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Soccer Academy of America, Inc.

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Dr. Victor Stanculescu Fondator

1. Fotbalul: Stiinta, Arta & Business 1. Dragoste P-tru Fotbalului 2. Credinta in Tine & God 3. Speranta de Maine

Victor@SoccerAcademy 3. Personalitatea Antrenori, Jucatori & Staff 1.Genetica 2.Profesionala 3.Sociala


2. Performanta in Football: Conceptul de Joc Conceptul de pregatire Conceptul de recuperare




Professional Football Coaches without frontiers Association

Organizing another

International Professional Dialogue

Semi-final The European Champions League- 2013

Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund & Barcelona vs. Bayern Munich,
Bulletin Technic, Scientific & Strategic


Year 7, No. 437, 05-05-2-13

Introduction (page: 3); 1. The most interesting aspect is that the semifinals: (page 3) 2. The world of football has 3-D-CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE, for the 208 NATIONAL FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONS, MEMBERS OF FIFA (page 4): 3. The world of football has 3-D-CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE, for the BEST FOOTBALL CLUBS (Page-5) 4. The world of football has 3-D-CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE, for the BEST FOOTBALL CLUBS (page 6); 5. The four (4) clubs/teams playing comparative studys results (Page: 7) ; 6. To understand better the situations, the game strategies and the results, we need to address to some of the technical football considerations (page: 8); 7. The Football game needs FIFA DECISIONS, HELP AND SUPORT (Page: 9); 8. Final note & first Conclusions (Page 9) 9. The end before the end: COACHES OUR MAIN GOAL OF THE STUDY (Page: 10) 10. Comparative Study between the 2 LATIN COACHES, just because we know better than the Germans coaches, (Page: 11) Final conclusions (Page 12)


Introduction - The facts:

1. The 2013 biggest European club competitions has a coincidence, that has been played between the two (2) Germans First Class Clubs: Bayer Munich & Borussia Dortmund vs. Spain 2 famous two clubs (2) Barcelona and Real Madrid , the actual world football powerful clubs and football countries; 2. This has been one of the most important competition because there were opposing: 2.1. Spain, with the most prestigious football clubs, coaches, players, as well as for the National Team prestige, value, re-generated in the last 25 years, with a new concept of performance, wining almost everything in the world of football: Spain National Team 2010 World Cup and Euro: 2008 and 2012 European champions. 2.2. Germany, on the other hand, with most prestigious football clubs, the result of the last 13 years strategic Master-Plan of the last RE-EVOLUTION of German Football new generations, (2000), developing the most important national football conceptto come, in European and world performances. 3. This European Club League-Competition (semifinals) has been and it is for the football specialists (including the finals), the most exciting professional international football open Seminar, Symposium, Conference, Congress with subject: THE ELITE ACTUAL- FUTURE FOOTBAL MODEL CONCEPT OF PEPRFORMANCE!

Recent-history: 1. The most interesting aspect is that the semifinals:

1.1. Were between GERMAN FOOTBALL, with 2 clubs: BAYER MUCHEN & BORUSIA DORTMUND: * The German Football Concept is the LEADER OF THE ANGLO-SAXON CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE, SCHOOL OF CHAMPIONS (Leading Nederland, England, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, etc.) 1.2. The Spanish Football Concept if the LEADER OF THE LATIN CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE, SCHOOL OF CHAMPIONS (Leading Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Italy, France, Portugal, etc.), to name the most prestigious Latin football countries;


