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PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 19, 035106 2007

Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis in large-eddy simulations

based on transport equations
Carlos B. da Silvaa and José C. F. Pereira
Instituto Superior Técnico, Pav. Mecânica I, 1o andar/esq./LASEF, Avenida Rovisco Pais,
1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Received 27 June 2006; accepted 15 January 2007; published online 19 March 2007
The gradient-diffusion hypothesis is frequently used in numerical simulations of turbulent flows
involving transport equations. In the context of large-eddy simulations LES of turbulent flows, one
modeling trend involves the use of transport equations for the subgrid-scale SGS kinetic energy
and SGS scalar variance. In virtually all models using these equations, the diffusion terms are
lumped together, and their joint effect is modeled using a “gradient-diffusion” model. In this work,
direct numerical simulations of homogeneous isotropic turbulence are used to analyze the local
dynamics of these terms and to assess the performance of the “gradient-diffusion” hypothesis used
in their modeling. For this purpose a priori tests are used to assess the influence of the Reynolds and
Schmidt numbers and the size of the implicit grid filter in this modeling assumption. The analysis
uses correlations, variances, skewnesses, flatnesses, probability density functions, and joint
probability density functions. The correlations and joint probability density functions show that
provided the filter width is within or close to the dissipative range the diffusion terms pertaining to
the SGS kinetic energy and SGS scalar variance transport equations are well represented by a
gradient-diffusion model. However, this situation changes dramatically for both equations when
considering inertial range filter sizes and high Reynolds numbers. The reason for this lies in part in
a loss of local balance between the SGS turbulent diffusion and diffusion caused by grid/
subgrid-scale GS/SGS interactions, which arises at inertial range filter sizes. Moreover, due to the
deficient modeling of the diffusion by SGS pressure-velocity interactions, the diffusion terms in the
SGS kinetic energy equation are particularly difficult to reconcile with the gradient-diffusion
assumption. In order to improve this situation, a new model, inspired by Clark’s SGS model, is
developed for this term. The new model shows very good agreement with the exact SGS
pressure-velocity term in a priori tests and better results than the classical model in a posteriori
LES tests. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. DOI: 10.1063/1.2710284

I. INTRODUCTION high Reynolds numbers and for coarse meshes.2 However,

not only virtually all environmental and engineering flows
In large-eddy simulations LES of turbulent flows, the occur at high Reynolds numbers, but also in most situations
large flow structures, which are responsible for the most im- it may be impractical or even impossible to run LES with
portant transfers of mass, momentum, and heat, are explicitly fine meshes. An extreme example is the computation of
calculated, while the effect of the small scales on the large flows in atmospheric or oceanic configurations, where even
scale motions has to be adequately modeled. It is argued that the most fine LES grids have mesh spacings of the order of
the small scales of motion carry a small amount of the total x = 250 m! see, e.g., Métais,3 Garnier et al.4. Naturally,
kinetic energy, are statistically close to isotropic, and their for flows that undergo strong deviations from equilibrium at
role is to assure that the energy flowing into them from the the large scales of motion, such as in accelerated channel
large scales, within the classical energy cascade picture, is flows or in strongly pulsed jets, the situation becomes even
dissipated through very large local velocity gradients. more complicated.
One natural premise of classical LES models is to sup- In order to overcome these limitations, a trend emerged
pose that these small unresolved scales of motion, the in LES in which a transport equation for the SGS kinetic
subgrid-scale SGS motions, are in local equilibrium with energy is used. This approach was pioneered by the works of
the larger scale motions. This assumption takes the form of a Schumann,5 Schmidt and Schumann,6 Yoshizawa,7 and
well known “local equilibrium assumption” between the pro- Yoshizawa and Horiuti,8 among others. Recent developments
duction transfer of energy to the small scales, and viscous include the works of Debliquy et al.,9 Dejoan and
dissipation of SGS kinetic energy. However, it is well known Schiestel,10 and Krajnović and Davidson.11 For flows with
that this assumption does not hold even in statistically steady strong anisotropy at the small scales, still more complicated
forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence.1,2 The imbalance transport equation models have been developed, involving
between production/dissipation being particularly severe for all the components of the SGS stresses tensor Deardorf,12
Fureby et al., 13 Chaouat and Schiestel14.
Electronic mail: [email protected] Recently, some modeling strategies based on hybrid

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035106-2 C. B. da Silva and J. C. F. Pereira Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes RANS/LES, or in un- pology of these terms was given recently by da Silva and
steady RANS URANS/LES, have created a renewed inter- Métais.26
est in the use of SGS models based on transport equations. The goal of the present work is to assess the modeling of
Hybrid RANS/LES models appeared to cope with the high the diffusion terms either in LES using a transport equation
demands of LES in terms of grid refinement in the near wall for the SGS kinetic energy or in hybrid RANS/LES models
region. within the “LES mode.” For this purpose classical a priori
In hybrid RANS/LES using the zonal approach, the flow tests are carried out by applying a box filter to direct numeri-
is computed with different turbulent strategies in two zones. cal simulations DNS of statistically stationary forced ho-
LES is applied in one flow region, usually away from solid mogeneous isotropic turbulence. Even if the models ana-
walls, and a RANS model is used to compute the flow in the lyzed here are to be used in much complex turbulent flows
other region, usually near the wall see Hamba,15,16 Temmer- than isotropic turbulence, they have to show good results in
man et al.17. The advantage with this approach is that the this simple flow configuration if they are to succeed in more
current LES and RANS models can be used without the need complex situations.
for any particular modification. The difficulty lies in the in- Recently, in the rather different context of RANS mod-
terface separating the RANS from the LES zones, where eling, the “gradient-diffusion” assumption was put into ques-
information regarding the turbulence statistics has to be tion by Schmitt et al.27 By analyzing LES of the flow past a
somehow exchanged or generated. long square cylinder they observed that: a the pressure dif-
fusion is not negligible when compared to the turbulent dif-
In nozonal or continuous hybrid RANS/LES, the flow is
fusion, b the gradient diffusion hypothesis is not confirmed
computed with the same model in the whole domain, which
by the LES data, particularly in complex, i.e., highly three-
reverts into “RANS mode” near the walls and into “LES
dimensional, flow regions.
mode” away from walls. The switch between one or the
Finally, in order to compare the evolution of the SGS
other “modes” is done “automatically” by comparing the lo-
kinetic energy and SGS scalar variance, as well as to explore
cal mesh size with the turbulence length scale. Examples of
the difficulties associated in the development of SGS scalar
this approach are the detached eddy simulation models of
variance transport equation models, we extend this study to
Spalart et al.,18 and more recently the model of Paterson and the modeling of the SGS scalar variance. Few authors have
Peltier.19 The great advantage from this modeling strategy addressed systematically an equation to model the evolution
consists in eliminating the difficulties associated with the of the SGS scalar variance. Exceptions are the works of
interface layer. Jiménez et al.28,29
Within this context of RANS/LES coupling, a new and This article is organized as follows. In the next section,
very promising trend consists in developing transport equa- the equations governing the exact and modeled SGS kinetic
tions that turn “naturally” from LES into URANS as the energy and SGS scalar variance are described, and the mod-
filter size increases. When the grid is fine enough, the model els currently used for the diffusion terms are reviewed. In
uses a transport equation for the SGS kinetic energy. As the Sec. III we describe the DNS of isotropic turbulence used in
grid spacing increases the SGS kinetic energy becomes the this work. Sections IV–VI focus in the modeling of the dif-
grid-scale GS kinetic energy and the LES equations based fusion term. The study begins with a detailed analysis of the
on the transport of SGS energy turn into classical URANS diffusion term and its model equations based on the gradient
equations for the evolution of the total kinetic energy. Recent diffusion hypothesis Sec. IV. The analysis identifies a ma-
examples of models using this “natural” hybrid RANS/LES jor weakness arising from the SGS pressure-velocity interac-
technique are the models of Schiestel and Dejoan20 and tions Sec. V and a new model is proposed to cope with this
Langhe et al.21,22 This approach was recently extended suc- deficiency. This model is then thoroughly tested in classical a
cessfully into a Reynolds stress tensor/LES model involving priori and a posteriori LES tests Sec. VI. Finally, in Sec.
all the components of the SGS and Reynolds stresses tensor VII, the article ends with an overview of the main results and
by Chaouat and Schiestel.14 conclusions.
Arguably, the greatest challenge when modeling the
transport equation for the SGS kinetic energy is the modeling II. EXACT AND MODELED TRANSPORT EQUATIONS
of the dissipation term, where much effort has been spent
lately see de Langhe et al.,21 Chaouat and Schiestel14. For In this section we review the exact and modeled trans-
the modeling of the diffusion terms in virtually all models, port equations for the SGS kinetic energy and SGS scalar
these terms are lumped together and are modeled using a variance, with particular emphasis placed on the modeling of
classical “gradient-diffusion” hypothesis. The model con- the diffusion terms.
stants associated with the diffusion and dissipation terms are
A. Evolution of the SGS kinetic energy
either chosen as constants for the whole flow e.g.,
Schumann,5 Schmidt and Schumann,6 Dejoan and The SGS kinetic energy ii / 2 is obtained by contracting
Schiestel10, or calculated dynamically e.g., Wong,23 Ghosal the SGS stress tensor defined by ij = uiu j − ui u j, where ui is
et al.,24 Debliquy et al.9. the ith component of the velocity field, and the overlay sym-
The importance of the diffusion terms for the evolution bol — represents a spatial filtering operation. The evolu-
of the subgrid-scale kinetic energy was first recognized by tion of ii / 2 is governed by the exact equation see, e.g,
Horiuti,25 and an exhaustive description of the role and to- Piomelli and Chasnov,30 da Silva and Métais26:

