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Verona Press

Thursday, May 9, 2013 Vol. 48, No. 50 Verona, WI Hometown USA $1

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Ken Behnke

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Verona Area School District

Computers, cameras and community service

in large part to a $30,000 grant awarded Monday night by the Verona Area school board. That grant was the largest of Seth Jovaag 10 innovation grants totaling Unified Newspaper Group $81,360. Its the second year the board has handed out the awards, Every sixth-grader at Savan- which are meant to spur crena Oaks Middle School will get ative ideas in classrooms. Last a new laptop next year, thanks year it doled out $56,000 for a

$81K in innovation grants spurs new ideas

half-dozen initiatives, including flipped classrooms, which sent students home with recorded lectures and ePubs, which helped teachers and students post work and texts in an online community. More than 40 teachers applied this year, and a board committee whittled down a list of finalists that was unanimously approved

by the full board Monday. About $10,000 of the Savanna Oaks grant will pay for software to track student progress and extensive training for a sixthgrade teacher who will oversee kids using the 180 new Google Chromebooks. The laptops cost about $500 each and are easy to use they boot up in eight

seconds, store everything online, have a long battery life and rely on web-based apps, rather than software that requires installations or updates. Savanna Oaks will cover roughly $17,000 of the laptops cost from its own budget, explained

Turn to Grants/Page 9

City of Verona

School lockdown

Hometown Days

Commission challenges Wall, apartments

Jim Ferolie
Verona Press editor

Carnival, new stage among tweaks

Jim Ferolie
Verona Press editor

A month ago, the citys Plan Commission sent away an architect working for developer Terrence Wall with concerns about how his 40-unit apartment building plan would fit into the grand scheme of the rapidly aging plan for the West End. S o Wall, who had Reddan b e e n unavailupgrade able that approved night, came to Page 2 Verona on Monday for Public a more downtown t h o r o u g h plan forum discuslooks at s i o n . B u t intersection instead of bringPage 5 ing a planner who could speak for the large, commercial company he founded but no longer controls, T. Wall Properties, Wall was accompanied by an attorney for his separate apartment development company, T. Wall Enterprises. That didnt go over well. Wall and attorney Eric McCloud spent an hour


Photo by Jeremy Jones

Students and parents were thrilled to be going home last Thursday (above, at Country View elementary) after all 10 Verona schools were put on a hard lockdown while the FBI and local authorities searched for a dangerous criminal in the area around Nesbitt Road.

Manhunt, lockdown spur apology

District plans to implement new communication system next fall
Seth Jovaag
Unified Newspaper Group

In the 11 months since his company put on Hometown Days for the first time, Brad Zaugg has had a lot to think about. In addition to the immediate crisis of deciding whether to switch the annual festivals date to avoid a conflict with nearby Mount Horeb, hes had to re-evaluate the many elements of Hometown Days, from the fireworks to the parade and everything in between to determine if any should go away or get more attention. For the most part, Bravas second shot at Hometown Days which will

Turn to Apartments/Page 21

An FBI manhunt last Thursday sent Verona schools into an extended lockdown and prompted an apology from the superintendent. Now officials say theyve already taken steps to improve communication with parents in the future. A Chicago fugitive and homicide suspect, Paris Poe, 33, was arrested by Madison police on that citys east side around 7 p.m. last Thursday. But before that, a massive, daylong search for Poe by area police and The

FBI agents in Fitchburg and parts of Verona and Madison sent all 10 of the Verona Area School Districts schools into a hard lockdown, beginning at about 1:20 p.m. That meant all doors were locked, lights were turned off, kids were kept away from windows and no one was allowed to go in or out of the building. When the school day ended, students were allowed to leave with parents or guardians who showed photo identification. Buses werent allowed to pick up elementary school students until 3:45 p.m., followed by middle and high school students at 4:30 p.m., or about an hour later than normal. That led to some disarray at local schools. At the high school, traffic was backed up to Main Street as

parents waited to retrieve their children. At Country View Elementary, cars backed up down the block and some parents were seen carrying children in their arms and running back to their cars. In a May 3 letter to parents, superintendent Dean Gorrell said hed heard concerns from parents who didnt know what was going on. The district has about 5,000 students, but only 600 parents have signed up for the voluntary text message alerts and 1,650 for email alerts, Gorrell wrote. The district also posted five updates on its website between 12:45 p.m. and 3:29 p.m., but obviously, not every parent knew about the lockdown. I want to acknowledge that the

Turn to Festival/Page 7

See our Pets Section on pgs 10-15.

Turn to Lockdown/Page 19

Verona Press

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May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

June 6-9, 2013

Important Dates
Thursday, June 6

Fireworks Carnival
June 6-9

VO5 Thursday, June 6 Madison County Friday, June 7 Kind of a Big Deal Saturday, June 8 Cherry Pie Saturday, June 8 Steve Meisner Band Sunday, June 9 Sunday, June 9
Platinum Sponsors

Live Music

Rendering courtesy Flad Architects

The final phase of upgrades to Reddan Soccer Park will include a sports medicine building sponsored by UW Health.

City of Verona

Reddan park plans get final OK

Jim Ferolie
Verona Press editor


In less than four months, the Madison Area Youth Soccer Association expects to open a small sports medicine facility and a wellappointed synthetic turf soccer field at Reddan Soccer Park. The nonprofit group that has leased the county parkland on the northern edge of the city for the past 15 years got the approval it needed Monday from the Plan Commission and has the project on a tight schedule that starts Thursday with a bid advertisement and plans to begin construction June

Phase 2 upgrades
Synthetic turf field Sports medicine facility Elevated press box LED scoreboard Donor wall Walkways

17, the day after spring league play ends. The project is set to finish Sept. 1, giving it almost three weeks before its fall schedule opens with the Toe Bash

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors


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Bronze Sponsors

tournament, according to a schedule included in its application to the city. The commission, which had the power of final approval, had few comments or questions on the plans, which include a sports medicine facility sponsored by a $250,000 UW Health grant that provides 10 years of naming rights. The brick facility will accommodate an ambulance and provide a place for injured players to get attention from trainers, soak in an ice bath and warm up on bikes or elliptical trainers before returning, as well as allow referees (but not athletes) to shower after games. It will be in addition to the existing clubhouse/ concessions facility. The plan also features a 22-foot-tall press box, an 8-foot-by-12-foot LED scoreboard, a ticketing entry plaza, bleacher seating, a donor wall, paved walkways and some minor traffic-flow, landscaping and stormwater improvements. But of course, the star of the $3 million project that started in 2009 is the $800,000 synthetic championship field, which the project description says will be on par with the fields at Middleton High School and on the University of Wisconsin campus. The fenced-in field will substantially improve player safety and field playability conditions for championshiplevel soccer events, the project description said.

Epic goes to council

Media Sponsors

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The commission also spent an hour discussing three separate public hearings held for Epics plans to expand its facilities. The project was only

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the beginning for Campus 4 and 5. The three items allowed the move of Northern Lights Road, the building of one of two 1,500-stall parking structures and the annexation of land for more geothermal well fields and a wind power substation. It also rezoned several plots of land to allow the construction of the Campus 5 buildings, though those would be subject to separate public hearings later, as will a second parking garage. The sequence of events and proposals bothered commissioner Jack Linder, a former District 1 alder who lives in Epics shadow and cast several no votes against the various pieces of project. The Westridge neighborhood resident said he had been hearing questions from neighbors, and he wondered why the location of buildings was not shown. He also questioned the rezoning of 38 acres of residential land from a residential developer and whether it could force the city to allow undesired developments if the sale were to fall through. When Linder asked about the right-of-way dedication for a new signalized intersection at Cross Country and Northern Lights roads since it might not be big enough for a roundabout Epic chief administrative officer Steve Dickmann assured the commission the company would provide whatever land was necessary. Nobody, however, voted against the annexation of 40 acres along Country View Road that will provide a place for another geothermal well field and an electrical substation to connect with its six-turbine wind power facility in the Town of Springfield. Commissioner Pat Lytle wondered why it had to be in the city to which Dickmann replied that having all its utilities in one jurisdiction greatly simplifies government applications and commissioner Jeff Horsfall stated that the rural agriculture zoning was weird, considering the power-producing use of the land.

May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

Verona Area School District

Proficiency shrinks under new standard

District tops state on more rigorous test
Derek Spellman
Unified Newspaper Group


Less than half of Verona students tested proficient or better in reading under the states standardized exam last fall, while 57.8 percent of students reached that mark in math, according to results recently released by the state. School officials across Wisconsin had warned that student scores for this school years Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination, the states longtime standardized test, would fall compared to past years because the state is now applying a more rigorous method of determining student proficiency on the exam. That higher standard is meant to prepare school districts for a new, computer adaptive standardized test that all students will begin taking within two years. Just over 47 percent of Verona students who took the WKCE exam in November 2012 were either proficient or advanced in reading, compared to the 57.8 percent in math, according to results released in late April by the state Department of Public Instruction. By comparison, 86.1 percent of Verona students took the WKCE in November 2011 attained proficient or better in reading under the less stringent standard, while 82.8 percent reached that mark in math. Donna Behn, the districts director of instruction, said in past years the district sees a little bit of rise and falls in scores when it comes to WKCE results. Not so this year, when

Percentage of students proficient or better in the November 2012 Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination. Reading Math VASD 47.1 57.8 Statewide 35.3 47.1
* Excludes results from the Wisconsin Alternate Assessment.

scores varied quite a bit by grade level. The scores were just all over the place, she said. The gap between Veronas student performance based on economic status, also known as an achievement gap, was more than 36 percentage points in reading this year and more than 42 percentage points in math under the new standard, according to DPI. Nearly 56.5 percent of the non-economically disadvantaged students were proficient or better in reading in the 2012 test, compared with 20.2 percent for economically-disadvantaged students. In

math, it was 68.7 percent for non-disadvantaged students and 26.5 percent for disadvantaged students. As for the districts achievement gap based on ethnicity, 57.6 percent of Veronas white students were proficient or better in reading, compared to 19.7 percent of black students and 12 percent of Hispanic students. In math, 68.9 percent of white students tested proficient or better, compared with 22.2 percent of Hispanic students and 24.1 percent of black students. The proficiency standards for three other subjects tested by the WKCE language arts, science and social studies are unchanged. In those, 77.6 percent of Verona students were proficient or better in language arts, compared with 77.2 percent from November 2011. In science, scores dipped slightly, from 82.1 percent to 81.4 percent. In social studies, scores improved from 86.6 percent proficient to 87.9 percent in 2012. Students in Grades 4, 8 and 10 take tests in reading, math, social studies, language arts and science for the WKCE, which consists

of a series of multiple-choice tests. Students in Grades 3 and 5-7 take only the reading and math tests. Districts are already eyeing the new standardized test that is being developed by a consortium of states and that will replace the WKCE in the 2014-2015 school year. Both measures are part of Wisconsins waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind law. The more rigorous proficiency standards for the WKCE in the intervening time are meant to give school districts and the public a preview of higher expectations. Statewide, 35.3 percent of the students who took the test scored proficient or better in reading, while 47.1 percent did so in math.

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May 9, 2013

The Verona Press


Lockdown showed districts teachers were well-prepared

Last weeks lockdown at the schools in the VASD continues to a hotbed of discussion. While I understand that there is always room for improvement, this is a situation that rarely happens and when it does our childrens teachers are prepared. They know what to do and they are dedicated to keeping our children safe and calm. Thats what they did last week and kudos to them for doing an excellent job! As a parent, if you havent thanked your childs teacher/s yet, please consider doing so. I understand also that there were quite a few irate parents who felt ill-informed about the situation. No matter what the school district does to notify parents about news, there are inevitably going to be some parents who still dont get the news. Maybe the solution should not only fall on the shoulders of the school district. As parents, we can also pass the information along to other parents via text, email or telephonically. Just make sure you pass facts and not speculation: The schools are on lockdown because the police are looking for a fugitive who is in the area. The teachers in this district kept our kids safe during the lockdown, but once they were back in the arms of their parents, this should have been a teaching moment. If your child came home upset and started to complain about their temporary living conditions, parents had two options. You could have reacted negatively and said some things you probably shouldnt have or you could have told your child that you are proud that they listened to their teachers and made the best of a bad situation ... safety first! No doubt the VASD is now looking at what worked and where improvements can be made in their dissemination of information. To those who continue to complain, please consider what could have happened, but didnt. Look into your childs eyes and thank God that this district employs dedicated teachers and professionals who put the education and safety of our children first! Beth Burke Verona

Community Voices

Praise district for lockdown response

After Sandy Hook, I would have thought that an incident such as an armed killer in the area, people would have applauded our administrator and staff for how they handled the situation. I certainly do. Rather, we have those who after the fact, castigate them for going to a lockdown to protect our children. Hindsight may suggest that it was more than what was needed, but not knowing what events could have come about, they did what they thought best. For those who complained they didnt know what went on, you can sign up for reverse 911 or be sure your current telephone number is registered with the school system. To the Verona Area School District and Dr. Gorrell, my appreciation goes out to you! Bill Paar Verona

Here comes the sun, but dont get too much A

exists. Residents of neighborhoods across the Midwest have emerged from their winter hibernation with hands shielding their eyes, awestruck and ready to worship the all-powerful sun. My own children, almost overnight, have shed layers of clothing and pale skin in exchange for layers of dirt on Scherschligt their feet while they enjoy every last minute of sunlight. But while we rush to enjoy the much-deserved warmth, many of us tread cautiously because of the dangers of too much sun. The main worry with sun overexposure is, of course, skin cancer. There are three major types of skin cancer: basal cell, squamous cell, and melanoma, and a wide body of research shows that each of the three types is linked to sun exposure. While basal cell and squamous cell cancers appear to be related to total time spent in the sun, the worst one, melanoma, is linked more to sunburns and episodes of intense exposure. (Other risk factors for melanoma include family history and fair complexion.) Avoiding skin cancer is not the only reason to seek protection from the sun. Other conditions can arise, fter a long winter, the last week or two has reminded us that yes, summer still such as premature aging and eye damage. Eye damage in particular comes in a variety of forms, from melanoma of the eye to increased risk of cataracts. Also, some research shows that UV sunlight can impair the bodys immune system, thus making us more prone to illness. So while it might be difficult, staying out of the sun is our best defense. Ultraviolet sunlight is strongest in the middle of the day, and exposure from about 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. should be avoided or minimized. Hats and protective clothing are important when you do venture out. Nowadays, there are many light-weight, comfortable shirts and slacks on the market that provide adequate protection. Sunglasses should also be worn, and they should specifically state that they block UV light. For those of us who cant stand to forgo time in the sun, sunblock is essential. I recommend to all my patients to use a lotion with sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. This should be applied 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied after 2 hours or after any swimming or heavy sweating. Better yet, use it every day during the summer months, regardless of the amount of expected sun exposure. Make it part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth. Despite the dangers posed by sun exposure, there are benefits, as well. It is true that the sun is a great source of vitamin D, an essential part of a properly functioning body.

Verona Press
Thursday, May 9, 2013 Vol. 48, No. 50
USPS No. 658-320
Periodical Postage Paid, Verona, WI and additional offices. Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group, A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc. POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to The Verona Press, 133 Enterprise Drive, Verona, WI 53593.

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General manager David Enstad [email protected] Advertising Donna Larson [email protected] Classifieds Kathy Woods [email protected] Circulation Carolyn Schultz [email protected]

News Jim Ferolie [email protected] Sports Jeremy Jones [email protected] Website Victoria Vlisides [email protected] Reporters Seth Jovaag, Bill Livick, Anthony Iozzo, Mark Ignatowski, Derek Spellman

However, many foods are now fortified with vitamin D, and supplements are readily available. These forms are highly effective, very safe, and have the added benefit that the amount of vitamin D intake can be monitored. Also, the amount of time in the sun needed to get adequate amounts of vitamin D is far less than the average person gets during a typical summer day. For many, including myself, being out in the sun is associated with a sense of general well-being and good health that cannot be overlooked. We tend to be more active and exercise more when the sun is shining, which is very important to living a healthy life. And of course, time spent outdoors in the summer months is often spent with family and friends, which can lead to better mood and improved quality of life. With the harmful effects of the sun, along with the benefits and unavoidable nature of being outside when the weather is nice, we are left to wonder how to approach sun exposure. So let me make the issue even more unclear for you: There is no safe level of sun exposure, and nobody quite knows how much is too much. Like most things that have both risks and benefits, we should partake, but in moderation. Be sensible, be safe, but dont let fear of the sun keep you from enjoying the beautiful days that surely lie ahead. Benjamin Scherschligt is a thirdyear resident at UW-Health Family Medicine in Verona.

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One heated exchange at council isnt everything

I appreciate the sentiments expressed in Jim Ferolies editorial Dont let emotions get in the way of governing. I would like to remind people that a heated exchange at one city council meeting is just that, just one exchange at one city council meeting. It doesnt reflect the general mood of city government. In fact, Id like to take this opportunity to note that Alder Manley and Mayor Hochkammer have been both courteous and polite to me. City staff has been friendly and competent. Alder Stiner has gone out of his way to be friendly and share some of his knowledge. Additionally, Alder Stiner is on the Library Board and while Im not sure if well agree on every issue regarding the library, I look forward to working with him to make the Verona Library the best that it can be. Finally, Id like to say that Alder McGilvray was highly professional and helpful during the recent Public Works committee meeting which he chaired and also on the council floor during the sometimes tense debate over the Plan Commission appointment. This behavior is appreciated. Its no secret that there is a lot of interest from developers in the Verona area. The Plan Commission will play a key role in how Verona is going to grow and whether new development serves the interests of Verona residents. Its only natural that an appointment to the Plan Commission would be hotly contested and might take time to work out. Even without an appointee from the council, the Plan Commission still has enough members for quorum. Disagreements and vigorous debate are expected and desirable in any democratic body. Even if I disagree with a colleague on one issue, I stand ready to work together on other issues in the service of making Verona an even better place to live. Luke Diaz District 3 alder

Woodward Communications,Inc.


