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Your World Connected

Vol. 2 Issue 18 10.00 24 Pages RNI Reg. No.: PUNMUL/2012/45041 Postal Reg. No. PB/JL-047/2013-15

Raja Harishchandra The film premiered on the 21st of April 1913 and was released on May 3rd 1913, kick-started the ground-breaking movement of Indian Cinema

SUNDAY 05 MAY 2013

Weekly Newspaper
Celebrity 14


National 4

International 6

Campus 11

Leisure 16

Business 20

Sports 22

Angry Sikhs protest, RAILWAY MINISTER PAWAN KUMAR block Metro, traffic
New Delhi Scores of angry Sikh groups, waving placards and shouting slogans, blocked a busy road and disrupted the Metro service for a few hours to express their outrage over the acquittal of Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in a case related to the 1984 antiSikh riots. As the Sikh groups promised more such protests, Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit pleaded that the issue not be politicised. Holding placards that read Give justice to 84 victims and Hang the culprits who massacred Sikhs, different Sikh groups gathered outside the Tilak Nagar police station in west Delhi since early morning. Page 3

Page 12

We are getting better: Dhoni


Page 13

Page 23

2 Singh is King to Dr Dolittle

Manu Sharma
the opposition to rejuvenate right under his watch. The genesis of the current crisis lie in the training that our civil servants receive. Dr Singh is a bureaucrat at heart and is trained to be a conservative performer who shall focus more on retaining status quo rather than instil change, innovation and clean administration. His failures at security, corruption and economic front emanate from a status quo at all costs ideology of governance. For nation and perhaps Dr Singh it is time to move on! civil servants are wont to do. Indian electorate is known to forgive mistakes by Prime Ministers but never a policy of drift. The return of Mrs Gandhi as a Prime Minister after the shock defeat in 1977 was only possible because of nations yearning for a decisive leadership. Dr Manmohan Singh inherited a booming economy coupled with a confused floundering opposition led by a geriatric who was unable to unify his own party. To the astonishment of political observers he ran the economy to ground and allowed


No Country for Justice

1984 anti-Sikh riots are singularly the darkest blot on Indian polity and society. A civilized country is not known by its ability to avoid mistakes rather it is known by having the heart to admit and remedy them to the extent necessary. In the dark and depressing November of 1984 the political and government executive in Delhi lost their moral bearings by failing to prevent hideous acts of violence against a model minority of Indian republic. What started in November 1984 after the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi was an ugly act of medieval

Dr Manmohan Singh was the toast of the country for better part of the previous decade. A soft spoken genial scholar with steely resolve he was accepted as the face of a modern India marching inexorably towards its manifest destiny as a regional superpower. Behind all that glitz and positioning lay a man who was a civil servant, scholar and an administrator in that order. What was missing from the mix was a statesman, a politician who commanded his followers rather than propose endless policies and paperwork as


Labour they

S.K. Sinha

May the first came and went by , once again we declared it as the May Day or The Labour Day like we had done the first time in 1923 .The red flags came out, we shouted our demands and aspirations . On the first labour day we had the same hope that a dawn will arrive that will uplift the one who toils. Nothing seems to have changed. Those who could lead became leaders but for what. We still see the type of conditions that prevail when we visit the labour colonies as they are called. Is this that we had asked for , a labour colony, a labour chowk , and a labour union. The conditions in the colonies have gone from bad to worse, our children are yet to be educated in the real sense, and our families are yet to be immune to the epidemics that break out every season. The numerous policies framed by subsequent governments whom we have voted to power usually forgot the promises made to us the moment they were seated on the chair. Though we are the ones who build the nation, with our sweat and blood, even if we are starved and deprived. This now has become a routine in the lives of us labour who are then left with no other choice than to sell what we have LABOUR , the world says we are cheap. We dont mind if that is destiny , but dont forget to give us the Dignity of the labour that we put in. Jai Hind

style retribution on a section of society that was unconnected to the primary act of violence. Moving on from the painful days of 1984 one hoped and wished for a swift distribution of justice to victims and perpetrators alike. Alas, it was a vain and mistaken hope by concerned citizens who still believed in the capacity of the republic to rise above politics and understand human suffering. Caught in a stupefying maze of myriad investigating agencies, subversion by political influence and demoralized by personal setbacks,

Indian Immigrants in Peril: Central America

about their origins and their journey to the middle of the earth that we were in, I switched from Punjabi to English unknowingly. While two of them stopped speaking, one tried to answer in broken English; that jolted me. In these Central American nations English is known to as many as Spanish in India, next to none. Surviving in these countries requires that you ought to know Spanish or if you move in circles where you can get by with a bit of English for a brief period as you learn Spanish. I asked them if they spoke any Spanish and the answer was obviousnone whatsoever. It became imminently clear that their journey to South-east Asia and then to Central America was en-route up north to USA and Canada traversing Mexico along the illegal human migration routes. Nicaragua was the perfect country as it is the only Central American nation that provides visa on-arrival to Indians and thus is a safe base to move north. That was almost two years ago and I didnt give it much of a thought then. Of late I have been reading many reports of illegal Indians trying to enter Honduras via Nicaragua, many being deported and the rest being easily lost by the police en-route to the police-station. Its not strange to read that most of these detained have names that end up in Singh. This route is one of the most dangerous one and human and narco-trafficking gangs in these countries killing with impunity, with little to no police action against them. San Pedro Sula in Honduras and Acapulco in Mexico are cities which are en-route and are the most violent in the world, Baghdad, Kabul and Kandahar not even being close. Yet the dream of a better future has drawn many of these young Indians like a swarm to these lands, many of these will not survive the ordeal, some lucky ones will be deported and possibly a few will realise their dream.

Intemperate media hysteria setting political agenda

By Saeed Naqvi I was in Lucknow when Sarabjit Singh died in Lahore. My purpose in visiting the city of my childhood was to address a much milder agenda: to attend a seminar organised by the local Urdu Media Guild on May Day. Since May Day this year coincided with celebration of Prophet Mohammads daughter Fatima Zehras birthday, the organisers made this coincidence the theme of the seminar. Trust Lucknow to have preserved in its nooks and corners, here and there, a little bit of the cultural togetherness which was once the dominant feature of its social attractions. Despite all my efforts at accommodating change, I have often despaired at standards of political demonstration organised, for example by Mulayam Singh Yadav and Mayawati against each other. Mayawatis was dhikkar (damn) rally some years ago, which Mulayam Singh reciprocated with a thu, thu (spit on you) rally. That is why it was such a relief to be at the seminar searching for common ground between workers Day and dignity of labour enunciated by founders of Islam. Earliest Islam had itself attempted to build on a respect for the poor available in the Bible, even though the likes of Bernard Shaw aptly rebutted romanticisation of poverty: Modern poverty is not the poverty that was blest in the Sermon on the Mount. There was, however, no ambiguity in the minds of the organizers. The seminar dwelt on the example set by the prophet and his daughter in maintaining an exemplary simplicity in their own lives. Even though Fatimas mother, Khadija, was one of the richest women in Arabia, Fatima worked out a unique division of labour with Fizza who shared her household chores: they rested on alternate days. Daily chores in those days included grinding grain for dough. In these days of creeping intolerance, citing parts of history from the religious domain could well be misunderstood but not in some enlightened arenas of Lucknow. Among those who held forth on the theme were former High Court Judge Pradeep Kant and former Vice Chancellor of Lucknow University Roop Rekha Verma. What I found particularly enchanting was the poetry on the family of the Prophet, linking it to Workers Day. This was composed and recited by Sanjay Mishra Shauq. An Urdu poet with a name like Mishra still reaching across religious boundaries? I rubbed my eyes with disbelief. Sad to reflect, how Sanjay Mishra Shauqs literary ancestors from Chunni Lal Dilgir in the 19th century right upto Krishen Behari Noor only decades ago, writing on themes of the Prophet and Karbala, have become part of our collective amnesia. Abdul Rahim Khane Khana, Maulana Hasrat Mohani and Qazi Nazrul Islam have, in our minds likewise, been separated from compositions on Lord Rama, Krishna, Shiva and Shakti. The next morning, just when my mother, now 94, brother and others in the family were talking about the previous evenings seminar, I received a message on my mobile from a friend in Delhi: Switch on the TV because Sarabjit Singh has died. We looked at each other with sadness, of course, but it was tinged with a sense of foreboding. We did not have to exchange a word to realize that the same thought crossed our minds when the TV came alive in a menacing sort of way. The anchor with angry, threatening faces in the five windows on the screen, demanded action, sought vengeance and generally mobilized political leaders on an ultra hardline platform towards an indefinable end. Were they inducing a societal, nervous breakdown for TRP ratings? Political leaders on the eve of a make-or-break election, out of touch with the people, are liable to mistake a noisy media for public opinion. Therefore, on cue, came BJP president Rajnath Singh. We should call back our High Commissioner from Islamabad he thundered. Not to be left behind, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh lamented Pakistani leaders not having listened to our pleas to save the brave son of India. No one thought of placing in perspective a simple fact: Sarabjits conviction and sentence are a 23-year-old story which has been invested with so much media attention only recently. Into this generally torrid atmosphere jumps Yasin Malik demanding the remains of Afzal Guru hanged and buried in Tihar jail. He is taken into preventive custody, even as agitations gather momentum in New Delhi and Punjab against the court verdict on the 1984 anti Sikh riots. To take the sting out of this agitation which cannot but have a potent antiCongress thrust, Amrinder Singh, former Congress chief minister of Punjab, raises the pitch: Sarabjits death is officially decreed, cold blooded murder by Pakistan. In the midst of this singular lack of balance does Sanjay Mishra Shauq, come across as escapism? Are there others like him ploughing a lonely furrow in their enclaves and who deserve to be identified and linked to a bigger grid?

the riot victims have nowhere to go. The acquittal of Sajjan Kumar by Karkarduma court in the 1984 riots case is symptomatic of our system that refuses to acknowledge a widespread conspiracy behind the Sikh killings in 1984. The question is not whether Sajjan Kumar is indeed guilty or not, rather the query on the behalf of the victims is that despite such a horrendous massacre taking place in capital city of a democracy we have been unable to convict even one serious offender. Are we fast turning into a country of justice delayed and justice denied?

By Dr. Prabhjot Singh

When I say that I work in Central America, most people assume it would be some state in the centre of USA. Names of countries like Honduras or Nicaragua dont register in the minds of most people, let alone Indians. The paucity of knowledge about this part of the world, which by the way is a string of countries that connect the North and South American continents and perhaps more easily recognizable by the name of Panama Canal, is directly observed with the few to no Indians that can be seen in these countries. Yet, you can be met with many surprises. While working in Nicaragua, my visa was set to expire and I had to visit the immigration department to renew it. Up until then I had tried all possible ways of trying to find a fellow Indian in the country, had some leads but all led to a dead end. As I entered the department, I headed directly to the counter and standing in the line I casually glanced over the big room I was in. To my utter surprise I saw three Sikhs sitting right in the centre of the room! Not just Indians, but fellow Sikhs sporting turbans, not one but three and in the smack of the middle of the Nicaragua, thats more than a coincidence. I would be understating if I said I was ecstatic to see them. I went up to them and immediately made my introductions in Punjabi Heads around turned as none could fathom what we were saying in the Spanish speaking country. As I continued asking them

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Letters may be emailed to the [email protected] ,with full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.


Angry Sikhs protest, block Metro, traffic

New Delhi Scores of angry Sikh groups, waving placards and shouting slogans, blocked a busy road and disrupted the Metro service for a few hours to express their outrage over the acquittal of Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in a case related to the 1984 antiSikh riots. As the Sikh groups promised more such protests, Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit pleaded that the issue not be politicised. Holding placards that read Give justice to 84 victims and Hang the culprits who massacred Sikhs, different Sikh groups gathered outside the Tilak Nagar police station in west Delhi since early morning. Most of them were from the Tilak Vihar area, a resettlement and rehabilitation colony that houses the victims of 1984 anti-Sikh riots. The Sikh groups were angry at the acquittal of Sajjan Kumar by a city court Tuesday in a case related to the killing of five people in the Delhi Cantonment area during violence against Sikhs following the assassination of then prime minister Indira Gandhi Oct 31, 1984. The court convicted five others in the same case. Sajjan Kumars acquittal came almost three decades after an estimated 3,000 Sikhs were killed in three days of riots in Indias capital and elsewhere. The group then barged into the nearby Tilak Nagar Metro station and came onto the track, disrupting the service for a few hours. The agitated protesters also forcefully halted a Metro train. A group of Sikhs also entered the Subhash Nagar Metro station a few kilometres away. As a result, commuters traveling on the line that connects Dwarka in the west and Noida on the outskirts of Delhi were affected. The two stations were shut down for two hours. They were re-opened after security officials cleared the protesting crowd. They demanded action against Sajjan Kumar and other accused in riot cases, including another Congress leader Jagdish Tytler, blamed for instigating a mob that led to the murder of three men in a gurdwara in north Delhi in Nov 1, 1984. A city court on April 10 re-opened the case against him. A Delhi Metro official told: Subhash Nagar Metro station and Tilak Nagar Metro station were opened for public around 3 p.m. Around 12.45 p.m., scores of protestors entered the station and they jumped into the tracks. A train was forced to halt for around 10 minutes. Hemendra Singh, spokesperson of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) that provides security to the Delhi Metro network, said: Over 60 protesters barged into Subhash Nagar Metro station. The few CISF personnel could not stop them from


Dont politicise Sajjan Kumars acquittal: Dikshit

entering. A train was delayed for a few minutes. Tilak Nagar Metro station also saw similar scenes. Entry gates of the two stations were closed for over two hours, Hemendra Singh told. No damage was caused, Singh said. According to additional commissioner of police V. Renganathan, the protesting crowd of a few hundreds blocked the busy Najafgarh Road in west Delhi. He said after the protest the crowd also held a langar near the Subhash Nagar Metro station, which led to further traffic chaos. Reacting to the protests, Dikshit said: The court has taken a decision. If someone is not satisfied with it, they can go to a higher court. What is the need to politicise it? Rajya Sabha member and Shiromani Akali Dal leader Naresh Gujral said the Sikhs are disappointed with the acquittal of Sajjan Kumar. The SIkh communitys hopes were dashed (over Sajjans acquittal). There is a sense of alienation. It is just not the Sikh community. I think every right thinking secular Indian feels a sense of outrage, he said. He asked for a Supreme Court-monitored Special Investigating Team (SIT) to investigate the anti-Sikh riots. Divjot Singh, an angry protester said: After 29 years we are yet to get justice. We will never forget or forgive.

Timeline of events
November 1984: Sikhs were killed in the riots following the assassination of then prime minister Indira Gandhi Oct 31, 1984. Feb 8, 2005: Justice G.T. Nanavati Commission appointed to look into the 1984 anti-Sikh riots, submits its report. October 2005: A case is registered by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on the recommendation of the Nanawati Commission. Feb 1, 2010: Court issues summons against Sajjan Kumar and seven other accused -- Balwan Khokkar, Mahender Yadav, Girdhari Lal, Kishan Khokkar, Captain Bhagmal, Maha Singh and Santosh Rani. Six accused are alive and facing trial. Feb 8, 2010: Delhi High court appoints special public prosecutor R.S. Cheema to conduct the trial on a daily basis so that the proceedings can be concluded in six months. Feb 15, 2010: Sajjan Kumars anticipatory bail rejected by additional sessions judge. Feb 17, 2010: Non-bailable warrants issued against Sajjan Kumar. Feb 23, 2010: Sajjan Kumar untraceable. Feb 26, 2010: Anticipatory bail granted to Sajjan Kumar by the Delhi High Court. July 1, 2010: Prosecution produces 17 witnesses. Witnesses Jagdish Kaur, Jagsher Singh and Nirpreet Kaur identify Sajjan Kumar in court and depose against him. June 2011: Prosecution evidence ends. August 2011: Defence prosecution starts. They produce 17 witnesses, of whom six are officials from Delhi Police who depose in favour of Sajjan Kumar. April 2012: Prosecution concludes its arguments. January 2013: Defence concludes its arguments and a judgment is pronounced. April 30: District and sessions court acquits Sajjan Kumar, convicts former councillor Balwan Khokkar, former legislator Mahender Yadav, Kishan Khokkar, Girdhari Lal and Captain Bhagmal.

Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said Congress leader Sajjan Kumars acquittal in a 1984 anti-Sikh riots case should not be politicised. This has nothing to do with elections, this issue should not be politicised, Dikshit told reporters. The court has taken a decision, if someone is not satisfied with it, they can go to a higher court. What is the need to politicise it, she said.

Sikh group offers a million dollars for Sajjan Kumars conviction

A US based Sikh rights group has announced a million-dollar reward for those individuals whose testimony and evidence may result in the conviction of Congress leader Sajjan Kumar. The reward will be given to those individuals who will come forward with tips, evidence and testimony leading to the reversal of a Delhi courts judgement acquitting Kumar in a 1984 anti-Sikh riots case, Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) announced. SFJ said it would engage top advocates to prosecute the appeal against the acquittal of Kumar before Delhi High Court. The reward presented an opportunity for those who witnessed the

killings to come forward with testimony and evidence to help victims in seeking justice against those Congress leaders who organized violence

against Sikhs, SFJ legal advisor Gurpatwant Singh Pannun said. Since Kumar was acquitted on the basis of benefit of doubt because complainant Jagdish Kaurs testimony was not corroborated by any independent witness, SFJ will campaign to find additional witnesses relating to Kumars role. Several Sikh leaders in the US have expressed their dismay and shock at Kumars acquittal. Sajjan Kumars acquittal Tuesday came almost three decades after an estimated 3,000 Sikhs were killed in three days of riots in Indias capital and elsewhere after the Oct 31, 1984, assassination of then prime minister Indira Gandhi.

New Delhi With turbulence refusing to subside for the crisis-ridden government, the Additional Solicitor General, Harin Rawal, blamed the Attorney General G.E.Vahanvati of influencing the CBI probe into coal scam. He said that besides coal scam, the shadows of Attorney General Vahanvati could be deciphered in other scam related investigations by the probing agency. A night before the apex court bench, headed by Justice R. M. Lodha, was to take up for hearing the allegations of governmental interference into the investigation, Rawal is believed to have written a letter to Vahanvati levelling serious allegation against the first law officer of the country. Rawal, who is likely to step out as governments law officer, had told the apex court in its last hearing that the March 8 status report of the CBI investigation into the coal scam had not been seen by the political executive. The March 8 status report of the investigating agency was submitted to the court in a sealed cover. In an obvious attempt to put the record straight, Rawal is believed to have said that he was being made a


PM wants truth to be told to Coal scam: Attorney General Vahanvati apex court: Solicitor General in dock?

New Delhi Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says he cannot interfere in an investigative matter and is concerned that truth should be told to the Supreme Court in the coal blocks issue, Solicitor General Mohan Parasaran said . The prime minister says he cannot interfere in an investigative matter... he is concerned that truth should be told to the court and it should not get an impression that anything was being hidden, Parasaran told Times Now channel. He also ruled out the possibility of any political interference by Law Minister Ashwani Kumar in a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) report on the allocation of coal blocks that has been submitted to the Supreme Court. There could not have been a political interference of the law minister

Aarushi case: Defence wants former CBI official to depose

Ghaziabad In the Aarushi-Hemraj double murder case, defence counsel pleaded before a special court here Thursday to summon former CBI joint director Arun Kumar as witness. Defence counsel Manoj Shishodia said he submitted an application before Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Special Judge S. Lal to summon 13 people, including Arun Kumar, for testimony. The court reserved the order on the application for Friday. Of the 13 witnesses we want in the

in the presence of the law officers, said Parasaran. He also said that the CBI consulted the law minister at the draft report stage and that it is still not the final investigation report. CBI comes under the ministry of personnel and training and the law ministry provides legal advice on some of the issues referred to it by the CBI, said Parasaran. Noting that the prime minister cannot monitor every detail, the solicitor general said he decided to tell the apex court about the role of the Prime Ministers Office. The PMO has been helping the CBI with many clarifications related to the coal block transactions over the past eight months, he added. Parasaran denied there was any pressure on him. As law officers, we are not under any pressure, he said.