There are 3-D-CONCEPTS OF PERFORMANCE IN THE WORLD OF FOOOTBALL: 1. National Team Concept of Performance, which is the result of the national football clubs value; 2. Club Concept of Performance, which is the result of MINI-WORLD CUP TEAMS, selected according to the value of: PATRONS MONEY, Coaches value, and Players Super-stars value; 3. Youth Concept of Performance the special national schools CONCEPT of growing the super stars future world cup players from Kids, Juniors and Youth: from 4 to 21 years; * The NATIONAL TEAM CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE represents the teams composed by the citizens of the country (even the big countries adopted some of the world super-stars to play for their national teams, making them CITIZENS * What interest is that FIFA was not acting in any way, establishing some rules, regulations and common sense FOR THE GOOD OF THE WORLD FOOTBALL! The subject is still a TABOO, because the subject has implication on the HUMAN RIGHT, United Nations, etc. We are living in the civilized 21st Century world, and must be established a COMMON SENSE WORLD RULES OF LIVING, being agreed to respect some of the rules and dont discriminate the others The subject will be taken into consideration in a very actual-future performance activities, too and FIFA (we are convinced) will find the right solutions (Thanks FIFA!) * The PERFORMANCE CLUBS are today a MINI-WORLD CUP TEAMS, based on: 1. The world richest individuals, becoming the Patrons of the club, just because of MONEY; 2. They are buying the most famous super-coaches; 3. Then, they are buying the super-professional PLAYERS; 4. The following step is the super- specialists in many professions from the frontiers of football; 5. They are Building the CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE; and; 6. Participation on the official club competitions: Nationally, Confederations and FIFA Competitions and; 7. The football becomes the 21st century biggest shows and new kind of superb life for all involved in football.


3. The world competitions are establishing the best Concept of Performance:

No. InternationalPerformance National Teams Concept 1. ANGLO SAXON CONCEPT 2. LATIN CONCEPT 3. MIXT CONCEPT Technical Note: First Priority Business Coaches Players Second Priority Players Players Business Third Priority Coaches Business Coaches Observations

Practically, the 3 concepts of performance for all 208 national Football Teams, established in the last 5 world cups, the following order: The winners were the Latin countries: 1994-Brazil; 1998-France; 2002-Brazil gain; 2006-Italy and 2010-Spain. The best football coaches and players belong to the LATIN FOOTBALL CONCEPT, who are dominating the world of football, demonstrating the LATIN FOOTBALL CONCEPT, has something to be taken into consideration, and this is the LATIN CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE!

4. The world of football has 3-D-CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE, for the BEST FOOTBALL CLUBS:
*When we are analyzing the CLUBS comparing with the rules of the National Teams, the advantages are that the CLUB CAN BUY/RECRUIT ANY PLAYERS, FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, if they are paying the price;

3.2. What are the four (4) clubs performance factors, comparing and studying in this moment, after the semifinals-2013?

Table No. 2
No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Supremacy factors in club concept of performance No Country-Only Patrons with more $ Super-Coach Latin-or- Anglo Saxon Super-star Players Latin or Anglo-Saxon 3-D- Teamwork (support staff) Reserve Players/They can buy reserves? Referee Support + No! Competence (!?) Life Concept/Socio-Sport integration Better PERFORMANCE CONCEPT? Playing concept/system Training concept/system Recovery concept/system GAME STRATEGIES TOTAL: 2+2 teams=same result! Classification according results Classification according playing 2- games! Barcelona Real Madrid 10 10 7 8 8 7 7 9 6 5 6 5 6 84 4 2 7 9 8 7 7 9 6 6 6 5 6 84 3 2 Bayer Borussia Total OBSEV Munich Dortmund 10 10 40 Business 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 10 9 10 10 111 1 1 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 10 9 10 10 111 2 1 33 37 34 30 31 36 34 34 32 38 32 This game No Messi Sciences Reserves

Technical Note: Without any doubt, the German teams won the battle, from all points of view of football; 1. Mental + Physical + Skills 2. Playing in attack, defense and set plays; 3. In the game home and in the game away; 4. Has been one of the most unpleasant moment from the Spanish clubs entire sport life 5. On the other side, there were the most pleasant moments for the Germans club sport lifes teams!


5. The four (4) clubs/teams playing comparative studys results:

Table no 3
No. Factors semi-final EUROPEAN CLUB Dort- Real Tot mund Mad Ba- Barca Toyern tal MH To- Observe. tal Order of value

1.1. 1.2. 1.3.

Concept of Performance
Playing concept (How much is efficient): 1-2-3 Physical ( Management of energy) Skills-Implementation: Mental+ Physical

9 9 9 27

7 7 7 21

16 16 16 48

9 9 9 27

7 7 7 21

16 16 16 48

32 32 32 96


2.1. 2.2. 2.3.

Playing Concept
Attack: Pass + Dribble + Shooting Defense: Challenge+ Interception and Tackling Set Plays: Corner, Free Kicks, Offside

9 9 9 27

7 7 4 18

16 16 15 47

9 9 9 27

6 5 7 18

16 16 16 48

32 32 32 93


3.1. 3.2. 3.3.

