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HUMAN PERFORMANCE, 15(1/2), 187210 Copyright 2002, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

The Role of General Cognitive Ability and Job Performance: Why There Cannot Be a Debate
Frank L. Schmidt
Tippie College of Business University of Iowa

Given the overwhelming research evidence showing the strong link between general cognitive ability (GCA) and job performance, it is not logically possible for industrial -organizational (I/O) psychologists to have a serious debate over whether GCA is important for job performance. However, even if none of this evidence existed in I/O psychology, research findings in differential psychology on the nature and correlates of GCA provide a sufficient basis for the conclusion that GCA is strongly related to job performance. In I/O psychology, the theoretical basis for the empirical evidence linking GCA and job performance is rarely presented, but is critical to understanding and acceptance of these findings. The theory explains the why behind the empirical findings. From the viewpoint of the kind of world we would like to live inand would like to believe we live inthe research findings on GCA are not what most people would hope for and are not welcome. However, if we want to remain a science-based field, we cannot reject what we know to be true in favor of what we would like to be true.

In light of the evidence in the research literature, can there really be a debate about whether general cognitive ability (GCA) predicts job performance? This was the question that made me ambivalent about the proposal for the 2000 Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference debate. One explicit assumption underlying the debate proposal was that there is no broad agreement in (I/O) psychology about the role of GCA in job performance. This is not my perception; I think there is broad agreement. Of course, there is never a consensus omnium on any question in science. There are still biologists today who do not accept the theory of evolution. However, broad agreement is another question. Given the
Requests for reprints should be sent to Frank Schmidt, Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. E-mail: [email protected]



research literature as it exists today, it is almost impossible that there would not be broad agreement. As a telling example of this, I see this agreement in court cases in which expert I/O witnesses for plaintiffs challenging the use of ability tests agree that GCA is generally important in job performancedespite the fact that it would be in the interests of their case to maintain the opposite. Twenty years ago, when the research evidence was less extensive, this was not the case. In any research-based field, given enough time and effort, research questions are eventually answered. An example is the question of whether GCA and aptitude tests underpredict minority job and training performance. By the early 1980s, hundreds of studies had accumulated making it clear that they do not. Ultimately, two reports by the National Academy of Sciences reviewed this research and confirmed the finding of no predictive bias (Hartigan & Wigdor, 1989; Wigdor & Garner, 1982; see also Schmidt & Hunter, 1999). Thus, this question can now be regarded as settled scientifically (Sackett, Schmitt, Ellingson, & Kabin,2001). The question of whether GCA predicts job performance is another example of this: The evidence is so overwhelming that it is no longer an issue among those familiar with the research findings (Sackett et al., 2001). Hence, there cannot be a serious debate. Yet, there was a debate at SIOP 2000and now there is this special issue. One of my purposes in this article is to explain how such a situation could arise.

SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS General cognitive ability is essentially the ability to learn (Hunter, 1986; Hunter & Schmidt, 1996). From a public relations point of view, it is perhaps unfortunate that psychologists, including I/O psychologists, often refer to GCA as intelligencebecause to laymen this term implies genetic potential and not the concept of developed ability at the time the test is administered that psychologists are in fact referencing. This semantic confusion engenders reluctance to accept research findings. Likewise, the term g refers not to genetic potential, but to developed GCA. The fact that GCA scores are influencedeven strongly influencedby genes does not change the fact that GCA scores reflect more than just genetic potential. There are abilities other than GCA that are relevant to performance and learning on many jobs: psychomotor ability, social ability, and physical ability. However, validity for these abilities is much more variable across jobs and has a much lower average validity across jobs. Cognitive abilities that are narrower than GCA are called specific aptitudesor often just aptitudes. Examples include verbal aptitude, spatial aptitude, and numerical aptitude. Until about 10 years ago, it was widely believed that job performance could be better predicted by using a variety of aptitude measures than by using GCA alone. Multiple aptitude theory hypothesized that different jobs required dif-



ferent aptitude profiles and that regression equations containing different aptitudes for different jobs should therefore optimize the prediction of performance on the job and in training. Despite the fact that to most people this theory had a compelling plausibility, it has been disconfirmed. Differentially weighting multiple aptitude tests produces little or no increase in validity over the use of measures of general mental ability. It has been found that aptitude tests measure mostly GCA; in addition, each measures something specific to that aptitude (e.g., specifically numerical aptitude, over and above GCA). The GCA component appears to be responsible for the prediction of job and training performance, whereas factors specific to the aptitudes appear to contribute little or nothing to prediction. The research showing this is reviewed in Hunter (1986); Jensen (1986), Olea and Ree (1994); Ree and Earles (1992); Ree, Earles, and Teachout (1994); and Schmidt, Ones, and Hunter (1992), among other sources. Some have turned this argument around and have asked whether GCA contributes anything to prediction over and above specific aptitudes. This question is not as simple as it appears. If this question is asked for any single specific aptitude (e.g., verbal ability), the answer from research is that GCA has higher validity than any single aptitude and contributes incremental validity over and above that aptitude. In the context of GCA theory, this is not surprising, because any single aptitude measure is just one indicator of GCA and thus would be expected to have lower validity than a multiple indicator measure of GCA. However, as discussed in the next paragraph, any combination of two or three or more specific aptitudes is actually a measure of GCA. Comparing the validity of such a combination with the validity of a GCA measure amounts to comparing the validity of two GCA measures. So any difference in validity (typically small) would merely indicate that one measure was a better measure of GCA than the other. The same would be true for any findings of incremental validity in this situation. If the specific aptitudes in the combination of specific aptitudes are differentially weighted (i.e., using regression weights), the composite aptitude measure is still a measure of GCA. The question examined in the research described here pitting specific aptitude theory against GCA is whether such differentially weighted measures of GCA predict job or training performance better than an ordinary measure of GCA. The finding is that they do notmeaning that the differential weighting of the indicators of GCA is not effective in enhancing prediction. There are good theoretical reasons why this should in fact be the case (Schmidt, Hunter, & Pearlman, 1981). Despite the disconfirmation of specific aptitude theory, a variant of this theory is still used by practitioners, especially in the public sector. Based on my experiences and that of others, those developing tests to select police officers, firefighters, and other public sector employees typically conduct a thorough task analysis of the job. In the next step, they usually attempt to identify the specific cognitive skills required to perform each specific task. Examples of such specific cognitive skills include