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May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

City of Verona

Downtown plan revisits Four Corners intersection talk

City seeks comment on traffic options at Tuesdays meeting
Mark Ignatowski
Unified Newspaper Group

If you go
What: Downtown plan and traffic study public meeting When: 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 14 Where: Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli St. Info: the intersection and the downtown area in general. Those are a traffic signal, a roundabout and a pair of one-way streets. The plans steering committee which includes representatives of the citys business community reviewed the three options last month.

For years, city officials have pondered what to do with traffic downtown specifically the intersection of Main Street and Verona Avenue. Tuesday, theyll be asking for the publics opinions on the intersection for the second time in five years at the citys second downtown planning meeting. City staff and engineers from MSA Professional Services have come up with three options for

Each option would have some impact on some existing properties, but changes are necessary as traffic volume is projected to increase during the next 20 years. Each option comes with challenges, including limited existing right-of-way space, traffic flow and backup problems, as well as parking and access limitations to businesses. The signalized intersection would be similar to what is there now, but it would have two through lanes and one left turn lane in each direction. The roundabout likely would have two lanes going around it and would affect fewer properties further away from the intersection because less space would be needed for backed-up cars.

The paired-one way would use Main Street as the southbound street and Franklin Street as the northbound street. The Verona Press detailed each of the options in an April 28 story. MSA Professional Services project manager Kevin Ruhland, who was hired to guide the city through the planning process, said the steering committee and staff didnt have a preferred alternative and would like residents to comment on all the options at the meeting. We want to get feedback on all the alternatives, Ruhland told the Press. We want to hear what they like and dont like about all them. Ruhland said planners will

present maps of each option and will host a short presentation describing each intersection plan. Residents will be asked to fill out comment sheets and will be able to ask questions after the presentation. Anyone unable to attend or would like more information about the downtown study can contact Ruhland at 242-7779. Written comments regarding the downtown project can be mailed to Kevin Ruhland, MSA Professional Services, 2901 International Lane, Suite 300, Madison, WI 53704, or emailed to [email protected]. Additional information is available on the city website:

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May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

Coming up
Mens group
Diego Camacho, director of EllestadCamacho Funeral Homes will lead the mens group discussion this month. The discussion starts at 9 a.m. Friday, May 10, at the Verona Senior Center. This informal discussion will touch on funeral costs, prearrangements, trends, legal issues and more. Friday, May 10 and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 11. The sale will have baked goods and potted plants for outdoor planting. There will also be another Junk in the Trunk sale with various household goods for sale. All proceeds to benefit the UW Carbone Cancer Research Center. plants and flowers in containers, Gary Kuzynski will help you get started. He will discuss techniques that work well and alert you to some common mistakes about container gardening at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 14, at the Verona Senior Center.

ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN CHURCH 2951 Chapel Valley Road, Fitchburg (608) 276-7729 Pastor Rich Johnson THE CHURCH IN FITCHBURG 2833 Raritan Road, Fitchburg, WI 53711 (608) 271-2811 Sunday Worship: 8 and10:45 a.m. THE CHURCH IN VERONA Verona Business Centre 535 Half Mile Rd. #7, Verona. (608) 271-2811 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. FITCHBURG MEMORIAL UCC 5705 Lacy Road, Fitchburg (608) 273-1008 Phil Haslanger GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA (608) 271-6633 Central: Raymond Road & Whitney Way SUNDAY 8:15, 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. Worship West: Corner of Hwy. PD & Nine Mound Road, Verona SUNDAY 9 &10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship LIVING HOPE CHURCH At the Verona Senior Center 108 Paoli St. (608) 347-3827, [email protected] SUNDAY 10 a.m. Worship MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 201 S. Main, Verona (608) 845-7125 Lead pastor: Jeremy Scott SUNDAY 10:15 a.m. Worship REDEEMER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 102 N. Franklin Ave., Verona Pastor Dwight R. Wise (608)848-1836 SUNDAY 10 a.m. Family Worship Service RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH Wisconsin Synod, 6705 Wesner Road, Verona (608) 848-4965 Pastor Nathan Strutz and Assistant Pastor: Timothy Rosenow THURSDAY 6:30 p.m. Worship SUNDAY 9 a.m. Worship Service ST. CHRISTOPHER CATHOLIC PARISH 301 N. Main St., Verona (608) 845-6613 Fr. William Vernon, pastor SATURDAY 5 p.m. Sunday Vigil, St. Andrew, Verona SUNDAY 7:30 a.m., St. William, Paoli 9 and 11 a.m., St. Andrew, Verona Daily Mass: Tuesday-Saturday at 8 a.m., St. Andrew, Verona ST. JAMES EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 427 S. Main Street, Verona (608) 845-6922 Pastors Kurt M. Billings and Peter Narum Service 5 p.m., Saturday 8:30 and 10:45 a.m., Sunday SALEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 502 Mark Dr., Verona, WI Phone:(608) 845-7315 Rev. Dr. Mark E. Yurs, Pastor Laura Kolden, Associate in Ministry 9:00AM Sunday School (for all ages) 10:15AM Worship Service Staffed nursery: 8:45am-11:30am 11:30AM Fellowship Hour SPRINGDALE LUTHERAN CHURCH-ELCA 2752 Town Hall Road (off County ID) (608) 437-3493 Pastor: Jeff Jacobs SUNDAY 8:45 a.m. Communion Worship SUGAR RIVER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 130 N. Franklin St., Verona (608) 845-5855 [email protected], Pastor: Gary Holmes SUNDAY 9:00 & 10:30 Contemporary worship with childrens Sunday school. Refreshments and fellowship are between services. WEST MADISON BIBLE CHURCH 2920 Hwy. M, Verona, WI 53593 Sunday (nursery provided in a.m.) 9:15 a.m. - Praise and worship 10:45 - Sunday School (all ages) 6 p.m. - Small group Bible study ZWINGLI UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Located at Hwy. 92 & Ct. Road G, Mount Vernon (608) 832-6677 for information Pastor: Brad Brookins SUNDAY 10:15 a.m. Worship ZWINGLI UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST At Hwy. 69 and PB, Paoli (608)845-5641 Rev. Sara Thiessen SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. Family Worship

Learn to make your own greeting cards at a class from 12:30-3 p.m. Verona Area High School will host a Wednesday, May 15 at the Verona The VASD Fitchburg Campus fun plant sale from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Senior Center. walk/5K run is May 11. May 11, at the high school. For $10, youll create six cards with The community is invited to parFor more information call 845-4400. two different designs. ticipate, starting with registration from Call 845-7471 to sign up. 8-8:45 a.m. and a race at 9 a.m. Meet Everyone is a Leader at Savanna Oaks Middle School, 5890 Join Janet Nodorft for the program Home organizing Lacy Road. Everyone is a Leader from 6:30-8 Professional organizer Betsy FauerPrice is $5 or canned goods to be p.m. Tuesday, May 14, at the Verona bach will offer tips and tricks on home donated to the food pantry. Contact Public Library. organizing at 12:30 p.m. May 15, at the Maria Carvalho at maria.carvalho@ Nodorft is a small business owner, Verona Senior Center. or 845-4064, and/ trainer and community leader. She will The free program requires no registraor Sarah Pundt (parent volunteer) at define leadership and show you how tion. [email protected]. to expand your leadership role so that it has a positive effect on others, and Country gospel Donald Dash makes your life more meaningful. Join a monthly night of country gosThe Driftless Sports Club and Friends This program is free and open to the pel music at the Verona Senior Center. of Donald Park are hosting a 8/16K trail public. To register, or for information, The next session, lead by Leon run, Donald Dash, at 9 a.m. on Satur- visit, or call McGreggor and his band, will take day, May 11. 845-7180. place at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 16. The race starts at the Pops Knoll Picnic shelter area.The run is for all Bocce ball Books N Booze ages and levels of experience and goes The weather has turned warmer so Join a new book discussion group through the hills and on the wide-grassy it time to start bocce ball at the Verona while imbibing in some spirits at 5:30 trails of Donald Park. Senior Center. p.m. Thursday, May 16, at Pasquals Runner check-in and day of registraLeague play starts May 14. Games Cantina, 100 Cross Country Road, in tion begins 7:45-8 a.m. will be held Tuesday at 6 p.m. Each Verona. night features three games. The group will be discussing the Jodi Lou bake and plant sale All skill levels are encouraged to join. wonderfully satirical book, Lamb: The Jodi Lou bake and plant sale Call Chris Nye at 845-7471 for info. The Gospel According to Biff, will take place May 11-12 at Sugar Christs Childhood Pal by ChristoRiver United Methodist Church, 130 N. Container gardening pher Moore. Franklin St. Whether you are strapped for gardenBooks are available for checkout at The sale will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ing space or have thought about growing the Verona Public Library.

Stamping class

Fun walk/ 5K run

High school plant sale

Community calendar

10 a.m., Volunteer drivers coffee, senior center, 8457471 12:30 p.m., Hearing discussion, senior center, 8457471 8 a.m. 5 p.m., Jodi Lou Bake and Plant Sale, Sugar River UMC, 9 a.m., Mens group, Verona Senior Center, 8457471 Noon 8 p.m., Consignment sale, Holiday Inn, Verona city-wide garage sales 8 a.m. 2 p.m., Jodi Lou Bake and Plant Sale, Sugar River UMC, 8 a.m. noon, Plant sale, Verona Area High School, 845-4400 9 a.m. 8 p.m., Consignment sale, Holiday Inn, 9 a.m. VASD Fitchburg Campus fun run, Savanna Oaks Middle School, 845-4064 9 a.m., Donald Dash, Donald Park, $30, driftlesss-

Thursday, May 9

Friday, May 10

Mothers Day 9 a.m. noon, Consignment sale, Holiday Inn, 6:30 p.m., Finance committee, City Center 7 p.m., Common Council, City Center 10:30 a.m., Container gardening discussion, Verona Senior Center, 845-7471 3-7 p.m., Verona Farmers Market, Hometown Junction, 6 p.m., Bocce ball league, Verona Senior Center, 845-7471 6:30 p.m., Leadership workshop, Verona Public Library, 845-7180 12:30 p.m., Home organizing discussion, Verona Senior Center, 845-7471 12:30-3 p.m., Card making workshop, Verona Senior Center, 845-7471

Sunday, May 12

Monday, May 13

Tuesday, May 14

Saturday, May 11

Love All of Gods Creation

Love all of Gods creation, even that which seems unlovable. Its easy to love kittens and bunnies and roses and rainbows. But, we have trouble when it comes to loving the cockroach or the rat, or the stench from the sewer. But, that stench is Gods creation too, microscopic life doing exactly what God created it to do. That doesnt mean you want to bathe in it. The stench may be natures way of telling us to keep our distance. There may be good reasons why we are naturally repulsed by spiders, snakes and other venomous critters. But, that doesnt mean we cant love and admire them on some level. Most of us will never have the same warm fuzzy feeling for a rat, a bat, or a snake that we will have for a kitten, but that doesnt keep us from admiring the amazing way in which bats navigate their environment or the amazing way in which rats have managed to survive despite our best attempts to wipe them out. All of Gods creation is lovable, every grain of sand and every creepy crawly thing and every prickly plant and every form of radiation. We should strive to love all of Gods creation without bias. Love all Gods creation, the whole and every grain of sand of it. Love every leaf, every ray of Gods light. Love the animals, love the plants, love everything.If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love. Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Wednesday, May 15

Whats on VHAT-98
Thursday, May 9 7 a.m. Healthy Aging at Senior Center 9 a.m. - Daily Exercise 10 a.m. - Retro Swing at Senior Center 3 p.m. - Daily Exercise 4 p.m. Arbor Day at Senior Center 6 p.m. - Salem Church Service 7 p.m. - Words of Peace 8 p.m. - Daily Exercise 9 p.m. Chatting with the Chamber 10 p.m. Karl Curtis at Historical Society Friday, May 10 7 a.m. Arbor Day at Senior Center 1:30 p.m. - Chatting with the Chamber 3 p.m. - Cuba at Senior Center 5 p.m. - 2011 Wildcats Football 8:30 p.m. - Cuba at Senior Center 10 p.m. - Healthy Aging at Senior Center 11 p.m. Retro Swing at Senior Center Saturday, May 11 8 a.m. Plan Commission from 5-06-13 11 a.m. - Cuba at Senior Center 1 p.m. - 2011 Wildcats Football 4:30 p.m. Karl Curtis at Historical Society 6 p.m. Plan Commission from 5-06-13 9 p.m. - Cuba at Senior Center 10 p.m. - Karl Curtis at Historical Society 11 p.m. - Retro Swing at Senior Center Sunday, May 12 7 a.m. - Hindu Cultural Hour 9 a.m. Resurrection Church 10 a.m. - Salem Church Service Noon - Plan Commission from 5-06-13 3 p.m. - Cuba at Senior Center 4:30 p.m. - Karl Curtis at Historical Society 6 p.m. Plan Commission from 5-06-13 9 p.m. - Cuba at Senior Center 10 p.m. Karl Curtis at Historical Society 11 p.m. - Retro Swing at Senior Center Monday, May 13 7 a.m. Arbor Day at Senior Center 1:30 p.m. - Chatting with the Chamber 3 p.m. - Cuba at Senior Center 5 p.m. - 2011 Wildcats Football 7 p.m. Common Council Live 9 p.m. - Hindu Cultural Hour 10 p.m. Healthy Aging at Senior Center 11 p.m. Retro Swing at Senior Center Tuesday, May 14 7 a.m. Healthy Aging at Senior Center 9 a.m. - Daily Exercise 10 a.m. - Retro Swing at Senior Center 3 p.m. - Daily Exercise 4 p.m. Arbor Day at Senior Center 6 p.m. - Resurrection Church 8 p.m. - Words of Peace 9 p.m. - Chatting with the Chamber 10 p.m. - Karl Curtis at Historical Society Wednesday, May 15 7 a.m. Arbor Day at Senior Center 1:30 p.m. - Chatting with the Chamber 3 p.m. Cuba at Senior Center 5 p.m. Common Council from 5-13-13 7 p.m. - Capital City Band 8 p.m. Cuba at Senior Center 10 p.m. - Healthy Aging at Senior Center 11 p.m. Retro Swing at Senior Center Thursday, May 16 7 a.m. Healthy Aging at Senior Center 9 a.m. - Daily Exercise 10 a.m. Retro Swing at Senior Center 3 p.m. - Daily Exercise 4 p.m. Arbor Day at Senior Center 6 p.m. - Salem Church Service 8 p.m. - Daily Exercise 9 p.m. Chatting with the Chamber 10 p.m. Karl Curtis at Historical Society

430 E. Verona Ave. 845-2010

Call 845-9559 to advertise on the Verona Press church page

May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

Library has gadgets for users

The Verona Public Library is now serving the community with technology for take-out. Library users can sample eReaders, iPads, and MacBook laptop computers, Verona Public Library director, Brian Simons said in a news release. We want to help our patrons keep up-to-date in a digital world by giving them access to the latest technology tools, Simons said. Patrons can check out a Kindle Touch, Kindle Fire, or Nook eReader and give it a test read. The eReaders all come pre-loaded with dozens of books for kids, teens, and adult readers. Titles include new releases and classics. The eReaders can be checked out for a twoweek period, perfect for a family vacation or road trip, Simons said. Patrons can also check out iPads and MacBook Pro laptop computers for

At a glance
What: Technology for take-out Where: Verona Public Library Info: 845-7180 or

Photos by Victoria Vlisides

The overall look of Hometown Days will change a bit with Calkins Midways giving way to Wenzel Amazements.

Festival: Childrens activity area moves west of food court

Continued from Page 1 continue to surround the second Saturday in June will be much like the first. Thats both because some things are hard to change and because some things shouldnt be changed. But with a whole year to plan this time instead of five months, Zaugg told the Verona Press last week he felt a responsibility to make some improvements. It should be easier, but it feels like its more difficult, he said, because of self-imposed higher expectations. Of course, the most significant change will be the presence of a different carnival for the first time since 1978, long before the event was even called Hometown Days. Wenzel Amazements has a slightly different feel from Calkins Midways and will be aimed slightly more at the younger set, Zaugg said. Another significant difference the average festivalgoer will notice is the presence of an additional stage in the beer tent area, which typically has much more space than it needs. The second stage, which will have its own corporate sponsor, will accommodate afternoon bands on Saturday and Sunday, providing a more intimate atmosphere for the families that tend to be there at that time of the weekend and filling the open field that usually only has activity on Friday and Saturday nights. Itll be a more familyfriendly oriented, beer garden-style, Zaugg said. A less obvious but still significant difference from years past will be less of an emphasis on activities for younger children on Thursday and Friday evening, which Zaugg said tends to more about the carnival. Instead, more of the childrens activities will be packed into Saturday and somewhat on Sunday, and theyll be located in the same spot, next to the food court. Were trying to be efficient with the resources we have, Zaugg said. Saturdays activities will include many of the usual attractions, such as the local balloon lady, Tami Topper Schroeder, and a bigger presence from one of last years most popular attractions,

daily in-library use. iPads and MacBooks are set up for internet use, app exploration, checking email, playing games and using Facetime, a live video chat program similar to Skype. The MacBooks also are loaded with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint programs. The library has a new, state-of-the-art WiFi access for a fast and reliable internet connection. All library services are free and available to the public. For more information, visit veronapubliclibrary. org, or call 845-7180.

Verona letter carriers aim to stamp out hunger

The United States Postal Service, National Association of Letter Carriers, and the Campbell Soup Company are looking for help in their mission to Stamp Out Hunger in Verona. To participate in the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive residents can leave a bag of non-perishable food items, such as canned soup, canned vegetables, peanut butter, pasta, rice or cereal, next to their mailbox prior to the time of regular mail delivery Saturday, May 11. Letter carriers will collect these food donations as they deliver the mail and take them to Verona Food Pantry. Now in its 21st year, the annual food drive has grown into a national effort that provides assistance to the millions of Americans struggling to put food on the table. The need for food assistance exists in every community in America, no matter how rich or poor. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 50 million Americans are food insecure, meaning they live at risk of hunger. Food banks and pantries often receive the majority of their donations during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons. By springtime, many pantries are depleted, entering the summer low on supplies at a time when many school breakfast and lunch programs are not available. For more information about the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive, visit helpstampouthunger. com or StampOutHunger, and follow the drive at twitter. com/StampOutHunger.