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035106-3 Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

= ¯ / x j is the filtered scalar gradient, and is the scalar

molecular diffusivity. In Eq. 2 terms Dturb, Dmolec and
Dgs/sgs represent the diffusion due to SGS motions, molecu-
lar diffusivity and scalar GS/SGS interactions, respectively.
V represents the molecular dissipation of q / 2, and P is the
net transfer from the GS scalar variance
¯ = ¯2 / 2 see
31 28
Kang and Meneveau, Jiménez et al. .
Notice that when using a cutoff filter to separate between
grid and subgrid scales, the SGS kinetic energy is equal to
ii / 2 = ui ui / 2, where ui is the subgrid-scale part of the ve-
locity vector, and similarly the SGS scalar variance becomes
q / 2 = 2 / 2.

C. Modeled equations for the SGS kinetic energy

and SGS scalar variance

Here, p̄ means p̄  for convenience, where p is the
pressure field and  is the molecular viscosity. The SGS kinetic energy transport equation is usually
In Eq. 1 Dturb, Dpress, and Dvisc represent the redistribu- modeled replacing Eq. 1 by the following equation Ghosal
tion diffusion of SGS kinetic energy through SGS turbulent et al.,24 Wong,23 Debliquy9:
fluctuations, pressure-velocity interactions, and molecular
viscosity, respectively. The final dissipation of SGS energy  
by molecular viscosity, associated with the “end” of the en- Ksgs + Ksgsu j = D + P −  , 3
t xj
ergy cascade mechanism, is represented by term V; i.e., the
SGS viscous dissipation. The two final terms appear also where now Ksgs is the modeled SGS kinetic energy and D is
with opposite sign in the GS kinetic energy equation K̄ the diffusion from Eq. 1 described by terms Dturb, Dpress,
= ui2 / 2, and thus represent exchanges between the GS and Dvisc, and Dgs/sgs. The second term represents the SGS energy
SGS kinetic energy equations. Term Dgs/sgs, i.e., GS/SGS dif- production, P = −ij  ui / x j, and  models the viscous dis-
fusion, represents a redistribution due to GS/SGS interac- sipation corresponding to term V in Eq. 1.
tions, whereas P, i.e., GS/SGS transfer, represents the net For the SGS scalar variance, the classical model equa-
transfer of kinetic energy between GS and SGS. If P  0, the tion is Schmidt and Schumann6
terms acts as a source in Eq. 1 and describes the flow of
energy from GS into SGS forward scatter. Backscatter oc-  

sgs + 
sgsu j = D + P −  , 4
curs whenever P  0. t xj
For a detailed account of the dynamics and topology of
each term in Eq. 1, see pp. 134–140 from da Silva and where
sgs is the modeled SGS scalar variance and the terms
Métais.26 Among other results, they observed that turbulent on the right-hand side of Eq. 4 account for the diffusion
transport by the SGS motions Dturb is almost exactly bal- terms in Eq. 2 Dturb, Dpress, and Dmolec, the production
anced by the GS/SGS diffusion Dgs/sgs, which, surprisingly term P, and the molecular dissipation of SGS scalar vari-
is about one order of magnitude higher than the local ance V, respectively.
GS/SGS transfer P. In addition, the SGS advection can be
very high locally, which ultimately causes the lack of local D. Modeling the diffusion terms: The gradient-
equilibrium between production and dissipation of SGS en- diffusion hypothesis
ergy, represented by P and V, respectively. In virtually all SGS models using transport equations,
the diffusion terms D and D in Eqs. 3 and 4, respec-
B. Evolution of the SGS scalar variance
tively, are modeled using a “gradient-diffusion” hypothesis.
The exact equation for the evolution of the SGS scalar For the SGS kinetic energy equation, the diffusion term takes
variance q / 2 = 2 − ¯2 / 2 is given by Jiménez et al.28,29 the form

D =

, 5

whereas for the SGS scalar variance equation the diffusion

terms are modeled as

D =



, 6

where t is a turbulent eddy-viscosity given by Yoshizawa

where q j = u j − ¯ u j represents the SGS scalar fluxes, G j and Horiuti8

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035106-4 C. B. da Silva and J. C. F. Pereira Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

TABLE I. Constant CD from Eq. 8 used in several works. “dyn.” means III. DIRECT NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS
that either the “dynamic procedure” of Germano et al. Ref. 46 or some OF ISOTROPIC TURBULENCE
other relation based on it was used to obtain the model constant. The values
shown as “Present work” correspond to the DNS with Re = 95.6 and filter A. Numerical code and data bank description
size  / x = 16.
The numerical code used in the present simulations is a
Source CD standard pseudospectral code in which the temporal advance-
Schumann5 0.023 ment is made with an explicit third-order Runge-Kutta
Yoshizawa Ref. 7 0.066 scheme. The physical domain consists in a periodic box of
Yoshizawa Ref. 47 0.085 sides 2 and the simulations were fully dealiased using the
Yoshizawa and Horiuti Ref. 8 0.106 3 / 2 rule.
Horiuti Ref. 25 0.100 Three DNS of statistically steady forced homogeneous
Schmidt and Schumann Ref. 6 0.333 isotropic turbulence using N = 192 collocation points in each
Wong Ref. 23 dyn. direction were carried out. Table II lists the details of the
Ghosal et al. Ref. 24 dyn. simulations. Both the velocity and scalar large scales were
Menon et al. Ref. 32 0.050 forced in order to sustain the turbulence using the method
Fureby et al. Ref. 13 0.070 described by Alvelius,33 where the scalar forcing uses a simi-
Debliquy et al. Ref. 9 dyn. lar procedure as the one used to force a given velocity com-
Hamba Ref. 15 0.055 ponent. The forcing was imposed on three wave numbers
Dejoan and Schiestel Ref. 10 0.116 concentrated on k p = 3, for both the velocity and scalar fields.
Davidson and Peng Ref. 48 0.070 The same data bank was recently used by da Silva and
Krajnović and Davidson Ref. 11 dyn.
Schiestel and Dejoan Ref. 20 0.090
After an initial transient that lasts about 10Tref, where
Kajishima and Nomachi Ref. 49 0.100
Tref = Vck p−1, Vc = P / k p1/3, and P is the forcing intensity,33
Present work 0.055
the flow reaches a state where all the turbulence quantities
for the velocity and scalar fields are statistically stationary.
The analysis was made using ten instantaneous fields taken
t = CmKsgs . 7 from this region, separated by about 0.5Tref.
Notice that L  4L11 in all simulations, where L is the
Cm, k, and  are model constants, and  is the size of the
box size and L11 is the integral scale, so that the size of the
implicit grid filter.
computational domain does not affect the larger flow
In high Reynolds number flows and away from solid
walls, the molecular viscosity is often neglected Menon et structures.34 In addition, to insure a good resolution of the
al.32 as it is much smaller than the turbulent eddy-viscosity, dissipative scales, we have kmax  1.5 and kmaxB  1.5 in
and therefore the relations 5 and 6 can be written as all simulations, where  = 3 / 1/4 and B =  / Sc1/2 are the

