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A Degree of Intelligence

A Degree of Intelligence
A scenario for experienced 1st career heroes in the dangerous world of Warhammer.

Conceived and created by: Mike Mason, Ian J Revill, and Che Webster
April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 1 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM


A Degree of Intelligence

GM Plot Overview...................................................................................................................................3 Scenario Timeline ....................................................................................................................................5 Chapter 1 Prologue ...............................................................................................................................6 Chapter 2 Into the Halls ........................................................................................................................8 Chapter 3 Into the Headmasters office ..............................................................................................10 Chapter 3a A Shadow Encounter........................................................................................................12 Chapter 4 Books, Bodies and Bulbs ...................................................................................................13 Chapter 5 Checking out the class........................................................................................................15 Chapter 6 The Pub crawl.....................................................................................................................18 Chapter 7 Contacting the Contacts .....................................................................................................20 Chapter 8 ello, ello, ello..................................................................................................................21 Chapter 9 The Bounty Hunter Cometh ...........................................................................................23 Chapter 10 The Witching Hour ..........................................................................................................25 Chapter 11 The Godfather ..................................................................................................................27 Chapter 12 Unrest at the University....................................................................................................28 Chapter 13 A Battle with Death to the Death .....................................................................................31 Chapter 14 Storm the Guild ................................................................................................................34 Chapter 15 Red Herrings ....................................................................................................................36 Chapter 16 The Battle at the Portals Edge.........................................................................................41 Chapter 17 Epilogue ...........................................................................................................................47 Appendix 1 Rumours and gossip ........................................................................................................48 Appendix 2 Dr Fausts All Natural Cure All Remedy .....................................................................49 Appendix 3 Experience Awards .........................................................................................................51 Handout 1 Leopolds Letter ................................................................................................................53 Handout 2 The Kidnappers Letter .....................................................................................................54 Handout 3 Scar Faces letter ...............................................................................................................55 Handout 4 The Brothers Letter..........................................................................................................56

Playtesters Wed like to thank the playtesters, who were the first to play this scenario their input has been a great help. Amy Hamman-Williamson, Ava Horowitz, Chris Smith, Colin ONeil, Duncan Campbell, Esther Rodriguez, Graham Ship, Imogen Clayton, James McGookin, Judy Furmston, Mike Grace, Neil Yates,

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A Degree of Intelligence

GM Plot Overview
The PCs are contacted by an old mentor of one of the players. Trouble is brewing in Altdorf, and the Chancellor could do with some help from people he trusts. Last night, a messenger brought some chilling news his Niece has been kidnapped, and wont be returned until the gang are given 20,000 gold coins. The Professor asks the heroes to visit him at the University, and help find his Niece. The Heroes, after being set upon by thugs in the city, arrive, and begin to realise that the university is not operating in the usual way. Students move around in large groups, watching everybody suspiciously, and carrying weapons, the City Watch are patrolling the very halls of the University, and most of the staff look worried. Altdorf is in the middle of a kidnapping and murder spree, with bodies going missing from graves, the rich and famous having family members snatched for ransom, and numerous smash and grab raids across the city. Professor Leopold Holst, the Chancellor and Head of Medicine, Histories and Antiquities greets the PCs as friends and lays out his worries namely that his Niece has been kidnapped for ransom, and he cant go to the City Watch, as it would bring shame on the University and possibly greater involvement with the city government into University affairs (by watching the staff and students, and monitoring of budgets, etc). The PCs, on hearing rumours and strange goings on around the university, and in the local inns and taverns, will learn of the kidnappers, and of body snatchers operating near the university, and how a Professor in the University is linked to these two groups. Leopold will also point out the strange goings on of a fellow Professor on his staff, as Witch Hunters, a Bounty Hunter, and City Watch check out the PCs, and help muddy the waters around the kidnapping. They are looking for clues on body snatchers, the stealing of artefacts that could be used in a dark ritual one the Witch Hunters are in terror of. The trail will lead to Doctor Johann Kasch, a Necromancer, secretly at work in the depths of the university, creating a collection of freakish monsters for his own mad scheme, a link will then be found to the body snatchers (who are also the kidnappers) and the kidnapped niece. The clues should all point to the kind teacher of one of the heroes if they get it wrong, to poor innocent Professor Theobold Goulcher, but the real villain is Chancellor Leopold Holst Behind the scenes, he hired the thieves to steal some artefacts (from a museum and a rich noble of high birth), he then borrowed some creatures from Doctor Johann Kasch to kill the thieves to stop them talking (he decided to remove the link from the items to himself, and had the rogues killed by zombies), after the Bounty Hunter appears (Acting like a fellow historian) and questioned Holst over the items. Without Holst's knowledge, the gang leader had already sent a message to his brother, bragging about the work he had, and so when he was killed, the brother hatched a plan to get even, and set up his gang (Who were working with Kasch - and stealing bodies/kidnapping sacrifices (Which most Kasch

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passed onto Holst)) to kidnap the niece for money. Only Scar face knows it is vengeance - the others think it is the money. Leopold was now too close to the performance of a ritual to bring forth the Changer of ways Tzeentch, using the stolen Artefacts, a number of kidnap victims held in a cell under the university, and Johann Kaschs greatest creation a vessel to hold the summoned creature. Once within the body, the daemon will be free to roam the empire, and sow chaos. Because of this, the Chancellor brought in people he thought he could control the heroes, who could, in the end stop the ritual, held deep within the university from happening. In the course of this adventure, the heroes should end up feeling totally used by someone who they thought they could trust. Depending on who they question, and the people they befriend or make into enemies, they could arrive at the final conflict armed with items and knowledge to help or hinder in this struggle for the future of Altdorf.

Character list
Doctor Johann Kasch Deputy Head of Medicine Grey, stringy hair, hangs limply off his bony head. Like an old extra off a Hammer Horror film, he walks around like a Praying Mantis. Acts strange and distant, with odd bursts of manic action. Chancellor Leopold Holst Chancellor, and Head of Medicine, Histories and Antiquities. White haired old man, who acts kind, concerned, confused, and very woolly, but is in fact a highly intelligent conniving, power mad cultist, who wants to bring forth the destruction of man, and set up his own empire, backed by the power of Tzeentch. All this is hidden under the Grandfather cover he has built up. Over the years, he has befriended many students, who have either joined his cult, created other sub cults elsewhere, or can be used as patsies when required. Professor Theobold Goulcher Deputy Head of Histories and Antiquities. A nice, caring man, with a great interest in artefacts. His shiny bald head and big thick glasses give the impression of weakness. Body Snatchers/Kidnappers Scar face (Benni) is brother to murdered thief. This gang are very ruthless Artefact Thieves All Dead, including Scar faces Brother (Lenni). Each was killed in a very gruesome way. Witch Hunters Rico and Rocco are identical Both have long red hair tied back with a black metal clasp. They act friendly and non threatening, but have a strong ability in dealing with Chaos. City Watch The watch are mainly honest and hard working, but will accept the odd bribe, if its not to hide crimes within Altdorf. Ron Greenin - Bounty Hunter Dark Green cloak and leathers and armed to the teeth, Ron Greenin is a man not to mess with. One of the greatest living Bounty Hunters alive, the majority of the populace know nothing about his successes something that Ron is quite happy with. Sure in his abilities, the man has managed a 100% record on all the tasks hes been hired to do so far.

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Scenario Timeline
The Heroes only have 3 days to solve the kidnapping mystery, but there is more to uncover than just that. This time line will show when each chapter will be done over the next 3 days. Day One PCs gain Holsts Letter and are set upon by the City Thugs at the end of a sunny day (Chapter One) The Heroes enter the University (Chapter Two), Meet Chancellor Holst (Chapter Three), and then are accosted by a tormented shade (Chapter Three a). Day Two The Next day, the heroes have much to check out The Graveyard and the Library (Chapter 4). They can check up on Alissimas class and tutor (Chapter 5), they can search for the people watching the Chancellor in the local Pubs (Chapter 6). This could lead onto meeting the Bounty Hunter (Chapter 9), The Witch Hunters (Chapter 10), or the Scarred Thief (Chapter 11). They can also check out the thieves guild, or the city watch for information (Chapter 7) or be questioned for any deaths caused on the Thugs that attacked them on day one (Chapter 8). Day Three In the morning of the third day, a special meeting at the University will be set up (Chapter 12). This will lead onto a battle with the Necromantic Doctor Kasch (Chapter 13), and a fight in the safe house of the kidnappers (Chapter 14). Later in the afternoon, the heroes will learn many new bits of information (Chapter 15), that should lead them into a final battle with evil Chancellor Holst (Chapter 16). And then the loose ends will be tied up in the late evening (Chapter 17).

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Chapter 1 Prologue
The heroes are attacked by thugs as they travel towards the University. The sun was starting to fall in the sky when the messenger brought the note to your table a note from an old friend and mentor. The thought that he could be in trouble had stirred you into action, and quickly explaining your plans to your friends, all soon volunteered to help. Quickly collecting your cloaks, you and your friends left the safe lodgings of The Golden Coin, and headed across the city to the University grounds. And now you find yourself here a dark alley, a number of men armed with clubs and knifes, and most of you unarmed the error of rushing into things! Dont bother callin for the watch either they arent gonna save you! sniggered the nearest thug So, hang over your purses, or do we bang heads? The thugs will attack as soon as the Players attack, or when they take too long to hand over their money. The Heroes should have Handout 1 Leopolds Letter at the start of the game. 4 thugs are in front of the heroes, with 2 more appearing at the other end of the alley. The leader (with a leather hat that is falling to bits) will hang back, and get his men to attack and threaten the heroes. They will be full of bravado, trying to scare the heroes, but will get more and more desperate as the talking goes on. All are very thin, hungry looking, and wearing rags. They will ask for 1 GC each for a fine for trespassing on their property. They will fight for a bit, but as soon as it looks too much one sided, they will run off. Most anyone will be carrying as a weapon would be a Staff or a knife most of their adventuring gear is in the Inn. Street Thugs - 6 in total Main WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Profile 25% 25% 28% 37% 31% 29% 37% 33% Secondary A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Profile 1 11 2 3 4 0 0 0 Skills: Charm, Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Silent Move, Speak Language (Reikspiel) Talents: Acute Hearing, Flee!, Hardy, Resistance to Disease Careers/Notes: Armed with Clubs (1d10+2), No armour. The thugs will run off when half their number falls. They will run into small winding passageways, and loose the heroes in the maze of back streets. The alleyway is 3 squares wide (6 yards), and 20 squares long (40 yards). Each Thug searched will have a Club or Knife, with D10 Shillings in a pouch. April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 6 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM


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The Heroes can then carry on towards the University If they return to the Golden Coin for their equipment, the bar man and a customer will comment on the number of attacks lately. Please take note if the Heroes use lethal force, and end up killing anybody. Later, this may mean a visit from the City Watch see Chapter 8 ello, ello, ello. Also, if the heroes are walking around in full arms and armour, the City Watch will take a bigger interest in the Heroes Stopping them to ask questions, checking on what they are up to, etc. The Heroes can then continue to the University. The Golden Coin The Golden Coin is a travellers pub people from all walks of life, with a need to see the world stay here as they pass through. The owner and Landlord is an old Dwarf (Imrak Glimmerson), retired from a life of adventure and the mercenary life. With what wealth he had amassed, Imrak set up a bar in the city of Altdorf, and the place soon became known for its great food and ale, and a safe place to stay. The final point may have something to do with the Bouncer in residence Ugg the Ogre. Ugg and Imrak fought together for many years, and without anywhere else to go, arrived on Imraks doorstep soon after the place opened 8 years later, the Ogre is still here, and now his wife (Uggless) has moved in as well! Between the two of them, most troublemakers go elsewhere. The bar is full of old wood and carved stone, with a homely feel that makes a dwarf feel secure. Imrak has a sharp wit, but looks kindly on younger dwarves who pass through his pub, and tries to pass on what he has learned in his travels. Ugg is a very large Ogre, who doesnt say much in public, but all the staff seem to comment on what high morale thoughts he says out of earshot of any customer. At the moment, the owner of the Golden Coin hates the Pigsticker Inn, due to the silly goblin art they use Imrak hates goblins, and thinks the place should be closed down something he will tell everybody how wants to listen! He even thinks they must be stealing beer from the Altdorf Brewery.