Staff professional value:

Coaches: value of the team in play + results Players: value of the Players - Reserve Team Referees: they changed the games result?

9 9 7 25

5 7 7 19

14 16 14 44

9 9 7 25

4 6 7 17

13 15 14 42

27 31 28 86 4


4.1. 4.2. 4.3.

Teams Players value:

Super Stars for each team value Sport estate for each team=ready to play? Health estate coefficient of tiredness

9 9 9 27 106 1

7 7 6 20 78 3

16 16 15 47

9 9 9 27

6 6 6 18 74 4

15 15 15 45

31 31 30 92


184 106 1


Technical Note: 1. Classification for ALL 4 GAMESVALUE: 1.1. Borussia Dortmund + Real Madrid = 106 78 points 1.2. Bayern Munich vs. Barcelona = 106-74 Points 1.3. Concept of performance for all 4 teams = 96 points; 1.4. Playing Concept = 93 points; 1.5. Teams Players value = 93 points. 1.6. Staff Professional Value: = 86 points 2. For the 12 Games factors analyzed, we have also, points to show the differences between the teams and the games factors of the analysis, you can watch the table and find yourself: 3. There has been a very special situation of the 2 Germans vs. 2 Spanish club teams, we presented and we understood that this was the value of the teams, but the competitions is not asking the teams, if they are ready or they want to play the game, in that particularly day! 4. The end of the 2013 National competitions, were so difficult, making for the Spanish Clubs a very difficult and special MISSION IMPOSIBLE TO PLAY AND WIN, the semi-finals! 5. The Coaches without Frontiers were surprised, but, the people to make the teams famous, during last few years, they created the situations and the results are punishing the club (COACHES AND THE PLAYERS) who are not respecting the FOOTBALL COMMON SENSE WRITTEN AND UNWRITTER RULES OF PERFORMANCE! 6. For the COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS, its important to remember, that THE MOST IMPORTANTA ASPECT OF LIFE-in generally and IN FOOTBALL particularly, is to WIN AGAINST YOURSELF! This is the support of anything we are planning and doing in our life! 7. What we want to mention is something important for the future or the next generations to come: coaches and players: 7.1. In life as well as in the football life/activity, there are few situations-moments, when you have everything; money, glory, family, prestige, supremacy and YOUR INSIGHT (THE SECOND ME, YOU, HIM, OUR . PRESTIGE, OUR.NAMES) ITS telling US: Stop! You are to big and you are winning because you are the world cup winners and the teams are very good, etcetc... 7.2. YOU FILL THAT YOU ARE THE WORLD SUPER-COACH, PLAYER, REFEREE, etc! Its very difficult to have other goals to


accomplish? You past 20 years of training and sport life! 7.3. So, This is the moment the mind and body, are satisfied and stop motivation, energy, winning goals, YOU ARE TIRED OF GLORY, MONEY, HOUSE, FAMILY, TOU HAVE WHAT WAS NOBODY BELIEVED THAT FOOTBALL CAN GIVE YOU ALMOST EVERTHING TO BECOME MILLIONAIR AND SUPER-STAR! YOU ARE TIRED OF GLORY! 7.4. THIS is the MOMENT WHEN WE START GOING BACK! It was taking 20 years to become a super-star Players, Coach, CLUB Teams, National team and THE MOMENT WAS HAPPENED! It is just one match, to get you back and spoil your entire life! 8. You can say that this is not because of you! But THE COACHES, PLAYERS, REFEREES WE ARE HUMAN BEING AND WE ARE NOT PERFECT! NOBODY IS PERFECT! 9. We are convinced that most of the people/coaches who are reading this paper ESTABLISHING WHOS FAULT IS THAT THE SPANISH TEAMS PLAYED SO BAD! 10. Now, IMPORTANT is only to COME BACK AND RE-BUILD CONFIDENCE AND SPORT ESTATE, SPORT LIFE, FAMILY LIFE, PERSONAL LIFE., for that we are wishing you: GOOD LUCK!

