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Multi-parameter cell counters can measure, derive and/or calculate CBC parameters, WBC types and reticulocytes. Most possess autosampling with barcode identification, system status monitoring, and computer-enhanced data analysis with computer storage of patient and control data capabilities. Cell distribution graphs, as well as sample and instrument flagging systems, are standard features; alarms may be visual or audible. Cell counters use two main principles of operation for cell counting and sizing......optical scatter and electronic impedance (or modifications). Most hematology analyzers (Abbott, Siemans (formerly Bayer), Beckman-Coulter, Sysmex) use a combination of technologies. A. Optical scatter = Light Scatter: These instruments utilize the process of flow cytometry in which a thin stream of cells are injected into a flow cell with a light beam, most often a LASER. 1. As cells pass through the laser, light is scattered light hits the cell and changes direction. The scattered light hits photodetectors which convert the light signals into electrical signals. The number of signals indicates the number of cells, optical counts, and the angle of light scattered when striking a cell depicts cell size and/or yields information about cellular characteristics: a. Forward angle light scatter = cell size b. Side angle light scatter = cell granularity or structures



Coulter Electronic Impedance = Direct current (DC) Resistance: These instruments are based on the electrical conductivity difference between cells and diluent. Cells do not conduct electricity. 1. Blood cells are suspended in a fluid that conducts electricity. The cells are drawn through an aperture (small hole), simultaneously with a low voltage direct current passing between two electrodes (a transducer). The passage of each cell increases the resistance of the electrical path between the two electrodes cells impede (break) the current generating a voltage pulse the size of the impedance change. The number of pulses generated indicates the number of cells, impedance counts, and the height or amplitude of the voltage pulse depicts cell size/volume. Pulses are selected and classified according to size by a pulse-height analyzer (PHA).
CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout





Definitions: Cell coincidence Cell coincidence is an inherent error that affects all impedance methods of cell counting. Two or more cells passing through an aperture at one time may generate a single voltage pulse and therefore be counted as one cell. Since this could result in falsely low counts, cell counts are automatically corrected for this occurrence. Cell coincidence is mathematically predictable based on cell concentration. Hydrodynamic focusing = Focused Flow Both optical and impedance methods of cell counting employ hydrodynamic focusing (focused flow). Laminar flow is induced by injecting a slow-moving sample dilution into a stream of fast-moving sheath fluid which prevents mixing. The sheath fluid surrounds the diluted sample and narrows it so that cells flow through the sensing zone in single filethis process is known as hydrodynamic focusing. Focusing reduces cell coincidence, helps avoid protein buildup on aperture systems and keeps cells in the center of the sample stream. Thresholds = Discriminators Thresholding is used for both impedance and optical counting systems to determine events to accept for analysis. Thresholds are electronically set size limits that exclude unwanted particles (below the threshold) and allow the selection of particles to be analyzed (above the threshold). Thresholds also distinguish between cell types (such as red cells and platelets) and sort cells within a population into subgroups (WBC types). Thresholds, also called discriminators, may be permanently set or float so that the optimum threshold setting is determined for each sample. Single lower thresholds are used for some measurements while a combination of lower and upper thresholds are used for others. In certain instances, an event must meet the criteria of three thresholds to be included in the analysis. Additionally, editing may be used to eliminate unusual/aberrant pulses or signals that do not truly represent the cell type being analyzed. Threshold examples:
Impedance WBC: lower ~35 fl, no upper; red cells are lysed. Impedance RBC: lower ~35 fl, no upper; # of WBCs present during RBC count is usually insignificant. Impedance PLT: lower ~2 fl, upper threshold floats.

CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout


D. Histogram A one-dimensional graphic representation of cell number versus ONE measured cell property (usually cell size)a frequency curve. Cells are channelized by size and the number of particles (Y-axis) versus the size of particles (X-axis) are plotted against each other. The data displayed in size-distribution histograms is most frequently obtained using electrical impedance; depicts cell number within a size range, the mean size/volume of cells counted or the distribution of cells around the mean size. (The reagent collapses/lyses the WBC cytoplasm when impedance counts are done.) E. Scatterplot/scattergram/cytogram Two-dimensional graphic representations of TWO (or more) cell properties or characteristics plotted against each other (e.g., cell size and internal cell structures such as granules or lobes). Cell types appear as clusters and the number of dots in each cluster denotes the concentration of that cell type (dot plot). The data displayed in scatterplots is generally obtained using a combination of technologies, including light scatter; cluster analysis differentiates and quantitates cell types. F. Both histograms and scatterplots have normal/expected cell distribution/scatter patterns:


Graphic display of relative cell number on the Y axis plotted against cell size (one cell property) on the X axis. Normal cell distribution patterns begin at baseline (few cells), followed by a peak of cells as cell concentration increases, then return to baseline.

Graphic display of one cell property (e.g., cell size) on the Y axis plotted against a second cell property (e.g., internal cell structures) on the X axis. The density of dots in each cluster represents cell concentration. Cluster location indicates cell type (per methodology).

CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout


(Immature Reticulocyte Fraction)

To correctly interpret cell data, particularly when resolving a sample problem or troubleshooting an instrument malfunction, it is necessary to know how each parameter on the automated cell counter is obtained (i.e. methodology) and if the parameter is directly measured, derived or calculated. Refer to site-specific instrument handout or procedure/operators manual for this information. Parameters may be: Directly measured using optical scatter (optical counts), electrical impedance (impedance counts) or photometric measurements - HGB is always measured photometrically, usually using a modified cyanmethemoglobin method that is cyanide free. Derived from computerized analysis of histograms or scatterplots/scattergrams. Calculated - MCH and MCHC are computed from other parameters by all instruments. On most automated hematology analyzers: Reagent systems lyse the red cells to analyze WBCs and measure hemoglobin concentration. Red cells and platelets are counted together. MCV is the average/mean cell volume of all RBC sizes in a population of red cells. RDW is red cell distribution width, an index of red cell size variation that correlates to the amount of anisocytosis present. The S.D. of the RBC histogram is determined and then the C.V. is calculated. RDW is most frequently reported in %, the coefficient of variation. MPV is the mean platelet volume (platelet equivalent of the MCV); the MPV may be increased (e.g. >11.0 fL) by the presence of giant platelets or platelet clumps. Reticulocytes are counted via optical methods using supravital, nucleic acid or fluorescent dyes to generate the reticulocyte count in percent and absolute number. IRF is the immature reticulocyte fraction and reflects the degree of retic immaturity, i.e., early immature retics with medium to high fluorescence due to high amounts of RNA in the young red cells. increase count reliability when interference exists.

Dual methods of measurement may be performed (e.g., two WBC counts or two platelet counts) to
CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout


The RBC histogram can be used to determine the mean red cell volume (MCV) or dispersion of cells around the average size (RDW). Mean platelet volume (MPV) is usually obtained from the PLT histogram. WBC differential scattergram analysis yields data used to identify and enumerate WBC types. The main WBC Diff scatterplot looks similar from instrument to instrument even though the cell properties measured vary. The scattergrams of other cell types (e.g., PLT or RETIC counts) are not comparable.



CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout


To generate scatterplots and 5-part differentials, adaptations of the basic principles have evolved to classify WBC sub-types. The following methods are used alone or in combination: 1. Electronic impedance/low voltage direct current (DC) resistance determines cell volume. Light scatter detected at various angles yields data about cell size and cellular characteristics. Conductivity/Radio Frequency (RF), which is high-voltage electromagnetic current resistance (radio waves), provides information about internal cell structure/density. Fluorescence is combined with light scatter to analyze RNA/DNA content. Cytochemistry combines absorption of enzyme stained cells with light scatter. Abbott Cell-Dyn 1700 - Histogram Analysis Impedance generated pulses are sorted using a series of thresholds and histograms are displayed and analyzed to classify WBC types. A screening 3-part differential is produced. Abbott Cell-Dyn series - MAPSS Technology Scattered light is measured at multiple angles (4) Multi Angle Polarized Scatter Separation in an optical flow cell. WBC types are classified and displayed in scatterplots. Analysis yields information about cell size, granularity, complexity (internal structure) and lobularity. A 5-part differential is generated

Monos Neuts


Lymphs Eos


Beckman Coulter LH series - VCS Technology Three measurements Volume, Conductivity and Scatter are performed simultaneously in an electro-optical flow cell. Volume is measured using impedance, conductivity analyzes internal cell characteristics, and light scatter analyzes external surface characteristics/granules. Information is gathered to classify WBC types and scatterplots are displayed. A 5-part diff is generated.