things such as perceptual skills, memory, and numerical problem solving. The motivation for focusing on such specific skills is often the expectation of reduced adverse impact. Typically, a dozen or more such specific skills are identified and included in the resulting selection test. Such a testa test that measures performance across a number of such cognitive skillsfunctions as a measure of GCA. Hence, despite their initial intention to avoid GCA and to focus on the specific cognitive skills actually used, test developers using this approach create and use tests of GCA (Hunter & Schmidt, 1996). They are often unpleasantly surprised when they find that such tests show the usual majorityminority mean differences. A better understanding of GCA research and theory could prevent such surprises. On the basis of meta-analysis of over 400 studies, Hunter and Hunter (1984) estimated the validity of GCA for supervisor ratings of overall job performance to be .57 for high-complexity jobs (about 17% of U.S. jobs), .51 for medium-complexity jobs (63% of jobs), and .38 for low-complexity jobs (20% of jobs). These findings are consistent with those from other sources (Hunter & Schmidt, 1996; validities are larger against objective job sample measures of job performance, Hunter, 1983a). For performance in job training programs, a number of large databases exist, many based on military training programs. Hunter (1986) reviewed military databases totaling over 82,000 trainees and found an average validity of .63 for GCA. This figure is similar to those for training performance reported in various studies by Ree and his associates (e.g., Ree and Earles, 1991), by Thorndike (1986), by Jensen (1986), and by Hunter and Hunter (1984). Validity generalization research has advanced the understanding and prediction of job performance by demonstrating that, for most jobs, GCA is the most important trait determinant of job and training performance (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998). Tables 14 summarize many validity generalization findings on the validity of GCA and specific aptitudes for predicting both job and training performance. The data in Tables 1-3 illustrate an important research finding: Task differences between jobs do not appear to affect the generalizability of validity. The results presented in Table 1 are for individual jobs (e.g., specific types of clerical jobs), those presented in Table 2 are for broader job groupings (e.g., all clerical jobs combined), and the results presented in Table 3 are from validity generalization studies in which completely different jobs were included in the meta-analysis (e.g., cooks, welders, clerks). Yet, it can be seen that validity generalizes about as well across completely different jobs as it does within a single job. Standard deviations of validities increase very little as jobs become more task-heterogenous. Unlike differences in complexity levels, differences between jobs in task make-up do not affect GCA and aptitude test validity (Schmidt, Hunter, & Pearlman, 1981). Supervisory ratings of overall job performance were used as the measure of job performance in most of the data summarized in Table 4. In some settings, supervisors have limited ability to observe job performance, making the ratings potentially less accurate. An example of this is the data for law enforcement occupations shown in

TABLE 1 Validity Generalization Findings for Aptitude and Ability Tests Results With Narrow Job Groupings: All Job Titles the Same Job Test Type  .78 .67 .05 .64 .48 .43 .59 .65 .39 .66 .42 .36 .48 .48 .36 .21 .38 .38 .38 .40 .52 .61 .58 .69 SD .12 .35 .45 .23 .27 .18 .20 .16 .03 .00 .21 .16 .12 .17 .06 .21 .16 .07 .07 .00 .29 .15 .14 .17 Best Casea Worst Caseb Criterion

Schmidt, Hunter, Pearlman, and Shane (1979) Mechanical Repairman mechanical comprehension General Clerks general mental ability Machine Tenders spatial ability First Line Supervisor general mental ability First Line Supervisor mechanical comprehension First Line Supervisor spatial ability Lilienthal and Pearlman (1980) Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Health Aid/Tech Science/Engineering Aid/Tech Science/Engineering Aid/Tech Science/Engineering Aid/Tech Science/Engineering Aid/Tech Science/Engineering Aid/Tech Science/Engineering Aid/Tech Science/Engineering Aid/Tech verbal quantitative perceptual speed memory/follow directions reasoning spatial verbal quantitative perceptual speed reasoning spatial verbal quantitative perceptual speed reasoning spatial verbal quantitative

.93 1.00 .63 .93 .83 .66 .85 .85 .43 .66 .69 .56 .63 .70 .44 .48 .58 .47 .47 .40 .89 .80 .80 .91

.63 .22 .52 .35 .14 .20 .33 .44 .36 .66 .16 .15 .33 .26 .28 .06 .17 .29 .29 .40 .14 .43 .40 .48




