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Owners Manual

Russian Nagant Model 1895 Revolver, Cal. 7.62 NAGANT

Congratulations on your purchase of a Russian Nagant Model 1895 revolver. With proper care and handling it will give you long, reliable service. The Nagant Model 1895 revolver is a double- and single-action revolver. In use, the operator has the choice of either simply pulling the trigger fully to the rear to raise and release the hammer to fire a cartridge (the double-action method), or to manually cock the hammer with the thumb and then pull the trigger (the single-action method) to release the hammer and fire a cartridge. Extreme caution must be used when engaging in single-action firing as the pressure required to release the hammer and fire the cartridge is much lighter. Never cock the hammer until you are ready to fire. Do not dry fire the revolver (pulling the trigger when a round of ammunition is not in the cylinder) as this can result in damage to the firing pin.


2006 Century International Arms, Inc. All rights reserved

IMPORTANT SAFETY MESSAGE Children are attracted to, and can operate firearms which can cause severe injuries or death. Prevent child access by always keeping guns locked away and unloaded when not in use. If you keep a loaded firearm where a child obtains and improperly uses it, you may be fined or sent to prison. Firearm Safety Depends on You: A gun is only as safe as the person operating it. You can never be overly careful when handling a firearm. Carelessness is often the cause of shooting accidents, such as failing to keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, not being sure of your target and what is behind it, failing to engage the safety properly, leaving ammunition in the chamber or using improper loads. Since a bullet can never be called back once fired, such errors in gunhandling can result in the loss of life, severe injury or property damage. It is thus crucial for your safety and the safety of those around you that you learn the principles of safe gun handling and storage before you begin to use your new Nagant revolver. Be a safe shooter please read this instruction book thoroughly even if this is not your first firearm purchase as not all firearms are the same. The first step in being a safe shooter is to learn the rules for the safe operation and handling of firearms. There is nothing more important gunhandling than safety. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF FIREARM SAFETY The Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety must be etched into your memory before you begin to handle firearms. These rules are intended to be followed by all persons handling firearms in the field, on the range, or at home. Please read, review and understand these rules before you begin to use or even take your new Nagant revolver out of its box. Remember, firearms safety depends on you!

Commandment #1
Always Keep the Muzzle Pointed in a Safe Direction This is the most basic and most important safety rule. A safe direction is one in which an accidental discharge will not cause injury to yourself, to others or property damage. This is particularly important when loading or unloading your firearm. Never point your gun at anything you do not intend to shoot. Treat every gun as if it were loaded at all times.

Commandment #2
Firearms Should Be Unloaded When Not Actually in Use Firearms should only be loaded when you are in the field or on the target range or shooting area, ready to shoot. When not in use, firearms and ammunition should be secured in a safe place, separate from each other. Remember to unload your firearm completely, so that there is no ammunition in any of the chambers in the cylinder. Before handling this or any firearm, or handing it to someone else, visually check the chamber, receiver and magazine to ensure they do not contain ammunition. Always keep the guns action open when not in use. Never assume a gun is unloaded - even if you were the last person to use it. Never cross a fence, climb a tree, wade through a stream, or perform any awkward movement with a loaded gun. When in doubt, unload your gun! Never pull or push a loaded firearm toward yourself or another person. And never carry a loaded gun in a scabbard, a holster not being worn, or a gun case. Common sense prevails in gun safety!.
Alcohol, Drugs and Guns dont mix. Make no mistake about it! Never handle firearms after consuming alcohol or taking drugs which can affect your judgement.
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Commandment #3
Dont Rely on Your Guns Safety: Treat every gun as though it could fire at any time, even if you are not applying pressure to the trigger. The safety on a firearm is a mechanical device which, like any such device, can become inoperable at the worst possible time and fail to function. By mistake, you may think the safety is on when it actually is not. Or you may think your gun is unloaded when there is actually a round of ammunition in it. The safety serves as a supplement to proper gun handling but cannot serve as a substitute for common sense. Never handle a gun carelessly and assume that the gun wont fire, just because the safety is on. Never touch the firearms trigger until you are ready to shoot. Keep your fingers away from the trigger when loading or unloading. Never pull the trigger when the safety is engaged or when the safety is positioned between the safe and fire positions. Note! The above instructions regarding mechanical safeties does not apply to the Nagant Model 1895 revolver as it does not have a separate safety lever or switch. The safety feature of the Nagant revolver is in its method of firing - that is a long, deliberate pull of the trigger is required to fire the revolver in the double action mode. Single-action firing, in which the hammer is cocked before trigger release, should only be attempted by more experienced shooters as the trigger release tension is much lighter.

