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Frequently Asked Questions

The rules pack for Operation Protinus was written before the release of Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition. As such, it has caused some confusion! Here, we answer all those questions you guys have been asking about it.

Selecting your Kill Team

Q. Exactly which army lists can I choose my Kill Team from? A. You may use any current and official Warhammer 40,000 Codex book, and any official and current updates in White Dwarf eg the Chaos Daemons booklet or the Sisters of Battle codex. You may not use Forge Worlds Imperial Armour army lists Old, out of print codexes or Chapter Approved army lists Any units solely from our expansion books eg Apocalypse, Planetstrike, etc. Q. May I take Allies? A. The rules pack says you use the Force Organisation chart listed. As there is no allies section listed in that Force Organisation Chart, no, you may not take allies. Q. May I take Fortifications? A. The rules pack says you use the Force Organisation chart listed. As there is no a fortifications section listed in that Force Organisation Chart, no, you may not take fortifications. Q. May I take flyers? A. The Kill Team mission specifically neither player may place any units in reserve. As flyers must start the game in reserve, no, you may not select flyers in your Kill Team.

Q. My codex says I must take 1+ of a certain unit eg Tau Fire Warriors. Do I still have to take them in my Kill Team? A. Yes. All Codex restrictions are still in place. Q. Do I have to obey minimum unit sizes? Can I just take one Eldar Harlequin? No. You must take minimum unit sizes-worth of models. All Codex restrictions are still in place. Q. Imperial Guard do you still need to buy the complete Infantry Platoon (1 command squad, and a minimum of 2 Infantry squads)? A. Yes. You may not break them up and purchase, for example, just an Infantry Squad or just a Heavy Weapons Squad. All Codex restrictions are still in place.

Upgrading your Specialists

Q. The rules pack says my specialists can select one of the universal special rules from the Warhammer 40,000 rule book. I cant find those what does it mean? A. In 6th Edition, the name of these rules changed to simply Special rules and can be found on pages 32-43 in the Warhammer 40,000 rule book. Q. Sweet Emperors Blood! My specialists can take any of them??! A. Yup. Cool, huh? Remember, each specialist must have a different rule. But other than that, they are all good to take! Q. Can I take the special rules that are weapon specific, such as Melta, Torrent or Master-crafted? A. Yes, but they must be allocated to one specific weapon on your specialist. Simply write this on your army list when you hand it in, and your record card on the day. Q. Does that mean I can give my specialists vehicle special rules like Psychic Pilot or Supersonic ? A. Well, yes you could. But of course, they would only work if your specialist was a vehicle. Q. What if I give one of my specialists the Psyker Special Rule? A. Your specialist becomes a Mastery Level 1 Psyker, and has access to all of the psychic powers normally available to psykers from his codex. If your codex does not include any psychic powers (eg Tau or Dark Eldar), then you have access to the Pyromancy and Biomancy disciplines from the Warhammer 40,000 rule book.

Playing Kill Team Games

Q. The Every Man for himself rule says all models operate as individual units in this mission, but how does that work for upgrades represented by a model such as Tau drones, Fenrisian Wolves etc? A. These models are bought as an upgrade for a unit, much like buying more members of a squad, but act entirely independently in the Kill Team mission, like all other models. Q. If units cant be kept in reserve, then how do I use units that HAVE to be deployed from Deep Strike, such as Drop Pods and all units from the Chaos Daemons Codex? A. These units are simply deployed in your deployment zone at the start of the game, much like all other models would be. Q. If I have a model with the Independent Character rule (e.g. a Techmarine) can he still use it to 'join' a unit of one other model? A. No. Q. If buying a character an upgrade that gives their unit a rule or improvement, does that still apply to the squad even though the unit is now separated (e.g. if I buy a Striking Scorpion Exarch Stalker, is it only him that gets Move Through Cover or does the squad get it?) A. The only model that benefits from the upgrade or special rule is the character himself, as all models are operating individually. Q. Regarding the Necron Deathmarks ability to 'mark' units to wound on a 2+. Would the Deathmarks be able to wound a whole unit of space marines even though they are not together, or do they mark individual models. A. When the Deathmarks deploy, they are each individual units so they each mark a enemy unit (in the case of this mission, a single enemy model). For the remainder of the game, each enemy unit marked in this way is wounded on a 2+ by all Deathmarks in your Kill team.

Your Leader
Q. Under the Leader upgrades table it states "If you already have one of the upgrades marked with a * twice, have rolled an upgrade that can only taken once or a statistic has reached 10, simply re-roll your upgrade." Does this apply to rules the model comes with? e.g. A Harlequin Troop Master has Fleet, do I re-roll results of Fleet as the model already has it? A. Yes. Simply re-roll the result on the Leader upgrade table.

If you need any more questions answering, dont hesitate to contact us! [email protected] Phone 0115 9004994

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