Noelle Tarrants ZooZort show was a popular favorite last year (here with Veronas Kip Trainor petting a Komodo dragon), and it will be back on Saturday and Sunday, along with a stage show.

ZooZort. Noelle Tarrants run a Bobs Barbecue station exotic animal show, which brought in from Arena along included some unusual with their regular hamburgreptiles, rodents and other ers and hot dogs. On Sunday which tradicrowd-pleasers, was a big hit and will have a stage in its tionally has had no desserts, spot west of the food court to with Verona Senior Center done selling its traditional put on a show. Some old favorites should strawberry shortcake a be back, like the charity- local 4-H group will sell root themed dunk tank, the pony beer floats. Sunday afternoon has been rides, Spin the Wheel and of course the Thursday fire- the white whale for Homeworks and Sunday parade, town Days organizers for but a few years, trytraditional ing to get the activities are huge crowds gone, includthat turn out Different carnival/ ing the bounfor the parade c y h o u s e s midway to stop by and bingo, the festival Second stage which Zaugg grounds. Barbecue cookout couldnt find This year, a volunteer the car show 9/11 fire truck group to and race Caricature artist adopt. are back returns There are as always, also a few ZooZort will Root beer floats former events continue its returning, show, the including the marketplace caricature artist though the will take the spot across from caricatures wont be free this the food court and a polka year as they had been for a band will headline the enterfew years and an artisan tainment. Special for this marketplace, which Zaugg year, however, is a mobile hopes to grow in future years 9/11 memorial called Rescue to bring back the niche of the 5, one of the New York fire old craft show that was dis- trucks that was present durcontinued in 2006. ing the World Trade Center The food is, of course, an bombings in 2001. important part of the festiOf course, the big draw val, and most of the same which provides the lions vendors will return, with an share of the funding for the added twist. On Saturday, festival is the Friday and the Verona Optimists will Saturday night music. Cherry

New for 2013

Pie is back for its regular Saturday classic rock show, but Fridays music will go country with big-ticket area group Madison County. For those who have had a few too many after the show (or just want to take a different way home), Hometown Days will have transportation options. A courtesy bus will be available for most Verona neighborhoods outside of a roughly 1-mile radius, and the festival will also run a Safe Ride program, with cabs on alert. The courtesy bus, Zaugg said, didnt have a lot of riders last year, but he thinks many people simply werent used to it. Were going to keep doing it until people figure it out, he said. Despite a years experience running the show, Zaugg still suggests theres a lot of experimenting left to do and quite a bit left to learn. Were trying some different stuff, and well keep what works, he said. But the one thing hed never want to change is the overall community-oriented effort of the festival, which is a big effort from and a big benefit to several local nonprofit organizations. You could not do this if it wasnt for the huge effort of the volunteer groups, he said. Theyve got their parts all down perfectly.

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8 - The Verona Press - May 9, 2013

May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

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May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

Grants: SOMS 6th-graders get Chromebooks

Continued from Page 1 teacher and grant applicant Frank Devereaux. Were excited, said Devereaux, an informational technology teacher. Teachers are chomping at the bit to use these. The devices could allow kids to easily work at their own pace or in small groups, and teachers could experiment with new methods such as the flipped classrooms employed in several Verona Area High School classes this year. In those classes, students watch online lectures before class and work on assignments or projects in class, allowing teachers to assist, Devereaux said. Badger Ridge Middle School got a $10,000 grant Monday in a venture similar to the one at Savanna Oaks allowing the school to buy about 30 Chromebooks for math and other classes. Both initiatives got another $5,000 to help Devereaux and Badger Ridge teacher John Bremmer educate other teachers about how best to use new technology in the classroom. In addition to the new computers, the grants awarded Monday will spur a variety of new initiatives next year, such as homework clubs, filmmaking projects and promoting student community-service projects. Grant writers were asked to show how their proposal could close so-called achievement gaps along racial or socioeconomic lines, customize learning for individual students or make Verona stand out among peer districts. Requests ranged from as little as $150 to buy a classroom set of flash drives for an elementary school teacher to $280,000 for a specialized science curriculum for local middle schools. The $81,360 total will come from the districts general operating budget. Other grant winners included: $6,000 to buy four weatherproof videocameras and other film gear for aspiring cinematographers at VAHS, said art teacher Lyz Stremikis. $6,000 for Core Knowledge Charter School to train staff, buy books and offset other costs related to student-led community service projects, explained school director Brett Stousland. He cited research that shows service-learning projects can reduce achievement gaps and help kids feel connected to their community. He said the schools efforts could serve as a pilot for other schools to replicate. $6,050 to offer evening summer classes for roughly 150 elementary school students in the Nakoma Heights neighborhood in Fitchburg. Grant applicant Sarah Holzum said the Learn Academy could help kids avoid the academic drop-off that often occurs when school is out for the summer. $6,000 to continue the Teaching and Reaching

Innovation grants awarded

The Verona Area School District awarded a total of $81,360 in Innovation Grants on Monday:

Weatherproof video cameras and other film equipment, VAHS


Photo submitted

Service-learning projLaptops, teacher trainects, Core Knowledge ing, software for sixth Charter School graders at Savanna Oaks Middle School


30 laptops, software and training, Badger Ridge Middle School

Host workshops, guest speaker on topic of using technology to customize education, district-wide.

Sigal Felber, Fernanda Alayo-Cordora, Will Cioci, James Wellnitz, Jacob Wellnitz, Megan Cotter, Elisabeth Cartwright, Zach Hurst and Brianne Wunder participated on the districts middle school team in the Dane County Math Meet.

Middle school team advances to Mega Meet

Veronas No. 1 middle school team took second place at the April 24 Dane County Math Meet, earning a trip to the Mega Meet on May 22. James Wellnitz came in third and Will Cioci was fourth for the team, one of three three-person teams from Savanna Oaks, Badger Ridge and Core Knowledge middle schools. Overall, the Verona Area School District sent 48 students in grades 5-8 to participate in the two math meets in Madison. The math meet is an opportunity for students who enjoy math to shine in individual and team competition. They spend the morning solving math problems demonstrating strong mental math, problem solving, time management and collaboration skills. Students from all the middle and elementary schools teamed up to form three grade 5/6 teams, and Veronas No. 1 team took fourth place.

Collaboration, teacher training on the above initiatives between SOMS and BRMS

African American boys empowerment group, Country View

Learn Academy summer program, Stoner Prairie*

Two Lego Mindstorms kits, Badger Ridge
*TAREA and Learn Academy to collaborate on providing after-school programming for youth in Fitchburgs Nakoma Heights neighborhood

TAREA program, Glacier Edge*

Every Area (TAREA) program, a 3-year-old program that offers homework help, tutoring and family events for dozens of kids in the Nakoma Heights area. Funding will pay for facility rental, snacks, teachers time, outreach events and other resources, said applicant Jenny Schultz. $5,000 to bring in educational expert Mark Coppin to lead staff workshops about how best to use new technology to customize education for all students. $3,500 to launch an African American Boys Empowerment Group at Country View Elementary. Teaming up with the Urban League of Greater Madison, the school will use an outside facilitator to talk with boys in grades 4-5 about topics like goalsetting and the importance of education, and they will engage in communityservice and other projects, according to an application written by school staff members Mary Moroder and Tammy Holton Arnol. $3,000 to launch a VAHS-led effort to have students and staff offer classes on social networking, movie making and other technology-related topics to the community at the Verona and Fitchburg public libraries and the Verona senior center $810 to purchase two Lego mindstorms robotics kits for Badger Ridge that allow students of all ability levels to design and build programmable robots.

Other action

In other news Monday, the board: passed a resolution to authorize the district to borrow up to $2.9 million to pay for energy-efficiency upgrades at local schools. The debt would be paid off over time by an estimated $187,000 in annual utilities savings through a performance contracting arrangement that shouldnt lead to higher taxes. The board will likely hold a final vote to borrow the money next month. approved minor changes to the districts athletic code of conduct to establish how students in the Exploration Academy will be deemed academically eligible to compete in co-curricular activities. The new charter school, which opens next fall, wont issue grades, so students there will instead be expected to show progress toward at least 80 percent of their academic goals to be eligible. voted to keep the same officers in place for another year. Dennis Beres is president, Amy Almond is vice president, Renee Zook is treasurer, Ken Behnke is clerk and Jeannie Porter is deputy clerk. designated the Verona Press as the districts official newspaper

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10 - Unified Newspaper Group - May 9, 2013

Knowing household dangers can save your pets life

Household pets are adorably curious, but they cant read labels or plant their own gardens. One of the biggest mistakes pet owners can make is to underestimate a pets curiosity and overlook dangers of common household items, both indoors and outdoors. Its up to us to read labels for them, make sure cleaning chemicals and other toxins are out of reach and maintain gardens that stimulate our pets curiosity with safety in mind. Responsible pet ownership is about more than feeding your pet nutritious meals and going on walks. Its more holistic its a lot like caring for a child, says Dr. Tiffany Bierer, health and nutritional sciences manager at Mars Petcare US. You need to anticipate certain dangers and remove them from the realm of possibility. Thats what we did in our office, and it only takes a little effort to do the same at home. Mars Petcare US knows all about designing spaces with pet safety as a top priority. Safety measures are fundamental since the companys employees are encouraged to bring their dogs to work each day. Pet owners could borrow a few tips from the makers of Pedigree, Cesar and Sheba pet foods: Be mindful of toxic plants. Many common plants, such as Azaleas, Oleander, Daffodils, Lilies, Tulips and Hyacinth, are toxic to pets and should be avoided in indoor and outdoor areas where pets are free to roam. Many mushrooms also present dangers, including death. Its important to do your research since mushrooms can be difficult to identify. Use caution when applying garden poisons, insecticides and fertilizers. Many gardeners use traps for small rodents, snails and slugs. These are extremely toxic if consumed, requiring immediate veterinary attention. Most over-the-counter insecticides and fertilizers

Local pet profiles

Look inside this issue for photos and kind words from local owners about their favorite pets, including: Mack and Juno, a pair of beagles who do everything together Hans, a German shepherd who loves playing with his owners toddler Willow Blue, a parrot who communicates all sorts of things by talking and sings Bentley, a standard poodle who loves tennis balls

Pages 11-12

Dental health is as important for pets as it is for children

Turn to Safety/Page 13

There are plenty of dangers to pets in your own backyard, from fertilizers to common plants.

Page 12

We Will

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May 9, 2013 - Unified Newspaper Group - 11

Pet Profiles
Hans is a 4-year-old German shepherd who loves to play with his owners 18-monthold daughter.
Photo submitted.

Pets a welcom re e the Pat on io!

3097 Sunnyside St., Stoughton 608-205-9300

Your Hometown Hardware Store

Photo submitted

Mack and Juno are brother and sister beagles who refuse to be parted.

Owner name: Doug and Katie Hensel Pet name: Hans Pets age: 4 What kind of pet: German Shepherd dog How long you have had your pet: We got him when he was 9 weeks old! What makes your pet special? Hans is the best dog a family could ask for. He is incredibly loving and playful - he is a running partner, a cuddle buddy, a family protector, and most importantly, our daughters best friend. He not only allows our 18-month-old daughter to crawl on him, hug and kiss him, and follow him around, but he licks her, plays fetch, and sleeps outside her room. Watching their relationship grow since she was born has been the sweetest thing. Hans has done German Schutzhund Training, which involves obedience, tracking, and protection work, and is very well-behaved and sociable with other animals and people of all ages! Funny or cute story about your pet? Hans likes to nap in the laundry room behind the dryer. Our daughter will follow him in there and sit down next to him. The other day I was watching them from the doorway and she hugged him, patted his back and goes Good Boy, Hansy! Then she gave him a kiss on his snout. He licked her face and I started crying!

Mack and Juno

Owner name: Kate and Mitch Mack will not go anywhere Louther unless he has his sister Juno with him. Mack Even when they go to the dog kennel while we are on Pets age: 6 years old vacation, he needs to go wherWhat kind of pet: Beagle ever she goes. How long you have had your pet: 4 years What makes your pet spe- Juno cial? Pets age: 4 years old Mack is a rescue beagle. What kind of pet: Beagle When we adopted him, we How long you have had were told he had severe separation anxiety. When we left your pet: 4 years him at home for the first time, What makes your pet spehe scratched the doors and cial? trim. He chewed his way out Juno is from a breeder in of a plastic dog cage, bent the Iowa. metal dog cage and scaled a 6 Her parents were show dogs foot fence. that won many ribbons. Juno Over the next 2 weeks, he has taken several dog classes, caused over $2,000 in damage including agility and tracking. to our home as well as breaking a canine when he tried Funny or cute story about escaping from his cage. your pet? We worked really hard with When Juno took an agila dog behaviorist to help Mack ity class, she never would run be more comfortable at home between events like the other while we were gone. dogs would - she would trot Now, he can stay at home a show dog trot. (She couldnt safely and comfortably (with- help this as she was born to be out damaging the house). a show dog.) Everyone thought it was Funny or cute story about cute and funny that she would your pet? never run, always trot.

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12 - Unified Newspaper Group - May 9, 2013

Willow Blue
Owner name: Dick and Ruth Jensen Pets age: almost 10 What kind of pet: Quaker parrot What makes your pet special? From the outset, she has been our love, offering hugs and kisses, and an occasional, I love you. Photo submitted Willow has a fairly large Willow Blue is a small aqua blue quaker v o c a b u l a r y , parrot. using certain words or phrases to communicate her out of her cage, she runs wishes. She understands and back into her bed, peeks out; responds to simple direc- and repeating our phrase, of tions. Come on, come on, often While she is hesitant to followed with a chuckle. go to visitors, she usually We also play a knock, warms up to them, and is knock version which she appreciative of the laughter started. She observes our her songs elicit. As a pet, activities and comments Willow ranks among the best appropriately such as when in companionship, entertain- I pick up my purse or put ment, watch-bird and loy- on my jacket, she bids me alty. goodbye. Willow knows parts of a Funny or cute story about number of songs and will your pet? practice them at various One of the first phrases times during the day, or she she figured out on her own will sing lines to get us to that is usually followed by interact with her. laughter, was Clean poopTwo of her favorites are an ies! when I would wipe the abbreviated On Wisconsin bars of her cage. and Varsity, which conShe invents little games cludes on rare occasions to tease us. For instance, with Yeaaaaaa! when we ask her to come

y t da Firs care y a of d ee! fr


Photo submitted

Bentley is a 5-month old standard poodle.

Owner name: Kristi Supanich Pet name: Bentley Pets age: 5 months What kind of pet: Standard Poodle How long you have had your pet: 2 months What makes your pet special? Hes adorable, smart and loves tennis balls! Hes a perfect match for our family!

(608) 835-0551 Oregon, WI

Dental health important for pets, too

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We carry Evangers, Daves, Premium Edge & Professional pet foods for particular pet parents.
We all know keeping our teeth clean is vital to our health and well-being. That is no different for our pets. Ideally, you should brush your pets teeth daily, said Dr. Johnathon Dodd, clinical professor at Texas A&Ms College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Make sure you are using special toothpaste that is made for pets and is safe for them to swallow. They cannot spit or rinse like we do. Having your pets teeth inspected and cleaned is an important responsibility many owners overlook. This seemingly slight slip of your pets dental care could be causing serious problems in your pets mouth. Gum disease is the most common disease occurring in pets today. It results from the build-up of soft dental plaque on the surfaces of the teeth around the gums. The bacteria in dental plaque irritate the gum tissue if it accumulates, which leads to infection in the bone surrounding the teeth. After plaque has formed hard dental tartar, calcium salts from saliva that has been deposited on plaque, begins to grow. If the surface of the tooth does not stay clean, tartar begins to form within a few days. The unbrushed tooth provides a surface that boosts further plaque accumulation, making tartar difficult to remove without dental instruments. Gum disease means bad breath and painful, irritated gums that can lead to bleeding, loss of appetite and even the loss of teeth. Bacteria surrounding the root of the tooth can also gain access to the bloodstream, which can lead to microscopic damage of the heart, liver, and kidney. As the severity of the gum disease increases, so does the damage. The best way to ward off potential oral disease in your pet is by keeping your pets teeth clean and checkups regular. Your veterinarian and local pet retail stores should carry toothbrushes and toothpaste for your pets. Different flavors of toothpastes are available for dog and cats. Your pet needs to get their teeth cleaned yearly, said Dodd. Most veterinary clinics should offer dental cleaning services, but if they do not they can

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refer you to someone who does. To help ward off gum diseases and bad breath, there are dog treats you can feed your pet that help improve and promote oral health. The right kind of treat should crumble, be easily crushed and contain chlorhexadine or a hydrogen peroxide-type additive that can help with the bacteria count in the animals mouth, Dodd said. The Veterinary Oral Health Council website has a compiled list of products that are intended to help reduce the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth of animals and have created the VOHC seal of approval. To see the full list of VOHC approved products Brushing your pets teeth, taking them for a yearly visit to the dentist, and giving them VOHC approved products are all ways that you can help make sure your pet has a clean and healthy mouth. Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University.

May 9, 2013 - Unified Newspaper Group - 13

Safety: Plants can be toxic

Continued from page 10 can upset a pets stomach, but some contain more dangerous chemicals that can cause death if consumed. Its important to follow directions when applying a chemical to your yard and keep pets away from the area. Inform neighbors when applying insecticides and fertilizers since these products can drift in light winds, and always store them in controlled areas. Always store household cleaning supplies in controlled spaces. Like insecticides and fertilizers, household cleaners should be stored in controlled spaces since they can cause death very quickly. Batteries, fire logs and glue should also be kept out of reach of pets. Keep toxic foods and medicines out of reach. Chocolate, raisins, sugarfree gum, star fruit and grapes are toxic to pets and should be kept out of reach, just like ibuprofen and amphetamine medications. Following these tips is the next best thing to teaching pets to read labels, says Dr. Bierer. It not only makes your home a safer place for your pets, it makes it safer overall. If you suspect your pet has consumed a toxic substance, immediately contact your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Hotline at (800) 231-6680. To learn more about preparing your home for pets, or StatePoint

Hauris Light Hauling and Handyman Service LLC

Phillip Hauri - Owner Almost All Indoor and Outdoor Home Repairs Brush and Tree Removal Dumpster Rental (Roofers) Removal of Unwanted Items Gutter Cleaning Lawncare 15 years experience Fully Insured Free Estimates


Have Your Dog Walked While Youre At Work

Photo submitted

Winston, a Great Dane, leads owner Meechelle Bordeaux, a Dane County Human Society volunteer, at All Saints Assisted Living.