All-party meet to show EVMs with verifiable vote

New Delhi The Election Commission Thursday told the Supreme Court that it has convened an all-party meet May 10 to demonstrate the voters verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT) in the EVMs and evolve consensus on its introduction. The commission has called a meeting of all the recognized national and state political parties to demonstrate the VVPAT unit and hold discussions for eliciting their views, senior counsel Ashok Desai told a bench of Justice P. Sathasivam and Justice Ranjan Gogoi. In the EVM with VVPAT, a printer is completely sealed and inaccessible to the voter. It will have a window on its front side that would display the vote exercised by the voter for him to verify his vote. Thereafter, it gets cut and automatically falls into a sealed box. Desai told the court that commission would moved ahead after a consensus is evolved at the all-party meeting. He said the introduction of VVPAT would depend on the outcome of the all-party meeting. The commission told the court that it would require 13 lakh VVPAT units to be manufactured for 13 lakhs EVMs at an approximate cost of Rs.1,690 crore. Now we are happy that it has actually materialized, Justice Sathasivam said, while perusing the Election Commission affidavit giving details of steps it had already taken and will take in future after May 10 all party meet. The next step is when we are going to implement them, he said. The EC affidavit said that for implementing the new system, the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961, would require certain amendments. Appearing for the central government, Attorney General G.E.Vahanvati told the court that the law and justice ministry was looking into the suggested amendments. If EC decides to go ahead with the introduction of VVPAT, then the allocation had to be made and parliament would take a call on it, Vahanvati said. He said that the financial allocation had to be approved by parliament. He told the court that as far as govern-

scapegoat. Rawals statement that the status report submitted to the apex court had not been shown to the political executive was contradicted by April 26 affidavit by the CBI Director, Ranjit Sinha. Sinha said the status report was vetted by the Union Law Minister Ashwani Kumar and the two joint secretary level officers in the prime minister office and the coal ministry respectively. This draft report was shared with them at their instance, he said in the affidavit. Rawal is learned to have told the

attorney general that it was at his instance that he went to attend the meeting convened by the law minister wherein the CBI director and other senior officer of the investigating agency were present. He has said that he received these instruction through an SMS message. Rawals letter to attorney general is apparently rooted in investigating agencys decision to replace the senior counsel U.U. Lalit who also happens to be the special public prosecutor before 2G Special Court of Additional Session Judge O.P Saini, holding the trial in 2G spectrum allocation cases.

One killed, 25 injured in Meghalaya cyclonic storm

Shillong One person was killed and at least 25 others were injured in a cyclonic storm in Meghalayas West Khasi Hills district Thursday, officials said. This is the second such incident within a span of three weeks in the remote West Khasi Hills district. On April 10, three people were killed and over 50 others injured in a storm in the district. High velocity winds, accompanied by rain and lightning in the wee hours of Thursday rendered hundreds of families homeless and uprooted hundreds of trees, telephone and electric poles, and snapped lines, officials said. Nanly Khardewsaw, a farmer from Mawsiej village, died on the spot when he was crushed in the rubble of his cyclone-ravaged house, Additional District Magistrate of West Khasi Hills J.P. Lakiang told IANS. Over 20 people have been admitted in the government-run hospital at Nongstoin -- four of them are in a critical condition, the official said. Magistrates and police officials have rushed to the six affected villages -- Umjaru, Mawsiangbah, Nongkniang, Mawsiej, MawrokMawlangiang and Nongkdait -- to take stock of the situation, Lakiang said. He said the government would set up relief camps at Mawsiangbah and Nongkhniang villages to accommodate displaced villagers. We were planning to set up another

box, 12 are from the original list of 141 witnesses given by the CBI. One additional witness whose name we have added is former joint CBI director Arun Kumar, who claimed Aarushis parents were innocent, Shishodia said. The CBI opposed the defence application. Aarushi, 14, was found murdered at her parents Noida residence May 16, 2008. The body of the familys domestic help Hemraj, first suspected for Aarushis killing, was found the next day on the terrace of the house.

relief camp at Mawsiej village, but the villagers have opposed it, the additional district magistrate said. Meanwhile, the deputy chief minister in-charge of revenue and disaster management R.C. Laloo Thursday held a review meeting to assess the damage caused by the cyclonic storm in West Khasi Hills. The government had released immediate funds to the district administration for distribution of essential items among the affected families and the government will extend all necessary help to the affected villagers, Laloo told IANS. He said an ex-gratia payment of Rs.1.5 lakh to the next of kin of the farmer killed in a cyclonic storm would be made at the earliest.

New Delhi External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid is to go ahead with his May 9 Beijing visit amid the standoff between the two countries over the incursion by Chinese troops in Depsang area of Ladakh. External affairs ministry spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin said, in answer to a question, that Khurshid has said that he intends to go and that is the last word. He said that the Chinese incursion 19 km inside Indian territory on the Line of Actual Control is localised in geographical and spatial terms and the goal is to see the Chinese troops return to the position before the April 15 intrusion. Akbaruddin said that India has been able to communicate its concerns to Beijing over the April 15 incursion by Chinese troops.

Khurshid to go ahead with Beijing visit: Official

ment was concerned the introduction of VVPAT was entirely between the Election Commission and all other stake holders. As court adjourned the hearing till August 22, Janata Party chief Subramanian Swamy, who had moved the court for the introduction of VVPAT, said: If for some unforeseeable reason, they (the poll panel) are not able to put in place remedial steps, I may have the right to came back and seek return to old ballot paper system. Swamy had moved the apex court seeking the EVMs with print out facility so that in case of a dispute on the outcome of the election, the same could be verified by the print out of the vote cast through EVMs. He had contended that the recording of the votes on the print out was necessary because EVMs were not tamper proof. Each VVPAT unit that would cost Rs. 13,000/- has been produced by the Bharat Electronic Limited (BEL) and Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL).

The point is very clear that this is an incident limited in geographical scope and spatial, Akbaruddin said, adding that the goal is that we return to status quo as it was prior to April 15. He added that the channels of both countries were active to resolve the situation. On Chinese Premier Li Keqiangs forthcoming visit to Delhi, the spokesperson said both sides were in discussion on it and working out appropriate dates for the visit. The preparations are in an advanced stage of planning and discussions, he added. A Chinese platoon set up a camp 19 km inside the Indian territory in Ladakhs Depsang Valley April 15. Both sides have held three inconclusive flag meetings so far.



Court exempts Salman Khan from appearance in hit-and-run case

Mumbai A Mumbai court Monday exempted Bollywood actor Salman Khan from a personal appearance in the 2002 hit-and-run case. The ruling was given by the sessions court, which is hearing Khans petition challenging an order of the Bandra Metropolitan Magistrate Court, which had found him guilty on the ground that he was fully aware of the consequences of rash driving. The sessions court posted the matter for the next hearing May 8. Salman Khan has been accused of driving his Toyota Land Cruiser rashly in 2002. It rammed into a bakery in suburban Bandra, killed one person and injured four more. In February, the Bandra Metropolitan Magistrate Court, which heard the case for over a decade, held the actor guilty and ruled that charges of culpable homicide not amounting to murder should be added by the prosecution. It took congnizance of the submissions made by Salman Khans police bodyguard who testified that he had warned the actor not to speed at 90-100 kmph as there was a blind curve ahead. The actor allegedly did not heed his advice, the bodyguard said. The court also took cognizance of medical reports indicating that Salman Khan was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident. Last month, Salman Khan challenged the lower court order in the sessions court, terming the order as bad in law and erroneous.

Act against hate speech makers, SC tells government

New Delhi H olding that hate speeches targeting a section of society were weakening the countrys social fabric, the Supreme Court urged the central and the state governments to demonstrate courage and proceed against political and religious authors of these speeches. A bench of Chief Justice Altamas Kabir, Justice Vikramjit Sen and Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde told the government that it must have courage to take action against the political and religious leaders making hate speeches against the targeted population. Hate speeches made by the political and religious leaders destroy the social fabric of the society. That is why we need to take steps so that in some way these things can be checked, the court observed. The court expressed its anguish in the course of the hearing of a petition by NGO Pravasi Bhalai Sangathan which sought framing of guidelines to curb elected representatives, political and religious leaders from delivering hate speeches in pursuance of their narrow political goals. As the court asked the central government to act against such people, Additional Solicitor General Siddarth Luthra told the court that the matter came under the domain of the state governments and it was up to them to move in such matter and curb such tendencies. The court then asked the petitioner to make all the state governmernts and union territories respondents in its petition.

Womens squad protects women in Kolkata Metro

Kolkata Men beware! The salwar-clad woman you may have fixed your roving eyes on in a Kolkata Metro train could turn out to be from the special task force of the police. One indiscreet move and you might be cooling your heels behind bars. Kolkata Metro authorities raised the task force in January to protect women against harassment in the station premises as also over the 25.135 km distance traversed on the citys busy north-south axis. The task force comprises for now only a dozen members -- mostly women. Every day, at least 3-4 women officers are clad in civvies and the rest in uniform. The women are confident, strong, and athletically-built. If not in uniform, you would definitely not think of her as a member of the police force. The special task force has been identifying and nabbing culprits found misbehaving with women. The members say recognising the wrongdoers is a matter of experience. People are now aware this task force is patrolling the Metro and so crimes have gone down, said Head Constable Sunita Surin, a member of the team. We travel in salwars, kurtis and sarees just like any other passenger with no badge or gadgets, Surin said. Earlier, chain-snatching and other forms of harassment were making life difficult for women passengers. It was then that senior Metro officials decided on deploying policewomen in civvies on the trains. After getting complaints from women passengers about their harassment and theft issues, the women task force was constituted in two days, Metro Railway Deputy General Manager Protyush Ghosh told. This has come as a boon for women commuters, who now find an evident change in the behaviour of male passengers on the Metro. The task force not only looks for culprits but also warns passengers of dangers like standing in the vestibule and resting against the sliding doors. Metro is my daily mode of commuting. Previously it would be difficult to stand in a crowded compartment with men making it uncomfortable for us and trying to misbehave. But now they know the squad is travelling in plain clothes. The fear of being caught stops them from getting too close to us, regular commuter Rimita Saha told. The task force keeps a hawk eye from the first morning train till the last night rake. Closed circuit (CCTV) cameras are installed at all stations and monitored from the control room in the nodal office to ensure security. Any hint of suspicion is immediately passed on to the squad for corrective action. They work in groups of 5-6. The squad takes the train from Park Street, Kavi Subhas or Dum Dum. Some members continue in the train while some get off at stations to observe suspicious behaviour.

In the last hearing of the matter April 8, the court had issued notice to the central government, the Election Commission, and the governments of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. The Election Commission Monday told the court that it did not have the powers under the Representation of People Act to derecognise the party on such grounds. The commissions counsel Meenakshi Arora told the court that the commission had recommended an amendment to the electoral law so that it could proceed in such matters. The PIL has said that numerous hate and derogatory speeches made by the elected representatives, political and religious leaders on caste, religion, region and ethnic lines were violative of the Article 14 (Equality before law), 15 (Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste or place of birth), Article 16 (Equality in matter of public ap-

pointments), Article 19 (Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech) and Article 21 (Protection of life and liberty) read with the Directive Principles of State Policy. The PIL has urged the court to direct that fraternity forms the part of the basic structure of the constitution. Referring to the hate speeches by the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray, Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen leader Akbaruddin Owaisi, and the Vishwa Hindu Parishads international working president Praveen Togadia, the PIL said that their utterances were destroying the fabric of democracy, unity and integrity of the country. Underlining the importance of the guidelines to curb hate speeches, petitioners advocate Ravi Chandra Prakash said: It is very important to have guidelines to curb hate speeches as they are targeted against the citizens particularly migrant workers.

Army chief briefs CCS on Chinese incursion

New Delhi The Indian Army chief, General Bikram Singh, Wednesday briefed the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) on the Chinese incursion in Ladakh. The CCS met today and the army chief briefed us on the Ladakh situation, Finance Minister P. Chidambaram told reporters after the meeting. A Chinese platoon set up camp 19 km inside Indian territory in Ladakhs Depsang Valley on On April 15. India has tried through meetings with local military commanders and through diplomatic channels to get China to vacate the area. China, however, insists that it has not intruded into Indian territory. Defence minister A K Antony, External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid and Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde are among the members of the CCS, which is chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Without good ties with India, Nepal cannot prosper: Prachanda

New Delhi Nepals former prime minister and head of the countrys largest party, the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda said that his party had agreed that his country cannot prosper without good relations with India. The decision taken at the party convention last month was an important turning point of the partys ideological point and has created a new basis and new relations with India, said Prachanda, visiting India after four years. The Indian issue figured for the first time at the party convention, he said. The party clearly criticized the narrow nationalism and feudal nationalism of earlier thinking and indicated progressive nationalism and through this we can create atmosphere where we can develop good relations... Without good relations and understanding with India, we cannot prosper, said Prachanda, adding that the three points were very important and created new dynamics for the party. He said during his visit to China earlier in the month, the Chinese leadership had told him they support his decision to have good relations with India. He also stressed on pushing forward economic development of his country which he said was in in the larger interests of both India and China. The Maoist leader, who is on a four-day visit to India, floated his vision of a trilateral cooperation between India, China and Nepal, which he said was not a distant dream. Nepal cannot and should not remain poor and backward, said Prachanda, giving a talk on India-Nepal Relations: Vision for the Next Decade at the Indian Council of World Affairs here. He added that economic development of Nepal is in the larger interests of India and China which will herald political stability and contribute to regional peace and security. Nepal-India relations are based on peaceful coexistence and understanding the aspirations and interests of each other, said Prachanda, who last visited India in 2008 as nepals prime minister. He also said Nepal is very much aware of Indias security concerns and it adopts a firm policy of not allowing any activity against its friendly neighbour from its soil. Prachanda stressed that the tripartite partnership would in no way undermine or replace our bilateral relations that have been there for centuries. Prachanda is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid Tuesday before heading back to Kathmandu. Asked if he would broach the topic of trilateral partnership with the Indian prime minister, Prachanda told IANS that it is a vision which is still in the making and he would stress on taking forward bilateral relations during his talks with Indian leaders. Prior to his India visit, Prachanda visited China April 14-20 where he had stressed on the need for increased economic cooperation between China and Nepal and also floated the proposal of strategic tripartite partnership.

torate in European Community law before heading the youth wing of the centrist Christian Democracy Party. In a country distinguished by its ageing political class, Lettas rise was rapid. At the age of 32, he became the youngest minister in Italys history when he was appointed minister for community policy in 1998 in the government of then prime minister Massimo DAlema. He also served as industry and commerce minister till 2001. From 2004, Letta was a member of the European Parliament until 2006, when he was appointed secretary of the council of ministers. He is married in a second wedding to Gianna Fregonara, a journalist of Italys largest selling newspaper Corriere della Sera. He has three children wih Fregonara. Letta is a supporter of AC Milan, the football club owned by Berlusconi. He is also a reader of Dylan Dog, an Italian horror comics series featuring a paranormal investigator, and a music listener. Letta has pledged to reform the parliamentary system, reduce the number of lawmakers and change an electoral law which was considered largely responsible for Februarys inconclusive national elections. Washington US President Barack Obama Tuesday defended the performance of law enforcement authorities including the FBI and praised the Russian sides cooperation following the Boston bombings, reported Xinhua. Speaking at a White House news conference, Obama told reporters that all the US law enforcement officials had performed in an exemplary fashion after the Boston bombings took place on April 15. He moved on to defend the countrys national security team over reports about the alleged lack of enough intelligence sharing prior to the Boston bombings. But what I can say is that based on what Ive seen so far, the FBI performed its duties. Department of Homeland Security did what it was supposed to be doing, said Obama. However, the president acknowledged that the Russian intelligence services had alerted US intelligence about the older suspect in the case and the FBI had investigated him and concluded there were no signs that he was engaging in extremist activity. Its not as if the FBI did nothing. They not only investigated the older


Enrico Letta is Italys new PM

Obama defends FBI, praises Russia after Boston bombings

thon bombings. He noted that he had spoken directly to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was committed to cooperation in investigation to the Boston bombings and counterterrorism issues. But he acknowledged that there were still suspicions sometimes between the two countries intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Twin explosions occurred on April 15 near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three people and wounding 264. The FBI identified two brothers, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev and 19- year-old Dzhokar Tsarnaev, as suspects behind the Boston bombings. The elder brother died after a shootout with the police. Dzhokar Tsarnaev was apprehended four days after the bombings and charged last week with using a weapon of mass destruction against persons and property. The White House news conference comes on the 100th day of the presidents second term. Obama answered a wide range of questions from foreign policy issues related to Syria to domestic issues on immigration reform and gun control, regarded as two top legislative priorities in his second term.

The 46-year-olds candidacy was backed by the centre-left Democratic Party, of which he is a prominent member, and the centre-right People of Freedom to which he is linked by family ties, Xinhua reported. The coalition government of the Democratic Party and the People of Freedom is composed of 21 ministers including seven women, more than ever, and the countrys first nonwhite minister, Cecile Kyenge, who was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Letta was born in Pisa. He took a degree in political science and a doc-

brother, they interviewed the older brother, said he. Obama stressed that one of the dangers the country now faces is selfradicalized individuals who are already here in the United States, in some cases may not be part of any kind of network, but because of whatever warped twisted ideas they may have, may decide to carry out an attack. And those are, in some ways, more difficult to prevent, he said. Obama also said the Russians had been very cooperative with the US authorities since the Boston Mara-

Brazil charges 60 cops with corruption

Rio de Janeiro Authorities in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro Tuesday launched an operation to arrest 78 people, including 60 police officers, accused of making up a corruption network that extorted bribes from street vendors and drivers of gypsy cabs. The arrest warrants were requested during the course of an investigation begun six months ago by the intelligence division of the state public safety department. The majority of the police officers accused of corruption belong to the 14th Battalion, which is responsible for guaranteeing public order in Bangu, a region in western Rio de Janeiro. Investigators verified via courtauthorized video surveillance and wiretaps the existence of a network devoted to extorting street vendors in Bangu and the nearby neighbourhood of Honorio Gurgel. We have videos in which the police officers (are) receiving money from the businessmen and afterwards dividing it in official vehicles. This is all documented, said assistant secretary of intelligence, Favio Galvao. The cops demanded bribes from the vendors to allow them to sell pirated products and stolen items and from some motorcycle owners to allow them to offer services as taxi drivers despite lacking licenses to do so. Police are also accused of distributing among different vendors pirated products seized in operations against those vendors who refused to pay the bribes.

Dubai Around 60,000 Indian workers have registered in the Indian embassy in Riyadh and the consulate general in Jeddah in the wake of the new Saudi labour policy, according to Indias Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi. These people have been rushing to take advantage of an amnesty scheme being offered by the countrys ruler King Abdullah, the Saudi Gazette reported. The new policy, called Nitaqat, makes it mandatory for all Saudi companies to reserve 10 percent of jobs for Saudi nationals. According to Ravi, who was attending an Indian community reception hosted by Indias consul general Faiz Ahmed Kiwai at the Indian consulate in Jeddah, his ministry will meet the expenses for hiring temporary staff to overcome

60,000 Indians register at Indian Kayani assures General Elections on May 11 missions in Saudi Arabia
the crisis created by the huge turnout of Indian workers who want to go home. We are also interacting with the community leaders and will apprise the prime minister of India about the real situation arising out of the Nitaqat implementation and the ideal steps to be taken in this regard, he was quoted as saying. However, the report said that, in a press conference earlier in the day, the minister did not answer a question as to whether these workers will be provided with air tickets. Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Hamid Ali Rao urged Indian workers to take advantage of the amnesty scheme and either rectify their status in the kingdom or return home. There are around 1.8 million expatriate Indians in that Gulf nation. Islamabad General elections will be held May 11, said Pakistan Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani while asking people not to harbour any suspicions or misgivings about it. The powerful army chief said Tuesday in Rawalpindi that general elections would be held in the country May 11, reported Associated Press of Pakistan. We must not harbour any suspicions or misgivings about it, Kayani said while addressing the Yaum-e-Shuhada (Martyrs Day) ceremony at GHQ. He said the elections were a golden opportunity that could usher in an era of true democratic values in the country. He added that in his opinion, it is not merely retribution, but awareness and participation of the masses that can truly end this game of hide and seek between democracy and dictatorship. If we succeed in rising above all ethnic, linguistic and sectarian bi-

Russian military may soon adopt new Kalashnikov assault rifle

mid-2011. The new weapon retains the overall layout and features of the AK-74, in service with the Russian army since the 1970s, but features several modifications and ergonomic changes. According to Izhmash designers, they have adapted the weapon to modern combat requirements, having preserved Kalashnikovs unique qualities - simplicity, reliability and relatively low production cost. The rifle features three firing modes: single-shot, three-shot burst and automatic fire. The muzzle of the AK-12 has been designed to shoot foreign-standard barrel-mounted grenades also. The weapon is also equipped with Picatinny rails to mount optical, and night sights, grenade launchers, target indicators and other special equipment. The AK-12 has a folding stock, and a height-adjustable heel-piece. The weapon can be used by both lefthanded and right-handed people, and can be easily handled with one hand.