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Chapter 2 Into the Halls

Heroes arrive at the University grounds, and enter the university. The rest of the walk to the university area of the city is without incident, and soon you can begin to see the towers that form the oldest part of the campus. Various carriages and wagons pass back and forth in the busy streets around the university Inns and taverns are doing brisk business, groups of students moving to and from lectures, The City Watch walking to and from the city walls, and the bustle of normal street activities meet you, as you cross over a open square, heading for the chancellery. Ask the players for a Perception check, and they will notice a number of strange events The students seem to be moving about in larger than normal groups, and many seemed armed with clubs/staffs and daggers. The inns and taverns are full with drinkers, but the patrons are quieter than normal, and the Watch arent just moving through the area, they are patrolling. Old students will realise something is wrong the watch never patrol around here, the taverns are usually very loud and jolly places, and the square doesnt have any of the usual on a soap-box preachers shouting their views to the populace at large. The University seems even bigger than you remember it, and entering the main lobby, a list of the professors and their offices cover one wall, on another stands a roll of honour, naming all the past Chancellors of the university, and on a third wall, there is a list of historys greatest who were all students at this place of learning. As you stand taking in the sights and sounds of this large centre of learning, a strange man, with a head of grey stringy hair, a hunched back, and a stooped over posture, bumps into you. Wearing tough outdoor clothing, and covered in dirt, the man looks up at you with an irritated look on his gaunt grey face. Moving a tattered wicker basket to his right hand, he pulls out a set of Pinch Nez glasses and pushes them onto his face, left handedly clamping them onto his thin, poker like nose to stare at you with hard grey eyes. Humph students mutters the man as he pushes past, and leaving a trail of dirt behind him, stomps up the stairs and out of sight. One the wall with the lists of professors, there are also small portraits of the most powerful members of the teaching staff. Under heads and their deputies, the Professors and their portraits, are listed in no particular order Doctor Johann Kasch Deputy Head of Medicine, who just looks like the grey gardener you saw earlier. Professor Theobold Goulcher Deputy Head of Histories and Antiquities. Chancellor Leopold Holst Chancellor, and Head of Medicine, Histories and Antiquities. The Office seems to be within the main wing of the building. The walk to the Chancellery is mainly through quiet quads and hallways, passing odd group of students moving through the halls.

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If the Heroes perform a Perception test whilst walking the hallways, they will notice that the halls should be busier, and everyone they meet are travelling in groups of 4 or more, with a scared look on their faces as they first meet up with your group, and rush past without a greeting. These also seem to be carrying arms clubs, knifes, etc. If challenged, they will offer a rumour or two off the rumour page, and then move off quickly.

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Chapter 3 Into the Headmasters office

The heroes arrive to the meeting with Professor Leopold Holst. Finally, the large oak door, with its Brass name place stating that the office of the Chancellor of Altdorf University is within. The main door is wide open, and you can see a small desk within, with more doors leading off. One of these has another large brass plate fixed across its aged wooden surface stating this is the office of the Chancellor. The door is slightly ajar, and within you can see a small, white haired gentleman Chancellor Leopold Holst. He is sat behind a large blue and yellow marble desk, his head in his hands, looking down at something on the desk. On opening the door, he jumps at the noise, and with a gasp My dear friend Alarich On the desk are a couple of pieces of jewellery (noticeable on a Perception check) A sort of buckle/badge and a blue and red chain with ornate clips (noticeable on a -20 Perception check). These two items will be picked up, and placed in a box on a shelf behind his desk, before he comes over to the heroes. Leopold will be happy relieved to see the heroes arrive, but will look worried the strain of this kidnapping has seemed to age him greatly since the last time you saw him over a year ago. Leopold will hand over Handout 2 The Kidnappers Letter, will explain the following to the heroes His Niece was snatched whilst on the way home from the University. To involve the Watch, could be the end of Alissima as warned in the note. The City Watch have been pushing to take over security for the University. The City Government have been pushing for the rights to run the Universitys accounts The University needs to stay independent to allow the search for knowledge to continue The whole area around the university is in fear due to a number of kidnaps that have ended in bodies being found. He can find the money, but it will take the next 3 days to get it together it could be pretty close to the deadline. Its a 3 day round trip to the Familys farm in Rechtlich. In the last few days, he has seen the same few people following him o One man was covered in a dark green hooded cloak that seemed to have leathers underneath The shape of weapons could be seen. o The second man was wearing normal, but worn clothes, with a hooded cloak, but had a crescent moon scar on left cheek and was small and lithe. o Another worn a black hooded cloak, and had a hooked nose, with a shock of red hair tied with a black metal clip He noticed them when he has visited the local Inns The places Leopold visited were o The Masters Manuscript Inn o The Quill and Ink Tavern o The Altdorf University Arms o The Pig Sticker Inn Page 10 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM

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Her classmates, or teachers may have noticed something. Professor Theobold Goulcher gives the classes in History and Antiquities, and her list of classmates could be found with him. This could be done tomorrow, as the time is late. The third Chancellor was called Doctor Arthur Chance

Holst will make it seem as he has a great interest in hooded men, and that they must all be working together, in their Hooded Cloak Club. He will make a great deal of this, that these men must be part of the gang. He would like the heroes to look into this kidnapping. If you can find his niece without causing her harm, all the better, but he is willing to pay the ransom even if it means selling everything he has to raise the money. Just keep it quiet he doesnt want this getting out too much. He acts as if he doesnt have fears that the kidnappers could steal the money, and then kill his Niece, but will act nave over this, pointing out that he doubts if he will be double crossed if a PC points out he could be wrong, disagree a while, then agree that the PCs should rescue his niece. Leopold is trying to come over weaker than he really is (the wicked evil, chaotic cultist that he is!). He has spent many years hiding his true nature under the skin of a nice old professor, with a woolly memory. He wont offer a payment, just ask for help in the name of friendship, but if pushed by somebody other than his friend (His friend will just be embarrassed by how could you.My friendetc, until he agrees to a payment) he will offer 50GC per person to look into this, and another 100GC if they rescue his Niece. The adventure can now spread out to the Inns, Alissimas class or teachers, or somewhere entirely different depending on what the heroes now do. The Professor and classmates angle is dealt with under Chapter 5 Checking out the Class, whilst the Inns and Taverns search is under Chapter 6 The Pub Crawl. The heroes could also check out the Library or the Graveyard under Chapter 4 Books, Bodies, and Bulbs. Its getting very late now, and the heroes should be ready to start tomorrow. If the heroes have the contacts, they could go to the Thieves Guild, or the City Watch, both covered in Chapter 7 Contacting the Contacts.

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Chapter 3a A Shadow Encounter

A failed experiment makes a showing. After the meeting with Chancellor Leopold Holst, and before they leave the University campus, they will come across a strange creature. The ins and outs of university life continue as you move through the rooms and quads of the campus, with students and staff moving about, the evening sunlight creating bright halls and darkened corridors, when the air is rent by dozens of screaming voices. Students and staff fill the corridor, moving away from the sound of the screaming tear filled faces and looks of horror flying past. Shouts of spectres and ghosts bounce around the walls, stirring on the people to move ever quicker. If any are stopped, they will shout of a shadow reaching out of the grave and then push on, trying to get away from the horror. If the heroes move forward, then read the following The Lobby ahead is rapidly emptying, allowing you to see the large white marble room more clearly. The Altdorf University coat-of-arms patterned floor is full of dropped belongings and two students are slowly crawling into a corner - one leaving a trail of blood on the floor, whilst hovering above the centre of the room, a creature of darkness waves its arms, gibbering to the world in general. As you reach the edge of the room, the thing turns towards you. Vaguely human sized, its black hazy body moves like mists, its body ends without feet, hands seem to fade away, whilst a shadowy face looks outwards with a terrifying look of horror, and deep anguish. A whistling, screaming wind like noise fills the room, as the creature moves towards you, hands outstretched All heroes viewing this must make a Willpower check, or be frightened by the sight of this Shade. If the heroes take a Perception (Listen) check, then they can make out words in the screaming wind. Use a basic square room (12 squares by 12, with entrance on each side) for the combat. The creatures voice yells out the following In painIn painHe wont stop the pain The darkness pulls at my soul Those othersto see their mortal remains tormented in such ways At rest, beneath the ground, before being pulled away from the restful land of Morr The scarred servant must be punished The teacher must be taught the evil of his ways

This thing is a failed experiment by the necromantic Doctor Johann Kasch, and has managed to escape for a time. It cant harm anybody, and will soon fade through the floor, disappearing from view. The two students have been crushed in the rush from the room one was just scared by the shades appearance, whilst the other needs medical treatment in order to breathe. April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 12 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM


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Chapter 4 Books, Bodies and Bulbs

Use this chapter if the heroes decide to investigate the University Graveyard, the Doctors Herb Garden, the Doctor himself, or the Library. Library Within the main building of the University, the Library is guarded by a large set of Brass and Oak doors, and a Librarian of strange looks. Ivor Tome has bright Orange hair, that hangs in great lengths from his misshapen head. A face only a blind mother would look, Ivor has large lips, a flat nose, and large side burns. With a skinny, but lanky body, long arms, short legs, and hands the size of dinner plates, he seems to lurch along, whilst carrying piles of books. Ivor will recognise Alarich if reminded by the heroes. He will try to be helpful, passing on any information that could be of use for the Heroes if questioned, but will not allow the heroes to enter the main part of the library. Only Professors and special students with Professor notes of entry are allowed to pass through the doors. Ivor knows that Alissima has been kidnapped, having talked with Chancellor Holst over what the symbols could mean on the ransom letter (They mean nothing to the Librarian).

