad, CIA, MI6 people. INTELCON 2005 advisory board: Robert Baer | Jamie Gorelick | Slade Gorton | Michael Ledeen | Daniel Pipes.

Institute for National Security Studies (INSS)

Frank Lowy (co-founder and founding chairman) | Martin Indyk (founding director) | Mortimer Zuckerman (founding trustee)


Extra: anti-Vatican (esoteric) masonic, deist and (esoteric) scientific groups Fratres Lucis (esoteric research group, apparently existing for centuries) 1498

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Count Cagliostro (1743-1795) | Emanuel Swedenborg | Louis Claude de Saint-Martin | Epithas Levi | Martinez de Pasqually

Scottish Rite (1-33) Grand Orient Martinist Order

Martinez de Pasqually (founder) | Louis Claude de Saint-Martin (founder)

1733 1733 1740 (approx.) 1746 1771

Hellfire Club (the Dashwood version)

Sir Francis Dashwood (founder) | Benjamin Franklin (attended meetings in 1748 as a guest)

Amis Reunis Lodge, Paris (allied with the Bavarian Illuminati)

Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) | Count de Mirabeau (1749-1791) | Antoine Barnave (1761-1793) | Duke Francois de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827) | [Pierre Samuel?] DuPont | Maximilien de Robespierre (1758-1794) | Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793) | Ludwig X of Hesse-Darmstadt

The Nine Sisters Lodge, Paris

Voltaire | Benjamin Franklin (U.S. minister to France 1778-1785) | Reported close associates or members: Franz Mesmer | Cagliostro | Mirabeau | Thomas Jefferson (U.S. minister to France 1785-1789)


Illuminati (deist group pretending to be masonic; indeed U.S. & French revolutionlinked) Adam Weishaupt | Joachim Christian Bode | Adolf Freiherr Knigge | Baron Karl Theodor von Dalberg | Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach | Ewald Friedrich von Hertzberg | Karl von Hessen-Kassel | Count Cagliostro (1743-1795) | Count de SaintGermain (1712-1784) | Franz Mesmer | Duke d'Orleans | Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) | Count de Mirabeau (1749-1791) | Jean-Pierre Brissot (1754-1793) | Antoine Barnave | Duke Francois de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827) | Nicolas de Bonneville (1760-1828) | Claude Fauchet | Prince Henry of Prussia | Duke of Saxe-Gotha | Thomas Paine |


Rite of High Egyptian Masonry

Count Cagliostro (1743-1795) (founder)

1784 1788 1881 1882 1921

Rite of Misraim
Count Cagliostro (founder)

Memphis Misraim (34-99th degree)

Count Cagliostro (1743-1795) | General Giuseppe Garibaldi | Joseph Balsamo

Society for Psychical Research

Sir William Crookes | Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge | Arthur Balfour | Gerald Balfour | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Martinist and Synarchist Order Extra: humanist groups Rotary International Lions Club International International Marnixring (Dutch-Flemish counterpart of the above) Extra: secret societies Japan Dark Ocean Society (Genyosha) Black Dragon Society (Kokuryukai)

1905 1917 1968

1881 1901

The "black network", the "octopus" and the "nebula" "The black network" On July 29, 1991, Time Magazine reported in great detail how the corrupt BCCI bank had been controlled by what senior officers termed the "black network", which had ties to many western intelligence agencies (including the CIA, DIA and Mossad), arms merchants and dictators around

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the world. This hugely powerful conglomerate was involved in drug running, arms trafficking, gold smuggling, assassinations and bribing government officials. From other sources it became clear that black network operatives were working with the CIA and Mossad, indicating these two elements really controlled the network. See the La Nebuleuse article for some details. July 29, 1991, Time Magazine, 'The Dirtiest Bank of All': "B.C.C.I. is more than just a criminal bank. From interviews with sources close to B.C.C.I., TIME has pieced together a portrait of a clandestine division of the bank called the "black network," which functions as a global intelligence operation and a Mafia-like enforcement squad. Operating primarily out of the bank's offices in Karachi, Pakistan, the 1,500-employee black network has used sophisticated spy equipment and techniques, along with bribery, extortion, kidnapping and even, by some accounts, murder. The black network -- so named by its own members -- stops at almost nothing to further the bank's aims the world over." "The more conventional departments of B.C.C.I. handled such services as laundering money for the drug trade and helping dictators loot their national treasuries. The black network, which is still functioning, operates a lucrative arms-trade business and transports drugs and gold. According to investigators and participants in those operations, it often works with Western and Middle Eastern intelligence agencies. The strange and still murky ties between B.C.C.I. and the intelligence agencies of several countries are so pervasive that even the White House has become entangled. As TIME reported earlier this month, the National Security Council used B.C.C.I. to funnel money for the Iran-contra deals, and the CIA maintained accounts in B.C.C.I. for covert operations. Moreover, investigators have told TIME that the Defense Intelligence Agency has maintained a slush-fund account with B.C.C.I., apparently to pay for clandestine activities..." "U.S. agents collaborated with the black network in several operations, according to a B.C.C.I. blacknetwork "officer" who is now a secret U.S. government witness. Sources have told investigators that B.C.C.I. worked closely with Israel's spy agencies and other Western intelligence groups as well, especially in arms deals. The bank also maintained cozy relationships with international terrorists, say investigators who discovered suspected terrorist accounts for Libya, Syria and the Palestine Liberation Organization in B.C.C.I.'s London offices..." "The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and the resulting strategic importance of neighboring Pakistan

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accelerated the growth of B.C.C.I.'s geopolitical power and its unbridled use of the black network..." "The bank was in a unique position to operate an intelligence- gathering unit because it dealt with such figures as Noriega, Saddam, Marcos, Peruvian President Alan Garcia, Daniel Ortega, contra leader Adolfo Calero and arms dealers like Adnan Khashoggi. Its original purpose was to pay bribes, intimidate authorities and quash investigations. But according to a former operative, sometime in the early 1980s the black network began running its own drugs, weapons and currency deals." "I was recruited by the black network in the early 1980s," says an Arab- born employee who has ties to a ruling family in the Middle East and has told U.S. authorities of his role in running one of the black units. "They came to me while I was in school in the U.S.; they spoke my language, knew all of my friends and gave me money. They told me they wanted me to join the organization, and described its wealth and political power, but at first they never said exactly what the organization did." "This operative -- call him Mustafa -- underwent a year of training that began with education in psychology and the principles of leadership and proceeded into spycraft, with lessons in electronic surveillance, breaking and entering, and interrogation techniques. "Then the nature of our advisers changed," says Mustafa. "The pleasantness was gone, and we moved to Pakistan, where we trained with firearms." Mustafa's first operational assignment took him to London. "They gave us passports and identification, and we moved a shipment of ((unidentified)) goods. In England they had more I.D. waiting for us, because customs and immigration are strict, but when we moved many places, into India or China or Latin America, matters were taken care of, and we just slipped through borders. We would be met. It was always all arranged."" "A typical operation took place in April 1989, when a container ship from Colombia docked during the night at Karachi, Pakistan. Black-unit operatives met the ship after paying $100,000 in bribes to Pakistani customs officials. The band unloaded large wooden crates from several containers. "They were so heavy we had to use a crane rather than a forklift," says a participant. The crates were trucked to a "secure airport" and loaded aboard an unmarked 707 jet, where an American, believed by the black-unit members to be a CIA agent, supervised the frantic activity..." "The black network was the bank's deepest secret, but rumors of its activities filtered through the bank's

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managerial level with chilling effectiveness. Senior bankers voice fears that they will be financially ruined or physically maimed -- even killed -- if they are found talking about B.C.C.I.'s activities... Businessmen who pursued shady deals with B.C.C.I. are just as frightened. 'Look,' says an arms dealer, 'these people work hand in hand with the drug cartels; they can have anybody killed.'... Currently the black units have focused their scrutiny and intimidation on investigators. 'Our own people have been staked out or followed, and we suspect tapped telephones,' says a New York law-enforcement officer." "The Octopus" Term that was created by the murdered journalist Danny Casolaro to describe the global, criminal, CIA-ran conglomerate he was investigating. Although it isn't known if this term was also used by people involved in this network, his work was very unique and he was clearly digging very deep -- too deep, it appears. Before he was killed (as have many, many others), Casolaro had already received numerous warnings and death threats, but apparently he couldn't back off. As for me, I agree with Casolaro's take on the subject. Parts of his investigation are discussed in the 1996 book The Last Circle of Cheri Seymour. Kenn Thomass and Jim Keith also discussed Casolaro's work in their 1996 book The Octopus: Secret government and the death of Danny Casolaro, pp. 69, 73 (revised edition of 2004): "Although Danny Casolaro does not state it explicitly in his notes, he apparently conceived the Octopus starting as an anti- Communist response to Philby's betrayel [found out about in 1963]; a conclave of OSS/CIA veterans, dispersing and coalescing in what Casolaro called "tag team compartments" and reaping huge profits through assassinations, arms sales, the control of governments, international drug trafficking, and the promotion of international fascism... "Danny Casolaro believed the Octopus responsible for criminal conspiracies which, linked, formed a virtual history of intelligence double dealing from 1950 to the present. These events, in Casolaro's view, included the ousters of US President Richard Nixon, Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, the Shah of Iran, and the murders of Chilean President Allende, and, of course, of President John F. Kennedy. Casolaro saw the Octopus' tentacles entwined throughout the creation of the Golden Triangle and Latin America drug trade, the Cuban Bay of Pigs debacle, the October Surprise, the BCCI banking scandal, and, almost as an afterthought, the theft of the PROMIS software. Casolaro found a "Secret Team," a high cabal of players operating a clandestine, parallel government, identified previously by other writers. The cabal had operated beyond the control or scrutiny of the

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elected government, financed by drug- running from Southeast Asia and the Americas... Casolaro believed the crimes could best be identified by linking them to a small network of named individuals that made up his Octopus. He outlined their hierarchy and provided specific detail about their behind-the-scenes role in contemporary political history. "Casolaro named people both familiar and unfamiliar to other researchers. He deemed the "first level" operatives to be Richard Helms, George Pender, John Philip Nichols, and Ray Cline [ASC; close to Cercle group]. The second level included Robert Chasen, E. Howard Hunt, Edwin Wilson, Thomas Clines, and Ted Shackley [Shackley was
influential in Le Cercle; Shackley was definitely the leader of what Casolaro terms "second level"]. Working backward from the PROMIS

theft, Casolaro saw them in a new relationship, a nearly organic entity that impacted on both past and then current events..." The Octopus', p. 71, interview with investigative reporter Virginia McCullough: "Danny would say that he couldn't believe the government would do drugs for arms. He was God, motherhood, and apple pie. I would say, 'Look Danny, let's get real, we're living in the 20th century.'" "The nebula" Spoken about in the 1994 ATLAS dossier on this website. It involves a network of Mossad agents and Russian mafia, but also CIA, politicians and bankers. Elements are very recognizable compared to the previous two terms: "black network" and "nebula". Intro of the the relevant ATLAS dossier document: "To comprehend this nebula, it is necessary to abandon traditional financial or political logic; this is not merely a question of nation, political party, or of ordinary economics... Our conclusion would be that at least over the last twenty years, the economic powers, some of which mafia types, have allied themselves with political forces and organized criminal structures, and reached the 4th stage of money laundering, namely, Absolute Power. It has been specified to us that at the present moment these characters control 50% of the world economy." Existence uncertain Committee of 26 This group is mentioned in Simon Regan's book 'Who killed Diana?'. The author was informed about this group through his intelligence contacts, including the one who advised him to look into Le Cercle. I quote from his book: "My own security contacts, including the Baroness, had also told me about a highly mysterious organization called the Committee of 26, which is apparently based in

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Bristol, in Englands West Country. I have never heard of this and can find no other official reference in any file. But it is apparently a super-secret "liaison desk" between the highest echelons of British and American agencies and has the "co-operation" of the French. I was told it was "Old Guard" and worked unilaterally. That is, it was a kind of uncontrolled "super-agency" which answered to no one. I cannot show that this agency even exists... I trust the Baroness, but she was unable to give me any feasible further "chapter and verse." This could well be disinformation, as this is certainly the case with John Coleman's Committee of 300 ("the Olympians"). I read Coleman's book years back, looking for evidence of the committee's existence, but couldn't find it. Virtually all of the information could be found in the work of EIR and Eustace Mullins (both also propagandists, but who never used the Committee of 300 term), and most of the names he mentions have at least once visited Bilderberg. Especially since Coleman gathered so many names of this alleged Committee of 300, you'd guess he could at least point you in the right direction for proof of its existence. But he has never done that. Coleman, a former MI6 agent, is typical of conservative establishment propagandists la Brian Crozier and others, in the sense that he links liberalism, socialism and communism all on one heap and the West has been a victim of this joint "plot". This alone is a dead giveaway that he's spreading disinformation. Maybe it's different with the Committee on 26, but don't get your hopes up. Group 13 Said to be an assassination team from Britain. You can find some information about it here. The supposed head of Group 13 turned out to be someone whose background could not be fully traced, not even by the British Parliament. This person and his allies had also infiltrated the boards of arms companies. Apparently, when these companies aren't useful anymore, they are run into the ground. This group, which appears to have close ties to the Pinay Cercle leadership, will be slightly more expanded on in the future. Another assassination team from England. The well-respected and well-connected author Gordon Thomas spoke about this group in March 2010. Supposedly this group is hunting down IRA members who killed two British soldiers and a policeman in Northern Ireland. In his 1977 book The Night Watch, former CIA officer David Atlee Phillips wrote on page 123 (according to Lobster): "...that small circle of well-bred, highly educated adventurers who were known to some in the CIA

Company 14

Knight's Templar (CIA)

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as the 'Knights Templars' - Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner, Kermit Roosevelt, Tracey Barnes, Dick Bissell, and kindred spirits. Other CIA veterans have confirmed the existence of similar associations within the agency, with names like the "Century group" and the "Gold Key group". Synarchist Movement of The Synarchist and Martinist order existed, but nothing is Empire really known about it and it may well have been very insignificant in terms of influence. But some have claimed that the philopsophies of Synarchism played a role in the French version of an underground fascist, pre-World War II movement. 1969, William L. Shirer, 'The Collapse of the Third Republic', p. 218-219: "Later Coutrot would be generally credited with being the man behind a technocratic movement called Synarchie, which to this day, despite many studies of it, remains - at least to this writer, who has pondered most of them - somewhat of a mystery... That some Synarchists organized as far back as 1922 a secret society with revolutionary aims has been established. It was called "Le Mouvement Synarchique d'Empire," or MSE, and its secret "Pact," containing "Thirteen Fundamental Points and 598 Propositions" for the Synarchist revolution, was discovered by the Vichy police in 1941 and published after the war... so far as one can make out from reading the lengthy document the movement would set up a sort of super monopoly capitalism, with competition abolished and endless plans drawn up for production and distribution, the whole - as well as the government - to be run by knowledgeable technocrats... That at one time the MSE was linked to the terrorist Cagoule [CSAR] also seems clear... this secret society of technocrats never got close to staging a revolution." A number of other authors disagree with that last notion. You can find more on the SME and the Synarchie in note 3 of the article on Le Cercle and especially in note 61 and 62 of the article on the Pilgrims Society. Here's a quick timeline compiled from the work of Roger Menneve in Les Documents Politiques, Diplomatiques et Financiers, which was published from 1946 to 1962. 1922 The SME is born in Europe and its membership slowly rises over the years. 1932 The SME controls the Theosophy Society [it is known that Saint Yves d'Alveydre with his Synarchie concept was a significant influence on Blavatsky] and other dissident branches. February 1934 Jean Coutrot begins his intense recruitment. He creates organizations like

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1934 1935


July 1940


the CPEE, PCES, CEPH, CHPS, etc. At that moment, the SME has about 300 members, which will start to rise more rapidly from this point on. The SME controls the leadership of the Cagoule, a fascist organization which worked to undermine the French republic. The SME tries to take over the French government through La Cagoule. Fails. The SME has quietly penetrated the Council of the Order of the Grand Orient of France and the Federal Council of the Grand Lodge of France. The SME, again, tries to take over the French government through its military wing, the SCRA. Fails. After the Germans have conquered France, the SME ascends to power. The SME in France becomes the Vichy government. The movement is said to have survived. Jean Violet, who was a member of the CSAR, becomes part of Otto von Habsburg's (and Coudenhove-Kalergi's) Vatican-Paneuropa network. Both become primary founders of Le Cercle, one of the most important branches of this VaticanPaneuropa network.

Extra: reported coups (how we keep on top of the world) Over the years I came across certain and alleged coups in the countries below, usually carried out by by the CIA and other times by MI6 and French intelligence. Several of the coups also involved the Israelis. The dates are picked based on either a major event in that year or when a slower, more drawn-out coup went into action - like in Tibet, for example. This list is just a guide. Google the country listed, togeter with "coup" and "CIA", and you are likely to find more than enough information. Some curious assassinations, which could be suspected as having been part of coup, have not been listed. An example of this are the deaths of the left-leaning Indian politicians Sanjay Gandhi (1980), Indira Gandhi (1984) and Rajiv Gandhi (1991). Keep in mind that "open action", instead of "covert action", has become the norm since the early 1980s, meaning that major thinks tanks and foundations continue to support student and "pro-democracy" groups in all countries the West takes an interest in. Freedom House, the National Endowment for Democracy, the National Democratic Institute the Open Society Foundations of George Soros have been examples of this type of activity. Like Allen Weinstein, co-founder of the National Endowment for Democracy, acknowledged: "A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA." [1] Albania Italy Burma 1948 1948 1951

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Iran Vietnam Guatamala Hungary Laos Tibet Thailand Congo Cuba Ecuador Algeria United Nations Yemen France United States Iraq Dominican Republic Bolivia Brazil Italy Indonesia Ghana Greece Iraq United States Cambodia Bolivia Uganda Chile Angola Portugal Australia Great Britain Nigeria Afghanistan Turkey Nicaragua Ecuador Panama Seychelles Suriname Chad Ethiopia Haiti Sierra Leone Kosovo Eritrea Venezuela Georgia Ukraine Equatorial Guinea Honduras Ecuador Kyrgystan Ecuador

1953 1954 1954 1956 1957 1957 1958 1960 1961 1961 1961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1968 1970 1971 1971 1973 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 1979 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1989 1991 1995 1998 2000 2002 2003 2004 2004 2009 2010 2010 2011

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Notes [1] September 22, 1991, Washington Post, 'Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups'.

Written: Jol van der Reijden First version: August 9, 2005 Newest version: December 31, 2012

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Exhibit 17

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Fallacies of Congressional Legislative Attorney Jack Maskells Definition of a Natural Born Citizen
The Fallacies of Congressional Legislative Attorney Jack Maskells Definition of a Natural Born Citizen By Mario Apuzzo, Esq. June 2, 2013

Bob Quasius at Caf Con Leche Republicans recently said: The citizenship of Ted Cruzs father is irrelevant. Ted Cruz was born a citizen of the United States based upon his mothers citizenship and many years of residency in the U.S., per the federal statutes in effect at the time Ted Cruz was born. A natural born citizen is one who was born a citizen, as compared to someone not born a citizen and naturalized. Ted Cruz was born a citizen, and therefore hes a natural born citizen. . Quasius argument is the classic example of Jack Maskells formal and informal logical fallacies of what the definition of a natural born Citizen is which are contained in his two Congressional Research (CRS) Memos. Jack Maskell wrote in his CRS memo published in 2009: [T]he weight of scholarly legal and historical opinion appears to support the notion that 'natural born citizen' means one who is entitled under the Constitution or laws of the United States to U.S. citizenship 'at birth' or 'by birth,' including any child born in the United States (other than to foreign diplomats serving their country), the children of United States citizens born abroad of one citizen parent who has met U.S. residency requirements." . Then he wrote in his 2011 CRS memo: The weight of legal and historical authority indicates that the term natural born citizen would mean a person who is entitled to U.S. citizenship by birth or at birth, either by being born in the United States and under its jurisdiction, even those born to alien parents; by being born abroad to U.S. citizen-parents; or by being born in other situations meeting legal requirements for U.S. citizenship at birth. In this memo, he also added: there is no Supreme Court case which has ruled specifically on the presidential eligibility requirements, although several cases have addressed the term natural born citizen. And this clause has been the subject of several legal and historical treatises over the years, as well as more recent litigation. . Maskell made his 2009 statement with little force and certitude. He said that this scholarly legal and historical opinion appears to support the notion as to what the natural born Citizen clause means. A notion is defined, in relevant part, as: 1. A general idea 2. a belief; opinion 3. an inclination; whim. Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language 410 (1983). Here is another definition: 1: Idea, conception 2: a belief held: opinion, view 3: whim, fancy. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary 480 (1974). And this opinion only appears to support that notion. Here, we can see that Maskell did not give us a clear and definite statement as to what the definition of a natural born Citizen is. Rather, he only put forth a theory that this scholarly legal and historical opinion supported this general idea, belief, or opinion of what the definition of a natural born citizen is. While his 2011 statement contained more force, Maskell still stated that a natural born citizen would mean any person who is a citizen by birth or citizen at birth, regardless of the means by which the person obtained that birth status. Maskell said would mean. That means that the meaning that he gave to a natural born citizen is conditioned upon something else also being true. But he did not tell us what that something else is, let alone demonstrate that whatever it is, it is true. He also stated that there is no Supreme Court case which has ruled specifically on the presidential eligibility requirements. As we shall see below, this is not true, for there are U.S. Supreme Court cases which have addressed the common-law definition of a natural-born citizen and that is a presidential eligibility requirement. First, as to the formal logical fallacy, let us break down what Maskell and Quasius actually said into its logical form. I will use the following symbols: Natural born Citizen=NBC, and Citizen at birth=CAB All NBCs are CABs. All persons like Ted Cruz (born in Canada to a U.S citizen mother and non-U.S. citizen father) are CABs. Therefore, all persons like Ted Cruz are NBCs. First, it is a tautology to argue that a natural born Citizen is a born citizen. Second, this argument commits the fallacy of affirming the consequent (affirming that one is a CAB does not prove that one is a NBC). Third, this argument suffers from fallacy in that it violates the rule of the undistributed middle (the middle term CABs is not distributed in either the major or minor premise meaning the term has not been defined as belonging or not belonging within the class of NBCs). So, while the major and minor premises are both true, the conclusion, which equates a CAB to a NBC is false. We should see intuitively that the conclusion does not follow from the two premises. An easy way to see the invalidity of the argument is the following: All poodles are dogs. Bubbles is a dog. Therefore, Bubbles is a poodle. We know that this argument is not valid because, with dogs being comprised of more than just poodles, Bubbles can be a German Shepherd or some other type of dog.

Second, now let us examine the informal fallacy of the Maskell/Quasius statement. Now we will test the truth of the major and minor premises of the argument. To do that, we need to help Maskell and Quasius a little by converting their invalid argument into a valid one. Here we go: All CABs are NBCs. All persons like Ted Cruz are CABs. All persons like Ted Cruz are NBCs. This argument is valid because if the major and minor premises are true, the conclusion must be true. But while the argument is valid as to its logical form, it is not sound, meaning that the major or minor premise or both are false. This adjusted Maskell argument is not sound because its major premise is false. With the major premise being false, so is its conclusion. Let me explain. First, the major premise, all citizens at birth are natural born Citizens is false because the Founders, Framers, and Ratifiers of the Constitution did not so define a citizens at birth and there does not exist any evidence that they did. Second, regardless of how a citizen at birth may be defined, the text of Article II specifically states natural born Citizen, not Citizen at Birth or some variant thereof. Additionally, while it is true that all natural born Citizens are citizens at birth, it does not follow that all citizens at birth are natural born Citizens. If I am wrong, Bob Quasius can cite for us an authoritative source which provides that all citizens at birth are natural born Citizens. So there is the challenge. Let Bob Quasius or anyone else who might want to come to his aid provide one authoritative source which demonstrates that all citizens at birth are natural born Citizens. By doing this, he will also be proving that Jack Maskell is correct. Anticipating that Bob Quasius will not be able to provide any such source, I have therefore demonstrated how Jack Maskell is incorrect in what he stated to be the definition of a natural born Citizen. Using their exact words, they made an invalid argument about who is included and excluded as a natural born Citizen. Even adjusting what they said to make a valid argument, they made an unsound argument, for they provided a non-existent definition of a natural born Citizen. Either way, Jack Maskell and Bob Quasius lose. Now as to the correct definition of a natural born Citizen, here it is: A natural born Citizen is a child born in a country to parents who are its citizens at the time of the childs birth. This is the settled definition of the clause under American national common law. See Emer de Vattel, The Law of Nations, Section 212 Citizens and natives (London 1797) (1st ed. Neuchatel 1758) (The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens); The Venus, 12 U.S. 8 Cranch 253, 289 (1814) (C.J. Marshall concurring); Inglis v. Sailors Snug Harbor, 28 U.S. 99 (1830); Shanks v. Dupont, 28 U.S. 242, 245 (1830; Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393, 476-77 (1857) (J. Daniels concurring); Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162, 168-170 (1875); Ex parte Reynolds, 20 F.Cas. 582, 5 Dill. 394, No. 11,719 (C.C.W.D.Ark 1879); United States v. Ward, 42 F.320 (C.C.S.D.Cal. 1890); United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649, 679-80 (1898) (all confirmed Vattels Section 212 of the The Law of Nations (London 1797) (1st ed. Neuchatel 1758) definition of the natural-born citizens who are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens). This is the only definition of the clause that has ever existed and which has been recognized by our U.S. Supreme Court. The conditions of being born in the country to citizen parents are both necessary and sufficient conditions of being a natural born Citizen. The definition of a natural born Citizen therefore excludes anyone who is either not born in the country (or its jurisdictional equivalent) or not born to parents (both parents) who are its citizens at the time of the childs birth or both. 3

Here is what this definition produces as logical statements: I will use the following symbols: Natural born Citizen=NBC; born in the country =BIC; and born to citizen parents=BCPs All BIC and BCPs are NBC. All Xs are BIC and BCPs. Therefore, all Xs are NBC. If NBC, then BIC and BCPs. X is not BIC and BCP. Therefore, X is not NBC. If and only if BIC and BCP, then NBC. X is not BIC and BCPs. Therefore, X is not NBC. All NBCs are BIC and BCPs. No Xs are BIC and BCPs. Therefore, no Xs are NBC. The Founders, Framers, and Ratifiers required that future Presidents and Commanders in Chief of the Military be natural born Citizens. They required this because they wanted to protect these unique and singular and all-powerful civil and military offices from monarchical and foreign influence. For the sake of the safety of those offices and the national security of the nation, they wanted to make sure that all future Presidents and Commanders be born with sole allegiance, faith, and loyalty to the United States. Barack Obama (maybe born in Hawaii, but born to a U.S. "citizen" mother and a non-U.S. citizen father), Ted Cruz (born in Canada to a U.S. citizen mother and a non-U.S. citizen father), Marco Rubio (born in Florida to two non-U.S. citizen parents), Bobby Jindal (born in Louisiana to two non-U.S. citizen parents), and Nikki Haley (born in South Carolina to two non-U.S. citizen parents) were not born in the country (BIC) to citizen parents (BCPs). Because they acquired foreign allegiance from either being born to one or two alien parents (all of them) or from being born in a foreign nation (Cruz and maybe also Obama), none of them were born with sole allegiance, faith, and loyalty to the United States. Under all of the above logical statements, none of these individuals are natural born Citizens. The inescapable conclusion is that since Obama, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, and Haley are neither natural born Citizens nor Citizens of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, they are not eligible to be President. Mario Apuzzo, Esq. June 2, 2013 #### Copyright 2013 Mario Apuzzo, Esq. All Rights Reserved 4

SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNW OF KINGS IAS. Part 27 Index N o . : 6600-2011 x @on. Arthur M. Schack J.S.C)
Christopher-Earl:Strunk, i n esse


Plaintiff SECOND REPLY Affidavit in support of Notice of motion with

Exhibit 16 December 31,2012 entitled JSGP h l y ~ i of s the Permanent Goverramerat

online at JTSCPl.4ppendiwI.htrn

Exhibit 17 June 2,201 3 Attorney Mario Apuzm essay The Fallacies of Conmssional
Le~islutlive Attorney Jack Musk/Z'~ Definitiono f a "'NawaI Born Citizen"

Aff~davit of Service
Dated: June , 2013 Brooklyn New Yor
for ne btor CHRISTOPHER EARLSTRUNK 593 Vanderbilt Avenue #28 1 Brooklyn,New York 11238 Ph. 845-901-6767 Email: chni&

SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS IAS Part 27 Index No.: ---------------------------------------------------------------------x Christopher-Earl: Strunk, in esse Plaintiff, -against-