Moscow The fate of a new Kalashnikov AK12 assault rifle developed for the Russian army will be decided during acceptance trials due to begin in June 2013, Russias largest firearms manufacturer, Izhmash, said. In the interests of the defence ministry, Izhmash is working on the modernisation of the AK-74 and AK100 assault rifles in service with the Russian army, as well as developing a (new) standard assault rifle on the AK-12 platform which will undergo state acceptance trials in June 2013, Izhmashs chief designer Vladimir Zlobin said Monday. If the trials are successful, the new assault rifle will be put in production and will be adopted as a service weapon for the military. Development of the AK-12 began in

The new assault rifle has being developed as a basic platform for nearly 20 different modifications of the weapon. It could be adapted for cartridges varying from 5.45x39 mm to 7.62x51 NATO.

ases to vote solely on the basis of honesty, sincerity, merit and competence, there would be no reason to fear dictatorship or to grudge the inadequacies of our present democratic system, he stressed. He went on to say that the countrys salvation resides in transforming the government into a true platform of public representation. This would come to pass once the construct of public representation in Pakistan is oriented towards affording primacy and precedence to larger public interest over personal interests. Otherwise, may it be democracy or dictatorship; governance would continue to remain a means of self aggrandizement and that of plundering national wealth and resources, he was quoted as saying. He assured that the military stands committed towards wholeheartedly assisting and supporting the conduct of free, fair and peaceful elections to the best of their capabilities and remaining within the confines of the Constitution. He added that this support was solely aimed at strengthening democracy and rule of law in the country.


utes to extricate the bodies from the accident site at Km 17.9 of the highway. The injured, G. Vinitha, 16, has been admitted to the intensive care unit of the Johor Specialist Hospital. Vikneswaran was reportedly driving the car when he lost control. The car first hit the left hand side of the divider and then rammed into the pillar. Seven-year-old Akash was flung out of the car. Police are still investigating to determine the cause of the accident, Kulaijaya police chief superintendent Zulkifly Yahya was quoted as saying. Springfield, Virginia Clothes swapping has become an increasingly popular way for women in the United States to give away undesired items from their wardrobes and get something fresh in return. Enthusiasts in the Washington area and beyond have attracted hundreds of new participants to their events in recent months, using social media to spread the word. Swappers say the events are an opportunity to stay fashionable on a budget, and to be charitable and environmentally friendly at the same time. One of the areas most popular clothing swap groups drew a record crowd to its latest gathering at a high school in Springfield, Virginia on April 20. Bartering for bargains About 300 women came to the cafeteria of the West Springfield High School to lay out gently used shirts, dresses and other items they no longer wanted. In return, they could take home almost anything they like. Student volunteer Ashley Moore loved the concept. I brought five shirts and got two nice pairs of boots, she said. They were like new, not even used! A resident of the nearby Virginia suburb of Alexandria, Daphne Steinberg, said she was attracted by the prospect of finding something special. One of her finds included a shirt by American brand LOFT, originally known as Ann Taylor LOFT. Ann Taylor is a really nice womens designer and I will totally wear this to work, Steinberg explained. I love that I can outfit myself for work, have a good time doing it, not totally bankrupt myself. Green benefits Among the vendors offering special deals to the clothing swappers was Waldorf, Maryland-based energy healer Sandy Van Dusen. She liked the idea that clothes were finding new homes rather than getting thrown away and ending up in a landfill. It helps to keep the Earth green, she said. There is no point, in my opinion, in continuing to buy new clothes when we can reuse what is already here, give it a new home, let somebody else love what you used to love. Organizer Kim Pratts Frugal Fashionista group raised about $700 at the event, by charging a $5 entry fee for the swappers, a $25 table fee for the vendors, and selling raffle tickets for various prizes. Community giving The group used half of the money to cover operating costs and donated the other half to the schools debate team. The Frugal Fashionistas support several charitable causes through their events. They deliver all unswapped clothes to shelters for victims of domestic violence and raise money for anti-sexual violence organization Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN). Pratt said her inspiration is Suzanne Agasi, who began hosting private swaps in San Francisco in 1996. After several years, Agasis gatherings outgrew her home and she developed them into a business through her I learned about it from her online, Pratt said. I started doing this myself four years ago, and we have been doing it for four years, getting bigger and bigger each time we have a swap. Using the social media site meetup. com to promote the events has helped the Frugal Fashionistas to grow from 30 members to 1,300.

Five of Indian origin family die in Malaysia car crash

Singapore Five members of an Indian origin family were killed and one was seriously injured when the car they were travelling in rammed into the iron pillar of a signpost on the North-South Expressway in the Malaysian state of Johor. Those killed have been identified as P. Pavai, 65, her daughters, R. Selvarani, 46, and R. Greetha, 42, and two grandsons, G. Vikneswaran, 19, and A. Akash, 7. They were on their way from Skudai to Kulaijaya in Johor state when the accident happened. Fire and rescue department personnel took more than 30 min-

Social Media Draw More US Women to Clothing Swaps

Boy kills sister while playing with rifle in US

Los Angeles A five-year-old boy shot and killed his two-year-old sister in Cumberland County, Kentucky, while he was playing at home with a rifle specifically designed for children that he had received as a present last year, a television station reported. WKYT-TV reported that the boy fired one shot Tuesday, hitting his sister, while the childrens mother was also in the house. The little girl was transported to a nearby hospital where she was pronounced dead. Its one of those crazy accidents, said the county medical examiner, Gary White, who identified the girl as Caroline Starks, according to the Web site. The weapon used in the tragic killing is a .22 Crickett rifle for children manufactured by the Keystone Sporting Arms company, White said, adding that the boy was used to handling the gun. The rifle was kept in the corner of a room in the house and, evidently, the parents did not know that there was a bullet in the chamber. The web page, owned by Keystone Sporting Arms, is promoting the sale of firearms for minors under the slogan My first rifle and says that it sells Quality firearms for Americas youth. In 2008, the company produced 60,000 firearms for children, including rifles and pistols, many of them in bright colours.

Challenges Most of them respect clothing swap etiquette. But Pratt said competition for desirable fashion can get heated. We have to tell people sometimes not to hover over the new people coming in with their clothing as they put it down. Some people tend to grab the stuff right out of their hands and it becomes like a free-for-all. We try to avoid that as much as possible. Co-organizer Dianna Moy said the group plans to draw even more women to future swaps, but needs many volunteers to donate time, effort and money for that to happen. We found there is a big demand here in the DC area and very few that want to address it, said Moy. We are very happy to help satisfy part of that necessity. Fun factor Enthusiasts also have been emphasizing the social aspect of their events to broaden the appeal. Local group Dewdrop is promoting a May clothing swap in downtown Washington by offering cocktails, style tips from experts and a fashion show to women who pay the $20 advance ticket fee. At the Springfield event, a minidance party erupted in a part of the cafeteria as a female DJ played popular tunes like Gangnam Style. We are all here because we like fashion, said swap attendee Steinberg. Some of it might be like 10year ago fashion, but we have a good time.

US Charges Three With Hindering Boston Bombing Investigation

Boston U.S. authorities have arrested and charged three more men in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing investigation. The suspects are accused of aiding one of the Boston bombers, Dzohkhar Tsarnaev, after the attack by conspiring to obstruct the investigation. Three newly-arrested suspects appeared in a Boston federal courtroom briefly Wednesday afternoon. Two of them, Dias Kadyrbayev, 19 years old and Azamat Tazhayakov, also 19 years old, are both nationals of Kazakhstan who entered the United States on student visas. The two are charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice by conspiring to destroy, conceal and cover-up a laptop and a backpack containing empty fireworks belonging to the suspected bomber who is in police custody, Dhokhar Tsarnaev. The two men could face a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. An attorney for Dias Kadyrbayev, Robert Stahl, told reporters that his client is not guilty and has been assisting Federal Bureau of Investigation officials. He is just as shocked and horrified by the violence in Boston that took place as the rest of the community is. He did not know that this individual was involved in the bombing. His first inkling came much later, he said. A third suspect, Robel Phillipos, 19 years old, is charged with willfully making materially false statements to federal law enforcement officials during a terrorism investigation. Phillipos, a U.S. citizen, could face a maximum of eight years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Media reports say the three men attended the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth with the younger brother suspected in the Boston bombing, Dzokhar Tsarnaev, and have now admitted that they removed a backpack and a laptop from Tsarnaevs dorm room and and did not inform authorities. No evidence has been released at this time that would indicate that the newly charged suspects aided the two Tsarnaev brothers before the Boston bombings, and Boston police say there is no threat to the public. The older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in a shootout with police. White House spokesman Jay Carney said President Barack Obama is briefed on the Boston bombing investigation regularly. Speaking at a news conference Tuesday, President Obama expressed confidence in the job U.S. intelligence officials are doing, and said it is very hard to prevent smaller attacks planned by individuals. One of the dangers we now face are self-radicalized individuals who are already here in the U.S. and in some cases, might not be part of any net-

Somali Militants Threaten Revenge for Executions

work, he said. U.S. lawmakers were briefed last week by intelligence officials and told reporters afterwards that they were told that the Tsarnaev brothers likely learned bomb-making from jihadist websites. Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff of California said it may be that the face of the terrorist threat is changing. Well, you know probably the most profound question that has been raised by this is, has the nature of the threat changed? Is it a situation where we are now facing more what Europe has faced, with a alienation of part of the immigrant population, self-radicalization? That is a different challenge than those that are trained overseas or receive material support from overseas and come here to attack us, he said. The House Homeland Security Committee will hold a hearing next week on the Boston bombings and the implications for U.S. national security.

Somali Militant group al-Shabab has promised to retaliate for the execution of 13 suspected Islamist fighters by authorities in Somalias Puntland region. In an audio recording posted online, al-Shabab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage said the 13 were innocent Muslims. He said the group will issue tough punishment to all those involved in their arrest, conviction and execution. The 12 men and one woman were killed by firing squad, in secret, outside the town of Bosaso on Tuesday.

A local official told VOA they had been convicted of killing a local religious scholar, regional lawmakers and security officials. Somali, Ethiopian and African Union forces have pushed al-Shabab out of Somalias major towns and cities but the al-Qaida-linked militant group remains active. The group claimed responsibility for an attack in Mogadishu last month that killed more than 30 people. Some of the groups fighters have infiltrated the semi-autonomous Puntland region following al-Shababs setbacks in southern Somalia.




Sarabjit Singh killed

Manish Tewari, I & B Minister It was abject failure of Pakistan. What happened was inhuman, barbaric and that is not the manner in which a civilised state treats prisoners in their custody.

Shivraj Singh Chauhan, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister This is how they commute death sentence in Pakistan. This is their way of saying thanks for the recent release of Pakistan virologist Khalil Chisti.

Smriti Irani, BJP I ask the Congress president why were Dalbir Kaurs pleas not heeded? Every Indian is asking about the steps our Government is taking to send a strong message to Pakistan.

Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, BJP This is condemnable. This is a shameful incident. This is a heinous crime. They have killed an Indian citizen. Today country is angry and sad. Nothing was done by the government even when it knew everything. We expect that at least now the Indian government will take some strict action..

Parkash Singh Badal, Punjab Chief Minister Government of India too dithered and dillydallied in reacting to the attack on him (Sarabjit). Was enough done to save him? Steps by government of India to secure his release earlier were weak and totally inadequate.

Prakash Javadekar, BJP spokesman It is a very sad incident. Pakistan can chop off the heads, and our government wont do anything. It has been a very sad death for Sarabjit and the responsibility is on the head of the Indian Government. This is an absolutely failure of Indian foreign policy.

Narendra Modi, Gujarat Chief Minister Centre is unable to give a strong answer to Pakistans inhuman acts. Beheading of our soldiers and now Sarabjits death are two recent examples. Both the Government of India and Government of Pakistan have misled people on Sarabjit Singh issue. The truth on this issue must come out.



Karnataka Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi mocked the BJPs attack on the central government over corruption, saying that the party does not talk about its former chief minister going to jail for graft in Karnataka. Yesterday they spoke in parliament about corruption, but they will not talk about it in Karnataka. They will also not say that a chief minister went to jail. Gandhi said here at a rally held as part of the campaign for the May 5 assembly polls in the state. B.S. Yeddyurappa, the BJP chief minister, was forced to quit in July 2011 over mining bribery charges. He floated the Karnataka Janata Party, which is contesting the assembly elections alone. Mandya, about 80 km from Bangalore, is considered the stronghold of the Janata Dal-Secular (JD-S).Rahul Gandhi accused the BJP of mortgaging Karnatakas rich natural resources like iron ore to the Reddy brothers and using their money to acquire power in the state. Of the three Reddy brothers, G. Janardhana Reddy has been in jail for over a year over illegal mining and export charges both in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. His brother, G. Karunakara Reddy, is contesting the assembly poll on a BJP ticket from Harapa-

Rahul Gandhi mocks BJP campaign against corruption

nahalli in central Karnataka. The two were ministers in the Yeddyurappa cabinet. Rahul Gandhi said that Karnataka has lost out on development in the last nine years after the Congress lost power. The last Congress government was in 1999-2004, though the party shared power with the JD-S in 2004-2006. He said only the Congress could put Karnataka back on the path of all-round development.


Varun Gandhi likens Rajnath Singh to Vajpayee

Lucknow Amid talks of Bharatiya Janata Party anointing Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi as prime ministerial candidate for upcoming Lok Sabha polls, party general secretary Varun Gandhi called party president Rajnath Singh fit for the top job. Speaking at a public rally in Bareilly,Gandhiremembered former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee as the person who brought him to politics but added that it was in Singh that he saw the future leader of the country. If in anyone I see the reflection of Vajpayee it is Rajnath Singh, he has a clean image and a 40year political career where no charges of any sorts have been levelled on him the MP from Pilibhit said while exhorting the people to vote for the BJP to ensure that the son of the UP soil sat on the Delhi high seat. He also lashed on the ruling Samajwadi party (SP) in the state, and accused it of doing nothing but claiming much. If the BJP regains its lost standing in the state, no power can stop it from coming to power at the center, he said.Rajnath Singh slammed the Congress-led UPA government, saying the government is meek and weak in its response to the Chinese aggression on Indian soil. The BJP national president also demanded that the Indian government should ban Chinese products in the country which will lead to a major loss to the Chinese economy. Lauding Varun Gandhi, Singh said that he wanted to entrust him with responsibilities for a very long time but had to wait as Gandhi was very young and needed some experience in politics.

New Delhi Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav accused the UPA government of being weak and cowardly over the reported incursion of Chinese troops in Ladakh. Speaking in the Lok Sabha, the former defence minister warned that China is the biggest enemy of India and that Pakistan is no threat to India. He alleged that the Chinese in-

Mulayam flays cowardly UPA over Chinese incursion

cursion was aimed at annexing Indian territory. I have been raising this issue for the past eight years. I had warned that that there will be a repeat of 1962. I even went and met the prime minister, yet there was no response. Now (external affairs minister) Salman Khurshid is going to China. What for? Beg before them? an angry Mulayam Singh asked. Besides Mulayam Singh, several members voiced concern on the stand-off that continues with China at the border. I would request and I would urge upon the government that adequate steps be taken to drive out the Chinese forces from the Indian territory and all attempts should be made to demarcate the Line of Actual Control, demanded Biju Janata Dals Bhartruhari Mahtab. Trinamool Congress MP Sudip Bandyopadhyay urged the speaker to allot time for a full debate on the issue. The PM should come and make a statement in the house, he said. On April 15, a Chinese platoon set up camp 19 km inside Indian territory in Depsang Valley in Ladakh. India has tried through meetings with local military commanders and through diplomatic channels to get China to vacate the spot.

Jayalalithaa blames PMK for violence

Chennai Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa blamed the Vanniyar caste party PMK for April 25 violence at Marakkanam near here and said compensation will be paid to the victims. She said a case has been registered against PMK leader S. Ramadoss. Replying to a special calling attention motion in the state assembly on the violent incidents at Marakkanam, Jayalalithaa blamed the PMK and its leader Ramadoss for the hate speech April 25 at the partys youth conference at Mallapuram, around 70 km from here. She said the PMK party went against the commitments it made to the authorities while securing the permission to hold the event. The chief minister said the government accorded permission to the event as in the past organisations approached the courts and got permission to hold such events. According to her, police acted in a responsible manner and brought the situation under their control. She announced a compensation of Rs.50,000 each from the Chief Ministers Public Relief Fund to those whose properties were damaged in the violence, and said houses will be built for those who lost their homes. Jayalalithaa said Rs.25,000 would be given to three people who suffered injuries and Rs.10,000 to 17 people who suffered minor injuries. Citing the posters of the slain notorious sandalwood smuggler Veerappan during the conference, Jayalalithaa wondered whether the PMK wanted the youths to follow in Veerappans footsteps.


Trinamool MP quizzed in chit fund mess, protests continue
Kolkata Taking forward investigation into the multi-billion crore rupee chit fund muddle that has rocked West Bengal, police quizzed ruling Trinamool Congress MP Kunal Ghosh while Congress activists demonstrated on the streets demanding Chief Minister Mamata Banerjees resignation in the scam. Nearly took weeks after the Saradha Group companies went bust and downed shutters across the state unable to repay the lakhs of depositors, the under-fire Mamata Banerjee government distributed leaflets asking investors to keep their money in small savings schemes in post offices. Cautioning people about the uncertainties of putting their money in chit funds and non-banking financial companies, the leaflets said: Dont step into such allurement and get cheated. The government will have nothing to do in that case. Ghosh, who headed Saradhas media arm - Saradha Publishing and Printing Pvt Ltd - was summoned to the Bidhannagar police commissionerate, which is probing the biggest financial scam to break in the state, and questioned for around 90 minutes. Later, he rubbished allegations of complicity in the scam and claimed he was ignorant about the Ponzi funding of the company. It is most unfortunate that I am being singled out when the rest of the media houses are still publishing advertisements of chit fund companies. I was a mere employee of the company. How would I know it was funded through chit fund, claimed Ghosh, who used to get a monthly remuneration of Rs 15 lakh besides another Rs 1.50 lakh as allowances. The Rajya Sabha member also claimed that the company officials had told him that the groups media businesswas being funded through its export business. When you join any company as its employee, do you enquire about its directors or whether the company Arun Jaitley and all BJP chief ministers will lead protests across the country, Naqvi said. The prime minister has become the guardian of sins and the Congress a caucus of corruption. Every corruption, scam and loot of public money is being done under the guardianship of the prime minister by the Congress with impunity, he said. The BJP has been stalling both houses of parliament since the beginning of the second half of the budget session, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Law Minister Ashwani Kumar.

BJP to hold nation-wide protests against UPA

New Delhi After stalling parliament, the main opposition BJP has decided to hold nationwide protests May 4 and 5 to expose the scams of the UPA government. These protests will unmask the misuse of constitutional institutions to cover up scams, corruption and sins of the Congress, BJP vice president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi told reporters here. BJP leaders including L.K. Advani, party chief Rajnath Singh, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj, her Rajya Sabha counterpart

Speaker rejects demand to remove 2G JPC chief

New Delhi Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar Thursday rejected the opposition demand for removal of P.C. Chacko as the head of the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) looking into 2G spectrum allocation, a parliament source said. The opposition had sought Chackos removal over a draft report which blamed former telecom minister A. Raja but cleared Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister P. Chidambaram of any wrongdoing in the allocation of spectrum. According to the sources, the speaker also rejected the demand of six Congress members for removal of three Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members - Yashwant Sinha, Jaswant Singh and Ravi Shankar Prasad - from the panel. The Congress members had also sought imposition of a bar on the three BJP panel members from voting, citing a conflict of interest as all of them were either ministers or part of group of ministers on telecom during the NDA rule from 1998-2004. The speaker has rejected the demands of both the sides. Separate letters intimating the members of the decisions have been dispatched, a parliament officer

told IANS. In her letter, the speaker has urged the warring members to sink their differences, work a way out of the logjam, and adopt the report, he said. The JPC meeting April 25 to finalise the draft report was postponed due to the death of Trinamool Congress MP Ambica Banerjee. A fresh date for the meeting is yet to be decided. The same day as many as 15 opposition members, including former UPA allies DMK and Trinamool Congress, wrote separate letters to the speaker that they had no confidence in Chacko as the panel chief and he should be removed. In a counter attack, six Congress members wrote to the speaker seeking the removal of the BJP members from the committee.

is being funded through chit fund money? argued Ghosh, who has claimed to have put in their papers before the media arm was shut down completely. Saradha Group chief Sudipta Sen, behind bars and facing prosecution for cheating, had written to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) April 6, accusing several high profile Trinamool Congress and Congress leaders, including Ghosh, of complicity in the chit fund scam. Ghosh also denied allegations that he coerced Sen into selling one of the media houses at a throwaway price. At that time (2009) I was neither a parliamentarian nor a member of the Trinamool. Being a mere journalist did I have the power to intimidate

This government most corrupt since independence: BJP

New Delhi The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government was the most corrupt since independence, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said Tuesday while stressing that the opposition was not responsible for parliament not transacting any business. I want to tell the nation, parliament has failed to transact any business not because the opposition is irresponsible but because the current government is the most corrupt one since independence, Leader of Opposition Sushma Swaraj said in the lower house when the Finance Bill was taken up for voting. She said the government had accused the opposition of being irresponsible and the prime minister had said the repeated disruptions had made a laughing stock of the country internationally but parliament was not adjourned repeatedly due to the opposition. Not only do they (the government) indulge in scams but also try to cover up (for) the prime minister and other ministers involved, she said. Parliament has remained paralysed since April 22, when it met for the second half of the budget session after a month-long recess. The BJP had said it would allow the Finance Bill 2013-14 to be passed in the Lok Sabha as it did not want a constitutional crisis.