TABLE 1 (Continued) Job Science/Engineering Aid/Tech Science/Engineering Aid/Tech Pearlman, Schmidt, and Hunter (1980) A B E A B C A B C E A B C A B C D E A B C A B C A B Test Type perceptual speed spatial general mental ability general mental ability general mental ability verbal ability verbal ability verbal ability quantitative quantitative quantitative quantitative reasoning reasoning reasoning perceptual speed perceptual speed perceptual speed perceptual speed perceptual speed memory memory memory spatial/mechanical spatial/mechanical sspatial/mechanical general mental ability general mental ability  .31 .48 .50 .49 .43 .39 .41 .37 .49 .52 .60 .45 .38 .63 .31 .45 .50 .45 .40 .39 .38 .42 .44 .20 .42 .48 .80 .66 SD .22 .25 .24 .24 .00 .23 .25 .00 .13 .16 .09 .00 .00 .12 .18 .24 .14 .00 .22 .12 .20 .00 .14 .12 .19 .06 .00 .06 Best Casea .59 .80 .81 .80 .43 .68 .69 .37 .66 .72 .72 .45 .38 .78 .54 .76 .68 .45 .68 .54 .64 .42 .62 .36 .66 .56 .80 .74 Worst Caseb .04 .16 .19 .18 .43 .10 .10 .37 .32 .32 .49 .45 .38 .47 .08 .14 .33 .45 .12 .24 .13 .42 .25 .04 .17 .41 .80 .57 Criterion P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P T T



general mental ability general mental ability verbal ability verbal ability verbal ability verbal ability quantitative quantitative quantitative quantitative reasoning reasoning reasoning perceptual speed perceptual speed perceptual speed perceptual speed perceptual speed spatial/mechanical spatial/mechanical spatial/mechanical

.70 .54 .75 .62 .60 .46 .79 .66 .62 .46 .29 .29 .26 .46 .38 .41 .36 .02 .47 .36 .26 .48 .46 .57 .73 .91 .49

.00 .11 .00 .12 .00 .13 .00 .07 .05 .08 .00 .00 .00 .27 .25 .14 .17 .17 .10 .25 .15 .38 .32 .34 .27 .17 .12

.70 .68 .75 .77 .60 .63 .79 .75 .68 .56 .29 .29 .26 .81 .70 .59 .58 .24 .60 .68 .45 .92 .87 .72 1.00 1.00 .64

.70 .41 .75 .47 .60 .29 .79 .57 .55 .36 .29 .29 .26 .11 .06 .23 .53 .20 .35 .05 .07 .05 .06 .13 .39 .70 .33


Schmidt, Gast-Rosenberg, and Hunter (1979) Computer programmer number series (1) Computer programmer figure analogies (2) Computer programmer arithmetic reasoning (3) Computer programmer sum of (1), (2), & (3) Computer programmer sum of (1), (2), & (3) Linn, Harnish, and Dunbar (1981) Law School Students LSAT (Low School Aptitude Test)


Note. T = training performance; P = proficiency on the job; Jobs: A = stenography, typing, and filing clerks; B = computing and account receiving clerks; C = production and stock clerks; D = information and message distribution clerks; E = public contact and service clerks.

Job Pearlman (1980) All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined All clerical combined

TABLE 2 Results With Broader Job Groupings Test Type  .52 .39 .47 .39 .47 .38 .30 .30 .44 .71 .64 .70 .39 .39 .37 .40 .53 .57 .49 .62 .75 .76 .11 .31 .26 SD .24 .23 .14 .15 .22 .17 .19 .21 .43 .12 .13 .12 .18 .20 .20 .00 .19 .14 .00 .21 .00 .00 .14 .27 .15 Best Casea Worst Caseb Criterion

general mental ability verbal ability quantitative ability reasoning perceptual speed memory spatial mechanical motor ability performance tests general mental ability verbal ability quantitative ability reasoning perceptual speed spatial/mechanical

.83 .68 .65 .58 .75 .60 .54 .57 .99 .86 .81 .86 .62 .63 .63 .40 .77 .77 .49 .89 .75 .76 .50 .66 .45

.21 .09 .30 .19 .19 .17 .05 .03 .11 .56 .47 .56 .16 .11 .11 .40 .29 .39 .49 .35 .75 .76 ..07 .04 .07


Results for law enforcement occupations (Hirsh, Nothup, & Schmidt, 1986) All occupations combined Memory (M) Quantitative (Q) Reasoning (R) Spatial/mechanical Verbal (V) *Verbal + reasoning *V + Q + spatial/mechanical Memory (M) Perceptual speed Psychomotor

Quantitative (Q) Reasoning (R) Spatial/mechanical Verbal (V) V+R V + R + M + spatial/mechanical V + Q +spatial/mechanical Schmidt, Hunter, and Caplan (1981) All petroleum plant operators (1) All maintenance trades (2) (1) and (2) (1), (2) and Lab technicians (3) (1) (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) (1) (2) (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) (2) (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) (1) (2) (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) (1) (2) (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) mechanical competence mechanical competence mechanical competence mechanical competence mechanical competence mechanical competence mechanical competence Chemical competence Chemical competence Chemical competence Chemical competence Chemical competence Chemical competence Chemical competence General mental ability General mental ability General mental ability General mental ability General mental ability General mental ability General mental ability General mental ability

.33 .20 .21 .21 .34 .27 .35 .32 .36 .33 .32 .47 .48 .46 .30 .30 .28 .29 .47 .28 .48 .22 .31 .26 .26 .68 .56 .65 .63

.20 .10 .10 .21 .26 .27 .27 .05 .20 .10 .08 .15 .10 .12 .05 .05 .03 .00 .00 .03 .00 .16 .18 .18 .16 .00 .00 .00 .00

.59 .33 .34 .48 .67 .62 .70 .38 .62 .46 .42 .66 .61 .61 .36 .36 .32 .29 .47 .32 .48 .42 .49 .49 .46 .68 .56 .65 .63

.07 .07 .08 .06 .01 .01 .00 .26 .11 .20 .22 .28 .35 .30 .24 .24 .24 .29 .47 .24 .48 .02 .04 .04 .06 .68 .56 .65 .63




