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Vajrabhairava Lineage Masters

Line Drawings by

Andy Weber

commissioned by Vajrabhairava Practice Support Group ( 2007

1. Vajrabhairava (Dorje Jigje) (rdo rje 'jigs byed)

2. Jnana Dakini (Yeshe Khandro) (ye shes mkha' 'gro; consort of Vajrabhairava)

3. Lalitavajra th (la li ta badzra; TBRC Resource Code: P8248; ~ 10 century C.E.)

4. Amoghavajra (a mo gha badzra; TBRC Resource Code: P8224; ~10th century C.E.)

5. Jnanakara th th (dzny'a na ka ra; TBRC Resource Code: P8150; ~10 /11 century C.E.)

6. Padmavajra th (padma badzra; TBRC Resource Code: P3145: ~11 century C.E.)

7. Dipamkara Rakshita th (dI paM ka ra rakSHi ta; TBRC Resource Code: P3144; ~11 century C.E.)

8. Ra Lotsawa (Dorje Drag) (rwa lo tsA ba rdo rje grags; TBRC Resource Code: P3143; 1016 - 1198? C.E.)

9. Ra Choerab (rwa chos rab; TBRC Resource Code: P3146; 11th century C.E.)


10. Ra Yeshe Senghe th (rwa ye shes seng+ge; TBRC Resource Code: P3147; 12 century C.E.)


11. Ra Bum Senge th (rwa 'bum seng+ge; TBRC Resource Code: P3148; 12 century C.E.)


12. Ga Lotsawa Namgyal Dorje ( rgwa lo tsA ba rnam rgyal rdo rje; TBRC Resource Code: P1244; 1203 - 1282 C.E.)


13. Rongpa Sherab Senge (rong pa shes rab seng+ge; TBRC Resource Code: P2139; son of Ga Lotsawa; 1251 1315 C.E.)


14. Yeshe Palwa th th (ye shes dpal ba; TBRC Resource Code: P3149; ~13 /14 century C.E.)


15. Dhondrub Rinchen (don grub rin chen; TBRC Resource Code: P1558; 1309 - 1385 C.E.)


16. Tsongkhapa Losang Drakpa (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa; TBRC Resource Code: P64; 1357 - 1419 C.E.)


17. Khedrubje Geleg Palzang (mkhas grub rje dge legs dpal bzang; TBRC Resource Code: P55; 1385 - 1438 C.E.)


18. Sherab Senge (shes rab seng+ge; TBRC Resource Code: P2093; 1383 - 1445 C.E.)


19. Paldan Zangpo (dpal ldan bzang po; TBRC Resource Code: P3158; 1402 - 1473 C.E.)


20. Jamyang Gendun Phel th ('jam dbyangs dge 'dun 'phel; TBRC Resource Code: P3157; ~15 century C.E.)


21. Tashi Phag th (bkra shis 'phags; TBRC Resource Code: P3156; ~15 century C.E.)


22. Samdrub Gyatso th (bsam grub rgya mtsho; TBRC Resource Code: P3155; ~15 century C.E.)


23. Tzondru Phag th th (brtson 'grus 'phags; TBRC Resource Code: P3154 ; ~15 /16 century C.E.)


24. Dorje Zangpo th (rdo rje bzang po; TBRC Resource Code: P3171; ~16 century C.E.)


25. Sangye Gyatso th th (sangs rgyas rgya mtsho; TBRC Resource Code: P3153; ~16 /17 century C.E.)


26. Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen st (blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan; TBRC Resource Code: P719; the 1 Panchen Lama; 1570 - 1662 C.E.)


27. Konchog Gyaltsan (dkon mchog rgyal mtshan; TBRC Resource Code: P1002; 1612 - 1687 C.E.)


28. Losang Yeshe nd (blo bzang ye shes; TBRC Resource Code: P106; the 2 Panchen Lama; 1663 - 1737 C.E.)


29. Kalsang Gyatso th (skal bzang rgya mtsho; TBRC Resource Code: P179; the 7 Dalai Lama; 1708 1757 C.E.)


30. Rolpai Dorje (rol pa'i rdo rje; TBRC Resource Code: P182; 1717 - 1786 C.E.)


31. Ngawang Tsultrim (ngag dbang tshul khrims; TBRC Resource Code: P332; 1721 - 1791 C.E.)


32. Jangchub Choephel (byang chub chos 'phel; TBRC Resource Code: P306; 1756 - 1838 C.E.)


33. Dragri Losang Choejor th (brag ri blo bzang chos 'byor; TBRC Resource Code: 1505; 19 century C.E.)


34. Losang Lungtog Tenzin Trinley rd (blo bzang lung rtogs bstan 'dzin 'phrin las; 3 Ling Rinpoche; TBRC Resource Code: P27; 1850 - 1902 C.E.)


35. Losang Tenpa Choephel th (blo bzang bstan pa chos 'phel; TBRC Resource Code: P4102; 19 century C.E.)


36. Phabongkhapa Dechen Nyingpo (pha bong kha pa bde chen snying po; TBRC Resource Code: P230; 1878 - 1941 C.E.)


37. Ling Rinpoche Thubten Lungtog Tenzin Trinley th (gling rin po che thub bstan lung rtogs bstan 'dzin 'phrin las; 4 Ling Rinpoche; TBRC Resource Code: P4559; 1903-1983 C.E.)


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