Kolmogorov and Batchelor microscales, respectively.
  1/2  Ksgs Figures 1a and 1b show the kinetic energy and scalar
D = CD Ksgs 8
xj xj variance spectra for all the simulations, with the location of
and the filters used in the subsequent analysis. That the dissipa-

tive scales are indeed being well resolved is attested by the
sgs small upturns in the energy spectra at the end of the wave-
D = CD

 Ksgs , 9
xj xj number range. For the case Re = 95.6 and Sc= 0.7, the ve-
respectively, where CD
and CD  locity and scalar spectra have a −5 / 3 range, which shows
 are model constants.
Table I lists the values of CD 
used in several previous also that, at least for that simulation, the existence of an

works. In wall bounded flows, CD is about 0.10 e.g., see inertial range region. For each simulation, the values of the
Dejoan and Schiestel,10 Horiuti25, whereas in homogeneous skewness and flatness of the velocity derivative oscillate

and free shear flows, CD 0.05 e.g., see Yoshizawa,7 Menon around about −0.5 and 4.0, respectively, and increase slowly
32  6
et al. . For the constant CD  Schmidt and Schumann ob- with the Reynolds number. The present values are very close

tained CD = 0.33. to the ones of Jimenez et al.34 for similar Reynolds numbers.

TABLE II. Details of the direct numerical simulations. Re = u / : Reynolds number based on the Taylor microscale and rms of the velocity fluctuations u;
: molecular viscosity; kmax: maximum resolved wave number; Sc=  / : Schmidt number  is the scalar diffusivity; L11: velocity integral scale; :
Kolmogorov microscale; B: Batchelor microscale; S and F are the skewness and flatness, respectively, of .

Re  Sc kmax kmaxB L11 10−2 B10−2 Su/x Fu/x Su/x/x2

39.4 0.02 3.0 4.3 2.5 1.11 6.8 3.9 −0.46 +3.75 −0.55
95.6 0.006 0.7 1.8 2.1 1.24 2.8 3.3 −0.49 +4.63 −0.46
95.6 0.006 0.2 1.8 4.1 1.24 2.8 6.2 −0.49 +4.63 −0.50

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035106-5 Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

FIG. 1. Kinetic energy and scalar variance spectra for all DNS with the location of the several filters used in this work. a Kinetic energy spectra and b
scalar variance spectra.

Moreover, the mixed-derivative skewness, involving the ve-
locity and scalar gradients, is close to −0.5, which agrees 1, if k  kc = ,
Ĝkc k  = 
with the numerical simulations of Kerr.35,36
0, otherwise.
B. The filters The box and Gaussian filters are positive and localized
In this study, the separation between grid and subgrid in the physical space, whereas the cutoff filter is oscillatory.
scales was made using three different filters: box or top-hat, In the Fourier space, on the other hand, both the Gaussian
Gaussian, and cutoff. For each filter type, four different filter and cutoff filters are localized, while the box filter is
widths were used: m = mx, with m = 2 , 4 , 8 , 16. Their loca- oscillatory.
tion in the energy spectrum is shown in Figs. 1a and 1b, As in de Borue and Orszag1 and Liu et al.,37 we ob-
where it can be noticed that the implicit cutoff wave number served that using the top-hat and the Gaussian filters the
for the filter with  / x = 16 is within the inertial range results are practically independent of the filter type. For in-
region. stance, the use of the Gaussian filter tends to increase slightly
The filtering operation is defined by the integral 5 %  the level of the correlations compared to the box
filter.1 For these reasons, we will show results obtained using
¯ x =




xGx − xdx , 10
the box and cutoff filters only, but we will focus mainly in
the results obtained with the box filter and leave the discus-
sion on the differences between the box and cutoff filters for
where  ¯ x represents the spatially filtered variable x, the end of Secs. IV and V.
and Gx is the filter kernel, which has to verify There are a number of important reasons to make the
+/2 +/2 +/2
−/2 −/2 −/2Gxdx = 1, both in the analytical and com- present analysis with the box filter instead of using the cutoff
putational discrete sense. The kernel for the box filter is filter. The most important physical quantities under study
here are localized in the physical space. In addition, the box

1  filter corresponds to the filter implicitly associated with the
, if x −   , discretization using centred finite difference Rogallo and
Gx −  =  2
Moin38 or finite volume Schumann5 codes, which are used
0, otherwise. more often in large-eddy simulations of engineering and geo-
The Gaussian filter is given by physical flows.
There are, however, more important reasons to use the
Gx −  =   

− 6 x −  2
box or Gaussian filters instead of the cutoff filter. This has
to do with the positiveness of the top-hat and Gaussian
filters. As shown by Vreman et al.39 these filters always give
where is a given constant. Finally, the cutoff filter is best rise to positive subgrid-scale kinetic energy ii / 2. On the
defined in the Fourier space by other hand, and as confirmed in the present study, using a

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035106-6 C. B. da Silva and J. C. F. Pereira Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

cutoff filter the subgrid-scale energy will be negative in some

flow regions, in agreement with Ref. 39. This fact raises both
theoretical and practical problems when using transport
equations for the subgrid-scale kinetic energy. Indeed, sev-
eral subgrid-scale models become ill defined with a negative
subgrid-scale kinetic energy. In particular the computation of
the diffusion terms using the gradient diffusion equations
defined in Eqs. 8 and 9 cannot be done in flow regions
where ksgs  0.
For all these reasons, it was decided to undertake the
present study using mainly the box filter. However, results
obtained with the cutoff filter were also included and are
discussed at the end of Secs. IV and V.