TABLE 2 (Continued) Job (1) (2) (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) (1) (2) (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) (1) (1) and (2) (1), (2) and (3) Callender and Osburn (1981)* (1), (2) and (3) (1), (2) and (3) (1), (2) and (3) (1), (2) and (3) (1), (2) and (3) (1), (2) and (3) (1), (2) and (3) (1), (2) and (3) Test Type Arithmetic reasoning Arithmetic reasoning Arithmetic reasoning Arithmetic reasoning Arithmetic reasoning Arithmetic reasoning Arithmetic reasoning Arithmetic reasoning Numerical ability Numerical ability Numerical ability General mental ability Mechanical competence Chemical competence Arithmetic reasoning General mental ability Mechanical competence Chemical competence Quantitative ability  .26 .15 .31 .31 .49 .70 .52 .48 .33 .30 .30 .31 .31 .28 .20 .50 .52 .47 .52 SD .20 .16 .18 .17 .30 .00 .22 .27 .20 .14 .11 .12 .16 .00 .19 .00 .07 .00 .15 Best Casea .52 .36 .54 .53 .87 .70 .80 .83 .59 .48 .44 .46 .52 .28 .44 .50 .61 .47 .71 Worst Caseb .01 .05 .09 .09 .11 .70 .13 .13 .07 .12 .15 .16 .11 .28 .04 .50 .43 .47 .33 Criterion P P P P T T T T P P P P P P P T T T T Note. T = training performance; P = proficency on the job; astericks denotes approximate measures of general cognitive ability. a90th percentile. b10th percentile. *Same Job Groups as in Schmidt, Hunter, & Caplan (1981).



TABLE 3 Results With Extremely Heterogeneous Job Groupings Job Test Type  .51 .56 .48 .50 .41 .45 .37 .37 .54 .41 .26 SD .12 .13 .10 .11 .11 .12 .10 .16 .17 .10 .13 Best Casea Worst Caseb Criterion

Schmidt, Hunter and Pearlman (1981)c 35 widely varying Vocabulary army jobs Arithmetic reasoning Spatial ability Mech. comp. Perceptual speed Hunter and Hunter (1984)d Over 500 widely Gen. mental ability varying jobs Spatial/perceptual Psychomotor Gen. mental ability Spatial/perceptual Psychomotor

.66 .73 .61 .64 .55 .61 .50 .57 .76 .54 .43

.36 .39 .35 .36 .27 .29 .24 .17 .32 .28 .09


Note. T = training performance; P = proficiency on the job. a90th percentile. b10th percentile. c35 Widely varying Army jobs. dOver 500 widely varying jobs.

TABLE 4 GATB Research Findings: Average Validity of Three Kinds of Ability Performance in Training Programs GMA .59 .65 .65 .54 GPA .26 .53 .53 .53 PMA .13 .09 .09 .40

Performance on the Job Complexity Level of Job 1 (high) 2 3 4 5 (low) % of Work Force 14.7 2.5 2.5 17.7 2.4 GMA .58 .56 .56 .40 .23 GPA .35 .52 .52 .35 .24 PMA .21 .30 .30 .43 .48

Note. Source: J.E. Hunter (1984), Validity Generalization for 12,000 Jobs: An Application of Synthetic Validity and Validity Generalization to the General Aptitude Test Battery. Washington, DC: U.S. Employment Service, U.S. Department of Labor. GATB = General Aptitude Test Battery; GMA = General mental ability, which can be measured by any of a number of commercially available tests (e.g., The Wonderlic Test and The Purdue Adaptability Test); GPA = General perceptual ability, which is a combination of spatial ability and perceptual speed (GPA is measured by the sum of standardized scores on three-dimensional spatial visualization tests an example is the Revised Minnesota Paper form Board Test) and perceptual speed tests (e.g., The Minnesota Clerical Test); PMA = Psychomotor ability, tests measuring this ability focus on manual dexterity (these are usually not paper and pencil test) they typically require such things as the rapid assembling and disassembling of bolts, nuts, and washers or the rapid placement of differently shaped pegs or blocks in holes of corresponding shape (e.g., The Purdue Pegboard Test). Psychomotor ability is particularly useful in selecting workers for jobs low in cognitive (information processing) complexity.



Table 2 (mostly police jobs; Hirsh, Northrup, & Schmidt, 1986); supervisors typically spend their day in the precinct office and do not observe their officers at work. In law enforcement, the average validity of GCA measures for job performance ratings (last three validities for this occupation in Table 2) is only .32, lower than the average for other occupations (although still substantial). Yet, validities of GCA measures for predicting performance in the police academy are very large, averaging .75 (last two training performance validities), calling into question the mean GCA validity of .32 for performance on the job. Hence, it seems clear that job performance ratings in law enforcement are probably not as accurate as in the case of jobs in which supervisors have greater opportunity to observe their subordinates. A major concern in the case of GCA measures is lower rates of minority hiring due to the mean differences between groups on GCA measures. These differences in hiring rates can and should be reduced by including valid noncognitive measures in the selection process (Hunter & Schmidt, 1996). However, within the context of GCA measurement per se, there has been interest in the possibility of using videobased tests and other nontraditional vehicles to measure GCA with the objective of reducing adverse impact while holding validity constant. These attempts have generally failed; either group differences have not been reduced or they have but validity has fallen (Sackett et al., 2001). From a theoretical point of view, it is easy to understand these findings. The underlying assumption or hypothesis is that the typical paper-and-pencil approach to measuring GCA creates a bias against minority groupsan hypothesis that is contradicted both by the research findings on predictive fairness and by the broader research findings in differential psychology that I discuss later. If the underlying group differences in GCA are as revealed by previous research, and if a predictor is a measure of GCA, it is not possible to reduce group differences without reducing validity. For a measure of GCA, there are only two ways to reduce group differences. First, one can reduce the reliability of the measure; adding measurement error reduces group differences. This lowers validity. Second, one can modify the measure so that it no longer is a measure only of GCA. This can be achieved by introducing variance from other constructs; for example, one can add personality items and make the measure partly a measure of conscientiousness. This can reduce group differencesand can do so without reducing validity (in fact validity could increase)but this would no longer be a measure of GCA (Sackett et al., 2001). Hence, for a measure of GCA per se, it is not possible to reduce group differnces in any important way while avoiding loss of validity. Furthermore, even if one could develop a reliable GCA measure with reduced group differences and with no reduction in validity, such a test would be predictively biasedagainst the majority group. This is because the mean difference in job performance would remain the same; the reduction in the predictor mean difference would not change the criterion mean difference. For example, if such a hypothetical test showed no mean BlackWhite differences, it would predict a zero mean difference on job performance, whereas the actual difference would remain