University Graveyard The University Graveyard is deep within the many buildings that makes up the campus. If they arrive at night, the gravedigger will not be about, but in the day, he is in his little hut. With a large patch of ground, surrounded by a 8 foot high wall, the place has a restful quality, separated from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding University. The place is littered with large monuments, mausoleums, and ornate graves, holding past teachers and officials of the University, as well as notable students. At the only gate into this area is a small hut, and the guardian of this graveyard the Gravedigger Kurt. Dressed in thick, warm clothing of a old style, the man with a large white beard, sits on a chair, with his feet up on a old tree stump, sucking on a long clay pipe, and sipping from a small clay bottle. Kurt is a strange old man, of questionable morals, and a love of women. Any risky talk will soon get him mentioning a certain pub on the main market, where things can happen for 2 shillings (The Teachers Pet dodgy bar with a strange clientele of the rough kind). If asked any questions, Kurt will chat quite happily, passing on rumours and strange tales he has heard over the past few weeks. He knows The third chancellor of the university was Doctor Arthur Chance, and hes buried towards the centre of the Graveyard in a right eyesore of red granite. Only gets a few visitors to the Graveyard, but sees Kasch every day, creeping around to his garden, and walking about the Graveyard says its peaceful suppose it is. Page 13 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM

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Two of the snatched bodies went missing here, but most have come from the main Graveyard. Most of the bodies that have been snatched were young, fit and died in a undamaged way.

If the heroes offer a bribe of 1GC and a Charm check, Kurt will allow them to look around the graveyard. Whilst looking around the graveyard, they can find out the following The third Chancellors Mausoleum is very large and grand, and at each corner, there are large urns with lids. Inside on a Search check, they will discover a loose floor stone that leads into the mausoleum. If they succeed in a Strength check at -30%, they can open the mausoleum door, and search inside (Search check will discover a trapdoor into the sewers) this is a criminal offence to do this, and will have to be careful, or they could be discovered, and then hounded by the Watch.

If they enter the graveyard at night, they will spot a hooded lantern in the distance, and masked men, who seem to fade into the darkness before the heroes can reach them. These are Grave robbers looking around for new bodies to steal they enter the graveyard via the sewers. Doctors Garden The garden is up against the wall of the graveyard, and seems very run down. Surrounded by a very weak wooden fence, the herb garden has a small rickety hut, and a few rows of plants. With a Knowledge (Nature or Flora) check, or a Intelligence check, the heroes can spot that this garden has mostly worthless weeds growing, but does have a few strange plants namely Ghost Fern, Devil Eye Poppy, and Death Head Rose. These are usually used in the undertaker trade to kill the smell of dead bodies (on a Intelligence check). Doctor Johann Kasch The office of the Doctor is deep within the University, at the oldest part of the campus. The corridors leading to this suite of rooms are empty, and feel cold even on a warm day. The suite is really only a bedroom and an office. The office is very small, with a small desk, a couple of shelves and a few chairs. Doctor Kasch will be sat here if the heroes need to talk with him, and whenever they turn up, he will be here, sat in the darkened room, with a small lamp, reading a leather book (Bone Structures on farm animals). Even in the day, the covers on the windows are closed. The shelves are bare, and there are only two folders of paper on the desk there is nothing else in this room. If asked about it, Kasch will say he is a very organised person, and remembers it all. He will be dismissive, and will try to be awkward in answering any questions he has other things to think about, and likes to be left alone. His manner will be very strange, with long periods of still, slow speech, and then a hurried rush of energetic movement, and loud outbursts. The man is mad, and the heroes should soon come to this conclusion.

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Chapter 5 Checking out the class

The heroes go to chat with Alissimas lecturer. The route to Professor Theobold Goulchers study is long and winding. Moving from the large, stately offices of the Chancellery, the halls and corridors couldnt get more different. Darker and stuffy, the morning light finds it hard to reach this far into the dusty realms of learning. The brass plate on the door, stating the office of the Deputy of History and Antiquities is within, might have never seen polish, and the rooms beyond have definitely never seen a duster. A small waiting room, with a empty desk and a few old chairs take up most of the space, with a couple of doors leading off. One door is wide open, propped open with a stack of old books. The small room within is full of stacked manuscripts, drawings and odd artefacts a stuffed two headed kitten fights for room with a Bronzed Eagle banner, the mounted head of a male tusked boar, and a thousand other strange sights. Rows of books, covering the history of the Empire, Dwarven craftsmanship, and articles on war, weight heavy on old shelves. In the middle of this packed room, sits a small, bald headed, wizened old man, weighted heavy with a hunched back and arthritic hands, a quill scratching away on a parchment. His bright golden and azure robes a strange choice for such a dark room. As you push into the room, the door squeaks like Hells damned yelling in pain, but the man doesnt seem to notice. Professor Theobold Goulcher is very tied up in his work, and doesnt take any interest in the heroes, until somebody gives him a shove. As soon as he realises he has company The old man jumps with your touch, and looks up, quickly folding up the paper he was working on, and shoving it into a drawer. AahhCompanyvisitorsfor me in my study rambles the old man. Yes?... What do you wantIm very busyGot loads onReports to markYes?... Can I help you? The Professor is tied up with thoughts on what the theft of the Brooch and Clasp could mean, after the meeting with the Bounty Hunter the day before. Since then he has been working on finding out what anybody could want with such items and his findings have so far scared him. If asked about Alissima, he will say how sorry he was to hear such things, how could such a thing happen in todays Altdorf. He will comment on the number of attacks on Students in the city, the total increase of criminal acts at large in the neighbourhood. He will think it is very strange such people will be asking after Alissima, and will send a student off to get the guards if the heroes try to lie too much. If they say they are investigating Alissimas kidnapping, the man will break down, and be very worried. As he talks about the missing girl, he will be lost in thought when he catches a amulet of the heroes he will point out the histories of these items as he talks. He will then go out of his way to pass on the following information of Alissima will be April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 15 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM


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Lovely, bright girl Edrics Rat Skull Amulet Ahh, 200 years old, rumours say it can lead the right people to a evil city filled with man like rats that prey on mankind in the deepest depths of our nightmares. Very clever, with a willingness to learn and take part in the classes Dirks lucky charm Ahh, a bauble made by the travelling gypsies, said to ward of bad luck and to give you the help of Ranald. Not having any difficulties with the course Barshars Necklace Ahh a dwarven stone of protection. Legend says that a runesmith could make such amulets that could turn the most wicked of blades away from a wearers heart. It is a shame that such skills seem to be more harder to find the knowledge leaving the world. Didnt seem to have any problems, but was not part of the in crowd

If asked for a list of classmates, he will ask who gives them the authority to look into this missing child (as he is just looking out for his charges), but when Holst is mentioned, he will offer something better than a list, and say that in 20 minutes he has a class next door, and the heroes could step in and ask the students some questions there are only 6 other students. He is taking a class on the study of the early Emperors, and how some scholars feel that the choice of royal pet, could alter the policy of the Emperor/ A early emperor had a Jaguar as a pet, and was very war like in his dealings with others in and out of the Empire. After a sudden death, his next pet was a hunting hound, and his war outlook changed overnight some even say his height changed as well. A fascinating subject. The heroes are more than welcome to join! The students are 2 Ladies and 4 Men, and they will mention the following when asked Alissima was quiet, didnt mix and avoided all the parties She mentioned that somebody was following her the night before she went missing. A man in a hooded cloak. Alissima shared her rooms with fellow Student Rosa, who states that they were in class together, and Alissima went home straight after class. On Rosas return, Alissima had not returned. Nothing was taken from Alissimas room. In the last 3 weeks, 5 students have gone missing, but no one seems to be investigating these missing people. All the investigations going on at the moment, seem to be about dead bodies being dug up. Some of the 30 or so bodies that have been dug up about 10 at the last count were murdered students. There bodies have been carried away. Jacob will say Alissima was a prude perhaps a Vampire took her away, due to needing virgin blood. The other boys will snigger at this! The same boy will also point at one of the other girls, and shout Id be careful Gertrude, youll be next for the teeth bandit!

The students are Rosa Messeri Blonde and Blue eyed Goddess. Wearing an expensive looking red and black outfit, with rich jewellery, she acts like a Black Widow, after here next mate! Gertrude Von Trapp Plain and brown, wearing fine cloths that are cut in a non revealing manner. Like a mouse in human form.

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Jacob Vilch Wearing rich clothes with a blue hat with a yellow feather, Jacob is loud, strikingly handsome and a leader of the boys. He is also a protg of Professor Holst, and could go far in the cult he joined last year. Heinz Talbor Wearing black, and having long black hair, the man has a pasty skin. Very quiet, and sits in the corner, talking about death like a goth! Fritz Baumer A yes man to Jacob. Wearing rich furs and maroon clothing. Kurt Grunebar Another yes man for Jacob. He wears green and gold, with bright ginger hair. Other than the above, nothing else will be learned.

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Chapter 6 The Pub crawl

The Heroes take the investigation out to the hostelries. Around the University, there are a number of Inns and Taverns, ready to take the business of Staff and Student. Most are within a stones throw of the University, and during the opening hours, most are full of drunken revellers, happy to drink the day away. There are 4 places that Leopold says he has visited over the last few days, and depending on how the heroes investigate these places, will depend on what information they get. If they walk in, and start asking questions, they will get no information, and then thrown out for bothering paying customers. Barmen will not remember anybody the people the Heroes are after, hid their persons within the inns and taverns, trying not to attract attention. The way to find the people that Leopold pointed out, would be to hang around the inns and taverns over the next day or so this task will take a while. At the same time, they should come across some of the rumours doing the rounds. Some locations have actual rumours, but you can add more from the rumour list. Descriptions of the places follow, and then what they can find in each place. The Masters Manuscript Inn This Inn is favoured by the teachers from the University. Its main bar is dressed like a library, with collections of manuscripts brought in from all over the Empire. Mainly, these are just the local news papers, but once in a while something interesting turns up. The Heroes shouldnt find any of the people they are after within this bar, but they should pick up some rumours please select a random set from the rumours sheet. They will find two old men, arguing about a book they are both reading, and how one has a missing page from the end of his book. On checking, the other will discover the same with his copy, and a heated discussion on the evils of people stealing the last page in a novel will be launched. If the heroes check the book, they will discover there is no page missing it just is a printing error, and a page has been left empty. 9 out of 10 people attacked by strangers, dont know their attacker read it in a book by Jove. I hear the man they are after is known as a robber, a hood, the hooded man uses a bow.