Commandment #4
Be Sure of Your Target - And What Is Beyond It! Once fired, a bullet (or shot charge) can never be called back, so before you shoot know where the bullet is going and what it will strike. Be certain your shot will not injure someone or strike something beyond the target. Never fire in the direction of noise, a movement, or at any object you cannot positively identify. Be aware that a .22 Short bullet can travel over 1-1/4 miles. A centerfire cartridge, such as the .30-06, can send its bullet over 3-miles. Shotgun pellets can travel 500-yards and a shotgun slug has a range of over a half-mile. Make sure your shot has a backstop such as a hillside. Keep in mind how far the bullet will travel if it misses your intended target.

Commandment #5
Use the Correct Ammunition: Every firearm is designed to use a certain caliber or gauge of ammunition. It is important that you use the correct ammunition for your firearm. Information on the correct ammunition to use with your firearm appears in the firearms instruction manual and the manufacturers markings on the firearm itself. Use of the wrong ammunition or improperly reloaded ammunition can result in the destruction of the firearm, serious personal injury and/or death. Form the habit of examining every round of ammunition before you put it into your gun to ensure it is of the proper gauge or caliber and that it is in good condition.

Commandment #6
If Your Gun Fails to Fire When the Trigger Is Pulled, Handle With Care. If a cartridge or shell does not fire when the trigger is pulled, follow Commandment #1 and keep the firearms muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Keeping the muzzle pointed away from your face and anything you do not intend to shoot, wait at least 20-seconds (to ensure that the ammunition is not delayed in firing) before carefully opening the cylinder, unloading the firearm and disposing of the ammunition safely.

Commandment #7
Always Wear Eye & Ear Protection When Shooting. Exposure to shooting noise can permanently damage hearing and flying debris, such as powder residue and ejected cartridge cases can injure your eyes. Thus, it is only commonn sense to wear both eye protection (such as shooting glasses) and ear protection (such as a sound muffling headset) whenever shooting. Also, wear eye protection when cleaning or disassembling your gun to ensure that cleaning solvent and tensioned parts (such as springs), do not come into contact with your eyes.

Century International Arms, Inc. Russian Nagant Model 1895 Revolver Manual

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Commandment #8
Be Sure the Barrel Is Clear of Obstructions Before Shooting. Discharging a firearm with an obstruction in the barrel can result in personal injury, property damage or death. Before you load your firearm, check the cylinder to ascertain that it contains no ammunition. Also, check the inside of the barrel (called the bore) to ensure it is free of obstructions. Even a small amount of mud, snow or excess lubricating oil or grease in the bore can cause excessive pressures resulting in a bulged or burst barrel which can injure or kill the shooter and bystanders. Its a good idea to make a habit of cleaning the bore and checking for obstructions with a cleaning rod just before shooting. If the noise or recoil experienced upon firing seems low or weak, or something doesnt feel right, cease firing immediately and check to make sure that there is no obstruction in the barrel. Placing an undersized shell or cartridge into a gun (such as a 20-gauge shell in a shotgun chambered for 12-gauge ammunition) can result in the smaller round of ammunition falling into the barrel and acting as an obstruction. When a round is subsequently fired, the barrel may burst causing injury to the shooter and bystanders. For reference, re-read Commandment #5.

Commandment #9
Do Not Alter or Modify Your Gun and Have It Serviced Regularly. Firearms are complex mechanisms that are designed to function properly in their original condition. Any alterations or changes made to a firearm after its manufacture can make the gun unsafe and will void its warranty. Do not jeopardize your safety or the safety of others by altering the trigger, mechanical safety or other mechanisms of your firearm. You should have your firearm periodically checked for proper functioning and serviced by a qualified gunsmith.