6. To understand better the situations, the game strategies and the results, we need to address to some of the technical football considerations: Table No. 4.
AFTER THIS SEMIFINALS few considerations: 5. Difficulties: 1.1. To many games: League, President Cup, N. Teams, etc. with the same players, in conditions of very physical game and with the same obsolete Laws of the Game. Something is not working and the competitions are forcing the players and official to get more and more super-nutrition facts: Minerals, vitamins, and so many other tonics(!) 1.2. The Games are very Physical, Referee amateur and because of FIFAs decision, that anything happened in the field, the result remained as was in the field, and the referees are OK! A VERY STRANGE TABOO! This is the equal with the powerful FIFA OFFERS TO THE REFEREES THE TOTAL IMMUNITY! This is not the fault of the referees, but the system must be changed RE-PLAY THE STRANGE GAME SITUATION AND the referees are helped to be protected by the people forcing them to act, just because of advantages(etc) 1.3. The Recovery is not totally and accumulation tiredness, THE SUPERSTARS PLAY ALL GAMES. In the same time, they are in every game violent and brutal faulted and most of them with injuries they have to recover and play, the next game, which are almost 2 game/week, nonstop 10 months/year(s)



1.4. Messi the big absent from Barcelona: its the half of Barcelona club. Messi is the best example: The opponent gets a yellow card and MESSI, as well as the other stars, get injury and when you need MESSI THE MOST, THERE IS NOT CHANCE TO PLAY! This circle is repeating without FIFA to take into consideration the motto FOR THE GOOD OF THE GAME AND WE ARE ADDING, FOR THE GOOD OF THE FOOTBALL PEOPLE! 1.5. The Germans were very much motivated to win! Congratulation, they played well, because the Barcelona was almost nothing, and Real Madrid, the coach its already gone to CHELSEA. The Goalkeeper is not allowed to play and the teams are between the coach and the football! But the Germans played well and some times, in the second match, Dortmund was playing like BARCELONA and the Real Madrid was almost out of order with sport estate for this game too! 1.6. Coach Goardiola - the former Barcelona Coach is going to work with Bayern Munich?!? And the actual coach of Bayern, of course, was pressed the team to play to win, very strange and INTRESTING SITUATION! Everyone is playing his life and this is whats about the semi-finals we are analyzing in this paper. 1.7. The Real Madrid Coach Mourinho is living for CHELSEA? The coach was demonstrated that is very far for the name of the NR. 1-SPECIAL STRANGE COACH! HE IS NOT REALLY THE REALLY MODEL FOR THE OTHER COACHES! The situation starts with a banal dialogue with the goalkeeper, Who is the national Players and the captain of Real Madrid. The Real Madrid Coach, put out from the team and following a misunderstanding of their roll, functions, and interest of the club, for personal ambition, they lost both, the Club, Spanish club and football, the COACHES SUPER-STARS THEORY OF PRACTICE!! 1.8. This is the LESSON TO BE LEARNED BY THE WORLD COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS! Nobody is big in football as well as, in life! This is the lesson we are presented that we need to come back and remember: 1. The coach must do what they need not what they want, from what they dont know! 2. The more you are educated for this job and have solution for every situation, you are winning; 3. The Army discipline has to be replaced with PARTNERHISP; we are paying you to play the best! 4. The actual players are educated, have personality and between a big players vs. a star coach, football is choosing the PLAYER! So, this time, BEFORE ONE WEEK, MOURINHO DECLARED THAT HE IS NOT LIVING THE REAL MADRID, BUT DUE TO THE SCANDAL WITH THE GOALKEEPERS, PEPE, AND THE OTHER PLAYERS, THE COACHLOST AND HE HAS TO GO! So, nobody is bigger that football!