The Quill and Ink Tavern This Tavern is a lot louder, and quite a bit more busy, than the other teachers pub, with it being the place to be seen by the in crowd of students, and the lecturers who like a beer, or want to be seen as friendly to the student masses. Bawdy poems are written on parchment, and pinned to the walls, with jesters and minstrels having nightly sets to entertain the crowd. This also attracts many other folk from the city, making this Inn a very mixed place indeed. April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 18 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM


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If the heroes are being obvious in looking for information, then they will be approached by 2 chancers, hoping to make a quick coin. A offer of a few rumours will be given, and then payment will be asked for (1GC), and they will give three pieces of information that the heroes have yet to be told. On getting the money, the two guys will back off into the crows, and yell out that the humans are hanging out with a elf, a dwarf and a Halfling. If chased out of the pub, use this opportunity to have the bounty Hunter snatch one of the heroes in the rush. If the Heroes stay for a few hours, they will, after a Gossip or Perception check, notice one of the individuals that Leopold pointed out as watching him. This is where the Bounty Hunter has been staying, and he is still wearing the Dark Green Hooded cloak. Please go to Chapter 9 The Bounty Hunter Cometh to run any encounter. The Altdorf University Arms This establishment has become the main place to swap information, and meet up with colleagues before a night on the town. Decked out like the University, cups and trophies of the sporting teams of the University are held here, along with banners and other items that show the history of the university. The staff all wear teaching robes of a older style than is in normal use in the University. Once again, after spending an hour or two, the Heroes can, with a Gossip or Perception check, notice a middle aged man, wearing a black hooded cloak. The man is a Witch Hunter, and any interaction can be run using Chapter 10 The Witching Hour. The Pig Sticker Inn The Pig sticker got its name after a failed attack from the cellars (via the sewers) of Goblins. Rumour has it, and the main room shows this rumour off as fact, that the landlord of the Pig Sticker, was sleeping in his bed, when he heard a noise. On investigation, he discovered a number of Goblins in his cellar, and picking up the only thing at hand, he dashed the brains out of the 8 goblins, and scared off the hordes of other, only armed with a pig roasting bar a pig sticker. So, the place is full of strange goblin gear - spears and such, with a few stuffed goblins, and other trophies of war. Its a very loud Inn, with drunken singing, and rowdy parties of men, all trying to sing the goblin song. See the little Goblin, See his little feet, See the little goblin, Isnt the goblin sweet? The waitresses are all wearing head scarves with goblin faces on them, and matching uniforms (Theme pub!), and the beer is dyed green with a tea leaf dye! Other than that, the beer is very cheap, but very good maybe too good for such a pub? In the middle of all this, the man with the scar and in a worn hooded cloak can be found here, if the heroes stay for over 2 hours, and after a successful Perception check. If the Heroes interact with Scar face, then go to Chapter 11 The Godfather to run any actions that they may attempt.

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Chapter 7 Contacting the Contacts

If the Heroes have any contacts to chase up, they could ask either the City Watch, or members of the Thieves Guild. The City Watch If the heroes perform a straight Charm check, they will be able to get the following information Murders and kidnappings have increased all around the University District Graves in two yards near the University have had a large rise in Bodysnatching A known gang of thieves has been killed in a very gruesome way torn to bits over the last couple of nights. Looks like all 4 members of the group were killed one by one. Witnesses in the area speak of 2 or 3 individuals that lurched along in a drunken manner nearby each of the murder scenes.

After this, the Watch member will make out that he has more, and if bribed with money (Minimum 5GC, with a -10 to the targets WP test for each additional 5GC offered, up to a maximum of -30%) and a Charm check is passed, then their contact will also give up the following bit of knowledge At two of the murder sites, they found rotting body parts within the murder victims a finger in one, and a whole hand in the other.

The Thieves Guild To be able to contact a member of the Thieves guild, the heroes will need a successful Secret Signs (Thieves) check, and then hand over 5 GC when asked for it by the contact. After this, hes pass on the following information Somebody killed off a team of burglars, just after they had completed a job. They were all murdered by a group of three men, who came from the University area. Somebody is buying a lot of corpses at the university Big business at the moment in Kidnapping and murder had many new requests to kill a rival, or there are large amounts of money to be made on kidnapping loved ones of the rich

After this, the contact will make out that he has more, and if bribed with more money (Minimum 5GC, with a -10 to the targets WP test for each additional 5GC offered, up to a maximum of -30%) and a Charm check is passed, then their contact will also give up the following bit of knowledge A brother of one of the men murdered, says that a Professor at the university hired the men to steal some items. The contact will not offer any other information as to what the mans name is, or where he can be found after all, he is one of us!

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Chapter 8 ello, ello, ello

As the Heroes are continuing the investigation, they will be approached by the Watch. THIS WILL ONLY HAPPEN IF THE HEROES USED DEADLY FORCE AGAINST THE THUGS WHO ATTACKED THEM IN CHAPTER 1. If they have reported this crime already, then use this as a guide towards what will be asked by the Watch when the heroes admit the attack. As you walk onto your next area of investigation, the sounds of the crowds nearby change, as a force of 6 City Watch members walk stiffly up towards your group. Halt Citizens, The Watch Commands shouts the lead Officer. I am Officer Hesser of the Altdorf City Watch, and I would like to ask you a few questions on the matter of the Murder of Citizens of Altdorf. The Watch dont want any trouble. When they get close, the Squad Officer will approach what he feels is the leader of the Heroes, and ask them a few questions Namely, you were identified by witnesses of being in the alley at the right time, so What is their business in Altdorf? Why did you attack the persons in Grun strasse? Why did you rob them? (Thats if they did) Why didnt you report it? (If they didnt) Why did you attack them?

The Heroes should not attack the Watch, and try to make this point to the heroes. But just in case, the map will be a large square (a full battle map), with many exits. City Watch 1 Sergeant and 5 Privates - 6 in total Main Profile WS








Secondary A W SB TB M Mag IP 2-1 15-12 4-3 4 4 0 0 Profile First number is for the Sergeant, last number for the privates.


Skills: Dodge Blow, Follow Trail, Gossip +10%, Intimidate, Perception, Search. Talents: Coolheaded, Disarm, Savvy, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun, Very Resilient Careers/Notes: Armed with Cudgel (1d10+3+1). Armour - Leather Jack (Arms 1, Body 1) If attacked, they will all start to attack, blowing whistles, and more Watch will appear, in groups of 6, every 5 rounds. April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 21 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM

WFRP2 The Watch can be palmed off a number of ways

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If the party has a noble, then the Watch wont want the hassle of arresting someone who has friends in high places. If the party has a member of a respected class City watch member in good standing, a Priest, etc, then the Watch will forget about any charges. If the Heroes answer each question truthfully, and point out the number of crimes that are going on in the city, with a Charm check, they can persuade the City Watch that they are innocent. If the Heroes can bribe the City Watch, without making it plain that they are being bribed about 5 GC per squad member, and a successful Charm check. For every extra 5GC offered, the Targets WP check will be penalised -10% to a maximum of -30%.

The Watch are only fishing, and trying to look good at the job, as they dont seem to have gotten anywhere with the Murders, Thefts and Kidnappings swamping the city. If the Heroes havent tried to gain information from the Watch as in Chapter 7 Contacting the Contacts, then this could be an opportunity for the heroes to gain this information.

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Chapter 9 The Bounty Hunter Cometh

This chapter covers the first interaction with the Heroes and Ron Greenin, the Bounty Hunter. If the Heroes follow Ron from the Inn, he will walk out of the Inn, through a few crowds of people, and then will loose the Heroes. He will then creep up behind the Heroes, and get the jump on them. Same thing will happen if they miss Ron in the Inn, and he will catch up with them later. Select one of the Heroes to spring this on them. The Bounty Hunter will try to separate one of the team away from the rest (Will not go for one of the fighters he will try for either Dirk or Alarich), and will use a break in the crowd to pull it off. A Perception check at -20 if they are keeping a eye out, but if not, the chance drops to -40%, will be needed for a hero to keep check on everyone in the party. The crowds in the streets are thick with busy people, shoving and pushing their way through the rush, when you feel a sharp pain in your left hand side, and a voice whispers in your ear. We need to talk This way and make no noise Perhaps we can help each other?, and you feel pressure pushing you towards a dark alleyway. If the hero tries to escape, the Bounty Hunter will drop back into the crowd, and they wont find him again, nor will they learn anything from him. The Bounty Hunter will lead the selected Hero deep into the winding streets and alleyways of Altdorf, until a small, overgrown garden is reached. The alleyways switch back and forth, until a small overgrown garden can be seen into which, the man moves you towards. Behind the first sprawling hedge, a couple of packing crates are next to a large tree. Sit on the crate as the point pressing into your back is removed, and you see your captor for the first time. Standing in Dark Green leathers, armed with a hand crossbow, and other weapons hidden beneath the dark green cloak, the man is over 6 feet. With a knowing smile, the man pulls back the hood and sits down on the other crate. So here we are! I am Ron Greenin, a Hunter of Antiquities, a finder of the lost. Shall we talk of what we know? Or do I need to get angry? Ron is after knowing what the heroes are after, having seen them walk around the University, and is wondering if they have been hired to take the artefacts back to their owners. He doesnt want the competition, and doesnt want to share any payout, so he needs to know that if the heroes find the brooch, he will be able to take it back to its rightful owner. The clasp he doesnt need. Ron wants any reward in taking back the Brooch anything else is a bonus. Ron doesnt know anything For the first time, hes hit a brick wall, and has nothing else to investigate, other than two professors. Hes learned that a girl close to a professor is missing, and so wonders if there is anything else in it. So hes fishing for clues from the heroes.

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Ron will pass on the following knowledge, one piece of information at a time, but only as long as the Hero does the same. Was hired by a City Noble to find a missing item. He will not name the Noble. The item is a brooch, once owned by Ravitar the Merc. The Brooch is a blue gem in a golden fixture. The item was stolen by 4 men. The four men are all now dead. All killed in separate locations, on the same day. They were killed by 3 young men, dressed as students. Someone within the University hired the thieves to steal two items. The other item came from the museum, and it was a cloak clasp, once owned by Ravitar the Merc.

Ron would like to know any of the follow as a minimum Who hired you? Why were you hired? Who has been kidnapped? What relationship are you to the Professor who hired you? Who have you talked to?

The Bounty Hunter has more to say, but will leave it for another day. Ron Greenin Bounty Hunter, Targeteer, Assassin Main Profile Secondary Profile WS 55 A 3 BS 81 W 18 S 43 SB 4 T 41 TB 4 Ag 61 M 4 Int 45 Mag 0 WP 57 IP 0 Fel 43 FP 0

Skills: Charm+10, Gossip+10, Follow Trial, Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Search, Shadowing +10, Silent Move+20, Sleight of Hand, Concealment+10, Scale Sheer Surface, Secret Signs (Thief), Prepare Poison. Talents: Ambidextrous, Marksman, Night Vision, Strike to Stun, Rover, SWG (Entangling, Longbow, Crossbow, Throwing, Parrying), Sharpshooter, Strike Mighty Blow, Mighty Shot, Rapid Reload, Sure Shot (Avoid 1AP), Quick Draw, Lightning Parry, Street Fighting, Streetwise, Swashbuckler Careers/Notes: Armed with Sword +2 (1d10+4+2+1), Repeating Crossbow +1 (Poisoned)(1D10+2+1+1+Poison -10% Toughness Check or take 4 more points of damage) Aimed Shot is at +20% not the usual 10% bonus, Longbow, Net, Parrying Dagger. Armour Magical Leather Armour, and skullcap (Arms 3, Body 3, Head 3, Legs 3) Ron Greenin is a very dangerous and skilled investigator. At the age of 36, hes been working for over 20 years, and has yet to be beaten.