the usual .50 SD. Hence, such a hypothetical test would be predictively biased; it would underpredict for Whites and overpredict for Blacks. The relative validity of different predictors of job performance was recently reviewed by Schmidt and Hunter (1998). Among predictors that can be used for entry-level hiring, none are close to GCA in validity. The next most valid predictor was found to be integrity tests (shown by Ones, 1993, to measure mostly the personality trait of conscientiousness). Integrity tests can be used along with a test of GCA to yield a combined validity of .65 (Ones, Viswesvaran & Shmidt, 1993). Among predictors suitable for hiring workers already trained or experienced, only job sample tests and job knowledge tests are comparable in validity to GCA. However, job knowledge and job sample performance are consequences of GCA (Hunter & Schmidt, 1996; Schmidt & Hunter, 1992). That is, GCA is the major cause of both job knowledge and job sample performance. Hence, in using these predictors, one is using an indirect measure of GCA. For the reasons discussed in Schmidt and Hunter (1998), predictors other than ability are best used as supplements to increment the validity of GCA alone. On the basis of available meta-analyses, Schmidt and Hunter (1998) presented estimates of incremental validity for 15 such predictors for job performance and 8 for training performance. Some of these predictors are positively correlated with GCA (e.g., employment interviews) and so are in part measures of GCA. TAKING A BROADER VIEW: COULD THE FINDINGS ON GCA HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT? Could the findings summarized earlier have been different? Could it have turned out that GCA was not very important to job performance? Actually, it could not have. In fact, even if no validation studies had ever been conducted relating GCA to job performance, we would still know that GCA predicted job performance. To see why this is so, we must take a broader view; we must broaden the narrow view common in I/O psychology. I/O psychology is not a social science islandit is part of a larger social science continent. Part of the continent is differential psychology: the general study of individual differences. Research in differential psychology has shown that GCA is related to performances and outcomes in so many areas of lifemore than any other variable measured in the social sciencesthat it would not be possible for job performance to be an exception to the rule that GCA impacts the entire life-space of individuals. The following list is a sampling of some of the life outcomes, other than job performance, that GCA predicts (Brody, 1992; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994; Jensen, 1980; Jensen, 1998): 1. School performance and achievement through elementary school, high school, and college.

200 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


Ultimate education level attained. Adult occupational level. Adult income. A wide variety of indexes of adjustment at all ages. Disciplinary problems in kindergarten through 12th grade (negative relation). Delinquency and criminal behavior (negative relation). Accident rates on the job (negative relation). Poverty (negative relation). Divorce (negative relation). Having an illegitimate child (for women; negative relation). Being on welfare (negative relation). Having a low birth weight baby (negative relation).

GCA is also correlated with a variety of important health-related behaviors (Lubinski & Humphreys, 1997) and a wide variety of tasks involved in everyday life, such as understanding instructions on forms and reading bus schedules, that are not part of ones occupational or job role (Gottfredson, 1997). In fact, the number of life outcomes the GCA predicts are too large to list in an article of this sort. Research in differential psychology has shown there are few things of any importance in the lives of individuals that GCA does not impact. How likely would it be that the one important exception to this rule would be something as important (and cognitively complex) as performance on the job? Not very likely. This means that the research showing a strong link between GCA and job performance could not have turned out differently. As I/O psychologists, we have a responsibility to take a broader, more inclusive view. We have a responsibility to be aware of relevant research outside the immediate narrow confines of I/O psychology, research that has important implications for conclusions in our field. One such research finding is the finding in differential psychology that GCA is more important than any other trait or characteristic discovered by psychologists in determining life outcomes. It would be irresponsible to ignore this finding in considering the role of GCA in job performance. Yet, this does sometimes happen, even when the individual differences research is conducted by I/O psychologists (e.g., Wilk, Desmarais, & Sackett, 1995; Wilk & Sackett, 1996). Why does this happen? One reason is that most I/O graduate programs no longer include a course in differential psychology. In our program at the University of Iowa, I teach such a seminar, and I find that students are astounded by the recent research findings in such areas as behavior genetics; GCA; personality; interests and values; and trait differences by age, sex, social class, ethnicity, and region of the United States. They are astounded because they have never before been exposed to this body of research. We need to ensure that no one becomes an I/O psychologist without a graduate course in differential psychology.