6500-2011 (Hon. Arthur M. Schack J.S.C) PLAINTIFFS REPLY


Plaintiffs REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 1 of 8


That Christopher Earl Strunk in esse and sui juris, the secured beneficiary and

agent of the debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK (Plaintiff Agent), submits this affidavit with exhibits annexed in support of his motion, in his combined Reply to the Response of Marshall Beil Esq. counsel to Defendants ZBIGNIEW KAIMIERZ BRZEZINSKI, MARK BRZEZINSKI and IAN J. BRZEZINSKI (hereinafter known as the BRZEZINSKI Defendants) and Joshua Pepper NYS Assistant Attorney General Representing: NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS: JAMES A. WALSH, DOUGLAS A. KELLNER, Co-Chairs , EVELYN J. AQUILA / Commissioner, GREGORY P. PETERSON / Commissioner, Deputy Director TODD D. VALENTINE, Deputy Director STANLEY ZALEN; ANDREW CUOMO, ERIC SCHNEIDERMAN, THOMAS P. DINAPOLI, RUTH NOEM COLN, in their Official and individual capacity; DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE COMMITTEE OF THE WORKING FAMILIES PARTY OF NEW YORK STATE; THE NEW YORK STATE REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE; THE NEW YORK STATE COMMITTEE OF THE INDEPENDENCE PARTY; STATE COMMITTEE OF THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF NEW YORK STATE (hereinafter known as the STATE Defendants), and as such having not received a response from the other defendants. 2. That on 22 May 2013, Plaintiff Agent received the response from Mr. Beil for the

BRZEZINSKI Defendants in regards to the total money amount of $75,600.00 for attorney fees and $2,446.74 for disbursements for a total of $78,156.74; and early Thursday morning of the 23 May 2013 , with a 35 day time deadline to file the appeal, I spoke with Mr. Beils legal secretary with instruction for a return phone call by early afternoon, and dictated an offer of a Confession of Judgment solely on the money with an agreement not to join an appeal against his clients in the Appellate Court on appeal, notwithstanding any dispute on the merits or allegations posed by the Court in either the Preliminary Injunction Decision
Plaintiffs REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 2 of 8

and Order of 11 April 2012 and or the Permanent Injunction Judgment issued March 29, 2013 and entered by McGuire Woods LLP on April 18, 2013; and. 3. Then as of 3:30 PM having not received any response from Mr. Beil or his office I

proceeded to prepare and file my Notice of Appeal at 4:53 PM (see Exhibit 10 as a continuation of Plaintiffs Motion affidavit with 9 exhibits without a copy of the Judgment ), and as such I have made every effort to mitigate Mr. Beils concerns and duty to his clients; and 4. That several of Mr. Beils concerns expressed in the Response by him include: a. That the interlocutory appeal 12-5515 at Appellate court is not yet perfected

- to wit there is still a motion pending therein it is not over until the fat

lady sings and even then on the basis of clerk error there is an appeal for reconsideration were that court not to grant relief; b. Alleges a continuation of invidious Catholic bashing- to wit Plaintiff Agent has never participated in any invidious activity against a Catholic person per se nor even the Church itself. I merely state facts available regarding the activities of the Holy See to finalize its total spiritual and temporal power globally by interfering with the domestic and foreign affairs of the People of the USA is a public fact supported by dozens of Court cases both criminal and civil.; and to the extent that the Court is a student of history it is noted that in 1664 Charles II of England as a gift to his brother the Most Catholic Duke of Albany James the First of Scotland and Duke of York James the 2nd of England whose Jesuit confessor was also that of Louis XIV, sent his gunboats into New Amsterdam to seize Dutch holdings to setup their western hemisphere piracy here in lower Manhattan, and that parenthetically still

Plaintiffs REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 3 of 8

exists today under the steady hand of the Jesuit Provincials as a continuum, and as a matter of fact expressed by Jesuit Tammany Hall coadjutor Nat Hentoff in his book John Cardinal OConner , while denying the existence of the Jesuit 4th level Oath nevertheless emphasized with conviction that Pope John Paul IIs declaration that in Manhattan, as with the plan of Arch Bishop John Carroll for the Americas forward, Cardinal OConner is the Archbishop of the Capitol of the World- Kind of says it all doesnt it? c. Mr. Beil also alleges that any efforts of Plaintiff CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK and his agent are somehow frivolous conduct in maintaining his so-called birther conspiracy lawsuit are further sanction able and frivolous also in the memorandum accompanying the BRZEZINSKI Response regurgitates the Courts biased characterizations and Star Chamber cherry picking exercised by the Court at the 22 August 2011 and 7 May 2012 hearings then expressed by the Court in the 11 April 2012 preliminary injunction there attached as Exhibit A in the Response; are answered already by myself; d. That as participants in the scheme to defraud with the BRZEZINKIs as central figures

is carried forward by supporting both McCain on one ticket

and Obama on the other ticket knowing full well that there are in fact questions as to each candidacy nevertheless proceeded with superior knowledge to have Mr. Obama installed in office and based upon the requirements among other acts in the matter of civil fraud complained of is inextricably intertwined with criminal matters under both state and the Plaintiffs REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 4 of 8

federal statute, that a legitimate effort of any prosecution or civil inquiry must prove the following elements to obtain a misprision of felony conviction: (1) another person actually committed a felony; (2) the defendant knew that the felony was committed; (3) the defendant did not notify any law enforcement or judicial officer; and (4) the defendant took affirmative steps to conceal the felony.; and in which involves the 2012 Election too, the very election cycle that the Court has blocked me from complaining of except by the Petition 21948-2012 (3) that still requires this Courts permission to include the STATE as respondents; e. That in the Appellate Department Request for Intervention Plaintiff (shown in Exhibit 10) contends inter alia in the matter taken o Appeal: i. The Cause of action was not frivolous, and therefore, ii. the order for attorney fee and disbursements for BRZEZINSKI defendants is unreasonable, and at least to the contrary, too exorbitant in relation to that approved by the Court; iii. that BRZEZINSKI Defendants had superior knowledge to know that they were in a conflict of interest with the Constitutional requirements as to ineligible candidates to the office of POTUS; iv. that all Defendants intended to interfere with Plaintiffs right to suffrage and rights associated with the US Constitution and Bill of Rights; v. That all Defendants intended to interfere with Plaintiffs reliance on honest service by the STATE and declared candidates;

Plaintiffs REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 5 of 8


That notably Mr. Beil does not oppose a supplement to the Complaint as to the STATE in that regard.


That on 22 May 2013, Plaintiff Agent received an email attachment in response

from Mr. Pepper for the STATE Defendants in regards to the total money and opposing Renewal, to Reargue and Leave to Amend and in affect as well as reasserts the amount of Judgment, and getting to the heart of what Mr. Pepper postures in his statements: 6. He postulates that quote This Court has already sanctioned Plaintiff for his

frivolous conduct in bringing this action to ask this Court to unilaterally remove President Obama and Senator Gillibrand from office. - such an absurd construct is itself sanction able for Mr. Pepper himself he like the Court construct a straw man together- the President nor a sitting senator may be removed from office whether by any State or Federal Court- however as is their duty to interpret the law and constitution based upon the facts presented and report to Congress on the matter as Mr. Pepper knows because I served him with my Amended Petition for Writ of Mandamus in DC Circuit on 16 May 2013 (4) as copy of which is again herewith included for the record (see Exhibit 11). 7. Mr. Pepper further opposes the renewal alleges there are no new facts or

transactions to wit the Plaintiffs supporting affidavit is res ipsa loquitur and will be addressed at oral argument; adds that because the EL Article 12 has been in place since 1976 it has to be correct however Plaintiff alleges it is the STATE that acts under color of Article 12 and does not give the interpretation by them of Article 12 any effect when it violates the US Constitution 12th and 17th Amendments still is a matter of denial of a Private US National Citizen his rights under the protections of the 14th Amendment Section 1; and then Mr. Pepper argues that I should have known about the inconsistent actions

Plaintiffs REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 6 of 8

earlier and somehow, I have tacitly accepted the use by habit sorry that does not compute we are a nation of laws not men! 8. Mr. Pepper further opposes the motion to reargue, alleges the same respective court

sing song regarding frivolous etcetera and maintains use of Born a Citizen as 14th amendment subject of the USA as if with use of British Common Law instead of American Common Law with use of natural-born Citizen pure unadulterated tripe! 9. Mr. Pepper further contends that plaintiffs motion to amend his petition should be

denied as palpably insufficient and meritless. - To wit Plaintiff contends will be decided by the Court where ever that may be and adds that despite the fact that Mr. Pepper has replaced Mr. Graber in this matter, the State still in default, has never answered to the complaint herein nor elsewhere; and accordingly, Plaintiff is entitled to supplement the complaint as to their actions accordingly to conform the record to be taken on appeal and has moved that evidence and facts be entered on the record herein. 10. That as an observation as to the bias shown by this Court in the matter of its Star

Chamber proceedings and to rewriting the compliant beyond the four corners of the pleading, that eventhough it is in keeping with the parochial politics of New York and especially Brooklyn, which in itself is understandable for the election process, Justice Schack has aggrandized himself beyond acceptable standards for mere recognition with his dealings with the Catholic Lawyers Guild (see Exhibit 12) having given both He and Justice Schmidt their Ecumenical award and wherein Justice Schack features in his advertisements (see Exhibit 13) and whose actions are remarkable different from that of Justice Schmidt who in fact dedicated his award in hopes of a true ecumenical future in memory of His family members and those murdered in the NAZI concentration camps. 11. That as a relevant personal note Plaintiff Agent references his own efforts toward

dedication to GOD and country along with his government service with his Commendation
Plaintiffs REPLY in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 7 of 8


Exhibit 10

Mmhall Beil Jacob Hildner

McGUEREWOODS LLP 1345 Avenue of the Americas, 7th Floor New York, New k-ork 10105 (2 12) 54 8-7004 Attorneys for Defendant. Zbigniw B~ezinski, Mark Rrrezinski, uand lm Brzezinskj





Index No. 6500120 11 NOTICE OF ENTRY




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the attached is a true copy of the Decision and Order of
the Hon. M h u r M. Schack, J,S.C., dated March 29,2013, that was entered by the County Clerk

of Kings County on April 10,20 13.

Dated: New York, New York

April 18,2013

Marsh I1 Beil Jacob Hildner L I 3 4 5 Avenue of the Americas, 7th Floor New York, New York I0 105 (2 E 2) 548-7004 Attorneys for Defendants Zbignimu Brzezin~ki~ +Mark Brzezinski, and Icrn Erzezinskl


Christopher-Earl Strunk 593 Vanderbilt Avenue, ff2&1 Brooklyn, New York 11238 Phintix pro se

Eric T.Schneiderman Attorncy General of the State ofNetv York By: Joel Grabcr
Assistant Attorney Gcneral

Special Litigalion Counsel

Litigation I31weau I20 Broadway - 24th Floor New York, New Ynrk 10271 (21 2) 416-8645

Harris Beach, PLLC Thomas J. B q ,Esq. Kcith M. CorbM, Esq. The 0;MNI: 333 Fade Ovington Blvd., Suite 901 Uniondale, New York 11533 Attorneys for Presidenr Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jp,, Obarnafor America, Obama Victory Fzmd, ovld lcJnncy Pelmi
Rabinowitz, Boudin, Standard, Krinsky, & Liebeman, P.C. Daniel S. Rcich Cluistopher J. Klatell 45 Broadway, Suite 1700 Ncw York, New York 10006 Allorneys for Defendants Socialis! Worke~s Purp nnd Roger Col'ero

Michael Cardoto Corporation Counsel of Ithe City of New York By: CI~larens Orsland Assistant Corporation Counsel New York City Law Dcpastmcnt 100 Church St. Sew York, New York 10007 (2 12) 7&8-0904
Caplin & Drysdalc, Chnrtercd James P.Wehner One TI~omas Circle, N W Nrashington,D.C. 26005 (202) 862-5000 And Eta C. Tobin 375 Park Avenue, 35h Floor New York, Ncw York 10 152 (212) 319-7125 A lforneysfor Defenda~is McCain Vicfory 2008, iMcCain-Palin Victory 2005, and

Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Paul C. Gluckotv Sad1 L. Durn 425 Lexington Avenue New Yo&,New York 10017-3954
(212) 455-2000

Affomeys for Defendcrnt Perer G. Peterson

WiIZkie F a n & Gallagher

James C. Dugan 787 Seventh Avenue New York, New Ynrk 10019 (2 12) 728-8000 Attorneys for Defendant George Soros

John S .McCain

At an IAS Tern, Part 27 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, heid in attd for thc County of Kings, at the Courthouse, at Civic Center, Rrooklyn, New York, on the 29th day of March 2013



DEClSlON & ORDER Tr~des No, 6500/11 hFTV YORK STATE BOARD OT:EtECnONS; JAMES A. RriXSIUCo-Chair, DOUGLAS A. KE1,LNER;Co-Chair, EVE1,W J. R Q U L N Commissioner, GREGORY P.PETERSON Co~nrnissioner, Deputy Director 'TODD Q. V.+21TdF;NTINE, Deputy Director S'TtViYLY ZAZ,EN; ANIISREW CUOMO, ERIC SCI-NEIIIERhZAN, 'I'ROMAS P. DWAPQLI, RUT1 I NOEMI COLON, irr thcir Omcia1 and individual capacity? FR. JOSEPH A. QqR4RE. S.J.; FI'I.JOSEPH P. PAKKES, S.3.; FWDESUCK A, 0.SCHWARZ. JR.; P E E R Ci. PB'fEltS13N; ZBIGNIEW KAI h ! [ERZ RRZEZINSKI ; MARK RRZEZNSKI; JOSFPFl R. BIDEN, R.; SOEl3AKKATI (a.k.3 Barry Soeroro Lf!@@m$744~ EIOZ I russein Oberna, a.k.a Steve Dunlzar r A, C PELOS[; STATE C O ~ ~ F OF?'' E E '' THE STATE OF NEW Y O N ; STATE C O T \ ~ ~ % ! ! ~ E OF THE JVOWhTG FAMILIES PARTY OF N E\lf

award to any party of ahlorney in any civil action or proceeding before the court . . . costs in the forin o r reimbursemerat fix ackllal expcnscs rc~sollakly incuficd and reasonable attorney's fees, resultiazg from frivolous conduct as detined in this Part." Xlrr analyzing these billing records and affictavitsor aflirm:itions: the Court Grids that these fees are reasorlable in light of Bfrc: tirnc and labor required: novelty and difficulty ofthe questions invotved; skiill reqtrisi~c tu perform the legal se~-vices properly; performance of these servi~es prcclrriting ernploynlcnt of attorneys ox1 other rraattcrs; fees customarily charged

for 3imilar Begrzl services; n;itrrrc of the irrstaixt action; resrrlts obtai~ed; nature arid length
o f the profession:il re ii~tiirncilips with clients: and, exgserienee, repti tation azd ability uf

attorneys and s~mppum.b btofrperfc:clmliug services. Mtlrecrver, plairntirf SSTRtmK did not
crbject to the proposed costs prese~xred to the C o i ~ t .

McGrrire, tlioods U P , counsel for dek-ndaratsZBIGNIEpJkF KAIMTERZ UJSEZINSKI, MARK If3X$%E:%INSKT and IAN S. RRZEZINSKF bilXed defenkt~tllts



for ;ittortxcy"s fees and $1,446.74 fix disbursements, f ~ + artotal

of $78,156.74, "Therehre, the Court awards to det'etldants ZBIIGNIGtV IChIMTRW,

RRZEZINSKI; MARK BR2PZINSMI arid IAN d. R=G%INSKI $78,156.74 for ""costs in the fbrtn uf relrnbrirstnlcrit for ~ C T L ~ C ; BXI ~ ~ I I S Crcasonclbly S iancurrcd and reasonal~lc
atton~cy'sfees, resullifzg from Ckolouh conctuct" ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C H N S T C ~ P H E R ?; X'ISIINK.


Exhibit 11

13-5005-OP In re Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse and sui juris private U.S. Citizen secured beneficiary agent of debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK AMENDED PETITION FOR A WRIT OF MANDAMUS STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF KINGS ) I, ChristopherEarl : Strunk in esse and sui juris, the secured beneficiary and agent of the straw man debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK (Petitioner, Agent), being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury: 1. The Courts 18 April 2013 Order is an offer of contract received and accepted for value timely without dishonor and with consideration and returned due by May 18, 2013 redrafted of my choosing with exhibits in accordance with Court rules offered for contract under reserve without prejudice without dishonor without recourse in good faith no dolus, in support of Petitioners amended Petition for relief; and 2. Petitioner Agent is a duly registered voter of the 64th Election District of the 57th Assembly District (AD) and within the New York 8th U.S. House District at 593 Vanderbilt Avenue 281 Brooklyn New York 11238 for ten years with email: [email protected] and cell phone 845-901-6767, and is an enrolled member of the Republican Party who participated at the November 6, 2012 General Election (as in the previous 2008 election), there voted 1

13-5005-OP entirely for the Republican Party line of candidates and electors for Mitt Romney for POTUS on a combined ballot rather than distinct ballot for Paul Ryan the candidate for Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS) and Wendy Long for U.S. Senate from New York; devised under color of state law despite the mandate of both the 12th and 17th USAC Amendments. 3. That the New York Republic on July 26, 1788 ratified the USAC and express Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 (A2S1C5) (1) mandate that a candidate for the office of President of the United States (POTUS) shall be a natural born Citizen (NBC). 4. Agent as a U.S. Constitution (USAC) 14th Amendment Section 1 national U.S. Citizen de jure of We the People who wishes relief in accordance with the Uniformed Commercial Code (UCC) and U.S. Constitution Article 4 equal protection by Congress and the state of New York as a State of the several States under the United States of America (USA) and related law as to the de facto President of the United States (POTUS) by this USAC Article III court with civil authority and jurisdiction in lieu of the martial rule administrative municipal law process existing since

United States Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. 2

13-5005-OP 1933 when emergency powers were granted POTUS by amendment to The

Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 (40 Stat. 411, enacted 6 October 1917,
codified at 12 U.S.C. 95a et seq.) (TWEA) (2) by Congress who along with the States Governors act to empower the POTUS executive trustee and U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Receiver / Trustee to administer the bankruptcy of the USA for the foreign creditors and International Monetary

Fund still ongoing with changes incorporated by Congress since 1977 with the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), Title II of
Pub.L. 95223, 91 Stat. 1626, enacted October 28, 1977 authorizing POTUS to regulate commerce after declaring a national emergency in response to any unusual and extraordinary threat to the United States which has a foreign source with power enlarged now with The USA

PATRIOT Act of 2001 and PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011; and
Agent is as the redeemed secured beneficiary of debtor trust superior to foreign creditors with liens against debtor(s). TWEA is a United States federal law to restrict trade with countries hostile to the United States. The law gives the President the power to oversee or restrict any and all trade between the U.S. and its enemies in times of war. In 1933 the U.S. Congress amended the act by the passage of the Emergency Banking Relief Act which extended its scope regarding the hoarding of gold to include any declared national emergency and not just those declared solely during times of war. President Franklin D. Roosevelt then used these new authorities to essentially outlaw gold ownership through the issuance of Executive Order 6102 and since the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, Title II of Pub.L. 95223, 91 Stat. 1626, enacted October 28, 1977.

13-5005-OP 5. Based upon information and belief, the only constitutional oath to be found is the oath the POTUS takes, which is word for word the same as the required text in the Constitution. POTUS does not take the oath of office in USC Title 5. As long as there is one officer with an oath required by the Constitution (not an oath of office required by the Congress), the people still have a trustee for the trust on which the de jure people are the beneficiaries. That beneficial interest is what gives people the right to accept for value instruments that are issued for value. They have an antecedent claim from a preexisting contract. Their claim is a right to enjoy freedom with liberty. It is based on constitutional guarantees. Since 1933, the people also have a right to a distribution from another trust created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Since 1933, all property is held by each State of the several States for the creditors of the bankruptcy of the USA. That means the State has the legal title to all substance in the States but the people have equitable title through their beneficial interest in that trust as long as each person no longer is the surety of the debtor straw man. Taking control of the gold in 1933 would have been unconstitutional if the new trust had not been created. The President's oath is an offer to the people in the several States. It is prudent for people to accept his oath, IF the person is eligible for POTUS as it is not an oath that is issued for value made in good faith - BUT if ineligible for POTUS the oath is offered for 4

13-5005-OP value in bad faith. The principles of offer and acceptance apply to this very critical premise. If the people have not accepted that oath, how can they expect the man who made it to be working for their benefit? (emphasis by Petitioner) 6. Based upon information and belief, there are no Article VI oaths that can be found for any members of the legislatures (state or federal), or executive and judicial officers of the United States or of the several states. They all have United States Code Title 5 oaths. The POTUS cannot take the Title 5 oath of office. He already has another oath to the people. He and others are deemed to be qualified 'To hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States". Notice that only individuals who are "elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services", are required to have the Title 5 oath. They do not hold offices of trust. The President does. Only members of the legislatures of the States and the United States, and executive and judicial officers, who are bound by the Article VI oath, can hold offices of trust. Those who take the Title 5 oath of office can hold offices of honor or profit under the United States. An oath is different than an oath of office. 7. Based upon information and belief, since none of the members of the legislatures or executive and judicial officers of the United States has the oath required by Article VI of the Constitution, the only way they would have 5

13-5005-OP a duty to you is through the oath of the POTUS, the executive trustee of the trust created by the Constitution and the trust created by President Roosevelt. His position as President (Article 2 Section 1) comes in the Constitution before his position as Commander in Chief (Article 2 Section 2). His oath is required in Section 1, not Section 2. 8. That based upon Barack Hussein Obama II in esse, doing business as debtor organization BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II (hereinafter known as the Usurper OBAMA and or SOEBARKAH), by his own public

admission against interest as an exception to the hearsay rule in his

autobiographies and campaign statements that his legal father is a British subject, confirmed by his offer of purported Certificate of Live birth in 2008 and again in 2012 (notwithstanding the authenticity); and thereafter, also is confirmed by the Foreign Student INS records of his legal father and the March 20, 1964 divorce decree and thus, prove Barack Hussein Obama II in esse is not NBC - therefore ineligible for the office of POTUS; and 9. As such, Petitioner on January 23, 2009 duly fired OBAMA when he offered his contract to Agent on January 20, 2009, Mr. OBAMAs every act is void in ab initio; and notwithstanding all OBAMAS acts being void ab initio again usurps the office of POTUS to Petitioner Agents detriment and injury, gave notice of a replevin action in November 2009 to Timothy Franz Geithner of the U.S. Treasury; 6

13-5005-OP 10. Therefore, Agent as a de jure private U.S. Citizen as well as a 14th Amendment national U.S. Citizen uses Petitioners Original Proceeding for writ of mandamus with FRAP Rule 21 for an Order that Congress and the state of New York show cause why the Court should not declare that Petitioner has been denied equal protection and injured as a result of the 2008 and 2012 Election Cycle for office of POTUS, VPOTUS and U.S. Senator from New York, and caused as a result of the defacto POTUS executive trustee wasting of the Agent creditors superior beneficial interest in the U.S. Treasury Trust accounts aided by VPOTUS acts that are all void ab initio including the null and void appointment of Timothy F. Geithner, Neal Steven Wolin, Jacob Joseph Lew, that renders Eric M. Thorson Inspector General of the United States Department of the Treasury fifth in line to POTUS after Patrick F. Kennedy Under Secretary of State for Management with Term of Appointment from 11/06/2007 to present fourth in line to POTUS behind John A. Boehner Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, lacking a 3rd line of succession from the Defense Department requires remedy by this honorable panel. 11. That as background to this original proceeding petition for a writ

of mandamus of the State and Federal respondents, in January 1999 Petitioner started a series of court cases challenging the obvious corruption of persons within the Democratic and Republican Party who colluded to 7

13-5005-OP among other things fix the 2008 election of POTUS and VPOTUS along with a very long list of persons and organizations, that constitute by formal definition the enterprise that now act with the Usurper to expand emergency powers in order to further limit individual freedom and liberty, and facilitate the theft of $43 Trillion Dollars, and among others I have filed: Petitioner NYS case Strunk v Paterson et al. 29642 (2008) State Complaint depending upon the law of the case from 29641-08

challenging their right to vote for an ineligible person for POTUS; Petitioner USDC DC Case Strunk v US DOS and DHS 08-cv-2234 (2008) FOIA request for the passport and travel records for Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama, Soetoro) and Barack Hussein Obama II ; Petitioner NYS case Strunk v. NYS Board of Elections et al. in Kings County with Index No.: 2011-6500 based on common law fraud injury to he as a private national US citizen, that on April 11, 2012 was dismissed with sanctions and prejudice with a Judgment entered on April 10, 2013 with a motion to renew and reargue filed May 2, 2013 see sub Exhibit B (3); Petitioner NYS case Strunk v. Jefferies et al. in Kings County with Index No.: 21948-2012 Petition challenging the 2012 winning electors

13-5005-OP slate compatibility and right to vote for an ineligible POTUS and VPOTUS, and election of U.S. Senator from New York under color of NYS Election Law Article 12 contrary to USAC 12th and 17th Amendments dismissed 04/03/13, with motion to renew 05/02/13, on 05/07/13 the Court ordered a 05/30/13 non-jury pre-trial conference. 12. That there has been steady growth of an Enterprise as defined

by civil RICO standards since the 1986 forced collapse of the savings and loan industry that has served as a vehicle to forward a huge theft of U.S. Taxpayer / debtor backed securities and obligations including the trust accounts associated with use of birth certificates and Social Security trust funds within the Federal Reserve Banking system for private use by the foreign creditors contrary to public policy, that is backed by public and private U.S. Citizen property as if a tacit moral obligation unilateral contract existed; however, the 1999 Clinton Administration elimination of the Glass-

Steagle Act protection to comingle risky investment and commercial

banking activities; and 13. That in 1999 then HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo as the single

fiduciary devised rules and policy to increase and conceal non performing loans for use by the Freddie Mac FDR era quasi public entity that has also assumed control over a huge number of real property mortgages as a result of the 1986 collapse of the Savings and Loan Industry then absorbed using 9

13-5005-OP the Resolution Trust Corporation and commercial banking industry that in short was devised among Pritzker, Dworman, Annenberg, Ayers, Geithner, and other powerful families associated with the Le Cercle

Pilgrim Society


, 1001 Club

(6) (8)

, Commercial Club of Chicago

, Sovereign

Military Order of Malta

, Council for National Policy


among other

persons including Adnan Khashoggi and James Riady in coordination with JP Morgan Chase partner Monsanto Company (10) to further Southeast Asia and Africa subprime investment and property acquisition efforts of the enterprise to convert property and launder the proceeds with questionable securities and general accounting practices coordinated by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; and 14. The Enterprises present pawn, Barack Obama (whose mentor

is Fr. Gregory Galluzzo S.J. in Chicago), has Karl Marxs spiritual mentor
4 5 ican-Paneuropa_network
6 7 8 9 10 10

13-5005-OP Fr. Luigi Taparelli S.J. Social Justice Doctrine of 1832 as the Usurpers ideology of Utopian Islamic dualism that underlies his sinister acts and Al

takia methods since entering public office in Illinois; and of the acts,
OBAMA is clearly guilty of forgery, spoliation, concealment, intimidation of witnesses and racketeering high crimes. 15. So what does Petitioner Agent reasonably expect from this humble Court? A remedy for each of the following matters within the jurisdiction and authority of this Court to resolve by this Original Proceeding for writ of mandamus FRAP Rule 21 Order that Congress and the state of New York show cause why the Court should not declare that Petitioner has been denied equal protection and injured: A. 16. That Petitioner repeats each and every allegation in this Petition paragraphs 1 through 15 with the same force and effect at length but for brevity omits same and wishes that the Court grant an opportunity that Congress and the state of New York show cause why the Court should not declare that Petitioner has been denied equal protection and injured: under color of state law and Congressional resolve as to operation of the USAC 12th , 14th , 20TH and 25TH Amendments, USAC A4S2 and UCC as to USAC Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 (A2S1C5) eligibility of the de facto POTUS. 17. That as a matter of Judicial Notice Petitioner contends that


13-5005-OP there is controlling history and law regarding construction of the Declaration of Independence of 1776 that was adopted as the foundation for the respective States constitutions, including that of New York on April 20, 1777, and that the Revolution expressly eliminated the feudal doctrine of

perpetual allegiance, or that condition based upon a natural persons soil

birthright subjugation as property of an absolute sovereign, and the People of New York; and that the repugnant feudal perpetual allegiance doctrine previously imposed by the monarchy and British Common Law before 1776 has been alleged re-established so that natural born-subject somehow equals natural born citizen with the ulterior motive of providing amnesty for 20 to 50 million illegal aliens in 2013 thereby to further collateralize the bankrupt USA debt being expanded by the Usurper for the Enterprise replacing the SCOTUS decision in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898) by eliminating legal domicile status of alien parents as if under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, and notwithstanding Minor v. Happersett 88 U.S. 162 (1875). 18. That unfolding the amnesty plan is a bipartisan application of

British Common law shows there is no difference between the Democrats or Republican party dicta, as the Californian of some repute Edwin Meese, Ronald Reagans attorney general, in 2005 used his prestige and position at the American Heritage Foundation (some say because he anguishes 12

13-5005-OP about his own shenanigans gone array as Attorney General with the 1984 Amnesty of illegal aliens) to expressly roll back America to before the 1776 Declaration of Independence, uses the feudal doctrine of perpetual allegiance that defines an individuals status as if property subject to the ownership by a monarch and or sovereign oligarchy. Perhaps Mr. Meese is preparing for the new nation killing amnesty starting with the 2005 preparation during efforts rejected during the Bush Administration that remains the American Heritage Foundation use for a new amnesty with say 30 million illegal aliens put on a path to citizenship in 2013; and that Mr. Meese expressly conflates British Common Law Natural-born subject use as if it were synonymous with American Common Law use of Natural-born Citizen, the American Heritage Foundation says the following: Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are natural born citizens and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are natural born citizens eligible to serve as President - Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) 19. Petitioner contends that the Founders in the 1776 offering of the

Declaration of Independence was to reassure the colonies the basis to leave the feudal perpetual allegiance to the Monarchy of British Common Law and as such the New York Republic on April 20, 1777, for the People


13-5005-OP of the New York Republic revoked perpetual allegiance use of British Common Law as repugnant in use of the New York Constitution at Article 35 (in part) that: XXXV. And this convention doth further, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this State, ordain, determine, and declare that such parts of the common law of England, and of the statute law of England and Great Britain, () That all such parts of the said common law, and all such of the said statutes and acts aforesaid, (), or concern the allegiance heretofore yielded to, and the supremacy, sovereignty, government, or prerogatives claimed or exercised by, the King of Great Britain and his predecessors, over the colony of New York and its inhabitants, or are repugnant to this constitution, be, and they hereby are, abrogated and rejected. () (Emphasis added by Petitioner) 20. That the Framers and Founders to replace feudal perpetual

allegiance with natural law doctrine Natural Born Citizen inheritance of

allegiance from citizen parents and or that of the father used the Greek and Roman(11) term of art natural-born Citizen first defined by Aristotle who gave us a definition of a natural born Citizen. In Politics, Book Three, Part II, Aristotle, writing in 350 B.C.E., as translated by Benjamin Jowett see and Cicero in the A Proposal


Roman law provided: Lex MENSIA, That a child should be held as a foreigner, if either of the parents was so. But if both parents were Romans and married, children always obtained the rank of the father, (patrem sequuntur liberi, Liv. iv. 4.) and if unmarried, of the mother, Uipian. Alexander Adam, Roman antiquities: or, An account of the manners and customs of the Romans 210 (6th ed. corrected 1807).