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Chapter 10 The Witching Hour

The Heroes go on the trail, of the Red haired man. Rico is a Witch Hunter, and he works with his twin Brother, Rocco, who is also a Witch Hunter. Their Father was a Witch Hunter, and so was their Grandfather its in the family. After watching the place for a while, the heroes will see one of the Brothers, on a successful Perception Check. The crowds move back and forth, and finally, through a small break in the drinkers, you spy a man, with long red hair, sat in a black hooded cloak. He seems to be watching the crowd, sipping from a tankard, and taking the odd drag from a long clay pipe. No one wants to sit down next to him, even though the place is very busy. And then the crowds hide him from view for a few moments. When you can see him again, you can now see two of them. Both with long red hair, both dressed the same wearing battle hardened full plate, both drinking, both smoking, both watching you watching them One is like a mirror image of the other. Both seem to gesture you over, pointing to a number of empty chairs nearby The twins are identical, and have noticed the heroes watching them. If the heroes walk over to talk, then follow below. If they ignore the two men, then the Witch Hunters will ignore the Heroes, and disappear from view later in the evening, and wont appear again. The two men will sit and identify themselves as Im Rico, and this is Rocco We are fellow warriors against the evilness of Chaos, and as members of the Holy Order of the Templars of Sigmar, wed like a friendly chat with yourselves. Each will finish off the others sentence, in a very strange way. They will offer drink to the heroes, and pay for the rounds Consume Alcohol checks if drinking everything that the Witch Hunters offer. They will ask for the story of the Heroes what they are doing, who they are working for, and the more that the heroes give, the more the Witch Hunters will give. The information they have is Two items have been stolen from two places in Altdorf They belonged to a old Warrior from eons ago, who fought chaos The items are a bluish gem in a golden plate, and a cloak clasp in mainly red gold. Someone is kidnapping young people from the area Someone is stealing the dead, that have just died Something ties the items, bodies and victims together. The items, in the wrong hands, could imperil the Empire. The items, in the right hands, could save the Empire. It could herald a dark time if this can go ahead. The rot is under the University be careful in who you deal with. Page 25 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM

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WFRP2 Does not the blue sky and yellow sun hold more than just light?

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The two Witch Hunters dont know anything else, and will just tell the Heroes to watch their step, just a friendly word is all. On finding any chaos signs, they will set fire to it, in order to remove chaos in the cleansing fire. This will mean they will burn any evil lab they come across, the evil teachers office, and their private house if discovered! The Heroes should not attack the Witch Hunters, but if they do, here are their stats. Rico and Rocco Squire, Knight, Knight of the Inner Circle, Witch Hunters Main Profile Secondary Profile WS 61 A 3 BS 46 W 20 S 51 SB 5 T 51 TB 5 Ag 51 M 4 Int 36 Mag 0 WP 51 IP 0 Fel 36 FP 0

Skills: Charm+20, Gossip, Dodge Blow+10, Perception, Command, Intimidate+10, Search, Silent Move. Talents: Strike Mighty Blow, SWG (Flail, Two Handed, Fencing, Parrying, Crossbow, ), Lightning Parry, Stout-hearted, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun, Seasoned Traveller, Lightning Reflexes, Menacing, Public Speaking, Sixth Sense, Careers/Notes: Armed with 2H Sword (1d10+5+1), Armour Full Plate, and skullcap (Arms 5, Body 5, Head 1/5 after putting helm on, Legs 5) Both Witch Hunters are identical, and have the same weapons, skills, and gear. IF a fight starts, the two witch Hunters will start yelling, and the watch will soon appear see the Stats of the Watch from Chapter 8 Ello, ello, ello.

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Chapter 11 The Godfather

The Heroes go looking for a scarred man in the Inns and Taverns. The scarred man Benni, is the brother of one of the thieves who stole the artefacts. Since returning from a business trip, he has found out that his brother had found a great job, and the next day after doing the job, he was dead. The person at fault must be Chancellor Leopold Holst hence the kidnapping of the mans Niece, but he couldnt tell the rest of his gang that its for vengeance, so he said it was to earn coin that they pick on some of the Professors. Benni is also involved with the bodysnatching with his gang, working for Professor Johann Kasch, and in order to get the young fresh bodies that the Professor wants, they have started to murder people, and if they cant escape with the body, to dig them up after they have been buried. Lately, they have also been kidnapping victims for the Professor. With a successful Perception check, the heroes will spot the man in the Pigsticker Inn. Out of the corner of you eye, you notice a small, lithe body, wrapped in a large stained cloak, standing within a pool of shadows, deep in the corner of a room. High on the left cheek, there is a splash of maroon, shaped in a deep crescent. His eyes are moving all around the room, and suddenly his eyes meet yours, before the man turns and runs deeper into the Inn. The man has been noticed by the heroes, and realises the men hired by Professor Holst have spotted him. Being of the nervous type, as soon as he noticed them, he runs, down towards the cellars and the exit into the sewers. This will be no fight, just a chase, with barrels being pulled over, doors slammed behind him, in a desperate rush to get away. Ask the heroes to attempt Agility tests to keep up, and they will catch up the scarred man in a deep cellar. He has backed into a long pipe feet first, and is wiggling into the darkness. Behind him, he is dragging his cloak, and this is the only thing the heroes can reach even the Halfling is too wide for the pipe. There is then a splash and the smell of the sewers, as the man runs away. In the cloak, the heroes can find another clue for the future Handout 3 Scar Faces Letter, hidden within a pocket of the cloak. The cloak is dirty and brown, and written on the inside of the cloak, in large 4 inch letters, is elected otatoes (a S and a P are missing!). In the cellars, the heroes can find barrels of beer with the Royal Altdorf Brewery stencilled on the side this is a very expensive brand of beer not something the Pigsticker Inn would normally carry! The rogue should get away, but if the Heroes come up with a stunning roll or plan, then the man can die (Dies in the fight, falls over and chokes on tongue, some other drinker is annoyed to have a spilt drink, so stabs him, etc just make adjustments to the Safe House description in Chapter 14 Storm the Guild that this Thief is no longer there. If you need stats, Chapter 8 also has the stats for this rogue. April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 27 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM


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Chapter 12 Unrest at the University

The Heroes go back to the university, after hearing of a meeting about to take place. Morning opens with bright blue skies and a sun larger and brighter with yellow light than you have ever seen. And a banging sound from the door. messenger downstairs for yer, kind sirs! yells one of the staff. Downstairs, hopping from one foot to the other is a scruffy lad, dirt all over his face. Ay, you thereI have news for you a message from the university! The boy wipes his sweaty face with a sleeve before continuing. A man from the university has paid me to find you, and deliver a message. You are Herr Reiner? Oh good, well the message is that there is to be a meeting with the head stew-dents and some of the prof-esshors, and this man thought you should be there to watch, so can I have my 2 clanks (Pennies) please With that, the young lad sticks his hand out in your general direction. The boy doesnt know who sent him, only that he was given 1 shilling (Shimmy) by a kind old man, to pass this message over. The man is Leopold, who has decided to remove the mad Necromantic Professor, before he becomes a liability. The boy will try to get more money from the heroes do you want to send a reply? 4 clanks! If the Heroes walk over to the University, they will notice a large crowd gathering in one of the main halls near the front lobby. The babble of voices swell with arguments and rants, as numerous students and staff discuss one subject or another in the great hall. Up on the stage, a number of Professors are milling about Leopold Holst waves you towards a number of seats to one side of the stage, and then turns back to a conversation with Professor Theobold Goulcher, and two other men in Professor garb. At the back of the stage is a figure, wearing full plate, a long black cloak, and a head of fiery red hair. After a few moments, Holst bangs a on a gavel, and calls out Please take your seats, and we will get this special meeting started. The crowd soon settles down, as Holst continued Thank you for your attendance today. As you are aware, the senior staff should have all been here, but Doctor Johann Kasch has yet to arrive, so until he arrives, we will have to wait. At this, a number of students yell for the meeting to start, for the murders and kidnappings to be discussed and what are the University doing for their safety, but Holst sits still. The meeting continues with yells from the students, and Holst trying to calm their fears. After about 10 minutes, the rear doors on the stage are slammed open, and in walks the missing Professor April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 28 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM


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The crowd has been waiting for 10minutes by now, and tempers are very frayed, when there is a loud bang from the rear of the stage, and through the open doorway, comes striding a strange individual. With long stringy grey hair, and a hunched back, the man walks with an odd goose like stepping motion. Mutterings of Kasch the Ghast rise from the students, along with the odd laugh, as the professor sits down on the stage. On a Perception check, the Heroes will notice the spots of blood over the mans jacket and shirt. At this Holst stands up, and with a nod to the Professors, he turns to the crowd, and starts the meeting. I have called you all here to try to answer your questions over the murders, kidnaps and thefts that have been going on over the last few weeks. Working with the City Watch, and hiring individuals to look into this, the University has learned a number of things it wishes it had never discovered. The murders, kidnappings, thefts and grave robbings have all been committed for one reason the mad plans of a Professor within this room Professor Goulcher looks very shaken HHow awful, but why release the name in public this should have been told to the watch in private this could cause panic The crowd suddenly goes quiet, as all look towards the stage. The professors are all quiet, looking around at the rest of the staff. With a quick nod of the head, the armoured individual moves towards the professors. Ive asked this man, a member of the Order of Sigmar, to be here today, and to use his special talents to uncover the evil rot within this University. Whilst we dont know the actual name of the individual, with the power of Sigmar at his call, Im sure our noble friend here will soon ferret the evil one out!. With that, the armoured man starts moving down the line of Professors, staring hard at them one by one. At each, the professor seems drawn into the mans eyes, and then suddenly backs off the man shakes his head and moves on. Half way down the line, with 5 more professors to check, someone breaks At the end of the line, Doctor Kasch leaps up You Fiend Why are you stopping my work now? With that, he steps towards the Witch Hunter, and shoves the man with both hands glowing a strange black light the man is blasted off his feet, and sails out into the crowd, slamming through benches and chairs, and ending up under a pile of bodies. Kasch then runs from the stage cackling madly, chanting words and throwing shards of bone across the stage. Holst yells After him, the man is running for his lab you must stop him!. Panic erupts in the hall, as students and staff run in all directions, trying to get away from the scene on the stage. As if being moved by invisible hands, the shards start to fly towards each other, and collect into 4 growing shapes. Then with a final scream, 4 bony warriors stand guarding the door which Kasch can be heard running down. April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 29 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM

WFRP2 The Skeletons will attack anyone who approaches the doorway on the stage. Skeletons - 4 Main WS Profile 25% Secondary A Profile 1 Skills: None BS 20% W 10 S 30% SB 3 T 30% TB 3 Ag 25% M 4 Int Mag 0 WP IP 0 Fel FP 0

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Talents: Frightening (Causes Fear Check), Undead Careers/Notes: Cannot take the Run action, Armour Light (Head 1, Arms 0, Body 1, Legs 0) Armed with Bone Clubs (1d10+3) The Map is a room, the same size of the Stone Cellar Room, but the right hand side is a 5 square deep stage, with a 1 door exit. After the skeletons have been dealt with, the heroes can follow the madman to his lab, and through to the secret room. If asked, Holst and Goulcher had yet to be checked they were further along the line. The master plan of Holst has been launched All the crimes will point to the patsy, and he gets away scott free.