In this section we carry out classical a priori tests in
order to analyze the gradient-diffusion hypothesis used to
FIG. 2. Correlation coefficients between the exact D and D and modeled
model the diffusion terms D and D , from Eqs. 3 and 4. D and D  diffusion terms using the box filter.
The exact or “real” diffusion term in the SGS kinetic energy
transport equation D, is defined by the sum of terms Dturb,
Dpress, Dvisc, and Dgs/sgs in Eq. 1, whereas the real diffusion
term for the SGS scalar variance transport equation D, is
eled SGS kinetic energy equation, and also to some extent,
defined as the sum of terms Dturb, Dmolec, and Dgs/sgs from
for the modeled SGS scalar variance equation.
Eq. 2. The modeled diffusion terms D and D are defined
Joint probability density functions between D and D
by Eqs. 8 and 9, respectively. In this section, in order to
and between D and D are shown in Figs. 3a and 3b.
conduct the a priori tests, the constants appearing in these
  The figures show a more complete picture of the correlation
definitions were set to CD = 1 and CD  = 1, respectively, be- between the exact and modeled diffusion. The high correla-
fore being evaluated from the present data, at the end of this
tions observed for  / x = 2 comes from both positive and
negative local values of the diffusion, as expected, and the
All the results correspond to the top-hat filter, and as
small correlation between D and D compared to D and D,
explained before are virtually identical to the ones obtained
for  / x = 8, is particularly clear.
with the Gaussian filter. Results for the cutoff filter are dis-
cussed at the end of this section. We start by looking into B. Variance, skewness, and flatness for the exact
correlations, joint probability density functions JPDFs and and modeled diffusion
classical one-point statistics in order to characterize the exact
or real and the modeled diffusion terms. The variance, skewness, and flatness of the diffusion
terms are shown in Figs. 4–6, respectively. The mean values
A. Correlation coefficients and joint probability are zero for any diffusion term in isotropic turbulence, a fact
density functions between the exact confirmed in our data.
and modeled diffusion The variance of a given quantity expresses the local “in-
tensity” of that quantity and therefore is useful in order to
Figure 2 shows the correlation coefficients between the
characterize the local “activity” of the diffusion. The vari-
real and the modeled diffusion terms, as functions of the
ance of the exact and modeled diffusions are shown in Figs.
filter size for all the simulations used in this work.
4a and 4b for the SGS kinetic energy and SGS scalar
The correlations between D and D, and between D and
 variance, respectively. All the variances, both exact and mod-
D are quite high, provided the filter size is small:
eled, increase with the filter size, which reflects the increas-
CorrD , D = 0.68 and CorrD , D  = 0.94 for  / x = 2.
ing importance of the SGS diffusion, when more subgrid
However, the correlations tend to fall as the filter size in-
scales contribute to it as the filter size increases. We see also
creases, and this decrease is particularly fast for CorrD , D
that the variance of the modeled diffusion is always more
for the higher Reynolds number case: CorrD , D = 0.11 for
Re = 95.6 and  / x = 16. The correlation also decreases intense than the variance of the exact diffusion: D2  D2
quite a lot for the scalar variance equation, although not as and D2  D2 for all filter sizes except for  / x = 2. Notice
dramatically. For Re = 95.6, Sc= 0.7 at  / x = 16, we have that the graphs are shown in linear-log coordinates; there-
CorrD , D = 0.38. fore, the differences between exact and modeled diffusions
Considering that SGS models based upon transport are actually very large, reaching as high as one order of
equations are unlikely to be used with very fine meshes, this magnitude for  / x = 16. Furthermore, this “error” increases
result points out to the existence of a potential problem or with the filter size; e.g., D2 − D2/x=16  D2
limitation of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis for the mod- − D2/x=2 see Fig. 4a. Looking into Figs. 4a and

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035106-7 Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

FIG. 3. Joint probability density functions between: a D and D; and b D and D . Both plots correspond to the simulation with Re = 95.6, Sc= 0.7 and
were done using the box filter with filter widths equal to  / x = 2 and  / x = 8.

4b, we see that no model constant could be chosen in order shown in Figs. 6a and 6b. The flatness decreases with the
to get the correct agreement for all filter sizes. filter size and thus indicates a decrease in the intermittency
Figures 5a and 5b show the values of the skewness of the diffusion for large values of  / x.
for all the diffusion terms. The skewnesses are always nega- Notice that the flatness can reach values close to 103,
tive, which is not surprising from the definitions of the dif- which indicates that the diffusion terms are highly intermit-
fusion terms if one recalls that the skewness of the velocity tent, particularly for small filter sizes. These values agree
derivative is negative. Figures 5a and 5b show that there very well with the values found in the literature. For the
is a big difference between the exact and modeled diffusion subgrid-scale dissipation term P from Eq. 1 Cerutti and
skewnesses for small filter sizes, but that it decreases very Meneveau40 and da Silva and Métais26 obtained flatness fac-
fast with an increase in the filter size. For instance, for tors close to 103 when considering inertial range filter
 / x = 16, this “error” is much smaller than the one obtained sizes. On the other hand the flatness of the diffusion terms is
with  / x = 2. The same observation is valid for the flatness one order of magnitude lower than the subgrid-scale dissipa-

FIG. 4. Variances for the exact and modeled diffusion terms for all the simulations and filter sizes using the box filter: a D and D and b D and D .

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035106-8 C. B. da Silva and J. C. F. Pereira Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

FIG. 5. Skewness for the exact and modeled diffusion terms for all the simulations and filter sizes using the box filter: a D and D and b D and D .

tion, but it still is quite high. As shown by da Silva and Schmidt numbers, and for all filter sizes. Notice also that this
Métais and as confirmed in the present work, it reaches 102 situation is always much more problematic for the diffusion
when the filter is at the inertial range. However, as shown by terms from the SGS kinetic energy than from the SGS scalar
Ceruti and Meneveau,40 the intermittency level increases as variance transport equation. This fact justifies the use of a
the filter size decreases, and therefore it seems plausible that dynamic procedure in order to compute CD 
, as is done, e.g.,
the intermittency of the diffusion terms is 103 for dissipa- in Ghosal et al. 24
tive range filter sizes, as shown in the present work.
Again, the fact that the skewness and flatness of the C. Probability density functions for the exact
exact and modeled diffusion terms change considerably with and modeled diffusion
the filter size suggests that it may be very difficult or even
  In order to give a global picture of the exact and mod-
impossible to find constant values for CD and CD  within the
“gradient diffusion” hypothesis to describe accurately the eled diffusion terms, Figs. 7a and 7b show their probabil-
statistics of the exact diffusion terms for all Reynolds and ity density functions PDFs for  / x = 2 and  / x = 8, re-

FIG. 6. Flatness for the exact and modeled diffusion terms for all the simulations and filter sizes using the box filter: a D and D and b D and D .

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035106-9 Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

FIG. 7. Probability density functions for the exact D and D and modeled D and D  diffusion terms using the box filter for the simulation with Re
= 95.6 and Sc= 0.7, and with filter widths: a  / x = 2 and b  / x = 8.

spectively. Notice that all the PDFs are negatively skewed, e.g., 0.055 CD  0.678. Again, this fact justifies the use of a
and that the modeled diffusion D and D, achieve higher dynamic procedure in order to compute CD 
, as done by Gho-
magnitudes than the real D and D, and that this difference sal et al.
increases with the filter size compare the PDFs for  / x However, the constants exhibit an asymptotic behavior
= 2 and  / x = 8. These observations agree with the results as the filter size increases, which allows us to at least use a
described before. The same occurs for  / x = 4 and  / x single constant value for engineering applications of high
= 16 not shown. Finally, note that the difference between Reynolds number flows in coarse meshes and away from
the exact and modeled diffusion is always bigger for D and solid walls. For Re = 95.6 and Sc= 0.7 at  / x = 16, we get
D, than for D and D , which reflects the fact that the CD
 = 0.055 and CD 
 = 0.040, respectively, which is close
gradient-diffusion hypothesis works better for the diffusion to the values used in previous work, as shown in Table I. In
terms in the SGS scalar variance D, than for the SGS ki- particular, CD 
 = 0.055 is very close to the value of CD 

netic energy equation D. 32

= 0.05 used by Menon et al. in isotropic turbulence.