13-5005-OP For Printing in English, The Select Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, According to the last Oxford Edition 17 (Henry Eelbeck trans. London 1720), says: The Colophonians claim Homer as their own free Denizen, the Chians challenge him as theirs, the Salaminians demand him again for their own, but the Smyrneans assert him to be their natural born Citizen; and therefore have also dedicated a Temple to him in their Town of Smyrna. There are a great many besides at Daggersdrawing among themselves, and contend for him. 21. Then, as an Indonesian Citizen SOEBARKAH (aka Barry Soetoro) reentered the USA in 1971 alone without a U.S. Passport to live with his grandmother who: (i) obtained foreign student funding, (ii) illegally obtained a stolen Social Security Number no later than 1980, (iii) forged a Selective Service filing dated 1980, and now after the death of the mischievous grandmother, inter alia SOEBARKAH in furtherance of usurpation of the office of POTUS no later than April 25, 2011, according to more than three experts, forged a Long Form Certificate of Birth as if of Hawaii and is the simple matter before this court for a trial of facts. 22. That Petitioner further contends that Barack Obama has multiple allegiances maybe as many as five (5) British, Kenyan, Indonesian, Canadian, United States by oath of office, and despite taking an oath owing exclusive allegiance to the United States, the Usurper levies war against the People of the United States, adheres to their enemies al-Qaida, Muslim


13-5005-OP Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, GLEN Movement of Turkey and Iran against the People of the United States to establish the Caliphate from Thailand through Morocco to replace the Ottoman Caliphate dismantled in 1921 by Winston Churchill and Thomas Edward Lawrence, CB, DSO (16 August 1888 19 May 1935); and the Usurper giving the enemies foreign and domestic of the Enterprise aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, thereby is guilty of treason, and that any candidate elector and or public officer who would aid and abet Barack Obama in usurpation of office of POTUS is guilty of misprision of felony, sedition and treason. 23. That based upon information and belief Barack Obama is the asset of the Pilgrim Society, Le Cercle, 1001 Club, Commercial Club of Chicago, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Council for National Policy, whose powerful membership overlaps with the directorships in various think tanks, mainstream media, financial institutions, law firms, corporations, and far more entities; that all covertly support the Usurper to complete the European Union -EU (Fourth Reich), as directed by Fr. PeterHans Kovenbach, S.J. to dissolve all Eurasian national secular borders, and form the Mediterranean Union, as King Juan Carlos of Jerusalems crown jewel, at the hilt of the neo Babylonian Caliphate scimitar Arc of Crisis swath from Thailand to Morocco, hewn by their crown prince SOEBARKAH - Obama


13-5005-OP fealty There is no other God than Allah!


allegiance to the Opus Dei -

Muslim Brotherhood GLEN / EU Utopian Islamic Fascist Alliance (UIFA) to transform United States national sovereignty by plundering our youth by war and burden We the People de jure Citizens and Public Debtor / U.S. Taxpayer $43 trillion Dollars wealth by theft. 24. Petitioner has suffered unreasonable denial of due process requiring a trial of the newly discovered facts in that the matter of civil fraud complained of inextricably intertwined with criminal matters under both state and the federal statute, that a legitimate effort of any prosecution or civil inquiry must prove the following elements to obtain a misprision of felony conviction: (1) another person actually committed a felony; (2) the defendant knew that the felony was committed; (3) the defendant did not notify any law enforcement or judicial officer; and (4) the defendant took affirmative steps to conceal the felony. 25. That Petitioner relies on the fifty year experience and judgment of law enforcement officer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona, when on June 9, 2012 he affirmed that a crime has been committed that requires to determine at a civil trial what precisely constitutes active concealment as a Question of Fact with circumstance essential for both

12 17

13-5005-OP civil and criminal cases quote: 7. Upon close examination of the evidence, it is my belief that forgery and fraud was likely committed in key identity documents including President Obama's long form birth certificate, his Selective Service Registration card, and his Social Security number. 26. Further evidence that Petitioner relies on is that collected by Sheriff Arpaios chief Investigator Michael Zullo affirmed by affidavit on November 12, 2012 in search of an actual perpetrator of crime affirms quote: 44. Most importantly, the "registrar's stamp" in the computergenerated document released by the White House and posted on the White House website may have been imported from another unknown source document. The fact that the stamp cannot have been placed on the document pursuant to state and federal laws is one of many indications that the document is a forgery and, therefore, that it cannot be relied upon as verification, legal or otherwise, of the date, place or circumstances of Mr. Obama's birth. 27. That the expert testimony by Paul Edward Irey is based upon the Affidavit with Exhibits A through D affirmed December 4, 2012, shown as Exhibit D-2 that is res ipsa loquitur in the above referenced State Petition 21948-2012; and that a trial of the facts in the matter of a felony forgery with expert testimony is an urgent matter of public interest with time of the essence and ongoing imminent irreparable harm; 28. That the Usurper under any standard practice or hiring circumstance in either State or Federal employment would absolutely not obtain a job!!. B. 29. That Petitioner repeats each and every allegation in this Petition 18

13-5005-OP paragraphs 1 through 28 with the same force and effect at length but for brevity omits same and wishes that the Court grant an opportunity that Congress and the state of New York show cause why the Court should not declare that Petitioner has been denied equal protection and injured under color of state law as to operation of the USCA - A4S2 as to the 12th and 14th Amendments for separate election of POTUS and VPOTUS without provision at the primary and general election equal with the electoral college by distinct ballot 30. The text of the USAC Amendment XII Clause 1 is as follows, quote: The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. (emphasis by Petitioner) 31. That Petitioner contends that there shall be a distinct ballot for each political party committee candidate for POTUS and a distinct ballot of VPOTUS at the election and had there been the results would have been different on November 6, 2012 General Election; that Joseph Biden was not as popular as Paul Ryan who would of won even though his running mate Mitt Romney would have lost; and similarly that in 2008 Sarah Palin would have been selected over Joseph Biden when on separate distinct ballot 19

13-5005-OP from the POTUS Candidate even though John McCain would have lost. 32. Further the 12th Amendment express mandate enforcement is to guarantee by operation the full effectiveness of the 20th and 25th Amendments to check an ineligible candidate for POTUS or VPOTUS that presently exists as one body, the NYS BOE, who together as the Democratic-Republican Party act to defeat the election process. 33. That Petitioner requires a mandamus of the NYS BOE and its subdivisions to effect compliance with the 12th Amendment for the primary, general election and electoral college selection process for the electorate as well as for the resultant winning elector slates to be thereafter given a distinct ballot for POTUS candidates and a distinct Ballot for VPOTUS candidates accordingly to repeat. C. 34. That Petitioner repeats each and every allegation in this Petition paragraphs 1 through 33 with the same force and effect as though herein set forth at length but for brevity omits same and wishes that the Court grant an opportunity that Congress and the state of New York show cause why the Court should not declare that Petitioner has been denied equal protection under color of state law as to operation of the 12th and 14th amendments in provision of operation of the 20TH and 25TH Amendments. 35. By operation of law John A. Boehner is next successor to POTUS.


13-5005-OP D. 36. That Petitioner repeats each and every allegation in this Petition paragraphs 1 through 35 with the same force and effect but for brevity omits same and wishes that the Court grant an opportunity that Congress and the state of New York show cause why the Court should not declare that Petitioner has been denied equal protection and injured: declare the incompatibility of any Person serving as an electoral college member while holding an office of trust or profit under the USAC 14th Amendment U.S. and as to USAC A4S2 regarding USAC A2S1C2. 37. Petitioner State Petition filed in New York State Court in Kings County with Index No: 21948-2012 on November 14, 2012 for a mandamus of the New York Electoral College as a state issue renders pendant jurisdiction of Federal matters to this Court Panel herein; and encompasses Petitioner request for a trial of the facts associated with the forged instrument issued by the Usurper on 27 April 2011 at a White House Press Conference with the intent that the forgery be used to again Usurp the office of POTUS for a second term as a matter that would each vote make the member an accessory after the fact to a felony sedition and treason with 18 U.S.C. 2381 through 2390 and related law, Article VI oath of office for honor trust or profit versus Title 5 oath of office for honor or profit ALL are under the United States 38. As judicial notice there are no Article VI oaths that can be found for 21

13-5005-OP any members of the legislatures (state or federal), or executive and judicial officers of the United States or of the several States. They all have United States Code Title 5 oaths. The President cannot take the Title 5 oath of office. He already has another oath to the people. He and others are deemed to be qualified 'To hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or

Profit under the United States". Notice that only individuals who are
"elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services", are required to have the Title 5 oath. They do not hold offices of trust. The President does. Only members of the legislatures of the States and the United States, and executive and judicial officers, who are bound by the Article VI oath, can hold offices of trust. Those who take the Title 5 oath of office can hold offices of honor or profit under the United States. An oath is different than an oath of office. 39. FIRST The State Petition challenges all elected and or appointed State officers holding an office of trust or profit that includes any member of the elected legislature or elected executive or elected judiciary and or any public officer holding an office for profit for which the winning elector slate for New York at the 2008 and 2012 General Elections include such prohibited electors. 40. SECOND The State Petition, challenges all public officers holding an office of profit that includes any attorney, registered lobbyist, elected labor 22

13-5005-OP leader and or fiduciaries subject to public government oversight that the winning elector slate for New York at the 2008 and 2012 General Elections included such prohibited electors. 41. That Petitioner wishes a declaratory judgment barring any elected State officer holding an office of trust or profit, and or Public officer either appointed or licensed with fiduciary duties with responsibility to direct government oversight as holding an office for profit be barred in the state of New York and State(s) similarly situated and that U.S. House members Jeffries and Meng be declared as holding their office in conflict with their duties both as an elector / State Officer and then as a new House member also sitting in review of their own vote cast as elector in the congressional selection of POTUS and VPOTUS. E. 42. That Petitioner repeats each and every allegation in this Petition paragraphs 1 through 41 with the same force and effect but for brevity omits same and wishes the court grant an opportunity that Congress and the state of New York show cause why the Court should not declare that Petitioner has been denied equal protection under color of state law as to operation of the 17th and 14th amendments in provision of election of the US Senator from New York without provision of the separate ballot for qualified electors at the primary and general election by distinct ballot according to 23

13-5005-OP the qualifications of electors of the State legislature most numerous branch 43. That the now certified U.S. Senate Election in New York as to the 17th Amendment challenge with jurisdiction afforded the Court by EL 16-100, in that the election held on November 6, 2012 is void ab initio and requires a new election by order of the Governor as to elector qualifications are not equal to that of the New York Assembly; and therefore, Petitioner seeks to overturn New Yorks U.S. Senate election with U.S. Const. Amendment 17 : The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall

have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures. .. (Emphasis added by Petitioner)

as the November 6, 2012 election for U.S. Senator from New York between Democrat Candidate Kirsten Gillibrand and Republican Candidate Wendy Long among others was conducted for electors not meeting the qualifications of a member of the Assembly with NYS Const. Art. 3 Sec. 7:

is a citizen of the United States and has been a resident of the state of New York for five years, and, except as hereinafter otherwise prescribed, of the assembly district for the twelve months immediately preceding his or her election; or member of assembly at the first election next been a resident of the county in which the senate or assembly district is contained for the twelve months immediately preceding his or her election. (Emphasis by Petitioner)
ensuing after a readjustment or alteration of the assembly districts becomes effective, a person, to be eligible to serve as such, must have

. No person shall serve as a member of the legislature unless he or she


13-5005-OP 44. That as for Elector Jeffries, Meng, Ortiz, Wright and Morelle in the Petition are prime examples of the electors of most numerous branch of the State Legislature that before the 17th Amendment were to elect the respective U.S. Senator of two senators from the state of New York, as the Assembly had a margin of elector control over the State Senate with a ratio of 3 assemblymen to 1 senator. 45. And as such Petitioner wishes the Court to void the U.S. Senate Election and afford the Governor the opportunity to set a special election, because a significant number of the electors casting their respective vote were domiciled in New York for less than fives years and had not lived in their respective county of domicile for at least twelve months and there is no way to determine from the votes cast on November 6, 2012 of those qualified what candidate was voted for. F. 46. That Petitioner repeats each and every allegation in this Petition paragraphs 1 through 45 with the same force and effect but for brevity omits same and wishes the Court grant an opportunity that Congress and the state of New York show cause why the Court should not declare that Petitioner has been denied equal protection and injured: hold a trial to resolve that the suspected $43 Trillion Dollar theft by Barack Obama et al. since 2003 be declared null and void under the USAC 14th Amendment 25

13-5005-OP Section 4 quote: U.S. Constitution 14th Amendment Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United

States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. (Emphasis by Petitioner)
47. In June 2012, World Net Daily reported that Eric Holders Justice Department has not investigated money-laundering charges in deference to bank clients of his Washington-based law firm, where Holder was a partner prior to joining the Obama administration; and then WND reported in October HSBC was engaged in a systematic scheme to defraud citizens of India who live abroad out of billion of dollars in investment accounts, according to an Indian source who provided evidence.

( ); and despite conviction for money laundering by US Attorney Loretta Lynch of $1.92 Billion civil fines, the Justice department under Eric Holder has blocked criminal indictments. 48. That the trust accounts are deliberately wasting under the Usurpers control with his agents Eric Holder of the U.S. Department of Justice, Hillary Clinton and her successor of the U.S. State Department among others especially Timothy Franz Geithner and his successor at the U.S. Treasury


13-5005-OP as a key player of a racketeering enterprise, had previously assumed his position as the ninth president and chief executive officer of the New York Federal Reserve Bank on November 17th, 2003, also served as the vice chairman and permanent member of the Federal Open Market Committee, the group responsible for formulating the nation's monetary policy and determining the national interest rate and using his position from 2003 through the present facilitated the ongoing theft and money laundering of $43 Trillions of U.S. taxpayer dollars unauthorized by Congress with impunity according to the RICO Statement of the class action / civil RICO case 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML before EDNY Senior Judge Jack B. Weinstein; see

Law-Federal-Complaint-in-New-York.pdf ). 49. That Usurper has signed 146 Executive Orders to date during the Usurpers Administration is to be compared as about the same as with other prior executives effecting trust funds. The Executive Orders are available in the Federal Registry listed starting January 25 2009 up to December 21, 2012 on ; and 50. Petitioner is alleging that there is sufficient evidence to suspect that the Usurper has invaded the trust accounts for operating capital otherwise to be safe guarded by the U.S. Treasury, bypassing Congress by executive 27

13-5005-OP order or otherwise, to gain access to the $43,000,000,000,000.00 for use by the Enterprise; and that as Congress, the Federal Courts, absolutely have an interest to fulfill the requirements of protection of Public and Private U.S. Citizens required under the 14th Amendment Section 4 of the USAC when there is sufficient evidence of insurrection, as herein exists, against the USAC and People of the United States and as documented by the Levy Institute for $23 trillion directly. 51. That Usurper ineligibility and void ab initio acts as de facto POTUS Executive include those officers appointed by him since the wrongful elections under color of the 12th Amendment; and such officers effect the unauthorized use of $43 Trillion Dollars stolen from the trust accounts at the US Treasury for private use starting in 2003 from the New York Federal Reserve Bank without permission of Congress and or then Bush Executive reducing the use and surety status of the Public / Private US Citizen Taxpayers to moral obligation surety without their knowledge, and thereby improperly binding Petitioner as a Private U.S. Citizen secured beneficiary back into a surety debtor status while wasting secured beneficiary organization accounts by the executive that conducted the theft. SUMMARY IN SUPPORT OF EQUITY RELIEF FOR A WRIT OF MANDAMUS OF RESPONDENTS Constitutional Oaths are the foundational agreement behind every


13-5005-OP commercial and political event in the United States. It is primarily an offer made by the States to those who want to be part of the federal or national governments, and secondarily an offer made by the States to those who want to do business with the federal or national governments. This was a very dangerous document. It created a potentially huge commercial machine that had the power to do untold harm to the people. It had to provide a means to pay creditors so the States could be recognized internationally for commercial purposes. At the same time, it had to secure the people's rights, so the commercial machine would not eat the life out of the people. The only offers made back to the people to secure their rights are the two oaths required by the Constitution. These two oaths are the condition put in as ratified by the States, to assure the people who get to benefit from the Constitution by holding offices, keep their commercial machine away from the people in the several States. One is the oath required in Article VI of members of the legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers of the United States and of the several States. Even were Mr. OBAMA a private US citizen himself, he nevertheless when not NBC eligible may not be the POTUS bankruptcy trustee. That Mr. OBAMA with a legal father that is a British subject is not eligible for office of POTUS by his own admission against interest under American common law that shall not be conflated with British common law 29

13-5005-OP jus soli, and the Usurper is in dishonor with Agent private U.S. Citizen rights who is entitled declaratory relief. That even were Mr. OBAMA eligible for POTUS under American law, were born in the country of citizen parents, Petitioner / Agent would still be entitled to relief given the failure of any State with the 12th Amendment to provide a distinct ballot at the Primary and General Elections one for the set of POTUS candidates and one set for VPOTUS candidates as it had done for the winning electors Both Mr. OBAMA and MR. BIDEN are improperly elected. and incapacitated to act requiring by operation of the 20th And 25th Amendments a finding of this court. Petitioner wishes relief barring any State or Public officer holding an office of trust or profit from an electoral college of any State similarly situated, and House members Jeffries and Meng with Kirsten Gillibrand are in conflict with their duties, see Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486, 539, 550 (1969) and Nixon v. United States, 506 U.S. 224, 237 (1993). The Court must declare that neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. And that Petitioner deserves such other and different relief until this matter is resolved including the opportunity for sur-reply and oral argument. 30

That this Petition has a total of 7573 words including footnotes, and uses Microsoft San Serif type in 14 pica for the brief and 14 pica in footnotes. The facts stated in the Petition are true to my own personal knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters 1 believe it to be true. The grounds of my beliefs as to all matters not stated upon information and belief are as follows: 3rd parties, books and records, and personal knowledge, except as to those stated upon information and belief, which I believe to be true.

Sworn to before me this the \, r * day of May 2013

KAFJiAL P SON! Notary Pubitc, Siaie of New York No. 01 SO6039949 Oua11tit.dIn K~ngs Codi~ry Coinm~ss~on Expiles March 31, 2015
8 - '


Exhibit 12

Catholic Lawyers Guild of Kings County

Catholic Lawyers Guild, Diocese of Brooklyn

From The President Events Photos Past Presidents Membership Application Contact HOME The Catholic Lawyers Guild of Brooklyn dates to the 1930's. The Guild was organized by and for Brooklyn Catholic Lawyers as a forum for discussing the legal and social issues of the day. The members originally met in Saint Joseph's College on Clinton Hill, then in Saint Francis College, and then, through the years, at several other locations. The Guild has always maintained its core membership and a dedication to the ideals of the Catholic laity. Over the years, the membership as well as the activities of the Guild have broadened in scope. The Guild's mission presently is to advance the goals and ideals of Catholic lawyers; to respect the integrity of the law and the need for its fair, compassionate and just application; to acknowledge the primacy of moral values and of justice in the governing and administration of modern society; to bring together members of the bench and the bar to discuss the social and legal issues and to accomplish these goals in a congenial and professional environment. The Guild currently sponsors several events each year. The Guild's year commences in the Fall with the celebration of the Red Mass, which invokes Divine Providence for the coming Judicial Term. The Red Mass is co-sponsored with the Columbian Lawyers Association of Brooklyn and is followed by a reception which is always well-attended. The Christmas Party is conducted during the Yuletide season. Immediately preceding the Christmas party, we gather for our annual Nativity dedication on the lawn of the Supreme Courthouse at 360 Adams Street. The dedication includes a blessing by Guild Moderator, Rev. Msgr. Edward B. Scharfenberger and the singing of traditional Christmas carols. At the beginning of the Lenten season, the Guild holds its Annual Shrove Tuesday Luncheon. The Catholic Lawyers Guild Diocese of Brooklyn looks forward to the coming year with a growing membership, expanded program of activities and continuing fidelity to its values, goals and principles.
Catholic Lawyers Guild. Questions or Comments? Contact Us. Site Designed by Amanda

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2/15/2013 4:16 PM

Catholic Lawyers Guild Holds Red Mass At St. Josephs | www.gcnews....


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2011-11-04 / Community

By Alessandra Auricchio Have you ever had the honor of attending the Red Mass, a Mass that signifies the start of the judicial year? I was fortunate enough to attend and be a part of a very old tradition, stemming from the 13th century. The Catholic Lawyers Guild of Nassau County held its annual Red Mass on October 4th. There were over 400 guests who attended this mass, including many Garden City residents, right here in our community, at the Church of St. Josephs. The Mass was celebrated by the Most Reverend William Murphy Some of the Judges, Lawyers and S.T.D., Bishop of Rockville Centre and assisted by our new Pastor, clergy attending the Mass Monsignor James P. Swiader. Present were many distinguished guests including Vicargeneral Reverend Msgr. Brennan, Judicial Vicar Reverend Msgr. Pereda and Director of the Office of Worship Msgr. Andrzej. Other important guests that attended were Garden Citys own, District Attorney Kathleen Rice, Nassau County Supreme Court Justice Stephen Bucaria, Judge Anthony Morano and Judge Anthony Paradiso. There were so

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2/15/2013 4:32 PM

Catholic Lawyers Guild Holds Red Mass At St. Josephs | www.gcnews....

many other judges, lawyers, clergy, the Police Commissioner, Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, members of the Knights and Dames of Malta and so many more. Quoted from The Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Diocese of Rockville Centre Nassau Chapter, The courts and legal profession are the custodians of our liberty. They are our security, and to thank them, at the start of the judicial year, we call upon God to grant the gifts of enlightenment, prudence and compassion to lawyers pleading their cases, and to judges adjudicating those cases. The entire Bench and Bar (the judges and lawyers) attend Mass together at the opening of each term of the court. The priest celebrant along with the judges of the High Court in King Edward

Msgr. Swaider, Fr. Greg Breen Is time (in England) all wore red robes. That is where the Red and visiting priests from diocese of Mass got its name. Not only does the color red signify the proper Rockville Centre color for masses of the Holy Spirit but it is also the color for Masses in honor of Martyrs, signifying the willingness to defend the truth, inspired by the Holy Spirit, even at the cost of shedding ones own blood. Since in this Mass the Holy Spirit is invoked to keep lawyers and judges alike loyal to truth and justice, the devotion is referred to as the RED MASS. The first Red Mass was celebrated in 1957 in Nassau County. This Mass has long been attended by people of ALL faiths and has become an established custom for all judges, lawyers, public officials, law faculty members and members of the community to attend. During Bishop Murphys very powerful Homily, he emphasized how important it is to distinguish between right and wrong. He said that we have many issues and challenges each day and we must pursue justice at all costs, that society is self destructive without God. He also spoke about Pope Benedicts words to wish for a listening and understanding heart, to be instruments to serve the cause of law with justice. I am honored to have learned about this celebration and have attended such a powerful presence in our community. Reverend William Murphy, Bishop of Rockville Centre

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2/15/2013 4:32 PM

Catholic Lawyers Guild Holds Red Mass At St. Josephs | www.gcnews....

Police Color Guard process in with the judges

Members of the Knights and Dames of Malta

Alter Servers Andrea and Victoria the Deacon reads the Gospel.

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2/15/2013 4:32 PM

Catholic Lawyers Guild Holds Red Mass At St. Josephs | www.gcnews....

District Attorney Kathleen Rice

Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

Bishop Murphy delivering his Homily at the Ambo

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2/15/2013 4:32 PM


Exhibit 13

STAR OF BROOKLYN: Judge Arthur Schack - Home Reporter News: Ge...

By Elizabeth Coluccio | Posted: Thursday, January 24, 2013 12:59 pm COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Arthur Schack has been very involved in his community in the 34 years he has lived in Bay Ridge. Before he became a Supreme Court justice of Kings County, he served on Community Board 10 for 15 years, in several different positions, including treasurer for two years, board chair for three years, and on the Youth Services Committee for 10 years. He has also been involved with the Boy Scouts of America for many years. He is a past president of the Brooklyn Council Executive Board Troop 20 at the New Utrecht Reformed Church, and a troop chairperson. He has received the Silver Beaver Award for Distinguished Service to Youth and the George Meany Award from the Boy Scouts of America for his service. CAREER: Schack has had a long, successful career in education and law, but the greatest achievement of his career has been being named a Supreme Court justice. Its an opportunity to prove justice and fairness to the people in the community, Schack said. This is the best job in the world. Im thankful I dont mind getting up in the morning. PERSONAL LIFE: The greatest achievement of Schacks personal life is his successful marriage to his wife, Dilia, and the accomplishments of his two children, Elaine, who is an attorney, and Douglas, a New York City police sergeant. AWARDS: Schack has received the Albert Lee Smallheiser Award from the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) and the Ecumenical Award from the Catholic Lawyers Guild of Kings County. BIGGEST CHALLENGE: Schacks biggest challenge is finding time to balance it all. Between my job, making decisions, plus my family, its really about balancing it all out, he noted. MOTIVATION: Schacks greatest motivation for doing all that he does for the community is his conviction that helping those in need is crucial. I believe that public service is important, said Schack. As a judge, Im involved in that. I want to help people.

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2/15/2013 4:09 PM

Arthur Schack Tosses Out Cases, Brooklyn Style at B12 Solipsism

Seth Anderson / B12 Partners Blog Photography Twitter

Spreading confusion over the internet since 1994

without comments Awesome, Judge Schack is my new hero:

The judge, Arthur M. Schack, 64, fashions himself a judicial Don Quixote, tilting at the phalanxes of bankers, foreclosure facilitators and lawyers who file motions by the bale. While national debate focuses on bank bailouts and federal aid for homeowners that has been slow in coming, the hard reckonings of the foreclosure crisis are being made in courts like his, and Justice Schacks sympathies are clear. He has tossed out 46 of the 102 foreclosure motions that have come before him in the last two years. And his often scathing decisions, peppered with allusions to the Croesus-like wealth of bank presidents, have attracted the respectful attention of judges and lawyers from Florida to Ohio to California. At recent judicial conferences in Chicago and Arizona, several panelists praised his rulings as a possible national model. Justice Schack, like a handful of state and federal judges, has taken a magnifying glass to the mortgage industry. In the gilded haste of the past decade, bankers handed out millions of mortgages with terms good, bad and exotically ugly then repackaged those loans for sale to investors from Connecticut to Singapore. Sloppiness reigned. So many papers have been lost, signatures misplaced and documents dated inaccurately that it is often not clear which bank owns the mortgage. Justice Schacks take is straightforward, and sends a tremor through some bank suites: If a bank cannot prove

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2/15/2013 4:06 PM

Arthur Schack Tosses Out Cases, Brooklyn Style at B12 Solipsism

ownership, it cannot foreclose. If you are going to take away someones house, everything should be legal and correct, he said. Im a strange guy I dont want to put a family on the street unless its legitimate. [Click to continue reading As a Foreclosure Judge, Arthur Schack Tosses Out Cases, Brooklyn Style] The bankers and real estate firms whine about his rulings of course, but the Judge is only following the law. I hope more judges follow Justice Schacks model and stop turning a blind eye to the careless mistakes of greedy banks.

To the extent that judges examine these papers, they find exactly the same errors that Judge Schack does, said Katherine M. Porter, a visiting professor at the School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, and a national expert in consumer credit law. His rulings are hardly revolutionary; its unusual only because we so rarely hold large corporations to the rules. and that right there is the crux of our societal problem. Companies like Blackwater, Exxon Mobile, WalMart and General Electric that frequently break laws because they know the fines, if any, are going to be so small as to not even show up on a year-end balance sheet, companies like that should be forced to surrender their corporate charters. Hey, its capitalism, there will be new corporations to take their place.