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Chapter 13 A Battle with Death to the Death

The heroes run down the mad Doctor to his lair. The Doctors voice can be heard ahead, laughing to himself, as you run further into the halls of the University, ever deeper into the dark recesses of the building. Suddenly, the corridors end in a dark room, the few windows covered against the morning sunlight, the walls filled with drawings of body parts, partly dissected animals, and re-assembled statues of bone. Where the black board should be, there is a gaping hole, and within, a moaning and laughing can be heard. The opening leads into the hidden lab, and the final battle. Within, the room is a nightmare morgue, a windowless cavern of death. Benches hold corpses stitched together from different bodies, Cadavers stand up like strange wax works that are still moving, body parts hang from the ceilings, and one corpse has been split open, its rib cage open so widely, it looks like a bloodied winged angel of hell, hanging from the rear of the room. And behind all this, the mad Professor is busy cackling madly, as he rubs his hands over the back wall, seemingly searching for something. A girl hanging from chains nearby, screams in absolute terror, as the foul necromancer turns with a wickedly curved knife, to look towards you. As you enter, the walking dead all start to moan, and with raised arms, shamble towards you. The zombies will attack, along with the Professor. At an opportune moment, the Doctor can use the girl as part of a healing spell (Necromantic Lore spell Invigorating Vitae). Have the Doctor look at the girl, and draw a wicked looking blade, and then stalk towards her and see what the heroes do to save the girl! The Map the squares are 2 yards each, and the Doctor is near the Sewer secret door. The zombies are all over the room. Towards the end of the battle, a annoyed Witch Hunter will arrive, and help the heroes (If they need it), or just tidy up after the battle. The body and the zombies will be burnt, and then he will stalk off to burn the Doctors office and house!

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WFRP2 Zombies - 6 Main WS Profile 25% Secondary A Profile 1 Skills: None BS 0% W 12 S 35% SB 3 T 35% TB 3 Ag 10% M 4 Int Mag 0 WP IP 0 Fel FP 0

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Talents: Frightening (Causes Fear Check), Undead Careers/Notes: Cannot take the Run action, Armour Light (Head 1, Arms 0, Body 1, Legs 0) Armed with lab stands, clubs (1d10+3)

Doctor Johann Kasch Apprentice Wizard, Journey Man. Main WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Profile 34% 35% 30% 38% 39% 52% 60% 37% Secondary A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Profile 1 14 3 3 5 2 4 0 Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Channelling, Magical Sense, Perception, Search, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Intimidate Talents: Fleet Footed, Coolheaded, Aethyric Attunement, Petty Magic (Arcane), Savvy, Dark Lore (Necromancy), Dark Magic, Arcane Lore (Death), Fast Hands (+20 on WS with Touch Spells), Lesser Magic (Dispel, Aethyric Armour), Mighty Missile (+1 Damage with magic missile spells). Careers/Notes: Armour - None, Armed with Sacrificial Dagger (1d10+3) Hes got a strange fear of the light, and will operate at -10% on all actions in the daylight. Can cast spells from the Petty Magic (Arcane), the Lore of Death, and the Lore of Necromancy lists. If the heroes perform a Search check over the rear wall, they will find a hidden door, that once opened, will lead into the sewers of Altdorf. On the door, the heroes can find a sign the same symbol that can be found on Handout 3 The Thieves Code.

The sign looks like this -

This is the starting place for the thieves code, and following the code (Found in Handout 3), will lead to the guilds safe house, the thieves, and the kidnapped girl.

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WFRP2 Handout 3 Scar Faces Letter Handout Description

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The starting place is the Professors symbol, and the Swords mean Sword Arm i.e. Right, and the Shield means Shield Arm, and therefore left. Once in the sewers, the heroes should use the descriptions to move through the sewers, to arrive at the hidden door to the safe house. On entering the sewers, the heroes should turn left, and then left again, according to the code. If they dont, and they fail to pick up the tracks near the doorway, after a while they can stumble on the door, after walking into a gang of thieves opening the door in question use the stats from Chapter 1 Prologue. If they are having a problem, and in no state for a fight, let one of the heroes attempt a Secret Signs (Thieves) check to find out the true message.

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Chapter 14 Storm the Guild

The heroes follow the code and it leads to a secret entrance into a guild basement. The code gives all the directions through the sewers, by pointing the way using left and right turns, until a hidden entrance is found, that leads into the basement of a Thieves Guild safe house. The sewers are very old and damp. Each main tunnel has a 9 feet diameter, with 3 feet deep channels of sewerage running between 2 foot paths on either side of the 5 foot wide stream. There are no lights, many rats scamper about. A Follow Trail check will show numerous footprints, and marks where someone was dragged along the floor. At various points, a old plank will be in place, acting like a bridge. The hidden door into the guilds safe house can be found on a Perception (at -20%) or Follow Trail check, and it isnt locked. On opening the door, the following can be seen If the PCs have been very noisy, then the Thieves will be hiding in the shadows of the room, and will try to launch an attack from cover. Therefore, the room will seem to be empty, apart from the girl. The door swings open, allowing you to see into a lit cellar. Boxes and barrels fill the edges of the room, whilst tied up and gagged, a young girl lays still on a dirty mattress in the corner. Seated at a table are a number of men playing cards, who all leap up at your entrance. One guy, with a crescent shaped scar on his left cheek, a dirty orange net cloak, spits on the floor Youve opened a whole load of pain on yerself! The Thieves will attack, and fight until they are going to win, or if half of their number are lost, they will try to escape. The map area is 15 squares on each side, full of boxes, and a set of stairs leading upwards from the middle of the room. The cloak of the scarred one has some writing on it Best arrotts (Seems a C is missing this time!). Kidnappers - 6 in total Main WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Profile 33% 26% 43% 31% 32% 25% 36% 30% Secondary A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Profile 1 12 4 3 4 0 0 0 Skills: Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Gamble, Gossip, Intimidate, Secret Language (Thieves), Secret Signs (Thieves). Talents: Disarm, Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw, Resistance to Poison, Strike to Stun, Very Strong, Wrestling. Careers/Notes: Armed with Clubs (1d10+4), Armour Leather Jack (Arms 1, Body 1).

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Hidden within the pocket of the Crescent scarred man (or on the table if the Heroes have already dealt with this man), a letter will be found - Handout 4 Brothers note. The young girl has been drugged repeatedly, and is still well under the influences of the drugs. In being returned to her uncle, he will be overjoyed in her return, and thank the heroes for their work in bringing this to a close. He will ask if she has been damaged, of what drugs were used (Heal Check will show that the drugs are very strong, with possible hallucinations). This will not please the Professor. He will then ask for the Heroes to place her into a room near his study, and whilst thanking the PCs, will lock the door (for her safety if asked). This door locking will be noticed on a Perception Check. The evil Professor has to decide whether she can be sacrificed, or has the drugs polluted her, and will he need a new sacrifice? Well, yes actually, as the heroes will soon find out.

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Chapter 15 Red Herrings

After the girl has been rescued, and the heroes have been applauded for all their hard work, the fact that something is still very rotten in the City of Altdorf will appear. The following occurrences will happen the very next morning, as the heroes go about their daily tasks. This chapter cover the following encounters Kidnappings start again Heroes should learn this early in the morning. The Bounty Hunter has more information will find the heroes out to offer this, if still on terms with the heroes. The Museums Cloak Clasp reward only found out, if the heroes meet the Bounty Hunter, and then check out the museum. The tortured Shade reappears to give warnings to the heroes as they enter the University. Sneaking into the Heads office If the heroes have realised, the stolen items they need are here Confronting Professor Goulcher for help or they think hes the villain. Other Help The heroes try to recruit other NPCs to the cause.

Kidnappings start again First of all, the news will be out, that someone else has been kidnapped a young girl, from a good family. All the criers will be passing this information on, and the Watch will be out in force, asking questions. Whether from being questioned by the Watch (Did you see anything, etc), or reading a report pinned to a notice board, the next morning after the rescue, the heroes should become aware of the following Gertrude Von Trapp has been kidnapped The Von Trapps are a wealthy, noble family Gertrude was attending the University on a History course. She was in the same class as Alissima, and was a friend. Gertrude was known as a whiter than white girl she was saving herself for a life in the priesthood. She was snatched from her room late last night/early this morning the door torn off its hinges. A large man with a stiff and slow walk was seen nearby at the same time. Large footprints were found near the body of a house servant her head torn off. The footprints were either of two one-legged men working together, or 1 man with two different sized feet.

The real story is that Leopold needs a pure sacrifice, and now that his Niece has been rescued and everybody knows that she is safe, he needs somebody else. He used his Vessel made by the mad necromantic doctor to snatch her.

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The Professor knows more This will only happen if the earlier meeting was successful Later in the morning, the Bounty Hunter Ron Greenin, will approach the heroes, and supply the following information. This time, he will approach the heroes in public, and not try to ambush them. Last time we talked, I helped you for a reason I needed to find the item my employer has lost. This time I help you, as I feel my keeping quiet could be a mistake. Whilst investigating the item that had been stolen the Brooch of Ravitar the Merc, I went to check out what could be found in the university not one to study books, I asked around, and came across two professors Professor Holst couldnt help me didnt know about the item, and didnt even ask for a fee, but Professor Goulcher was different He not only knew about the brooch, he also knew of the stolen Cloak Clasp, taken from the museum. He talked of how the items had been infused with some ability from being with their original owner seemed very excited by this of how Ravitars history, and these items could be used for good and evil alike. He even asked for a fee a large fee at that, and then motioned me not to spread this around, as it may panic the authorities. The Bounty hunter will then stress that he needs the Brooch back, if they find it, and he will let them have the museum reward for the Cloak Clasp (the Museum have offered 100gc for its return). He will even offer the reward money of 200 GCs, as he is getting a bit worried about keeping his 100% record. Ron just needs the item, to keep his record of getting results, and is starting to panic somewhat, having no clues, other than some cult may have the item. The Museums Cloak Clasp If the heroes go to the Museum, they will get a full description of the Clasp. It is mainly a think set of blue and red chain, with two clasps one at each end, with ornate lion heads as decoration. This is just like what they could have seen in Holsts office at the start of the adventure.