7. The Football game needs FIFA DECISIONS, HELP AND SUPORT:

According to the last 5 world cups and 20 years of Competitions, we get to the conclusions, that FIFA NEEDS TO JUMP IN AND SAVE THE FOOTBALL PRESTIGE AND CLEAN THE MAIN CAUSES OF THE DEGENERATION OF FOOTBALL, in generally and to HELP FOTBALL IN HIS ACTUAL-FUTURE DEVELOPMENT, AS: 1. SCIENCE; 2. ART & 3. BUSINESS (not the reverse order, First priority: BUSINESS+, second priority-the PLAYERS AND THE LAST priority, the COACHES)! Here are the COACHES ASOCIATION WITHOUT FRONTIERS, proposals, WE ALREADY PUBLISHED and of course, sent to all FIFA, CONTINENTS/CONFEDERATIONS AND ALL 208 NATIONALFOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONS:

Table No. 5


6.1. *18 players substitutions (management of stars): To rest some of the players and to allow recovering faster. This is a very special situation to allow the coaches to use only one part of the game, or to use young players, or reserve players, etc., advantages to protect the players and the football game show, results and to win the best team, opening other several game strategies! 6.2. Re-play in TV-STADIUM the special game strange situations: This is the fundamental problem of actual football. Most of the winners are just because the actual rules allowed to the referees to play as they want not as the games need! FIFA SOS! Changes! 6.3. Playing 70 Minutes effective play time: Another important rule who is allowed to the referee to play till his team is winning? This time is the referees time, but the game, is the FIFA & THE WORLDS GAME! Why not changes? Who can oppose FIFA to establish the common sense of football existence and progress? 6.4. Fault by intention, elimination for 15 minutes: Almost every situation when any player was dribbled by any opponent, they are making fault. Or jumping with 1 or 2 legs to kill the opponent? What are you doing? Boxing, kicking with the hands and legs internationally, like ANIMALS? Please, stop this by simple let them stay out 15 minutes and the team to play in 10 players! Who do you think that can play against their own teams? 6.5. 3+1 Referees and electronic RE-PLAY + Effective time, + 18 players substitution + 15 out



for voluntary violent fault! All those aspects are just normal aspect of the 21st Century life development-in generally and FOOTBALL MUST-mandatory! Etc... Technical Note: Why not? We need to accept, that HAS TO WIN THE BEST TEAM WELL PREPARED, AND FAIR PLAYING CONCEPT! We are praying that FIFA WILL FIXT THIS SITUATION! Thanks FIFA!

8. Final note & first Conclusions:

1. Football is the game of the games! To anyone who is not following the common sense of the game, punishment is the right time! 2. The punishment for running away from football, when BARCELONA has been on the top of the tops, it is a big professional question mark, the young coaches must be informed, advised and guided! Coach Guardiola was resigned without telling to the world of football why? Of course is his right to do what he wants! But, we are talking about the football giants-magic coaches, who belong to the world of football and is a positive model and he must play fair with the world football/his team/superb club/and partners players through whom he becomes one of the really No. 1 coaches of the year/world! We hope the transfer to BAYER MUNCHEN, TO BE THE BEST FOR HIM AND FOOTBALL! 3. The Association of Professional Coaches without frontiers is interested to follow this particularly psychological case of one of the PAST YEARS BEST COACH, WHAT WILL BE THE ACTUAL-FUTURE HIS CHANCE TO REMAINE THE BEST OR NOT? Can be the right timing to go from Barcelona, and spent one year to find the best team/club. Of course, its Germany BELONG TO THE Anglo-Saxon Concept of life and football, but, as MOURINHO, has been attracted by the discipline of English, as Goardiola, by the German discipline and total support! So, we believe that GUARDIOLA SUPER-COACH its one of the most exciting coaches strategic moves! Let's pray God to help him and football to be a better marriage between a coach and a football giant team/club, BAYER MUNCHEN! GOOD LUCK! 4. The next interesting case is MOURINHO, who is very different than the GUARDIOLA! But, its very really & interesting one! Mourinho comparing with Goardiola forced us to



try to compare them and learn something which can be another interesting LESSON to the YOUNG COACHES AND THE COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS TO BE LEARNED! 5. The punishment/award for his behavior, playing double game, with the players, patron of the club and football. Professional super-coach Mourinho, has been declared one of the world coaches (Special No.1); First aspect has using the wrong of his negative personality, forcing the hands: 5.1. He was playing with the CLUB OWNERthe game of I am going, I am staying? (But finally, the players declared war and he has to go, another demonstration example that FOOTBALL IS THE RIGHT JUDGE! 5.2. Also, was playing a very wrong with his captain of the team, the Goalkeeper. We dont know what was happened really, but, we are insight of football and its not difficult to understand the decision to replace him, to put him down and with him all the other players! This is the dictatorial style of football coachs personality! On the other hand, he played this game with INVITATION OF CHELSEA ALREADY SIGNED in his pocket! This is a satisfaction and demonstration made to the team and the world that Coach Mourinho is in charge with the team! And the motto is simple and clear to the next team CHELSEA: LIKE ME OR NO WAY! 6. Also, The Coaches without frontiers Association its interesting to continue to study the FORMER SUPER-COACH No. 1, what will be doing next season with Chelsea. Lets pray God, for Coach Mourinho and for the Football Coaches prestige-TOO!