No compromise with basic principles for power: Nitish

a powerful businessman? added Ghosh, against whom his employees have filed two police complaints alleging financial irregularities. The collapse of the group has already resulted in four agents and depositors committing suicide, while its offices have been attacked and ransacked with the ruling Trinamool in a spot over allegations of links of its leaders - including MPs and a minister - with the group. Through the day, Sen faced intense police grilling, but his lawyers claimed he was confident. He is confident that he has done no mistake. When the government has formed a commission, that is the final authority, said his lawyer, who was present during the interrogation. Meanwhile, slogan shouting Congress activists demonstrated before the state secretariat and the Assembly demanding Banerjees resignation and Ghoshs arrest. They also staged a protest when Ghosh was about to board his vehicle after being questioned by police. Tthe state assembly began a two-day special session to pass a bill - West Bengal Protection of Interest of Depositors in Financial Establishments Bill, 2013 - to rein in chit funds. However, the opposition Left Front attacked the government for seeking to withdraw an earlier bill passed by the legislature and pass a new one without any explanation. Leader of Opposition Surjya Kanta Mishra, of the Communist Party of India-Marxist, contended that the withdrawal of the West Bengal Protection of Interest of Depositors in Financial Institutions Bill without giving proper explanation and reasons was unconstitutional.

Shiv Sena condemns US over Azam Khan detention

Mumbai The Shiv Sena Tuesday came out in support of Samajwadi Party (SP) leader and Uttar Pradesh minister Azam Khan who was last week detained at Boston airport while on his way to deliver a lecture at Harvard University. Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray said the US must clarify whether the treatment meted out to Azam Khan was because of his surname or because he was an Indian. In a sharp editorial in the party mouthpiece Dopaharka Saamna Tuesday, Thackeray said that Azam Khan was virtually placed under arrest and treated as if he was a terrorist carrying 50 kg of RDX with plans to blow up White House. In the past, Indias former home minister L.K. Advani and former defence minister George Fernandes,

besides Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan and commoners have undergone such humiliation at the hands of US agencies which continue to insult India in the name of its internal security, Thackeray said. Wondering what would be the reaction if similar treatment were meted out to the US or European officials visiting India, Thackeray demanded that the US treat Indians with dignity and respect they deserve. Thackeray pointed out that Azam Khan was invited to Boston to deliver a lecture on how he successfully conducted the Maha Kumbh Mela in Uttar Pradesh. Barring the single incident of stampede, the Kumbh Mela - considered one of the largest religious congregations on earth - passed off peacefully with Azam Khan as the chief of the organising committee.

Patna Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar Monday asserted that he will not compromise with his basic principles, such as secularism, to stay in power and will instead prefer to quit. I have never compromised with basic principles, whether I stay in power or not, he said, while addressing a meeting of minority cell workers of his Janata Dal-United (JD-U) in Rajgir in Nalanda district. Nitish Kumar said that the day it becomes clear that he will have to compromise with basic principles, he will not rethink over them and not hesitate to quit. Without naming Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), he said that he and his party shared power with a saffron party but hardly made any compromise with principles of secularism. The equation between the ruling co-

alition partners BJP and JD-U has been on a downslide since Nitish Kumar indirectly attacked Modi, widely seen as the BJPs prime ministerial candidate, over the 2002 riots at a rally in New Delhi last month. Muslims make up around 16 percent of Bihars 105 million population. They determine the poll outcome in 60 of 243 assembly constituencies, mainly in the border districts of Kishanganj, Araria and Bhagalpur, northern districts of Supoul, Madhepura, Saharsa and Darbangha, and central districts of Gopalganj, Siwan, Biharsharif, Gaya and Nalanda, where they have a presence of anything between 18 and 70 percent. In about 50 other constituencies, Muslim voters make up 10-17 percent of the electorate, enough to substantially influence poll outcomes.


Gosain Ram, who was tending goats, died when a boulder that had slipped down from a mountain hit him, said Wani. Twenty-nine people, including 23 school children, were injured when three school buildings collapsed in Bhaderwah town of Doda district. Another 24 people, including 20 school children, were injured when three school buildings collapsed in Gandoh area of Doda district, officials said. The tremors, felt across large parts of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Haryana and Punjab, lasted six to seven seconds. The temblor caused panic in some places, particularly in hilly areas, some of which reported cracks in homes and buildings. Reports of cracks in office and residential buildings and disruption of communication systems came in from Bhaderwah, Doda and Kishtwar towns of Jammu region. Details of damage caused were not immediately available. We have reports of many buildings having developed big cracks while some mud houses in Chatroo, Thathri, Bhaderwah areas have collapsed, an official in Jammu said. The administration was gathering information, but so far there is no report of loss of life, he added. In Kashmirs summer capital Srinagar and other parts of the Valley, people rushed out of their homes and work-places in panic when the tremor occurred. I witnessed the chair rocking as the earthquake occurred. It took me a few seconds to realise what was happening. Everybody started running out of the building in panic, said Sajad Ahmad, a local businessman in Srinagar. Kashmir is situated in an earthquake-prone region where huge devastation has been caused by earthquakes in the past. On Oct 8, 2005, more than 40,000 people were killed in a massive quake that struck both parts of divided Kashmir. The quake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale. In Himachal Pradesh, Sandeep Kadam, the deputy commissioner of Chamba, told IANS over phone that there were reports of cracks in some houses in Pangi and Tissa areas of the district. Chamba is one of remotest places in the state where most of the houses in the interiors are made of mud. North India had felt two mild tremors in April alone. On April 24, a series of tremors were felt when an earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale, with its epicentre in the Hindu Kush ranges off Afghanistan, occurred. On April 16, an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale rocked the PakistanIran region.


1 killed as quake on Himachal-J&K border rocks north India

New Delhi/Kishtwar One person was killed and tremors were felt in the Indian capital and large parts of north India, including Srinagar, Jammu, Shimla and Chandigarh, following a 5.8-magnitude quake centred near the Jammu and Kashmir-Himachal Pradesh border Wednesday. The casualty was reported near Kishtwar in Jammu and Kashmir. The quake happened at 12.27 p.m. and measured 5.8 on the Richter scale. The epicentre was near Kishtwar town in the Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh border region, R.S. Dattatreya, director, Department of Seismology, India Meteorological Department (IMD), told IANS. It is a moderate tremor in Delhi and other northern regions. We ask the public not to panic, Dattatreya said. The quake was 10 kilometres beneath the earths surface ... the possibility of aftershocks is very minimal for such a low intensity quake, added L.S. Rathore, the IMDs director general (Meteorology). In Jammu, an official of the Met department said: The maximum impact of the quake was felt in Doda and Kishtwar districts. According to Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of police of DodaKishtwar Range Ashkoor Wani, one person was killed when a boulder hit him near Kishtwar.

Chinese incursion hits Ladakh tourism

Haryana schoolboy shot dead by classmates

Rohtak A teenaged school student was shot dead allegedly by his classmates in a town in this Haryana district Sunday, police said. A mob later went on a rampage setting a car on fire and vandalising the house of an accused. Nitin, 15-year-old Class 10 student, was allegedly shot dead by four classmates during a religious function in Meham town, 80 km from New Delhi, early Sunday, police said. Police officials said the killing was the fallout of an old rivalry between two groups of young boys.

Fear of fake drugs haunts Kashmiris

Srinagar What started as an allegation over the wrongful purchase of antibiotics by a government-appointed committee in Jammu and Kashmir has now started haunting the imagination of the public in the Valley. But is the issue being blown out of proportion? The alleged scam initially surfaced after a government-appointed committees order worth Rs.800,000 for the Maxizin 625 antibiotic, a combination of amoxycillin and clavenate, tested fake in laboratory analysis. Now the Doctors Association of Kashmir has called for a Valley-wide shutdown on May 6 against the suspected fiddle. Ironically, the fear and scare among the commonman are so widespread here that from ordinary cottonwool supplied to government hospital drug stores to life saving injections like Mannitol administered in the Valleys only superspecialty Shere-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), every drug is viewed with suspicion by the public. Many people even argue that medicines sold at public retail shops in summer capital Srinagar and other places are also spurious. One trusts nothing in Kashmir these days. If a committee of senior doctors appointed by the government can purchase fake drugs what stops retail drug shops from also selling spurious medicines, Gowhar Ahmad, 28, a government employee, told IANS. Interestingly, the alleged scam has not attracted any public attention in the Jammu region although the alleged fake antibiotic Maxizin 625 was supplied to all the hospital drug stores in 2010. Now that the Valley doctors and also chemists are up in arms against the scam, the separatists have also

Jammu The Chinese incursion in Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir has dealt a severe blow to tourism in the cold desert region besides challenging Indias sovereignty, a former BJP MP from Ladakh said. Thupstan Chhewang, BJP national executive committee member, told mediapersons that a grim situation has arisen as China was occupying Indian territory as part of its strategy to take control of the areas in the Ladakh region. This is a great threat to the security and sovereignty of our country, but it seems that the government of India is sleeping over the matter, as a result of which this situation has arisen, Chhewang said. Chinese troops had April 15 entered Indian territory, 19 km from the Line

of Actual Control (LAC), the de-facto border between India and China. The LAC is 3,488 km long, 646 km of which is in Ladakh region. The Chinese troops set up a tented post near Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) and are still camping there. The Indian army has also set up a post 300 metres from that of the Chinese. Chhewang said India should shun its soft approach and take up the matter with Chinese authorities. He regretted that besides causing tension on the borders, the incursion and failure of the government of India to present a clear picture has resulted in massive cancellation of bookings by the domestic and foreign tourists. Tourists dont know that DBO is 250 km from Leh. Ladakh attracts more than 100,000 high-spending tourists annually.

Nitin tried to save his friend Ankur who was being assaulted by the other group outside the venue of a jagran (religious function). A scuffle ensued and one of the accused brought a home-made weapon and Nitin was shot, said a police official said. The young boy was taken to a hospital but was declared dead by doctors. Police arrested three of the four accused later on Sunday. Family members and supporters of the killed boy staged angry protests outside the Meham police station and even blocked a road for some time.

Himachal to seek release of Rs.277 crore afforestation fund

Shimla H i m a c h a l Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh has said the state government would seek early release of Rs.277 crore for afforestation, an official statement Wednesday said. The money is lying with the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority of India (CAMPA). The chief minister directed officials concerned to represent to the central government for the release of amount deposited erroneously by the Ministry of Defence with CAMPA as the cost of trees under its projects executed in the state, the statement here said. Presiding over a review meeting of the state forest department here

Indias richest woman asked to vacate government house

Chandigarh Savitri Jindal, said to be Indias richest woman, has been asked by the Punjab and Haryana High Court to vacate within 15 days her government accommodation, which she had been occupying unauthorisedly. The court said that if Jindal failed to vacate the government bungalow within the stipulated time, the estate officer here would complete eviction proceedings within six weeks. Jindal, a legislator of the ruling Congress in Haryana and mother of industrial tycoon and high-profile MP Naveen Jindal, has been occupying a ministerial bungalow in Chandigarhs upscale Sector 7 even though she ceased to be a minister in 2009. She has been listed by a leading publication as the countrys richest woman as she lords over a huge multi-billion steel and power sector empire being the chairperson of the Jindal group. Her name also figures among the Top-100 richest people in the world. Jindal is the Congress legislator from Hisar. She had been a minister of state for power in the Bhupinder Singh Hooda government from 2005 to 2009. Her industrialist-cum-politician husband, O.P. Jindal, who was a minister in the Hooda government, was killed when his private helicopter crashed near the Haryana-Uttar Pradesh border March 2005. The Haryana government had informed the high court last month that they had served a 15-day notice to Jindal to vacate her government house which she had been occupying unauthorisedly. Former Haryana transport minister O.P. Jain, who was forced to resign from the Bhupinder Singh Hooda government June 2011 after he was booked by police for a murder conspiracy, was also

started fishing in troubled waters. They are supplying poison to the people of the Valley in the garb of medicines, alleged a senior separatist leader. While the separatist accusation is obviously far fetched, the fact remains that the ever suspecting Kashmiri is living out another nightmare of suspicion. I purchased some medicine for my backache in Goa during this winter. It worked wonderfully. I bought the same brand in Srinagar and it does not work, Ali Muhammad Dar, 64, a brick kiln owner in central Badgam district, said. The state government has handed over the investigations to the Crime Branch and also asked the vigilance department to probe the assets of members of the committee that approved the purchase of the fake antibiotic.

Tuesday, the chief minister had said that other pending issues such as continuation of the regional office in Chandigarh for the Forest Conservation Act (FCA) clearances, and approval to chilgoza pine plantation project of Rs.10 crore and sea-buckthorn project of Rs.35 crore would also be taken up with the central ministries concerned. He directed forest officials to lay emphasis on afforestation to increase the green cover in the state.

asked to vacate his ministerial bungalow within 15 days. Both former ministers were also asked to deposit penal rent, amounting to Rs.89 lakh in Jindals case and Rs.38 lakh in Jains case by the state government. Both leaders were served the notices March 4. Taking strong exception to the government houses being occupied illegally by powerful people, the high court also directed former Punjab chief minister and Congress leader Rajinder Kaur Bhattal to vacate her government bungalow within 15 days also. Bhattal has been in occupation of the bungalow, located in Chandigarhs high-security Sector 2, even though she ceased to be leader of opposition in the state last year. The high court had, last month, asked the Punjab government why eviction proceedings had not been initiated against Bhattal.


Keralites corner glory in civil service exams

For the first time since 1991, a Keralite has come first in the Civil Services Examinations while the second and fourth positions have also been bagged by people from the state. Haritha V. Kumar secured the first rank in the joint examinations. V. Sriram came second while a doctor, Alby John Varghese, came fourth in the all-India ranking. This was Haritha Kumars fourth and last attempt. Speaking to the media here from Faridabad near Delhi, where she is undergoing training as an Indian Revenue Service (IRS) official, she thanked her teachers and her family for her performance. I did not pass in my first attempt. In the second attempt, I got 179th rank and got selected for Indian Police Service, but I opted for IRS. In my third attempt, I got a rank of 290. This time I got what I aimed for as I was very keen to become an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) official, said haritha Kumar, an engi-



Varghese. Raju Narayana Swamy, a Kerala bureaucrat in Kerala who secured the first rank in the same examination in 1991, said that he was pleased that the myth that Keralites cannot perform well in the Civil Services Examinations is broken. The performance of Keralites this time has been exemplary. It is a fitting reply to people who say that Keralites cant do well in this examination, said Swamy.

Purdue Varsity delegation visits PAU, discusses scope of bilateral cooperation

neer by profession. For the examination, she chose economics and Malayalam literature as her optional subject. It will take me another three weeks to return to my home in Thiruvananthapuram as I am undergoing a training programme, she said. Fourth ranked Varghese is a medical officer in the Kerala government ser-

vice in Ernakulam district. This was my first attempt and I started preparing in January last year. I took medicine and Malayalam literature as my optional subjects. This is one examination where mugging will do no good. Instead, one has to work really hard and my childhood ambition to become a civil service official has been accomplished, said

The records given below are verified by India Book of Records as National Records, and has been published in India Book of Records 2013. All the photographs are copyright of India Book of Records.

CAT 2013 to be held from October 16 to November 11

With an aim to team-up in terms of research and academics, a seven-member delegation from the Purdue University (PU), USA, visited the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) to explore and discuss the possibilities of bilateral collaboration. The delegation interacted with Dr Baldev Singh Dhillon, Vice-Chancellor, PAU; Dr Ramesh Kanwar, Vice-Chancellor, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar; Dr S.S. Gosal, Director of Research; Dr Gursharan Singh, Dean, Postgraduate Studies; Dr H.S. Sehgal, Additional Director of Communication; and other additional directors, heads, and faculty of various departments of the University. The members gave power point presentations on collaborative opportunities and different aspects of agriculture. The visiting delegation, led by Dr Karen Plaut, Associate Dean and Director of Agricultural Research; comprised members namely Dr K.G. Raghothama, Associate Director, International Programmes in Agri-

culture; Dr Joe Anderson, Head, Department of Agronomy; Dr Mitch Tuinstra, Department of Plant Breeding, Dr Charlie Wolushuk, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology; Dr Indrajeet Choubey, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering; and Alex L. Renaud, Department of Agronomy. In his remarks, Dr Dhillon said that there are many mutual areas for the joint venture including water use efficiency, climate change, farm mechanization, and bio-energy. Disclosing that the state is producing 11 tonnes of paddy and wheat per annum, Dr Dhillon said that the duo can also tie-up in the area of value addition to agriculture. Besides, there can be cooperation in the exchange of faculty as well, he added. Speaking on the research opportunities in the College of Agriculture, PU, USA; Dr K. Plaut said, We are looking ahead in building partnerships with the international varsities. She observed that feeding and providing

energy to the growing population by using fewer resources is a big challenge. Stating that there are lots of possibilities to address the grand challenges, she suggested certain cooperative areas such as undergraduate study abroad, graduate students and faculty exchange programmes, and setting-up of a joint research centre. Presenting the research highlights of the PAU, Dr Gosal said that the application of biotechnology tools in crop improvement, hybrid seed production of vegetable and field crops, and conservation agriculture are some of the priority research areas of the University. Dr Gursharan Singh highlighted the collaborative academic programmes with various international institutes. Earlier, Dr Sehgal welcomed the dignitaries, delegates, and the faculty of the PAU. Giving outlines of the organizational set-up of the PAU, he said that the University has completed 50 years of glorious and dedicated service to the farmers and the nation.

The Common Admission Test (CAT) 2013 for admission to the prestigious IIMs and other Bschools will be conducted from October 16 to November 11 with four new testing locations - Surat, Udaipur, Trivandrum and Vijayawada . The CAT vouchers will be available at selected Axis Bank branches from 29 July to 24 September 2013 and the registration window will be open from 29 July to 26 September 2013. Prometric India will be partnering with IIMs for conducting the test. However it must be noted that this particular information is yet to be out by the CAT official website. Common Admission Test (CAT) is a computer based test. This test scores a person on the bases of Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning. CAT is one of most prestigious management entrance exams of the country for admissions into the Indian Institutes of Management as well as other top management institutes. More than 200,000 students are expected to register for the exam seeking berths in 13 of the IIMs in India. Put together, all IIMs have nearly 3,200 seats available.. As always, our focus remains on conducting the test in a fair and secure manner.