D. Constants CD and CD

The model constants CD and CD  defined in Eqs. 8 and
9, respectively, can be computed from the present data
since D = D and D = D. However, in isotropic turbulence,
the mean value of any diffusion term is zero, and therefore
this computation can raise some problems. To overcome
these difficulties we start by defining the quantity d by

d =

 1/2  Ksgs
,  11

which leads to D = CD d , through Eq. 8. Since the mean
value of any diffusion term is zero, we have d2

= d2, and therefore the constant CD can be obtained

CD =  D2
. 12

Figure 8 shows CD  obtained with Eq. 12 and CD 
obtained in a similar way. Notice that the constants display FIG. 8. Constants CD and CD  for all DNS and filter sizes using the box
big variations with the Reynolds number and the filter size; filter.

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FIG. 9. Joint probability density functions between a D and D and b D and D . Both plots correspond to the simulation with Re = 95.6, Sc= 0.7 and were
done using the cutoff filter with filter widths equal to  / x = 2 and  / x = 8.

E. Influence of the filter type: Gaussian and cutoff  

reconcile with any given constant values for CD and CD .
filters The same observation can be made for the evolution of the
The Gaussian and cutoff filters were also used to under- skewness and flatness not shown.

take the analysis just described. However, in order to solve In agreement with this, the values of the constants CD

the problems raised by the existence of negative values of and CD obtained for the cutoff filter not shown also show
subgrid-scale energy when using the cutoff filter, in Eqs. 8 complex evolutions as functions of the filter size, and do not
and 9 the term Ksgs1/2
was replaced by Ksgs 1/2. even exhibit an asymptotic behavior as they do so clearly for
The Gaussian filter gives rise to virtually the same con- the box filter.
clusions as the box filter. For the cutoff filter, however, the Thus, it seems that the inadequacy of the gradient-
results are very different. In particular, the level of the cor- diffusion assumption is even greater when using the cutoff
relations described above is significantly lower when using a filter than when using the box or Gaussian filter.
cutoff filter. For instance, the correlation coefficients be-
tween D and D, and between D and D is very small less
than 15% for all the range of Reynolds and Schmidt num- TERMS FOR D AND D
bers and all the filter widths considered. Moreover, it is not
even possible to see any trend in the results as a function of In the previous section the gradient-diffusion assumption
the filter widths or the Reynolds and Schmidt numbers. This used to model the diffusion terms in Eqs. 3 and 4 was
is not surprising as it is well known that the cutoff filter tends assessed. It was observed that the approximations defined by
to give much smaller correlations between flow variables Eqs. 8 and 9 exhibit statistics that change appreciably
than the box or the Gaussian filters.1,37 with the Reynolds and Schmidt number and with the filter
The JPDFs between D and D, and between D and D size, in a way that is difficult to reconcile with the evolution
for the cutoff filter are shown in Figs. 9a and 9b, respec- of the statistics of the exact diffusion terms defined in Eqs.
tively, for Re = 95.6, Sc= 0.7, and filter widths  / x = 2 and 1 and 2, respectively. This is particularly true when con-
 / x = 8. One can see clearly that the lack of correlation just sidering high-order statistics for the diffusion terms for the
described comes from all the range of values present in the SGS kinetic energy equation. Moreover, for inertial range
variables. filter widths  / x = 16, the correlation coefficient between
The values of the variances, skewnesses, and flatnesses the exact and modeled SGS diffusion is very low, i.e.,
as described in Figs. 4–6 were also computed using the cut- CorrD , D = 0.11, and shows a worrisome trend of decreas-
off filter. The variances for the cutoff filter are shown in Figs. ing correlation as the Reynolds number and filter size
10a and 10b and show that the variances of the real dif- increase.
fusions decrease slightly as the filter size increases, but the In this section we look more closely into each of the
modeled diffusions display another evolution, impossible to individual terms that represent D and D, in order to gain

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035106-11 Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

FIG. 10. Variances for the exact and modeled diffusion terms for all the simulations and filter sizes using the cutoff filter: a D and D and b D and D .

more insight into the weaknesses of the classical gradient- served between Dturb and Dgs/sgs, and between Dturb and
diffusion assumption. The results discussed here were ob- Dgs/sgs, decreasing only slightly with an increase of the filter
tained using the box filter and are equivalent to the ones width. This means that there is at least a partial cancellation
obtained with the Gaussian filter. Results for the cutoff filter between the diffusion by SGS turbulent transport and GS/
are discussed in Sec. V D. SGS interactions, for both the SGS kinetic energy and SGS
scalar variance, for all Reynolds and Schmidt numbers, and
A. Cancellation between SGS turbulent transport for all filter sizes considered in this work.
and GS/SGS interactions
When analyzing each separate diffusion term, we ob- B. Spectra of D and D
served that terms Dturb and Dgs/sgs from Eq. 1, and terms We now turn into the spatial three-dimensional 3D
Dturb and Dgs/sgs in Eq. 2 are highly anti-correlated. For spectrum of each separate diffusion term appearing in Eqs.
terms Dturb and Dgs/sgs a similar cancellation was observed by 1 and 2, computed on a given instantaneous field. These
Balaras and Piomelli41 in a turbulent channel flow and by da are shown in Figs. 12a and 12b, for the simulation with
Silva and Métais26 in a turbulent plane jet. Here we carried Re = 95.6 and Sc= 0.7, and for the filter size  / x = 2. The
out a similar analysis into the SGS scalar variance transport smaller filter size was chosen to shown spectra of the diffu-
Eq. 2 and tested several filter sizes in order to see whether sion terms because since the a priori tests are done in the
this had any impact in the correlations. For the simulation LES grid, there are more wave numbers to describe each
with Re = 95.6 and Sc= 0.7, the computed correlation coef- spectra using this filter size. It must be stressed, however,
ficients CorrDturb , Dgs/sgs and CorrDturb , Dgs/sgs were that results qualitatively similar to the ones described here
seen to decrease slightly when the filter size increases from were obtained when considering the other larger filter sizes.
 / x = 2 to  / x = 16, but stayed always above For the SGS pressure-velocity diffusion term, we define
CorrDturb , Dgs/sgs −0.90 and CorrDturb , Dgs/sgs −0.93, its spatial 3D spectrum D̂pressK by
respectively. The joint PDFs for these terms for  / x = 8 are
shown in Figs. 11a and 11b. The figures show that the D̂pressK
anti-correlation comes equally from positive as well as from d̂pressKd̂pressK = K + K, 13
2 K2
negative values of Dturb and Dgs/sgs, and Dturb and Dgs/sgs.
In conclusion, strong anti-correlations are indeed ob- where d̂pressK is the Fourier transform of Dpress,

d̂pressk1,k2,k3,t =
2 3



Dpressx,y,z,te−ixk1+yk2+zk3dk1dk2dk3 , 14

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FIG. 11. Joint probability density functions between a Dturb and Dgs/sgs and b Dturb and Dgs/sgs for the simulation with Re = 95.6, Sc= 0.7 and the filter
width equal to  / x = 8.

and K = k1 , k2 , k3 is the wave-number vector, of norm K almost equal both to the exact diffusion D̂K, and to the
= K . The spectra D̂pressK relates to the variance of the SGS molecular diffusion D̂molecK, for all the range of wave
pressure-velocity diffusion through numbers. This is easy to explain by looking into the indi-
Dpress2 =

D̂pressKdK. 15
vidual terms D̂turb, D̂molec and D̂gs/ssg. As we saw above,
the terms Dturb and Dgs/sgs are strongly anti-correlated and
cancel out almost exactly. The strong similarity between
Similar definitions apply to the other diffusion terms. Dturb and Dgs/sgs can be appreciated also in Fig. 12b,
Starting with Fig. 12b for the SGS scalar variance diffusion where we see that D̂turbK D̂gs/sgsK for all K. This
terms, we see that the modeled total diffusion D̂K, is leaves us with D Dmolec. Since the SGS molecular diffu-

FIG. 12. Spectra for all the exact diffusion terms from Eqs. 1 and 2 and their models defined by Eqs. 8 and 9 using the box filter. The graphs correspond
to the simulation with Re = 95.6 and Sc= 0.7, and the filter width is  / x = 2: a diffusion terms for Eq. 1 and b diffusion terms for Eq. 2.