WHY IS GCA SO IMPORTANT? It is especially difficult for people to accept facts and findings they do not like if they see no reason why the findings should or could be true. When Alfred Weggner advanced the theory of plate tectonics early in the 20th century, geologists could think of no means by which continents or continental plates could move around. Not knowing of any plausible mechanism or explanation for the movement of continents, they found Weggners theory implausible and rejected it. Many people have had the same reaction to the empirical findings showing that GCA is highly predictive of job performance. The finding does not seem plausible to them because they cannot think of a reason why such a strong relation should exist (in fact, their intuition often tells them that noncognitive traits are more important than GCA; Hunter & Schmidt, 1996). However, just as in the case of plate tectonics theory, there is an explanation. Causal analyses of the determinants of job performance show that the major effect of GCA is on the acquisition of job knowledge: People higher in GCA acquire more job knowledge and acquire it faster. The amount of job-related knowledge required even on less complex jobs is much greater than is generally realized. Higher levels of job knowledge lead to higher levels of job performance. Viewed negatively, not knowing what one should be doingor even not knowing all that one should about what one should be doingis detrimental to job performance. And knowing what one should be doing and how to do it depends strongly on GCA. However, the effect of GCA on performance is not mediated solely through job knowledge; there is also a direct effect. That is, over and above the effects of job knowledge, job performance requires direct problem solving on the job. Hence, GCA has a direct effect on job performance independent of job knowledge. Space limitations preclude a full description of the causal research that provides this explanation; reviews of this research can be found in Hunter and Schmidt (1996) and Schmidt and Hunter (1992). The key point here is that, even within the confines of I/O research, there is more than just the brute empirical fact of the predictive validity of GCA. There is also an elaborated and empirically supported theoretical rationale that explains why GCA has such high validity. (And, of course, there are also the broader converging and confirming findings in differential psychology, discussed earlier.)

IS THIS THE BEST OF ALL WORLDS? Would it be better if GCA were less important than it is in determining job performance? In my opinion, it would. From many points of view, it would be better if GCA were less important. For example, it would be better if specific aptitude theory had been confirmed rather than disconfirmed. If specific aptitude theory fit re-



ality, then a larger percentage of people could be high on both predicted and actual job performance. The majority of people could be in, say, the top 10% in predicted job performance for at least one job and probably many. This outcome seems much fairer and more democratic to me. It would also have been much better if noncognitive traits, such as personality traits, had turned out to have the highest validityrather than GCA. Personality trait measures show minimal group differences, and so adverse impact would have virtually disappeared as a problem. In addition, if all of the Big Five personality traits had high validity, whereas GCA did not, and different, relatively uncorrelated personality traits predicted performance for different jobs, then most people could again be in the top 10% in predicted (and actual) performance for at least one job and probably many. Again, this outcome seems much fairer and more desirable to me. So the world revealed by our research (and research in differential psychology in general) is not the best of all worlds. The world revealed by research is not one that is easy to accept, much less to embrace. However, can we reject what we know to be true in favor of what we would like to be true, and still claim that we are a science-based field? This is in fact what current social policy does. Current social policy, in effect, pretends that the research findings summarized earlier do not exist. Current social policy strongly discourages hiring and placing people in jobs on the basis of GCA, even when the consequences of not doing so are severe. For example, in Washington, DC, in the late 1980s, GCA requirements were virtually eliminated in the hiring of police officers, resulting in severe and socially dangerous decrements in the performance of the police force (Carlson, 1993a, 1993b). More recently, under pressure from the U.S. Department of Justice, changes in the selection process for police hiring in Nassau County, NY, were made that virtually eliminated GCA requirements (Gottfredson, 1996). In a large U.S. steel company, reduction in mental ability requirements in the selection of applicants for skilled trades apprenticeships resulted in documented dramatic declines in quality and quantity of work performed (Schmidt & Hunter, 1981). As an industrial psychologist, I am familiar with numerous cases such as these resulting from current social policy, most of which have not been quantified and documented. This social policy also has a negative effect on U.S. international competitiveness in the global economy (Schmidt, 1993). The source of many of these policies has been the interpretation that the government agencies, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Justice, and some courts have placed on Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (and its subsequent amendments). Some minorities, in particular Blacks and Hispanics, typically have lower average scores on employment tests of aptitude and abilities, resulting in lower hiring rates. The theory of adverse impact holds that such employment tests cause these differences rather than merely measuring them. That is, this theory falsely attributes the score differences and the hiring rate differences to biases in the testsbiases which research has shown do not exist.



A large body of research shows that employment (and educational) tests of ability and aptitude are not predictively biased (Hartigan & Wigdor, 1989; Hunter, 1981b; Hunter & Schmidt, 1982a; Schmidt & Hunter, 1981; Schmidt et al., 1992; Wigdor & Garner, 1982). That is, the finding is that any given GCA test score has essentially the same implications for future job performance for applicants regardless of group membership. For example, Whites and Blacks with low test scores are equally likely to fail on the job. Hence, research findings directly contradict the theory of adverse impact and the requirements that social policy has imposed on employers on the basis of that theory (Schmidt & Hunter, 1999). The major requirement stemming from the theory of adverse impact has been costly and complicated validation requirements for any hiring and promotion procedures that show group disparities. In particular, employers desiring to select on the basis of GCA must meet these expensive and time-consuming requirements. These requirements encourage the abandonment of ability requirements for job selection, resulting in reduced levels of job performance and output among all employees, not merely for minority employees. In fact, the productivity losses are much greater among nonminority employees than among minority employees (Schmidt & Hunter, 1981). What should social policy be in connection with GCA in the area of employee selection? Social policy should encourage employers to hire on the basis of valid predictors of performance, including GCA. The research findings discussed earlier indicate that such a policy is likely to maximize economic efficiency and growth (including job growth), resulting in increases in the general standard of living (Hunter & Schmidt, 1982), benefiting all members of society. However, social policy should also encourage use in hiring of those noncognitive methods known to both decrease minoritymajority hiring rate differences and to increase validity (and, hence, job performance). That is, social policy should take into account research findings on the role of personality and other noncognitive traits in job performance to simultaneously reduce hiring rate differences and increase the productivity gains from personnel selection (Ones, Viswevaran, & Schmidt, 1993; Sackett et al., 2001; Schmidt et al., 1992). The goal of current social policy is equal representation of all groups in all jobs and at all levels of job complexity. Even with fully nondiscriminatory and predictively fair selection methods, this goal is unrealistic, at least at this time, because groups today differ in mean levels of job-relevant skills and abilities (Sackett et al., 2001). They also differ greatly in mean age and education level, further reducing the feasibility of this policy goal. The current pursuit of this unrealistic policy goal results not only in frustration, but also in social disasters of the sort that befell the Washington, DC, police force. This unrealistic policy goal should give way to a policy of eradication of all remaining real discrimination against individuals in the workplace. The chief industrial psychologist in a large manufacturing firm told me that his firm had achieved