Manickam Selvendran (Collector and District Magistrate, Singrauli) in association with Sheela Foundation and Northern Coalfields Ltd., organized an event wherein one 2,46,095 sq. ft rangoli was created to spread a message save the girl child, on April 14, 2013, at the NCL stadium Jhingurdah, Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh. LONGEST TIME TO STAY AS HUMAN MAHATMA GANDHI STATUE

Jayesh Hinglajiya (born on January 7,1973) of Porbandar, Gujarat stayed as human Mahatma Gandhi statue for six hours on February 27, 2013, at Record Breakers Festival held at Indira Gandhi Kala Kendra, Noida (U.P.). MOST PEOPLE PLAYING MOZART SYMPHONY 25

Yeh Lamhe Yeh Baatein

Students of Paramedical sciences and Medical Technologist of Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh at the cultural event Technofest-2013
Be Ready for your turn

Isai Kalaimani S.Sathish Kumar (born on May 5, 1973) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, organised an event in which a total of 75 people played the Mozart Symphony 25 (1st Movement) on electronic keyboard, on April 28, 2013, at Kumara Raja Muthaiah Hall, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. This was the very first time that Mozart Symphony 25 (1st Movement) was played on keyboard. INDIAN MAP AS A BIRTHMARK

Amit Singhal (born on July 7, 1976) of Muzaffarnagar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, has an unusually large birthmark (nevus) that roughly resembles the contour map of India. It appears spread across parts of his neck, right shoulder, arm and front and back of his chest.



in New Delhi Thursday, walked up to the cremation ground and placed a wreath on the coffin. He stood next to the coffin for a while with other leaders. Sarabjit died Thursday in a hospital in Lahore, six days after being attacked in the Kot Lakhpat Jail. Before the mortal remains of Sarabjit were consigned to flames, teary-eyed people men, women, old and young, children and VIPs - were part of the last journey of a man who went through torture and despair for 23 years in Pakistani prisons, trying to prove that he was innocent. A contingent of Punjab Police reversed its arms and fired thrice in the air as a mark of respect to the 49-year-old who is said to have mistakenly crossed into Pakistan in 1990. As Dalbir Kaur went around the coffin to pour water from an earthen pot, his family members, including wife Sukhpreet and daughters Swapandeep and Poonam, sobbed uncontrollably. The man, who spent nearly 23 years in uncertainty in Pakistani prisons, in death went from being an ordinary farmer from a poor rural family to a national hero being given a state funeral. I have lost everything. But my fight for Indian prisoners (in Pakistani prisons) will continue, a shattered Dalbir Kaur said. TThe crowds were so thick that every vantage point - be it a wall, roof, pole, vehicle or anything else - was taken over by people. The cremation ground proved too small even to accommodate the VIPs, media and family members. Thousands of people were held up outside the walls of the ground by a strong posse of Punjab Police to prevent a stampede. A majority of the people did not even know him. But they were here to recognise the sacrifice Sarabjit Singh made for the country. This should be an eye-opener for the Pakistanis who murdered him in cold blood, Sarabjits friend Balwinder Singh said. The body, draped in the tricolour, was first kept in his house and later taken to a ground of the government school nearby so that people could pay their homage. The Punjab government has announced a three-day state mourning. Sarabjits body was flown in a special Air India flight from Lahore to



Sarabjit gets a martyrs send-off

Bhikiwind (Punjab) Sarabjit Singh, the Indian prisoner who died after a murderous attack in a Lahore jail, was cremated at his hometown here Friday amid jostling crowds of tearful mourners. His sister Dalbir Kaur lit the pyre as thousands of people gathered to pay their last respects to the man, condemned as a terrorist in Pakistan and a martyr in India who was given a state funeral. Among those who placed wreaths on Sarabjits coffin were Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal, Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur, Akal Takht chief Gurbachan Singh and Punjabs cabinet ministers. Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi, who had met Dalbir Kaur

They may have failed to secure his release but VIPs of all shades came together here Friday at the cremation of Indian prisoner Sarabjit Singh who was beaten to death in Pakistan. Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi flew into this Punjab town from New Delhi. He got off from his car and walked some distance to reach the cremation ground. Gandhi remained with Sarabjits sister Dalbir Kaur for some time just before she lit the pyre of the brother

VIPs throng Sarabjit Singhs cremation

for whose life she fought bravely over the years. The Congress leader placed a wreath on Sarabjits coffin. Before the pyre was lit, he walked back to it and placed firewood on it. Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal was the first to place a wreath on Sarabjits body. He was followed by his son and Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal. A number of cabinet ministers, members of parliament and legislators of the ruling Akali Dal-BJP alliance also placed wreaths. Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur also attended the cremation. Punjab Congress president and MP Pratap Singh Bajwa was also present along with other party MPs and legislators. The 49-year-old Sarabjit was accorded a state funeral. He received fatal injuries in Lahores Kot Lakhpat Jail April 26 when he was brutally assaulted by fellow prisoners with bricks and sharp-edged things. He was declared dead in Lahores Jinnah Hospital early Thursday. His body was brought in a special Air India flight from Lahore to Amritsar Thursday evening.

Amritsar Thursday. From Amritsar, it was transported to Bhikhiwind by chopper. On Thursday night, doctors from Amritsar Medical College conducted a post-mortem examination on the body at Patti, 40 km from Amritsar. There were injury marks on his head and other parts of the body, Dr Gurmaneet Singh told reporters. Shops and other establishments, including educational institutions in this town, remained closed Friday. They were shut Thursday too. Punjab Chief Minister Parkash

Singh Badal has announced a financial grant of Rs.1 crore for Sarabjits family. He said Punjab would give government jobs to both his daughters. Sarabjit received fatal injuries in Lahores Kot Lakhpat Jail April 26, when he was brutally assaulted by fellow prisoners with bricks and plates. He had been arrested in Pakistan since August 1990. Pakistan accused him of being an Indian spy and of carrying out bomb attacks. His family insisted he was an innocent man.

Pakistani prisoner in coma, on ventilator support: PGIMER

Chandigarh Pakistani prisoner Sanaullah, who was critically injured after being attacked by an Indian prisoner Friday in a Jammu jail, is in coma and on ventilator support, doctors at the Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) here said Friday. A medical bulletin issued by the PGIMER said: The patient Sanaullah was brought to trauma ICU of PGIMER, Chandigarh at 6.47 p.m. today (Friday) after alleged history of assault at Jammu in the jail this morning. He was attended by neurosurgeons at Government Medical College and Hospital, Jammu, who detected head injuries with a large fracture. CT Scan there showed multiple contusions with severe brain oedema. Officials of the Pakistan High Commission are expected to arrive here after India allowed consular access to the Pakistani prisoner. The alleged assault on Sanaullah, a resident of Kot Bhalwal Jail, came a day after Indian prisoner Sarabjit Singh succumbed to grievous injuries sustained in a murderous assault on him in Lahores Kot Lakhpat Jail.

Refuting the theory put up by Pakistani authorities that Indian prisoner Sarabjit Singh was fatally injured in a scuffle of prisoners, Indian doctors who conducted a second autopsy on him said that the brutal assault was with the motive to kill. The main motive was to kill the person. The face of the skull was completely smashed. Rather it was in two pieces. He died from massive head injuries, Gurjit Singh Mann, head of a medical panel of the Amritsar Medical College which conducted the second post-mortem examination after Sarabjits body arrived in India, told . He said that the injuries on Sarabjit were inflicted with heavy blunt weapons, including bricks. Asked if only two people could have attacked Sarabjit, as maintained by the Pakistani authorities, Mann said: There might be more than two people who attacked him. He was a well-

Motive was to kill Sarabjit

built man. Mann said the provisional findings of the medical board here suggested that Sarabjit died of head injuries. The second autopsy was conducted by the medical panel in a government hospital in the sub-division town of Patti, 40 km from here, late Thursday night. The first autopsy was conducted by a Pakistani medical board in Lahore before Sarabjits body was handed over to India. Mann said that Sarabjits body had fractures on the skull, broken ribs and some other injuries. He said that the Pakistani authorities had only sent a death certificate with Sarabjits body. They have not sent any of the medical reports or course of treatment. No provisional findings of their postmortem report have been sent. We are awaiting those to give our final conclusive report, said Mann. About reports that certain organs

like heart and kidneys had been removed from Sarabjits body before it was sent to India, Mann said: We presume that these were removed as standard procedure to send the viscera for examination. We will try to find the exact cause of death. Mann said that there were inconsistencies in what the Pakistani authorities were saying about Sarabjits cause of death. The Pakistan government had claimed that Sarabjit was injured in a scuffle with two fellow prisoners and it was not a pre-meditated attack to kill him. Sarabjits family gave its go ahead for the second post-mortem examination after his body arrived in India Thursday evening. The family said they had no trust on the findings of the post-mortem examination done by the Pakistani medical board.





With elections round the corner, the Congress gets a shocker
Posing embarrassment to union Railway Minister and Chandigarh MP Pawan Kumar Bansal, the CBI Saturday arrested his nephew Vijay Singla and three others for allegedly taking a bribe for the promotion of a top railway official. Singla, a businessman who is Bansals sisters son, his friend Sanjay Goyal and two others were taken by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team to New Delhi Saturday morning for further investigations, sources in the agency here said. The CBI teams continued raids through Friday night on the palatial residence of Singla in Sector 28 here, located close to the residence of the union railway minister. Raids were also conducted at the residence of Goyal in Sector 16 and at the office premises of both Singla and Goyal. Singlas business empire include the JTL Group that includes JTL Infra Ltd. , Chetan Industries Ltd. , Mirage Infra Ltd. And Jagan Industries Ltd. The JTL Corporate office is situated in sector 28 Chandigarh. CBI officials did not produce Singla and others in a court here, whisking them away to New Delhi. Bansal, in a statement released in New Delhi, said his close relative was arrested. He claimed, however, that he had no business dealings with his nephew.

Sack Bansal says BJP

The BJP Saturday demanded Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansals sacking over the bribery issue. We not only demand that Bansal be sacked, he should be prosecuted by CBI under 13 of Prevention of Corruption Act. If any public servant abuses his position to obtain benefits for himself or any other person, he or she is to prosecuted and convicted, BJPs Ravi Shankar Prasad said here. Singla, a businessman who is Bansals sisters son, his friend Sanjay Goyal and two others are being brought to New Delhi for further investigation. Singla allegedly accepted Rs.90 lakh for the promotion of a railway official. Bansal said in a statement that a close relative had been arrested but added that he had no business dealings with his nephew. The Bharatiya Janata Party described the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) regime as a government of wheelers and dealers. Every day new instances of shameful corruption are coming out. The embers of 2G and Coalgate are yet to subside, now we have railwaygate. This government is no more a government of the common man. It is the government of wheelers and dealers, and it is a government of brokers and middlemen. He said the government was mired in controversies and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was himself under a cloud of corruption. It is happening because the prime minister is under a cloud of corruption in coalgate. All the ministers are enjoying his and (Congress president) Sonia Gandhis protection and are looting the country. What is happening in the railwaygate is a symptom of that, he added. The topmost assignment in the railway board is now being negotiated for sale. He also sought the prime ministers resignation. The BJP is duty bound to reiterate that you please resign as the PM of India because you do not have any moral right to govern because India is increasingly getting established as the most corrupt regime under you, the BJP spokesman said.

No knowledge about bribe, says Bansal

Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal Saturday claimed that he was innocent, and had no knowledge or clue about the bribe that his nephew, Vijay Singla, had allegedly taken for fixing a top level position in the government. Bansal, denying any wrongdoing from his side, said he had no business relations with his nephew, nor did he have any financial transactions with him. In a statement, Bansal said he had no knowledge or clue about the matter at all. He said his relatives cannot meddle in my official function or influence my decisions. The minister claimed he had always observed the highest standards of probity in public life, and looked forward to an expeditious investigation by the CBI in the matter.. The minister has denied involvement.

In the late night operations in Chandigarh, the CBI sleuths were seen ransacking every corner, and finally took away their prized catch to Delhi.


Alia Bhatt in high spirits, thanks to 2 States, Highway

Mumbai Alia Bhatt has wrapped up one schedule of 2 States and is set to start the next schedule of Imtiaz Alis Highway with Randeep Hooda. Alia, the brand ambassador of Maybelline, says she is having the best time shooting for both the movies. I am working on 2 films - Highway and 2 States. Highway is releasing on Dec 13 and 2 States will release next year in April. But I am having the best time shooting (for the films), the 20-year-old said here Thursday at the launch of Maybelline babylips kiss song. In fact, I have just wrapped up the schedule of 2 states and came back last night. I had the greatest time and I am going to shoot Highway now. I cant wait for you all to see them, she added. Apart from Maybeline, Alia also endorses Coca-Cola along with her Student Of The Year co-stars Varun Dhawan and Siddharth Malhotra, and an eyewear brand. Endorsements are fun for Alia. Endorsement obviously is fun because its about 30 seconds or 20 seconds and it is basically trying to sell the product more then anything. I cant really say what is more fun, but when it come to Highway, yes it has been intense, it has been really gruelling. But its all in a good way,

New Delhi Actress Zoe Saldana, who is featuring in Star Trek sequel, says she was a little overwhelmed after Avatar and almost refused the offer to act in Star Trek Into Darkness. The actress, who played Neytiri in James Camerons epic film Avatar, said: I was afraid. I think I was just a little beside myself because after the treat and the gift of booking Avatar and being in the middle of shooting, to be able to then do another great movie with another great filmmaker back to back - I was a little overwhelmed. Saldana, who loves science fiction, said her mother was a sci-fi buff and she has read Dune by Frank Herbert three times. The actress also dressed up as Lady Jessica, a character of Dune, for Halloween, when she was 13. The Avatar star also said that she was captivated by space and space travel when she was a kid, and thinks that the human race is fascinated with what might be out there. The one thing Ive learned since I was a little girl is that it doesnt matter where a story is set - in the future, a period piece or on a boat - if its a good story and it has rich characters it will not distract you from getting into the story, Saldana said in a statement. The sequel will feature the same


Zoe Saldana was too overwhelmed to do Star Trek sequel

TV extended reality, no dearth of roles for me: Eijaz Khan

all in a positive way, Alia said. Everyday when a shoot ends, I just want more. I want to shoot for 24 hours, 48 hours. So everyday when they say pack up, I say, No I want more. So, I think Ill be going for Highway now in four-five days and enjoy the experience again, she added. Highway is a Sajid Nadiadwala production and the shoot began March this year. It is the story of two

completely different individuals who take a road trip in a truck. While 2 States, based on Chetan Bagats novel 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, is about a Punjabi boy who falls in love with a Tamil girl, and the ensuing cultural clashes between them and their families. Alia is paired with Arjun Kapoor in 2 States, which is being directed Abhishek Verman and co-produced by Karan Johar and Nadiadwala.

crew of director J.J. Abrams Star Trek, and is set to release in India May 10.

Rose Byrne strips down for shoot

Los Angeles Australian actress Rose Byrne went topless for a photo shoot for new US magazine. She only wore a scarf with a high-waist trouser for it. The Bridesmaids actress covered her modesty with her hands and looked confident about her body during the shoot, reports femalefirst. However, she has said she was an introvert when she was young. I was very, very shy when I was little. Acting lets you access all those different parts of yourself to make the character authentic, said Byrne, 33.

Mumbai Eijaz Khan says television is an extended reality and there will be plenty of opportunities for him on the small screen, but he is keen to explore other mediums across the globe. Television is an extended reality. Whatever we do on TV, it happens in real life too. So if I can convince myself, I can convince the audience. You can bring so many new things. There will never be a dearth of characters for me, he said. The same character can be played in different ways, he feels. It is up to the actor what new (element) an actor can bring into a tried and tested role. If it is a negative role, I can do it in so many different ways, said Eijaz. Not new to the small screen, Eijaz had his share of success with shows like Kya Hadsaa Kya Haqeeqat, Kavyanjali, Kyaa Hoga Nimmo Kaa and Shubh Vivah among others. He also had his stint on the big screen with films like Tanu Weds Manu and Kuch Naa Kaho. His

next is Lucky Kabootar. Produced by Karan Raj Kanwar, it has been directed by Shammi Chhabra and Eijaz says the role fell into his lap. I was looking forward to doing a film. Lucky Kabootar fell into my lap. It comes from a very respectful man. The story was appealing and the director was young, he said and added its important for him to work with like-minded people. I work with people who I can relate to and I like. In this production, it was like working with a friend. Kulraj Randhawa and Shraddha Das will be seen in the female leads along with Ravi Kishan, Madhvi Sharma, Sanjay Mishra and Atul Mathur. Our target audience is people who want to watch good films, he said. Recently, he made theatre debut with The Seduction and wants to keep on trying new things. I want to explore all mediums. I want to go to Hollywood and try that medium, try Broadway...I want to go to Canada and try out the television they have there. I want to do everything, he said.

Priyanka and I not close buddies: Meera Chopra

Mumbai Actress Priyanka Chopras cousin Meera has clarified that there is no tiff between them but they are not the best of friends either. There is no tiff as such. In fact, our families are very close. My parents are very close to Priyankas parents. Its just that we are not close buddies. So there is no tiff between us, Meera said at the muhurat of her film Gang of Ghosts here Thursday. Not new to showbiz, Meera made her debut in films with hit Tamil movie Anbe Aaruyire and went to do several southern movies like Vaana and Maaro. Now she is entering the Hindi film industry with director Satish Kaushiks Gang of Ghosts. She is confident the film will be a hit. When Satishji narrated the script, I was laughing like crazy. So, when you laugh that much at narration, you can imagine how much the audience would laugh. So, I think itll be a sure shot hit. It is very important to have a hit movie at the beginning, said Meera. She has also signed third instalment of Vikram Bhatts 1920 franchise and is excited about her role. I have been trying since last one year. My main aim was to work with good production houses, good directors and have a good role. My role in 1920 was so mind-blowing that when Vikram narrated me the script, I didnt even ask him who the actor was, she said.


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Sachin Pilgaonkars daughter to debut in dads directorial

Not worthy of being in The Great Gatsby poster: Big B


Mumbai Shriya Pilgaonkar, daughter of actors Sachin and Supriya Pilgaonkar, is set to enter filmdom through her fathers Marathi directorial Ekulti Ek. She is proud of it. Experience-wise I am a beginner but I think its a wonderful time to be in the industry. There is so much happening, so much changing. I feel proud that I am doing my first film with my father, Shriya said here Tuesday at a radio station to celebrate Maharshtra Day, where she was accompanied by Sachin. Sachin had started his acting career as a child artist with the Marathi film Ha Maza Marg Ekla. He went on to feature in films like Geet Gaata Chal, Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se and Nadiya Ke Paar, besides doing popular TV shows. He also directed serials for the small

screen and took to film direction with 1982 film Mai Baap. Sachins new directorial Ekulti Ek traces the relationship of a father and daughter. It is special for Shriya. Ekulti Ek is very special for me because Indian film industry has completed 100 years and my father has completed 50 years in this industry, she said. Sachin is also happy about launching his daughter. We (me and wife Supriya) thought of making a film in Marathi to introduce our daughter Shriya, but we questioned ourselves: Will she be able to do it? Because Shriya has never been to any acting school and has never faced camera, Sachin said. Then we got an answer from ourselves that she will be able to do as she is our daughter, said Sachin.

Mumbai Aamir Khan, who completed 25 years in filmdom Monday, attributes this success to the mistakes he made over the years. One of the most respected and versatile actors of his generation, he admits when he started, he never thought he would come this far. I have had unsuccessful films, but I learned a lot from those films. I give my failures as much importance as my success, Aamir said at a press conference Monday to celebrate his silver jubilee in the industry. His debut film Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak came out on April 29 in 1988 and turned out to be a game changer at the box office, which was reeling under hackneyed plots and flops. A fresh film with fresh faces brought in a breath of fresh air. If the beautifully stitched romantic saga launched Aamir Khan in filmdom, it also introduced Mansoor Khan as a director and gave Juhi Chawla her due. If the story was fresh, so was the music of the movie that is still remebered for lilting numbers like Gazab ka hai din, Akele hain to kya gum hai and Papa kehte hain, which were picturised in a completely different style. Two-and-half decades ago, Aamir

Never thought Id come this far: Aamir Khan

was not sure about how his career would shape up. When I was new, I didnt know where my career will go. Initially, my films were not even successful, but then I learned a lot from my mistakes, said the 48-year-old whose Love Love Love, Deewana Mujhsa Nahin etc. had bombed at the box office. When my three-four films were not successful, I decided I wont sign a film for money, a big banner or a specific person. I decided I will listen to my heart. That is why I started doing less films. I have followed this till date, said the actor who made his mark with his work in Raja Hindustani, Sarfarosh and Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke. When he cut down on his assignments, Aamir admits he became butt of a joke. The way I used to work was different from the industrys norms. People used to laugh at me and thought that I wont be able to stick for long, said Aamir who not only proved naysayers wrong, but also earned the tag of a thinking actor. Year 2001 marked a turning point in Aamirs career as he turned producer with Oscar nominated period drama Lagaan - Once Upon A Time In India, and later directed issue based film Taare Zameen Par.

Mumbai Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who is making his international debut with Baz Luhrmanns The Great Gatsby, feels its not worth being part of the films poster keeping in mind his blinkand-miss appearance. However, he cants deny the order of the director. The poster of The Great Gatsby, something I thought to be too presumptuous but Baz Luhrmann insisted that it be done so there, the 70-year-old tweeted with a picture of himself wearing a hat and beard on his face. Big B plays Meyer Wolfsheim in the $125 million 3D project, an adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgeralds novel of the same name. The poster of mine for The Great Gatsby... not worthy of being there, considering my minuscule role, but Baz Luhrmann, he further tweeted. In the film, Amitabh will be seen sharing the screen space with Hollywood stars Tobey Maguire and Leonardo Di Caprio. Other cast members for the film include Joel Edgerton, Carey Mulligan and Isla Fisher. The Great Gatsby will open the 66th edition of Cannes International Film Festival, starting May 15. and Amitabh will walk the red carpet with the team at the gala even

Post Lagaan, he has been part of some of the biggest hits of the decade like Dil Chahta Hai, Rang De Basanti, Ghajini and 3 Idiots. I do what I feel is right. I am not scared to walk on the new path and take risk, he said. After reaching the top of the pyramid, he says: I never thought this would happen. I cant believe how I have reached here. I am happy that

I have entertained people and made them happy. On the occasion, Aamir thanked directors, filmmakers and other people who have contributed to his career. I want to thank writers and directors and other people who have worked with me. They have all contributed to my journey...I also want to thank my audience, they gave me so much of love and respect, he

said. I want to thank my family. Our field is tough and the family has to go through a lot, said Aamir, who is married to Kiran Rao, a filmmaker. When it comes to unfulfilled dreams, Aamir has one too. I always wanted to work with Dilip Kumar. He is one of the worlds top actors and I have missed working with him, Aamir said.

w E E K L Y H O
Week looks very promising for finances. Gain from multiple sources is indicated. Foreign contacts will bring in good news. Jupiter and Venus in your second ARIES house will provide all Mar 21-Apr 19 sorts of comfort and ward off any negativity. Try to maintain cordial relations with spouse and business partners. All in all a very promising week. Remedies for Ketu and Rahu is suggested. Focus of week is on love and speculation. You might expect some gains in both the fields. People LIBRA in medical profesSep 23 - Oct 22 sion can expect good business. Take care of health. Some urinary problems are indicated. Income will be satisfactory. Remedies of Rahu and Ketu is suggested.