Assisted living facility gives back for Humane Society visits

Each month residents at All Saints Assisted Living and Memory have the opportunity to help with a community outreach project. Recently residents made tie blankets and pillows and decorated bandanas for the animals at the Dane County Humane Society (DCHS). Staff and volunteers from DCHS and two special fourlegged guests then visited All Saints to share information about the shelter and to thank residents for their gifts. The facility is part of the All Saints Neighborhood, a Catholic Charities company located on Madisons west side.

24 Hour Emergency Service Science Diet Pet Food Office hours by appointment
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Daily Walks start at $22 each or $100 per week

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1621 E. Main St., Stoughton 873-8112

Adopt A Pet From Angels Wish

Additional information about these animals available for adoption can be found online at: 161 Horizon Drive, Verona, WI 53593 (608) 848-4174 These pets are sponsored by the following businesses:

Domestic Short Hair Black, Mix Located: Verona 203 W. Verona Ave., Verona 845-6700


Calico/Domestic Short Hair Mix Located: Verona 233 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0075

Maggie Mae

Malcolm The Dog Lover

Domestic Short Hair Gray & White Mix, FIV+ Located: Verona 210 S. Main St., Verona 608-845-6478

Domestic Short Hair Manx Mix Located: Verona


Animal Hospital of Verona

Saving Thyme

Miller & Sons Supermarket

McFarland State Bank

207 S. Forrest St., Stoughton 873-6681 3162 Cty. B, Stoughton 873-2010

Not Just a Pharmacy

Shop our excellent selection of gifts while we fill your prescription
Crabtree & Evelyn Products Freshwave Products Crossroads Candles Greenleaf Fragrances Willow Tree and More
(HSA cards accepted)

Torbie Domestic Short Hair Mix Located: Verona 787 N. Main St., Oregon 835-3939


Domestic Short Hair Torbie Mix, FIV+ Located: Verona 3185 Deer Point Dr., Stoughton 800-699-7449


Domestic Short Hair Tabby - Brown Mix Located: Verona


Domestic Short Hair Gray & White Located: Verona


M-F 9am-6pm Sat 9am-1pm Closed Sunday

Bills Food Center

Shaw Building & Design

235-2927 [email protected]

Kathy Bartels Coldwell Banker Success

Country View Veterinary Service

1350 S. Fish Hatchery Rd., Oregon 835-0551

202 S. Main Street, Verona 848-8020 Check out

14 - Unified Newspaper Group - May 9, 2013

Adopt A Pet From Dane County Humane Society

View all of our animals and detailed descriptions at Dane County Humane Society 5132 Voges Rd., Madison, WI 53718 838-0413 These pets are sponsored by the following businesses:

Female, Black Domestic Longhair Located: Dane County Humane Society

COOKIE - 13145409

Female, New Zealand Rabbit Located: DCHS Mounds East 2384 Jackson St., Stoughton 877-9548

MEL - 19201507

PEACHES - 18883556
Female, Lionhead Located: DCHS Mounds East

CONNIE - 19623602
Female, Siamese Mix Located: Dane County Humane Society

SAGITTARIUS - 16482031
Male, White/Brown Shorthair Located: Dane County Humane Society

Female, New Zealand Rabbit Located: DCHS Mounds East 787 N. Main St., Oregon 835-3939

NAN - 19201458

Verona Hometown Pharmacy

202 S. Main St., Verona 608-848-8020

Radio Shack

Andrea Zehner 608-381-5758 [email protected]

Pet Friendly Sitting Services

Gerlach Wholesale Flooring, Inc.

112 Janesville St., Oregon 835-8276

608-848-1800 212 E. Verona Ave., Suite B, Verona

Unwin Chiropractic

Bills Food Center

BAMBI - 19697715
Female, Terrier mix Located: Dane County Humane Society

Male, Labrador Retriever Located: Dane County Humane Society 3185 Deer Point Dr., Stoughton 800-699-7449

TUCKER - 17961936

HONEY - 19372520
Female, Brown Tabby Located: Dane County Humane Society

ARCHIMEDES - 19684324
Male, Ferret Located: Dane County Humane Society

TIGGER OL TEDDY - 18947008

Male, Bichon Frise Located: Dane County Humane Society

Female, Muted Shorthair Located: Dane County Humane Society

PATCH - 19460401

Keith & Kinsey Schulz, Real Estate Team Great Rock Realty, LLC
492-2272 [email protected]

Shaw Building & Design

211 Legion Street, Verona 608-845-7625

Rockweiler Insulation

119 W. Verona Ace, Verona 608-845-7920

Verona Ace

3097 Sunnyside St., Stoughton 205-9300


All Saints Assisted Living & Memory Care

8210 Highview Dr., Madison 608-243-8800

ETTIE - 18832614
Female, Gerbil Located: DCHS Mounds East

AMBER - 19751509
Female, Dutch Rabbit Located: DCHS Mounds East 18 Maple St., Evansville 882-5330

Female, Domestic Longhair Located: Dane County Humane Society 5396 King James Way, Ste 210, Madison 608-442-1898

CUDDLES - 4027467

PENNY - 19237176
Female, Torteshell Located: Dane County Humane Society

MANUEL - 19532063
Male, Goat Located: Dane County Humane Society 210 S. Main St., Verona 608-845-6478

RON SWANSON - 19606620

Male, Domestic Gray Longhair Located: DCHS Adoption Center West

1324 Hwy. 51-138, Stoughton 873-8800

Conant Automotive

Evansville Veterinary Service

Comfort Keepers

235-2927 [email protected]

Kathy Bartels Coldwell Banker Success

Miller & Sons Supermarket

2934 Chapel Valley Rd., Fitchburg 608-288-7838

Odyssey Veterinary Care

Female, Pit Bull Terrier Located: Dane County Humane Society 233 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0075

LUNA - 17464400

Female, Lionhead Rabbit Located: Dane County Humane Society 5440 Caddis Bend, Fitchburg 608-270-9200

ERIN - 18883245

Female, Black/White Shorthair Located: DCHS Mounds Middleton 203 W. Verona Ave., Verona 845-6700

ATHENA - 19465814

Female, White & Brown Shorthair Located: DCHS Mounds Sun Prairie 1621 E. Main St., Stoughton 873-8112

KITTY - 10174985

ROOSEVELT - 19532669
Male, Goat Located: Dane County Humane Society

Male, Boxer Located: Dane County Humane Society

ISAAC - 19663628

Saving Thyme

Hyland Park Community

Animal Hospital of Verona

Chalet Veterinary Clinic

Unied Newspaper Group

133 Enterprise Dr., Verona 608-845-9559

In Loving Memory of Sammy

The Larson Family Oregon, WI

Female, Pit Bull Terrier Located: Dane County Humane Society

MOO - 17933712

PHOENIX - 19105348
Female, Pit Bull Terrier Located: Dane County Humane Society

Male, Terrier/Shiba Inu mix Located: Dane County Humane Society

CONWAY - 19208882

Female, Border Collie mix Located: Dane County Humane Society

ALBANY - 19636556

Male, Chihuahua Located: Dane County Humane Society

INKY - 19694654

Female, Rat Terrier mix Located: Dane County Humane Society

VELMA - 19703098

Charlies Bark Park 350 Enterprise Ave., Belleville 424-1300

845-9559 x226 [email protected]

Jeremy Jones, sports editor

Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237 [email protected] Fax: 845-9550


Thursday, May 9, 2013


Verona Press
For more sports coverage, visit:


Track and field

Girls soccer

Wing, Roark split defense to tie up Oregon

Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

Photos by Jeremy Jones

Junior Adam Stiner won the discus at Tuesdays Verona triple double with this throw of 136 feet, 1 inch. The Wildcats finished with 61 1/2 points well behind first place Middleton, which had a team score of 90. Sun Prairie was a distant third with 34 1/2.

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Wildcats thrown for a loop

Junior Alex Anderson (2:01.44) and senior thrower Adam Stiner (134-5) went on to take fourth in the 800 and discus, respectively. Junior Steven Harnett added a fifth-place finish in the 300 intermediate hurdles (42.91) and sixth place in the 110 high hurdles (16.06). Veronas top relay performance came from the 4x800 team of sophomore Brady McCormick and juniors Nick Alt, Elliot Imhoff and Kyle Krueger finished fourth in 9:.11.15. Verona hosted Middleton and Sun Prairie in a triple dual on Tuesday, splitting the meet with 61 1/2 points to finish ahead of Sun Prairie (34 1/2). Middleton ruled the meet with a 90, however. Dietlin posted a season best triple and high jump and matched his personal best in the pole vault, winning all three events. Entering competition at 11-6, Dietlin felt he had a chance at Veronas school record of 13-6 in the pole vault. And while he won the competition on jumps at 13 feet he was pushed the entire way by Middletons Parker Johnson, who PRed by over a foot. Yesterday in practice, everything was going really well, and I felt really good today, Dietlin said. My goal was definitely to get that school record. By the end it was Dietlins high jump that drew a crowd, though. He attempted to beat both a school record and track record of 6-8 1/4. People say its a high height and you have to mentally get over it, said Dietlin, who officially cleared 6-6 to win the event. I didnt care about how high it was. I missed it, which was a bummer, but Ill have more opportunities. With both events going on simultaneously, they certainly took a toll.

Despite persistent rain throughout the day, the Wildcats boys track team traveled to Madison Memorials Mansfield Stadium for the 45th annual Spartan Invite against 13 of the top teams in the state. Senior Matt Dietlin once again turned in Veronas top honor, finishing runner-up in the high jump with a high of 6 feet behind only Stevens Points Sean Dietlin VanHelden (6-2). Stevens Point won the meet with 140 1/2 points well ahead of Racine Park (92). The host Spartans and Madison West tied for third with 75 points, while Verona and Racine Horlick tied for sixth with 54.
Senior Caleb Baltes putts on the seventh hole Tuesday at Yahara Hills Golf Course. The Wildcats played Madison East and won 301-332. Baltes shot a 75. The win propelled Verona to a 9-0 Big Eight Conference dual record.
Photo by Anthony Iozzo

Toward the end of high jump tonight, it felt pretty bad, Dietlin said. Earlier in the meet he jumped a lifetime best 41-8 to take the triple jump. Adam Stiner added the discus title in 136-1, while Joe Pagura finished second in the shot put (45-5 1/2). Steven Harnett added the 110 high hurdles in 15.4. Ryan Nameth, who has been battling a injury this season, took the 3,200 in 9:56.9. Alex Anderson capped Veronas first-place finishes, winning the 800 in 1:58.3. Ben Feller (4:36.5) and Cameron Tindall (11.1) finished runner up in the 1,600 and 100, respectively.


The Wildcats finished in the

Freshman Shelly Wing and the rest of the Verona girls soccer team could have given up Tuesday against sixthranked Oregon. Wing was reeling from an injury after a collision with Oregon senior goalie Brit Peckham, and the Wildcats found themselves down 1-0 with only three minutes left in regulation. Instead, Wing split the defense with a pass up the middle of the field to freshman Ellery Roark in the 78th minute, and Roark finished the play with a fast roller past Peckham to tie the game. That 1-1 score remained after two overtimes. They are definitely a good team, ranked in the top 10, and so we needed to come and show up to play, Verona head coach Jennifer Faulkner said. Digging back after that late goal takes a lot of grit. And so did Wings play through an injury. In the 62nd minute, a ball was played through the middle near the top of the penalty box, and Peckham came out to play the ball. Wing was there too, and she and Peckham collided, with Wing taking a kick to the stomach. Faulkner said Wing played tough to get through the shake up, and it is a theme that other underclassmen seem to be following as well. Our freshmen are really stepping up and giving us great minutes, she said. They are giving us good energy and effort up top. Shelly threaded the needle with that pass, and Ellery was there to finish. That was beautiful. Oregon struck first in the 70th minute after senior Annie Zavoral found junior forward Eliza Neidharts head.

Turn to Track/Page 18

Turn to Soccer/Page 17

Boys golf

Cats finish regular season 9-0 in Big 8 duals

Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

each shot a 75. Junior John Tackett fin- Invitational Saturday at Lake Wisconsin ished the scoring with a 77. Country Club. Verona finishes the Morgan Stanley The Wildcats shot a 310, eight strokes The Verona boys golf Big Eight dual Shootout at 8:30 a.m. Thursday. It began behind first-place Madison Memorial. Reinecke shot a 70 to finish tied for season record is 9-0 this year after a 301- Wednesday. first, but he lost in a playoff. Feller (76), 332 win over Madison East Tuesday at Beloit triple dual Schmitz (81) and Tackett (83) finished Yahara Hills Golf Course. The Wildcats played Middleton and the scoring. The undefeated record is something that head coach Jon Rebholz said hasnt Beloit Memorial in a triple dual May 1 at Krueger Haskell Golf Course and won Waukesha West Invitational happened since he took over as coach. The Wildcats traveled to Merrill Hills The three seniors have always been 319-332 over Middleton and 319-324 Country Club Monday and finished sevsteady this year, and it seems like some- over Beloit Memorial. Reinecke led the way with a 78, while enth out of 22 teams (335). one else, either (John) Tackett or (Riley) Reinecke took third overall with a 74, Schmitz, comes through, Rebholz said. Tackett shot a 79. Baltes and Feller finwhile Feller shot an 82. Tackett (86) and You dont go 9-0 with just a couple of ished the scoring with a pair of 81s. Schmitz (93) finished the scoring. guys doing well. It takes a whole team. Baltes was not on the course for Senior Tyler Reinecke shot a 74, while Sauk Prairie Invitational seniors Caleb Baltes and Matt Feller Verona took second at the Sauk Prairie Verona.


May 9, 2013

The Verona Press


Cats drop four conference games in tough week

Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor


Big Eight

It was a tough week for the Team W-L Verona baseball team. Sun Prairie 9-2 The Wildcats dropped Madison West 7-2 four Big Eight Conference Janesville Craig 5-3 games to drop to 2-8 overall (2-8 conference), including a Middleton 4-3 doubleheader sweep against Beloit Memorial 5-4 Madison Memorial. Verona travels to Middle- Mad. Memorial 4-5 ton at 3:30 p.m. Thursday for Madison East 2-5 a doubleheader. The Wildcats play another double- Mad. La Follette 2-5 header against Madison La Verona 2-6 Follette at 10 a.m. Saturday Janesville Parker 2-7 at Stampfl Field. They close the week at 5 p.m. Tuesday against Janes- the bases with one out. Sun ville Parker at Stampfl Field. Prairie third baseman Carter Brekke followed with a Janesville Craig 5 game-winning two-run single. Verona 4 Junior Mitch Flora led off The Wildcats hosted the bottom of the seventh Janesville Craig Thursday with a sharp single to left and lost a back-and-forth field, and he advanced to game 5-4. third with two outs. Verona grabbed a 4-3 lead However, Flora would in the fifth inning. remain at third as Sun Prairie Junior John Moynihan had retired the last batter. the first RBI with a double Both teams were held down the left field line. He scoreless through five then scored on an RBI single innings until Verona junior from junior Jake Armstrong, Jeff Reinholtz scored on a who later scored on a RBI wild pitch in the bottom of single from senior Derek the sixth. Witte. Senior Trevor Kermicle The Cougars tied the game took the loss for the Wildin the top of the sixth inning cats. He allowed two earned on a passed ball. They then runs on three hits in 3 2/3 scored the decisive run after innings. He struck out four an error in the seventh. and walked two. Janesville had no hits after the first two inning after Madison Memorial DH grabbing an early 3-0 lead on Verona hosted Madison four singles. Memorial in a doubleheader The Wildcats scored their Tuesday and lost 11-2 and first run in the bottom of the 9-0. fourth inning when senior Freshman Ben Rortvedt Kyle Reichert scored on a picked up an RBI double, RBI single from Witte. and sophomore Connor Offensively, Verona was Volker had an RBI single in led by Reichert (2-for-4) and game one. Armstrong (2-for-4). Moynihan picked up the Witte worked all 7 innings loss in game one. He went 5 on the mound, allowing only 1/3 innings for the Wildcats. two earned runs on four hits. He allowed three earned runs He struck out three, walked on eight hits. He struck out two and hit four batters. four batters and walked two. Freshman Keaton KnuepSun Prairie 2 Verona 1 pel picked up the loss in The Wildcats battled No. game two. He worked 3 5 Sun Prairie Monday at 2/3 innings allowing three Stampfl Field and lost 2-1. earned runs on four base Verona went into the sev- hits. He struck out four and enth inning holding a 1-0 walked five. lead, but Sun Prairie loaded

Photos by Jeremy Jones

Freshman catcher Nicole Neitzel tags out Cardinal baserunner Kristen Hoppman trying to score in the second inning of Saturdays 10-0 loss at Sun Prairie. Verona only managed three hits off Hoppman in the teams first loss of the season.

Cats declawed by Hoppman, Sun Prairie

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Undefeated no more. Verona faced one of the best teams in the state and lost to them twice last week.

Sun Prairie 10, Verona 0 (6 inn.)