nondiscrimination in employment, promotion, and other personnel areas. He stated that the firm still had some discrimination against Blacks and women in some locations, but that was balanced out by the discrimination (preference) in favor of Blacks and women in the firms affirmative action programs. So, in balance, the firm was nondiscriminatory! Actually, the firm simply had two types of discrimination, both of which should not have existed. Both types of discrimination cause employee dissatisfaction and low morale. Discrimination causes resentment and bitterness, because it violates the deeply held American value that each person should be treated as an individual and judged on his or her own merits. Defenders of the present policy often argue that the task of eliminating all individual-level discrimination is formidable, excessively time consuming, and costly. They argue that the use of minority preferences, hiring goals, time tables, and quotas is much more resource-efficient. However, it is also ineffective, socially divisive, and productive of social disasters of the type described earlier.

RESPONSES TO ISSUES IN THE DEBATE In this section I discuss some of the contentions advanced by other participants in the SIOP debate. One participant stated that there would be no reluctance to accept the finding of high validity for GCA if it were not for the fact of group differences and adverse impact. I do not think this is the case. Although group differences and adverse impact (in employment and education) do contribute substantially to this reluctance, this is not the whole story. Even if there were no mean differences between groups, a world in which success at work and in life was determined by a large number of relatively independent traits would be fairer and more desirable than the world as revealed by researcha world in which GCA is the dominant determinant of success and half of all people are by definition below average in GCA. Hence, people prefer to believe in the former world and tend to want to reject the research findings on GCA. I find this tendency among students who are not even aware of group differences in GCA. As I indicated earlier, the world as revealed by research is not the best world we can imagine. We can imagine a more desirable world, and we want to believe that that world is the real world. We want to believe a pleasant falsehood. We are in denial. Another participant stated that the research by Claude Steele on stereotype threat (Steele, 1997; Steele & Aronson, 1995) could explain the lower average GCA scores of some minority groups. However, if this were the case, then GCA scores would of necessity display predictive bias in the prediction of educational and occupational performance. Stereotype threat is hypothesized to artificially lower minority scores, resulting in underestimate of actual GCA. Any artificial depression of scores of a group must logically result in predictive bias against that group. Yet, as noted earlier, the literature is clear in showing no predictive bias



against minority groups. There are also other problems. In the typical stereotype threat study, minority and majority students are prematched on some index of GCA (such as Scholastic Assessment Test scores). (For reasons that are not clear, the researchers assume these scores have not been affected by stereotype threat.) Hence, group differences existing in the wider population are artificially eliminated in the study. Participants are then given other GCA tests under both conditions designed to evoke stereotype threat and conditions without stereotype threat (control condition). It is then often found that stereotype threat lowers minority scores somewhat in comparison to the control condition. Therefore, the group difference created in this manner is in addition to the regularly observed group difference. Perhaps the best way to summarize this research is as follows: Minorities typically average lower than nonminorities (and no predictive bias is found for these scores); however, by creating stereotype threat we can make this difference even larger (Sackett et al., 2001). (Note that this means that for scores obtained under stereotype threat, predictive bias against minorities should be found. However, no predictive bias studies have been conducted on GCA scores obtained under conditions of stereotype threat.) Another proposition advanced during the debate is that GCA is not unique as a predictor because meta-analyses indicate that job sample (work sample) tests have even higher validity, as shown in Schmidt and Hunter (1998). This review reported a mean validity of .54 for work sample tests versus a validity of .51 for GCA for medium complexity jobs (63% of all jobs in the United States). The problem with this comment is that performance on work sample tests is a consequence of GCA and hence reflects GCA, as noted earlier. Causal modeling studies have supported the following causal sequence: GCA causes the acquisition of job knowledge, which in turn is the major cause of performance on work sample tests. Hence, work sample tests are not independent of GCA, but rather reflect the effects of GCA. There is also another consideration: Most hiring is done at the entry level, and work sample tests cannot be used for entry-level hiring. Another participant advanced the hypothesis that the criterion may be the problem. That is, he suggested that the problem lies in the ways in which I/O psychologists measure job performance, with the implication being that more construct valid performance measures might show that GSA tests are predictively biased against minorities. Job performance is typically measured using supervisory ratings, and the focus of this comment was that such ratings may have construct validity problems as performance measures. Could the research findings of predictive fairness just be a function of construct deficiencies in job performance ratings? This is an example of a case in which triangulation is essential in scientific research. What are the research findings on predictive fairness when other criterion measures are used? Although supervisory ratings are used in most studies, this is not true for all studies. Exceptions fall into two major categories: studies of performance in training using objective measures of amount learned and studies using