Good health, good finances, good business. Very good week for all Taurians. Avoid speculation. Do TAURUS not indulge in any Apr 20 - May 20 kind of illegal activities. Status may rise. Do not over spend. People in art will do well. Remedy for Sun and Ketu is suggested.
Business will improve. Health of mother and any property related matter will also improve. Your enemies will be defeated. If sinSCORPIO gle, period of marriage. Oct 23 - Nov 21 You may get setback in love affairs. Success from Government and higher authorities is seen. Relations with spouse and business partner will improve. Remedy for Sani and Rahu is suggested. Some gain from property is indicated. You will spend on luxury. Financial situation will improve. stomach upset GEMINI Minor is seen. Foreign conMay 21 - Jun 20 tacts will be helpful. Business will be average. Do not blind trust anyone. Love life will be dull. Avoid speculation. Remedies for Sani and Rahu is suggested. You are approaching a very good time in your life, but you might be tempted to deal in illegal activities which can ruin SAGITTARIUS your future, so try to Nov 22 - Dec 21 abstain from such. A short journey is on the cards. Situation of sibling will improve. Some gain in speculation is indicated. Your enemies will be defeated. Avoid litigation. Strengthening of Jupiter will ward off all evil. Some mental strain is indicated at the beginning of the week but it would vanish as the week goes on. Doctors accountants can CANCER and expect a good week. Jun 21 - Jul 22 Their status would rise. Health will be average. Take extra care regarding property related matters. Some unexpected profits will lighten your soul. Remedies for Rahu and Ketu is suggested. Income from sale purchase of property is indicated. Your love life will be blossoming. You might CAPRICORN buy land or vehicle Dec 22 - Jan 19 this week. If single, can go into a committed relationship. All in all a good week to begin with. Favor from government officials is seen. Remedies for Ketu and Rahu is suggested. Though difference with spouse cannot be ruled out, but overall week will be an above average for you. Foreign journey or contacts will bring in good news. Jul 23 - Aug. 22 If in job, your status can rise. Health of sibling might be of concern. People in teaching and beauty profession will have good week. Worshiping of Sun and Remedies for Sani and Ketu is suggested.


Panchang in Brief: Sun, Mars, Mercury and Ketu in Aries, Venus in Taurus, Moon in Aquarius, Jupiter in Taurus, Sani and Rahu in Libra and Ketu in Aries. Nakshatra is Purva Bhadrapad.
Mind would be under confusion. However, phase will pass out as the week goes on. A foreign guest or journey is on the cards. A visit to a holy place cannot be ruled out. Take VIRGO extra care of your finances Aug. 23 - Sep 22 and curb your tendency of overspending. Avoid litigation. Health will be moderate. Business will improve slow and steadily. Minor eye or teeth problem is indicated. Remedies for Sani and Rahu is suggested. Communication is the key to success this week. Mid of week will be more promising than the rest. You can have gain through speculaPeople in medical PISCES tion. Feb 19 - Mar 20 profession will do well. Teaching professional can expect promotion. However minor mental anxiety cannot be ruled out. Take extra care of your health. Minor eye or teeth problems are seen. Remedies for Ketu is suggested.


Gain from property and speculation cannot be ruled out. Foreign contacts will yield good results. Medical professionals will do well. AQUARIUS Friends will be very Jan 20 - Feb. 18 supportive. Income will be good. People in stock market and banking will do well. Business will be above average. Remedy for Sani and Rahu is indicated.

V. Kumar (Scientific Horoscope Consultant) You can consult him with Appointment on: 9855150789; 9592095234
DOWN 1. Formerly 2. College official 3. Loony 4. Water vapor 5. Witchs charm 6. Always, in verse 7. Innocence 8. Coach 9. Large handkerchief 10. Get by 11. Practical joke 16. Gift for dad 20. Go wrong 23. Manner of walking 24. Jazzs_______ Fitzgerald 25. Circle parts 26. Double 27. Footstools 28. Breakfast food 30. Montgomerys state 31. Without Pausing 34. In the past 37. Radio receiver 38. Native mineral 39. Papas partners 42. Playwright _____ Simon 43. Take apart 44. Brood 45. Pierres Friend 46. Feminine pronoun 48. Lyric poem

ACROSS 1. _______and ends 2. Transmitted 9. Entreat 12. Cool ! 13. Juicy Fruit 14. Alias letters 15. Lunchroom 17. Not pos. 18. Involve 19. Competed 21. Actor _____ Gibson 22. Infuriate 25. Uproar 28. Perpetual 29. Groove 30. Infuriate 32. Nothing 33. Product list 35. __moments notice (2 wds.) 36. Motto 37. Male cat 40. Crowds 41. Seventh planet 45. Exclamation of discovery 47. Penance 49. Grown boys 50. A la______ 52. Tax agcy 53. Imitator 54. Gradual

Crossword Solution 28 April, 2013

1 S 12 T 15 O 18 R 21 M 2 K O R E A 3 I N N E R 16 A L M 27 O S T 22 A P I E 37 C E 23 L E E 35 C 38 O R 47 D 51 E 54 R O E R C E 48 E R A 49 S U M 4 D 13 A M 5 A G E 6 S U N 19 T A N 33 T I P 7 H A T E D 20 N E 28 G A T E 8 A 14 S 17 K S 9 D I N E 24 T T E 10 A D E 11 M E W

1 12 15 18

4 16

5 13

9 14 17

10 11

25 E O N

26 A R T

29 A L E R 44 T S

19 21 22 28 30 31 34

20 23 24 32 35

30 L 34 I 36 P

31 A R E

32 S A N 42 T A F E

39 A R I 52 A 55 S

40 T E E M S

41 E E R I E

25 26 27 29 33 36 40 45 46 49 52 47 50 53

43 H I T S

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45 T 50 H 53 E

46 H E Y

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Picture books can boost your childs vocabulary

London A study has claimed books having photographs but no words prove ideal for building childrens language skills. And, the parents can help their kids the best if they used such books for the bedtime story. According to experts, parents turning to wordless storybooks end up spending time discussing the pictures and answering their toddlers questions -- exposing them to complicated words, Daily Mail reported. Psychologists from the University of Waterloo, Canada, looked at 25 mothers as they read their children a set of bedtime stories. They found the mothers used more advanced language when they picked up a picture book compared to a book with words. Study author Daniela ONeill said: Too often parents will dismiss picture storybooks, especially when

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Guatemala creates time capsule inspired by Mayans

Guatemala City A time capsule that will not be opened until 2065 has been created by officials in Guatemala who drew their inspiration from the ancient Mayan civilization. The green marble time capsule contains letters and messages from leading members of society and is intended to give those living half a century from now an idea of what life was like in 2013. We are creating a memory archive that was placed in a time capsule made of green marble so that the leaders 52 years from now will know what the economic, social and political situation in our country was, Deputy Culture Minister Leandro Yax told EFE. The Mayan civilization flourished in what are now southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador, with a history spanning some 3,000 years. The documents, including letters from President Otto Perez Molina and Olympic medalist Erick Barrondo, were placed in a hand-decorated cedar box and wrapped in a gipil, a traditional garment. The time capsule was sealed April 22 during an Earth Day ceremony because that date marked the convergence of the two Mayan calendars the Haab and the Tzolkin - with the lunar calendar. The capsule was placed in a passageway in the north wing of the Palace of Culture so it can be seen by domestic and foreign tourists.

Sudoku 05 MAY, 2013

they are wordless, as not real reading or just for fun. But these findings show that reading picture storybooks with kids exposes them to the kind of talk that is really important for children to hear. ONeill said while reading the picture story, we would hear mums say things such as where do you think the squirrel is going to go? or we saw a squirrel this morning in the backyard. But we didnt hear this kind of complex talk as often with vocabulary books, where mentioning just the name of the animal, for example, was more common. However, ONeill also said books of all kinds could build childrens language and literacy skills, but they do so perhaps in different ways.

Sudoku Solution 28 April, 2013


Cast: Rani Mukerji, Randeep Hooda, Saqib Saleem, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Sadashiv Amrapurkar, Naman Jain, Khushi Dubey, Vineet Kumar Singh, Sudhir Pandey and Amitabh Bachchan Directors: Karan Johar, Dibakar Bannerjee, Zoya Akhtar, and Anurag Kashyap Bombay Talkies is that rarity, which makes us thankful for the gift of the movies. Four stories directed by four contemporary Bollywood directors emerge and merge with seamless splendour into a pastiche of pain and pleasure. So on to the first and my favourite story directed by Karan Johar where a sterile marriage between an urban working-couple played by Rani Mukerji and Randeep Hooda is shaken by the arrival of young ebullient homosexual who enters their frozen marriage in a most unexpected way. Karan, whose most brilliant film My Name Is Khan, was also about a marginalised community, strips the urban relationship of all its shock value. He looks at the three characters frightening spiritual emptiness with a dispassion that was denied to the characters in his earlier exploration of crumbling marital values in Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. Thanks to the unsparing editing by Deepa Bhatia, a gently arousing background score by Hitesh Sonik, deft but credible dialogues penned by Niranjan Iyenger and camerawork by Anil Mehta that sweeps gently across three wounded lives, Karan is able to nail the poignancy and the irony of his urban fable in just four-five key scenes. This is his best work to date. Rani delivers another power-packed performance. Its Saqib Saleem who steals this segment with his unmitigated spontaneity and reined-in ebullience. The second story by Dibakar Bannerjee features that wonderful chameleon actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui as a man who would have been an actor if only lifes drudgeries had not overtaken his life. Dibakar is a master-creator of vignettes from everyday life. Here his detailing of chawl life is unerring. Nikos Andritsakiss cinematography doesnt miss a single nuance in Nawazs sad yet hopeful, bleak yet bright existence. The sequence where Siddiqui washes clothes with the

17 Shootout at Wadalanarrates gang war tale

Gippi music Bombay Talkies - beguiling, befitting suits young homage to Indian cinema generations taste


Music directors: Vishal Dadlani, Shekhar Ravijiani; Singers: Hard Kaur, Udit Narayan, Vishal Dadlani, Shekhar Ravijiani, Sukhwinder Singh and Neeti Mohan The music album of director Sonam Nairs movie Gippi has five tracks. Popular musical duo Vishal-Shekhar have made it a point to deliver songs that not just capture the fancy of the young crowd with their beats, but they also give a lot of importance to lyrics. The same can be said of their tracks in Gippi. We are like this only, sung by Vishal-Shekhar. One can easily describe it as a cool track. With lots of drums and rapping, the track feels funky. It is a good number, but not a dance track. Hard Kaurs rap bits are the icing on the cake in this one. Baby doll,Sung by Sukhwinder Singh and Udit Narayan, the song has Punjabi beats but the singers have lent it an Uttar Pradesh accent. The song talks about the remixed generation and its beats change pace over and over again. Better than average, this can be classified as a good number. Pehn di takki is the third track. The title, given that the movie is centred around the youth, indicates it is a double entendre number. Sung by Vishal it is just that. The lyrics are in Punjabi, so not everyone can understand them. But it generally talks about a girl becoming shameless. The music is good, but some may like it a lot, and some may not! Mann baavra is sung by Shekhar Ravijiani. He adds his soothing voice to the song, which sounds relaxing after a dose of dance numbers. An emotional number, it talks about memories and is sung very beautifully. The drums join the singer gradually, making the overall sound feel good. The best part is that the instruments dont overtake the singers voice even once. Shekhar picks up pace as the song dives deep into emotions. A beautiful composition. Dil kagzi Call it a dreamy track. The music maintains a particular rhythm in the background and the lyrics reflect a certain fascination of a child. No wonder the song has a tinge of a lullaby, ending on a melodious flute tune. Neeti Mohan has crooned the last song in the album Gippi, produced by Dharma Productions, has a good compilation of songs. Not only does it spell a lot of energy, but also keeps the listener entertained all along. The music directors have not skipped the emotions of the youth while also concentrating on offering some fun.

Star Cast John Abraham,Anil Kapoor,Ronit Roy,Siddhant Kapoor,Kangna Ranaut,Tusshar Kapoor,Sonu Sood,Manoj Bajpayee Shootout at Wadala is a action crime drama film written and directed by Sanjay Gupta. It is the sequel to the 2007 film Shootout at Lokhandwala, and is based on the book Dongri to Dubai written by S Hussain Zaidi .The film will dramatize the first-ever registered encounter by Mumbai police, where gangster Manya Surve was shot dead, which took place at the junction next to Dr. Ambedkar college, Wadala, Mumbai on 1 November 1982. Manya Surve (John Abraham) is about to face life imprisonment for a crime which he has not committed. In jail, He befriends with Sheikh Munir (Tusshar) and flees from the prison to form a new gang. Manya, a youngdangerous and cheeky gangster who dared to break rules and threaten the supremacy of the biggies including Dilawar Imtiyaz Haskar (Sonu Sood) and his brother Zubair Imtiyaz Haskar (Manoj Bajpayee) . Manya becomes a menace to the cop ACP Ishaque Bagwan (Anil Kapoor). Both the brothers Dilawar and Zubair wants Manya dead at any cost, On the other hand ACP Ishaque Bagwan will show no mercy to finish what Manya has started. This movie would be worth watching for John Abrahim Fans because he does a negative role again after Race 2 . As a director, Sanjay Gupta has done an excellent work adding perfect elements.

chawls women is savagely funny and poignant, as is his life-changing moment when Nawaz gets to perform one shot with Ranbir Kapoor. No we dont see Ranbir, we just feel his presence, and we also hear filmmaker Reema Kagti giving orders from the directorial chair, but we dont see her either. Nawaz in Dibakars deft hands, takes his character through a journey of profoundly saddening self-discovery without any hint of self-pity. This segment is quirky funny and tragic. No one is allowed to feel sorry for Nawazs character. Not even Nawaz. Zoya Akhtars film about a little boy (Naman Jain, brilliant) who would rather dance to Katrina Kaifs song than become a cricketer or a pilot, as per the wishes of his tyrant papa (Ranveer Shorey). The household brims over with song, dance and giggles between the Katrina-enamoured boy and his sibling and confidante (a very confident Khushi Dubey). Charming warm

humorous and vivacious Zoyas film serves up a very gentle moral lesson. Let a child grow the way it wants to. Zoyas film makes our hearts acquire wings. And yes, it immortalises Katrina Kaif. Finally, Anurag Kashyaps homage to the unmatchable stardom of Amitabh Bachchan. A simple fable of a man journeying from Allahabad to meet Bachchan, this segment is more baggy and loose-limbed than the other three tightly-edited stories. This is not to take away from its power. As played by Vineet Kumar Singh, the Common Mans devotion to the Bachchan aura is manifested in the tongue-in-cheek spoken lines and the casual energy of Mumbais street life. Anurag captures the sometimesfunny often-sad bustle around the Bachchan bungalow with warmth and affection. The segment certainly doesnt lack in warmth. But it could have done with a tighter grip over the narrative.

BOOK Legacy-glimpse of a parent-child relationship

most intimate experiences and profound insights on lifeNarayana Murthy, Chanda Kochhar, Kishore Biyani, Zia Mody, K.V.Kamath, Ajay Piramal, Amit Chandra, Ganesh Natrajan, Renuka Ramnath, P.P. Chhabria, Pradeep Bhargava, Deep Anand, Capt. Gopinath, Mallika Sarabhai, Shaheen Mistri, Sanjeev Kapoor, Jatin Das, and Prakash Padukone They say a daughter may out grow your lap, but she will never out grow your heart. In Legacy, noted journalist and author Sudha Menon brings forth a rare collection of personal and evocative letters from parents to their daughters. Through their fearless approach to life, love, and overcoming obstacles, these icons from the world of business, arts, films, food, and sports share with us their experience and wisdom as they pass them on to their daughters. Deeply moving and thought provoking, Legacy is a remarkable collection of life lessons that will delight and inspire at the same time.

About the Author

A compilation of personal letters from Indias most prominent personalities, sharing with us some of their

Sudha Menon is the bestselling author of Leading Ladies: Women Who Inspire India and a journalist with

over twenty years of experience. She has worked with the Independent, the Hindu Business Line, and Mint, writing on politics, women, health, and business. She is the founder of Get Writing!, a workshop for potential writers, and is also passionate about Writing In the Park, an initiative that she has started to get people out of their homes and spend time in the outdoors, writing in public parks and gardens. Sudha has been invited to several educational institutions and corporate campuses as a speaker . Sudhas achievement has been that the book conveys the journey of both the parent and the daughter simultaneously, thus traversing time. Meeran Chadha Borwankar, Additional Director General of Police(Prisons)




Software to improve building safety Web-based programmes for weight-loss in quakes

Alicante (Spain) A Spanish software company is developing a computer tool that will help improve building safety in earthquakes and can also be used in construction projects by companies located in seismic zones. The new aspect of this software, which is geared toward architects, engineers and construction firms, is that it is capable of calculating the effect that the facades, the partitions and the walls - which have a tendency to develop cracks in a quake - will have on the overall structure of a building. The Arquitectura, Ingenieria y Construccion CYPE software company, based in the eastern Spanish city of Alicante and operating in more than 47 countries - mainly in Latin America, Portugal and North Africa has been working on the product for a year, the firms technical director, Carlos Fernandez, said in an interview with EFE. The aim of the software, development of which is almost completed,

is to better analyze the structure of a building and its behaviour in the face of different seismic risks, Fernandez said. This is one more tool thats going to contribute to improving the safety of ... buildings in seismic zones, but its not the definitive weapon, its not a panacea, he said, adding that

the project will have an international market because many professionals around the world will be able to make use of it. The new computer program is based on the analysis of real architecture and it would be used, at first, to analyze newly-constructed buildings in earthquake zones.

China to build Tata tie-up with Tel Aviv robots at new University on tech innovations nology as a industrial base

Beijing China will establish a new industrial base in northeast Liaoning province that will mostly develop robots and other intelligent equipment, officials said. Located in Shenfu New Town, a development zone in Fushun, the industrial base will cover an area of five square km, Zhao Qibin, deputy director of the town management committee, told Xinhua. He said the industrial base will be completed by the end of 2017, and will mostly develop robots and other intelligent equipment after academies and technical centres are established there. It will be the countrys largest robot industrial base by 2030, he said. The robot industry is gaining momentum in China, as robots are gradually replacing traditional human labourers, especially in the fields of rescue, assembly, printing, transportation and welding. To promote the application of relevant technologies, the China Robot Industry Association was set up in Beijing on April 21.

New Delhi Tata Industries and Ramot at Tel Aviv University (TAU), the universitys technology transfer company, have entered into a strategic memorandum of understanding (MoU) to fund and generate leading-edge commercialisation ready technologies. Under the MoU, Tata Industries, through its wholly owned overseas subsidiary, will be the lead investor in Ramots $20-million Technology Innovation Momentum Fund, which will invest in a wide range of technologies. These include engineering and exact sciences, environment and clean technology, pharmaceuticals and health care. Tata has taken the decision to partner with Ramot and TAU with a desire to enhance capabilities of Tata companies and leverage tech-

differentiator for our businesses. K.R.S. Jamwal, executive director of Tata Industries said in a statement. According to Jamwal, an extensive due diligence process was conducted by chief technology officers from major Tata companies prior to this MoU. During this process, the Tata team was exposed to more than 70 promising innovations and had the opportunity to interact with leading scientists at TAU. Shlomo Nimrodi, the CEO of Ramot said being a lead investor Tata would be able to see a pipeline of technologies and will have an option to commercialise certain promising opportunities from TAU. The Embassy of Israel, in a statement here Tuesday, said: Through this MoU, Tata Industries will attempt to scout Israeli technologies developed by Tel Aviv Universitys scientists, in an aim to apply commercial uses for their research.

Washington Web-based programmes are the new effective measures in weight loss and weight management, according to a study. Weight loss is a topic of concern for nearly 36 percent of Americans who are considered obese. There are many barriers that can interfere with weight loss. For those attending face-to-face weight loss programmes, barriers can include travel, conflict with work and home, need for child care, and loss of anonymity. In a study released in the new issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, investigators from the University of Kansas Medical Center continue to explore alternative weight management delivery methods to eliminate some of these barriers. Debra Sullivan, lead investigator,

Internet cafes losing charm among Chinese

says: Although we found weight loss was significantly greater for face-to-face compared to virtual reality, weight maintenance was significantly better for virtual reality. The virtual reality weight maintenance programme was conducted using Second Life, a web-based virtual reality environment available to the public. Participants in Second Life create virtual representations of themselves, called avatars, which can interact with other avatars and navigate through the virtual world of Second Life. Voice communication is accomplished via headset, which allows for person-to-person and group interaction. Education and training takes place on an island, which is purchased from Second Life and provides restricted group access to the nutrition education and training area.