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2/15/2013 4:06 PM

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Friday, May 25, 2007

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Heimishe Mentch on the Bench, Supreme Court Justice David I. Schmidt, honored in Brooklyn

When discussing the legal profession, virtues like compassion, charity and selflessness may not immediately spring to mind but for the past 33 years, the Catholic Lawyers Guild of Brooklyn has honored judges and attorneys who demonstrate these qualities. This year, about 225 people attended the guilds annual dinner at Gargiulos Restaurant, according to immediate past president Annalise Cottone. Brooklyn Civil Administrative Judge Ariel Belen swore in Joseph Bellard as the new president of the guild, which honored Judge Belen, Brooklyn Law School Professor Richard T. Farrell, Civil Court Judge Bernard Graham, state Justice David Schmidt and attorney Andrea Bonina. Justice David Schmidt accepted the Guilds Ecumenical Award on behalf of his parents, who were both Holocaust survivors. Schmidt said his father never spoke about his experiences until right before he died. Schmidt had a case against a synagogue in Williamsburg where a worker fell from a scaffold. He mentioned the case to his father, who then told him how he was taken to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. There were hundreds of people in the car. The train traveled for seven days and seven nights; they were given no food or water. When the train arrived everyone had died except my father, Schmidt said. My father thought all the Jews in the world were killed. The first people he saw at Bergen-Belsen were the rabbi of this synagogue and his father.

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2/15/2013 9:15 PM

Chaptzem Blog!

One of the reasons that the Holocaust succeeded in killing so many people is that when the Nazis started passing all these racist laws in which Jews could not marry non-Jews, own property or businesses and could not belong to any of the professions, no one protested, Schmidt said. The lawyers supported the laws and the judges did not protest the removal of their colleagues, nor did they find these laws invalid or unconstitutional, Schmidt said. We as judges and lawyers in the greatest country in the world have a duty to fight racism and bigotry wherever we find it, Schmidt said. It is our duty to make certain that no one is persecuted based on their religious beliefs or [ethnicity]. He quoted Martin Niemuller, the German pastor who outspokenly opposed the Nazis and suffered in concentration camps. In a 1959 seminary address in Atlanta, Ga., Niemuller said, First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me. Websters defines ecumenical as fostering religious unity, Justice Schmidt noted. He said he was especially honored to receive this award from the Catholic Lawyers, who strive for higher ethical morals and standards than the law requires. I, as a Jew with a yarmulke, who wears religion on my sleeve, similarly strive for higher ethical morals, Schmidt said. The judge graduated from Brooklyn College and Brooklyn Law School, and served for 11 years as law secretary to Justice Gerard Rosenberg before being elected to Brooklyn Civil Court in 1995. He was appointed as an acting state Supreme Court Justice in 2000, and was elected to that bench in 2006. id=13106
Leave Comment ---This article posted by Chaptzem : 5:05 PM

Comments: I do not understand how a Torah Jew can serve on a secular bench. If a case comes before him involving a Jew, or even two Jewish parties, will he rule al pi halacha or based upon secular law? Will he reject the case and order them to report to Beis Din (assuming they had no permission to take their case out of Beis Din)?
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Joseph : May 25, 2007 7:07 PM

To "I do not understand how a Torah Jew can serve on a secular bench.": All the Mosdos in B'klyn sent notices out to vote for him, when he first ran. One school even gave out little chatchkes with his name imprinted. (Were you sleeping?
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 27, 2007 1:20 AM

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2/15/2013 9:15 PM

Chaptzem Blog!

Joseph Ask a Rav your shailah But remember how could he judge a Jew if he is not at least a dayan?
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 27, 2007 2:40 AM

Is he the one who told the two bovorers that their father told him to send jews to beis din and that they should go?
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 27, 2007 8:09 AM

Judge Schmidt is a living, breathing Kiddush Hashem. He is unique in a sense one can only understand if he/she knows him. What a great person.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 27, 2007 9:43 AM

To 8:09- No he's not.

Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 27, 2007 10:25 AM

I don't know which mosdos you are referring to; nor do I know which Rabbonim give a haskomo to whichever mosdos it is. I just asked a simple question. I did not say their is no answer. But it is an obvious question. What will he do if a Jew (or 2 Jewish parties) comes to his bench? Will he uphold the secular law, as he is sworn to do? Or will he judge al pi din (is he even allowed to judge the case, as one commentator above asked?) Or will he throw out the case?
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Joseph : May 27, 2007 2:56 PM

Why don't you get off your fat ass and open up a Choshen Mishpat and figure out the answer to your question instead of making that his problem. In fact, Judge Schmidt is a big Talmid Chacham and certainly knows the answer to it. It's you, who is a lazy bum, never cracked a book in your life, GO CRACK A BOOK AND FIGURE OUT THE ANSWER!!!
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 27, 2007 8:35 PM

8:35, You just made obvious what an am haaretz you are. I'll let you try to figure out why. But as a hint, asking a halachik question is not only encouraged in Yiddishkeit, but it is the proper method of learning. Come back with some kind of lame "don't sit on your fat ass" type of non-response. I'll let you talk to the wall next time. I wouldn't want to embarrass you more than absolutely necessary.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Joseph : May 27, 2007 9:04 PM

Hey Joseph, if this blog is the ideal place you ask you shailos, a rachmunus oif deer in dayn mishpuchu.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 28, 2007 10:27 PM

What is wrong with him, or anyone, discussing halachik shailos on a blog? You are a close-minded idiot.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Chaim : May 29, 2007 12:00 PM

A rachmunus on your family too. Hope ur wife's a bit wiser than that.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 29, 2007 6:25 PM

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2/15/2013 9:15 PM

Chaptzem Blog!

10:27 - Yeah, whats wrong with a halachik discussion. Sounds like you don't feel competent to particiapte in such a discussion.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 29, 2007 6:49 PM

As an attorney who has appeared many times before Judge Schmidt I can tell you: 1. Any times both parties are Orthodox Jews he encourages them very strongly to go to Bais Din. 2. If they refuse to go to Bais Din he tries to settle the case with a "peshora" and is sucsessful about 98% of the time. 3. If he is not sucsessful, he sends the case out for trial to another Judge. I would like you to know that he was endorsed by many Rebbes, Dayanim, and Rosh Yeshivos (including R' Tauber of the Bobov and R' Kaminettzky of the Philadelphia Yeshiva among others). Judge Schmidt is a well known Talmudic scholar and has done wonders to the reputation of Orthodox Jews in the Court system.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 31, 2007 12:44 AM

Can anyone tell me how many Jewish Judges we have in Brooklyn Civil Court?
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : May 04, 2009 9:54 PM

Judge Schmidt is extremely smart guy!!

Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : June 18, 2012 11:42 AM

Post a Comment

4 of 10

2/15/2013 9:15 PM


Exhibit 14


Exhibit 15


-____ --__ ---*-----------


Index No.: 6500 / 2011


Hon. Arthur M. Schack JSC

Christopher-Earl : Strtrnk in esse -againstAFFIDAVIT


NYS Board of Elections et al.



Accordingly. 1.

) ss. )
being duly morn depose and s q under pcnalv of perjupto serve a true conformed copy of proof of USE3 service

On May 28,2013, Christopher S trunk insmcted me


6500-20 11 on May 25, 2013 by regular mad for debvery by the USPS upon respondents"counsels listed. d. O n May28,2013, I caused e a c h c o ~ w i t h proper postageforsmicebyreguIarmdthatwas then deposited wilh proper postage with the USPS far service upon:

Erica Burke, Esq, af SIMPSON THACHER & B A a E T T LLP

425 Lexington Avenue New York. N e w York 100 17-3954

RITA 6.TOBIN, Esq. of CAPLJN BE DRYSDALE, CHAKERED 375 P m k Avenue 35th Floor New York. New York 10152-3500

James P.Weltncr Esq, of CAPLIN & DRY SDALE. C h a n d One Thomas Circle. N.W. Washington. D.C. 20005
HARRIS BEACH, PLLC ~y THOMASJ. G , ~ ~ EY S~ ,. The OMNE 333 Earle Ovlngton Blvd., Suite 90 1 Uniondale, Yew York I 1553 JAMES C.DUGAN Esq, of WIttKlE FAW Bb GALLAGHER LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, X.Y. 10019-6099
MARSHAL BELL, Eaq. of McGUIREWOOQS LLP 1345 hvanue ofAmericas, 7th Floor N m - York, ?lew Yark 10105

WlLEY WN L U - 'IOUD A. l3ROMH1.:HG CSQ., JAN Wlou> BARAN ESQ and THOMAS W KmRY ESQ 1 7MK Nnw. NW W a h p i o n D C 2fK)M

RARWOWI1Z. UOUL)IN, SI'ANDARD, K R N K Y & L E R E K P W , 15C - C h a a p l l a J btell llq and Darnel S.Rcich Eq.45 Uroathbay, Su~tc 171HI Nem York. Nen Ynrk IMC6-?79 1 ERIC T.SCHNEIDERMAN Attorney General ofNYS by: JOSHUA PEPPER,Esq. AAG Assistant Attorney General Special Litigation Counsel Litigation Bureau 120 BROADWAY - 24 th Floor New York, New York 10271-0332 MICHAEL CARDOZO Corpradon Counsel o f City of New York By: CHL+RENS OF?ShLr.'N13, Esq. Assistant Corporation Counsel New York City Law Deparmenr 100 Church Street New York, New York 10007

Sworn to before me This &day of May 2013


From: "Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse" <[email protected]> To: [email protected], "Thomas Kirby" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Joshua Pepper" <[email protected]> Bcc: [email protected], "Eric" <[email protected]>, "Bill Van Allen" <[email protected]>, "John Bal" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], "Gary Johnson" <[email protected]>, "GeorgeM" <[email protected]> 1 File (2342KB)

Friday, May 24, 2013 9:56 PM


Made typo corrections in the copying process. Best regards Chris Strunk

--- On Fri, 5/24/13, Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse <[email protected]> wrote: From: Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse <[email protected]> Subject: Plaintiff's REPLY to RESPONSES in NOM to RENEW NYS SC KINGS Index 6500-2011 To: [email protected], "Thomas Kirby" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Joshua Pepper" <[email protected]> Date: Friday, May 24, 2013, 4:42 PM The printer was shutdown and d everyone has left early today. The attached will be in the mail tomorrow morning and I will ask the clerk to enter it early Tuesday morning before the appearance. I safely loaded it to Best regards Chris Strunk REPLY TO [email protected] or [email protected] All contents including but not limited to attachments are confidential, Do not disclose to third parties. PUBLIC NOTICE: PRIVATE: This is Not A Public Communication. This private email message, and any attachment(s) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521, and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and contains privileged and/or confidential information.

1 of 1

5/27/2013 8:55 PM

SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE COUNTY OF KINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------x Christopher-Earl : Strunk in esse Plaintiff, -againstNYS Board of Elections et al.

Index No.: 6500 / 2011 Hon. Arthur M. Schack JSC




a. b. c.

) ) ss. )

Accordingly, I, _______________________, being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury:
Am over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. My place of business is located at ___________________________________. On May 28, 2013, Christopher Strunk instructed me to serve a true conformed copy of proof of USPS service of PLAINTIFFS REPLY IN SUPPORT OF NOTICE OF MOTION FOR LEAVE TO RENEW AND REARGUE WITH AFFIDAVIT AND EXHIBITS affirmed May 24, 2013 IN THE CASE WITH Index no: 6500-2011 on May 25, 2013 by regular mail for delivery by the USPS upon respondents counsels listed. On May 28, 2013, I caused each copy with proper postage for service by regular mail that was then deposited with proper postage with the USPS for service upon:


Erica Burke, Esq. of SIMPSON THACHER & BARTLETT LLP 425 Lexington Avenue New York. New York 10017-3954 RITA C. TOBIN, Esq. of CAPLIN & DRYSDALE, CHARTERED 375 Park Avenue 35th Floor New York. New York 10152-3500

James P. Wehner Esq. of CAPLIN & DRYSDALE, Chartered One Thomas Circle, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005
HARRIS BEACH, PLLC By THOMAS J. GARRY, Esq. The OMNI 333 Earle Ovington Blvd., Suite 901 Uniondale, New York 11553 JAMES C. DUGAN Esq. of WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, N.Y. 10019-6099 MARSHAL BELL, Esq. of McGUIREWOODS LLP 1345 Avenue of Americas, 7th Floor New York, New York 10105 WILEY REIN LLP - TODD A. BROMBERG ESQ. , JAN WITHOLD BARAN ESQ. and THOMAS W. KIRBY ESQ. 1776K Street, NW Washington D.C. 20006 RABINOWITZ, BOUDIN, STANDARD, KRINSKY & LIEBERMAN, PC Christopher J. Latell Esq. and Daniel S. Reich Esq. 45 Broadway, Suite 1700 New York, New York 10006-3791 ERIC T. SCHNEIDERMAN Attorney General of NYS by: JOEL GRABER, Esq. AAG Assistant Attorney General Special Litigation Counsel Litigation Bureau 120 BROADWAY 24th Floor New York, New York 10271-0332 MICHAEL CARDOZO Corporation Counsel of City of New York By: CHLARENS ORSLAND, Esq. Assistant Corporation Counsel New York City Law Department 100 Church Street New York, New York 10007

___________________________ Sworn to before me This ___ day of May 2013

_____________________ Notary Public

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SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS I.A.S. Part 27 Index No.: 6500-2011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------x (Hon. Arthur M. Schack J.S.C) Christopher-Earl: Strunk, in esse Plaintiff, -againstNEW YORK STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS; Et al.. Defendants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------x Plaintiff REPLY Affidavit in support of Notice of motion with Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Notice of Appeal in re the BRZEZINSKIs w/o Notice of Entry Amended Petition DC Circuit 13-5005-OP

Exhibit 12 15 February 2013 Catholic Lawyers Guild, Diocese of Brooklyn Home Page and article about Red Mass Exhibit 13 24 January 2013 report on Justice Arthur M. Schack and 25 May 2007 Article: Heimishe Mentch on the Bench, Supreme Court Justice David I. Schmidt, honored in Brooklyn Exhibit 14 21 May 1985 State of New York Legislative Resolution Exhibit 15 15 October 2007 TESTIMONY at the Joint - Senate Standing Committee on Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs with letter from Robert Kenneth Dornan Affidavit of Service Dated: May 24th , 2013 Brooklyn New York _____________________________ Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse agent for Debtor CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK 593 Vanderbilt Avenue #281 Brooklyn, New York 11238 Ph. 845-901-6767 Email: [email protected]




Chrhtapher-Eark StFunk,i n esse

(Hon. M u r M. Schack J.S.C)

N E W PORK =ATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS; JAMES A. WALSH / Co-Chair, DOUGLAS A. KELLNER / Co-Chair, EVELYN J. AQUILA / Cornmissianer, GREGORY P . PETERSON / Commissioner, Deputy Director TODD D.


That Christopher Earl Strunk @ i n esse and sui juris sole secured beneficiary and
agent of Debtor CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK (Plaintd),Strunk, and hereinafter

known as 'Agent") submits this Vded

Second Supplement with CPLR 3025(b] to

the Verified Complaint filed March 22, 2011 with transactions subsequent to the
August 22,20 11 hearing before Justice Arthur M. Schack with the motion to renew,


re-argue and supplement pending a decision, and as such additionally alleges of Defendants NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS; JAMES A. WALSH / CoChair, DOUGLAS A. KELLNER / Co-Chair, EVELYN J. AQUILA / Commissioner, GREGORY P. PETERSON / Commissioner, Deputy Director TODD D. VALENTINE, Deputy Director STANLEY ZALEN (hereinafter known collectively as the NYS BOE); ANDREW CUOMO, ERIC SCHNEIDERMAN, THOMAS P. DINAPOLI, RUTH NOEM COLN, in their Official and individual capacity, along with the DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE COMMITTEE OF THE WORKING FAMILIES PARTY OF NEW YORK STATE; THE NEW YORK STATE REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE; THE NEW YORK STATE COMMITTEE OF THE INDEPENDENCE PARTY; STATE COMMITTEE OF THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF NEW YORK STATE (hereinafter known as the STATE Defendants), and SOEBARKAH (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama II, a.k.a. Steve Dunham) and Barack Obamas agents and associates of the caption along with those John and Jane Does and XYZ Entities yet named and hereinafter known as OBAMA, POTUS Executive Bankruptcy Trustee, Usurper Defendants) supplemental causes of action and injury in regards to: 1. Plaintiff Agent remains located for service at 593 Vanderbilt Avenue -281 Brooklyn, New York 11238 (845) 901-6767 email: [email protected].; is self represented without an attorney and is a duly registered voter in the 2008 and 2012 election cycle. 2. On April 29, 2013, Christopher Earl Strunk in esse and sui juris, the secured beneficiary and agent of the debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK, has affirmed his AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH: Notice of Rescission of Signatures of Surety ship NUNC PRO TUNC that along with a true copy of his Commercial Security Agreement affirmed April 15, 2013,k and is the sole beneficiary of the CHRISTOPHER EARL


STRUNK Debtor trust; and 3. As a matter of the Second Supplement to the Complaint including the allegations of the above introduction through paragraphs 2, wishes equity relief that involves irreparable harm as time is of the essence without any alternative forum for relief that compounds Plaintiff Agents injury along with those similarly situated; and as such Affirmant hereby verifies: (i) the four supplemental causes of action to the First Cause of Action to the Complaint filed March 22, 2011, (ii) the fourth supplemental cause of action to the Sixth Cause of Action to the Complaint filed March 22, 2011 and (iii) the first supplemental cause of action to the Seventh Cause of Action to the Complaint filed March 22, 2011 for recovery of loss equivalent to 5817 troy ounces of gold in US dollars of plus interest, allege as to Defendants as follows: As and for the First Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint First Cause of Action (Breach of State Constitutional fiduciary duty as against all Public Officer Defendants and JOEL GRABER ESQ.) 4. That Plaintiff Agent alleges that the STATE Defendants and their agents further fraud against Plaintiff Agent along as and for the First Supplement Cause of Action to the Complaint First Cause of Action repeats each and every allegation contained in the Introduction paragraphs 1 through 3 maliciously Breached State Constitutional fiduciary duty as against all Public Officer Defendants under color of Election Law Article 12 and related law to conceal and spoliate evidence of wrong doing as to its Website and the published instructions to a candidate(s) and agents of the candidate(s) of the office of President of the United States (POTUS) and Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS) at the 2008 and 2012 election cycle. 5. That base upon information and belief the NYS BOE and STATE Defendants during the 2008 election cycle before the Electoral college met by December 15, 2008

used the US Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 (A2S1C5) term of art naturalborn Citizen as the eligibility requirement for any POTUS and or VPOTUS candidate. 6. That base upon information and belief sometime after 22 March 2011 and before October 5, 2011 the NYS BOE and STATE Defendants during the 2012 election cycle before the Electoral college met by December 15, 2012 ceased to use the US Constitution A2S1C5 term of art natural-born Citizen (NBC) as the eligibility requirement for any POTUS and or VPOTUS and began to use BORN A CITIZEN as STATE Defendants instruction as to the eligibility requirement for any POTUS and or VPOTUS candidate in the 2012 election cycle. 7. That the NYS BOE and STATE Defendants maliciously conceal and spoliate

evidence of when use the US Constitution A2S1C5 term of art natural-born Citizen (NBC) as the eligibility requirement for any POTUS and or VPOTUS and began to use BORN A CITIZEN as STATE Defendants instruction as to the eligibility requirement for any POTUS and or VPOTUS candidate in the 2012 election cycle. 8. That Attorney Generals agent JOEL GRABER the assistant attorneys general in appearance herein acted as a co-conspirator to maliciously conceal and spoliate evidence of the STATE Defendants use of the unconstitutional term BORN A CITIZEN as STATE Defendants instruction as to the eligibility requirement for any POTUS and or VPOTUS candidate in the 2012 election cycle. 9. That Attorney Generals agent JOEL GRABER the assistant attorneys general

in appearance herein acted as a co-conspirator to maliciously conceal and spoliate evidence of the STATE Defendants instructed STATE Defendants not to answer or otherwise respond to the Compliant. 10. That on or about October 25, 2011 the NYS BOE and STATE Defendants as PUBLIC OFFICERS by instruction of their counsel Attorney Generals agent JOEL


GRABER the assistant attorneys general entered into default by not answering or otherwise responding to the Compliant. 11. That on or about October 25, 2011 the NYS BOE and STATE Defendants as PUBLIC US CITIZENS and Debtors in each capacity as individual surety to their own Debtor name by instruction of their counsel Attorney Generals agent JOEL GRABER the assistant attorneys general entered into default by not answering or otherwise responding to the Compliant. 12. That the NYS BOE and STATE Defendants in both their capacity as PUBLIC OFFICERS and as PUBLIC US CITIZENS and DEBTORS in each capacity as individual surety to their own Debtor big letter name each and every one collectively in conspiracy injured Plaintiff Agent by denying equal protection under color of law and further denied fundamental substantive due process to the Private American Freeman, in esse and sui juris Private Citizen of the United States of America Private Citizen of the state of New York Private Resident of the County of Kings having all Rights Reserved under the US Constitution Article 4 Section 2 and US Constitution Section 1 of the 14th Amendment bands relatexd requirements of law and NYS Constitution. As and for the Second Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint First Cause of Action (Breach of State Constitutional fiduciary duty as against all Public Officer Defendants and JOEL GRABER ESQ.) 13. That Plaintiff Agent alleges that that the STATE Defendants and their agents further fraud against Plaintiff Agent along with those similarly situated as and for the Second Supplement Cause of Action to the Complaint First Cause of Action repeats each and every allegation contained in the Introduction paragraphs 1 through 12 with each allegation of the First Cause of Action with the same force and effect as though herein set forth at length however for brevity omits same.

14. That Plaintiff Agent alleges that the STATE Defendants and their agents maliciously Breached State Constitutional fiduciary duty as against all Public Officer Defendants under color of Election Law Article 12 and related law under the US Constitution 12th Amendment failed to provide a distinct ballot at the Primary and or General Election for POTUS and a distinct ballot for VPOTUS. 15. That on November 6, 2012 when Plaintiff Agent went to his respective polling

place to cast his vote he discovered that the NYS BOE provided a ballot based upon a combined slate of electors for each political party candidate for POTUS and VPOTUS combined on ballot line instead of a distinct ballot. 16. That on November 6, 2012 the NYS BOE by misapplication and

misadministration of the New York State Election Law (EL) as applies with the Article 12 election of the State s respective candidate for the office of President of the United States (POTUS) and the office of Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS) failed to conform the respective ballots presented to the general electorate with the mandates of the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that each such candidate for either POTUS and VPOTUS office be presented on a distinct ballot for each elector slate separately thereafter to be chosen by the electors at election on November 6, 2012 and then provided by December 15, 2012 to the winning POTUS slate and VPOTUS slate. 17. That the Twelfth Amendment (Amendment XII) to the United States

Constitution provides the procedure for electing the President and Vice President. It replaced Article II Section 1 Clause 3, which provided the original procedure by which the Electoral College functioned. Problems with the original procedure arose in the elections of 1796 and 1800. The Twelfth Amendment was proposed by the Congress on December 9, 1803, and was ratified by the required number of state legislatures on June 15, 1804.



The text of the Amendment XII with emphasis by Plaintiff is as follows, quote: i. The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. ii. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted. iii. The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. iv. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.


That Plaintiff contends that there shall be a distinct ballot for each political

party committee candidate for POTUS and a distinct ballot of VPOTUS at the election and had there been the results would have been different on November 6, 2012 General Election; that Joseph Biden was not as popular as Paul Ryan who would of won even though his running mate Mitt Romney would have lost; and similarly that in 2008 Sarah Palin would have been selected over Joseph Biden when on separate


distinct ballot from the POTUS Candidate even though John McCain would have lost. 20. Thereafter as an equal protection issue, each candidate whether from POTUS or

VPOTUS is to be at arms length when presented to the people and or by the respective State Legislature accordingly, with a distinct ballot for POTUS and a separate distinct ballot for VPOTUS not only to prevent an internecine warfare battle in Congress that would undermine the Federal relationship of the States but is to afford the express opportunity to the people of the respective States legislatures under their respective exclusive power afforded by Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 (A2S1C2) to prevent the appearance of impropriety as an equal protection matter that prevents any single party association from controlling both the Office of POTUS and President of the Senate too. 21. Further, that the 12th Amendment affords substantive due process for the

people of each State of the several States from the beginning to the end of the election cycle including the primary, general election and electoral college selection process as the respective state legislature with exclusive power may devise to guarantee to the People of the each State of the several states that no future election conflict would exist over POTUS and or VPOTUS in the Congress, and that the 12th Amendment provides the needed safeguard in the U.S. Senate as the check against the excesses of an Executive abuse of power under Article 2 that without a parallel election for a loyal opposition in that body to maintain a balance of power between the Executive office as to the exclusive duties of the US Senate as well as all of Congress as co-equal political branches under the separation of power doctrine; and 22. Further the 12th Amendment express mandate enforcement is to guarantee by

operation the full effectiveness of the 20th and 25th Amendments to check an ineligible candidate for POTUS or VPOTUS that presently exists as one body, the NYS BOE, who


together as the Democratic-Republican Party act to defeat the election process. 23. That Plaintiff requires a mandamus of the NYS BOE and its subdivisions to

effect compliance with the 12th Amendment to prevent further impropriety and corruption of the election process as an equal protection issue for the primary, general election and electoral college selection process for the electorate as well as for the resultant winning elector slates to be thereafter given a distinct ballot for POTUS candidates and a distinct Ballot for VPOTUS candidates accordingly to repeat. As and for the Third Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint First Cause of Action (Breach of State Constitutional fiduciary duty as against all Public Officer Defendants and JOEL GRABER ESQ.) 24. That Plaintiff alleges that that the STATE Defendants and their agents further fraud against Plaintiff Agent along with those similarly situated as and for the Third Supplement Cause of Action to the Complaint First Cause of Action repeats each and every allegation contained in the Introduction paragraphs 1 through 23 with each allegation of the First Cause of Action with the same force and effect as though herein set forth at length however for brevity omits same. 25. That Plaintiff Agent alleges that the STATE Defendants and their agents maliciously Breached State Constitutional fiduciary duty as against all Public Officer Defendants under color of Election Law Article 12 and related law under the US Constitution 17th Amendment failed to provide a distinct ballot at the Primary and or General Election for US SENATOR from the state of NEW YORK. 26. That as and for the first question the New York election held November 6, 2012

of Kirsten Gillibrand to the U.S. Senate from New York is void ab initio as to elector qualifications are not equal to that of the New York Assembly; and therefore, Petitioner seeks to overturn New Yorks U.S. Senate election with U.S. Const. Amendment 17 :

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures. .. As the November 6, 2012, election for U.S. Senator from New York between Democrat Candidate Kirsten Gillibrand and Republican Candidate Wendy Long was conducted for electors not meeting the qualifications of a member of the Assembly with State Constitution Article 3 Section 7: . No person shall serve as a member of the legislature unless he or she is a citizen of the United States and has been a resident of the state of New York for five years, and, except as hereinafter otherwise prescribed, of the assembly district for the twelve months immediately preceding his or her election; or member of assembly at the first election next ensuing after a readjustment or alteration of the assembly districts becomes effective, a person, to be eligible to serve as such, must have been a resident of the county in which the senate or assembly district is contained for the twelve months immediately preceding his or her election. (Emphasis added by Petitioner) 27. Plaintiff Agent wishes the Court to void the U.S. Senate Election and ask the

Governor set a special election, because a significant number of the electors casting their respective vote were domiciled in New York for less than fives years and had not lived in their respective county of domicile for at least twelve months and there is no way to determine from the votes cast on Novemebr 6, 2012 of those qualified what candidate was voted for. As and for the Fourth Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint First Cause of Action (Breach of State Constitutional fiduciary duty as against all Public Officer Defendants and JOEL GRABER ESQ.) 28. That Plaintiff Agent alleges that that the STATE Defendants and their agents further fraud against Plaintiff Agent along with those similarly situated as and for the Fourth Supplement Cause of Action to the Complaint First Cause of Action repeats each and every allegation contained in the Introduction paragraphs 1 through 27 with

each allegation of the First Cause of Action with the same force and effect as though herein set forth at length however for brevity omits same. 29. That the NYS BOE by misapplication and misadministration of the New York

State Election Law (EL) as applies with the Article 12 election of the State s respective candidate for the office of President of the United States (POTUS) and the office of Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS) wherein it failed to conform the respective ballots presented to the general electorate with the mandates of the 12th and 17th Amendments and provide instruction to candidates as to eligibility with A2S1C5 to the U.S. Constitution, there is the matter of the extrinsic fraud perpetrated by the NYS BOE done after the Complaint was filed on March 22, 2011 and that 30. The New York State Board of Elections and State agents maliciously failed to

provide Plaintiff Agent with due process and equal protection with EL 3-106 and related law that is properly before the Court under EL 16-100 jurisdiction / authority including: i. The Actions of the State to Deny Equal Protection and Due process

ii. The Actions of the State to Facilitate the Fraud for ineligible candidates iii. The Actions of the State under color of State Law regarding HAVA and Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act as to covered counties where Petitioner lives by changing the POTUS eligibility from natural born Citizen to born a Citizen as if under the 14th Amendment. iv. The NYS BOE actions facilitate Ineligible candidates and campaign agents to facilitate fraud in addition to violation of the 12th and 17th amendments. 31. That the above collective partisan or bi-partisan Sedition is the subversion

intended to be prevented under EL 3-106 32. STATE Defendants act to conceal and spoliate evidence of wrong doing as to its


Website and the published instructions to a candidate(s) and agents of the candidate(s) of the office of President of the United States (POTUS) and Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS) at the 2008 and 2012 election cycle. 33. That Plaintiff Agent alleges that the STATE Defendants and their agents maliciously Breached State Constitutional fiduciary duty as against all Public Officer Defendants under color of Election Law Article 12 and related law to conceal and spoliate evidence of wrong doing as to its Website and the published instructions to a candidate(s) and agents of the candidate(s) seeking the office of POTUS and VPOTUS at the 2008 and acted under color of Article 12 for election of US SENATOR at the 2012 election cycle. As and for the Fourth Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint Sixth Cause of Action (Scheme to defraud Plaintiff and those similarly situated as against all Defendants) Barack Obama and his agents forged a birth certificate and presented as if a true to mislead Plaintiff along with those similarly situated 34. That Plaintiff Agent alleges that Barack Obama and his agents maliciously conceal and spoliate evidence to further fraud against Plaintiff along with those similarly situated as and for the Fourth Supplement Cause of Action to the Complaint Sixth Cause of Action repeats each and every allegation contained in the Introduction paragraphs 1 through 33 with each allegation of the Sixth Cause of Action with the same force and effect as though herein set forth at length. 35. That Defendant OBAMA and his agents forged a birth certificate with date 25 April 2011 and presented it at a White House press conference on 27 April 2011 to use with the Selective Service record and stolen Social security number for the purpose of usurping the Office of POTUS at the 2008 and 2012 election cycle in order to become the Executive Trustee of the USA bankruptcy in receivership since 1933 to


waste trust funds by theft from Debtor CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK segregated trust account under the control of the US Treasury receiver that Plaintiff Agent is sole beneficiary of. 36. That OBAMA and his agents have stolen $43 Trillion dollars from the private trusts while he usurps Executive Trustee duties associated with the USA bankruptcy. As and for the First Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint Seventh Cause of Action (Scheme for Unjust Enrichment, against All Defendants) for five years is theft of Agent's beneficial interest the segregated social security trust fund account 37. That Plaintiff Agent alleges that by All Defendants malicious actions to further fraud against Plaintiff Agent as and for the First Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint Seventh Cause of Action repeats each and every allegation contained in the Introduction paragraphs 1 through 36 with each allegation of the Seventh Cause of Action with the same force and effect as though herein set forth at length. 38. As to theft by fraud, Defendants owe Plaintiff Agent five years of wasted funds equivalent to 5817 troy ounces of gold being Agents beneficial interest in the social security trust funds as notified on November 9, 2009 to then US Treasury Secretary

Wherefore, Plaintiff wishes an order by the Court of all defendants: Answer or otherwise respond to the supplemental allegations; Defendant Obama and his agents release all concealed evidence under penalty of sanctions or worse; Return the wasted funds due sole beneficiary since January 20, 2009. for different and other relief deemed necessary for justice herein.