objective job or work sample measures as the criterion. The military has produced large numbers of training performance studies based on objective measures of amount learnedsometimes objective written tests and sometimes hands-on work sample tests (and sometimes combinations of these). These studies show the same lack of predictive bias as is found in studies based on supervisory ratings. Nontraining validation studies using work sample measures obtain the same result. This is true even when those scoring the work sample are blind to the subgroup membership of the participants (Campbell, Crooks, Mahoney, & Rock, 1973; Gael & Grant, 1972; Gael, Grant, & Ritchie, 1975a, 1975b; Grant & Bray, 1970). The findings are similar in the educational domain; different criterion measures used in educational research show the same pattern of lack of predictive bias. Hence, it is not the case that conclusions of predictive fairness rest on the foundation of ratings. All criterion types support the same conclusion. Thus, there is enough research information available to reject the hypothesis that the criterion is the problem. One participant emphasized the fact that the structured employment interview appears to have validity comparable to GCA but with smaller subgroup differences, with the implication being that something may be amiss with GCA tests. Although no definitive studies have been conducted showing exactly what constructs are measured by structured interviews, it seems likely that both cognitive and noncognitive constructs are assessed. The finding of positive correlations between structured interview scores and GCA scores (Huffcutt, Roth, & McDaniel, 1996) indicates that GCA is assessed to some degree. Personality traits and other noncognitive traits are probably also assessed. Any predictor score or composite made of both noncognitive constructs and GCA can be expected to show smaller group differences than GCA alone (Sackett et al., 2001). And if the noncognitive dimensions are valid, such a measure may have validity equal to that of GCA measures (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998). This leads to the question raised by the participant: Why not use the structured interview in place of a GCA test and get the same validity with less adverse impact? There is no question that this can be done. However, as noted and demonstrated by Schmidt and Hunter (1998), combinations of predictors lead to higher validity and practical utility than single predictors. Use of a structured interview and a GCA test together (in a compensatory model) yields a validity of .63, versus a validity of .51 for the interview alone. Hence, dropping GCA from the combination results in reduction in both validity and practical utility of nearly 20%. We can also look at this from the opposite view: What would be the consequences of using a GCA test alone, without the structured interview? The answer is lower validity (.51 vs. .63) and greater adverse impact. This example, again, points up the value of using valid noncognitive measures as supplements to GCA measures to increase validity and utility and reduce adverse impact. Finally, one speaker was concerned that differences between group means are smaller on job performance measures than on GCA. This comment must be con-



sidered against the backdrop of the established finding that GCA tests do not show predictive bias against minoritiesthat is, the finding, discussed in detail, that Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics with the same GCA test scores have essentially the same later average job performance. Because GCA is only one of the determinants of job performance, it is expected statistically that the difference on job performance will be smaller than the difference on GCA scoresgiven the fact of predictive fairness (Hunter & Schmidt, 1977). For example, given that the difference between Blacks and Whites on GCA is 1 SD and that the validity of GCA measures is typically about .50, the expected difference on job performance must be approximately .50 SD, and this has generally been found to be the case. If the job performance difference were larger or smaller than .50 SD, then research would not find a lack of predictive bias for GCA measures. Another consideration is reliability. Measures of job performance, especially job performance ratings, are less reliable than measures of GCA. Unreliability artificially reduces apparent group differencesthat is, adding the noise of measurement error increases standard deviations, which in turn reduces mean differences in standard deviation units. (This applies on the predictor end as well: GCA tests with low reliability show much smaller group differences than highly reliable GCA measures.) Hence, discussions of group differences that do not take reliability into account are misleading (Sackett et al., 2001). Job sample performance measures are usually more reliable (and more objective) than ratings. Job sample measures typically show BlackWhite mean differences of about .50 SD or slightly larger (e.g., see Campbell et al., 1973; Gael & Grant, 1972; Gael et al., 1975a, 1975b; Grant & Bray, 1970). At the true score level, these differences are about .55 to .60about the same as the true score differences on job performance ratings (Hunter & Hirsh, 1987). This complex of research findings is consistent with the theory that GCA is a major determinant of job performance, but there are other determinants that do not show group differences, such as conscientiousness. This is why combining a measure of GCA and a measure of conscientiousness reduces group differences while increasing validity and maintaining predictive fairness.

SUMMARY The purely empirical research evidence in I/O psychology showing a strong link between GCA and job performance is so massive that there is no basis for questioning the validity of GCA as a predictor of job performancea predictor that is valid and predictively unbiased for majority and minority groups. In addition to all the purely empirical evidence for the validity and predictive fairness of GCA, there is also a well developed and empirically supported theory that explains why GCA predicts job performance. And even if I/O psychologists had



never researched the link between GCA and job performance, research findings on GCA in the broader areas of differential psychology would still compel us to conclude that GCA is predictive of job performance, because it is simply too implausible that GCA could predict all major life performance outcomes except job performance. These findings from differential psychology make the overall theoretical picture for GCA even clearer. Especially when combined with the fact of group differences in mean GCA scores, these findings do not reflect the kind of world most of us were hoping for and hence are not welcome to many people. As a result, we see many attemptsdesperate attemptsto somehow circumvent these research findings and reach more palatable conclusions. Such attempts are clearly evident in some of the articles published in this special issue, and I have addressed many of them in this article. Others are addressed in the literature cited. These attempts are in many ways understandable; years ago I was guilty of this myself. However, in light of the evidence that we now have, these attempts are unlikely to succeed. There comes a time when you just have to come out of denial and objectively accept the evidence.

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