Israeli firm to create aerospace research hub in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro Israeli defence giant Elbit Systems Ltd. plans to create a hub of aerospace research in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, company officials said. The hub is to be the first of its kind in Latin America and will permit Brazil to achieve self-sufficiency in the sector, an executive with Elbit Brazilian subsidiary AEL Sistemas told EFE. The creation of the tech center is part of a memorandum of understanding signed this week in the Israeli city of Haifa by Rio Grande do Sul Gov. Tarso Genro

and AEL executives. The project will involve universities, government research institutes and private companies in the state. Rio Grande do Suls government will boost investment in its Ceitec and Cientec institutes to provide skilled workers and infrastructure support for the initiative. The hubs first major project will be the design and construction of a small satellite, AEL said. Gov. Genro is leading representatives of business and academia on an economic development mission to Israel and Palestine.

Beijing China has witnessed a decline in the number of Internet bars, a first instance in last eight years, courtesy a boom in the household broadband and mobile Internet sectors, the government has revealed. The country had 136,000 cyberbars nationwide by the end of 2012, a decrease of 6.9 percent year on year, reported Xinhua citing an annual report on Internet bars released by the cultural ministry Saturday. According to the report, the revenue of Internet bars plummeted by 13.2 percent to 53.7 billion yuan (about $8.7 bn). It was found that a booming mobile Internet, household broadband and the hiking up of operating costs contributed to the shrinking of the industry.

The total number of computers installed in Internet bars, however, increased by 3.7 percent to 11.95 million, it said. The report, which said Internet bars employed more than 1.03 million people, predicted a further downward trend for the industry. The report, which found online games and music remained the main reasons for people to visit Internet bars, suggested Internet bars enhance operations and integrate into games rooms and cafes to develop their business. China disallows anyone under 18 years of age to visit Internet bars. Last year, the Ministry of Culture investigated 34,200 cases concerning illegal operations of Internet bars and resolve over 31,600 of them, the report said.


tremely beneficial as it helps to release these pent up feelings and emotions from the sub-conscious mind . Improves Concentration- An extended hearty laughter improves blood circulation and cleanses the lungs This helps in better concentration power, increases the learning ability and helps to enhance academic performance. Academic Pressure- Schoolwork results in many symptoms of stress and high social anxiety. As they learn to laugh unconditionally, they become expert at handling pressure as laughter builds self confidence and the ability to handle stress by boosting the immune system and releasing endorphins in the brain which kick start good feelings and reduce stress. Lack of exercise-Children whose natural energy is traditionally expressed in movement, laughter and play are being forced to sit still and concentrate for extended periods from an early age. Laughter Yoga is a unique workout regime that oxygenates the blood and other organs, leaving them full of energy and physically fit. Yoga, a unique exercise routine that combines group laughter exercises with yoga breathing which allows anyone to laugh without using jokes, humour or comedies. Started with just with just five people in a public park in Mumbai in 1995, it has grown into a worldwide movement. He had observed that when a joke or story being told was not funny, one person laughing was usually enough to get the whole group to laugh: laughter is contagious. He experimented with this idea of laughing for no reason and it worked very well. On this positive day, lets spread out our arms and laugh for no reason for at least 1 minute, sending out vibrations of peace, love and freedom into the universe for friendship and world peace.

Strange Facts You Didnt Know

If youre happy and you know it -- clap your hands!

ccording to the dictionary, laughter is the sound and movement that our body makes when we find something funny. Few people would deny that laughter is a good medicine, but not many people realise what a powerful tool for transformation laughter is. World Laughter Day was created in 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide LaughterYoga movement---a global initiative to unite humanity through unconditional love and laughter.W orld Laughter Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May every year across the globe with a positive sign for world peace. Laughter Yoga for Teenagers Teen stress- We know that the early teen years are marked by rapid changes. They are faced with demands of college and parents to perform and achieve goals that may be unrealistic. Extended hearty laughter induced by Laughter Yoga is ex-

Topolino is the name for Mickey Mouse in Italy A lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue

Birds need gravity to swallow Cats have over 100 vocal chords Your tongue is the fastest healing part of your body A crocodile cant move its tongue An octopus pupil is rectangular The oldest word in the English language is town

Dr. Madan Kataria, a medical doctor from Mumbai popularly known as the Guru of Giggling, is the founder of Laughter Yoga Clubs movement started in 1995. While researching the benefits of laughter, he was amazed by the number of studies showing profound physiological and psychological benefits of laughter. He decided to find a way to deliver these benefits to his patients and other people. The result is Laughter

Experience this Summer a feast of Entertainment

Quote Corner
I never allow myself to become discouraged under any circumstances. The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are first, hard work, second, stick-to-ittiveness, third, common sense. Albert Einstein

How does a soap clean?

Put your knowledge to test and make our country word scramble your next challenge. Can you solve the range of word problems related to the countries of the world? PNISA IHLCE TARAALISU YRWOAN IIDAN NELAGND MIEUBLG

Eminent Meaning- High in station, rank Example- Angelina Jolie has become an eminent figure in Hollywood.

Chhota Bheem and The Throne

Answers: Spain,Chile Australia,Norway, India,England, Belgium

of Bali, the second movie in childrens animated series Chhota Bheem is hitting silver screens alongside the much-awaited Bombay Talkies and Shootout At Wadala . The movie is based on the Bali islands and is an out-and-out adventure ride for kids with thrill, action, suspense and loads of fun. Bheem,derived from mythological character is completely fictional. His name is Bheem but has nothing to do with Mahabharata.He is just a common village boy. .The film will release in three languages - Hindi, Tamil and Telugu - in over 500 theatres.The previous film, Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan was released in May 2012 and drew a collection of Rs.4.92 crore. The fim stars Chhota Bheem, Raju, Chutki, Kalia, Dholu, Bholu, Balli

Story On an invitation from the King of Bali, Bheem and his friends head to Bali to attend the crowning ceremony of their Prince. On their way, Raja Indraverma tells them about beautiful Bali, and the kids are super excited to visit this land of unlimited landscapes but before they can reach Bali, the kingdom is captured by evil Rangda who also arrests the king and queen of Bali. However the little crown prince manages to escape and forms an alliance with Bheem to take on Rangda, the evil witch who wants to rule Bali. Rangda is a very powerful villain, and has Leyaks as her army who cause destruction and disease among the people and animals. Now, it is up to Bheem and his friends along with the Prince to take on, fight and defeat the evil witch. Experience the never told before story with lot of fun gags, amazing visuals and soothing music in a theatre near you.

Like enemies some things just dont get along well with each other . For Example Oil and Water.Take this fun experiment and find out how bringing oil and water together with soap can help you clean your dishes. What You Need Container Water Oil Dishwashing liquid Instructions: Step 1: Put 2 tablespoon cooking oil and 1 cup of water in a plastic container Step 2: Cover the container with the lid and Shake it to mix the oil and water. Step 3: Place the container down and remove the lid to notice what happens. Step 4: Now put few drops of dishwashing liquid into the same con-

tainer and lock the lid again. Step 5: Shake the container once again, and notice how a cloudy mixture has been created. Observation Detergent gets attracted to both water and oil helping them all join together forming an emulsion. Hence soap cleans by acting as an emulsifier.While washing the greasy dishes, the detergent takes the oil and wash off the plates.Whereas oil and water does not mix with each other as they are more attracted to their own molecules .They separate and the oil floats above the water because it has a lower density.

Flak Meaning-Excessive or abusive criticism. Example- Government has taken a lot of political flak for their approach. Gobble Meaning-Eat (something) hurriedly and noisily. Example- When I am hungry I tend to gobble up my food. Hoax Meaning-Something intended to deceive or trick Example- There was a hoax call made by man regarding a bomb kept on the plane Insipid Meaning-Lacking flavor Example-His insipid speeches failed to win over the voters.


ranarayanan said. Expressing concern over the prevailing drought-like situation in several parts of the state, Sankaranarayanan said the state government was making herculean efforts to tackle the issue. The measures implemented include a package of Rs.1,985 crore for relief by way of food and drinking water to people and cattle, supplying drinking water through more than 4,000 tankers in 3,340 villages and 8,253 hamlets and providing employment to around 285,000 people in the affected regions. Pursuing its principles of inclusiveness, equality and humanity, the state government will soon set up world-class memorials dedicated to Babasaheb Ambedkar in Mumbai and Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj in Kolhapur, he added. The governor also spoke on the major achievements notched by the state on various fronts, including youth, women, minorities, healthcare, e-governance and infrastructure developments.


Maharashtra to create two million jobs Hindustan Unilever profit

rises 41 percent in 2012-13

Mumbai Maharashtra will create two million new jobs under Industrial Policy-2013 and attract more investment to maintain its numero uno status among industrialised states in the country, Governor K. Sankaranarayanan said. The governor, who was speaking on the occasion of the 53rd foundation day of the state, said the new industrial policy focuses on getting more investments, generating employment and promoting balanced regional development. The new policy targets an industrial

HIL trains artisans for construction industry

Hyderabad HIL Limited, a flagship company of the C.K. Birla Group of companies, has joined hands with an NGO in Andhra Pradesh to train and build a talent pool of artisans for the construction industry, an official said Wednesday. Under the initiative, HIL, formerly Hyderabad Industries Limited, rolled out its first pilot project aimed at creating employment opportunities for the rural and economically weaker people. Under the project titled Tarakki ki Chhaon Mein, HIL alongwith Shramika Educational Society enrolled 25 students from rural Andhra Pradesh for a 45-day course. Abhaya Shankar, managing director, HIL, told reporters here that 50 students would be trained in two batches. The company, which has pan-India presence, plans to roll out similar projects in eight other locations in the country to train a total of 250 students this year. The project will train and build a talent pool of masons, carpenters, electricians and fitters. Shankar said the project was aimed at bridging the gap of non-availability of skilled manpower and also fulfill-

growth of 12-13 percent, to increase the share of manufacturing to 28 percent in state GDP, creating 20 lakh new jobs and attract investment of Rs.500,000 crore over the next five years, the governor said. As part of this endeavour, 375 mega projects have been sanctioned since 2005 with an employment potential of 342,000 jobs. To accelerate economic growth in Maharashtra and to usher in all round development and ensure growth and social equity, the state would implement a plan of Rs.275,000 crore during the 12th Five Year Plan, Sanka-

Over 2,000 state firms shifted Maruti Suzuki sales fall three to private sector in Cuba

Mumbai Hindustan Unilever, Indias largest manufacturer of consumer goods and household products, Monday said its net profit increased 41 percent to Rs.3,796.67 crore for the year ended March 31. The company posted a net profit of Rs.3,796.67 crore for the financial year 2012-13 as compared to Rs.2,691.40 crore recorded in the previous year, registering an increase of 41.06 percent, Hindustan Unilever, Indian arm of the Anglo-Dutch

firm Unilever, said in a statement. For the January-March quarter, the companys net profit increased by 15 percent at Rs.787 crore. The companys total income rose to Rs.26,417.11 crore for the year ended March 31, 2013 as compared to Rs.22,394.68 crore recorded in the previous year. Share price of Hindustan Unilever surged 6.42 percent at Rs.495 at the Bombay Stock Exchange, as the companys results beat market expectations.

percent in April

ing the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) objective of skilling 500 million people by 2022. The course is targeted to uplift weaker sections of the society with an education background of Class 8 to 12 and those who do not have access to skill training. Shankar said while HIL, which is into building construction material, will not absorb all of those passing out after the course but it would help in their placements. He said the boys would be imparted training in installing roofing sheets, Aerocon panels and general skills in using green building materials. Mohan Sarju, president of Shramika Educational Society, said the students would go through a rigorous training and will be awarded certificates from Shramika, which has a tie-up with Steinbeis-Germany, a technology transfer company and a certification body. Trained students can look forward to start their career with an initial salary of Rs.5,500-7,000 per month and scale up to a level of Rs.15,000 per month within a span of two years, depending upon their performance.

Chinas manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index drops

Beijing Chinas Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for the manufacturing sector fell to 50.6 percent in April from 50.9 percent in March, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) said. It was the seventh consecutive month in which the PMI figure stayed above 50 percent, which demarcates expansion from contraction, according to a statement from the CFLP. Although the PMI remains generally stable, the slight retreat indicates slower growth in the manufacturing sector and the need for a stronger momentum in Chinas economic growth, reported Xinhua citing the statement. The April PMI showed that the foundation for Chinas economic recovery is not solid enough, said Zhang Liqun, an analyst from the Development Research Center of the State Council, or Chinas cabinet. The decline in orders caused the fall in the inventory level, and a sharp drop in the sub-index for purchasing prices of raw materials suggests the corporate confidence was undermined, Zhang said. According to the CFLP, orders received by manufacturers dropped in April, as the sub-index for new orders edged down 0.6 percentage

Havana The Cuban government has leased more than 2,000 small businesses to their old employees, who have increased the firms income and the quality of the services provided. This new form of non-state management, included in the economic reform plan of President Raul Castro, was begun on an experimental basis in 2009 in barber shops and hair styling salons, but it was later expanded to 47 economic activities. To date, 2,041 businesses have been leased to a total of 5,479 employees, according to figures compiled by the Domestic Commerce Ministry. The former employees are in charge of organizing the business, providing the necessary resources, maintaining or improving the store and they assume all the rent, electricity, telephone, gas and water payments. They also set the prices of the services they provide. The Cuban government acknowledges that this method has improved service, has increased salaries and the new business operators feel more

motivated to the point where absenteeism has been reduced, although it is still prevalent in the state-run sector given the meager salaries and the lack of incentives there. The workers also feel they are benefiting, like the employees of the Leo hair salon in Havanas El Vedado neighbourhood, which for the past 16 months has been operating under new management. The pay has improved a lot. Before, the minimum wage was 255 pesos a month (about $9) and now that things have changed, the improvement is substantial, Milagros, 35, one of the five hair stylists at the shop, told EFE. Not everything is favourable, however. Besides the burden of taxes, the recurring complaint in Cubas emerging private sector is the absence of a wholesale market where business operators can buy supplies.

Small businesses create many jobs in Brazil

Brasilia Small businesses were responsible for some 40 percent of the 15 million new jobs created in Brazil between 2001 and 2011, with 95 percent of the firms in full compliance with all labour laws, a government report said. The report, Voices of the New Middle Class, was prepared by the Institute of Applied Economic Research, or IPEA, an agency of the Office of the President. Small businesses account for 39 percent of the wages paid in Brazil, an example of their extraordinary strength, the report said. Small businesses have helped reduce poverty in Brazil, a country where nearly 40 million people have been pulled out of poverty in the past 12 years, Marcelo Neri, head of

Chennai Indian car market leader Maruti Suzuki India Ltd closed last month with three percent lower sales compared to what it sold in April 2012, the company announced Wednesday. The company said in a statement that it sold 97,302 units (domestic 90,523 units, exports 6,779 units) last month, down from 100,415 units (domestic 90,255 units, exports 10,160 units) sold in April 2012. Maruti Suzuki logged sales growth in the mini (M800, A-Star, Alto, WagonR) and the super compact cars (Dzire) segments while compact cars (Swift, Estilo, Ritz), mid-sized (SX4), utility vehicles (Ertiga Gypsy, Grand Vitara), vans (Omni, Eeco) and executive car (Kizashi) segments dragged down the companys overall sales. Last fiscal, the company sold 1,171,434 units (domestic 1,051,046 units, exports 120,388 units).

points from the previous month to 51.7 percent. The sub-index for purchasing prices of raw materials tumbled 10.5 percentage points to 40.1 percent, the first reading below 50 after the subindex stayed above the demarcation level for seven consecutive months. The sub-index for finished goods inventories moved down 2.5 percentage points from the previous month to 47.7 percent, while the sub-index for production shrank slightly by 0.1 percentage points to 52.6 percent. The sub-index for raw materials inventories remained unchanged at 47.5 percent in April, said the CFLP.

the Strategic Affairs Secretariat and IPEA, said. The phenomenon continued in 2012, when 35 percent of people climbed the social ladder, while just 14 percent fell, despite the countrys sluggish 0.90 percent economic growth rate, Neri said. Brazil had about 6 million micro and small enterprises at the end of last year, official figures show. The government defines a micro enterprise in the industrial sector as a firm that has up to 19 employees, while small enterprises are those that employ between 20 and 99 workers. In the retail and service sectors, micro enterprises are those with up to nine employees, while small enterprises are defined as those employing between nine and 49 people.



Mayaram, said while addressing a seminar on innovation on behalf of Finance Minister P. Chidambaram here. The seminar was organised by the finance ministry in partnership with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) as part of the 46th annual meeting of the board of governors of the Asian Development Bank. Mayaram said the National Innovation Council, which is a part of the Planning Commission, has outlined the plan of setting up of the Rs.5,000 crore fund. The new fund is aimed to drive and catalyse the creation of an ecosystem of enterprise, entrepreneurship, and venture capital, targeted at innovative solutions for the bottom of the pyramid, Mayaram said. FICCI president Naina Lal Kidwai emphasised on the need for greater collaborations between the government and the private sector to help promote growth and innovation. There is a growing conviction that breakthroughs in ideas and technology must be directed to ensuring that people from all social and economic strata, particularly those at the bottom of the pyramid, partake in the growth process, Kidwai said.

Very limited room for monetary easing-RBI

Shell CEO to India to set up $1 bn quit in 2014 innovation fund

Moscow The head of the Royal Dutch Shell plc, Peter Voser, will leave his job in the first half of 2014, the oil and gas giant said on its website . No explanation was provided for the departure of Voser, 54, a Swiss native who worked at Shell since 1982 and became the companys CEO in 2009. Shell also named no tentative replacement for Voser, saying only that its board will lead a structured and comprehensive review of internal and external candidates. Shells income attributable to shareholders stood at about $8.18 billion in the first quarter of 2013, a 6-percent decrease year-on-year, but above the forecast of $6.5 billion. The Anglo-Dutch company signed last month a memorandum with Gazprom, planning to jointly drill for oil and gas on Russias continental shelf in the Arctic. Shell had to put on hold its Alaskan drilling program in 2013 after protestations by Greenpeace over lack of technologies for safe offshore drilling in the Arctic, with Forbes magazine blaming the $5 billion programs suspension for the departure of Shells executive vice president David Lawrence in March. Norwegian Statoil, another company to eye Russias Arctic shelf, also reported a decrease in income in the first quarter of 2013.

Mumbai Dashing expectations of an interest rate cut that have risen because of the recent softening in inflation, as well as decline in crude and gold prices, the Reserve Bank of India said there is very limited space for that in fiscal 2013-14 because of multiple global and domestic risks, notably inflation. A day before its annual monetary policy statement, the bank released the countrys macro economic report and forecast a slow paced economic recovery this financial year, and reduced the growth rate to 6.0 percent from 6.5 percent. In the document which serves as a backdrop to the Monetary Policy Statement 2013-14 to be announced May 3, the bank made it clear that low interest rates alone would not be enough to kick-start economic growth, and that a cautious monetary policy was needed because of both the local and global risk factors. It said that for economic growth to revive, the government needed to do much more in terms of removing in-

Business in Africa needs participatory approach

New Delhi Indian enterprises need to follow a participatory approach to develop their businesses in Africa otherwise they would lose out to others from countries like Brazil and Turkey, which are increasingly active now in the continent, says Abhilash Puljal, of the trade and investment advisory firm Avignam. We (in India) need to think differently when we look at Africa. If we dont take Africans along, work with them with a developmental perspective, it is difficult to succeed, Puljal, who is managing director of Avignam, told . He said Africa is keen to collaborate with foreigners, who work in a participatory mode, in a way that helps develop their skills and capacity. Avignam is working with the vision of developing the private sector in the emerging economies with a South-South agenda. A London School of Economics alumnus, Puljal has a Rwandan partner with an office in the capital Kigali. Pujal said there are three key requirements of developing economies, including in Africa -- technology, building capacity and capital. Avig-

frastructure bottlenecks and improving governance. Recovery at the current juncture will critically depend on supply-side action to remove a host of microconstraints and structural bottlenecks that impede production and investment, especially in growthdriving sectors such as road and power. The government has initiated action in this direction, but progress has been slow, making it imperative for decisive action to be taken quickly on the outstanding issues, the Survey said. It said headline inflation is likely to remain range-bound in 2013-14, with some further moderation in the first six months due to subdued producers pricing power and falling global commodity prices, before it increases somewhat in the second half largely due to base effects. The bank said global growth is likely to stay sluggish and fiscal adjustments will drag growth down in advanced economies and delay cyclical recovery in emerging market and developing economies.