Sysmex XE/XT series - Flow Cytometry with Fluorescence and RF/DC Technology Cell analysis in a flow cytometer that detects forward light scatter (cell size), side scatter (internal cell structures) and side fluorescent scatter (RNA/DNA content) is combined with radio frequency (RF) and direct current (DC) measurements to identify WBC types and display scattergrams. A 5-part differential is generated. Siemens (formerly Bayer) Advia series Flow Cytometry with Cytochemistry Determination of cell type is done by selectively staining cells based on enzyme components (peroxidase) and analyzing cells in an electro-optical flow cell. Scattered light (cell size) and light absorption (staining intensity) are used to classify WBC types and display cytograms. A 5-part differential is generated.
Monos Monos


Siemens Advia



Lymphs Lymphs Neuts s Eos Debri Eos Lymphs



RBC ghost s


Absorption CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout

Testing critically depends on the quality of the specimen. The best sample is collected atraumatically and meets the minimum draw requirements for each size of EDTA tube or microtainer draw as per laboratory protocol. Always check the sample for proper labeling and check visually for clots by tilting. Ideally, the sample is processed within 4 hours of blood draw (particularly if a smear is required); for specific time limits, follow laboratory specimen requirements. Changes associated with old samples mainly affect the WBC count & Diff (increased #s of dying WBCs) and MCV (RBCs swell with age).

Fully automated analyzers monitor reagent levels. For the reagents specific to each parameter, see site handout and/or your institution procedure manual. Reagents are stable until the stated expiration date and must be handled following manufacturer instructions.

Tri-level commercial controls are purchased from the manufacturer; manufacturer instructions for handling must be adhered to. Control results are flagged when they fall out of range and can be displayed on Levey-Jennings charts to assess accuracy and precision. Controls are run: To periodically monitor the performance of the testing system. See site procedure manual/handout for the control frequency policy followed at your institution. After a reagent change if that is site policy. When troubleshooting an instrument problem or following maintenance procedures.

Routine maintenance is necessary to ensure proper instrument functioning. All instruments need to be maintained according to manufacturers recommendations, including required daily instrument checks and cleaning of analyzer components. See site procedure or maintenance manual for daily instrument maintenance and scheduled weekly or monthly preventive maintenance requirements.

Background counts must be done at least once daily and are performed following daily cleaning procedures. Backgrounds are checked after a reagent change if that is site policy (based on manufacturers recommendations). Backgrounds counts must fall within established acceptable limits.

Instrument calibration with a commercial Calibrator (with known reference values) should be done every six months or sooner if needed, e.g., following replacement of a major instrument component.

All persons operating the instruments should know the location of the Operators Manual which contains information such as instrument description, principles of operation, required maintenance, calibration protocol, and a routine troubleshooting section. This manual should be referred to in the event of instrument malfunction. Some steps to take when troubleshooting include: Check for alarm messages Confirm that cleaning procedures and scheduled QC monitoring has been done and is acceptable. Try to eliminate various components of system: o Reagents quality, quantity (alarm messages), delivery of reagents o Electronic usually requires attention of customer service o Pneumatic vacuum or pressure leaks will affect transfer of fluids The operator should know the location of the technical service phone number to request service for problems that cannot be resolved after troubleshooting.
CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout

Strict adherence to laboratory protocols is vital to prevent erroneous results caused by: Pre-analytical variables (sample collection and processing) Specimen integrity is vital for accurate cell count results. Clotting, hemolysis (in vitro) or specimen contamination, to name a few, may compromise CBC/Diff and Retic results. A partially clotted blood sample invalidates all results and requires a sample redraw. Analytical variables (reagents, instrumentation, equipment, technique) Due to the many variables that may cause instrument or reagent related errors, it is imperative that commercial controls are used to continuously monitor the testing system. Reagent and/or control problems can arise if manufacturer recommendations for handling are not followed. The operator should be aware of invalid results caused by interfering substances (e.g., elevated lipid levels) and must adhere to instrument linearity limits. Post-analytical variables (reporting results) Patient values should be correlated with clinical information (if available) before reporting. All laboratories establish critical/panic values that must be verified and/or action taken per lab policy. Questionable results must be investigated before reporting, e.g., inconsistent values (Hgb does not match the Hct) or results that fail a delta check with previous results. Delta checks are designed to detect discrepancies in results before reporting by comparing current patient values to previous patient values. Delta check limits define the allowable difference in consecutive results of a specific test for the same patient within a certain time period. The delta limit should be set so that true changes in test results (i.e., correct results) are not flagged as delta check failures. When delta check limits are exceeded (fail delta), a potential error exists that may involve specimen collection or a change in the patients clinical condition.


WBC (K/uL) RBC (M/uL) HGB (g/dL) HCT (%) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (%) RDW (%) PLT (K/uL) (1) (1) 6.9 4.69 14.6 44.0 93.8 31.1 33.2 12.7 217 (2) WBC 9.7 RBC 1.96 HGB 6.8 HCT 19.6 MCV 100.1 MCH 34.7 MCHC 34.7 RDW 13.6 PLT 102 (3) WBC 57.3 RBC 1.99 HGB 8.2 HCT 19.4 MCV 97.5 MCH 41.2 MCHC 42.3 RDW 15.7 PLT 54 (4) WBC 0.5 RBC 2.68 HGB 8.5 HCT 25.0 MCV 93.3 MCH 31.7 MCHC 34.0 RDW 15.4 PLT 4

All parameters are reportable, no action is required.Hgb &Hct match, MCHC not >36%, no parameters outside linearity, no critically abnormal results. Critical low Hgb and Hct values; H&H match, MCHC not >36%; verify/call if not previously critical^. May need a sample redraw to confirm results (possible sample contamination). Critical high WBC, verify/call if not previously critical^; H&H do not match and MCHC is >36%; rerun to rule out instrument aspiration error, do not report until H&H problem is resolved^. Critical low WBC and PLT count; check instrument linearity limits for WBC and PLT (may need a manual cell count); verify/call if not previously critical^. May need sample redraw to confirm. ^Handle per institution protocol.
CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout





Each instrument has limitations related to methodology that are defined in the operators manual. Multi-parameter instruments have "flagging" analysis programs to identify variations from expected or normal cell distribution patterns and generate suspect flags which alert the operator to interference that could render a flagged count incorrect or to sample abnormalities that require blood smear verification. When test validity is in doubt, the result(s) can be verified by a smear exam (manual diff, RBC morph, WBC/PLT estimate) or by a manual method (manual PLT or Retic count). It must be noted that manual cell counts are infrequently donevaries with institution and depends upon instrument capabilities. Alert flags/messages are instrument or user defined. Each institution establishes its own criteria for: o an automated versus manual differential based on flags and/or numerical data o the corrective action required for a particular flag o the value and action required to confirm an abnormal parameter

Evaluate all available parameters for data correlation, e.g., HGB and HCT values, MCHC result. Check that HGB and HCT values match. o The H&H may not match due to interference by lipemia/bilirubinemia or a WBC count over linearity, the presence of a cold agglutinin, or partial sample aspiration by instrument. o Rerun unbelievable results should rule out an instrument aspiration error first. Check that MCHC is <36.0%; if not, rerun^^. Correct error if problem persists. A valid cause for an MCHC value >36.0% is spherocytes; a more usual cause is poor H&H agreement. Be cautious about MCHC values <31.0% with a normal or high MCV value as this is an unusual finding.
A perfect CBC has Hgb and Hct values that match with an ideal MCHC value of 32.0-36.0%. Most patients will fall in this group. For those patients with an imperfect CBC, the next step is identifying the cause and correcting the problem so that the most accurate Hgb and Hct results are reported. NOTE: A reportable MCHC value is set by each laboratory and this will dictate the point at which action for an abnormal MCHC is required, e.g., an MCHC value up to 37.0% may be reported without action per institution policy even though H & H agreement is poor.