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WFRP2 The Tortured Shade reappears

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When the heroes next enter the University, the shade will reappear, but this time in a less threatening state The hallway suddenly darkens, and a cold chill sweeps through the air, as a familiar shadow like form slowly melts into view from out of the wall. This time, the face is tired looking, but relieved free of pain. As it opens its mouth to speak, instead of the screaming before, its voice is mellow and soft. It is you, the living who help, who destroy the torturer who preys on the ones who long for the final rest. I go to that final place, to rest. But I have one final message to give you the torturer did not work alone he was the puppet of another, one dark in robes, a harvester of life, a summoner of the darknessthe one who now must be stopped or the world end in terrorthe one who has control over another tortured soul as myself once waswho even now plots to kill a few to destroy the many With that, the shade fades away, as the hallway brightens. The shade will no longer return. Sneaking into the Heads office If the heroes realise that Holst has the items, and that they could be in his office, if they go to investigate, they will need to get by a couple of traps and locks. They could also do this at the time of the hall meeting, and the uncovering of the Doctor. If they leave it too late in the day, or fail once to open the chest, then the items will be recovered by Chancellor Holst, and lost to the party. The Office door is locked, and needs a successful Pick Locks check to unlock. On opening the door, the Green Stone chest can be seen on a shelf, behind the desk. The small green stone chest is trapped (a Search check to spot the trap) and locked, and will need two Pick Lock tests one for the trap, and one for the lock. If the heroes unlock the chest, without disabling the trap, the trap is triggered. The only way to avoid the trap is to disable the trap first, before attacking the lock. Smashing the chest has a straight 50% of triggering the trap, and a 50% that the chest lid will open (so the trap could trigger, and the chest remain locked, or it could open and the trap go off, or it could open, without the trap being set off).. The Trap The trap is poisonous gas. If the trap is sprung, the main door to the office will slam shut. Anyone within a yard of the door will be hit with a 6SB attack, as the big heavy door knocks them out of the room unless they succeed at a Dodge Blow check. If successful, they stay in the room. Everyone in the room will then need to pass a Toughness test. If successful, all is fine, but each round in the room makes the test harder by -5%, as the toxic fumes sink into pores, and the heroes breathe them in. The gas fills the room for 1d10+4 rounds, before it dissipates. April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 38 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM


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If any hero fails the Toughness check, they are rendered unconscious for 1D10 hours. When they wake, they will find that the door is magically locked, the artefacts have gone, and the only way to get out is to smash the door in. Door Stats are TB 6, W 20. The door is very tough. If the heroes are really stuck, have Professor Goulcher open the door and rescue them he can then pass on all that information that they missed, and point them in the right direction. Once they get out, they can continue with the adventure.

Getting to Grips with Goulcher Hopefully, the heroes should arrive at Professor Goulchers door, and ask him for help. If they turn up and think he is behind all the attacks, then the meeting will not be that easy. If they turn up and ask for help, Goulcher will leap into action, explaining what he has learned, and what needs to be done. If they turn up to attack the Professor, Goulcher will plead for his life, by offering what information he has, that could help the heroes. If they ignore Goulcher, and go looking for Holst, they will find him, but arrive late in the summoning, and have to deal with everything at the same time (Select the hardest set of stats for the creatures). Professor Goulcher knows the following The item belonged to a warrior, who came across a mage who was opening a portal within the empire, to allow chaos to attack the Empires troops from behind the lines. After killing the mage (his power was drained onto a magical brooch the warrior was wearing), the warrior gave his cloak clasp and brooch to a young boy, for it to be returned to the mans first love, and with one salute to his injured men, stepped through the portal and held the line against a horde of chaos, as the portal slowly closed. The battle took place within the University of Altdorf, at a place of high magicks. The University was being used as a hospital for the wounded at this time. The Brooch can be used to ward off magical attacks, as well as increasing the force of chaotic spells depending if you use the item or the mage trapped within it. It is a blue and yellow cats eye in a gold fixture. The cloak clasp can be used to summon forth Varitar the Merc, in order to help close the portal, or it can be used to strengthen the portal. Lion headed clasps in red gold, with a blue and red chain linking the two. If asked about Holst not knowing about the items, he will state that it is very strange, as the items are very famous within the Altdorf Antiquities circle.

The fee he took from the Bounty Hunter was given to a young student from an impoverished family, to help cover the boys course fees. With the items, and a few moments in the library, Goulcher will be able to find out how to use these two items. He can also find out what room that the original battle took place in, what ritual will be April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 39 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM


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performed, and that the ritual will take place that evening. He can also pay for healing at the local temple, if the heroes need any. The Brooch, if worn, will protect the wearer from all magic attacks, but the user will not be able to cast magic themselves. The Cloak Clasp, if user correctly, will start the summoning of the ancient warrior from the past to appear and help in the battle. The player using this needs to spend two rounds chanting Varitars name, whilst holding the clasp, until he appears. The room is the old Storm Cellar Hall An old and mostly forgotten room that has been used for storing tables and chairs, but was once a major site within the University, when it was first built. When they finally have all the information, they heroes will have just enough time to run to the room in question, whilst Goulcher runs for the watch. Other help If the heroes are clever, they may think about asking others to help them in the battle. If they do, there are a number of ways to deal with this. If the heroes are being battered all over the place, then they can get some help from the Witch Hunters, who will be happy to help. When the heroes enter the final battle, a Demon has already been summoned, and the Witch Hunters can go off and have their own fight with the Demon. If the battle is going against the PCs, the Witch Hunters can then step in at the right moment and help out. Or the heroes cant find anybody, or no one will help. Dont give the NPCs to the players to control, as this battle should be their fight, and a chance to save the world form destruction.

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Chapter 16 The Battle at the Portals Edge

The heroes run towards the room, where the ritual is being performed, and try to break up the casting. The corridors seem endless, as you run for the old Storm Cellar Hall. Each hallway goes on for longer than the last, each stairwell takes longer to run down, as all the time, your hearts beat a countdown towards a hell on earth. As the walls get older, and the air colder, a low mumbling noise can be heard from further ahead. After a couple more corridors have been navigated, a large doorway stands in your way, the noise of many voices raised as part of some evil sounding choir comes through the door, as blue and yellow light seems to slide its way through the cracks in the door frame. Behind this door, is the final battle. As the Heroes enter the room, they will see the following. The doors swing open to allow entry into the large damp cellar, deep within the University. The room has been swept clear, with nothing stored in this room any longer. Around the edge of the room, various men and women mumbling loudly some strange tongue - all dressed in blue and yellow clothing, some look like students, with others being dressed in noble finery. All have a strange glassy stare, as they look towards the middle of the room, towards the light. On a raised dais in the middle of the room, there is a strange sight. A hooded figure, dressed in a robe of yellow and blue feathers, weaves a strange pattern in the air, whilst two fires burn with blue and yellow light on either side. The face is hidden behind a mask, formed into the shape of some cruelly hook billed bird, and is painted with strange designs, with white hair hanging limply from the head. Tied to a bench in front of the masked cultist, is a young woman, dressed in more yellow and blue robes, a haunted look upon her face, as below the dais, in the middle of a strange symbol, painted within a circle, lies a large figure its body seemingly created from many different bodies. Blue and yellow gases swirl around the hooded one, and then float towards the creature in the circle, before being drawn into its nose, its skin taking on the two tone hue of yellow and blue. The chanting continues, as if nobody has noticed you, when suddenly, the mumbling watchers all start to point towards you, and the air is rent with screams of hatred. The robed figure raises a glistening dagger, and yells Stop the unbelieversZheechungencha must be allowed to appear A Perception (Listen) check at -30%, will allow the heroes to realise the masked man is in fact Chancellor Leopold Holst. With this, the cultists will try to attack the heroes. Most of the cultists cant really fight, but will try their best. The vessel, will attack the heroes, defending the Professor, as he finishes off the ritual. The Professor will then attack the heroes as well.

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Depending on what the heroes have done, will depend on how hard this battle is. If the Chancellor has both items, the Vessel will be at full strength, and the portal will be opening. He will have already sacrificed the girl, and will attack the heroes. If the heroes have both parts, it will take a few rounds for the Vessel to get up to full strength, and it will take the Chancellor longer to get round to attacking the heroes. The Portal will take longer to open. Check who has what artefacts, and check the list below. Chancellor Holst has both Artefacts Go to Combat 1 No one has the artefacts Go to Combat 2 The Heroes have both Artefacts Go to Combat 3

In all cases, the following is true As the singing continues, the supporting cultists are being sacrificed in the ritual, as power in the room erupts within the cultists, and they explode, dying in very messy ways. If the heroes are having a easy time, less die this way. Every round, kill off three cultists to summon a Demon Imp from the portal. The demon being summoned, will take over the Vessels body, and then Holst will open the portal, using the power of the demon, to keep it open. In will run imps to attack the heroes. The shade of Varitar, when summoned, is decked out in Blue and Red full plate, with demon blood covering him from head to toe. Armed with a 2 handed blade, glowing with the brightness of the sun, he will leap in and attack the vessel. Whilst the portal is open, and Holst survives, the vessel will be getting power from the portal, in the form of healing (1d10 a round). If the Chancellor is killed, then the portal will close, and allow the vessel to be killed all the easier. The Map Each square is 2 yards. The Vessel is on the large star, whilst the Chancellor is on the plinth. The cultists are scattered around the hall. The Portal will open up in front of the plinth, 12 feet across.

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WFRP2 Combat 1 Cultists 12 combatants, and 8 who run and carry on singing 20 in total.

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Main WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Profile 36% 27% 31% 30% 43% 29% 30% 35% Secondary A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Profile 1 11 3 3 4 0 5 0 Skills: Blather, Charm Talents: Lightning Reflexes, Public Speaking, SWG (Fencing, Parrying), Suave. Careers/Notes: Armed with Rapier (1d10+2 Fast) and Main Gauche, Armour Leather Jack and leggings (Arms 1, Legs 1, Body 1)

Demon Imps 3 Arrive 1 a round, up to 3 maximum at any one time. 3 Cultists will explode, and be sucked into the portal, as a Imp appears maximum of 4 appear, with one a round, and only 3 in the room at one time. Main WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Profile 33% 0% 40% 33% 40% 30% 33% 15% Secondary A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Profile 1 12 4 3 3 (6) 0 0 0 Skills: Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception, Talents: Ambidextrous, Fearless, Frightening, Flier, Natural Weapons, Night Vision, Strike Mighty Blow. Careers/Notes: Chaos Mutations All have mutations, as the creatures appear (roll 1d10, and follow rules on P229). Claw attack (1d10+4+1) Cannot Parry. Armour None.

Demon Vessel The Demon has taken total control of its new body. Main WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Profile 70% 40% 50% 50% 49% 35% 60% 15% Secondary A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Profile 3 18 5 5 4 (6) 0 0 Skills: Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception, Talents: Terrifying, Undead, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, SWG (2 Handed), Ambidextrous, Fearless, Flier, Natural Weapons, Night Vision. Careers/Notes: Armed with Greatsword (1d10+5+1 Impact, Slow), Armour 2AP to all locations. Chaos Mutations Demonic Tail. Fur and Scales.

