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Oskar Kokoschka (March 1, 1886 - February 22, 1980) was an Austrian artist and poet, best known for

his intense expressionistic portraits and landscapes Two lovers stand side by side in a rageous around them a regeous sea His most famous work is called the tempest. In this painting we see two lovers lying close to each other surrounded by a turbulent sea. The woman is sleeping peacefully as the man is tense. The colors and the position of the two lovers suggest that the painting is highly charged with feelings and emotions. The story behind this painting is of a intense, patient and bizarre love affair between the artist, oskar Kokoschka and Alma Mahler who was a leading woman of the high society at the time It was a very destructive love affair on both sides Over taking feeling. He studied at city school of applied art in Vienna his hometown and established himself very soon as one of the most innovative young artist at the time, he had his own language and style. Oskar first met Alma in 1912 on the occasion of a dinner held at the house of Alma's stepfather. He immediately fell in love with her after she played the piano for him. Their love affair started instantly within a few days, despite their differences. There love will last for 3 years, where Kokoschka produces many drawings and painting featuring Alma and their love. Kokoschka was desperate to marry Alma but he was also a very jealous man, he didnt trust her and she didnt like that, maybe he was right to. Alma fell pregnant not long after, Kokoschka couldnt have been happier but Alma had other plans and decided to have an abortion. This said a lot about how she felt about the relation. In the spring of 1913, the two lovers traveled to Italy ending up in Naples, while theyre where there a significant event happened, they were caught up in a violent storm. The memories of protecting Alma form this storm most have stayed in Kokoschka mind. When they came back form their vacation Alma made a dramatic offer to Kokoschka if you create a great masterpiece I will marry you he took up the challenge in the hope of creating something that would show his instance and patient love for Alma. Kokoschka started the tempest in April 1913, he isolated himself in an room where he painted all the wall in black so he could concentrate on his masterpiece. This act really disturbed Alma and asked not to see Kokoschka as often. Something happen while Kokoschka was working on this painting, it seems like his feelings about the relation with Alma started to change and this reflected in his painting. In his preparatory drawing we see the two lovers very close to each other, calm and holding hands but in the final painting the lovers are apart and they are not holding hands. Earlier on the painting was refereed as the red painting, this was one of the changes that Kokoschka did. If we stand in front of the painting we can see glismes of red brush strokes, which were originally, was characteristic of the whole composition. Red is a color with the connotation of love and patient of strange and life. The change of

color from passionate red to cold blue/green reflects the change of attitude of Kokoschka towards Alma. I think that while he was creating the painting he realize that they were trifling apart. Its a sad and beautiful painting that shows the end and the beginning of the love affair. The man on the painting is full of tension we can see it by the different brush strokes between him and her, her skin is painted in a very classical way as for him he almost looks like a corps and conveys a feeling of failure. The brush strokes are of an intensity, we can really feel the way kokochas hands work and felt, its like he is pouring all his highly charged feelings into the canvas. Thick layers of paints

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