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035106-13 Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

FIG. 13. Variances for the exact diffusion terms from Eqs. 1 and 2, using the box filter for both Reynolds numbers and filter sizes considered in this work.
a Equation 1 and b Eq. 2.

sion is exactly governed by a gradient diffusion process pressure-velocity interactions do not suffice to explain the
compare Dmolec in Eq. 2 with D defined in Eq. 9, this differences between D and D, as will be shown below.
explains the strong resemblance between D and D, and First, consider the correlation between D and the sum
thus, their relatively high correlation. of all the exact diffusion terms without the SGS pressure-
Considering now the diffusion terms for the SGS kinetic velocity diffusion; i.e., CorrD , Dturb + Dvisc + Dgs/sgs. We
energy equation shown in Fig. 12a, we have an additional obtain correlation coefficients ranging from 0.91 to 0.18 with
new term: the SGS pressure-velocity diffusion Dpress. Again, increasing filter sizes, instead of the 0.68 to 0.11 obtained
SGS diffusion caused by SGS motions and GS/SGS interac- before, when considering all terms see Sec. IV A. This
tions Dturb and Dgs/sgs cancels out almost exactly, and we means that the sole addition of the SGS pressure-velocity
can see that the two terms are almost alike for all wave- diffusion term Dpress, is responsible for a decrease in the final
number ranges. As before, we may be tempted to assume that correlation between D and D of about 7% to 25% only. The
D Dpress + Dvisc, and since D is quite similar to Dvisc com- 7% figure corresponds to the filter size  / x = 16, but for
pare Dvisc in Eq. 1 with D defined by Eq. 8, this could  / x = 8, we have already an 11% decrease in the correla-
indicate that the SGS pressure-velocity diffusion term Dpress, tion CorrD , D caused by Dpress alone. Thus, the relatively
explains the smaller correlation between D and D, as com- small correlation obtained between D and D for  / x = 16
pared to that between D and D. Indeed, the spectral shape cannot be explained by Dpress only, although it does play a
of D̂pressK is quite different than the other terms for K major role for small to intermediate filter sizes.
 20, and the slope of D̂pressK for low K is much smaller To elucidate this point further, the Figs. 13a and 13b
than for the other terms. show the variances of each individual diffusion term in Eqs.
1 and 2, respectively. Theses graphs allow us to compare
C. Correlations and variances for individual the local “intensity” of each term compared to the others.
diffusion terms Shown is also the variance of the term resulting from the
In order to see whether the SGS pressure-velocity diffu- sum Dturb + Dgs/sgs, and from Dturb + Dgs/sgs, for which there
sion term is indeed responsible for the lower correlation is a strong partial cancellation, as we saw above. Note that
found between D and D as compared to D and D, we the variances are shown in logarithmic coordinates so that
started to compute the correlation coefficients between D the differences between the terms are quite high in most
and Dpress for the simulation with Re = 95.6, and for various cases.
filter sizes. The highest value was obtained for  / x = 16, Again, it is better to start with the SGS scalar variance
and its value is quite small: CorrD , Dpress = 0.056. Thus, it diffusion terms in Fig. 13b. When considered separately,
seems that the weak correlation found in the modeling of the the terms Dturb and Dgs/sgs largely dominate the diffusion
SGS kinetic energy diffusion terms, compared to the SGS process. However, since they are anti-correlated, the variance
scalar variance, could be explained by a deficient modeling of their sum is much smaller than the variance of each of
of the SGS pressure-velocity diffusion, Dpress. them taken separately. For  / x = 2, the sum Dturb
However, it turns out that the deficiencies of the + Dgs/sgs accounts for a variance that is more than two orders
gradient-diffusion assumption in the modeling the SGS of magnitude smaller than the variance obtained for each

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035106-14 C. B. da Silva and J. C. F. Pereira Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

FIG. 14. Variances for the exact diffusion terms from Eqs. 1 and 2, using the cutoff filter for both Reynolds numbers and filter sizes considered in this
work. a Equation 1 and b Eq. 2.

separate term. Nevertheless, as the filter size increases, the between the diffusion terms due to SGS turbulent transport
variance of Dturb + Dgs/sgs becomes more important. and GS/SGS interactions is absent when using a cutoff filter,
Whereas for small filter sizes the SGS molecular diffusion since the highest value observed for the correlation coeffi-
dominates the total diffusion term D, for large filter sizes it cients CorrDturb , Dgs/sgs and CorrDturb , Dgs/sgs was
is the sum of terms Dturb + Dgs/sgs that commands the total smaller than 2%. Therefore, no partial cancellation exists
diffusion. This happens because for some reason, between these terms when using the cutoff filter. Conse-
Dgs/sgs2 is always slightly greater than Dturb2, al- quently, the relative local importance of the several diffusion
though their anti- correlation is very high, as seen before. terms as estimated by their variances is also quite different
This can be noticed particularly well for the filter sizes than the one observed before see Figs. 14a and 14b. The
 / x = 8 and  / x = 16. We therefore arrive at the important first important observation is that the diffusion terms due to
conclusion that even if Dturb and Dgs/sgs are strongly anti- GS/SGS interactions Dgs/sgs and Dgs/sgs are negligible com-
correlated, they do not cancel out completely, such that their pared to the other terms. In addition, as expected, the diffu-
sum is still the dominant term for the total diffusion D. sion due to either viscous or molecular effects Dvisc and
Looking now into the SGS kinetic energy diffusion D in Dmolec is also much less important that the other terms.
Fig. 13a, a similar phenomenon occurs; i.e., although Dturb Indeed, Figs. 14a and 14b show that it is the diffusion due
and Dgs/sgs partially cancel out, the result from their sum is to SGS turbulent motions Dturb and Dturb that dominates
still very important, because the GS/SGS diffusion is slightly the diffusion processes, for both the SGS kinetic energy and
more important than the SGS turbulent diffusion. For small the SGS scalar variance transport equations. Moreover, it can
filter sizes, the SGS viscous diffusion Dvisc overshadows the be seen that the SGS pressure-velocity diffusion Dpress is of
sum Dturb + Dgs/sgs, but as the filter size increases Dvisc loses comparable local magnitude to the SGS turbulent diffusion
its relevance. A new feature in this equation is the existence Dturb.
of a SGS pressure-velocity diffusion Dpress. As shown in Fig. Finally, the correlation coefficients between the total dif-
13a, when  / x = 16, this term is almost as important as fusion given by the gradient-diffusion model D and the
the sum Dturb + Dgs/sgs. Therefore, we conclude that improv- SGS pressure-velocity diffusion Dpress, was also computed
ing the modeling of term Dpress alone will not solve the prob- using the cutoff filter, for the simulation with Re = 95.6. The
lem of low correlation between the exact and modeled SGS values obtained are also quite small, as with the box filter.
diffusion D and D. The highest value is CorrD , Dpress = 0.053, obtained for
 / x = 16.
D. Influence of the filter type: Gaussian and cutoff
filters E. The need for an improved SGS pressure-velocity
diffusion model
The analysis described above was carried out using the
Gaussian and cutoff filters also. As before, the results ob- The results discussed above show that the classical
tained with the Gaussian and box filters are virtually equiva- gradient-diffusion assumption currently used to model the
lent. However, fundamentally different results are obtained diffusion terms in the SGS kinetic energy and SGS scalar
when using the cutoff filter. The strong anti- correlation variance transport equations has some serious limitations.