Check that all parameters are within linearity^^ - dilute into linearity or may verify manually. Handle correctly any critical values^^ and/or parameters that fail a delta check^^. o Significant changes in MCV or RDW values suggest a sample identification problem exists. Review histograms and/or scatterplots for abnormal cell distribution or "bad" scatter and correlate with numerical data.flags will generally be present when distribution patterns are abnormal. Check for flags that require a manual differential, smear review for RBC morphology or WBC/PLT estimate to confirm questionable results^^.


NucRBC's; presence of unlysed red cells; clumped platelets; giant platelets RBC agglutination; MCV below linearity; hemolysis Gross lipemia or bilirubinemia; WBC count over linearity RBC agglutination; hemolysis Schistocytes; microcytic red cells; anucleate cytoplasmic fragments; giant platelets or clumped platelets (may cause high MPV); platelet satellitism; hemolysis RETIC: Interference by red cell inclusions (Howell-Jolly or pappenheimer bodies) WBC: RBC: HGB: MCV: PLT: ^^Refer to site-specific instrument handout or procedures for linearity limits, critical values and specific errors & their resolution, as well as instrument flags.
CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout



Review of histograms and scatterplots can alert the operator to abnormal cell distribution/scatter patterns. The action required is determined by the flag generated and/or based on numerical data.

Normal RBC histogram:

Abnormal RBC histograms:

Abnormal RBC distribution would be flagged Review may be required based on abnormal MCV or RDW value(s) Action: Smear exam for RBC morphology Causes for a dimorphic or heterogeneous RBC population: Post-transfusion, post-therapy for a deficiency, two on-going deficiencies

ERRONEOUS WBC COUNT OR DIFFERENTIAL WBC scatterplot showing normal scatter and well separated clusters WBC scatterplot showing "bad" scatter and poor cluster separation

Automated diff results would not be flagged Auto diff is reportable if all numerical data is within institution established range Will autoverify if other parameters are reportable and instrument is capable

Automated diff results would be flagged and is not reportable Also likely that numerical data is outside of range for an automated diff Action: Manual differential

CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout



Review of histograms and scatterplots can alert the operator to abnormal cell distribution/scatter patterns. The action required is determined by the flag generated and/or based on numerical data.

WBC histogram and scatterplot showing normal cell distribution/scatter pattern:

WBC histogram and scatterplot showing interference:

Causes for interference in the WBC count or Differential: Nucleated red cells Giant platelets Unlysed red cells o Hard to lyse red cells include target cells or red cells that contain Hgb S or F Clumped platelets Clotted sample Actions: Manual diff for nucleated red cells; correct the WBC count if indicated WBC estimate from blood smear to verify automated WBC result o May perform manual WBC count if estimate does not correlate due to giant platelets or lyse resistant red cells; availability of manual methods varies with institution Scan smear for fibrin strands or platelet clumps o Redraw sample if clotted o Redraw blood in citrate anticoagulant if EDTA-induced platelet clumping
CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout



Review of histograms and scatterplots can alert the operator to abnormal cell distribution/scatter patterns. The action required is determined by the flag generated and/or based on numerical data.

ERRONEOUS PLT COUNT PLT histogram showing normal cell distribution:

Red cells & platelets are counted together

PLT histogram showing interference:

Particles fall in or out of platelet counting area

Causes for interference in the PLT count: Falsely increased platelet result o Schistocytes or very microcytic red cells o Anucleate cytoplasmic fragments o Hemolysis Falsely decreased platelet result o Giant platelets o Clumped platelets Clotted sample Heparinized blood EDTA-induced clumping o Platelet satellitism (EDTA-induced) Actions: PLT estimate from blood smear to verify automated PLT result o May perform manual PLT count if estimate does not correlate due to schistocytes, microcytic red cells, giant platelets or cytoplasmic fragments; availability of manual methods varies with institution Scan smear for fibrin strands, platelet clumps or platelets sticking to neutrophils o Redraw sample if clotted o Redraw blood in citrate anticoagulant if EDTA-induced Redraw sample if blood is heparinized or hemolyzed Instrument problems that may affect platelets: debris, bubbles, reagent contamination, electrical interference. Rerun; if problem persists, must correct (can cause false high background counts).
CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout



Suspect when H&H values dont match and/or MCHC is >36.0%; a flag may be generated. Causes for a falsely elevated HGB result: Conditions that cause turbidity/cloudiness interfere with photometric hemoglobin measurement o Hyperlipemia o Hyperbilirubinemia/icterus o WBC count over linearity (WBCs are normally present at a concentration that does not interfere with Hgb) o Rarely, hyperproteinemia Results due to an erroneous HGB: HGB and HCT do not correlate + 3 because HGB value is falsely high and HCT value is correct Both MCH and MCHC falsely high due to calculation using bad hemoglobin value Actions: First rerun to rule out instrument aspiration error Correct for lipemia or bilirubinemia by making a dilution or performing plasma replacement or Hgb blank procedures^^ Correct for over linearity WBC count by diluting sample into linearity; run dilution on instrument and multiply HGB by dilution

Patient with lipemic plasma Initial results

To correct the whole blo

Results corrected for lipemia

HGB and HCT values match; MCHC is reportable MCH and MCHC results are calculated using corrected Hgb value

^^For both procedures: First centrifuge an aliquot of the patients whole blood. Saline replacement (plasma is replaced with saline): Remove all of the plasma from the red cells and add back an equal amount of saline. Mix sample well and run on instrument. Check parameters for correlation/correction. Plasma Hgb blank: Remove an aliquot of plasma from the red cells. Run a hemoglobin on the plasma to see how much of the hemoglobin value is really "lipemia". The plasma hemoglobin value obtained is used in the following formula: Corrected HGB = original HGB - [(1 - HCT) x plasma HGB blank]
HCT is expressed in decimal form, i.e. if 40.0%, use 0.40 in formula. Using the example above: Original Hgb = 9.2 g/dl (false high) Calculation: Hct = 21.4 % 0.214 (decimal) Plasma Hgb blank = 2.3 g/dl

Original Hgb [(1-HCT) x plasma Hgb blank] = Corrected Hgb

CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout

14 1-.214 = 0.786 x 2.3 = 1.8 9.2 (Orig Hgb) 1.8 = 7.4 g/dl (Hgb corrected for lipemia) EXAMPLES OF PARAMETER INTERFERENCES OR ERRORS

Suspect when H&H values dont match and/or MCHC is >36.0%; a flag may be generated. 50 year old female with the following lab findings: Cold agglutinin titer -1:512, DAT Polyspecific - 2+, Anti-IgG negative, Anti-C3 positive. Panel showed presence of Anti-IH; patient was A positive. **RBC clumping was visible when tilting the blood tube and macroscopically on the blood smear. Initial results Erroneous results due to RBC agglutination: RBC falsely low o RBC clumps counted/sized as single cells & larger pulses MCV falsely high^^ HCT falsely lowparallels the RBC count HGB and HCT do not correlate + 3 because HGB value is correct (red cells are lysed) and HCT result is falsely low Both MCH and MCHC falsely high (calculated parameters) Actions: First rerun to rule out instrument aspiration error Warm blood @ 37oC for 15 minutes or more, rerun sample

Results after warming blood @ 37oC The initial blood smear showed irregular RBC clumping microscopically; RBC agglutination was not observed on the smear made after warming.

RBC & HCT values rise and MCV value falls after warming HGB and HCT values match MCH and MCHC results are reportable Note that the WBC count and HGB value are NOT affected by RBC agglutination (no significant change before and after warming) since red cells are lysed for these measurements

^^In theory, the MCV value will be falsely high but this is no longer a consistent finding due to the advent of focused flow. Notes: A manual spun hematocrit determination will not be affected by RBC agglutination. For strong cold agglutinins that will not correct after prolonged warming, the saline replacement procedure can be done (the plasma is replaced with warmed saline).
CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout


CLS416 Clinical Hematology I Rot I Auto Unit Auto Cell Counting Instruments Handout

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