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The Wildcats have put up runs, and even won a game, with less hits this season. But an offense struggling to put the ball in play against one of the states best teams proved too much to overcome Saturday as Verona fell 10-0 in six innings at Sun Prairie. Despite the clout the Cardinals are carrying off of last years success, head coach Todd Anderson was expecting a much closer game, I knew they were capable of something like this Sun Prairie is a great ball club, he said. We didnt hit the ball well and made a few mistakes. You cant do that against a good team. After reaching new heights in 2012 including the programs first Big Eight title and a shot at the WIAA Division 1 state championship the Cardinals come into this season with their sights set on repeat performances on both counts. Its a high bar and a tough goal, but it is definitely achievable, head coach Jamie Olson said. If were going to get back there, this is the group of kids that can do it. And I have all the faith in them to do it. The squad returns eight of nine starters from last years team, which went 24-4 overall and fell 4-3 to Chippewa Falls in the Division 1 championship game. Kristen Hoppman, an all-conference and All-State pitcher as a junior, allowed two hits to Ray, while striking out four with no walks. Undefeated Sun Prairie, which finished with 14 hits, led off the bottom of the sixth with three-straight singles before Jenna Dammen singled home Brianna Peterson to cap the 10-run victory. The host Cardinals jumped out to a 4-0

Verona second baseman Taylor Maier is unable to get the ball out of her glove as Sun Prairies Brianna Peterson slides safely into second base in the sixth inning.

lead through two innings as misfortune struck Verona from the start. Inducing Sun Prairie lead-off hitter Katelyn Huemmer to hit the ball harmlessly on the infield, it looked as though the Wildcats would start the game by putting away the All-Conference and AllState third baseman. Looks proved deceiving, though, as the first base ump ruled Bailey Buisker off the bag. Veronas ills grew larger from there when Brianna Peterson tripled over the head of Bea Kealy in right field to plate the games first run. Hoppman helped her own cause, adding a bloop RBI single into right field. Peterson tacked on two more with a two-run RBI single in the second. Sun Prairie added three runs in the fourth and sixth to put the visiting Wildcats away in six innings. Verona only threatened in the top of the fourth when Emma Ray hit a single over second and Claudia Kepler singled back up the box with no outs. Hoppman and the Cardinals got out

of the jam, inducing a pair of pop outs in foul territory and a ground out. With three days standing between his teams first loss and a second meeting with the Cardinals, Anderson continued, We know what we need to work on. After winning big some teams might relax, I dont know if Sun Prairie will, but I know the pressure if off us. We have a mark in the loss column now and we can come back and play a lot looser. Verona was able to reschedule game at Sun Prairie from Friday to Saturday as the Wildcats had already cancelled their non-conference doubleheader at home against Kaukauna.

Sun Prairie 2, Verona 0

Three days after being shut out on the Cardinals home field, Verona welcomed Sun Prairie to the Country View softball diamond. Despite being held to just three hits, the Wildcats, which eventually fell 2-0, saw

Turn to Softball/Page 18

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May 9, 2013

The Verona Press


Home Talent League

Cavaliers drop Monroe in Sunday League opener

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Derek Murphy drove in three runs with a bases-clearing triple as host Verona posted a 13-3 win over Monroe. The defending Home Talent League champions, Verona collected 12 hits in the win, including extra-base hits from Murphy and a double from Danny Koss (2-for-3). Matt Peetz (2-for-5) and Derek Burgenske (2-for5) each collected multiple hits for the Cavaliers, who

watched Ben Wallace work five innings, striking out four for the win. Waunakee hosts the Cavaliers on Thursday in a Central Division Night League debut. Verona then travels to Western Section rival Ridgeway for a 1 p.m. game Sunday. The Cardinals were the only team to defeat the Cavaliers last season. Verona has won four of the past five championships, including threestraight titles from 200810.

Sport shorts
Nelson named Division 1 Swimmer of the Year
Photo by Anthony Iozzo

Freshman Emily Krogman races to gain offensive position in overtime Tuesday in a non-conference game against No. 6 Oregon.

Soccer: Two wins and a tie

Continued from page 15 Neidhart smashed the ball into the goal. But besides the goals, both teams exchanged momentum and shots throughout the game. Verona almost scored in the 61st minute when a ball hit the post. It then almost won the game in the second overtime but Peckham robbed the Wildcats in the 98th minute. I really think we showed up for the overtime, Faulkner said. I told the girls that if we had played the whole game like that, then it might have had a different outcome. I think we played really hard and really well in the last 20 minutes. Peckham finished with 12 saves for Oregon, while senior goalie Sarah Schoeberle collected 11 for Verona.

scoring with a second assist to Retrum. Verona hosts Madison East at 5 p.m. Thursday and Madison Edgewood at 5 p.m. Friday. The Wildcats then travel to Hartland Arrowhead at 7 p.m. Monday and Madison West at 7 p.m. Tuesday.

Big Eight Conference

Team W-L-T Madison Memorial 5-0 Madison West 4-1 Middleton 3-1-1 Sun Prairie 3-2 Janesville Craig 3-1 Team W-L-T Madison East 3-2 Verona 2-3-1 Beloit 1-5 Madison La Follette 1-5 Janesville Parker 0-5

Verona Area High S c h o o l freshman girls swimmer Beata Nelson was named Wisconsin Divi- Nelson sion 1 Girls Swimmer of the Year at Sundays Wisconsin Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association banquet at the Chandelier Ball Room in Hartford. Nelson won the 50-yard

freestyle and the 100 backstroke and helped the 400 free relay team to third place at the WIAA state tournament this past fall season. Nelsons wins in the 50 free and 100 back both broke state records. Only swimmers and divers receiving All-State swimming and diving standards are invited to the banquet. Nelson is the first Wildcat swimmer to win the award, voted on by coaches who are members of the WISCA, going back to at least 200. The award has gone to a swimmer from the Big Eight Conference in five of the past six years.

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Verona 5, Janesville Parker 0

Verona traveled to Janesville Parker last Thursday and won 5-0. Roark scored two goals for the Wildcats, one in the 47th minute and a second in the 60th minute. Sophomore Ari Makuch assisted on the second goal. Makuch started the offense in the 15th minute with a goal. Senior Carissa Kolpek picked up the assist. Wing and sophomore Felicia Retrum also scored goals. Junior Morgan Dykman had an assist on Retrums goal.

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Verona 6, Madison La Follette 0


The Wildcats crushed Madison La Follette last Friday 6-0. Freshman Emily Krogman scored twice in the second half to lead Verona. Freshman Makenna McGilvray struck first with an assist to sophomore Teeghan Tvedt, while Makuch scored the second goal with the assist to Retrum. Kolpek added a goal with another assist to Tvedt, while Wing finished the

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May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

Boys tennis

Sports shorts
Baker selected in USHL draft
players with a 1997 birth year. to win 6-1, 1-6, 6-3 at 4 singles. Verona closed out the weekend against a familiar opponent in Big Eight Conference rival Madison Memorial. As a result the Wildcats switched up their lineup. Rudnitzky stepped up to No. 1 doubles, where he knocked off Andrew Liu in three sets, 6-2 (2), 7-5. Sophomore Nolan Fink added the only other singles win, taking his 3 singles match, 3-6, 6-4, 6-2. Argall and Davenport capped their undefeated weekend with a 7-5, 6-3 win at No. 1 doubles, while senior Tanner Breisch and junior Jun Yan held on 3-6, 6-4, 6-4 at 3 doubles to help Verona secure the win. Argalls only loss of the season so far came against West DePeres Nick Dykama, while Davenport fell to his brother, Jack, and against Sam Berman of Nicolet. as Hadjiev and Gerdes, turned in Veronas two more dominating performances, rolling 6-1, 6-0 and 6-0, 6-0 at No. 1 and 2 doubles. Veronas lone loss came to freshman Patrick Conley, a JV call-up at No. 4 singles, which fell 6-3, 6-4 in his varsity debut. Seven Wisconsin players were chosen in Phase 1 of the USHL Draft held on Monday, including former Verona Area High School hockey player Tarek Baker, who was selected with the third pick in the second round of the United States Baker Hockey League by the Des Moines Bucaneers. Baker, a left winger who played his freshman season for the Wildcats, spent this past season playing for Omaha Hockey. The eight round draft saw 113 players selected, along with seven tenders as 120 players were tabbed by the USHL teams. The Phase 1 portion, formerly known as the Futures Draft, allowed teams to select

Verona show talent at Nicolet Invitational

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Bartkowiak, Wilderness win Dudley-Hewitt Cup

Seniors A n d r e w Argall (211) and Brian Davenport (22-2) continued to topple topflight com- Argall petition from around the state last weekend, rolling to 4-0 records over the twoday Nicolet Invitational. Davenport The Wildcats opened last weekends invite with a 5-2 loss to perennial state powerhouse University School of Milwaukee, but fought back to win the teams next three duals. Argall defeated Michael Lukas, a Division 2 state qualifier a year ago, 6-4, 6-3, while Davenport survived a super tiebreaker 4-6, 6-4 (10-7) against Jack Collison. Verona bounced back Friday with a 4-3 win over Sheboygan North as Argall toppled his No. 1 singles opponent, 6-0, 6-0. Davenport, Philip Rudnitzky and Alex Pletta each dropped only a game in cruising to straight-set victories at the other three singles flights. Brookfield Central provided another solid challenge Saturday morning as the Wildcats battled through a tough three set match at No. 2 doubles to take the second of two 4-3 victories at the invite. Rolling through the first set, seniors Alex Had jiev and Austin Gerdes dropped a back-and-forth second set. They eventually regrouped to close out the match, 6-3, 5-7, 6-0, and help Verona secure victory in the process. Seniors Argall, Davenport and James Schad provided the other three wins. Davenport swept both sets, 6-0, 6-0 at No. 2 singles, while Argall added a 6-1, 6-4 atop the lineup. Moving up from 1 doubles, Schad needed three sets

Verona 7, Janesville Parker 0

Verona 6, Sun Prairie 1

Verona made up its April 15 dual against Sun Prairie on Wednesday with a 5-2 victory over the Cardinals. Everyone on the singles side moved up a spot with No. 1 singles player Argall sitting out the dual as a precaution (with abdominal soreness). Despite a first-game hiccup against Sun Prairie, junior Keegan Moldenhauer at 1 singles, Davenport fought back to cruise to a straight set victory with a dominating performance in the second set, 7-6 (3), 6-1. Rudnitzky and Pletta, meanwhile, let no doubt about their matches at No. 2 and 3 singles, cruising 6-1, 6-1 and 6-2, 6-2, respectively. Three doubles presented Verona with its biggest challenge of the evening as Matt Blessing and Jackson Hutchcroft once again faced a third set. This time the freshman and junior were able to come way victorious, however, holding off Nick Fredrickson and Ben Havlicek, 6-4, 4-6, 7-5. Schad and Fink, as well New Monthly Class 2-Hour Joint Movement Flow Sat., May 25 8:00 a.m.

The Wildcats had little trouble handling their second straight conference dual on Thursday as the team traveled south to Janesville for a dual against Parker. Once again led by solid singles play, Verona cruised to a 7-0 win behind Argalls 6-0, 6-0 victory. Davenport, Rudnitzky and Pletta didnt drop more than a game apiece from there, dominating play throughout the rest of the singles lineup. As a team, Verona is very strong, especially in singles, Parker coach Mike Fuhrmann said. Their No. 1 player (Andrew Argall) is among the top eight in the state. The Wildcats also got solid doubles player as Schad and Fink, Hadjiev and Gerdes and Blessing and Hutchcroft all rolled in straight sets. Schad and Fink took their No. 1 doubles match, 6-4, 6-2, while Hadjiev and Gerdes toppled their competition, 6-2, 6-2, at 2 doubles. Blessing and Hutchcroft added a 6-0, 6-2 win at 3 doubles. Veronas JV won 4-3.

Former Verona hockey player Danny Bartkowiak helped the Minnesota Wilderness of the Superior International Junior Hockey Leauge secure its first-ever Royal Bank Cup appearance after defeating the St. Michaels Buzzers Bartkowiak (OJHL) 4-3 in overtime of the Dudley-Hewitt Cup on Saturday. Bartkowiak, a forward, has 6 goals and 18 assists in 35 games. The victory advanced the Wilderness to the five-team Royal Bank Cup, which will be held in Summerside, Prince Edward Island from May 11-19.

Photo by Jeremy Jones

Senior Katy Miller anchors Veronas 4x200-meter relay to victory in 1 minute, 47.3 seconds. Miller added titles in the 300 hurdles and the 4x400 relay as the Wildcats posted 60 points.

Track: Cats split with Big Eight rivals

Continued from page 15 middle of the road of Tuesdays Big Eight Conference dual meet, finishing 13 points behind a solid Sun Prairie (73) team, but ahead of Middleton (53). Senior Katy Miller scored big for Verona, posting a season-best 47.3 to win the 300 hurdles. Despite injuries to the teams sprinter core, Miller helped the 4x200 relay of Shannon Kerrigan, Kylie Schmaltz and LaCroix win in 1:47.3 and the 4x400 quarter of Schmitz, LaCroix and sister Hannah Miller to victory with a 4:06.8. We knew our sprinter depth was going to be the strength of this team, Wildcats head coach Mark Happel said. Were being tested more than expected, but weve have a lot of girls that have stepped up. LaCroix added the 800 in 2:25. Senior Jordan Bartholf won the discus (100-2) and PRed in the shot put (36-5) to finish second. Beautiful weather and great competition, Happel said. Thats two things we havent had the same night all season until tonight. The Wildcats girls invitational at La Crosse Central last Thursday was cancelled to due inclement weather. Verona travels to Lussier Stadium at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 14, for the Big Eight Conference meet.

Verona 7, Mad. East 0

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Verona hosted Madison East on Tuesday and blanked the Purgolders, 7-0. Argall and the Wildcats No. 2 doubles team of Hadjiev and Gerdes both cruised to 6-0, 6-0 wins. Rudnitzky and Pletta tacked on a 6-1, 6-0 wins at No. 3 and 4 singles, while Davenport took his 2 singles match, 6-2, 6-2. Schad and Fink took care of business at No. 1 doubles, 6-1, 6-1, while Blessing and Hutchcroft did the same, 6-1, 6-0, at 3 doubles. The Wildcats travel to Madison West on Thursday before hosting Beloit Memorial on Monday, May 13, to cap the conference dual meet season. Both duals are set for 4:15 p.m. starts. All 10 conference teams reconvene at 8 a.m. inside Nielsen Tennis Stadium on Wednesday and Thursday, May 16 and 17, for the Big Eight Conference tournament.

Continued from page 15

Softball: Cats fall twice

and got the second out. Heidi Morrical later managed to single in the go-ahead run with two outs. Two errors by Verona led to a second run in the seventh.

Big Eight
Team W-L Sun Prairie 11-0 Verona 11-2 La Follette 7-3 Madison East 5-3 Janesville Craig 5-5 Mad. Memorial 5-7 Middleton 5-8 Janesville Parker 3-9 Beloit Memorial 1-8 Madison West 0-8

themselves locked in a pitchers duel through five innings as neither Ray or Hoppman allowed a run early. It wasnt until the top of a crazy sixth inning that Sun Prairie finally broke through for a run. Following a leadoff, Peterson proceeded to steal second and advance to third on a 4-3 ground out. She was later caught off third by Kepler, who faked a throw to home

Verona, Beloit (PPD.)

The Wildcats had their Thursday home game against Beloit Memorial rained out. No make-up date had been announced as the Press went to print on Tuesday evening.

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Lakes Edition


May 9, 2013

The Verona Press


Badger Ridge/Core Knowledge middle schools, Quarter 2

Grade 6
Daniel Makovec Samuel Mast Andie Almond Elise Maxson Jacob Amell Mikaylah May Max Atwell Molly McChesney Kathleen Bain Mason McCormick Brockton Baker Matthew McManus Ellen Bie Tyler McWilliams Megan Biesmann Graham Meyer Ragini Bora Cheyenne Neess Dylan Bourne Andrew Newton Lauren Breunig Luke Pajari Lillian Brings Grace Parry Irena Clarkowski Talysin Pazynski Jazmin Clausen-Thomas Breyona Penn Evan Coombs-Broekema Raechell Pertzborn Jacob Coshun Logan Peterson Lauren Damgaard Nicole Phelps Sydney Deischer Nicole Quakenbush Yasmarie Diaz Ocampo Rabadan Celia Donny Stephanie Ran Rachael Drapp Savannah Rankin Calvin Dunn Emilee Rebholz Delaney Dykman Marisa Reniero Erik Ehlenbach Azael Riday Kevin Fan Crew Risgaard Jason Ford Sapphina Roller Mila Fowler Zaria Roller Bergen Frank-Loron Olivia Rose Arlethe Garcia-Teapila Tace Rothstein Julia Gilboy Hailey Sao Jaclyn Gotchy Greta Schmidt Jeremy Grim Maike Scholz-Ruf Catalina Grimm Ian Grossenbacher- Laura Semmann Tyler Slawek McGlam Anna Slukvin Connor Grossnickle Irie Stein Danielle Hagen Sophia Steiner Braden Hake Grace Thiesenhusen Serina Hammer Nicole Thomas James Hankard Vinauv Uday Jared Hanson Ian VanderMause Michael Happel Lidia Velasco Morgan Hayes Levi Walmer Max Herkert Jori Walsh Lindsey Hollar Bridget Wermuth Joie Horsfall Lydia Wiens Kathryn Huseth Rowan Wollangk Sofia Jeddeloh David Yi Claire Johnson Grade 7 Nina Kajian Hilda Alvarez-Rodriguez Zakhary Kalifatidi Yousef Amiri Samuel Kessenich Jahan Antia Reagan Klawiter Ian Armstrong Ally Kundinger Maggie Bahlman Ashley Kundinger Peter Barger Jianna Llanto Hannah Birschbach Gail Macapugay Jacob Bolduc Leiah Breitfelder Elena Butler Benjamin Cegelski Qynn Celichowski Nikolas Christoffel Elliott Clubb Kari Cole Gaelan Combs Alexandria Conlin Timothy Curtis Alexandra Donny Elaina Durnen Justin Dyck Mykenzie Erstad Leah Evensen Benjamin Felsheim Jericho Fey Eleanor Fitzwilliams Zuniga Flores Kathryn Freitag Taylor Garsha Taytum Geier Shaylah Gerber Gavin Geronimi Alaina Govek Jessica Gruber Halli Hagen Liam Haskell Sophie Hawks Anna Heinzen Cassidy Hempel Brooke Horstmeier Hanna Houtakker Elijah Huff Jamison Huseth Ryan Hyland Ian Jameson Zachary Jannusch Hariharan Jayaraaman Kayla Johnson Jenna Jurrens Cecelia Kaeder Grant Kelliher James Kemper Maggie Kempfer Talen Kirk Kallie Knueppel Andrew Knuppel Megan Krogman Abigail Last Jake Lee Alisa Lewis Kailey Lewis Logan Lindell Elizabeth Liu Stephen Lund Caleb Mathura Carson McCorkle Connor McGowan Kacey Mortenson Margaret Murray Maggie Nunn Caulden Parkel Alexander Peart Brian Petranech Grace Polley Kathryn Porter Sarah Quinton Joshua Ratze Rylie Roddick IV Rose Kiersten Sabbarese Jane Sebastian Dane Slinger Olivia Sprunger Ryan Stewart Graham Sticha Claire Swain Nathan Tadisch Brayden Tasch Andres Temozihui Tucker Teskey Costas Tsiolis Tanner Udelhoven Raina Voss Jessica Wang Joshua Welsh Tori Wussow Zuriel Yancey Bryce Hoppe Daniel Hoppe Michaela Jaggi Clayton Jannusch Alexander Johnson Paul Kalifatidi Brian Karebu Robijn Kleijwegt Maya Kramer Kaylee Krantz Zoe Kwitek Kristina Larsen Bradly Laufenberg Jade Lee Natalie Long Mason Longseth Joshua Madalinski Joseph Maglio Theodore Manning Olivia Meland Kate Melin Kaeden Meuer Quinlan Nelson Mason Newman Megan Ngo Ana Noel Alec Ochowski Kailey Olson Rose Parker Claire Peterson Rebecca Phelps Preston Ploc Jonathan Redfern Colton Reiber Matthew Reniero Solomon Roller Eden Rothstein Lauren Samz Claudia Sanchez Anika Scholz-Ruf Grace Schraufnagel Gabriel Selzer Noa Seward Alankrit Shatadal Christine Shelton Anna Solowicz Bryn Stevens Ava Sutter Tenzin Tadhey Giselle Tomlinson Bryan Touchett John Wang Judy Watters Holly Wickstrom Claire Wilson Lindsey Yeager

Academic Honors

Photo by Jeremy Jones

Parents wait in line, backed up to Main Street, to pick up students who were on lockdown last Thursday.