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035106-15 Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

Two reasons concur to this fact. One is due to a local loss of VI. NEW MODEL FOR THE SGS PRESSURE-

balance between the SGS turbulent transport and the VELOCITY DIFFUSION: Dpress
GS/SGS interactions. A second one, and this only for the
This section presents and discusses a new model for the
SGS kinetic energy transport equation, has to do with the 
SGS pressure-velocity diffusion: Dpress . We start by present-
deficient modeling of the SGS pressure-velocity diffusion.
ing the model equations and then analyze in a priori tests the
This explains the greater inadequacy of the gradient-
performance of the new model using correlations, one-point
diffusion hypothesis when applied to the SGS kinetic energy statistics, and spectra. The results show that the new model
than to the SGS scalar variance equations. represents a substantial improvement over the classical
In order to improve this situation a possible strategy to gradient-diffusion hypothesis defined by Eq. 8. Finally,
improve the modeling of the diffusion term would be the LES of decaying isotropic turbulence are carried out and
following: i remove the gradient-diffusion model altogether confirm the improvement obtained with the new model.
and keep the exact viscous and molecular diffusion terms
Dvisc and Dmolec since they can be computed exactly with A. Model formulation
the available information; ii model the SGS turbulent trans-
Inspection of the term Dpress shows that the variable
port and GS/SGS interactions terms together, i.e., find a new
within the divergence operator resembles the subgrid-stresses
model for terms Dturb + Dgs/sgs and Dturb + Dgs/sgs; iii in the
tensor, except that instead of the velocity product uiu j, we
SGS kinetic energy equation, find a new model for the SGS find the product of one velocity component with the pressure
pressure-velocity diffusion term Dpress. The remainder of this field pu j. Defining the first-order tensor
article will focus on the last task outlined above; i.e., the
modeling of Dpress. M pj = p̄u j − pu j , 16
One question that one might raise at this moment is the exact SGS pressure-velocity diffusion term is given by
whether it is worthy to improve the modeling of the SGS Dpress =  / x jM pj . Due to the close resemblance between the
pressure-velocity diffusion Dpress alone, bearing in mind that ij and M pj tensors, one may be tempted to try to apply the
at least in isotropic turbulence, it will only improve the local gradient or Clark’s relation to model M pj .
correlation for the total diffusion by about 25% at most. Indeed, many studies have shown that the gradient
To answer this, recall that in one-point closures based model leads to very high correlations between the exact and
upon transport equations for the Reynolds stresses, the role modeled subgrid-scale stresses, usually higher than 80%
of the pressure strain terms pui / x j is to redistribute e.g., see Liu et al.,37 de Borue and Orszag,1 Meneveau and
kinetic energy among all the components of the Reynolds Katz43. Even if the pressure field has a very different physi-
stresses tensor see, e.g., Tennekes and Lumley42. It is easy cal nature than the velocity field, particularly due its intrinsic
to see that the role of the SGS pressure-velocity interactions nonlocal nature Davidson44, it is reasonable to assume that
is similarly to redistribute energy among all the elements of locally it will not behave very differently than any other flow
the SGS stresses tensor ij, and therefore this term should be variable, and thus provides a good candidate for modeling
more important in anisotropic turbulent shear flows than in with the Clark’s model.
the isotropic turbulent flow used here. Moreover, as shown Applying the gradient or Clark’s model to M pj , we get
by da Silva and Métais,26 the term Dpress is particularly im-  p̄  ū j

portant near very large flow vortices present in many turbu- M p
j = C pm
, 17
 xk  xk
lent shear flows that are absent from forced isotropic turbu-
lence where only much smaller structures “worms” exist. where Cpm is a model constant and  is the filter size. The
Thus, one may assume that in flows dominated by these large modeled SGS pressure-velocity diffusion can now be ob-
vortices, such as in wakes, jets, or in separated shear flows, tained through
the term Dpress will be much more important to the dynamics
of the SGS kinetic energy than in the present isotropic tur-
bulence configuration.

Dpress = Cpm2 
  p̄  ū j
 x j  xk  xk
. 18

The justification to test a new model for Dpress in the The model constant Cpm will be determined below using
present forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence data set the DNS data bank, but before that it is important to assess
comes from the fact that it is generally agreed that isotropic the performance of the new model.
turbulence represents the “simplest” possible turbulent flow
configuration, and therefore it is highly unlikely that any new B. Correlation with exact SGS pressure-velocity
model will ever succeed in more complicated flows if it fails diffusion
in this simplest of all canonical flow configurations. The correspondence between the exact and modeled
For these reasons, it was decided to develop and test a SGS pressure-velocity diffusion can be assessed in Fig. 15.
new model for the SGS pressure-velocity interactions using The figure shows the correlation coefficients between Dpress
the present isotropic turbulence simulations. The model was 
and Dpress for the two Reynolds numbers and all the four
tested in classical a priori tests in isotropic turbulence as filter sizes considered in this study. As can be seen, the cor-
well in a posteriori tests LES of decaying isotropic turbu- relations are quite high. The correlations tend to decrease
lence. This is the subject of the following section. slightly as the filter size increases, particularly for the higher

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FIG. 15. Correlation coefficient and joint probability density functions be-
tween the exact and the modeled SGS pressure-velocity diffusion terms,

Dpress and Dpress .

Reynolds number configuration. However, their values are

always relatively high; e.g., for Re = 95.6 at  / x = 16, we
get CorrDpress , Dpress  = 0.524. Recall that CorrD , Dpress 
= 0.11 was the highest value obtained using the gradient-
diffusion hypothesis.
Figure 15 shows also the joint probability density func-

tion between Dpress and Dpress for Re = 95.6 and  / x = 8.
This graph shows that the high correlation between the two
quantities observed above stems equally from positive and
negative values and equally from low, moderate, and high
intensities of both quantities.
Although these first results seem promising for the new
model, other statistical quantities are needed in order to as-
sess the quality of the new model.

C. Behavior of one-point statistics

In order to analyze the performance of the new model in
terms of one-point statistics, Figs. 16a–16c display the
variance, skewness, and flatness, respectively, of Dpress and

Dpress .
Concerning the variances, we see that the evolutions of
the exact and modeled SGS pressure-velocity diffusion
evolve in the same way; i.e., both Dpress  2 and Dpress  grow
with the filter size. It is interesting to note that the differences
between the variances from the exact and modeled terms
seem to stay more or less constant for  / x = 2 , 4 and de-
crease very slightly with increasing filter size for  / x
= 8 , 16. Therefore, it may be that a given value for the con-
stant can be used for all Reynolds numbers and filter sizes.
FIG. 16. Variance, skewness, and flatness for the exact and modeled SGS
As we shall see below, this is indeed the case. 
pressure-velocity diffusion terms, Dpress and Dpress, for both Reynolds num-
For the skewness, on the other hand, we see that the real bers and all filter sizes considered in this work: a Variance b skewness,
and modeled diffusions are always quite close for all filter and c flatness.
sizes, except for the least interesting cases; i.e.,  / x = 2 and
 / x = 4. Note that the values of the skewness are now much

smaller that the values obtained for the four terms that con- dence between Dpress and Dpress is again very good, and im-
tribute to D compare Figs. 5a and 16b. proves as the filter size increases. Comparing the agreement

Finally, in terms of the intermittency of Dpress and Dpress between the exact and modeled one-point statistics between

described by the flatness factor in Fig. 16c the correspon- Dpress and Dpress , we see that it is much better than the one

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035106-17 Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

FIG. 18. Constant Cpm from Eq. 18 for the two Reynolds numbers and all
FIG. 17. Spectra for the exact and modeled SGS pressure-velocity diffusion filter sizes considered in this work.

terms Dpress and Dpress , for the simulation with Re = 95.6 and filter width
 / x = 2.