Accordingly, I, Christopher-Earl: Strunk


and Sui juris, the s c a r e d beneficiary

and agent ofthe s &

man debtor organization CHRISIOPHER EARL STRUNK, being

duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of pejury That the foregoing matter of the Second Supplement to the Complaint including

the allegations of the above introduction through paragraphs 38,and wherefore relief

involves irreparable harm as time is ofthe essence without any alternative forum for relief that compounds Plaintiff Agent's injury along with those similarly situated; and
as such Afmant hereby verifies: (i). the four supplemental causes of action to the

First Cause of Action to the Complaint filed March 22,20 11, (ii) the fourth

supplemental cause of action to the Sixth Cause of Action to the Complaint filed
March 22, 201 I and (iii)the first supplemental cause of action to the Seventh Cause of
Action to the Complaint fled March 22,20 11 for recovery of Ioss equivalent to 58 17

ounces of gold in US dollam plus interest; and that the same is true to my own

knowledge, except as to the matters therein s&ted to be alteged on information and

belief, and as io those matters I believe it to be true. The grounds of my beliefs as to d l

matters not stated upon infonnatio

records, and personal bowledge.

Sworn y - before m e Thisdl day of May 2013


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS IAS Part 27 Index No.: ---------------------------------------------------------------------x Christopher-Earl: Strunk, in esse -againstPlaintiff,





Defendants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------x STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS ) ) ss. )

Accordingly, I, Christopher Earl Strunk, being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury:

Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 1 of 26

1. That Christopher Earl Strunk in esse and sui juris, the secured beneficiary and agent of the debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK (Plaintiff, Agent), submits this affidavit with exhibits annexed in support of his motion, and will move with CPLR 2221(f) for leave to renew and reargue the prior Decision and Order dated March 29, 2013 entered by the Clerk of the Court on April 10, 2013 (Judgment), and in support of renewal, requests leave to supplement the Complaint filed March 22, 2011 with new transactions to conform to evidence by CPLR 3025(b)(c) and or to transfer to I.A.S. Part 1 in Petition 21948-2012 as with CPLR 2217(c), and to vacate or modify the Judgment with CPLR 5015(a); with the motion return date on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in Part 27, Courtroom 479 before the Justice Arthur M. Schack at 360 Adams Street Brooklyn New York 11201, or at a time designated by the court or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard. 2. That Plaintiff received the Notice of Entry of the Decision and Order / Judgment dated April 18, 2013 by overnight mail service by Marshal Beil, Esq. of McGUIREWOODS LLP Attorneys for Defendants ZBIGNIEW KAIMIERZ BRZEZINSKI, MARK BRZEZINSKI and IAN J. BRZEZINSKI (see Exhibit 1). 3. Petitioner remains located for service at 593 Vanderbilt Avenue -281 Brooklyn, New York 11238 (845) 901-6767 email: [email protected].; and is a duly registered voter in the 2008 and 2012 election cycle, and that Plaintiff has not sought this relief before. 4. That the Courts Decision and Order of April 11, 2012 (APRIL 2012 ORDER) barred Plaintiff from further claim against the captioned Defendant including the New York State Board of Elections and or its agents (NYS BOE) without prior approval of an

appropriate Administrative Justice or Judge.

5. That the Judgment shown as Exhibit 1 was delayed for a year thereby bifurcating the capability of Plaintiff to appeal as one action final disposition from the Judgment

Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 2 of 26

issued April 10, 2013 thereby chilling speech and infringing association and petition rights to be protected under the 1st through 9th Amendments to the Constitution for Plaintiff Agent and those similarly situated in New York and elsewhere. 6. . Notwithstanding whether the Court considers this act delusional, fanciful and or irrational, to the contrary as of right pursuant to Agent having fired Barack Hussein Obama II on January 23, 2009 with proper notice to Timothy Geithner. then United States Treasury Secretary with authority of private accounts at the treasury created by operation of securitizing the debtor birth certificate and bond issued by the Social Security Administration, that Agent secured beneficiary seeks proceeds from the private accounts as of right pending final filings with Mr. Geithners successor, and as such Agent reminds the Court that all this was first precipitated by the NYS BOE intrinsic bad faith to enforce the U.S. Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 (A2S1C5) as to POTUS candidate eligibility and now with NYS BOE extrinsic fraud proven by the 2012 Election cycle to further Mr. Obamas treason and high crimes, including the theft and wasting of such private accounts done as the de facto president and without authority is more urgent - imperils the nation and the people; 7. As such, on April 29, 2013, Christopher Earl Strunk in esse and sui juris, the secured beneficiary and agent of the debtor organization CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK, has affirmed his AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH: Notice of Rescission of Signatures of SuretyshipNUNC PRO TUNC that along with a true copy of his Commercial Security Agreement affirmed April 15, 2013 (see Exhibit 2) on which it is based, will be kept by the Kings County Clerk on file as in the Case 21948-2012 at the public office of Kings County Supreme Court 360 Adams Street Brooklyn 11201 as of the 1 day of

May, 2013; and

8. As such, Agent has standing as a distinction from other Public U.S. Citizens who

Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 3 of 26

suffer their surety condition in silence, and that Agent is an American Freeman, in esse and sui juris, Private Citizen of the United States of America that was created for the first time with the 1868 enactment of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, is a Private Citizen of the state of New York, Private Resident of the County of Kings with all Rights Reserved, and that Agent has sustained injury at the 2008 and 2012 election cycles
General Elections as to exclusive use of his personal intangible vote property that neither may be sold or given away under penalty of law, and whereat Agent has been denied equal protection of the law by the NYS BOE misapplication and misadministration of Election Law Article 12 under color of the 12th and 17th Amendments to the US Constitution in the election of POTUS, VPOTUS and US Senator from New York; and that Agent shall be guaranteed by the State of New York equal protection under color of law with Section 1 of the 14th Amendment specific to an actual national Private United States Citizen with special rights or interests in the matter in controversy, other than those common to all taxpayers and surety Public citizens, and 9. Agent Plaintiff / Petitioner thus has standing and basis for this Court to grant relief to include the NYS BOE as a respondent in the Petition 21948-2012 therein, and herein to vacate the Judgment as to the State as the NYS BOE and its agents having failed to respond to the Complaint lack clean hands; and therefore, State officers bad faith warrants the Court to grant leave to correct the evidence on the record as to intrinsic and extrinsic fraud by NYS BOE as well as bad faith of the NYS Office of Attorney General to conceal and misrepresent state actions in violation of the Public Officer Law, State Constitution and related law requiring public good faith transparency; and together with additional facts explained below Agent is entitled

Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 4 of 26

leave to Renew and based upon the conforming evidence to reargue the Judgment and the underlying APRIL 2012 ORDER.

As for Leave to Renew with CPLR 2221(f) 10. That on November 14, 2012 in compliance with the APRIL 2012 ORDER bar

from suing captioned defendants with the NYS BOE and or its agents, Plaintiff filed his Petition 21948-2012 challenging irregularities in the 2012 general election that effected the pending electoral slate election due for completion by December 15, 2012, and Plaintiff on November 16, 2012 purchased the RJI for assignment of the action with notification to Justice Schack by listing the active and related cases on the RJI (see Exhibit 3). 11. That on November 16, 2012, Joshua Pepper Assistant NYS Attorney General

(Mr. Pepper) of the APRIL 2012 ORDER served his letter upon the Clerk of the Court regarding the APRIL 2012 ORDER bar of Plaintiff from suing captioned defendants (see Exhibit 4) 12. That on November 19, 2012, the Petitioner in 21948-2012 appeared with Mr.

Pepper with an application for order to show cause for review by the Administrative Judge in the Intake part at the 10th Floor of 360 Adams Street, and that upon review was assigned to be heard by Justice Schmidt rather than Justice Schack; and that Petitioner appeared with Mr. Pepper before Justice Schmidt who declined to sign an Order to Show Cause issued an order (see Exhibit 5); and 13. Then on December 7, 2012, as a time of the essence with irreparable harm,

Petitioner filed a Note of Issue with a copy provided to Justice Schack (see Exhibit 6) and that within the 20 day time in response Respondents filed motions to dismiss the Petition with the Note of Issue, and Petitioner and Respondents attorneys, including

Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 5 of 26

Mr. Pepper and Mr. Steven Farkas, Esq., together appeared before Justice Schmidt on January 21, 2013, who then on April 3, 2013 issued an order to dismiss the Petition and granted the motions without costs or sanctions (see Exhibit 7). As for leave to supplement the Complaint filed March 22, 2011 with new transactions by CPLR 3025(b) 14. That although Petitioner Strunk in 21948 -2012 had not sued the NYS BOE

and or any of its entities the Court without affording due process to Petitioner therein added the NYC Board of Elections and as such Petitioner was unable to effect the necessary causes of action to protect his special interest and rights therein, and even though the entity was not the proper party to be added as it did not control the statewide ballot for POTUS or VPOTUS under the 12th Amendment and or in the Election of US Senator from New York under the 17th Amendment that would have been associated with such entity merely ministerial duty is to follow the direction of the NYS BOE; and therefore Petitioner therein seeks to renew in that action pending review by this Court of the Cause of action added by supplement herein and will afford Petitioner therein standing, and that Court necessary original jurisdiction accordingly. AS AND FOR A MANDAMUS FOR NYS BOE COMPLIANCE WITH THE 12TH AMENDMENT 15. That on November 6, 2012 when Plaintiff went to his respective polling place to

cast his vote he discovered that the NYS BOE provided a ballot based upon a combined slate of electors for each political party candidate for POTUS and VPOTUS combined on ballot line instead of a distinct ballot. 16. That on November 6, 2012 the NYS BOE by misapplication and

misadministration of the New York State Election Law (EL) as applies with the Article
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12 election of the State s respective candidate for the office of President of the United States (POTUS) and the office of Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS) failed to conform the respective ballots presented to the general electorate with the mandates of the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that each such candidate for either POTUS and VPTOUS office be presented on a distinct ballot for each elector slate separately thereafter to be chosen by the electors at election on November 6, 2012 and then provided by December 15, 2012 to the winning POTUS slate and VPOTUS slate. 17. That the Twelfth Amendment (Amendment XII) to the United States

Constitution provides the procedure for electing the President and Vice President. It replaced Article II, Section 1, Clause 3, which provided the original procedure by which the Electoral College functioned. Problems with the original procedure arose in the elections of 1796 and 1800. The Twelfth Amendment was proposed by the Congress on December 9, 1803, and was ratified by the required number of state legislatures on June 15, 1804. 18. The text of the Amendment XII with emphasis by Plaintiff is as follows, quote: i. The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. ii. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted. iii. The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken
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by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. iv. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. 19. That Plaintiff contends that there shall be a distinct ballot for each political

party committee candidate for POTUS and a distinct ballot of VPOTUS at the election and had there been the results would have been different on November 6, 2012 General Election; that Joseph Biden was not as popular as Paul Ryan who would of won even though his running mate Mitt Romney would have lost; and similarly that in 2008 Sarah Palin would have been selected over Joseph Biden when on separate distinct ballot from the POTUS Candidate even though John McCain would have lost. 20. Under the original procedure for the Electoral College, as provided in Article II,

Section 1, Clause 3: i. each elector could vote for two persons. The two people chosen by the elector could not both inhabit the same state as that elector. This prohibition was designed to keep electors from voting for two "favorite sons" of their respective states. The person receiving the greatest number of votes, provided that number equaled a majority of the electors, was elected President. ii. If there was more than one individual who received the same number of

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votes, and such number equaled a majority of the electors, the House of Representatives would choose one of them to be President. If no individual had a majority, then the House of Representatives would choose from the five individuals with the greatest number of electoral votes. In either case, a majority of state delegations in the House was necessary for a candidate to be chosen to be President. iii. Selecting the Vice President was a simpler process. Whichever candidate received the greatest number of votes, except for the one elected President, became Vice President. The Vice President, unlike the President, did not require the votes of a majority of electors. In the event of a tie for second place among multiple candidates, the Senate would choose one of them to be Vice President, with each Senator casting one vote. It was not specified in the Constitution whether the sitting Vice President could cast a tie-breaking vote for Vice President under the original formula. iv. In the 1796 election, John Adams, the Federalist Party presidential candidate, received a majority of the electoral votes. However, the Federalist electors scattered their second votes, resulting in the DemocraticRepublican Party presidential candidate, Thomas Jefferson, receiving the second highest number of electoral votes and thus being elected Vice President. v. The 1800 election exposed a defect in the original formula in that if each member of the Electoral College followed party tickets, there would be a tie between the two candidates from the most popular ticket. It also showed that the House of Representatives could end up taking multiple ballots

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before choosing a President. vi. Additionally, it was becoming increasingly apparent that a situation in which the Vice President had been a defeated electoral opponent of the President would impede the ability of the two to effectively work together, and could provide motivation, at least in theory, for a coup d'tat (since the Vice President would succeed to the office of President upon the removal or death of the President). In allowing for the President and Vice President to be elected as a ticket (without the tie electoral vote as happened in 1800), the Twelfth Amendment eliminated this possibility, or at least minimized it by lessening the Vice President's motivation for staging such a coup. 21. That the historical basis for enactment of the 12th Amendment to the U.S.

Constitution in 1804, when the Democratic-Republican Party partisan members had repeatedly caused a protracted disruptive dispute between its POTUS candidates as with Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr in 1800 ended in a terrible treasonous coup d tat battle that is never to be again tolerated. 22. So the Congressional enactment with ratification by the States barred any

prospective candidate for the distinct office of POTUS from being co-mingled with the distinct candidate for the office VPOTUS too; and even were members of the same association, the 12th Amendment requires a public declaration to the electorate for each office before the respective primary / general election cycle. so that with enactment each set of POTUS candidates are to be completely separate and distinct from the respective set of VPOTUS candidate too, and 23. Thereafter as an equal protection issue, each candidate whether from POTUS or

VPOTUS is to be at arms length when presented to the people and or by the respective

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State Legislature accordingly, with a distinct ballot for POTUS and a separate distinct ballot for VPOTUS not only to prevent an internecine warfare battle in Congress that would undermine the Federal relationship of the States but is to afford the express opportunity to the people of the respective States legislatures under their respective exclusive power afforded by Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 (A2S1C2) to prevent the appearance of impropriety as an equal protection matter that prevents any single party association from controlling both the Office of POTUS and President of the Senate too. 24. Further, that the 12th Amendment affords substantive due process for the

people of each State of the several States from the beginning to the end of the election cycle including the primary, general election and electoral college selection process as the respective state legislature with exclusive power may devise to guarantee to the People of the each State of the several states that no future election conflict would exist over POTUS and or VPOTUS in the Congress, and that the 12th Amendment provides the needed safeguard in the U.S. Senate as the check against the excesses of an Executive abuse of power under Article 2 that without a parallel election for a loyal opposition in that body to maintain a balance of power between the Executive office as to the exclusive duties of the US Senate as well as all of Congress as co-equal political branches under the separation of power doctrine; and 25. Further the 12th Amendment express mandate enforcement is to guarantee by

operation the full effectiveness of the 20th and 25th Amendments to check an ineligible candidate for POTUS or VPOTUS that presently exists as one body, the NYS BOE, who together as the Democratic-Republican Party act to defeat the election process. 26. That Plaintiff requires a mandamus of the NYS BOE and its subdivisions to

effect compliance with the 12th Amendment to prevent further impropriety and

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corruption of the election process as an equal protection issue for the primary, general election and electoral college selection process for the electorate as well as for the resultant winning elector slates to be thereafter given a distinct ballot for POTUS candidates and a distinct Ballot for VPOTUS candidates accordingly to repeat.


of Kirsten Gillibrand to the U.S. Senate from New York is void ab initio as to elector qualifications are not equal to that of the New York Assembly; and therefore, Petitioner seeks to overturn New Yorks U.S. Senate election with U.S. Const. Amendment 17 : The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures. .. as the November 6, 2012 election for U.S. Senator from New York between Democrat Candidate Kirsten Gillibrand and Republican Candidate Wendy Long was conducted for electors not meeting the qualifications of a member of the Assembly with State Constitution Article 3 Section 7: . No person shall serve as a member of the legislature unless he or she is a citizen of the United States and has been a resident of the state of New York for five years, and, except as hereinafter otherwise prescribed, of the assembly district for the twelve months immediately preceding his or her election; or member of assembly at the first election next ensuing after a readjustment or alteration of the assembly districts becomes effective, a person, to be eligible to serve as such, must have been a resident of the county in which the senate or assembly district is contained for the twelve months immediately preceding his or her election. (Emphasis added by Petitioner)

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Petitioner wishes the Court to void the U.S. Senate Election and ask the

Governor set a special election, because a significant number of the electors casting their respective vote were domiciled in New York for less than fives years and had not lived in their respective county of domicile for at least twelve months and there is no way to determine from the votes cast on Novemebr 6, 2012 of those qualified what candidate was voted for.

As for leave to supplement the Complaint filed March 22, 2011 with new transactions to conform to evidence by CPLR 3025(c) 29. That beyond above the NYS BOE misapplication and misadministration of the

New York State Election Law (EL) as applies with the Article 12 election of the State s respective candidate for the office of President of the United States (POTUS) and the office of Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS) wherein it failed to conform the respective ballots presented to the general electorate with the mandates of the 12th and 17th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, there is the matter of the extrinsic fraud perpetrated by the NYS BOE done after the Complaint was filed on March 22, 2011 and that 30. The New York State Board of Elections and State agents maliciously failed to

provide Strunk due process and equal protection with EL 3-106 and related law that is properly before the Court under EL 16-100 jurisdiction / authority including: i. The Actions of the State to Deny Equal Protection and Due process

ii. The Actions of the State to Facilitate the Fraud for ineligible candidates iii. The Actions of the State under color of State Law regarding HAVA and Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act as to covered counties where Petitioner

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lives by changing the POTUS eligibility from natural born Citizen to born a Citizen as if under the 14th Amendment. iv. The NYS BOE actions facilitate Ineligible candidates and campaign agents to facilitate fraud in addition to violation of the 12th and 17th amendments. 31. That the above collective partisan or bi-partisan Sedition is the subversion

intended to be prevented under EL 3-106 32. That while the APRIL 2012 ORDER was pending, as an additional matter of

extrinsic fraud controlling as to the scheme to defraud, was discovered by my associate the Information Technology expert Kevin Powell of Georgia who on October 15, 2011 affirmed his affidavit with exhibits assembled after the 22 August 2011 hearing that discovered that the State of New Yorks instructions for getting on the presidential ballot, rather than state that a presidential candidate has to be a natural born Citizen pursuant to A2S1C5 as I believe pre-existed the 2008 New York General Election at the time I filed the Federal Case No.: 08-cv-4289, instead after March 22, 2011 as of October 5, 2011 had been changed by the State and says that the President only had to be Born a Citizen.; and 33. That Plaintiff wrote to the State Counsel for the State election authorities and

pointed out the error, and asked that a correction be made to state that a presidential candidate must be a natural born Citizen which A2S1C5 of our Constitution clearly and plainly states; and 34. As had been previously done in New Jersey to change the erroneous
( 1 ),

instructions there

I was looking for the same type of relief which would have

The State of New Jersey also had the same type of error. At first, the Secretary of States instruction, using plain citizenship as the criteria for eligibility, did not state that the President had to be a natural born Citizen. A concerned citizen wrote to the Secretary of State and pointed out the error and she simply made the correction by stating that a presidential candidate must be a natural born Citizen. The correct New Jersey instructions can be viewed Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 14 of 26

satisfied my concerns regarding the wording of the eligibility instructions. But the State of New York would have none of it. Not receiving any satisfaction, on October 21, 2011, I filed an application for an order to show cause, asking that the Court issue an order to the New York State Board of Elections that it correct the eligibility instruction from born a Citizen to natural born Citizen. Judge Schack declined to sign Plaintiffs application as premature; and then order another hearing on October 25, 2011, and whereat Plaintiff stated to counsel for the New York State Board of Elections that I would be willing to settle his litigation if the New York State Board of Elections would change the ballot instruction from "Born a Citizen" to "Natural-born Citizen." The attorney told me that they could not do that. I then appealed Judge Schacks declined order and on January 3, 2012 the Appellant Court dismissed sua sponte. 35. That the Court as a matter of evidence must allow the record to be conformed

as the Court never ruled on the application that the Board of Elections be made to correct the ballot instruction for election for the Office of President to say not born a Citizen, but rather natural born Citizen. ; and as Judge Schack ordered inherent at the hearing on May 7, 2012 implies no difference between the two instructions. 36. Further, that on 12 April 2012, Plaintiff filed as to the Defendant OBAMA the

Motion for Presentment of Evidence of Forgery and Spoliation as Supplement to the Complaint by Request for the Leave of the Court to Supplement to the Complaint as the (PROPOSED FIRST SUPPLEMENT) annexed thereto (see Exhibit 8), that on June 18, 2012 was denied by the Court (see Exhibit 9) in that the presentment of evidence of forgery and spoliation as supplement to the complaint that by previous request for leave of the court having been denied at the October 25, 2011 hearing the right to file a first amended complaint by Arthur M. Schack J.S.C.
at New-Jersey-SOS-Eligibility-Instructions-forPresidential-Primary-2012 . Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 15 of 26

As for leave for new transactions to transfer to I.A.S. Part 1 in Petition 219482012 as with CPLR 2217(c) 37. That the supplemental above foregoing issues as new transactions regarding

the 12th and 17th Amendment as to the States denial of equal protect of Agent must be transferred to I.A.S. Part 1 in Petition 21948-2012 as with CPLR 2217(c).

As for Leave to Reargue with CPLR 2221(f) 38. That Agent request the court take the opportunity to reargue with CPLR 2221(f) its outrageously wrongful and repugnant conflation of British Common Law with American Common Law in regards to its characterization that Plaintiff is somehow frivolous because he uses the American Common law definition of Natural-born citizen as a person born in the country of citizen parents. 39. The court failed to treat OBAMA's admission that his legal father is a British Subject as an admission against interest; therefore, is an irrefutable fact at trial requiring a ruling on the law that he is not NBC and I am not acting frivolous. 40. That Plaintiff argues that as an irrefutable fact at trial that OBAMAs admissions against interest stand as a matter of law to bar ballot access under American Common Law. 41. That Plaintiff contends that in the OBAMA motion to dismiss that Defendant had an opportunity to deny but He did not deny that His legal father is a British Subject; and therefore, had the opportunity to do so as a irrefutable fact foreclosed the Court from treating it as unresolved. 42. Plaintiff contends the Court had a duty to make a decision on the law in that an admission against interest in which as an exception to the hearsay rule the facts

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had been deemed heard at trial and then requires a decision on the law by the Court who failed to apply an appropriate standard of review instead used British Common law. 43. That the Court displayed an inherent bias in its tar baby scenario straw man argument used against Plaintiff at the hearing on August 22, 2011 and again on May 7, 2012 when it went beyond the Complaint four corners to rewrite the Complaint against application of American Common Law in favor of British Common Law regarding the irrefutable fact of OBAMAs admission against interest that his father was a British Subject, who would not be NBC under American Common Law when the Court tacitly imposed a jus soli British Common Law standard based solely upon OBAMAs place of birth notwithstanding the citizenship status of the parents that had been proven at trial based upon the Petition and lack of rebuttal by Mr. Obama and therefore, the Court finding in the April 2012 Order referenced above that there was not affirmative proof or determination of an alternate location of birth other than that shown on the CoLB in exhibit by Plaintiff that evidently satisfied the Court in finding that OBAMA had been born in Hawaii or on soil as is the solitary requirement of British Common Law inherent in the logic of the Courts actions and Order that rests use on the wrong underlying law. 44. That that foregoing question of law remains to be determined by the court on appeal, notwithstanding the trial Courts wrongful conflation that somehow the repugnant feudal perpetual allegiance doctrine previously imposed by the monarchy and British Common Law before 1776 has somehow been re-established so that natural born-subject somehow equals natural born citizen. 45. That as a bipartisan application of British Common law shows there is no difference between the Democrats or Republican party dicta, as our fellow Californian

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of some repute Edwin Meese, Ronald Reagans attorney general, in 2005 used his prestige and position at the American Heritage Foundation (some say because he anguishes about his own shenanigans gone array as Attorney General with the 1984 Amnesty of illegal aliens) to expressly roll back America to before the 1776 Declaration of Independence, uses the feudal doctrine of perpetual allegiance that defines an individuals status as if property subject to the ownership by a monarch and or sovereign oligarchy. Perhaps Mr. Meese is preparing for the new nation killing amnesty starting with the 2005 preparation during efforts rejected during the Bush Administration that remains the American Heritage Foundation use for a new amnesty with say 30 million illegal aliens put on a path to citizenship in 2013; and that Mr. Meese expressly conflates British Common Law Natural-born subject use as if it were synonymous with American Common Law use of Natural-born Citizen, the American Heritage Foundation says the following: Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are natural born citizens and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are natural born citizens eligible to serve as President - Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) 46. Plaintiff contends that the Founders in the 1776 offering of the Declaration of Independence was to reassure the colonies the basis to leave the feudal perpetual allegiance to the Monarchy of British Common Law and as such the New York Republic on April 20, 1777, for the People of the New York Republic revoked perpetual allegiance use of British Common Law as repugnant in use of the New York Constitution at Article 35 that: XXXV. And this convention doth further, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this State, ordain, determine, and declare that such parts of the common law of England, and of the statute law of England and Great Britain, and of the acts of the legislature of the colony of New York, as together
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did form the law of the said colony on the 19th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, shall be and continue the law of this State, subject to such alterations and provisions as the legislature of this State shall, from time to time, make concerning the same. That such of the said acts, as are temporary, shall expire at the times limited for their duration, respectively. That all such parts of the said common law, and all such of the said statutes and acts aforesaid, or parts thereof, as may be construed to establish or maintain any particular denomination of Christians or their ministers, or concern the allegiance heretofore yielded to, and the supremacy, sovereignty, government, or prerogatives claimed or exercised by, the King of Great Britain and his predecessors, over the colony of New York and its inhabitants, or are repugnant to this constitution, be, and they hereby are, abrogated and rejected. And this convention doth further ordain, that the resolves or resolutions of the congresses of the colony of New York, and of the convention of the State of New York, now in force, and not repugnant to the government established by this constitution, shall be considered as making part of the laws of this State; subject, nevertheless, to such alterations and provisions as the legislature of this State may, from time to time, make concerning the same. (Emphasis added by Plaintiff) 47. In fact, Plaintiff contends based upon the public historical record that to replace feudalism and the Monarchs claim of Right to qualified use of property and ownership (adj. USUFRUCT) as his subjects born jus soli per se without regard to the status of the parents, the Founders and Framers looked to ancient Roman history to understand the law of nature to learn how best to constitute a republican form of government and to replace perpetual allegiance with the human natural law doctrine of both Greek(2) and Roman(3) origin of the term of art natural-born Citizen

Aristotle also gave us a definition of a natural born Citizen. In Politics, Book Three, Part II, Aristotle, writing in 350 B.C.E., as translated by Benjamin Jowett, gave us his definition of citizenship: Part II : But in practice a citizen is defined to be one of whom both the parents are citizens; others insist on going further back; say to two or three or more ancestors. This is a short and practical definition but there are some who raise the further question: How this third or fourth ancestor came to be a citizen? Gorgias of Leontini, partly because he was in a difficulty, partly in irony, said- 'Mortars are what is made by the mortar-makers, and the citizens of Larissa are those who are made by the magistrates; for it is their trade to make Larissaeans.' Yet the question is really simple, for, if according to the definition just given they shared in the government, they were citizens. This is a better definition than the other. For the words, 'born of a father or mother who is a citizen,' cannot possibly apply to the first inhabitants or founders of a state. There is a greater difficulty in the case of those who have been made citizens after a revolution, as by Cleisthenes at Athens after the expulsion of the tyrants, for he enrolled in

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inheritance of allegiance from his parents and or that of the father; and that it is repugnant for this appeal panel to suggest there were a Court here in New York to deem that the prior perpetual allegiance as once existed under the King before the Revolution now with the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution somehow amends the A2S1C5 natural-born Citizen clause and conflates the term person born on soil as if a U.S. Citizen without regard to the status of the parents, with subject to the jurisdiction as if it were needless repetition and thereby as was mistakenly done by the fanciful New York Justice in the case Lynch v. Clarke, 1 Sandf. Ch. 583 of 1844 who decided that case as if American Common Law had been replaced with that of British Common Law was in fact rebuked by the New York State Legislature thereafter and that the State Judiciary through their Court of Appeals has historically properly defined the relationship of the children offspring to the citizenship status of the parents that existed under American Common Law before the Cable Act of 1922 in regards to natural born Citizen as found in Ludlam v. Ludlam 26 NY 256 (1863)
tribes many metics, both strangers and slaves. The doubt in these cases is, not who is, but whether he who is ought to be a citizen; and there will still be a furthering the state, whether a certain act is or is not an act of the state; for what ought not to be is what is false. Now, there are some who hold office, and yet ought not to hold office, whom we describe as ruling, but ruling unjustly. And the citizen was defined by the fact of his holding some kind of rule or office- he who holds a judicial or legislative office fulfills our definition of a citizen. It is evident, therefore, that the citizens about whom the doubt has arisen must be called citizens. . Roman law provided: Lex MENSIA, That a child should be held as a foreigner, if either of the parents was so. But if both parents were Romans and married, children always obtained the rank of the father, (patrem sequuntur liberi, Liv. iv. 4.) and if unmarried, of the mother, Uipian. Alexander Adam, Roman antiquities: or, An account of the manners and customs of the Romans 210 (6th ed. corrected 1807). Cicero wrote in A Proposal:

The Colophonians claim Homer as their own free Denizen, the Chians challenge him as theirs, the Salaminians demand him again for their own, but the Smyrneans assert him to be their natural born Citizen; and therefore have also dedicated a Temple to him in their Town of Smyrna. There are a great many besides at Daggers-drawing among themselves, and contend for him. A Proposal For Printing in English, The Select Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, According to the last Oxford Edition 17 (Henry Eelbeck trans. London 1720).