Lockdown: Superintendent
says he would make same call
Continued from Page 1 events of May 2 may have been terribly upsetting to your child in a locked down classroom and for you as parents in not having adequate (or any) communication about this, he wrote. For that I apologize. Communication could improve through a new deal the district wrapped up last month, when it signed a $19,000 contract for a new notification system called SchoolReach that extends until August 2015. That s y s t e m should be ready to We implement n e x t f a l l , learned Gorrell said. a lot U s i n g t h a t s y s - from it. tem, parents w i l l a u t o - Dean Gorrell, matically be VASD signed up to superintendent receive texts or emails for school- or district-wide events such as cancellations or last weeks lockdown.

Photo submitted

The FBIs Chicago bureau circulated these photos of Paris Poe, who was considered extremely dangerous.

Would do it again

Poe was presumed armed and dangerous, and law enforcement officials at one point spotted him on foot near the intersection of Nesbitt and Fitchrona Roads after he had left an area hotel. All Verona schools are within about two miles of that spot, prompting the district-wide lockdown, Gorrell said in the May 3 letter. Poe was later seen around noon near the Copps grocery store at 6655 McKee Road, according to multiple news reports. With the suspects whereabouts unknown, we did not want to prematurely send students out of school and off buses potentially

into harms way, the letter said. Two nearby Madison schools were also under lockdown, but students werent held in classrooms and were dismissed on time, according to Channel 3 News. But Gorrell defended the districts decision to extend its lockdown beyond the school day. Given the same information at the same time, we would have made the same decision again, he said. Its always easier afterward, when theres more information, but you have to remember, in the moment, you have to go with what information do you have at that time. In a hard lockdown, students arent to leave classrooms, even to go to the bathroom, though some classrooms have bathroom access. Gorrell confirmed media reports that in one instance, some elementary school students were in a gym with no bathrooms and had to pee into buckets in a janitors closet. While not ideal, Gorrell said the teachers in that case followed protocol for keeping students out of hallways. The question is, what if that were happening right next to your kids school? Would you want them in the hallways? he said. The district has rehearsed hard lockdowns before, but never for protracted periods like last Thursday. We learned a lot from it, he said, adding that staff did an awesome job handling a difficult situation.

Grade 8

Deeba Amiri Noah Anderson Nathan Armstrong Halli Baker Jared Biddle Hunter Bourne John Coshun Camille Dalma Franny Donovan Natalee Drapp Marissa Feller Maxwell Fink Jacques Frank-Loron Emma Furniss Thomas Gerlach Danielle Gilboy Andrea Gladding Brenna Gladding Rollins Greenlaw Lucy Hagen Ella Hall Elizabeth Heinzen Noah Herkert

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May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

Photo submitted

Cold camp-out
Some hardy boys and adults from Verona Boy Scout Troop 349 recently enjoyed an overnight camp-out in sub-zero temperatures late this winter. Their activities included sledding and animal tracking. A blazing campfire was an especially popular place to gather.

No problems at Nat after brief closure last month

Mark Ignatowski
Unified Newspaper Group

No illnesses have been reported after a potential bacteria problem caused the Verona Area High School Natatorium to close April 24. A routine test last month showed the possibility of high levels of bacteria, natatorium director Angie Lucas told the Verona Press. The Public Health Department of Madison and Dane County tests the water at the pool every month, Lucas said, and last months results showed the possibility of

high levels of bacteria including E. coli and total coliform. Lucas said the chemical levels were normal. The results prompted staff to close the pool and filter the pool, which takes about five hours. A follow up test the next day indicated no dangerous bacteria levels. Lucas said it was highly unlikely that any body could have gotten sick, and that the bacteria results could have even been false-positive test. Someone would have had to drink a large amount of water (to get sick), Lucas said.

Students represent VAHS at Badger Boys State

Verona Area High School has selected the 2013 representatives to the 72nd session of Badger Boys State next month in Ripon. This years representatives, Adam Stiner, son of Ellen and Brad; Shahan Zamin, son of Amir and Renee; and Stiner Ryan Pynnonen, son of Matthew and Kathlyn, were chosen based on their qualifications as good students with strong l e a d e r s h i p Zamin skills and in the top third of their class. Badger Boys State is a youth leadership program sponsored by the Wiscon- Pynnonen sin Ameri can Legion designed to educate youth in the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship. The program developed on the fundamental principle that young people learn best by actively participating in the process that incorporates the mechanics of government modeled after Wisconsins own government at the city, county and state level. Badger Boys State representatives are selected by local high schools throughout Wisconsin and bring together about 850 high school students from across Wisconsin. This years event is June 8-15 at Ripon College. Participants develop their own party platforms, pass local ordinances and utilize a state patrol and judicial system to enforce the laws and constitution of the 51st state. Participants also have an opportunity to participate in a variety of team sports that compete throughout the week, a band and choir, color guard, the Badger Bugle Citizen, and the official newspaper of Badger Boys State. The participants are sponsored by the Verona American Legion and the Verona Optimists. For information on the program and follow the session, go to badgerboysstate. com.


May 9, 2013

The Verona Press


Apartments: Debating whether city must OK

Continued from Page 1 talking with the commission, but little of the discussion was about the apartments themselves which commissioners generally agreed would likely meet all the necessary design standards. Instead, they argued that their apartments must be allowed to be built before T. Wall Properties amends the general development plan that guides the 62-acre property off West Verona Avenue. New city planning director Adam Sayre agreed that the apartment plan generally conformed with the GDP and its 2011 amendment that allowed apartments to be moved closer to West Verona Avenue. But commissioners didnt. They were uneasy with what would remain if Wall were allowed to eat up the West Ends remaining allotment of 146 apartments (53 were built in 2011-12, and another 53 are under construction). The approved GDP shows two other large buildings on the eastern edge designated to contain apartments No action was planned for Mondays meeting, anyway, but Wall and McCloud asked for two positive statements from commissioners before they put together more details for a public hearing in June: that the plan would be in compliance with the GDP and that these apartments would not be subject to the citys year-old policy limiting apartment approvals because they were in an existing plan. Instead, they spent the evening sparring with commissioner Steve Heinzen, a real estate litigation attorney, and commission veterans who had seen the project evolve from the beginning, about whether the city was obligated to approve the apartments. It all left commissioner Jeff Horsfall with a bad taste in his mouth, pointing out what he saw as a lack of good faith despite Walls talk of working together. When Wall and McCloud left, it was without any indication that commissioners would recommend their plan to the Common Council. I thought we were very clear that we were interested in having a discussion with you, whether you were wearing the hat of T. Wall Enterprises or T. Wall Properties of sort of realigning the overall GDP, commissioner Pat Lytle told Wall. I have every intention of supporting more apartments, but I will not be issuing any more specific recommendations or feedback in terms of what this building looks like until I see some more specifics of a revised GDP. Commissioners had asked to rework the GDP and Wall agreed Monday it was a good idea because of the new world Wall has repeatedly pointed out the economy has left developers in. With apartments highly valued and commercial developments slowed, Wall successfully lobbied in 2011 to shift the apartments closer to West Verona Avenue to make them easier to develop. But in doing so, the original New Urbanist feel of the plan seemed to be compromised, Lytle explained. And a new GDP could mean revising where the last 40 apartment units are allowed to go. But Wall said he couldnt speak for T. Wall Properties, and the commission spent considerable time grilling him on why he bothered to come before them without the information they wanted. Not only were they put off by the implied threat that came from having legal counsel present, they seemed to sense a shiftiness in Walls repeated claims, including his 2-year-old comments that approving apartments in the more marketable location would prime the pump for retail development. Wall repeated that same phrase Monday, despite the lack of any activity at the West End besides apartments. And he threatened to take his business to Madison and its unbelievable, quick approval process just 10 minutes after claiming that Sun Prairies flexibility had helped it steal Marcus Theaters from Madison. It feels like weve been taken, said commissioner Jack Linder, who was a District 1 alder when the council enthusiastically approved the original plan. Im not very excited about this. Heinzen finished his comments by challenging McCloud to deliver a legal argument to staff that the city must allow the apartments because the GDP shows apartments in that spot. I dont want to say no if Im legally obligated to say yes, Heinzen said.

Obituary Deborah Ann Vollenweider

Deborah Ann (nee Benam) Vollenweider, age 59, of E7080 Sixteen Mile Lake Road, Munising, died on Friday morning, May 3, 2013 at Munising Memorial Hospital following a courageous four-year battle with cancer. She was born on March 27, 1954 in Chicago, Illinois to Dr. James and Jeanne Benam. They moved to Munising when she was one year old and Deb grew up there. Deb graduated from Sacred Heart School and then from Wm. G. Mather High School in 1972. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Georgia. Deb moved to Green Bay and went to work at Bellin Hospital. She married Wally Vollenweider on June 10, 1982, and together they raised their children. Deb and Wally were charter members of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Green Bay, and they served as Eucharistic Ministers and RCIA sponsors. They enjoyed their summers and family vacations at their camp in Munising on 16 Mile Lake, and after her retirement of thirty-four years in nursing, they made camp their permanent home. Deb was a member of Sacred Heart Church and the American Legion Auxiliary. J.J. Vollenweider, Tyler Locust, Selena Locust, Roman Ledesma, Brian Ledesma, and Aubrey Vollenweider; parents Dr. James and Jeanne Benam of Munising; siblings and their spouses Paul and Karen Benam of Green Bay, Bradley and Angie Benam of Los Angeles, Calif., Lisa and Joseph Stasiuk of the Caymen Islands, John and Teresa Benam of Marquette, Mary and Arthur Carolan of Middleton, Mass., and Elizabeth Liz Benam and Toby Sprunk of Eagle, Colo.; and numerous nieces and nephews. Deb was preceded in death by her grandparents Albert and Evelyn Kollath and Elmer and Mary Benam. Services will be held on Monday, May 13, 2013. Visitation will be held at the Bowerman Funeral Home from 10 a.m. until noon. Debs Mass of Resurrection will be celebrated by Father Chris Gardiner at Sacred Heart Church at 1 p.m. A luncheon and time of fellowship will take place in the parish hall following the funeral. Donations in Debs memory are requested to Sacred Heart Church. The completed obituary and guestbook may be viewed and signed at


Above all, Deb loved her family. As a child and with her own children, she cherished being outdoors, and was appreciative of all seasons. She camped and canoed during the summer and she snowmobiled and skated in the winters. Deb was a fantastic cook and an accomplished artist. She made hundreds of pieces of artwork and many were gifted and enjoyed by family and friends. She is survived by her husband of over thirty years and best friend Wally Vollenweider of Munising; children and their spouses Jeffrey and Vicki Vollenweider of Kewaunee, Maury and Army Command Sergeant Major Jimmy Ledesma of Savannah, Ga., Bradley Ward of Golden, Colo., and Hans and Jennifer Vollenweider of Quinnesec, Mich.; six grandchildren

Bowerman Funeral Home 302 E. Superior Street Munising, Mich, 49862 - Phone: 906-387-2400

Saturday, May 11, 2013

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the 2012 audit for the Town of Verona has been completed and that the 2012 Financial Statement for Town of Verona is available for inspection at the Verona Town Hall, 335 N. Nine Mound Road between the office hours of 8:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m. M-F. Amanda Arnold Planner/Administrator Town of Verona Posted: May 1, 2013 Published: May 9, 2013 WNAXLP ***


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the School Board of the above-named School District, at a meeting duly called, noticed, held and conducted on May 6, 2013, adopted a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF NOT TO EXCEED $2,900,000; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES THEREFOR Said Resolution was adopted pursuant to the provisions of Section 67.12(12), Wisconsin Statutes to authorize a borrowing of not to exceed $2,900,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of energy efficiency projects at District buildings, including heating, cooling, boiler and ventilation system upgrades and replacement, improvements related to energy management systems, plumbing efficiency and water


conservation, lighting replacementand lighting control upgrades, roofing upgrades,security upgrades, and building envelope improvements (the Project). Copies of said Resolution are on file in the District office, located at 700 North Main Street, Verona, Wisconsin 53593 and may be inspected weekdays, except holidays, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Section 67.12(12)(e)2, Wisconsin Statutes provides in part that a referendum is required on the question of this borrowing only if a petition is filed within 30 days after this publication signed by at least 7,500 District electors or 20% of the District electors voting for Governor at the last general election, whichever is the lesser. If no such petition is filed, then the Resolution shall be effective without a referendum. Dated this 6th day of May, 2013. BY THE ORDER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD Kenneth L. Behnke District Clerk Published: May 9, 2013 WNAXLP

4TH ANNUAL MOTHERS DAY SALE: JODI LOU ANNUAL BAKE, PLANT & CRAFT SALE: Friday May, 10 8am-5pm. Saturday May 11, 8am-2pm. Homemade baked goods, handmade crafts & plants. Pick up something for Mom & Grandma while supporting lung cancer research. Sugar River United Methodist Church, 130 N. Franklin Street, Verona.

941 HARPER DRIVE: MOVING, May 10-11, 8am-5pm. Bruno stair rail, antique wooden card tables, ladder, shop vacuum, car-parts, tools, miscellaneous.

771 GATSBY GLEN: Friday/Saturday. Dorm refrigerator, Baby-2X clothes, pictures and frames, computer, household items, snowmen

300 JENNA DRIVE: WednesdaySaturday, 8am-5pm. Multi-family. Clothing, luggage, furniture, kitchen, bedding, handbags, lighting, books, Christmas electronics, TVs, more. 440 LUCERNE DRIVE: Multi-family sale. Thursday & Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday 8am-12pm. 205 S. MARIETTA: Friday & Saturday. Craft items, jewelry making, yarn, kids clothes, toys, pedestal sink, DVDs, sandbox and much more. 1022 ONYX COURT: 5/10 & 5/11 7am4pm. Salesmans samples, brand new housewares, also Beanies, fishing stuff, MUCH MISCELLANEOUS. 2157 SUGAR RIVER ROAD: May 10 & 11 8am-5pm. Multi-family. Too many items to post. See Craigslist for list of sale items. 1109 TAMARACK WAY: Electrolux small chest freezer, 249RP SZ-undercounter refrigerator, Wavemaster freestanding punching bag, parelli level 1&2 horse training kits, 5 pc. Oster horse brush set, 2 desks, other miscellaneous. 310 WILLIAMS CIRCLE: May 9, 10 & 11. Patio set, household items, lawn mowers. 334 WILLIAM STREET: Huge combined family sale. May 10 1pm-4pm, May 11 7am-4pm. Girls/Boys clothes infant to 7yr, toys, books, household items, bookshelves, video games, tools-joyner, table saw, jigsaw, router table, everything must go. 373 WYNNWOOD DRIVE: HUGH Multi-family. Thursday-Saturday 7am5:00pm. Clothing infant - size 18, household, furniture, oak queen bed, queen mattress, toys, bikes.

612 ACADIA WAY: 5/10 & 5/11 7am4pm. Multi-family sale. Girls & adult clothes, furniture, books, household items, misc.

Due to the Memorial Day holiday, the display ad deadline for the May 29, 2013 Great Dane Shopping News will be Wednesday, May 22 at 3 p.m. Classified ad deadline will be Thursday, May 23 at Noon Deadlines for the May 30, 2013 Oregon Observer, Stoughton Courier Hub and Verona Press will be Friday, May 24 at Noon In observance of the holiday, our offices will be closed Monday, May 27.

909 BASSWOOD AVENUE: MultiFamily/Moving Sale, Open Friday/ Saturday 8:30am. Furniture, household goods, baseball & hockey cards, record albums and much, much more. 2772 CROSS COUNTRY CIRCLE: Thursday-Saturday 8am-3pm. Hundreds of brand new Pampered Chef products 35% off, Longaberger baskets, girls name brand clothes size 103, Stampin-Up supplies, kids ski boots and skis, adult bikes, misc. Christmas, western horse saddles, games, computer screens, artwork, household items, queen mattress and tons of other great stuff! 2105 DAVIS HILLS DRIVE: Hwy M-East. Friday/Saturday 7am-3pm. Furniture, lawn equipment, radial arm saw, table saw, miscellaneous.