Cairn setting up centre of excellence in Jodhpur

Jaipur Cairn India is setting up a centre of excellence in Jodhpur that will provide world class training for upgrading skills of people engaged in the oil and gas industry. Cairn has signed a contract with TUV Rheinland of Germany, which is a leader in testing, inspection, certification, training and consulting. The training to be provided at the Cairn Centre of Excellence (CCOE) would have three vertical models -- vocational training, education training and openhouse training and seminars. The training course accreditations will be

Greater Noida The Indian government has outlined a plan to set up Rs.5,000 crore (nearly $1 billion) fund to facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship, top official said .The government would initially contribute $20 million (Rs.100 crore) to the India Inclusive Innovation Fund. The remaining amount would come from scheduled banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, corporates, high net worth individuals as well as bilateral and multilateral institutions, said Economic Affairs Secretary Arvind Mayaram. This fund would help encourage and finance such products to boost scientific innovations that can improve the life of the common man,

nam advises companies in bringing these from middle-income economies to low income economies. India has all three. Technologies are available in India, which can be taken to Africa through an Indian investor. African SMEs many times prefer Indian products and machinery compared to products from other parts of the world, and have an image of better quality and longevity. Also, they find Indian engineering simple and easier from a maintenance point of view, said Puljal. According to him, there is a renewed surge of interest among Indian small and medium enterprises towards Africa as an investment destination, but facilitation is required to convert this interest into concrete investments. The main hurdle for Indian SMEs is access to finance for implementing projects in Africa. They have the requisite technical expertise and the risk appetite to invest in Africa, but they do not have adequate funds. Puljal said that in his interactions with Indian government officials he has suggested bank funding for Indian SME projects in Africa. Also, having an African SME Conclave in India would help in better understanding the opportunities and challenges in this regard.

from Edexcel, UK, an agency whose accreditation is accepted around the globe. Placement focused training, local industries and corporate participation will ensure that the purpose

Polaris commences organisational restructuring

Chennai Polaris Financial Technology is going in for an organisational restructuring and would soon finalise a consultant for this, company chairman Arun Jain said .Polaris operates in three verticals - software services, products and cloud computing. The company board has approved the restructuring scheme. We are in the process of finalising the consultant to implement the organisational restructuring, Jain told According to him, implementing the recommendations of the task force will be a major challenge as there will now be five chief executive officers in the company. In January this year, based on the recommendations of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Polaris Board authorised the company management to explore options that would provide an impetus for the next stage of growth and maximise shareholder value. A task force, in turn, was set up with senior management officials that recommended restructuring the business into separate divisions - services and products- each having independent management teams and strategies aligned to their respective customers needs. As per the revised structure, Polaris is appointing five ceos for each distinct line of business across services and products for greater customer focus and agility. The five ceos and their domain are: Jitin Goyal, ceo, Services; Manish Maakan, Global Transaction Banking; Jaideep Billa and Venkatesh Srinivasan, joint ceos, Core Banking, Treasury and Capital Markets and Pranav Pasricha, Insurance Products. For the services business the task force recommended: (a) front-toback integration of client-facing and delivery organisation, led by a chief client officer for each strategic account; (b) the division to have the ability to partner with any third-party solution provider and not be limited only to Polaris product suite and (c) bring the business leadership closer to market. In respect of the product division the

of the training centre is met. This centre will train around 1,000 participants in the first two years. More than 50 percent of Indias population is below the age of 25 and only 5 percent of the total workforce have undergone skills training. This offers a great opportunity for India to meet global demand and become a worldwide sourcing hub for skilled workforce, said Enrico Ruhle, managing director, TUV Rheinland India, in a statement. Cairn CEO P. Elango said the centre reinforced Cairns commitment to Rajasthan and it would offer local youth the opportunity to benefit from the energy sector.

task forces recommendations are: (a) focused research and development investments in each product line and increased solution architects footprint in markets (b) enable clients to leverage the power of the Intellect suite of products through a network of third-party system integrators and (c) provide dedicated client research facilities at FT 8012, Polaris unique Financial Technology Design Center for the acceleration of modernisation initiatives.Jain does not agree that new organisational structure is just internal rejig or redesignating senior management officials It is a very big change in Polaris. Each business has a capacity to grow to $100 million. It will take around three months for the new set up to get set, Jain said. He declined to comment about the possible next steps - demerging of the divisions into separate companies and inviting outside investments- and dismissed news reports about Polaris planning to hive off its services business to couple of IT majors as baseless.




India confident of good show at Commonwealth TT

New Delhi India can hope for a decent medal haul at 19th Commonwealth Table Tennis Championships beginning at the Thyagaraj Stadium .India will be represented by five men and four women paddlers in the Championships comprising team, individual, doubles and mixed doubles events. Sharath Kamal, the highest-ranked Indian at 70, will lead the mens line-up in the company of current national champion Soumyajit Ghosh, Anthony Amalraj, Harmeet Desai and Sanil Shetty while Shamini Kumaresan, Mouma Das, Madhurika Patkar and Neha Aggarwal form the womens team. The male paddlers, who have had an extended stint at Falkenburg Club training centre in Sweden, as well female players who went to Zhengding National Table Tennis Training base in China, have returned well prepared for the prestigious home event. Eight-time national champion and current coach, Kamlesh Mehta, was confident the mens team keeping the Indian tricolor flying high. The boys have had a very good stint in Sweden with sparring partners of different hues. That should stand them in good stead in the Commonwealth Championships, said Mehta. Mehta warned that they should be

Sheikh Salman elected as new AFC president

Linesman assaults player at Mathews to lead Sri Lanka in Champions Russian football match Trophy, Ajantha snubbed
Moscow A top Russian football official accused a linesman of hitting a young player who abused him at a match between two Premier League clubs reserve teams. Linesman Musa Kadyrov punched 18-year-old defender Ilya Krichmar and then kicked him as he lay on the ground, according to Alexei Spirin, head of the Russian FAs inspection committee, which examines refereeing. The incident followed Terek Groznys 2-1 win over Krichmars Amkar Perm in a reserves game Friday in the city of Grozny in Kadyrovs home region of Chechnya. After the game, left-back Ilya Krichmar, who was standing near the referees assistant Musa Kadyrov, said something to him. As it later turned out, he used offensive language including insults to his mother, Spirin said. And then (Kadyrov) threw away his flag and rushed onto the pitch, about four or five metres, hit him in the area of the neck. (Krichmar) fell down and the official started to kick him, but the players rushed over quickly, he added. The Terek players, they restrained this linesman, who was trying to say something insulting. Spirin said the player had been given a red card on review by the FA and that Kadyrov had been given an official fail grade in an FA report. The linesman could yet face further punishment. Cases of football players being attacked by referees or linesmen are rare - the opposite is more often the case. Thursday, Indonesian striker Pieter Rumaropen was banned for life for hospitalising a referee with a punch to the face, while last month a Lebanese referee said he feared for his life as angry players chased him following a red card.

wary of Singapore even though they are without their number one player Gao Ning, who won the singles title in the last two editions of the competition. Singapore has very good players in Zhan Jian, ranked 25 in the world, and Li Hu (ranked 55), who will be tough opponents. Unfortunately, none of our players had faced them before. That could be a disadvantage, he said.

But on the distaff side, national coach Bhawani Mukherjee is pinning hopes on stalwarts Shamini and Mouma with able support coming from local girl Neha. Here again, they will have to watch out for Singapore, the current world champions, and England. Singapore is spearheaded by world no. 4 Feng Tianwei, while England will hope Joanna Parker, ranked 135, to get the team on the podium.

New Delhi The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has congratulated Shaikh Salman bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa who was chosen the new Asian Football Confederation (AFC) president in Kuala Lumpur .Shaikh Salman, who hails from Bahrain received 33 of the 46 votes to sweep to victory ahead of Thailands Worawi Makudi (7 votes) and Yousuf Al Serkal of the United Arab Emirates (6 votes). AIFF president Praful Patel hailed Shaikh Salmans victory. I congratulate Shaikh Salman for his thumping victory. Im sure his endeavours will go a long way in developing and protecting Football

in Asia, he said. I look forward to working together and exchanging footballing ideas and programmes in the near future, he added. Patel also appreciated the efforts of Zhan Jilong for steering AFC through a difficult period in the past two years. Kushal Das, General Secretary of AIFF said: Indian Football has always been grateful to AFC for their support and we are confident that the Sleeping Giant will stay on Shaikh Salmans priority list. I congratulate him for winning the elections for the post of the AFC President as well as the vacant post of FIFA Executive Committee member from AFC.

Colombo Angelo Mathews will lead the Sri Lankan cricket team in the ICC Champions Trophy to be held next month in England, and spinner Ajantha Mendis has once been again overlooked for the 15-member squad

Lakers get swept by Spurs, out of the playoffs

Los Angeles With an 82-103 loss to San Antonio Spurs in Game, the L.A. Lakers got swept 0-4 and their season came to an end in NBA (National Basketball Association) action. Without Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash, Steve Blake, Metta World Peace and Jodie Meeks, the short-handed Lakers had to play Game 4 against a much stronger opponent Sunday. And in the early third quarter, Dwight Howard was ejected after receiving his second technical foul, which made things even worse, reports Xinhua. Kobe Bryant appeared on the team s bench for the first time since his season-ending achilles tendon injury. Spurs Tony Parker scored a gamehigh 23 points, Kawhi Leonard had 13 points and Tim Duncan added 11

Sindhu moves up, Kashyap drops out of top-10

New Delhi After achieving a career-high of World No.6 last week, Parupalli Kashyap dropped out of the mens singles top-10 in the Badminton World Federation (BWF) rankings released. Due to a first round exit at the recently concluded India Open, Kashyap dropped five places to be ranked 11. But on the positive side, a brilliant performance by Indian shuttlers has led seven of them to be ranked in top-55 of the mens singles. Mumbais Ajay Jayaram who reached the quarters last week jumped three places to 27 while R.M.V. Gurusaidutt jumped five places to 28. Madhya Pradeshs Sourabh Verma gained a place to 35. Anand Pawar, whose best performance at a Super Series came when he reached the semifinals last week,

announced. Mendis, who plays for Pune Warriors in the Indian Premier League (IPL), was also dropped from the Sri Lankan squad for the home ODI series in March against Bangladesh. Delhi Daredevils captain Mahela

Jayawardene makes a return to the side after missing the ODI series against Bangladesh due to a finger injury. The selectors also recalled left-arm pacer Chanaka Welegedara, who last played an ODI in 2010. He was included in the Test tour of Australia last year but returned home due to a hamstring injury. Kumar Sangakkara, Tillakaratne Dilshan, Lasith Malinga and Sachithra Senanayake, who are all playing in the IPL, are also in the squad for the June 6-23 tournament. Sri Lanka squad: Angelo Mathews (captain), Dinesh Chandimal (vicecaptain), Tillakaratne Dilshan, Kusal Janith Perera, Kumar Sangakkara, Mahela Jayawardena, Lahiru Thirimanne, Jeevan Mendis, Thisara Perera, Lasith Malinga, Rangana Herath, Nuwan Kulasekera, Shaminda Eranga, Sachithra Senanayake and Chanaka Welagedera.

points. Tracy McGrady made his first show for Spurs with 5 minutes, contributing one assist and one steal. Pau Gasol led the Lakers with 16 points, eight rebounds and five assists. Andrew Goudelock had 14 points. Dwight Howard only played 20 minutes and 34 seconds, finishing with seven points and eight rebounds.

leapt 11 places to 42 while B. Sai Praneeth moved up 15 places to 47. India Open quarterfinalist K. Srikkanth also leapt 11 places to 52 but H.S. Prannoy catapulted 21 places to career-best 55.

In the womens singles, despite the second round exit at India Open, Saina Nehwal retained her No.2 position while P.V. Sindhu, who reached the semifinals, jumped two places to reach a career-best of No.13.


Chennai Chennai Super Kings skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni Thursday said though they are performing, they are still not as good as they were in the fourth edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL), when they won the title. Chennai Super Kings Thursday beat Kings XI Punjab by 15 runs here at the M.A. Chidambaram Stadium. The home team scored 186/4, while Kings XI could only manage 171/6 in their 20 overs. I wont say it is a fortress, I dont think we have performed as well as in the fourth edition of the IPL. We are getting better with every game. We did really well today, Raina batted well with Hussey, the bowling department also overall quite happy, just one tactical error in bringing in Raina, said Dhoni after the match. Performance was really great. We had four fast bowlers, in this format if you are doing well, just go through with them, if you hold them for later they could also go for runs.


US, Russian inmates to battle on chessboard We are getting better: Dhoni

Washington American inmates will be shooting for checkmates against Russian prisoners this month in a first-of-itskind intercontinental chess match between pawn pushers living behind bars in the two countries. They do not accept draws. They go all in: either win or lose, chess enthusiast match organiser Mikhail Korneman said of the Chicago inmates, who will challenge prisoners from five Russian correctional facilities May 15. The match, which will be conducted online, is the brainchild of Korneman, renowned Russian grandmaster and former World Champion Anatoly Karpov, and Tom Dart, an Illinois sheriff who launched a chess programme last year in Chicagos Cook County Jail as a way of encouraging inmates to deliberate and exercise caution when making decisions. Karpov, whose titanic battles for chess supremacy with rival and compatriot Garry Kasparov captivated the world in the 1980s, has been a driving force in bringing chess to Russian prisons in recent years and was on hand last year when Korneman and Dart announced the programme. When Karpov was here, we started

Dravid wishes for more foreigners in playing XI

eign players. It is very difficult for us as we can only play four. I wish IPL would change that and get more foreign players, but its not possible. Someone has to miss out, Dravid said at a function here. Dravid made the remark while lauding teammate and English batsman Owais Shahs performance in the last edition of the IPL. Shah, who represents Rajasthan Royals, has so far played one match in the ongoing tourney. I know he has been a top performer for us. In the last season, he had done very well but for the combination and balance of the side sometimes we cant fit all the foreign players, Dravid said. Stressing the importance of playing good cricket, Dravid asserted that his side is focusing solely on moving to the play-offs without losing any sleep on the fate of the other

talking about [the match between prisoners]. He is very excited. It has never been done before, said Korneman, who moved to the United States from Russia two decades ago, Thursday. Ten inmates from the Cook County Jail, the largest jail in the United States with around 9,000 prisoners, will play two 15-minute games each against their Russian counterparts. The Russian side will be represented by prisoners from correctional facilities in the Astrakhan, Samara, Saratov, Sverdlovsk and Krasnodar regions. The match will be played via a se-

cure internet connection established specifically for the event. Korenman, who brought former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to Kansas for a chess event in 2005, said it is difficult to predict which side might emerge victorious. The Chicago inmates are not professional chess players but they do have knowledge and they like to go on the attack, he said. I think the match will be very interesting, Korenman added. Korenman, Karpov and Dart have all advocated chess as a pastime that can help inmates correct the trajectory of their lives.

IPL Match Schedule this Week

Date 5-May 5-May 6-May 7-May 7-May 8-May 9-May 9-May 10-May 11-May 11-May IST 16:00 20:00 20:00 16:00 20:00 20:00 16:00 20:00 20:00 16:00 20:00 GMT 10:30 14:30 14:30 10:30 14:30 14:30 10:30 14:30 14:30 10:30 14:30 Match Details Mumbai Indians vs 49th IPL Chennai Super Kings Rajasthan Royals vs 50th IPL Pune Warriors Kings XI Punjab vs 51st IPL Royal Challengers Bangalore Rajasthan Royals vs 52nd IPL Delhi Daredevils Mumbai Indians vs 53rd IPL Kolkata Knight Riders Sunrisers Hyderabad 54th IPL vs Chennai Super Kings Kings XI Punjab vs 55th IPL Rajasthan Royals Pune Warriors vs 56th IPL Kolkata Knight Riders Delhi Daredevils vs 57th IPL Royal Challengers Bangalore Pune Warriors vs 58th IPL Mumbai Indians Kings XI Punjab vs 59th IPL Sunrisers Hyderabad Venue Mumbai Jaipur Mohali Jaipur Mumbai Hyderabad Mohali Pune Delhi Pune Mohali

Kolkata Rajasthan Royals captain Rahul Dravid wished the Indian Premier League (IPL) allowed more foreign players in the playing XI than at present.Currently, four foreign recruits are allowed in the playing XI while each franchisee can have 11 overseas players in the squad. We have a lot of very good for-

Rahane wants to learn day Ronaldinho Georgia not to boycott Sochi by day, learn from everyone aletico beat Sao Olympics
Sao Paulo Ronaldinho struck with a first-half header to help his football club Atletico Mineiro defeat Sao Paulo 2-1 in their all-Brazilian Copa Libertadores Round of 16 first leg. Jadson opened the scoring in the eighth minute at the Morumbi Stadium by slotting in a low shot after Paulo Henrique Gansos clever layoff inside the area Thursday. But the game changed in the 35th minute when former Brazil captain Lucio was sent off for a studs-up challenge on Bernard. Ronaldinho put the visitors level on the stroke of half-time by nodding a Bernard corner-kick past veteran goalkeeper Rogerio Ceni. One-time Brazil international striker Diego Tardelli then made it 2-1 (59th) when he ran onto a long Marcos Rocha cross to slide in at the far post. We came here respecting them because we know what they are capable of but we also backed ourselves and that showed. It was a good result but there is still a game left and we know we have work ahead of us, Ronaldinho said. Tbilisi (Georgia) Georgia will not boycott next years Winter Olympics in the Russian city of Sochi after the countrys National Olympic Committee voted unanimously in favour of taking part. The question of a boycott has repeatedly arisen in Georgia as a result of the 2008 war with Russia. The two countries still do not have formal diplomatic relations. The Games will be held in Sochi, near Russias border with the breakaway region of Abkhazia, which Georgia claims as part of its territory while Russia considers it independent and maintains a large military presence there. I congratulate everyone that Georgian athletes will compete at the Olympic Games, committee president Leri Khabelov said. The debate over a boycott reflects Georgias political fault lines. The party of president Mikhail Saakashvili had floated the idea of a boycott while his implacable opponent

teams. To be honest, we arent worried about what happens to other teams. We are focusing on ourselves. Whether others are in the play-offs or are knocked out, it doesnt matter. I dont care who the other three teams are in the play-offs as long as we are one of the four, Dravid said during a felicitation ceremony organised by Rupa and Company Ltd. here. We have played particularly well so far. We are going to take a game at a time. We have been doing some things right, have been playing good cricket; specially in tough situations, we have somebody stepping up and doing the job for us. Thats what we got to focus on. The next few days will be pretty busy for us. We will just try to play good cricket and put simple things in place, said Dravid.

prime minister Bidzina Ivanishvili said Georgia will definitely take part. Had Georgia chosen to boycott, it would be the first country to do so since North Korea refused to compete at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul because of its ongoing state of war with South Korea. The only previous Winter Olympic boycott came when Taiwan refused to compete at the 1980 Games in Lake Placid, New York over a dispute about what its team should be called. Next years Winter Olympics will be held from Feb 7 to 23.

Kolkata Hailing Rajasthan Royals skipper Rahul Dravid as his role model, 24-year-old right-hand batsman Ajinkya Rahane Thursday said learning day by day and learning from everyone is his way of playing cricket. I always think I would like to improve my game day by day and learning from each and everyone whether they are senior or junior. Actually there is no senior, junior in the game...I would like to learn from everyone, said Rahane at a programme organised by Rupa and

Company Ltd. here. Now representing Rajasthan Royals in the Indian Premier League (IPL), Rahane made his ODI debut against England in the Natwest Series at Chester-le-Street in September 2011 and made his Test debut in March 2013. My role model is here..Rahul Dravid. I grew up watching Sachin Tendulkar and Dravid play, Rahane added. Dravid, skipper of Rajasthan Royals, was felicitated at the programme for being awarded the Padma Bhushan this year.

Legendary actress Mala Sinha, is upset with the committee that has just bestowed the Dadasaheb Phalke Academy Award upon her. She said: I wont accept the Phalke award. They have been discourteous and insulting to me. Is this any way to treat an artiste? Theyve done grave injustice to me. They havent even mentioned my name on the invitation card! When members of the Phalke committee, including their chairperson, came home to request me to take the award for being what they called a legendary artiste, I was happy to accept it. But when I saw the invitation card for the event, I was shocked. My name was not there with the other winners of the award, she said.


60th National Film Awards presented marking the 100 years of Indian Cinema
Mala Sinha boycotts Phalke Academy Awards
They had informed me that I was to get the award a month ago. Though I dont go out too much these days, I did agree to come. They had a press conference in a small restaurant on Linking Road to announce the awards. None of their winners - not Ashaji, not Pam Chopra - came to the press conference. I went. Forget my picture, they havent even put my name in the invitation card. I told them to pick up their invitation cards and leave. I dont want their award. This is an insult to me as an artiste. I cant tell you how upset I am about it. I agree Asha Bhosle and Yash Chopra are great artists. But am I so small an artiste that my name should be left out? Then dont give me the award. I dont want it.

President Pranab Mukherjee presenting the Best Choreography Award to Pandit Birju Maharaj at the 60th National Film Awards

President Pranab Mukherjee presenting Award to John Abraham at the 60th National Film Awards

President Pranab Mukherjee presenting the Best Supportig Actress Award to Dolly Ahluwalia at the 60th National Film Awards

President Pranab Mukherjee presenting the Jury special mention to Parineeti Chopra at the 60th National Film Awards

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President Pranab Mukherjee presenting the Best Playback Singer Award to Shankar Mahadevan at the 60th National Film Awards

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