Migration and Declaration Forms

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(This certificate is to be issued on the official letter head only)

Name of the student Name of the programme Specialization

: : :

Register/Examination number :

This is to certify that this institution / university has no objection in permitting the above student to prosecute his / her studies in any other recognized university.


Registrar or authorized signatory

(Signature, date and seal)

Official seal of the university


Declaration by the parent

I, _______________________________ father / mother _______________________________ living in (Complete postal address and phone number)_________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________solemnly affirm and undertake the following: 1. My son / daughter, who has got admission in SRM University, TamilNadu, India, shall undergo his/her programme of study as a responsible and disciplined student. 2. I am sending my son / daughter through the agency (name and complete address of the agency) _______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________ / on my own and I have been adequately briefed by the agency about the Indian education system, SRM university and its academic programmes, applicable fees, rules and regulations, immigration requirements and other information pertaining to the study of my son/daughter. I have fully prepared my son / daughter accordingly. 3. He/she shall not indulge in any act of indiscipline, misbehaviour, unethical, immoral, anti-social, antinational or criminal activities during his entire period of study at your university. 4. He/she shall uphold the dignity and cultural sentiments of your country and/or state. 5. He / she shall strictly adhere to all the rules and regulations of the university that are in force in the university. 6. As a parent, I shall take the responsibility of paying all the applicable fees which include tuition, accommodation, food, examination fees, academic expenses and other miscellaneous fees related to his studies, on the prescribed dates, during his entire period of study. 7. My son / daughter shall not violate any of the immigration laws and other Government of India laws pertaining to a foreigner, during his / her entire period of stay in India. 8. I am aware that, in the eventuality of not adhering to or acting in violation of / detriment to any one of the above undertakings, at any point of time during his/her study period, my son / daughter shall forfeit his / her admission and I shall not recover any sort of damages from the university. I shall also immediately arrange to take my son / daughter back to my country on my own expenses, failing which the university or the state will take steps to deport my son / daughter to my country at my costs. 9. In the unfortunate event of death, accident, serious medical illness, contagious disease which may make the student incapacitated or not fit to continue his / her studies, dismissal for reasons of indiscipline or violation of Indian laws, SRM University shall intimate the same, in writing, first to the agency / education consultant and then to the parents, only to the address available in the records of the university. The Agency / Education consultant shall take immediate steps to inform the parents suitably. SRM University can in no way be held responsible for the delay or non-receipt of communication due to wrong address or insufficient detail. I / We are also fully aware that under such unfortunate circumstances the expenses related to the transportation back to the country from where the student hailed, shall not be met by the university.


Signature of Father / Mother


Declaration by the student

I, _______________________________ son / daughter of _____________________________ living in (Complete postal address and phone number)__________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________solemnly affirm and undertake the following: 1. I, having got admission in SRM University, TamilNadu, India, shall undergo the programme of study as a responsible and disciplined student. 2. I am applying through the agency (name and complete address of the agency) _______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ / on my own and I have been adequately briefed by the agency about the Indian education system, SRM university and its academic programmes, applicable fees, rules and regulations, immigration requirements and other information pertaining to my study. I have fully prepared myself accordingly. 3. I am aware and have fully understood all the rules and regulations, codes and practices of the university and shall strictly adhere to the rules and regulations that are in force in the university. 4. I shall not indulge in any act of indiscipline, misbehaviour, unethical, immoral, anti-social, anti-national or criminal activities during my entire period of study at your university. 5. I shall uphold the dignity and cultural sentiments of your country and/or state. 6. I shall pay all the applicable fees which include tuition, accommodation, food, examination fees, academic expenses and other miscellaneous fees related to my studies, on the prescribed dates, during my entire period of study. 7. I shall not violate any of the immigration laws and other Government of India laws pertaining to a foreigner, during my entire period of stay in India. 8. I am aware that, in the eventuality of not adhering to or acting in violation of / detriment to any one of the above undertakings, at any point of time during my study period, I shall forfeit my admission and neither I nor my parents shall not recover any sort of damages from the university. I shall also immediately arrange to go back to my country on my own expenses.


Signature of the student


ation by the

Office of International Relations, SRM University, Kattankulathur 603 203, Tamil Nadu,India. ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Financial Certification Form is used to determine your ability to meet the cost of attending SRM University for the entire period of study. The form must be completed and returned to the International Relations Office with financial documentation of support, (e.g. bank statements, letters of sponsorship, notification of scholarships, etc.). If the originals are not in English, please attach a translation. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Complete all items below. Please type or print clearly. NAMES SHOULD BE WRITTEN EXACTLY AS THEY APPEAR ON YOUR PASSPORT. Mr / Ms. ____________________________________________________________________________ Last name First name Full middle name Date of birth: (day / month / year) ______________________ City of birth: ________________________________ Country of birth ______________________________ Countryof citizenship:_____________________ Email __________________________________________ Permanent home country address: _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Programme admitted: __________________________ Minimum Expenses: The estimated minimum expenses for Foreign Students are as follows: Living (Housing, Food and academic expenses) expenses Rs. 12,000/- per month ($250 per month) Please indicate exact amounts in US dollars (11 month minimum stay for foreign student) Source of Funds (bank statements should indicate the financial resources in Indian Rupees and equivalent US $) A) Government Scholarship Name of Government /Division (attach award letters) Rs. _________________________ B)


Home University Scholarship/Funding Name of University/Institution (attach award letters) Rs. _________________________



Private Sponsors: Company, Foundation, etc.(attach award letters) Rs. _________________________



Scholarship from SRM University Attach letter from SRM Rs. _________________________



Personal and/or Family Funds Attach bank statements Rs. _________________________


TOTAL FUNDS (This amount should equal total expenses)

Rs. _________________________


Student Certification I certify that Indian Rupees ______________(Monthly) is available to me for my program at SRM.

Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___________________


DETAILS OF NRI / FOREIGNER (Students and employees) AT SRM UNIVERSITY (This form will be furnished by the university to the immigartion office as per the directions of Govt of India )
Personal Details

1 Name of the NRI / Foreigner 2 Father's Name 3 Sex 4 Height 5 Colour of eyes 6 Date of birth 7 Nationality 8 Previous Nationality, if any 9 Profession and purpose of visit
Passport details

10 Passport Number 11 Passport issue date 12 Place and country of issue 13 Passport expiry date 14 Address in India 15
Name and Address of the Local Guardian, if any Programme of study/employment/research & its Bank details used for money transaction while in India

16 duration

17 Bank A/C Number 18 Bank Name 19 Bank location: city & address
Details of Mobile ( in India)

20 Mobile Number 21 I.M.I.E. NO 22 Name of Mobile service provider

Visa Details

23 Visa Number 24 Visa type 25 Visa validity 26 Visa issue date and Place 27 Visa purpose 28 Visa multiple / single 29 Date of arrival 30 Mode of arrival, Airlines, Flight No
(For office use only. Not to be filled by the student / employee / researcher)

31 Visa extn order number 32 Visa extn date From-To 33 Date of departure 34 Official Maintaining the foreigner detail

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