574 HARVEST LANE: TEACHER TREASURERS! Elementary education teacher has retired. Great items for teachers, parents and day care providers. 1224 HEMLOCK: Friday and Saturday 8am-3pm. Household items, all things kids, typewriter. No early birds.

2053 HWY PB: Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday 8am-1pm. Antiques, furniture, ATV w/plow, womens size 12, wood roses, miscellaneous household. 815 JENNA CT: Floor lamp, quilt rack, TV, cookbooks, crafts, cat tree, picture frames, TV trays, bistro table, Jr. girls, boys, women & men plus sizes, household items. Cash Only! 304 LLANOS STREET: 8am-? Furniture, sewing machine, fabric, tons of craft supplies, womens plus size clothing, pets, kitchen, electric garage heater, power tools, see Craigslist ad. 583 LINDEN STREET: (Cross Country neighborhood). Thursday-Saturday, May 9-11, 9am-4pm. After 27 years, its time to clean out the basement! Complete sets of nice silverware, dishes and cookware, lots of bakeware, never used placemats and kitchen textiles, holiday dcor/light sets, yard tools, name-brand small appliances, vintage troll dolls and much more. 207 N. JEFFERSON STREET: Saturday starting at 7am. Our garage isnt big enough for this sale! Womens clothing mostly sizes 8-12 and M-L, Baby girl clothing sizes 0-9 months, Maya Wrap, microwave, push reel lawn mower, PS3 Guitar Hero Game and Guitars, scrapbooking items, books and more!

104 EDWARD CIRCLE: Two families; Friday May 10 8am-5pm, Saturday May 11 8am-3pm. Camping/picnic gear, games, small appliances, craft books and supplies, office organizers, handmade silver jewelry and MORE.

711 EDWARD STREET: May 10/11. Stampin Up! Liquidating stock 200 sets $8 or less. 1021 GATEWAY PASS: 5/11 8am4pm. Mens ping clubs, bag, ladies clubs, bag, many household items.

1227 GATEWAY PASS: May 10 & 11. Rainbow Play Station, piano, bedroom set, teen clothing, cash only.


May 9, 2013

The Verona Press

2002 HONDA Civic SI Hatchback (ep3) 2.0 liter K20 V-Tec. Lowered, 18" wheels, low profile tires, silver/aluminum color. Many performance and appearance modifications, nice car, good condition. Less than 200 miles on recently replaced 5-speed tranny, new clutch & flywheel, rebuilt CV axles, new ball joints and sway bar links. Excellent heater and A/C, Alpine stereo/cd/mp3 jack, etc. Asking $7,500 OBO. Call 608-575-5984. SHOREMASTER DOCK & Lift Headquarters! New & Used. We do it all. Delivery/Assembly/Install & Removals. American Marine & Motorsports, Schawano = SAVE 866-955-2628 (wcan)
548 Home Improvement
A&B ENTERPRISES Light Construction/Remodeling No job too small 608-835-7791 SHREDDED TOPSOIL Shredded Garden Mix Shredded Bark Decorative Stone Pick-up or Delivered Limerock Delivery Ag Lime Spreading O'BRIEN TRUCKING 5995 Cty D, Oregon, WI 608-835-7255 SNOWMARE ENTERPRISES Property Maintenance Bush Trimming Powerwash Houses Spring/Fall Clean-Up Lawncare, Gutter Cleaning 608-219-1214 DENTAL ASSISTANT Be one in just 10 SATURDAYS! WeekendDentalAssistant. com Fan us on FACEBOOK! Next class begins 9/7/2013. Call 920-730-1112 Appleton (Reg. WI EAB) (wcan)

970 Horses

975 Livestock

WALMERS TACK SHOP 16379 W. Milbrandt Road Evansville, WI 608-882-5725

350 Motorcycles

RENT SKIDLOADERS MINI-EXCAVATORS TELE-HANDLER and these attachments. Concrete breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake, concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher, rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump grinder. By the day, week, or month. Carter & Gruenewald Co. 4417 Hwy 92 Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411

990 Farm: Service & Merchandise

BEEF COWS some with calves, some due and feeder calves. 608-558-8181

BUYING CYCLES Nonrunners ok! Wisconsin Cycle Salvage 920-722-1283 [email protected] (wcan)

342 Boats & Accessories

355 Recreational Vehicles

ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all your basement needs! Waterproofing? Finishing? Structural Repairs? Humidity and Mold Control? Free Estimates! Call 888-9298307 (wcan) HALLINAN-PAINTING WALLPAPERING **Great-Spring-Rates** 30 + Years Professional Interior-Exterior Free-Estimates References/Insured Arthur Hallinan 608-455-3377 NIELSEN'S Home Improvements/ Repairs, LLC Kitchens/Bathrooms Wood & Tile Flooring Decks/Clean Eaves *Free Estimates* Insured* *Senior Discounts* Home 608-873-8716 Cell 608-576-7126 e-mail [email protected]

602 Antiques & Collectibles

$9995+ FSD for a new boat or pontoon pkg-both w/lots of standard features! New 16' pontoon w/furniture & 25HP or new 16' boat, locator, trailer & 25HP. Your Choice $9995+FSD. American Marine & Motorsports Shawano- 866-955-2628 (wcan) BOAT WORLD Over 700 New and Used Pontoons, Fishing Boats, Deck Boats, Ski-Boats, Bass & Walleye boats, Cuddys, Cruisers up to 33 feet and Outboards @ Guaranteed Best Price! Crownline Axis Malibu Triton Alumacraft Mirrorcraft Misty Harbor & more! American Marine & Motorsports Super Center Shawanowhere dreams come true 866-955-2628 (wcan) CLASSIFIEDS, 845-9559, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It pays to read the fine print.


NORWEGIAN COLLECTABLES Ethel Kvalheim corner hanging cupboard, rosemaled in and outside; large bowl; covered oval boxes; knit dolls on stands; Dale of Norway sweaters, children & adult; misc 608-692-3548 McFarland

632 Clothing: Formalwear

360 Trailers

TRAILERS @ LIQUIDATION Pricing. Boat, ATV, Sled or Pontoons. 2 or 4 Place/Open or Enclosed. American Marine, Shawano 866-955-2628 www. (wcan)

560 Professional Services

340 Autos

390 Auto: Wanted To Buy

DONATE YOUR Car, Truck of Boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3-Day Vacation. Tax Deductible. Free Towing. All paperwork taken care of! 888-439-5224 (wcan)

508 Child Care & Nurseries

WANTED: Autos, heavy trucks, equipment and scrap iron. Steve's Recycling. Hollandale, WI. 608-574-2350 (cell) =

Antique Furniture-ColleCtibleslAwn & GArden equip. Saturday, May 11tH 10:00 a.M. HAwley AuCtion Center 2669 County roAd p, Mt. Horeb, wi 53572
See for photos & details
DirectionS: 18 -151 West- Exit #70 to County Rd. P - Watch for auction arrows! Antique Furniture: Curved glass secretary, burled Oak dresser, Walnut Eastlake parlor table, Flat top steamer trunk, lamp stand w/twisted legs, sm. buffet, round Oak table + leaves, Oak rocker, Mahogany bed. collectibleS: Nancy Drew books, linens, vintage sled, solid wood trunk, Depression glass, coffee grinder, crocks, lanterns, fire extinguishers, cast iron pans, wood office chair, pocket knives, vintage records Elvis, Horton, Willie Nelson, Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, & 45s, Boy Scout items, beer glasses, belt buckles, toolS & GArDen equipment: Honda lawn mower, Toro 2 cycle snow blower, Homelite chain saw w/18 bar, Honda Tiller FG100, Troy-Bilt weed wacker/ brush cutter, B&D Hedge Trimmer, Ryobi Drill press 12-DP120, gas powered portable generator, King Kutter sod buster, 20 6 fence poles, gun cabinets. Household: Black leather love seat, chair & ottoman, office chairs, chaise lounge. terms: Cash, checks, or major credit cards, 10% Buyers Fee plus 5.5% sales tax, not responsible for accidents or losses, no guarantees or warranties.

BROWN DEER Family Daycare Stoughton/Pleasant-Springs Licensed Childcare. Openings available. 22 yrs exp. - Quiet acre lot. Best area summer trip program. Location-Experience-References. Indoor Slide- Competitive Rates. 8730711 OPENINGS FOR child care infants to school age welcome.Stoughton area Meals included. Fun learning environment. 20+ years experience with excellent references. Debbie 608-877-1711

RECOVER PAINTING Currently offering spring discounts on all painting, drywall and carpentry. Recover urges you to join in the fight against cancer, as a portion of every job is donated to cancer research. Free estimates, fully insured, over 20 years of experience. call 608-270-0440 SENSIBLE PAINTING 20 years experience. Great quality at a sensible price. Free estimates, Insured, Polite, Professional. 608-873-9623 TOMAS PAINTING Professional, Interior, Exterior, Repairs. Free Estimates. Insured. 608-873-6160

576 Special Services

MY COMPUTER WORKS! Computer problems? Viruses, Spyware, Email, Printer issues, Bad Internet Connections - Fix It Now! Professional, US Based Technicians. $25 off service. Call for Immediate Help. 888-885-7944 (wcan) ALONE? EMERGENCIES Happen! Get Help with one button push! $29.95/ month. Free equipment, Free set-up. Protection for you or a loved one. Call LifeWatch USA 888-229-1078 (wcan) .

BOOKKEEPING SERVICES: Accounts Payable & Receivables For your small business. Call now! Joy's Bookkeeping Services 608-712-6286

638 Construction & Industrial Equipment

STORE CLOSING SALE All Prom Dresses 20-75% off Over 400 dresses Princess Prom 410 Mall Drive, Appleton 920-933-4500, (wcan)

FARMI 3PT Logging Winch's, Valby 3pt PTO Chippers, New 3pt Rototillers, Loader Attachments and 3pt Attachments, New Log Splitters. (866) 638-7885 (wcan)

648 Food & Drink

100% GUARANTEED Omaha Steaks - Save 69% on the Grilling Collection. Now Only $49.95. Plus 2 Free Gifts & to-the-door-delivery in a reusable cooler. Order today. 1-888-676-2750 Use Code: 45102DJW gcoffer83 (wcan) SHARI'S BERRIES: ORDER mouthwatering gifts! 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Hand-dipped berries from $19.99 + plus s/h. Save 20% on qualifying gifts over $29! Call 888-479-6008 or visit (wcan)

516 Cleaning Services

CLEANING SERVICES Weekly, Biweekly or Monthly will also organize with great references. 608-774-3170 DEEP CLEANING SERVICE Specialists! If you need a one time cleaning, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, turnover cleaning. Home or Office. References available, fully insured. samantha@greencleanersllc. com 608-219-5986 EXPERIENCED CLEANING Lady looking for houses to clean. References. 608-609-1762 KEDLEY CLEANING For all your cleaning needs. Great rates! Excellent references. 608-695-1191

586 TV, VCR & Electronics Repair

FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED! Are you a 2-parent family over age 25 with 1 stay-at-home parent able to work with youth 10-17 years of age? Call 866-776-3760 or (wcan)

652 Garage Sales

550 Insurance

554 Landscaping, Lawn, Tree & Garden Work

SAVE MONEY On Auto Insurance from the major names you trust. No forms. No hassle. No obligation. Call READY FOR MY QUOTE now! 888-708-0274 (wcan)

SAVE ON Cable TV-Internet-Digital Phone- Satellite. You've Got A Choice! Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! 888-714-5772 (wcan)

590 Wanted: Services

532 Fencing


Wi reG. Auctioneer: A.G. Hawley #256 & Johnny Hawley #2072 2669 ctY. rD. p, mt. Horeb, Wi 53572 tAKinG quAlitY conSiGnmentS & eStAte SAleS 608-437-4650 [email protected]

CRIST FENCING FREE ESTIMATES. Residential, commercial, farm, horse. 608-574-1993

AFFORDABLE QUALITY Services LLC: Lawn Mowing & trim, Spring Clean-up. Landscaping, Reseeding, Aeration, Mulch, Decorative Stone, Shrub Trimming, Dethatching & Gutter Cleaning. Call Matt Nardi for estimate, 608-6093600 or [email protected]. Experienced and Fully Insured. ARTS LAWNCARE- Mowing, trimming, rototilling ,etc. 608-235-4389 LAWNCARE MAINTENANCE and landscaping. Lawn mowing and cleanup, organic fertilization and weed control programs. Tree and shrub planting, edging, shredded bark application, etc. Also tree pruning and cutting. Serving Belleville/ Brooklyn/Oregon/Verona /Stoughton and Madison areas. Call 608-575-5984

115 Cemetery Lots & Monuments

NEED HOST Parents for German/Swiss High School Students, for all or part of 2013-14 school year. Reflections Int'l 608-583-2412 www. (wcan)

496 CLEDELL St. #2, Oregon May 10&11 7am-6pm. ENORMOUS sale! Like new sofa/lounge chair 4pc set, recliners, more furniture, Sango Japan 12 piece place settings-Dawn Rose China, 26 pieces of pink depression glass, carnival glass, dishes, 2 Edwin Knowles plates, antiques, tons of trivets, Rocking horse collection, horse collar w/mirror & hames, 100yr. old vice, log chains, western saddles, frames, seasonal items, kids toys & games, toddler desk w/chair, kids art easel, craft supplies, Barbie townhouse, boat, RV, furniture, clothes, adult exercise stepper, girls' clothes size 10-16, shoes, books!, decorative items and more! THIS IS A MUST SEE. STOUGHTON- 1125 West Milwaukee 5/9 12pm-5pm, 5/10 8am-4pm. Adult / kid clothes , much more. See Craigslist

3 MAJESTIC lots together. Riverside Cemetary Stoughton. $1400/OBO 608201-7114

CEMETARY LOTS for 12 family members. Riverside Stoughton. $1500/OBO 608-201-7114

143 Notices

STOUGHTON- 1510 Vernon St. May 10-11 8am-4pm. :Leather recliner, reclining loveseat, solid wood end tables, LP's CD's, DVD's, books, planters, numerous household items STOUGHTON- 1541 Johnson St (corner Page & Johnson) Plant & Garage Sale. Friday, May 10 & Saturday May 11. 8amnoon. Perennials, house plants, misc.

Increase Your sales opportunities reach over 1.2 million households! Advertise in our Wisconsin Advertising Network System. For information call 845-9559 or 873-6671. HELP WANTED - PROFESSIONAL GORDON TRUCKING CDL-A Drivers needed! Up Service Technician position available at Heating and Air to $3,000 Sign On Bonus. Home Weeky Available! Conditioning Company located in Fond Du Lac County. Up to .44 cpm w/10 years exp. Benefits, 401K, At least 5 years prior experience. Good driving record EOE, No East Coast. Call 7 days/wk! TeamGTI. and communication skills. On call some nights and com 866-565-0569 (CNOW) rotating weekends. Competitive wages and benefits, 45 Drivers: Training, Class A-CDL. Train and year old company. Call 800-416-4282. (CNOW) work for us! Professional and focused training for your Class A-CDL. You choose between HELP WANTED- SKILLED TRADES Company Driver, Owner Operator, Lease Heavy Equipment Operator Career! 3 Week Hands on Operator or Lease Trainer. (877) 369-7893 www. Training School. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. (CNOW) National Certifications. Lifetime Job Placement Assistance. LAWN AND GARDEN VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497 (CNOW) POTTED TREES: 3.5-4 white spruce $22. Contractor hiring the following: Carpenters, Electricians, Painters, Concrete Labor, Steel Erectors, local/traveling Spruce and Pine $6 & up. Wholesale & retail. WI Welders, Fitters, Millwrights. For Milwaukee: 262-650- Rapids area 715-424-5008 (CNOW) 6610, Madison 608-221-9799, Fox Valley: 920-725MISCELLANEOUS 1386, Wausau: 715-845-8300. (CNOW) THIS SPOT FOR SALE! Place a 25 word classified

FLEA MARKET VENDORS needed. Green County Pickers Antique & Flea Market, Monroe, WI Fairgrounds. June 8 & 9th and Sep 7 & 8th. Booths starting $30. Application at: or call 608-325-9159.

LAWN MOWING Residential and commercial. 608-873-7038

LAWN MOWING Rototilling, Aerating Dethatching Tree/Bush Trimming, Spring/fall clean-ups landscaping, & more. Quality work Reasonable. Price 608-219-4606 ROTOTILLING, SKIDLOADER, and Lawnmowing. Brooklyn, Oregon, Evansville and surrounding areas. 608-5138572, 608-206-1548

ROTARY MEMBERS area worldwide network of inspired individuals who improve communities. For more information visit This message provided by PaperChain and your local community. (wcan)

STOUGHTON- 1892 Barber Dr. 5/3-5/5 & 5/10-5/12 9am-4pm Huge Two Weekend Yard Sale. Clothes, Furniture, Electronics, toys, Antiques and a lot more. No Early Birds

STOUGHTON- 2212 Colladay Pt. Dr Friday-Saturday May 10-11 8am-5pm. Boys Clothes 0-4T. Toys and something for everyone

PAR Concrete, Inc.

Driveways Floors Patios Sidewalks Decorative Concrete

WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous people are ready to take your money! PLEASE BE CAREFUL ANSWERING ANY AD THAT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to file a complaint regarding an ad, please contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800422-7128 (wcan)

STOUGHTON- 2709 Rolling View Rd. Fri 5/10 8-5, Sat 5/11 8-1. Huge 3 family sale. Twin mattress (like new), 1X-2X women's, jewelry, Miche bags and covers (not dealer), girls sz 8-junior, builda -bear animals & accessories, linens, kitchen, kids sleeping bags, shoes (sz.10), purses, pictures STOUGHTON- 3066 Shadyside Drive, Thurs, 5/9, 3-7pm, Fri, 5/10 8am-2pm. All high quality, name brand clothes. Youth sizes 10-16. Men's and Women's clothing. Household items, luggage, books, furniture, athletic apparel and equipment. STOUGHTON- 323 Silverado Dr 5/105/11 7am-5pm. Dining room table, couch, end tables, treadmill, clothes youth-adult, lots of misc.