F. Results from LES of decaying isotropic turbulence

The new model for Dpress was tested in large-eddy simu-
 lations LES of decaying isotropic turbulence. Decaying
previously found between D and D , which shows that the
isotropic turbulence was chosen as a test case, not only for its
model introduced in Eq. 18 proves well from the statistical
relative simplicity, but also because it is known that the size
point of view as well.
of the larger flow vortices increases during the simulation,
D. Spectra of modeled SGS pressure-velocity and therefore the role played by the diffusion term Dpress is
diffusion likely to be more important than in the forced isotropic
turbulence data bank used in the a priori tests.
To complete the characterization of the new model for However, it is not straightforward to test diffusion terms

Dpress, Fig. 17 shows D̂pressK and D̂press K, representing the in Eq. 3 using numerical simulations of isotropic turbu-

spectra of Dpress and Dpress, respectively. Comparing the two lence since these terms average to zero in this flow, and even
curves, one can see that, apart from a constant, the two spec- locally are not the dominating terms in this equation. There-
tra have very similar evolutions in the wave-number space. fore, using a full subgrid-scale model for this equation, e.g.,
The peak K p is attained at roughly the same wave number the model of Yoshizawa,7 and then using different ways of
K p 20 and the slope of both spectra for K  K p is also quite modeling the diffusion terms within this model would not be
similar, something that did not occur when comparing the the best way to make a rigorous test to the new Dpress model.

spectra of D and Dpress in Fig. 12a. In order to overcome these difficulties, the following
strategy was used. The starting point consists in using the
E. Evaluation of Cpm exact transport equation for the SGS kinetic energy 1 issu-
Finally, we used the simulations to compute the constant ing from a DNS in which three different ways of modeling
Cpm appearing in Eq. 18. The constant was computed in the the diffusion terms were tested: “Exact LES” corresponds to
same way used to obtain CD 
and CD  the case where all the terms in Eq. 1, including the diffu-
 in Fig. 8. The mean

value of this constant C pm is shown in Fig. 18 for both sion terms were computed exactly. This is achieved by ex-
plicitly box filtering, for each time step, the velocity and
Reynolds numbers and all filter sizes used in this study. The
pressure fields needed in the computation of all the exact
computed constant changes slightly with the filter size within
terms from Eq. 1. This simulation is used after as the ref-
0.063 Cpm  0.127, which represents a smaller change than
  erence for model comparisons. In the “Grad-diff” model, all
the one observed before for the values of CD and CD . There-
 but the diffusion terms are computed exactly, again by ex-
fore, using the dynamic procedure to compute C pm does not
plicitly box filtering the exact DNS velocity fields during the
seem justified in this case. For the highest Reynolds number
simulation, while the diffusion terms are computed using the
Re = 95.6 and inertial range filter size  / x = 16, we get
classical gradient diffusion equation 8. Finally, in the “New
model” all the terms are computed in the same way as in
Cpm = 0.127. 19
“Grad-diff model” except that the pressure diffusion term is
This concludes the a priori tests for the new SGS computed using the model equation 18.
pressure-velocity model. All the simulations start from the same DNS of forced

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035106-18 C. B. da Silva and J. C. F. Pereira Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007


The diffusion terms from the SGS kinetic energy and

SGS scalar variance transport equations were analyzed using
DNS of forced isotropic turbulence. In the ii / 2 equation
the diffusion is due to the SGS turbulence Dturb, molecular
viscosity Dvisc, SGS pressure-velocity interactions Dpress, and
grid/subgrid-scale interactions Dgs/sgs. Similarly, in the q / 2
equation, the diffusion is caused by SGS scalar turbulence
Dturb, molecular diffusion Dmolec, and scalar grid/subgrid-
scale interactions Dgs/sgs.
A priori tests were used to assess how the classical
gradient-diffusion hypothesis performs in modeling these
terms. The results show that the classical modeling does not
give good results concerning correlations, variances, skew-
nesses, flatnesses, probability density functions, and joint
probability density functions, for all the range of Reynolds
and Schmidt numbers considered in this study. In particular
the correlations between the exact and modeled diffusion
FIG. 19. Decay of kinetic energy, SGS kinetic energy and SGS kinetic tend to deteriorates quickly as the Reynolds number and grid
energy variance in three LES of decaying isotropic turbulence. “Exact
size filter size increases, precisely where most important
LES”: all terms from Eq. 1 are computed exactly; “Grad-diff”: diffusion
terms computed by the classical gradient diffusion model Eq. 8; “New geophysical and engineering applications are concerned. The
model”: SGS pressure-velocity diffusion term computed with Eq. 18. gradient-diffusion model does, however, perform better in
modeling the diffusion terms in the SGS scalar variance
equation 4 than in the SGS kinetic energy equation 3.
The relative importance between the diffusion terms for
the total diffusion was analyzed. For large filter sizes, the
isotropic turbulence in which the forcing term was suddenly
diffusion terms Dvisc and Dmolec tend to be negligible com-
switched off to let the turbulence decay freely. The same
pared to the other terms. Analysis of all the individual terms
initial value of the modeled SGS kinetic energy Ksgs, ob-
contributing to D and D showed the existence of an almost
tained by box filtering the initial velocity field with  / x
perfect cancellation between the turbulent diffusion and the
= 8, was used in all three simulations. The definition of the
grid/subgrid-scale diffusion, both for the SGS energy and the
LES grid size and the initial conditions for the simulations
SGS scalar variance equations. This fact could lead to a sub-
follows the same philosophy described in pp. 4525–4526 in
stantial simplification of the diffusion terms if it proved to be
da Silva and Pereira.45
valid for all grid sizes, Reynolds, and Schmidt numbers. Un-
Figure 19 shows the decay of kinetic energy, SGS ki-
fortunately, this is not the case as it is observed that for large
netic energy, and SGS kinetic energy variance from the three
filter sizes these terms cease to balance, although maintain-
simulations. The classical decay of K in isotropic turbu-
ing always a very high local correlation.
lence can clearly be seen here, as well as a similar decay of
One important result concerns the modeling of the SGS
Ksgs. Since all diffusion terms average to zero in isotropic
pressure-velocity interactions Dpress. It was observed that this
turbulence, the evolution of K and Ksgs is the same in all
term is very poorly described by the classical gradient-
three simulations, a result confirmed in the present data. No- diffusion assumption, and this fact explains the smaller cor-
tice that the level of energy present at the SGS level is quite
relations found between D and D, as compared to D and
high compared to the total kinetic energy, which results from
D. This limitation will certainly have important conse-
the very coarse mesh used in the LES N = 323 collocation
quences in numerical simulations of high Reynolds number
flows using coarse meshes, particularly when large scale
The variance of the SGS kinetic energy obtained from
anisotropies or large scale flow vortices exist, since the
the three simulations is also shown in Fig. 19. Although the
pressure-velocity correlations are associated with a redistri-
difference between the three simulations is small, the evolu-
bution of the SGS energy among all the subgrid-scale
tion of Ksgs obtained with the new model is closer to the
stresses, and their maxima take place nearby the larger flow
exact than when using the classical gradient-diffusion model,
which shows that at least in this configuration, the new
The present results call for an improvement in the cur-
model does bring an improvement to the computation of the
rent models used for the diffusion terms. A possible strategy
modeled SGS kinetic energy transport equation.
would involve the following steps:
Although other tests should be carried out with the new
model, particularly in inhomogeneous turbulence configura- i Compute the exact viscous and molecular diffusion
tions where the mean diffusion terms are not zero, the terms Dvisc and Dmolec with the available
present results from both a priori and a posteriori tests seem information.
very promising. ii Model together the SGS turbulent transport and

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035106-19 Analysis of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis Phys. Fluids 19, 035106 2007

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