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New York must not tolerate such affront to individual freedom and civil liberties as that shown by Judge Schack. 48. As to my arguments as to what is a natural born Citizen, Judge Schack did not correctly state my legal position and by doing so actually created a straw man argument. Judge Schack mis-stated: Plaintiff STRUNK'S complaint, as well as his opposition to defendants' motions to dismiss, alleges that the correct interpretation of the natural born citizen clause of the U.S. Constitution requires a natural born citizen to have been born on United States soil and have two United States born parents. Despite plaintiff's assertions, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 does not state this. No legal authority has ever stated that the natural born citizen clause means what plaintiff STRUNK claims it states. "The phrase 'natural born Citizen' is not defined in the Constitution, see Minor v Happersett, 88 US 162, 167 [1875]), nor does it appear anywhere else in the document, see Charles Gordon, Who Can Be President a/the United States: An Unresolved Enigma, 28 Md. L. Rev. 1, 5 (1968)." (Hollander v McCain at 65). Plaintiff STRUNK cannot wish into existence an interpretation that he chooses for the natural born citizen clause. There is no arguable legal basis for the proposition that both parents of the President must have been born on U.S. soil. This assertion is as frivolous as the multitude of alleged allegations outlined above. Moreover, President OBAMA is the sixth U. S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil. Plaintiff STRUNK and his fellow "birthers" might not realize that both parents of President Andrew Jackson were born in what is now Northern Ireland; President James Buchanan's father was born in County Donegal, Ireland; President Chester A. Arthur's father was born in what is now Northern Ireland; President Woodrow Wilson's mother was born in Carlisle, England; and, President Herbert Hoover's mother was born in Norwich, Ontario, Canada. 49. Plaintiff did not argue that a natural born Citizen child has to be born to two United States born parents or that both parents . . . must have been born on U.S. soil. This argument is strictly a creation of Judge Schack. Rather, I argued that a "natural born Citizen" is a child born in the United States to "citizen" parents. I correctly argue that "born Citizen" is not the same as "natural born Citizen." 50. It is outrageous misbehavior that Judge Schack would question my own parentage as a natural-born Citizen so nonchalantly shows his bias as if I were ignorant of my own heritage in regards to my own parents although only Public US Citizens and to the actual meaning used in my Complaint when in fact:
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i. My father Earl Henry Strunk is a natural born Citizen in 1917 as defined by Minor , because his father Moses, my grandfather had been a naturalborn Citizen to his own U.S. Citizen parents (my great-grand parents) at his birth, and who married my Prussian born Grandmother Elizabeth who immigrated to the USA, assumed U.S. citizenship of my grandfather Moses when she married by American common law before the Cable Act of 1922; ii. And, that my mother Beth Hardwick in 1915 was born a 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen defined by Kim Wong Ark , because her father and mother, my maternal grandparents were British subjects who immigrated to New Jersey from Canada, were domiciled legal resident aliens when Mother was born. 51. I argued and argue is that a child needs to be born in the country to parents

who are both either natural born Citizens (NBC) or citizens of the United States (citizen) by naturalization at birth or after birth. I did not argue that the parents needed to be born citizens or born on the soil of the United States and in fact a close reading of the transcript shows that to be born NBC means there are permutations of citizen parents that means NBC = NBC +NBC or NBC = NBC + citizen or NBC = citizen + citizen. None of the legal actions filed against Obama on his eligibility have made such an argument and neither did I make such an argument. 52. So it is totally irrelevant to my claim that according to Judge Schacks

ridiculous ipse dixit theory that somehow Obama is the sixth U. S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil, for under Judge Schacks interpretation of the Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 and his definition of a "natural born Citizen," those presidents, other than Chester A. Arthur who like Obama cannot benefit from Article II's grandfather clause and was not born to citizen parents, qualified to be President.

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Judge Schack has not decided the merits of the legal argument that Plaintiff

made concerning what is a natural born Citizen, but rather a legal argument that he himself created regarding that clause under British Common Law. Hence, not having yet passed on the argument that Plaintiff made, Judge Schack surely cannot reasonably conclude that Agents argument is frivolous. 54. The first step in constitutional interpretation is textual analysis of the clause in

question. In that analysis, we have to look at each and every word of the clause which includes "natural" and define that word. By using born Citizen rather than natural born Citizen, would be saying that we do not need to consider and define "natural," that the Framers just threw that word in as surplusage. On the contrary, the word "natural" is part and parcel of the full clause, "natural born Citizen." The clause as a whole is a word of art, an idiom. The historical record shows that it has always been used as such and that it has never been used in some expanded way as born Citizen suggests. Indeed, the clause is a unitary phrase with a unitary meaning. Hence, "natural" cannot be separated from the clause. Rather what needs to be done is to search for the meaning of the whole clause and not its parts. In this textual analysis, we cannot simply take that idiom and say that it means some other manufactured definition of the clause. We cannot simply proclaim without evidence that the meaning of that idiom equates to the manner in which Congress and the Fourteenth Amendment allows persons to acquire the status of a citizen of the United States as of the moment of birth. No U.S. Supreme Court case or Justice has adopted such a manufactured definition or even said that such a meaning prevailed at the time of the Founding. That someone acquires his or her citizenship from the moment of birth simply does not equate to that person being a "natural born Citizen." Even United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649, 693 (1898) and Rogers v. Bellei, 401 U.S. 815

Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 23 of 26

(1971) tell us that persons may be naturalized from the moment of birth. We accept that naturalized person are not natural born Citizens. Furthermore, that Wong Kim Ark included the clause natural born subject in the context of its discussion of what is a Fourteenth Amendment citizen of the United States does not through some amazing feat of logic convert a citizen of the United States into a natural born Citizen. As Minor aptly explained, a natural born Citizen is neither created by the Constitution nor depended upon it. 55. Hence, neither Fourteenth Amendment nor its debates on who shall be a citizen of the United States does not control who shall be natural born Citizens. 56. As to the NYS BOE beyond the issues raised above as a preemptive duty before mere discretionary power, Plaintiff argues that the Court also erred when not ruling with a question of American Common law based upon the irrefutable fact by Mr. OBAMAs admission against interest that by having a British subject Father, he is not eligible for the ballot for POTUS under A2S1C5, and that that public admission is no different than if he had admitted that he were not yet 35 years of age, and; therefore, requires the NYS BOE to bar him from the ballot as NYS BOE had done with other proposed candidates in the past notwithstanding the Courts absolutely ridiculous contention that somehow ballot access is merely a matter of rights guaranteed to be protected under the First and fourteenth amendments; 57. Plaintiff argues that there is an equal protection issue at the same election requiring the NYS BOE preemptively remove Mr. OBAMA too or else deny Plaintiff equal protection of the law as required under the 14th Amendment Section 1 as a declared private Citizen agent as shown in Exhibit 2. 58. The Court has an opportunity to rethink its position on the frivolous charge.

Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 24 of 26

As to vacate or modify the Judgment with CPLR 5015(a) 59. That although Plaintiff opposes the Judgment and the application of punitive sanction and attorneys fees that will be taken on appeal accordingly; but, considering the above matters the Court has an opportunity to recast the Judgment and Order on the record of the May 7, 2012 hearing so that the Defendants counsels may have an additional opportunity to submit their bill for costs and fees accordingly in that in light of fair dealing by the Court, had this been a verdict in a civil trial with nine (9) jurors, the jurors found by a vote six to three that the Court finding is wrong and I am right as to frivolous although maybe light on the details of the fraud claim detail is referenced above. 60. That based upon the Courts treatment of what is the appropriate nature of the State submission of a bill for time and expenses, that the overwhelming majority of the jurors decided that when the Court ordered that Plaintiff pay the expenses was wrong (I contend will be overturned on appeal ) they obviously did not want to burden their clients with further bad publicity associated with the April 2012 Order and Judgment according. 61. Further than the Court characterized the hourly billing of the State even under the condition of its default and bad faith dealing when it did not have clean hands and never should have submitted a bill at all; nevertheless, the Court at Judgment page 24 set an hourly fee at $375 per hour and as such as an equal protection issue must be applied to all the attorneys equally across the board, and that the nine law firms be afforded an opportunity to revise and submit their bill of fees and costs accordingly.

Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement Page 25 of 26

WHEREFORE,Plaintiff wishes the Court to grant a n order:

1. with CPLR 9222 1(f)for leave to renew based upon new transactions 2. with CPLR 5222 1(f)for leave to reargue the prior Decision and Order dated March 29, 20 13 entered by the Clerk of the Court on April 10, 20 13 (Judgment),
3. with CPLR 3025(b) in support of renewal, leave to supplement the Complaint filed

March 22,20 11 with new transactions 4. with CPLR 3025(c) to conform to evidence 5. with CPLR 2217(c)grant permission for Plaintiff to sue NYS BOE and transfer to I.A.S. Part 1 in Petition 2 1948-2012 those matters regarding injury under color of EL Article 12 to comply with the 12thand 17th amendment complained of above;
6 . with CPLR 5015(a) to vacate or m o w the Judgment based upon the argument

and by operation of the above new transactions as to Agent seeking relief and protection under Section 1 of the 14th Amendment for a Private US Citizen; and 7. for different and other relief deemed necessary for justice herein.

Sworn to before me day of May 2013 This

HOPE PAGAN Notary Public, State of New York No. 01PA6092269 Qualified in Kings County Commission Expires May 19, 2015

Plaintiffs Affidavit in Support of Motion for Leave to Renew and Supplement

... Page 26 of 26


Exhibit 1

Mmhall Beil Jacob Hildner

McGUEREWOODS LLP 1345 Avenue of the Americas, 7th Floor New York, New k-ork 10105 (2 12) 54 8-7004 Attorneys for Defendant. Zbigniw B~ezinski, Mark Rrrezinski, uand lm Brzezinskj





Index No. 6500120 11 NOTICE OF ENTRY




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the attached is a true copy of the Decision and Order of
the Hon. M h u r M. Schack, J,S.C., dated March 29,2013, that was entered by the County Clerk

of Kings County on April 10,20 13.

Dated: New York, New York

April 18,2013

Marsh I1 Beil Jacob Hildner L I 3 4 5 Avenue of the Americas, 7th Floor New York, New York I0 105 (2 E 2) 548-7004 Attorneys for Defendants Zbignimu Brzezin~ki~ +Mark Brzezinski, and Icrn Erzezinskl


Christopher-Earl Strunk 593 Vanderbilt Avenue, ff2&1 Brooklyn, New York 11238 Phintix pro se

Eric T.Schneiderman Attorncy General of the State ofNetv York By: Joel Grabcr
Assistant Attorney Gcneral

Special Litigalion Counsel

Litigation I31weau I20 Broadway - 24th Floor New York, New Ynrk 10271 (21 2) 416-8645

Harris Beach, PLLC Thomas J. B q ,Esq. Kcith M. CorbM, Esq. The 0;MNI: 333 Fade Ovington Blvd., Suite 901 Uniondale, New York 11533 Attorneys for Presidenr Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jp,, Obarnafor America, Obama Victory Fzmd, ovld lcJnncy Pelmi
Rabinowitz, Boudin, Standard, Krinsky, & Liebeman, P.C. Daniel S. Rcich Cluistopher J. Klatell 45 Broadway, Suite 1700 Ncw York, New York 10006 Allorneys for Defendants Socialis! Worke~s Purp nnd Roger Col'ero

Michael Cardoto Corporation Counsel of Ithe City of New York By: CI~larens Orsland Assistant Corporation Counsel New York City Law Dcpastmcnt 100 Church St. Sew York, New York 10007 (2 12) 7&8-0904
Caplin & Drysdalc, Chnrtercd James P.Wehner One TI~omas Circle, N W Nrashington,D.C. 26005 (202) 862-5000 And Eta C. Tobin 375 Park Avenue, 35h Floor New York, Ncw York 10 152 (212) 319-7125 A lforneysfor Defenda~is McCain Vicfory 2008, iMcCain-Palin Victory 2005, and

Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Paul C. Gluckotv Sad1 L. Durn 425 Lexington Avenue New Yo&,New York 10017-3954
(212) 455-2000

Affomeys for Defendcrnt Perer G. Peterson

WiIZkie F a n & Gallagher

James C. Dugan 787 Seventh Avenue New York, New Ynrk 10019 (2 12) 728-8000 Attorneys for Defendant George Soros

John S .McCain

At an IAS Tern, Part 27 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, heid in attd for thc County of Kings, at the Courthouse, at Civic Center, Rrooklyn, New York, on the 29th day of March 2013



DEClSlON & ORDER Tr~des No, 6500/11 hFTV YORK STATE BOARD OT:EtECnONS; JAMES A. RriXSIUCo-Chair, DOUGLAS A. KE1,LNER;Co-Chair, EVE1,W J. R Q U L N Commissioner, GREGORY P.PETERSON Co~nrnissioner, Deputy Director 'TODD Q. V.+21TdF;NTINE, Deputy Director S'TtViYLY ZAZ,EN; ANIISREW CUOMO, ERIC SCI-NEIIIERhZAN, 'I'ROMAS P. DWAPQLI, RUT1 I NOEMI COLON, irr thcir Omcia1 and individual capacity? FR. JOSEPH A. QqR4RE. S.J.; FI'I.JOSEPH P. PAKKES, S.3.; FWDESUCK A, 0.SCHWARZ. JR.; P E E R Ci. PB'fEltS13N; ZBIGNIEW KAI h ! [ERZ RRZEZINSKI ; MARK RRZEZNSKI; JOSFPFl R. BIDEN, R.; SOEl3AKKATI (a.k.3 Barry Soeroro Lf!@@m$744~ EIOZ I russein Oberna, a.k.a Steve Dunlzar r A, C PELOS[; STATE C O ~ ~ F OF?'' E E '' THE STATE OF NEW Y O N ; STATE C O T \ ~ ~ % ! ! ~ E OF THE JVOWhTG FAMILIES PARTY OF N E\lf


Exhibit 2

Notice of Rescission of Signatures of SuretyshieNUNC PRO TUNC

Accordingly, I, Christopher Earl: Stmnk, i n esse and sui jurfs, being duly sworn, depose and declare under penalty of perjury that:

I, Christopher Earl: Strunk, hereby rescind and revoke Nunc Pro Tunc every signature of suretyship, public and private, ever provided by Affiant on behalf of the New York business trusuartificial persodstatutory Public U.S. citizen "CFFRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK ," created on January 24, 1947;

This AFFIDAVIT OF TRWH: Notice of Rescission of Signatures of SuretyshipNWNC PRO TUNC extends to every public government contract-federaI, state, county and city. This rescission and revocation of public signature of suretyship includes, but is not limited to, the initial application for a social security nurnber/taxpayw identification number;every individual andlor corpomte tax retm ever filed, be it federal, state, county and/or city; the initial application for selective service in the Armed Forces of the United States; every application for an individual driver" license. federal and/or state, as well as every driver" license, federal and/or state; everq. app tication for a United States passport as we1 l as every issued United States passport: every application for voter registration as well as every voter registration card; and every other public government contract, known and unknown, evidencing a signature of suretyship;

This AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH: Notice of Rescission of Signatures of S u r e t y s h i v NUNC PRO TUNC extends to every private business contract. This rescission and revocation of private signatures of suretyship includes, but is not limited to, every application for a bank account, individual and business; every application for any form of insurance, including life insurance, motor vehicle insurance, business insurance, and home insurance; and every other application involved in any private business endeavor andlor private investment evidencing a signature of suretyship; This AFFR;)AV1T OF TRUTH: Notice of Rescission of Signatures of SuretyshipNUNC PRO TUNC is retroactive to the date of January 24, 1947, the date of the public filing and registration of affiant's Certificate of Live Birth in the State of New York, County of New York within the city of New York.

This AFFlDAVIT OF TRUTH: Notice of Rescission of Signatures of Suretyship-NUNC PRO TUNC aIeng with a true copy of the CommerciaI Security Agreement amrmed April IS,20 13 (attached) on which it is based, will be kept by the Kings County Clerk on file as part of the Case 2 1948-2012 at the public office of Kings County Supreme Court 360 Adams Street Brooklyn 9.120I as of the I~ day of May, 20 1 3.

Further Affiant Sayeth Not.

Christopher Earl: Strlrnk, American Freeman, in esse and sui _juris Private Citizen of the United States of America Private Citizen of the state of New York Private Resident of the County of Kings All Rights Resewed


BEFORE ME, on this day personally appeared Christopher Earl: Strunk known to me to be the person described herein and who solemnly affirmed that every statement given above was the whole truth to the best of his knowledge.
Subscribed and Affirmed before me on this of ,2013.


a f


I-IP.RRV HELFENEALI?:7 C o v i r n ~ s ~ i o 0~ 4 e37nds r Clip of ~ F W YO'^ - N Q . ~ - Y R ~ Cert~l!c? F:lorl : ~ i~ 7icbwnr6 Conlrn,ss:on T - X D I ~ P S ::]me 30. 2 0

Notary Publi

Commercial Securitv Agreement
The parties to this Commercial Security Agreemcnr, intending to be legally bound by ail the terms and conditions stated below, are within the standards and norms of the International Commercial Codc, and applies to the parties as follows:
1. Christopher Earl: Strun k (secured party/creditor of CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK), a de jure Private Citizen of the United States of America Prira tely Residing at his Common Law domicile located at 593 Vanderhilt Avenue of Brooklyn within thc city of New York and the county of Kinps subdivision of the State of New York. (See Exhibits I & 2 . )



2. CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK (dcbtor to Christopher Earl: Strunk), a statutory plrhlic citizen of the United States, priblicly residing at 593 Vandcrbilt Avenue PMBos 28 I of Brooklyn, NY. 1 1238. (See Exhibit 2.)

1 . Christopher Earl: Strunk, secured partylcrcditor of debtor CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK, agrees to use the name of dcbtor "CH H ISTOPRE R EARL S T R U N K in all public and private contracts far the benefit of the sccured party/creditor.

2. CHRISTOPHEH EARL STRUNK. debtor to secured party/creditor Christopher Earl: Strank, agrees to appoint secured party/creditor to bc its Agent with a general power of aaomcy to execute all public and private commercial contracts using the name of debtor "CHRESTOPHER EARL STRUNK" as a transmitting utility for the benefit of the Agent/secured garty/creditor in the use and management of the Agent's personal and real property. Further, debtor CHRISTOPH.EHEARL STRUNK hereby conveys all right, title and interest to any and a\ l property, reaI or personal, held or registered in the name of dehtor "(71EIUSTOPWEREARL STRUNK,"to secured partylcrcdizor Christopher Earl: Strunk. This propcrty includes, but is not limited to. all assets, liabilities or accounts held in the debtor-s name or for the benefit of the debtor w-hich the debtor or partially owns, or in which the debtor has a security interest, as well as vehicle rcgistrat ion certificates, deeds or contracts regarding real property, stocks and bonds, accounts. notes and judgments receivable. all life or health

Cornmercial Securitv Agreement

insurance policies and any private trust account held by the United States Treasuty o r any other account held by an office of the United States. This conveyance is NUNC PRO TUNC, its effective date being January 24, 1947. the date of the fiIing of a Certificate of Live Birth in the name of "CW RCSTOPHER EARL STRUNK" hy the State of New York. (See Exhibit 1 .)
3. Christopher Earl: Strunk secured partylcreditor, shall not be personally liable for the public or private debts of debtor CWSTOPH'ER EARL STRUNK. since Christopher Earl: Strunk is not surety for CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK as a matter of public record. (See Exhibit 1.) Christopher Earl: Strunk shall he liablc for his own public and private debts incurred in the use o f the name of the debtor


4. This Commercial Securip Agreement shall begin to be i n full force and effect upon its filing and keeping with a public office of the State ofNew York, and specifically

witnessed by t h e below Notary Public. I f this Ayreement may not be considered to be a binding bilateral contract by a cowrt of record, then it shall be held to be a Unilateral Contract Under Seal meeting thc requirements of specific intent, being in writing, signed. sealed and filed with a puhlic ofice.


The life of this security asreemcnt shall continuc until the natural death of Christopher Earl: Sbmnk and or his successor in interest or the State of New York or its successor in interest terminates the leyal existence of business trust organization CHRISTOYFFER EARL STRUNK.

enusecured Party Creditor


W N t L I t s - 2-0 I

Commercial Security k s e e m e n t



) ss.


BEFORE ME, on this day personally appeared Christopher Earl: Strunk known to me to
be the natural person described herein and who solemnly a f f m e d in quadruplicate that

every statement given above was the whole truth to the best of his knowledge; and

AFFIRMS this Commercial Secr~rity Agreement. as a matter of public record, that the ORIGINAL with certified copies of Exhibits annexed will bc kept on file under seal at the public office of the Clerk of the Kings County Swrroyate Court of the State of New York i n
accordance with the State of New York C W E R 17B Estates Powers and Tmst law. as

instructed by Affmant of the Clerk and as duly served upon the Clerk with the necessary filing lee by the United States Postal Service, evidenced by certified mail with return receipt
no.: 70103090000192292993 as of this
Subscribed and Affirmed before me on this
day of M

'f - day of 1P

20 13.

U M A L P. $0N1, Notary Public 26 Court Street County of Kings Brooklyn, New York 1 1201


. .
, -.,

; , .- -:




f-. . , , : . ,



; : , . ; .


, : , .


. I

. L l->{:l~qly re.; '.'r..-> : 21, 2015

M ' ~ -

Commercial Securitv Agreement

Eric .Ion: Phelps (secured partylcreditor of EM C JON PmLPS). a dej w e Private Citizen of the United States of' America Privately Residing at Common Law in his home located at 203 South. Fort Zellcrs Road. in the town of Newmanstown, on the lmd of Lebanon County, in thc Cntmonwealth of Pennsylvania.

this Commercial Security Agreemeac as a matter of public record. with the undcrstandi ng that the OR1GINAL with certified copies of Exhi bits annexed will be kept on tiIc under seal at the public officeof the Clerk of the Kings County Surrogate Court of the Statc of New York in accordance with the S a t e of New Y ork CHAPTER 17B Estates Powers and Trust law as a required witness for Christopher Earl: Strunk and or his successor in interes~ nr the State s f New York or ib successor in interest terminates the legal existence of business trust and as if a last wil E and testament according to law
BEFORE ME, on this day personally appeared Eric Jon: Phelps known to me to be the natural person described herein and who solemn1y al'fimed that every statement given abovc subiect to thc final execution and filing of this Commercial Security Agreement was the whole truth to the best of his knowledge. / ;/ & I Subscribed and Affirmed before me on this day of Ma~eh.2013.
I ,


, ,

. ,-

Bill ~lertzo~;!,Notir~ ,public

I 02 west Lincoln ALe. County of Lebanon Myerstown, Coinrnonwealth of Pennsylvania 1 7067


L. HemW, Nstary Public

Revised Article 9 UCC Search

UCC Search Results
File amendment to this UCC


k t u m to search -1

'File number: Filing date: Lapse date: Status:

2012-2614943-04 12/12/2012 4:57:28 PM 12/12/2017 4:57:28 PM A - Active

Actlon Initial financing Statement

F i l e Date 12/12/20124r5f :28 PM

Status -.

- Filed online

Debtor/Secuted Parw/Fller Debtor CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK OrgID: 03766 Type: BUSINESS TRUST ~ukisdiction:NEW YORK
Dats Added


12/12/2012 4:57:28 PM

593 Vanderbllt Avenue - 281 Brooklyn NY 11238

593 Vanderbift Avenue Brooklyn NY 11238 593 Vanderbilt Avenue Brooklyn NY 11238

Secured Party
Chsisto~her Earl StrunkFlier Christopher Earl Strunk

12/12/20124:57:28 PM

- 281 - 281

12/12/2012 4:57:28 RM

COtlLATERAL DESCRIPTION Date Filed Collateral Description

12/12/20124:57:28 PM



Document Type UCC Filing - Initial financing Statement

Tiff Image File Date



am 3 *nm

---- 7-rn



I N RE : USWFRUCT 'CIWISTQPHER EAF& WRUNK," ' C H R J S T O ? ~ , s ? ; K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # r i s t a E. p hSkunk" er 1 h~rrhy rertic the wi t $ i ~ and fowgaing to be FROM: Christopher Earl Strunk, in esse Releasor a trw. correct and cnmalete cow . . o " h e orirind that ap ea - f r~corrlIR this o f f i ~ ~ , STATE OF NEW PORK ) n i s -L&pr - - - - - r o -2012


1 =* 1

Deputy Cl~rk, L ~ r n Superior ~r Co~irt Accordingly, I, Christopher-EarI:Strunk in esse (Releasor)being duly snTom,depose and say under penalty of perjury:

Re Ieasor until further notice i s located for service at 593 Vanderbilt Avenue -28 1 Brooklyn, New York 1 1238 within the State of New York subdivision of the city o f New York.
I, Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse, absolutely release all personal property interests, legal and/or equitable, i n the public United States Citizen aCHRESTOPHER EARL STRUNK* created on January 24, 1947, upon the filing of the trust instrument i n the State o f New York subdivision County of New York within the City of New York, the USUFRUCT Deed Certificate No.: 03766 with t h e CertiFication of Birth NO0232437 (see Exhibit A). I, Christopher-Earl: Strunk i n esse, reserve all personal propem sights. Legal and equitable. granted or secured by the Constitution of the United States. the Constitution of the State of New York and related law. I, Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse, intend no longer to be the SureQ for the State-created public United States Citizen "CHRISTOPHER EARL STRUNK," 'CHRISTOPHER E. STRUNK," "ChristopherE. Strunk" or any derivative of the "nom de guesre" thereof, such as 'CHRISTOPHE R. STRUNK with ID NO. UX94571Am.