163 Training Schools

HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER ad in 180 newspapers in Wisconsin for $300. Call Drivers OTR Positions Up to 45 CPM. Regional runs 800-227-7636 or this newspaper. Www.cnaads. available. Sign On Bonus $1,000. Pet Policy. O/Os com (CNOW) Welcome! deBoer Transportation 800-825-8511 www. (CNOW)

AIRLINE CAREERS: become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FFA approved training. Financial aid if qualified. Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 888-242-3193 (wcan)

Phil Mountford 516-4130 (cell) 835-5129 (office) Al Mittelstaedt 845-6960



TOWN OF MONTROSE - $35,500. Elaine Holpin, (608) 278-4180. MLS# 1660776. TOWN OF BROOKLYN - $109,000. Julie Bollig, (608) 225-2324. MLS# 1665437. OREGON - $129,900. Brenda Cuta, (608) 278-4199. MLS# 1677794. OREGON - $164,900. Mark Riese, (608) 235-5458. MLS# 1680334. OREGON - $235,900. John Norwell, (608) 698-5246. MLS# 1666650. OREGON - $285,000. Marge Van Calligan, (608) 219-8918. MLS# 1672050. FITCHBURG - $299,000. Sharon O. Christensen, (608) 843-9185. MLS# 1671705. WHISPERING OAKS, TOWN OF OREGON - $324,900. Brenda Cuta, (608) 278-4199. MLS# 1675027. OREGON - $449,900. Brenda Cuta, (608) 278-4199. MLS# 1679825. FITCHBURG - $69,900. Randy Hess, (608) 276-5211. MLS# 1667869. TOWN OF DUNN/STOUGHTON - $149,900. Charlie Fuller, (608) 4691355, Julie Larson, (608) 661-5466. MLS# 1666962.

OREGON - $179,900. Jennie W. Post, (608) 276-5206. MLS# 1670761. FITCHBURG LOFTS - $229,000. Sarah Deischer, (608) 206-1519, Melissa Hanewicz, (608) 212-5064. MLS# 1681685. OREGON - $264,900. Barb Dawson, (608) 575-3290. MLS# 1652766. SPRINGDALE - $295,000. Pam Birschbach, (608) 576-9206. MLS# 1655806. OREGON - $310,000. Patricia Sternad, (608) 216-5749. MLS# 1670262. OREGON - $358,000. Annette Tande Riemer, (608) 772-0322, Emily Christian, GRI, (608) 276-5232. MLS# 1676346. VERONA - $389,000. Sarah Deischer, (608) 206-1519, Melissa Hanewicz, (608) 212-5064. MLS# 1675046. VERONA - $390,000. Lisa Mohar, (608) 276-5218, Renee Christman, (608)278-4166. MLS# 1675358. VERONA - MVP $420,000 - $440,000. Barb Dawson, (608) 575-3290. MLS# 1671411. OREGON - MVP $700,000 - $800,000. Laurie Howard, (608) 469-6710. MLS# 1674715.

Park Verona Apartments - Housing for seniors 62 or better, or persons with a disability of any age. Pet friendly, income restrictions apply. Rent based on 30% of your income. One and two bedrooms starting at $525. Call 1-800-346-8581 for an application.

Wisconsin Management Company

A Better WayOf Living

is an equal housing opportunity provider and employer


STOUGHTON- 648 Taylor Ln 5/10 8am3pm, 5/11 8am-2pm. Futon frame, furniture, over the range microwave, kitchen misc, tools, 5'x8' enclosed utility trailer. New 5'x5' Kolbe casement window baby/ clothes, and more.

May 9, 2013
ON LAKE KEGONSA Home to share with single person w/private bedroom. Cable & internet, utilities, included. No/Smoking/Pets. $465/mo. 815-238-1000 OREGON 2-Bedroom in quiet well kept building. Convenient location. Includes all appliances, A/C, blinds, private parking, laundry and storage. $200 Security deposit. Cats OK. $650/month. 608-219-6677 OREGON 3 bedroom, ranch style modern DUPLEX, 2 car garage. C/A. Great location near school, park. Available June 1. $910. per month plus utilities. No pets. 608-575-5000 STOUGHTON- 105 West ST. 2 bedroom, appliances, water, heat, A/C, ceiling fan, on site laundry. Well kept and maintained. On site manager. Next to Park. $725 per month. 608-238-3815 STOUGHTON- 1 bedroom upper, W/D, stove and refrigerator inc. No Pets. $525+ utilities+ security deposit. 608873-6711 STOUGHTON 3 Bedroom Duplex in quiet neighborhood near Fox Prairie School. $850 Month +Utilities. Water/ Sewer Included. 608-843-7098 ROSEWOOD APARTMENTS for Seniors 55+, has 1 & 2 bedroom units available starting at $695 per month. Includes heat, water and sewer. Professionally managed. 608-877-9388 Located at 300 Silverado Drive, Stoughton, WI 53589

The Verona Press

870 Residential Lots


676 Plants & Flowers

STOUGHTON- 716 S Page St. May 10 & 11 8am-4pm. Baby clothes, cribs, strollers and more! STOUGHTON- 817 Larvik May 9, 1pm-7pm May 10 8am-4pm. Annual Multi-Family, Name brand kids/adult clothes, household, furniture and much more. See Craigslist STOUGHTON- DEMTRA'S Sale 624 W Jefferson Fri May 10th 8am-noon. Artist 2nds, yard art and jewelry Vintage Maple full bed and dresser. Also other hand made nick knacks and planted floral arrangements for Mother's Day, Visa & MC accepted. Free cat hair with every purchase VERONA- 200 NOEL WAY. May 10-11. Downsizing Sale. Including books from Tom Gerings personal library

PROFLOWERS -THRILL MOM Enjoy 50% Off the All the Frills Bouquet $19.99. Plus take 20% off your order ovwer $29! Go to or call 877-592-7090 (wcan)

688 Sporting Goods & Recreational

740 Houses For Rent

NORTH PARK STORAGE 10x10 through 10x40, plus 14x40 with 14' door for RV & Boats. Come & go as you please. 608-873-5088 RASCHEIN PROPERTY STORAGE 6x10 thru 10x25 Market Street/Burr Oak Street in Oregon Call 608-206-2347 UNION ROAD STORAGE 10x10 - 10x15 10x20 - 12x30 24 / 7 Access Security Lights & Cameras Credit Cards Accepted 608-835-0082 1128 Union Road Oregon, WI Located on the corner of Union Road & Lincoln Road

ALPINE MEADOWS Oregon Hwy CC. Call for new price list and availability. Choose your own builder! 608-215-5895

WE BUY Boats/RV/Pontoons/ATV's & Motorcycles! "Cash Paid" NOW. American Marine & Motorsports Super Center, Shawno. 866-955-2628 (wcan).

BROOKLYN/OREGON COUNTRY living, 3 bedroom, 2 car garage, A/C 1 bath $1100+ utilities $1100 Security deposit. Credit check and references. No Smoking. 1 small pet under 25lbs ($25/mo) 608-217-9186

402 Help Wanted, General

RESIDENTIAL CLEANER needed to work 2 to 3 days per week. $8.50 per hour. Days only . Experience helpful. Non smoker 835-0339 FULL TIME Laborer for concrete foundation work. Must have DL. Experienced preferred. Call between 8:30am-11:30am 608-695-2191

690 Wanted

750 Storage Spaces For Rent

ALL SEASONS SELF STORAGE 10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30 Security Lights-24/7 access BRAND NEW OREGON/BROOKLYN Credit Cards Accepted CALL (608)444-2900 C.N.R. STORAGE Located behind Stoughton Garden Center Convenient Dry Secure Units in all sizes 5x10 thru 10x30 Lighted with access 24/7 Bank Cards Accepted Off North Hwy 51 on Oak Opening Dr. behind Stoughton Garden Center Call: 608-509-8904

692 Electronics

DONATE YOUR CARFAST FREE TOWING 24 hr. Response - Tas Deduction United Breast Cancer FOUNDATION Providing Free Mammograms and Breast Cancer Info. 866-343-6603 (wcan)

432 Computers & Info Tech

664 Lawn & Garden

3'-12' EVERGREEN & Shade Trees. Pick up or Delivery! Planting Available! DETLOR TREE FARMS 715-335-4444 (wcan)

DISH NETWORK STARTING at $19.99/ mo for 12 mos. High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available) SAVE! Ask about SAME DAY installation! Call 888-719-6981(wcan)

666 Medical & Health Supplies

ATTENTION JOINT & Muscle Pain Sufferers: Clinically proven all-natural supplement helps reduce pain & enhance mobility. To try HydrAflexin Risk Free for 90 days. Call 888-550-4066 (wcan) ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare. Get FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE Home Delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores & bacterial infection! 888797-4088 (wcan)

HIGHSPEED INTERNET EVERYWHERE By Satellite! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dial-up). Starting at $49.95/mo. Call Now & Go Fast! 888-709-3348 (wcan) SAVE ON CABLE TV, Internet, Digital Phone. Packages start at $89.99/mo (for 12 mo's) Options from ALL major service providers. Call Aceller today to learn more! 866-458-1545 (wcan)

760 Mobile Homes

VERONA SELF-STORAGE 502 Commerce Pkwy. 10'x5', 10'x10', 10x15', 10x20, 10'x30' 24/7 access, security lit. Short/long term leases. Call Jim: 608-334-1191 or fax 608-845-7165

696 Wanted To Buy

MEDICAL ALERT FOR SENIORS - 24/7 monitoring. Free Equipment. Free shipping. Nationwide Services. $29.95/month Call Medical Guardian today. 877-863-6622 (wcan)

668 Musical Instruments

AMP: LINE 6 Spider IV 75 watt guitar amp. Tons of built in effects, tuner, and recording options. Like new, rarely used, less than 2 years old. Asking $250 OBO. call 608-575-5984

705 Rentals

WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks. We sell used parts. Monday through Friday 8 am - 5:30 pm. Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59, Edgerton, 608-884-3114.

TOP PRICES Paid. Any kind of Scrap Metal. Cars, Batteries, Farm Equipment, Free Appliance Pick Up. Property Cleanouts. Honest. Fully Insured. U Call We Haul. 608-444-5496

STOUGHTON- LARGE 2 BR + Den in award winning Restored Victorian. Beautiful refinished woodwork, French doors, family kitchen, appliances, laundry, C/A. No smokers. 608-238-1692 VERONA 1 BEDROOM Upper small apartment. Off Street parking. Heat, water, sewer, stove, refrigerator and electric included. No Pets. 1yr. lease. $500/month plus deposit. 608-575-2607

STOUGHTON-LARGE 2-BDRM unit in quiet, owner managed 10 unit. All appliances, C/A, gas heat. Close to shopping, off street parking, large yard. Laundry. $665/month. Water included, elec/gas extra. Approx. 850 sq ft. Available June 1. Call 608-772-0234

WE PAY CASH for your used Mobile Home. Home Source One. Text or call today 920-889-7440 or Barbara. [email protected] (wcan)

436 Office Admin & Clerical

VACANCY! VACANCY! VACANCY! NETWORK ENGINEER and RADIO ENGINEER urgently needed. Qualified applicants should forward their detailed resume as ATTACHMENT to [email protected] within 2 weeks of this advertisement stating position applied for as subject.

DEER POINT STORAGE Convenient location behind Stoughton Lumber Clean-Dry Units 24 HOUR LIGHTED ACCESS 5x10 thru 12x25 608-335-3337 FRENCHTOWN SELF-STORAGE Only 6 miles South of Verona on Hwy PB. Variety of sizes available now. 10x10=$50/month 10x15=$55/month 10x20=$70/month 10x25=$80/month 12x30=$105/month Call 608-424-6530 or 1-888-878-4244

801 Office Space For Rent

BEST LOCATION in Stoughton. Retail space for rent. 211 E Main 4,000+ sq ft. Beautifully renovated. Available Now $1900/mo.Call Connie 608- 271-0101 VERONA- OFFICE/WAREHOUSE 1000 Sq Ft.$500 +Utilities. 608-575-2211 or 608-845-2052

PART-TIME OFFICE Assistant needed. Well organized person with excellent office skills, must work well with people. Duties include telephone, computer, filing, tenant communication. Send resume to: Office Assistant, 230 S Oak St, Oregon, WI 53575.

805 Commercial & Industrial Lots

VERONA INDUSTRIAL Park 2600 sq ft. shop, warehouse, office space. Available April 1, 2013 845-7630

720 Apartments

GUITAR: FENDER American made Standard Stratocaster guitar. Tobacco burst finish, mint condition. Includes tremelo bar, straplocks, and custom fitted Fender hard-shell case. Asking $950 OBO. Call 608-575-5984

2 BEDROOM 1 1/2 bath laundry included. Large yard. $650/mo 2 bedroom 1 bath, 1st floor. Fenced yard. $650/mo. 608-628-9569 DUPLEX OREGON/STOUGHTON Area, June 1st. Ideal for single senior. 220-6416 GREENWOOD APARTMENTS Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently has 1 & 2 Bedroom Units available starting at $695 per month, includes heat, water, and sewer. 608-835-6717 Located at 139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575

OREGON-2 BDRM, 1 bath. Available spring/summer. Great central location, on-site or in-unit laundry, patio, dishwasher and A/C. $700-$715/month. Call Kelly at 608-255-7100 or visit STOUGHTON ONE Bedroom Upper + garage. $550/month plus utilities. 608576-7037 please leave message

Attention College Students and 2013 HS Grads! Summer Work, $17 base-appt, FT/PT customer sales/service, no exp nec, conditions apply, all ages 17+, call now for interview 608-662-2092 or apply online at

672 Pets

NSDR AUSTRALIAN Shepherd Puppies, 10 weeks old, males. Tails and dew claws removed. Vet checked, first shots. 574-606-6363

Resident Caregivers/CNAs Caregivers/CNAs Resident Now Resident Caregivers/CNAs Now hiring hiring for for PM PM & & night night shifts shifts at at
our beautiful senior residence Now hiring for PM living & night shifts at our beautiful senior living residence on Madisons west side. Shift & our beautiful senior living residence on Madisons west side. Shift & weekend differentials, paid training on Madisons west side. Shift & weekend differentials, paid training & an array of benefits available. weekend differentials, paid training

City of Sun Prairie Recreation, FT clerical M-F (8-4:30). Front counter work, program enrollment/fee collection, etc. Requires 3 yrs clerical and customer service experience, MS Office applications with 45+wpm. Desktop publishing/website design preferred. Start: $13.95-14.46/hr with benefits package. See complete job description and apply online at: (608) 825-1192




& benefits available. to download &an anarray arrayof of benefits available.

8210 Highview Drive - Madison



Open positions include: Shift Supervisors, Delivery Drivers and Counter Help Apply online at or at 1011 North Edge Trail, Verona

8210 Highview Drive - Madison 8210 Highview Drive - Madison

an application: to download to download an anapplication: application: for more information call: formore more for 608.243.8800 informationcall: call: information


Deadline: May 20, 2013 EOE

YMCA of Dane County

Child Care Lead Teachers
Realize your dream to make a difference in a childs life. Part time and full time positions available. Experience in licensed child care preferred. Child Development, Child Psychology, or related coursework may be required. Locations in Madison, Sun Prairie, Oregon, Middleton, Verona and DeForest. Contact Stephanie Murphy at [email protected] or 608-664-9622 x1016. More info and application on

State Bank of Cross Plains is seeking a PT CSR to work at our Verona Office. This position is approximately 12-16 hours per week; 3 afternoons per week from 2:00 p.m.-6:15 p.m. and Saturday mornings from 8:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (2 Saturdays on, 1 Saturday off rotation). As the primary contact for the bank, CSRs provide prompt, helpful and courteous service to our customers and associates. CSRs process all banking transactions (deposits/withdrawals/cashing checks) following security/compliance guidelines, while ensuring accuracy and confidentiality. In addition, CSRs seek opportunities to provide additional products and services to customers in order to build relationships. *Previous cash handling/retail sales/ customer experience preferred. Teller/bank experience is a plus! To apply for this position, please visit and select Join Our Team.



The State Bank of Cross Plains values a diverse workforce and is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer


24 - The Verona Press - May 9, 2013

Quality Bloomers at Reasonable Prices.

Come Visit Wisconsins Premier Grower of Quality Bedding Plants & Hanging Baskets.

Save up to $3

50 Off
At Kopkes with koupon. Limit 6 per koupon. Limit 1 koupon per kustomer per day. Valid 5/8/13 - 5/13/13.

Mothers Day Gift CertifiCates available!


Any Plant for Mom

At Kopkes with koupon. Limit one per koupon. Limit 1 koupon per kid per day. Age 16 or under. Valid 5/8/13 - 5/12/13.

1 Off

Congratulations to our Grand Opening winners!

$200 Kay Argue $100 Don Bates $50 Veronica Foistad $50 Shane McOwen Basket Winners: Stefan Schneider Jason Magaw Lois Seitz Laura Jacobson Michelle Roehl
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30aM-7:30pM; saturday 8:30aM-5pM; sunday 9aM-4pM Visit the Stoughton Area Farmers Market on Friday mornings in front of Dollar General

Any Hanging Basket

At Kopkes with koupon. Limit one per koupon. Limit 2 koupons per kustomer per day. Valid 5/8/13 - 5/13/13.

1 Off

1828 Sandhill Rd. Oregon, WI 608-835-7569

When in Stoughton, visit our sales house located in the Main Street Plaza parking lot
Koupons & sale prices honored at both locations

Directions from Stoughton: Take 138 toward Oregon. Go past Eugsters Farm Market, one mile and turn right on Sunrise Rd. Go one more mile then turn left on Town Line Rd. Continue on to Sand Hill Rd. (approximately one mile) and turn right. Directions from Fitchburg: Take Fish Hatchery Road south to Netherwood Road. Turn left and go through Oregon past Walgreens to a left on Sand Hill Road. Directions from Verona: Take Cty. M to Fish Hatchery Rd. Turn right and go to Netherwood Road. Turn left at Netherwood Rd. through Oregon past Walgreens to a left on Sand Hill Rd.


Support Local Agriculture. Shop Outside the Box Stores!



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