Commandment #10
Learn the Mechanical and Handling Characteristics of Your Firearm. Not all firearms operate the same way. The method of carrying, handling and operating firearms varies with the mechanical characteristics of each gun. Thus, you should never handle any firearm until you become familiar with the safe handling, loading, unloading and carrying procedures for that particular firearm, as well as the rules for safe gun handling in general. WARNING! Discharging firearms in poorly ventilated areas, cleaning firearms or handling ammunition may result in exposure to lead and other substances known to cause birth defects, reproductive harm and other serious injury. Have adequate ventilation at all times when shooting. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure. Basics of Safe Gun Handling: 1. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. 2. Firearms should be unloaded when not actually in use. 3. Dont totally rely on your guns safety. 4. Be sure of your target and whats beyond it. 5. Use the correct ammunition for your firearm. 6. If your gun fails to fire when the trigger is pulled, handle with care. 7. Always wear eye and ear protection when shooting. 8. Be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions before shooting. 9. Dont alter or modify your firearm and have your firearm(s) serviced regularly. 10. Learn the mechanics and handling characteristics of the firearm you are using. Safe gun handling depends on you! A safe shooter is a knowledgeable shooter. There is one other rule that must be strictly observed when handling firearms - Shoot Sober! Alcohol, certain kinds of drugs and firearms dont mix. Safe firearms handling requires alertness and concentration on ones actions. You cannot handle a firearm safely after consuming alcohol. Never consume anything that can impair your judgement or physical coordination when handling a firearm.
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Illustration # 1 Diagram of major parts of the Nagant Model 1895 revolver.

Loading Gate Hammer



Ejector Rod Trigger

Trigger Guard Landyard Ring

Note: The picture above shows the main parts of the Russian Nagant Model 1895 revolver. Study of this picture will aid you in understanding the instructions in this book.

IMPORTANT NOTICE! The Russian Nagant Model 1895 revolver is a used firearm. Like all used products, it should be carefully inspected before use, preferrably by a competent gunsmith! This is to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. Nagant revolver background - This revolver was designed in Belgium by Emile and Leon Nagant in the late 1880s to early 1890s time period. It was soon adopted by several countries, but the most predominent user was Russia which adopted it in 1895. While initial shipments were made to Russia from Belgium, Russian manufacture began around 1898. It was a standard issue Russian sidearm until about 1930 when it was declared obsolete, but manufacture and use continued through World War Two and manufacture finally ended about 1950. The Nagant revolvers most unusual feature is its gas sealed cylinder, which is intended to use all of the burning powder gases to propel the bullet out of the barrel at higher velocity. In most other revolvers, the gap between the barrel and cylinder allow some of the powder gases to escape. In operation, the Nagant revolvers cylinder not only rotates, but also moves forward as the hammer is cocked, to enclose the barrel breech area with the recess in the front of each chamber. The 7.62x38R Nagant cartridge has a long case with a tapered mouth which encloses the bullet. When the cylinder moves forward, the cartridge case mouth enters the barrel breech and acts as an additional gas seal. Operational Characteristics: The Nagant Model 1895 revolver is a solid-frame, 7-shot revolver with a non-swing-out cylinder. Loading and unloading is accomplished by swinging out the loading gate and loading/unloading is performed through the side of the cylinder, one round at a time. Spent cases are ejected one-at-a-time with the ejector rod. To load the revolver: WARNING! Before loading, make sure the inside of the barrel is free of dirt or other obstructions. WARNING! Always check each cartridge to ensure it is of the correct caliber before loading the firearm. WARNING! Keep your fingers away from the trigger while loading. 1. Open the loading gate on the right side of the frame by pulling the lever downward. This action exposes the chambers of the cylinder (see illustration # 2).
Illustration # 2

Open the loading gate by rotating it downward.

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Illustration # 3

2. Insert a cartridge of the correct caliber (7.62X38R) into a cylinder chamber (see illustration # 3). 3. Rotate the cylinder to bring the next chamber of the cylinder into line and insert a cartridge of the correct caliber (as in step 2). This action is repeated to load all seven chambers. 4. Close the loading gate by moving it upward until it makes contact with a cylinder locking notch. WARNING! The revolver is now loaded and will fire if the trigger is pulled! Handle with extreme caution and keep muzzle pointed in a safe direction! To Unload the Revolver: 1. Open the loading gate on the right side of the frame by pulling it fully downward (see illustration # 2). 2. Twist the knurled end of the ejector rod (located under the barrel) in a counter-clockwise direction and then pull it toward the muzzle until it stops (see illustration # 4). 3. Press your thumb against the base of the ejector rod and push against it to move it in a clockwise direction until the back end of the ejector rod is lined up with one of the chambers (see illustration # 5). 4. Push the ejector rod firmly to eject the first fired casing (see illustration # 6). 5. Rotate the cylinder to bring the next cylinder chamber in line with the ejector rod. Continue this procedure of rotating the cylinder in line with the ejector rod until all fired casings have been ejected. 6. To close the action, press against the ejector rod base in a counter-clockwise direction until it is aligned with the barrel. 7. Push the ejector rod back toward the frame until it stops. Twist the knurled end of the ejector rod in a clockwise direction until it locks into position. 8. WARNING! Before returning the loading gate to the upward (closed) position, rotate the cylinder and visually inspect each of its seven chambers to ensure no ammunition (fired or live) remains within. 9. Return the loading gate lever to its upward (closed) position.
Illustration # 6