I, Christopher-Earl:Stmnk i n esse, presently a resident of the State o f New York, intend to return to my
former natural-born Citizen status conferred at my natural birth on January 23, 1947 of licensed Citizens, that status being a private individual United States Citizen conferred by Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution,and further de5ned i n Hale v HmkeI ,20 1 US 43,74.

I, Christopher-Earl: Strunk i n esse, intend to be legally bound by this Release executed and delivered in accordance with Chapter 17-B o f the State o f New York Estates, Powers and Trusts Article 1 0 Section 9.2 Release of a power of appointment This Release renders null and void any previous Release filed with any third party record keeper of the State of New York and or subdivision(s).




L ~hristi&er--~l:



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Exhibit A


PAGES I ' f 4





C / O THE CLEFX OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK with Chapter 1 7 I 3New York State Estates, Pou~ers and Tmsts m c l e 10 Section 9.2 Release ofa power o f appoinhent



Christopher Earl Strunk, in esse Releasor


Exhibit A - USUFRUCI' Deed Certificate No.: 03766 with Certification of Birth NO0232437


New York, New York , 9 20x2


Christopher Earl S t r u n k i n esse Releasor 593 Vanderbilt Avenue -281 Brooklyn, New York 1 1238




C / O THE CLEW OF THE COUNTY OF LAYAR STATE OF GEORGIA WITHIN TOWN OF RARNESVILLE,GEORGIA with Chapter 17-5of t h e New York State Estates, Powers and Tmsts Article I0 Section 9.2 Refewe ofapower of appointment Sub-Sem'on (c) Such release may be delivered to any of rhc following: (3) Any person, other than the donee. who might be adversely affected by an exercise of the power.


FROM: Christopher Earl Strunk, in esse Releasor


Exhibit A USUFRUCT Deed Certificate N o . :63766 with Certificationof Birth NO0232437

Back cover of the October 1,201 2 submission tendered in New York Caunly.


Brooklyn, New York October 9 , 2 0 1 2

Christopher-EarI: Strunk i n esse Releasor 593 Vanderbilt A v ~ n u e-281 Brooklyn, New York 1 1238 Phone 845-90 1-6767 Fmail: chris@strunkws

TO:The Honorable Dareen A. Quinn,

Chief Clerk of the

KWGS COWNTY SURROGATE COURT 2 Johnson Street Brooklyn, N Y 11201 Phone : 347-404-9708
Subject: Filing under seal of the Christopher Earl: Shvnk last will in tcstament for safekeeping under the State of New York Chapter 17-B of the Estates Powers and Trust Law.

Afirmed Corn mercial Security Agreement pages 1 through 4 with

Ekhibit 1 : Christopher-Earl: Strunk UCC Jnitial Financing Statement 12112/20 12

4:57:28 PM :2012-2614943-04 Active - Filed online


Exhibit A - USUFRUCT Deed Certificate No,: 03766 with Certification of
Birth N00232437. Recorded by the Lamar county Georgia Superior court clerk


on October 1 5,20 12 at 4:44 PM RPA book 28 Pages 172 through 175.


Brooklyn, New York

April 15,2013

Christopher-Earl: Strunk i n esse 593 Vanderbilt Avenue -28 1 Brooklyn, New York 11238 Phone 845-90 1-6767 Email: [email protected]


Exhibit 3

Supreme Index No:


UCS-840 (312011)

For Court Clerk Use Only:

IAS tntry Uate



2 1 ?*


Date Index Issued: &V.



KJI Uate


Enter the complete case caption. Do notuse et a 1or e t am. If mae space is required, attach a caption nder sheet.


B Y m o n e n .

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Dhnch@$l~ea;bfnIent(s) *. - ? ' . - , NATURE OF ACTION 'OR-~OCEE~ING:" : Check.ONEbox-only andspecifywh6re iniicated. ' ' ' ' 3 ; C = , " MATRIMONIAL COMMERCIAL 3 0 Contested 0 Buslness Ent~ty (including corporations, partnerships, L*S, et 0 Uncontested 0 Contract r m Insurance (where Insurer is a party, except arbitration)= NOTE: For all Matrimonial actions where the parties have children under the age of 18, complete and attach the MATRIMONIAL RJI Addendum. 0 ucc (including sales, negotiable instruments) C ?a 3

RVDIN 1266'Wf-py, J o ~ n u I=& ~WN 54GcW

T d VfltGc+s, CHRLTT~NE C d u ~ u lW j ~LUPM G J S I C E , PUPIF )MANE ~ r u & d d W t ? , -)+&c,-rrG D f ~ J2 Q. ~ A ~ L C CrLFWaf U - &

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z d-a

TORTS Asbestos Breast Implant Enmmental:

0 0 0

0 Other Commercial:


NOTE: For Commercial Div~sion assignment requests 122 NYCRR 5 202.70(d)]. complete and attach the COMMERCIAL DIV RJI Addendum.

0Medical, Dental, or Pediatric Malpractice 0Motor Vehlde

0 products ~sbility.

R E A L PROPERTY: Condemnat~on Foreclosure property Address:

0 0

Haw many pmperbesdoes the application include?

0Other Neglglrgence: 0Other Profess~onal Malpractice: 0Other Tort

(~PeclfY) (specrty)

m Address




NOTE: For Foreclosure actions invdvlng a one- to four-family, omeroccupied, residential property, or an owner-occupied condominium, '


0Tax Certiorari - Section:


complete and attach the FORECLOSURE RJI Addendum. Block: Lot: Other Real Properly:


OTHER MATTERS Certmcate of lncorporat~onlDissolut~on [see NOTE under Commerctal] Emergency Medical Treatment

0 0 Habeas Corpus 0 Local Court Appeal 0 Mechanic's Lien 0 Name Change


SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS CPLR Article 75 (Arbltrat~on) [see NOTE under Commercial] CPLR Artlcle 78 (Body or Officer)

0 MHL Article 9.60 (Kendra's Law) 0 MHL Arbcle 10 (Sex Offender Confinement-initial)

0Pistol Perrn~tRevocation Heanng


0 Sale o r Finance of ReligiouslNot-for-Profit Property


0 MHL Article 10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Rewew) 0 MHL Article 81 (Guardianship) 0 Other Mental Hygiene:

0Other Special ?peeding:




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Exhibit 4



November 16, 2012

Clerk of Court Supreme Court, Kings County 360 Adams Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Re: Christopher Earl Strunk

Dear Sir or Madam: I write because Christopher Earl Strunk has stated in the attached that he intends to file an Order To Show Cause against, inter alia, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, and Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, regarding their casting votes at the Electoral College for President Barak Obama. The attached Order enjoins Mr. Strunk from filing any further actions in the Unified Court System against any of these three people. Moreover, the subject matter of Mr. Strunks threatened new litigation is precisely the same as that of the previous litigation that resulted in the attached Order. Thus, Mr. Strunk should not be permitted to file his Order To Show Cause. Respectfully submitted,

Joshua Pepper Assistant Attorney General

120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK N.Y. 10271-0332 PHONE (212) 416-8610 FAX (212) 416-6075 *NOT FOR SERVICE OF PAPERS HTTP://WWW.AG.NY.GOV


Exhibit 5


Exhibit 6

Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE COUNTY OF KINGS -----------------------------------------------------------------------x
Christopher-Earl : Strunk in esse
593 Vanderbilt Avenue 281 Brooklyn New York 11238

Index No.: 21948 / 2012

Filed November 14, 2012

Petitioner, -againstHakeem Jeffries , Grace Meng, Felix Ortiz, Bill DeBlasio, Walter Cooper, Keith L.T. Wright, Christine C. Quinn, William Thompson, Scott Stringer, Emily Giske, Anne Marie Anzalone, Archie Spigner, George Gresham, Ruben Diaz, Jr.; Ken Jenkins; Mario Cilento; Gerald D. Jennings; Byron Brown ; Robert Duffy; Joseph Morelle; Scott Adams ; Stephanie Miner; Steve Bellone; Irene Stein; Sheila Comar; and Kirsten Gillibrand Respondents.




Accordingly, I, Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse, being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury: To: Hon. David I. Schmidt J.S.C. Part 1, Hon. Arthur M. Schack J.S.C. Part 27, 1. This is Petitioners affidavit in support of his note of issue and certificate of readiness by CPLR 3402 for a trial of issues by December 14, 2012 with partial severance for the benefit of captioned Respondent electors of the New York State Legislatures Electoral College and members of Congress before the deadline to vote by December 17, 2012, and after January 3, 2013 for candidates for the office of President of the United States, and that whether by casting a vote for Barack Obama each may be charged with the crime of accessory after the fact of a felony committed on or about 25 April 2011 by persons as yet named, aided and abetted by White House Counsel Bob Bauer, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and Barack Obama who during the 27 April 2012 White House Press Conference, see the transcript evidence herein (see Exhibit 1), expressly presented a forged instrument to the People of the United States, a crime compounded by spoliation, concealment, perjury, tampering with the public record, intimidation of witnesses and other crimes.

Christopher-Earl: Strunks Affidavit in support of Note of Issue Page 1 of 3

Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012
TRIAL OF THE FACTS 2. That Petitioner requires a trial of the facts of a crime before December 17, 2012 essential for the proper execution of the Electoral College vote, say on December 13, 2012, and at which Petitioner will bring only one expert witness for testimony by Typographer Graphics Expert Paul Edward Irey from Delray Beach Florida to testify solely as to the nature of the forgery referenced above without determination of who the perpetrators are per se, as that is a criminal matter for authorities with jurisdiction. 3. That expert testimony by Paul Edward Irey is based upon the Affidavit with Exhibits A through D affirmed December 4, 2012, and herewith (see Exhibit 2) that is res ipso loquitur. 4. Petitioner contends that the body of the crime complained of has been brought to the attention of Respondents and various district attorneys with authority and jurisdiction to further investigate, and that the testimony deals with the fact that in 1961, well before computers or such other technologies that may be in use today, that ANY birth certificate paperwork was done either by hand and or on forms designed for use with the mechanical typewriter technology that was then widely used, rendering a forgery detectible; and that testimony presents the proof of forgery in the context of then mechanical technology in use, and also to prove the forged instrument is of current manufacturer, that the forgers use of the Unsharp Mask software by Adobe to create a Halo around lettering thus also sets the chain of custody of the forgery along with where it was manufactured. 5. That Respondent public officers as if Elector Public Officers and private US Citizens have duty as to matters of law and facts and when in violation of law must be held accountable or would infringe the trust due the People of New York as similarly to Petitioners right to suffrage, republican form of government, Freedom and Liberty, any elelctor who would commit a crimne by adiding and abbetting a felony is incompatibkle. as to New York State law as applies to the public officer oath, duties and obligation with use of NYS Civil Service Law 105A and is to be barred as a person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States. 6. That it is a well-settled common law rule that a public officer cannot hold two incompatible offices simultaneously (Matter of Smith v Dillon, 267 App. Div. 39, 43 [1943]). This rule seeks to prevent offices of public trust from accumulating in a single individual. Two offices are incompatible if one is subordinate to the other or there is an inherent inconsistency between the two offices (see People ex rel. Ryan v Green, 58 NY

Christopher-Earl: Strunks Affidavit in support of Note of Issue Page 2 of 3

Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012

Christopher-Earl: Strunks AFFIDAVIT in support of Note of Issue

Exhibit 1

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

What was really dominating a lot of discussion was this fake controversy, essentially, a sideshow, that was distracting from this real issue. And an example of that would be when major Democrats and Republicans went onto mainstream news organizations to talk about their budget plans -- including the President -- they were asked about this. They were asked about what they thought about the controversy. They were asked if they believed the President was born in the United States. And it was really a distraction.
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That really struck the President, led him to ask his counsel to look into whether we could ask the state of Hawaii to release the long-form certificate, which is not something they generally do. And he did that despite the fact that it probably was not in his long-term -- it would have been in his -- probably in his long-term political interests to allow this birther debate to dominate discussion in the Republican Party for months to come. But he thought even though it might have been good politics, he thought it was bad for the country. And so he asked counsel to look into this. The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 8:48 A.M. EDT April 27, 2011

And now Ill have Bob explain that, and then well take your questions.

MR. CARNEY: I just want to -- sorry, I meant to mention at the top, as some of you may have seen, the President will be coming to the briefing room at 9:45 a.m., making a brief statement about this -- not taking questions, but just wanted to let you know.

MR. PFEIFFER: And he will use this as an opportunity to make a larger point about what this debate says about our politics.

Go ahead, Bob.

MR. CARNEY: Good morning, everybody. You can read the paperwork we just handed out in a minute. Let me just get started. Thank you for coming this morning. I have with me today Dan Pfeiffer, the Presidents Director of Communications, as well as Bob Bauer, the Presidents White House Counsel, who will have a few things to say about the documents we handed to you today. And then we'll take your questions. I remind you this is off camera and only pen and pad, not for audio. And I give you Dan Pfeiffer. MR. PFEIFFER: Thanks, Jay. What you have in front of you now is a packet of papers that includes the Presidents long-form birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, the original birth certificate that the President requested and we posted online in 2008, and then the correspondence between the Presidents counsel and the Hawaii State Department of Health that led to the release of those documents.

March 11, 2012 8:04 PM EDT

MR. BAUER: Early last week the decision was made to review the legal basis for seeking a waiver from the longstanding prohibition in the state Department of Health on releasing the long-form birth certificate. And so we undertook a legal analysis and determined a waiver request could be made that we had the grounds upon which to make that request.

Call with President Karzai Following the Report of Afghan Civilian Casualties
President Obama reached out to President Karzai Sunday following the reported killing and sounding of Afghan civilians.
March 11, 2012 9:00 AM EDT

And by Thursday of last week, I spoke to private counsel to the President and asked her to contact the State Department of Health and to have a conversation about any requirements, further requirements, that they thought we had to satisfy to lodge that waiver request. She had that conversation with the state Department of Health on Thursday -- counsel in question is Judy Corley at the law firm of Perkins Coie, and you have a copy of the letter she subsequently sent to the department with the Presidents written request.

If you would just give me a minute to -- indulge me a second to walk through a little of the history here, since all of you weren't around in 2008 when we originally released the Presidents birth certificate, I will do that. And then Bob Bauer will walk through the timeline of how we acquired these documents. In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the Presidents campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of

The department outlined the requirements for the President to make this request. He signed a letter making that request on Friday afternoon upon returning from the West Coast. And private counsel forwarded his written request -- written, signed request -- along with a letter from counsel, to the state Department of Health on Friday.

From the Archives: Tsunami in Japan

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Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

The department, as I understood it, after reviewing the law and reviewing the grounds asserted in the request, came to the conclusion that a waiver could be appropriately granted. We were advised that the long-form birth certificate could be copied and made available to us as early as Monday, April 25th -- the day before yesterday. And we made arrangements for counsel to travel to Honolulu to pick it up and it was returned to the White House yesterday afternoon.

Hawaii. We received that document; we posted it on the website. That document was then inspected by independent fact checkers, who came to the campaign headquarters and inspected the document -- independent fact checkers did, and declared that it was proof positive that the President was born in Hawaii.

A look back at the U.S. response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March of 2011.
March 10, 2012 6:30 AM EDT

Let me emphasize again, there is a specific statute that governs access to and inspection of vital records in the state of Hawaii. The birth certificate that we posted online is, in fact, and always has been, and remains, the legal birth certificate of the President that would be used for all legal purposes that any resident of Hawaii would want to use a birth certificate for.

To be clear, the document we presented on the Presidents website in 2008 is his birth certificate. It is the piece of paper that every Hawaiian receives when they contact the state to request a birth certificate. It is the birth certificate they take to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get their drivers license and that they take to the federal government to get their passport. It is the legally recognized document. That essentially -- for those of you who followed the campaign closely know that solved the issue. We didnt spend any time talking about this after that. There may have been some very fringe discussion out there, but as a campaign issue it was settled and it was -Q When you posted this did you post the other side of it where the signature is? MR. PFEIFFER: Yes. Q Because it is not here and that's been an issue. MR. PFEIFFER: We posted both sides and when it was looked at it was looked at by -- the fact checkers came to headquarters and actually examined the document we had.

Weekly Address: Investing in a Clean Energy Future

Speaking from a factory in Virginia, President Obama talks about how companies are creating more jobs in the United States, making better products than ever before, and how many are developing new technologies that are reducing our dependence on foreign oil and saving families money at the pump.

However, there is legal authority in the department to make exceptions to the general policy on not releasing the long-form birth certificate. The policy in question, by the way, on non-release has been in effect since the mid-1980s, I understand. So while I cannot tell you what the entire history of exceptions has been, it is a limited one. This is one of very few that I understand have been granted for the reasons set out in private counsels letter.


MR. PFEIFFER: We'll be happy to take some questions.

Q I guess I just want to make sure that were clear on this. Even though this one says certificate of live birth on here, this is different than the other certificate of live birth that weve seen?

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MR. PFEIFFER: Yes. The second page there is the one that was posted on the Internet. That settled the issue. In recent weeks, the issue has risen again as some folks have begun raising a question about the original -- about the long-form birth certificate you now have in front of you. And Bob will explain why -the extraordinary steps we had to take to receive that and the legal restraints that are in place there.


MR. PFEIFFER: And that is a copy of the one that has been kept at the Hawaii Department of Health. But it became an issue again. And it went to -- essentially the discussion transcended from the nether regions of the Internet into mainstream political debate in this country. It became something that when both Republicans and Democrats were talking to the media they were asked about. It was a constant discussion on mainstream news organizations. And the President believed that it was becoming a distraction from the major issues we're having in this country.

Q Okay. And this is the one that would be referred to -- that people have been asking for that is the birth certificate?

MR. PFEIFFER: They are both -- the second one is the birth certificate. The one on the top is what is referred to as the long-form birth certificate. As you can see -- and Bob can walk you through it -- it contains some additional information that is not on the second page, which was the birth certificate which was released during the campaign.

If you could just explain the difference.

And he was particularly struck by the fact that right after the Republicans released their budget framework and the President released his, we were prepared to have a very important, very vigorous debate in this country about the future of the country, the direction were going to take, how were doing to deal with very important issues like education, Medicare, how were going to deal with taxes in this country. And that should -- thats the debate we should be having yet.

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Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

MR. PFEIFFER: There will always be some selection of people who will believe something, and that's not the issue. The issue is that this is not a discussion that is just happening among conspiracy theorists. Its happening here in this room; its happening on all of the networks. And its something that, as I said, every major political figure of both parties whos actually out trying to talk about real issues is asked about this by the media. And so the President decided to release this. And I'll leave it to others to decide whether theres still -- there will be some who still have a different -- have a conspiracy about this.

MR. BAUER: Theres a difference between a certificate and a certification. The certification is simply a verification of certain information thats in the original birth certificate. The birth certificate, as you can see, has signatures at the bottom from the attending physician, the local registrar, who essentially oversees the maintenance of the records. It contains some additional information also -- that is to say, the original birth certificate -- it contains some additional information like the ages of the parents, birthplaces, residence, street address, the name of the hospital.

Youve got two certified copies, according to this study. You have these physical --

MR. PFEIFFER: Yes. I showed you one. Just one.

The core information thats required for legal purposes and that is put into the actual certification thats a computer-generated document, which we posted in 2008, that information is abstracted, if you will, from the original birth certificate, put into the computerized short-form certification, and made available to Hawaiian residents at their request. So the long form, which is a certificate, has more information, but the short form has the information thats legally sufficient for all the relevant purposes. Q MR. BAUER: Thats correct. It is in a bound volume in the records at the state Department of Health in Hawaii. This first one has never been released publicly, correct?

You showed us a photocopy of one.

MR. PFEIFFER: No, I showed you --

Does that have a stamp?

MR. PFEIFFER: It has a seal on it. Q Bob, can you explain why President Obama let this drag on for four years? Was it Donald Trump that prompted you to issue this? MR. BAUER: Ill let Dan -MR. PFEIFFER: Sure. Q I know you expected that question, right? (Laughter.) MR. PFEIFFER: He even said you would be the one who would ask it. (Laughter.) I dont think this dragged on for four years because this was a resolved -- for those of you who remember the campaign, this issue was resolved in 2008. And it has not been an issue, none of you have asked about it, called about it, reported on it until the last few weeks. And as I said earlier, it probably would have been -- a lot of the pundits out there have talked about the fact that this whole birther debate has been really bad for the Republican Party and would probably be good for the President politically. But despite that, the President, as I said, was struck by how this was crowding out the debate,

Why does this rise to the level of a presidential statement?

MR. PFEIFFER: The President -- this in itself -- when you hear the President I think youll understand the point hes making. That will be in not too long.

Q Did the President change his own mind about this? In other words, was he advocating during the campaign lets just put it out there and get it over with, or was this an internal shift in thinking based -- in other words, was it the President who steadfastly during the campaign said this is ridiculous, I don't want to give this any more ground, and has now changed his mind? Or is this the --

MR. PFEIFFER: Lets be very clear. You were there for the campaign. There was never a question about the original birth certificate during the campaign. It was a settled issue. I was there for the original decision to release the birth certificate. I was there when we posted it online. I'm not sure I even knew there was an original one that was different than the one we posted online because it wasnt an issue. So it wasnt like -- lets be very clear. We were asked for the Presidents birth certificate in 2008; we released the Presidents birth certificate; and it was

done. That was it.

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5 of 15 Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

3/11/2012 11:00 PM

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

And so there hasnt been a discussion about this other document for years. Its only been in the last few weeks. And so to your second question, the President decided to do this and he'll talk about this when he gets here -decided to do it at the timeline that Bob laid out because it was a -- this was a sideshow that was distracting from the real challenges that we're facing.

particularly around the budget, on important issues, and was an example of the sort of sideshows that our politics focuses on instead of the real challenges that we have to confront as a country.

Its not just a sideshow for him; its a sideshow for our entire politics that have become focused on this.

And so thats why he made this decision now, because it became an issue that transcended sort of this -- it essentially was something that was talked about, as I said, from the nether regions of the Internet onto mainstream network newscasts. In fact, Jay has been asked about this just yesterday in this room. Q So I guess the implication is that you did get political advantage by having not released this until today, over the course of the last four years?

Q Not to give Donald Trump more publicity than he has, but is he the person who sort of -- sort of that bridge between what you're calling a fringe and the mainstream? Do you think that hes the reason why this tripped the switch to a level where you now have to deal with something you thought was dealt with?

MR. PFEIFFER: Its not for me to say why mainstream media organizations began to cover this debate. Theyll have to answer that for themselves.

MR. PFEIFFER: There has been -- no one that I can recall actually asked us to -- we were asked to release the Presidents birth certificate in 2008. We did that. And then no one -- it never -- up until a few weeks ago, there was never an issue about that that wasnt the birth certificate from any credible individual or media outlet. And it hasnt been until -- I mean, Jay was asked about this yesterday -Q When you say that, you mean certification -- you released the certification?

How concerned were you about running against Donald Trump in a general election?

MR. PFEIFFER: I'd refer any questions on the election to the campaign. MR. PFEIFFER: When any Hawaiian wants -- requests their birth certificate because they want to get a drivers license, they want to get a passport, they do exactly what the President did in 2008. And thats what that is. And we released that. And thats what any Hawaiian would do to release their birth certificate. And that was good enough for everyone until very recently this became a question again. And so the President made this decision. Hell talk to you more about his thinking on that. Q And this is going to sound -- I mean, you can just anticipate what people are going to -- remain unconvinced. Theyre going to say that this is just a photocopy of a piece of paper, you could have typed anything in there. Will the actual certificate be on display or viewable at any -- (laughter.) Q Will the President be holding it? MR. PFEIFFER: He will not, and I will not leave it here for him to do so. But it will -- the State Department of Health in Hawaii will obviously attest that that is a -- what they have on file. As Bob said, its in a book in Hawaii. MR. BAUER: And youll see the letter from the director of the Health Department that states that she oversaw the copy and is attesting to -Q But do you understand that this could quiet the conspiracy theorists?

Can you address the reports of Petraeus to the CIA and DOD --

MR. PFEIFFER: You get points for that, Carol. (Laughter.) MR. CARNEY: Yes. I don't have -- but youll be disappointed to learn that I don't have a personnel announcement for you. The President will be addressing this -- questions about personnel tomorrow.

Q Dan, was there a debate about whether or not this deserved being discussed by the White House, whether or not -- and I'm going back to the birth certificate. I lose points, I understand. But was there debate about whether or not this was worthy of the White House?

MR. PFEIFFER: The point I'd make is that we weren't the ones who -- we're not the first ones to bring this up in this room. Jay has been asked questions about this; the President has been asked about it in media interviews. And so that wasnt a decision that we made, and the President made the decision to do this and he made the decision to -- and when he comes down here this morning he'll talk to you about why he thinks theres an important point to be made here.

Q Getting back to the personnel announcements, does the President understand that these announcements have been made and sourced satisfactorily for most news organizations before he speaks up and hes not letting his

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Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

MR. CARNEY: I don't have anything for you on that this morning. MR. CARNEY: I don't have a comment on that for you, Bill. (Laughter.) Q I mean, this is such BS. Its all out there and you guys are -- okay, the President is going to talk about this tomorrow so we can't say anything. MR. CARNEY: Bill, you're free to make phone calls everywhere you can. I'm just saying that we don't have a personnel announcement for you today. Q MR. CARNEY: We'll have a personnel announcement tomorrow. Q Jay, yesterday you talked about failsafe triggers as sort of a positive alternative to spending cuts. I'm wondering if the White House has any openness to including that, because its a White House proposal, including that in any legislation that would raise the debt ceiling limit. And he'll tomorrow, he'll cover all the aforementioned switches?

White House corroborate?

Just quickly, back on the birth certificate, yesterday you said this was a settled issue. So --

MR. CARNEY: Well, as Dan said, again, it has been a settled issue.

MR. PFEIFFER: From a factual point of view, its absolutely a settled issue. But the fact that it was a settled issue did not keep it from becoming a major part of the political discussion in this town for the last several weeks here. So theres absolutely no question that what the President released in 2008 was his birth certificate and

answered that question, and many of your organizations have done excellent reporting which proved that to be the case. But it continued; the President thought it was a sideshow and chose to take this step today for the reasons Bob laid out.

Q Aside from the policy distractions that was presented, did you have some concern because it was sort of reaching back into the mainstream news coverage that this could become a factor in the 2012 election with centrist voters?

MR. PFEIFFER: No. MR. CARNEY: Well, what we've said very clearly, and I think Secretary Geithner said it eloquently yesterday, it is a dangerous, risky idea to hold hostage any other -- hold hostage, rather, raising the debt ceiling, a vote on raising the debt ceiling, to any other piece of legislation. The commitment this President has to moving aggressively towards a comprehensive deficit reduction plan is clear. It will be clear again when the Vice President convenes a meeting, bipartisan, bicameral meeting, next week. And he hopes that progress will be made on that very quickly.

Just to clarify what this document is --

MR. PFEIFFER: This is the -- the letter first and the two certified copies -- this is one of those. This is the same thing you have a copy of as the first page of your packet.

How did it get here?

MR. PFEIFFER: As Bob said, it arrived by plane -- the Presidents personal counsel went to Hawaii and brought it back and we got it last night.

In terms of negotiating what that would look like, I think the negotiators should do that, led by the Vice President, Republicans and Democrats together. But again, explicitly linking or holding hostage the absolute necessity of raising the debt ceiling to any other piece of legislation and declaring that we'll tank the U.S. economy and perhaps the global economy if we don't get this specific thing that we want, I think is a dangerous and unprecedented thing to do.

Last night? And we're confident, remain confident, that the leaders of both parties in Congress, as well as the President, will agree with the President, as I have said many times, that we do not have an alternative to raising the debt ceiling because, as many have said, outside observers, economists and businessmen and women, the impact of that would be calamitous at best. Q So even though its your own proposal that you guys endorsed you don't want to see it as part of the final

MR. PFEIFFER: Last night.

What time?

MR. PFEIFFER: Between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

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Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

When did you decide to do this gaggle?


MR. PFEIFFER: Whats that?

When was this gaggle put on -- when was this planned?

MR. PFEIFFER: Whatever time you received your guidance suggesting that it would be this time tomorrow morning.

MR. CARNEY: I'm not negotiating individual pieces of a package that we hope Republicans and Democrats can come together around from this podium. But again, we believe its essential to -- the President believes -- that's one of the reasons why we're doing this right now -- we believe that these are big debates that need to be had. They can be contentious, argumentative, serious, comprehensive, detailed, because theyre important; theyre all about Americas future. And theyre about visions of this country and where we're going that need to be debated. And this debate was being crowded out in many ways by a sideshow. And he looks forward to having a debate on the real issues that Americans want us to talk about -- long-term economic plans, deficit reduction, investments in the kinds of things that will help this economy grow and create jobs, dealing with our energy needs, a long-term energy plan. These are all issues that have been sidetracked at least in the public debate by some of the issues that we're talking about this morning. Q Is there a concern that more and more people were actually starting to believe its sideshow -- I mean, people have been asking about --

Q Are these letters supposed to demonstrate the legal steps that were involved in releasing it to the White House counsel?