1. We are considering this PROFESSIONAL DIALOGE, another opportunity to know the coaches, their personality, their concept of performance and whats their art of becoming super-and magic coaches? 2. This paper is another professional exercise HOW TO KNOW THE COACHES PERSONALITY;



3. We discussed the various aspects important from The THEORY OF PRACTICE of clubs coaches and their clubs highest level of performances. 4. Before the end. We want to play another scenario, of comparing the two supercoaches, giants-magic coaches, to understand better their PAST and to see what can be happened in the FUTURE SEASON, FOR BOTH COACHES? 5. Here is a comparative personality of the two coaches: GOARDIOLA. MOURINHO AND

6. We are making the evaluation and comments; with the knowledge we can have from distance, using the DIRECT INFORMATION as we can have in direct, during the games, press conferences, TV-Presentations of their personalities, FIFA.COM. UEFA.COM, THE Romanian various newspapers, INTERNET, ETC 7. Here we are with our comparative personalities Profile:

THE COMPARATIVE PERSONALITY OF COACHES MOURINHO AND GURADIOLA (please understand that we have limited important information, but, enough to have a professional dialogue, between the COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS)! Table No.6
1.1. 1.2. 1.3. IQ = Logistic Intelligence EQ = Emotional Intelligence Temperament

Mourinho- Real Madrid to Mourinho-CHELSEA

*Highest class *Playing with his life *Unbalanced-total Explosive-aggressive, no timing life? No Changing Decisions *Living for this game 50%Latin+50% AngloSaxon Short pass + Counter-

GuardiolaBarcelona-to New Bayern Munich

*Highest class * its not showing out Balanced-Controlled democratic-timing WELL Changing Decisions * Born to be coach *100% LATIN *Playing in 3 zones


1.4. 1.5. 2. 2.1.

CQ = Character (AS COACHES) Talent for coaching football Concept of Performance: Playing concept-system:

Grow in 2



Learn: MourinhoEngland+Gordiola-Spain 2.2. 2.3. Preparation Concept Recovery Concept

Attack Mixt: Latin + AngloSaxon! First Class + Teamwork First Class + Teamwork

short +creative pass: Spain! First Class +Teamwork First Class + teamwork


We dont know We dont know?

3. 7.

Strategy of Strategies? Anything happened in locker-room, the coaches are acting: Adjustment to the world of Football or adjusting football to him? The problems in the teams are players, coaches or game Are they needed to the football and clubs?

Making scandal to know everyone (no partnership)! Asking the players to adjust to his concept as he asked them! The problem is the Coach: Dictator: Like me or no Play OF COURSE, YES! He is pressing subordination psychological + tactically




No scandal: man-toman Partnership art/ applied The Concept is made by 4-D-super-stars and create! The problem is the game and his creation OF COURSE, YES! He is partner together build the concept of play

Timing the decision!

Follow coach vs. create game Discipline vs. Creation Both supercoaches!

Technical Note: 1. Thank you for our professional dialogue regarding the 4 teams: 2 from Spain and 2 for Germany in wonderful semifinals of 2013 European club championship 2. Of course, the finals will be family game, and we hope to present few considerations, too. 3. Please, try to be part of the coaches-team-study, and try to add some of the aspects you know and lets build the professional INTERNATIONAL INTENTIONALLY TECHNICAL, SCIENTIFIC & STRATEGIC OBSERVATION/STUDY OF MAIN ASPECTS OF SUPER-STARS COACHES, PLAYERS, TEAMS, and CLUBS 4. For any comment, please, address to us, sending an e-mail: [email protected] Sincerely in football Dr. Victor Stanculescu FIFA Instructor


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