Loading a cartridge of the correct caliber into a cylinder chamber (note loading gate lever is in downward position). Illustration # 4

Ejector rod in fully-extended position (note the loading gate lever is in the downward position)

Illustration # 5

Press the base of the ejector rod to align the rod with a cylinder chamber.

Press the ejector rod to eject fired cartridge cases from the cylinder. Page 6 Century International Arms, Inc. Russian Nagant Model 1895 Revolver Manual

Lubrication and Maintenance: WARNING! You should wear eye protection, such as shooting glasses or goggles when cleaning your firearm to protect your eyes from tensioned parts, such as springs, that may become dislodged during disassembly. WARNING! Before beginning the cleaning process, while keeping the revolver pointed in a safe direction, open the loading gate and slowly rotate the cylinder as you look into each of the seven cylinder chambers to ensure there is no ammunition in the firearm. TO CLEAN THE BARREL: 1. Obtain a good quality handgun cleaning kit and thoroughly review the instructions provided therein. 2. In general, to clean the barrel, select the correct caliber cleaning brush and attach it to a cleaning rod. 3. Dampen the brush with gun cleaning solvent and then push the brush through the barrel several times. 4. Remove the brush and attach a correctly-sized cloth cleaning patch to the cleaning rod and push it through the barrel several times to remove loosened fouling. 5. Repeat this process with the brush and cleaning patches until a patch comes out clean after swabbing the bore. 6. Repeat the procedure just followed to clean the cylinder (swab with brush followed by cloth cleaning patches). Open the loading gate to gain access to the cylinder chambers. 7. Remove all shooting residue from the outside of the revolver by wiping outside surfaces with a piece of soft cloth dabbed in solvent. 8. Wipe down the outside surfaces with a dry cloth. Finally, wipe down all outside surfaces with a soft cloth dipped in a good quality metal preservative oil. WARNING! There may be sharp edges on parts of the firearm. Keep fingers protected, such as by wearing a pair of gloves, when cleaning the revolver. WARNING! Excessive use of cleaning solvents or lubricants can adversely affect the functioning of your revolver. Always wipe out the inside of the barrel before firing to ensure it is dry. WARNING! This firearm should be checked periodically for worn or damaged parts by a competen gunsmith.This will help ensure the safe functioning of your revolver and a long service life. STORAGE: When puting your revolver away for storage, it should be thoroughly cleaned and lightly lubricated. Outside surfaces should be wiped with a light coat of good quality gun oil. CHECK TO ENSURE YOUR FIREARM IS UNLOADED BEFORE PUTTING IT AWAY FOR STORAGE BY VISUALLY EXAMINING EACH OF ITS SEVEN CYLINDER CHAMBERS. When the revolver is to be reused, remove all excess lubrication before firing. Make certain that each cylinder chamber and the bore are dry and free of obstructions. General Specifications of the Russian Nagant Model 1895 revolver MODEL ACTION TYPE CALIBER BARREL LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH CARTRIDGE CAPACITY WEIGHT (UNLOADED) WEIGHT (LOADED)
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Century International Arms, Inc. Russian Nagant Model 1895 Revolver Manual

We specifically disclaim any responsibility for damage or injury whatsoever, incurring as a result of the use of faulty, non-standard or remanufactured ammunition, any modifications or changes made to the firearm; improper use or unsafe handling of the weapon. FIREARMS SAFETY IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SHOOTER. ALWAYS TREAT ALL FIREARMS AS IF THEY WERE LOADED. Discharging firearms in poorly ventilated areas, cleaning firearms or handling ammunition may result in exposure to lead and other substances know to cause birth defects, reproductive harm and other serious physical injury. Have adequate ventilationat all times. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure.

Russian Nagant Model 1895 Revolver, Cal. 7.62X38R Distributed by: Century International Arms, Inc. 236 Bryce Boulevard Fairfax, VT 05454 Sales: 1-800-527-1252 - 1-561-265-4530

2006 Century International Arms, Inc. All rights reserved

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