MR. BAUER: The letters that you have, the personal request from the President, along with the accompanying letter from private counsel, is merely meant to document the legal path to getting the waiver of that policy so we could get the long-form certificate.

The waiver of Hawaii state government policy? MR. CARNEY: I will let the President speak for himself, but what Dan was saying and I think is important is that the issue here is that the President feels that this was bad for the country; that its not healthy for our political debate, when we have so many important issues that Americans care about, that affect their lives, to be drawn into sideshows about fallacies that have been disproven with the full weight of a legal document for several years.

MR. BAUER: Right. The non-release of the long-form certificate, which has been in effect since the 1980s -- a natural question would have been, well, what did you do to obtain the waiver, and those letters represent the


Q Well, isnt it true that anybody who was born in Hawaii can write this letter? I mean, that's all there is to the waiver process?

So, again, as Dan said, and a lot of political pundits have said, you could say that it would be good politics, smart politics, for the President to let this play out. He cares more about whats good for the country. He wants the debate on the issues. He wants the focus on the issues that Americans care about. Q Jay, the President yesterday said that he had been talking to oil exporters about increasing output. Who specifically has he been talking -MR. CARNEY: Well, I said -- I want to clarify. I said several times I believe from this podium when asked questions about our overall handling of the issue of high gas prices that we've had conversations with oil-producing states and allies and those conversations continue. I don't have specific the President spoke with this leader or other government officials spoke with others, but those are ongoing conversations that, of course, we would be having in a situation like this.

MR. BAUER: No. Let me just explain once again because I also noticed, by the way, in one report already the wrong certificate was actually posted on the website. The certificate with the signatures at the bottom -- and that's a key difference between the short form and the long form -- the long form has signatures at the bottom from the attending physician, the local registrar, and the mother, is the original birth certificate, which sits in a bound volume in the State Department of Health.

The short from is a computerized abstract, and that's the legal birth certificate we requested in 2008 and that Hawaiians are entitled to. Since the mid-1980s, the State Department of Health, for administrative reasons, only provides to people who request their birth certificate the short form. They do not provide the long form.

So in order for us to obtain the long form, we had to have a waiver. We had to actually determine that there was

Q Do you guys have any comment on the NATO soldiers that were killed in Afghanistan and any confirmation on whether there were Americans?

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Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

a legal basis for providing it, and then ask them to exercise their authority to provide us with the long form. The steps required to accomplish that were a letter from the person with the direct and vital interest -- the President -- so you have a letter from the President, and then there was an accompanying letter from counsel basically formalizing the request. So the reason we included that is that those were legal steps we took to obtain the long form by way of this waiver. Q MR. BAUER: Its in the packet. Q MR. BAUER: I did not go to Hawaii. The counsel, Judy Corley, who signed the -- the Presidents personal counsel at Perkins Coie, Judy Corley, whose letter -- signed letter of request is in your packet, traveled to Honolulu and picked up the birth certificate. Q A question on the situation regarding the Defense of Marriage Act. Yesterday Attorney General Eric Holder rejected attacks on Paul Clement, who is taking up defense of the statute on behalf of the U.S. House. Paul Clement has taken a lot of heat from the LGBT community for volunteering to take up defense of DOMA. Eric Holder said, Paul Clement is a great lawyer and has done a lot of really great things for this nation. In taking on the representation -- representing Congress in connection with DOMA, I think he is doing that which lawyers do when were at our best. That criticism I think was very misplaced. And Holder went on to compare the criticism of Clement to attacks on the Justice Department lawyers for their past for detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Does the President share Eric Holders views on this? MR. CARNEY: We do share Eric Holders views on this. We think -- as we said from the beginning when we talked about -- when I did from this podium -- about the decision no longer from the administration to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, that we would support efforts by Congress if they so chose to defend it. And so I have nothing to add to the Attorney Generals comments. Q Following Mondays Af-Pak Situation Room meeting, what is the Presidents assessment of the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan? And does he think that July drawdown is still on? MR. CARNEY: The Presidents policy, which included the beginning of a transition -- beginning of a drawdown of American troops, is absolutely still on track. I dont have anything additionally from the meeting yesterday beyond what weve said. But the policy remains as it was. And you went to Hawaii? Do we have the letter from the President --

13 of 15 Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/27/2011 | The White House

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MR. EARNEST: Jay, we should wrap it up here. MR. CARNEY: Yes. Last one, yes. Q Given the comments of the Pakistani official quoted in the Wall Street Journal, is Pakistan still a U.S. ally, and to what extent? MR. CARNEY: Pakistan is still a U.S. ally. Thanks. END 9:18 A.M. EDT

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Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012

Christopher-Earl: Strunks AFFIDAVIT in support of Note of Issue

Exhibit 2

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Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012

Paul Edward Ireys AFFIDAVIT

Exhibit A

Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012

Paul Edward Ireys AFFIDAVIT

Exhibit B

Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012

Paul Edward Ireys AFFIDAVIT

Exhibit C

Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012

Paul Edward Ireys AFFIDAVIT

Exhibit D

Re: binder 11 ... - Yahoo! Mail

Re: binder 11 ...

From: "Henry Wayland Blake" <[email protected]> To: "Paul Irey" <[email protected]>, "Doug Vogt" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], "Chito Papa" <[email protected]> 3 Files (1688KB)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 11:26 AM




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Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012

Christopher-Earl: Strunks AFFIDAVIT in support of Note of Issue

Exhibit 3


v Jeffries

et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.; 21948 / 2012


a. b. c.

) ss.

I, H. William Van Allen, being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury:

Am over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. My place of business is located at 351 North Road Hurley New York 12243. On November 14, 2012, Christopher Strunk instructed me to serve a true conformed copy of the NOTICE OF PETITION, PETITION with AFFIDAVIT OF VERIFICATION affirmed November 13,2012 along with a

application at the Kings County Supreme Court Building at 10 AM on the 10th Floor intake at 360 Adams Street on Monday November 19,2012 placing a complete set in a properly addressed to each respondent listed below for delivery by USPS by certified mail with request for return receipt for proof of service. On November 14, 2012, I caused each copy with proper postage for service by certified mail on the listed Electors and where each envelope was properly addressed with the Notification "URGENT LEGAL SERVICE" and "PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL" in the lower left hand corner of the envelop that was then deposited with the USPS for service upon:


1. Hakeem Jeffries 35 2. Grace Meng ofl47l4


Underhill Avenue, #2A -- Brooklyn, NY 11238

CM I RR No 7012101000068749741 CM I RR No 7012101000068749819 CM I RR No 7012101000068749758 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I RR No I RR No I RR No I RR No IRR No I RR No I RR I RR IRR I RR No No No No 7012101000068749765 7012101000068749956 7012101000068749826 7012101000068749833 7012101000068749840 7012101000068749857 7012101000068749864 7012101000068749901 7012101000068750242 7012101000068749963 7012101000068749949 7012101000068749895 7012101000068749970 7012101000068749802 7012101000068749772 7012101000068749789 7012101000068749871 7012101000068749888 7012101000068749918 7012101 000068749925 7012101000068749932

34th Avenue -- Flushing, NY 11354 Felix Ortiz 189 B 33rd Street -- Brooklyn, NY 11232

Bill DeBlasio of 442 lith Street -- Brooklyn. NY 11215 Walter Cooper 150 West 96th Street, #[2G -- New York. NY 10025 6. Keith L.T. Wright of2225 Fifth Avenue -- New York. NY 10037 7. Christine C. Quinn of263 Ninth Avenue. #3A -- New York, NY 10001 8. William Thompson of 106 West 121st Street -- New York. NY 10027 9. Scott Stringer of 155 West 71st Street. #3A -- New York, NY 10023 10. Emily Giske 01'440 West 24th Street -- New York, NY 10014 11. Anne Marie Anzaloue 2827 48th Street -- Astoria. NY 11103 12. Archie Spigner of 11210 175th Street -- Jamaica, N'r' 11433 13. George Gresham 1313 East 233rd Street -- Bronx, NY 10466 14. Ruben Diaz, Jr. of820 Boyton Avenue. #6D -- Bronx. NY 10473 15. Ken Jenkins 108 Bushey Avenue -- Yonkers. NY 10710 16. Mario Cilento 3 Isabel Road -- Orangeburg, NY 10962 17. Gerald D. Jennings of 1135 New Scotland Road -- Albany. NY 12208 18. Byron Brown 14 Blaine Street -- Buffalo, NY 14208 19. Robert Duffy 164 Croydon Road -- Rochester, NY 14610 20. Joseph Morelle of 133 Deerfield Drive -- Rochester, NY 14609 21. Scott Adams of 11 Poplar Avenue -- Orchard Park, NY 14127 22. Stephanie Miner 102 Woodside Drive -- Syracuse, NY 13224 23. Steve Bellone 107 Vanderbilt Avenue -- West Babylon, NY 11704 24. Irene Stein 101 Brandywine Drive -- Ithaca, NY 14850 25. Sheila Comar 29 Depot Street -- Middle Granville, NY 12849; 26. Kirsten Gillibrand with DC Office 478 Russell Washington, DC 20510

4. 5.

CM I RR No 7012101000068749796 CM I RR No CM I RR No CM I RR No CM I RR No CM IRR No CM I RR No CM I RR No CM I RR No CM I RR No CM I RR No CM I RR No


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Sworn to before me This i day of November


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Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 W S S C for Kings county Index No.; 21 948 / 2012

) ss. )


Aecordingly, I,

Rou&e efi


being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of pejury:

over 18 y e a r s of age a n d n o t a party t o t h i s action. K 11 place of b u s i n e s s i s located at November 3 0 , 2 0 1 2 , Christopher S t r u n k instructed m e t o serve a true conformed copy of t h e PETITIONER'S -- >OND AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF OSC with EXHIBITS a n n e x e d AFFIRMED November 30,2012 along with a copy of t h e NOTICE OF PETITION, PETITION with AFFIDAVIT OF VERIFICATION affirmed November 1 3 , 2 0 1 2 placing a complete s e t i n a properly addressed envelope to e a c h respondent listed below for delivery by USPS regular

6J5 f/&


d. O n November 3 0 , 2 0 1 2 , I c a u s e d e a c h copy with proper postage for service b y first class mail o n t h e listed Electors And where e a c h envelope w a s properly addressed with t h e Notification "URGENT LEGAL SERVICE" a n d PERSONAL 8a CONFIDENTJAL" i n t h e lower left h a n d c o m e r of the envelop t h a t w a s then deposited with the USPS for service upon:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Andrew M. Cuomo 138 Eagle Street -- Albany, NY 12202 Gerald D. Jennings of 1135 New Scotland Road -- Albany, NY 12208 George Gresham 1313 East 233rd Street -- Bronx, NY 10466 Ruben Diaz, Jr. of 820 Boyton Avenue, #6D -- Bronx, NY 10473 Byron Brown 14 Blaine Street -- Buffalo, NY 14208 Felix Ortiz 189 B 33rd Street -- Brooklyn, NY 11232 Hakeern Jeffi-ies 35 Underhill Avenue, #2A -- Brooklyn, NY 11238 Bill DeBlasio of442 1lth Street -- Brooklyn, NY 11215 Robert Duffy 164 Croydon Road -- Rochester, NY 14610 Joseph Morelle of 133 Deerfield Drive -- Rochester, NY 14609 Tom DiNapoli 100 Great Neck Road -- Great Neck, NY 11201 12. Eric Schneiderman 645 West End Avenue, #8F -- New York, NY 10025 13. Walter Cooper 150 West 96th Street, #I2G -- New York, NY 10025 14. Sheldon Silver of 550 Grand Street, #5A -- New York,,NY 10002 15. Keith L.T. Wright of 2225 Fifth Avenue -- New York, NY 10037 16. Christine C. Quinn of 263 Ninth Avenue, #3A -- New York, NY 10001 17. William Thompson of 106 West 121st Street -- New York, NY 10027 18. Scott Stringer of 155 West 71st Street, #3A --New York, NY 10023 19. Emily Giske of 440 West 24th Street -- New York, NY 10014 20. Scott Adams of 11 Poplar Avenue -- Orchard Park, NY 14127 21. Stephanie Miner 102 Woodside Drive -- Syracuse, NY 13224 22. Mario Cilento 3 Isabel Road -- Orangeburg, NY 10962 23. Anne Marie Anzalone 2827 48th Street -- Astoria, NY 11103 24. Grace Meng of 14714 34th Avenue -- Flushing, NY 11354 25. Archie Spigner of 11210 175th Street -- Jamaica, NY 11433 26. Steve Bellone 107 Vanderbilt Avenue -- West Babylon, NY 11704 27. Irene Stein 101 Brandywine Drive -- Ithaca, NY 14850 28. Sheila Comar 29 Depot Street -- Middle Granville, NY 12849 29. Ken Jenkins 108 Bushey Avenue -- Yonkers, NY 10710 30. Joshua Pepper NYSAssiatant Attorney General Office of Attorney General 120 Broadway NY NY 10171

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KAMAL P. SON1 Notary Public, State of New York No. 01SO6089949 Qualified in Kings C0unly Commission Expires March 31.2015

Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012

Christopher-Earl: Strunks AFFIDAVIT in support of Note of Issue

Exhibit 4

Supreme Index No:


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Strunk v Jeffries et al. Article 78 NYSSC for Kings County Index No.: 21948-2012

Christopher-Earl: Strunks AFFIDAVIT in support of Note of Issue

Exhibit 5


Exhibit 7

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[*1] Strunk v Board of Elections City of N.Y. 2013 NY Slip Op 50517(U) Decided on April 3, 2013 Supreme Court, Kings County Schmidt, J. Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law 431. This opinion is uncorrected and will not be published in the printed Official Reports. Decided on April 3, 2013 Supreme Court, Kings County Christopher-Earl Strunk, Petitioner, against Board of Elections City of New York, Hakeem Jeffries, Felix Ortiz, Keith L.T. Wright, Mario Cilento et al., Respondents.
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Plaintiff - Self-Represented , Christopher Strunk, 593 Vanderbilt Avenue, #281, Brooklyn, NY 11238 Defendant Attorney: Colleran, O'Hara & Mills, LLP, 1225 franklin Avenue, Suite 450, Garden City, NY 11530. David I. Schmidt, J.

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5/1/2013 3:29 PM

Strunk v Board of Elections City of N.Y. :: April, 2013 :: New York Othe...

Upon the foregoing papers in this Article 78 proceeding, respondents Felix Ortiz and Keith L.T. Wright moves to dismiss the petition against them. In a separate motion, respondent Mario Cilento moves to dismiss the petition against him. On November 14, 2012, petitioner Christopher-Earl Stunk commenced this proceeding by filing a petition with the County Clerk. Among other things, the petition sought an injunction staying the December 15, 2012 vote of the New York Electoral College as well as a judgment declaring that Presidential Electors who comprise the Electoral College are precluded by their fiduciary and legal duties from voting for President Obama. In this regard, it is petitioner's contention that President Obama is not qualified to serve as President of the United States inasmuch as he is not a natural-born citizen of the United States as [*2]required under relevant provisions of the United States Constitution.[FN1] Respondents Ortiz, Wright, and Cilento, all of whom are Presidential Electors and members of New York State's Electoral College, now move to dismiss the petition as against them. In support of his motion, Cilento argues that: petitioner lacks standing; the petition fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted; the petitioner's claims are barred by collateral estoppel, and that petitioner failed to properly serve the petition. Respondent Celento further argues that petitioner should be sanctioned under 22 NYCRR 130-1.1(a) for engaging in frivolous conduct. In support of their subject, respondents Wright and Ortiz raise these same arguments. In addition, Wright and Ortiz argue that the petition must be dismissed as moot inasmuch as the Electoral College vote has already taken place. In opposition to the motion, petitioner contends that the subject respondents are "de facto state officers," and as such, were properly served pursuant to CPLR 307. Petitioner also argues that collateral estoppel does not bar his claims inasmuch there has never been a trial of facts regarding his underlying claim - namely the President Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate is a forgery. Petitioner further contends that he does have standing in this matter in his capacity as a private citizen under the 14th Amendment. In addition, petitioner argues that his claims are justiciable inasmuch as the members of the New York State Electoral College are subject to the jurisdiction of state court. Finally, petitioner argues that his claims are not moot inasmuch as the likelihood of repetition and a continued injury requires a decision by the court. Initially, it is clear that respondent failed to properly serve the moving respondents with the petition. In particular, it is undisputed that petitioner merely mailed a copy of the notice of petition and petition to the movants, which does not satisfy the requirements for service upon an individual set forth in CPLR 308 (Matter of Charters III v Vegiante, 2 AD3d 730, 731 [2003]). Moreover, even if the court were to deem the moving respondents to be state officers, petitioner failed to properly serve said respondents in accordance with CPLR 307. Consequently, the petition must be dismissed as against the moving respondents based upon lack of personal jurisdiction. Further, even if petitioner had properly served the petition, the matter would have to be dismissed based upon additional fatal defects. Specifically, petitioner lack standing. In

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5/1/2013 3:29 PM

Strunk v Board of Elections City of N.Y. :: April, 2013 :: New York Othe...

this regard, in an Article 78 proceeding, "a private citizen who does not show any special rights or interests in the matter in controversy, other than those common to all tax-payers and citizens, has no standing to sue" (Matter of Meehan v County of Westchester, 3 AD3d 533, 534 [2004]). Here, petitioner has not demonstrated any such special rights or interest other than those common to all citizens. In addition, the petition fails to state any cognizable claim against the moving respondents under either New York State Election Law, Federal Law, or the common-law. Moreover, inasmuch as the New York State Electoral College has already voted, petitioner's claims against the moving respondents are moot (Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce, Inc. v Pataki, 100 NY2d 801, 810 [2003]). [*3] As a final matter, under the circumstances presented, the court declines to impose sanctions against petitioner. Accordingly, the respondents' motions are granted to the extent that the petition is dismissed as against respondents Ortiz, Wright, and Cilento. This constitutes the decision and order of the court. E N T E R, J. S. C. Footnotes Footnote 1: The petition also seeks to void the election of New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

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5/1/2013 3:29 PM


Exhibit 8

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C~URT%OF THE.~ A Y E . E F ~ O fF rW i oE~~ ~ COUNTY OF KINGS IAS Part 27 Index No.:

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That lai in tiff Christopher Earl Strunk (Plainw, Strunk) submits this Verified First Supplement w i t h CPLR 3025@) to the Verified Complaint filed March 2 2 , 2 0 11 with transactions subsequent to the August 22,201 1 hearing before Justice Arthur M. S ~ h a c with k various motions penditig-adecisidn, a n d as guch addihnally alleges of Defendant SOEBARKAI-I (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama 11, a.k.a. Steve Dunham) and Barack Obama's agents and associates of the caption along s XYZ Entities yet n a k e d that: with those J o h n and Jane ~ o e and


1. Plaintiff remains located for service at 593 Vanderbilt Avenue -281 Brooklyn, New York 11238 (845) 901-6767 email: [email protected].; is self represented without an attorney and is a duly registered voter in the 2008 and 2012 election cycle 2. that on March 1, 2012, the Maricopa County Arizona Sheriffs Press Release and Press Conference established that there is the Preliminary Report by the Sheriffs COLD CASE POSSE , as an authority with competent jurisdiction formed to investigate fraud and crimes committed by the campaign of Barack Obama in the filing of an affirmation in 2008 that Respondent Obama affirmed compliance with the U.S. Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Paragraph 5 requirement for eligibility for Naturalborn citizen and currently before the Arizona primary now in 2012; and 3. That the Preliminary Report of the Sheriffs COLD CASE POSSE supports the suspicion with sufficient evidence that Defendant Barack Obama was not even born in Hawaii between August 1, 1961 through August 10, 1961 and in fact appears born outside of the USA, and Barack Obama and or his agents spoliate evidence of a crime. As and for the First Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint Sixth Cause of Action (Scheme to defraud Plaintiff and those similarly situated as against all Defendants) Barack Obama and his agents maliciously conceal and spoliate evidence to further fraud against Plaintiff along with those similarly situated 4. That Plaintiff alleges that Barack Obama and his agents maliciously conceal

and spoliate evidence to further fraud against Plaintiff along with those similarly situated as and for the First Supplement Cause of Action to the Complaint Sixth Cause of Action repeats each and every allegation contained in the Introduction paragraphs 1 through 3 with each allegation of the Sixth Cause of Action with the same force and effect as though herein set forth at length. 5. That the agents of Defendant Barack Obama are the forgers who committed two


crimes. 6. That the agents of Defendant Barack Obama created a fraudulent document which the White House characterized, knowingly or unknowingly, as an officially produced governmental birth record; and 7. That Barack Obama and his the agents fraudulently present a forged document to the residents of Maricopa County and to the American public at large including Plaintiff along with those similarly situated here in New York as proof positive of President Obamas authentic 1961 Hawaii long-form birth certificate. 8. That Barack Obama and his agents manufactured the long-form birth certificate presented to the public on April 27, 2011 as a computer-generated forgery. 9. That Barack Obama and his agents forged the President Obamas Selective Service card by forging the U.S. postal date stamp on the purported selective service document; 10. That Barack Obama was actually born outside the United States not in Hawaii. 11. That Barack Obama and his agents spoliate and conceal Records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards routinely filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights that originated outside the United States in the month of August 1961. 12. That Barack Obama and his agents spoliate and conceal those records of travel referenced from August 1961 housed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. 13. That The National Archives in Washington DC and all their employees are directly under the authority of Barack Obama and the executive. 14. That Barack Obama and his agents spoliate and conceal the records from the days surrounding Obamas birth, August 1, 1961 to August 7, 1961 that are missing. For the only week in 1961 where these immigration cards cannot be found.


15. That Barack Obama had met a US Postal Carrier while entering the residence of
the Ayers Family in Chicago and at which time he admitted he was a foreign exchange student that the William Ayers family was assisting and that he was selected to become a candidate for president. As and for the Second Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint Sixth Cause of Action (Scheme to defraud Plaintiff and those similarly situated as against all Defendants) Barack Obama and his agents intentionally mislead and misrepresented to Plaintiff along with those similarly situated 16. That Plaintiff alleges that Barack Obama and his agents maliciously conceal and spoliate evidence to further fraud against Plaintiff along with those similarly situated as and for the Second Supplement Cause of Action to the Complaint Sixth Cause of Action repeats each and every allegation contained in the Introduction paragraphs 1 through 15 with each allegation of the Sixth Cause of Action with the same force and effect as though herein set forth at length. 17. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents at his April 27, 2011 Washington DC Press Conference purported the Certificate of Live Birth (CoLB) long form as if a government document knowing it was a forged document as submitted to the entire nation. 18. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents at the April 27 2011 Press Conference proffered the CoLB short form document as well based upon the admissions of the Respondent Obama and his attorneys there at the White House at the April 27, 2011 press conference . 19. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents at the April 27 2011 Press Conference repeatedly said that Barack Obama had requested the supposed short form CoLB in 2008 from the State of Hawaii be released.


20. That the supposed short form CoLB alleged requested in 2008 from the State of Hawaii be released in fact is stamped June 6, 2007. 21. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents coordinated defense of the supposed short form CoLB with agents of the who then report on August 21, 2008 in favor of the authenticity. 22. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents knew that the org report would be depended on by members of Congress and Media. 23. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents knew that the so-called investigators were partisan amateurs 24. That Defendant Barack Hussein Obama was adopted by his Indonesian step father Lolo Soetoro who named him Soebarkah and was also otherwise known as Barry Soetoro, and Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah. 25. That the Hawaii Board of Elections registrar Tim Adams discovered that there is no birth record for Barack Obama in the Hawaii Department of Health showing that he had been born in Hawaii... As and for the Third Supplemental Cause of Action to the Complaint Sixth Cause of Action (Scheme to defraud Plaintiff and those similarly situated as against all Defendants) Barack Obama and his agents forged a selective service and passport records to mislead Plaintiff along with those similarly situated 26. That Plaintiff alleges that Barack Obama and his agents maliciously conceal and spoliate evidence to further fraud against Plaintiff along with those similarly situated as and for the Third Supplement Cause of Action to the Complaint Sixth Cause of Action repeats each and every allegation contained in the Introduction paragraphs 1 through 25 with each allegation of the Sixth Cause of Action with the same force and effect as though herein set forth at length.


27. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents forged the Selective Service record misrepresenting Defendant Obamas status before the 2008 election 28. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents act by theft and tampering of the US DOS Passport records by US DOS private contractor entity under the control of John Brennan currently Respondent Obamas White House Counter Terrorism advisor having previously been assistant to Central Intelligence Director George Tenent, 29. That Barack Obama and his agents knowingly acted to conceal his adoptive status as an Indonesian citizen. 30. That Barack Obama and his agents intentionally lied to conceal his Indonesian names and foreign student financial status when he applied for his law license in Illinois. 31. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents filed False Documents with the government and knowing such documents filed are falsified documents to the government. 32. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents spoke with Congressmen and the media to promote a Born a Citizen 14th Amendment status for Defendant Obama. 33. That Defendant Barack Obama and his agents spoke with agents of the organization to spoliate prior decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States to change the definition of natural-born Citizen to that of Born a Citizen.

Wherefore, Plaintiff wishes an order by the Court of all defendants: Answer or otherwise respond to the supplemental allegations; Defendant Obama and his agents release all concealed evidence under penalty of sanctions or worse; for different and other relief deemed necessary for justice herein.




1 8s. 1,

Accordingly, I, Christopher Earl Strunk,being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury:
That the foregoing matter of the First Supplement to the Complaint including the allegations of the above introduction through paragraphs 33, and wherefore relief involves irreparable harm as time is of the essence withgut any alternative forum for relief that compounds Plaintiff's injury along with those similarly situated; and as such Affirmant hereby verifies the three supplemental causes of action to the Sixth Cause of Action to the Complaint filed March 22,20 11, and that the same is true to

my own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe it to be true. The grounds of
r d my belids as to all matters not stated upon information and belief are as follows: 3

parties, books and records, and personal knowledge.

ARNOLD I. TISHFIELD " Public State Of New Y o r k N0.41-4611662 ', Qualified In Queens County Certified In Kings County Commission Expires March 30, 20



Exhibit 9

6500/2011 Order dtd 6/18/12

P R E S E N T :
Justice Hon.

At an l.AS. Trial Term, parta the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of f(ings, at the Courthouse, located at Civic Center, ~ o r o u ~ ofh Brooklyn, City and State


P&dfl-rnc ;

C ~ INO. .

Index No.

t37 6 pSbo /4

- against Defendant(s) The following papers numbered 1 to

Notice of Motion - Ordcr to Show Cause and Affidavits (Affirmations) Annexed (Affirmation) Answering Affidav~t

read on this motion


Papers Numbered

/ -

Pleadings - Exhibits Stipulations - Minutes Filed Papers

Rep1y Affidav~ t (Affirmation) Affidavit (Affiqnation)

For Clerks use only

MGMI)IIAotion Seq. #



APX - 717


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE COUNTY OF KINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------x Christopher-Earl : Strunk in esse Plaintiff, -againstNYS Board of Elections et al.

Index No.: 6500 / 2011 Hon. Arthur M. Schack JSC




a. b. c.

) ) ss. )

Accordingly, I, RONHEEN HALL, being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury:

PLAINTIFFS NOTICE OF MOTION FOR LEAVE TO RENEW AND REARGUE WITH AFFIDAVIT AND EXHIBITS affirmed may 1, 2013 IN THE CASE WITH Index no: 6500-2011, by regular mail for delivery by
the USPS upon respondents counsels listed below. On May 2, 2013, I caused each copy with proper postage for service by regular mail that was then deposited with proper postage with the USPS for service upon:

Am over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. My place of business is located at 655 Park 11206. On May 2, 2013, Christopher Strunk instructed me to serve a true conformed copy of


Erica Burke, Esq. of SIMPSON THACHER & BARTLETT LLP 425 Lexington Avenue New York. New York 10017-3954 RITA C. TOBIN, Esq. of CAPLIN & DRYSDALE, CHARTERED 375 Park Avenue 35th Floor New York. New York 10152-3500 HARRIS BEACH, PLLC By THOMAS J. GARRY, Esq. The OMNI 333 Earle Ovington Blvd., Suite 901 Uniondale, New York 11553 JAMES C. DUGAN Esq. of WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, N.Y. 10019-6099 MARSHAL BELL, Esq. of McGUIRWOODS LLP 1345 Avenue of Americas, 7th Floor New York, New York 10105 WILEY REIN LLP - TODD A. BROMBERG ESQ. , JAN WITHOLD BARAN ESQ. and THOMAS W. KIRBY ESQ. 1776K Street, NW Washington D.C. 20006 RABINOWITZ, BOUDIN, STANDARD, KRINSKY & LIEBERMAN, PC Christopher J. Latell Esq. and Daniel S. Reich Esq. 45 Broadway, Suite 1700 New York, New York 10006-3791 ERIC T. SCHNEIDERMAN Attorney General of NYS by: JOEL GRABER, Esq. AAG Assistant Attorney General Special Litigation Counsel Litigation Bureau 120 BROADWAY 24th Floor New York, New York 10271-0332 MICHAEL CARDOZO Corporation Counsel of City of New York By: CHLARENS ORSLAND, Esq. Assistant Corporation Counsel New York City Law Department 100 Church Street New York, New York 10007


___________________________ RONHEEN HALL Sworn to before me This 2nd day of May 2013 /s/ _____________________ Notary Public

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