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Chancellor Leopold Holst Apprentice Wizard, Journey Man, Master wizard. Main WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Profile 32% 36% 32% 44% 37% 59% 69% 49% Secondary A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Profile 1 17 3 4 3 0 7 0 Skills: Channelling+10, Magical Sense, Perception+10, Search, Charm, Talents: Very Resilient, Coolheaded, Aethyric Attunement, Petty Magic (Arcane), Arcane Lore(Fire), Dark Lore (Chaos), Dark Magic, Fast Hands (+20% on Touch Spell attacks), Lesser Magic (Aethyric Armour, Magic Lock, Silence, Dispel), Mighty Missile (+1 Damage on Magic Missiles), Strong Minded, Hardy. Careers/Notes: Armour Ring of the Scale Gives 3AP to all locations. Armed with Sacrificial twin Dagger (1d10+3+3) Shaped like a open beak. Over the years, Holst has managed to avoid the damage of insanity. Can cast spells from the Petty Magic (Arcane), the Lore of Fire, and the Lore of Chaos lists.

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WFRP2 Combat 2 As above, except that

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The Portal will not open for 1D10+2 rounds The Demon Vessel will get the Combat 1 stats in 1d10 rounds, but until then, use the stats below. As the creature bonds with the demon, the stats change, and in kicks the terror! The Professor will not attack until the portal opens. The Imps will not appear until the portal opens.

Pre - Demon Vessel The Demon has yet to take total control of its new body. Main WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Profile 45% 10% 50% 50% 25% -% -% -% Secondary A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Profile 2 18 5 5 4 0 0 Skills: Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception, Talents: Frightening, Undead, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, SWG (2 Handed). Careers/Notes: Armed with Greatsword (1d10+5+1 Impact, Slow), Armour None Combat3 As Combat 1, except The Portal will not open for 1D10+2 rounds The Demon Vessel will get the Combat 1 stats in 1d10 rounds, but until then, use the stats from Combat 2. As the creature bonds with the demon, the stats change, and in kicks the terror! The Brooch wearer is immune from magic!

After two rounds of chanting by the hero with the Cloak Clasp, The Shade of Varitar the Merc will appear out of a bright white portal, and run straight at the Vessel, howling to slay the killer of his men. Ravitar the Mercs Shade Mercenary, Sergeant, Judicial Champion, Champion Main Profile Secondary Profile WS 75 A 3 BS 64 W 20 S 61 SB 6 T 61 TB 6 Ag 67 M 5 Int 35 Mag 0 WP 52 IP 0 Fel 52 FP 0

Skills: Dodge Blow+10, Perception, Search, Command, Talents: Disarm, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Strike Mighty Blow, Sharpshooter, Strike to Stun, Street Fighting, Lightning Parry, SWG (Fencing, 2 Handed, Flail, Parrying, Crossbow, Longbow), Fleet Footed, Lightning Reflexes, Mighty Shot, Ambidextrous. Careers/Notes: Armed with 2H Sword (1d10+6+1), or Parrying Dagger and Sword (1D10+6+1) Armour Full Plate, and skullcap (Arms 5, Body 5, Head 1/5 after putting helm on, Legs 5)

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The City Watch will appear, as the final blow is struck, to witness the defeat of evil. When Holst and all the Demons are dead, most of the cultists will collapse, or die as they explode from the blow back of magical energy. With a final blow, the evil life is ended, and the portal shudders, before collapsing in a blast of blinding light. When the final villain is destroyed Then the cavalry will appear The silence is total, before being rent by the 10 City Guardsmen realising they should start breathing, all gathered around the doorway. Bloody hell is all the sergeant can mutter, as they look on in total amazement. I think we timed that just right Sarge here in the nick of time! mutters a shell shocked Watch member. The Heroes will be treated for injuries, as mages from the guild are summoned to check out the area.

If they should fail If by some chance, they cant defeat Holst and his cronies, and they are killed, or run away, then the demon will completely meld with the vessel, the portal will solidify, and a force of demons, Beastmen, and Warriors of Chaos will march out to destroy Altdorf. With the Witch Hunters, the College Mages, and the City Watch trying to hold the line, the forces of the Emperor will be used, to quell this evil attack, and the University will be destroyed in a bitter fire fight. After 3 days of fighting, Holst will die, the portal will be closed, and the demons destroyed. If the heroes are still alive, they could help in this victory. How this works out is up to the DM.

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Chapter 17 Epilogue
Professor Goulcher will soon appear, after the battle has ended, and thank the heroes for what they have done. A thank you from the new Chancellor will be issued to the Heroes (Goulcher), freedom of the University, and an honoury degree from the Histories department will be given. Other than that, they will be asked to keep this quiet, as it could damage the good name that the university has! A possible reward from the museum could be collected (100GC), and the Bounty Hunter will appear, after the Brooch a fee of 200gc will be offered to the heroes for its return to the Bounty Hunter In the end, the heroes have been used by an evil man. A possible reward could be found if the heroes look into escorting Alissima back home to the farm. The End

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Appendix 1 Rumours and gossip

Following is a list of rumours please hand them out to the heroes, as they ask around the city, using Gossip, and other skill checks, or general role-playing to gain the answers they need. The more mad ones can be crossed off, once they have been given out. Tilean gangs are fighting for control of the thieves guild. The dead are digging themselves up, and walking the nights. A thief was torn apart by 3 men in an alley the other night. A rogue was punched again and again until his bones turned to jelly. Morr priests are selling body parts to the meat trade. A gang has been formed by the students they call themselves the Learning Dead. The Undead are attacking students, eager for fresh brains. I see visionsBlue and yellow vultures fly down to attack a girl, and then all is blood red. People arent safe in their own houses gangs are breaking into houses to kidnap people. The Watch are on the take they must be behind the crime wave. A monster is stealing people who dared to talk about c-a-h-o-r-s-e. (Chaos). The mages and the doctors have asked for more bodies to practice on. More money than ever to be had in the dead. Three men are after a gang for what I couldnt say, but they hunt them like they are possessed. Every night, more people are attacked by strangers. The Beer in the Pigsticker Inn was stolen from the brewery. Moon Madness it affects all who are striving for more than just bread. Im sure I saw Henris boy wandering the streets, but he was murdered last week, and buried. A gang of 3 students have turned vigilante, and are killing thieves. A man of learning is after two items a reward could be in the offing. Demons unhappy with humanity are coming to get us. The Watch reckon the kidnappers are body snatchers they keep finding old bodies near the scenes. Less traders are appearing in Altdorf word of the troubles must be spreading. More Witch Hunters have been appearing they always come before the deaths increase. Altdorf is cursed burn your shoes the earth hates to be trodden on by the touch of death (Leather). A mountain of a man was seen by Jimmi, climbing out of the sewers 12 feet tall. The kidnappings are to order someone is managing all these crimes. The dockhands are jealous of the students its them who are attacking us. A creature of the night must be behind all the kidnaps and murders no one is ever found. The moon is growing in size beware the madness of man and their quest for power. I saw a man, holding a sword and shield, who was not a man, but a rat. A guild war is on the cards dead thieves, more crimesomething is afoot. The Barman of the Golden Coin sleeps with pigs. The Museum of Altdorf are after some heroes for a job. One woman awoke to find two bodiless hands gripping her throat, trying to strangle her. Some of these are true, others are just madness, but all could help the heroes in their quest.

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Appendix 2 Dr Fausts All Natural Cure All Remedy

Heinz Weill has a private stash of healing on his person, in the form of a wonderful tonic that he picked up on his travels namely when he fled his last employer, Gink the Oily. The label has in big red and green letters Dr Fausts All Natural Cure All Remedy, and under that, a list of the things this wonderful liquid can cure Apart from being a healing tonic, that helps to heal, it can also Remove birth marks Whitens teeth Grow hair if bald Heals burns Freshens breath Kills Weeds Great on Chips Removes Diseases Removes hair Repairs broken bones Cures distemper Colour grey hair Oils rusty bolts Softens washed clothing Kills Flees Improves plant growth Bleaches blonde hair Cleans steel Calms water Polishes Wood Removes Stains

Drink it, rub it in, or just pour over the affected part. And 90% proof! Heinz has seen this miracle liquid work before, when he sold a bottle to an injured man, who seemed to be cured of a nasty wound to the chest after drinking a mouthful, and at the same time, his bald head sprouted hair! On drinking one dose (a capful), the person is cured of 1D10 wounds immediately. Heinz only has one more bottle left, with 6 doses, and hes interested in what else it can cure or cause! He also thinks the results could point him towards what is in this concoction, and a way of creating his own! Dose Drinker 1 2 3 4 5 6 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Result ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

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WFRP2 Real story of the funny drink

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The drink is toxic and made from all sorts of strange ingredients, and therefore has a list of strange side affects. On taking a dose, the drinker must make a Toughness check, that is adjusted by a -10% penalty for every other dose this person has taken in the last week. If successful, nothing happens, but if the check is failed, then the drinker has to roll on the Side Affects Table below, with a penalty of +11 for each dose the drinker has taken before this dose (either +0, +11, +22, etc). The drinker then might have to roll on the Stat Affected Table. As well as the roll, the drinker will be affected by a random thought of the Games Master their hair falls out, teeth become bright white, the skin turns blue. All results are short term, and only last for 1D4 hours, and then the side affect fades away, falls off, or just disappears! These affects are due to being made hyper, given more adrenaline, or such like. Side Affects Table Roll Result 1-10 A stat is increased by +5%/+1 11 The Wounds stat doubles 12-21 The Drinker suddenly gets access to cast Magic Dart, with a Mag of 2. Must roll both dice when casting. 22 The Wounds Stat halves 23-32 A stat is reduced by -5%/-1 33 User gains 1d4 insanity points as a vision of the Chaos Wastes is forced into their mind 34-43 A stat is reduced by -10%/-2 44 Roll on Table 7-4 Minor Chaos Manifestation P143 45-54 Two stats are reduced by -10%/-2 55 Hero struck Deaf Stat Affected Table Roll Stat Roll 01-10 WS 51-60 11-20 BS 61-70 21-30 S 71-80 31-40 T 81-90 41-50 Ag 91-00 Stat Int WP Fel M Mag Roll 56-65 66 67-76 77 78-87 88 Result A stat is reduced by -20%/-4 Hero struck Deaf and Dumb Two stats are reduced by -20%/-4 Roll on Table 7-4 Major Chaos Manifestation P143 A stat is reduced by -30% Hero is thrown into his own magical world, where he is the most important person alive, and he deals with monsters that others cannot see. The DM will set special scenes that only this hero can see. A stat is reduced by -40% Roll on Table 7-4 Catastrophic Chaos Manifestation P143 Drinker explodes in a burst of atomic energy time to use that Fate Point!

89-98 99 00

If asked to roll twice, re-roll any duplicates.

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Appendix 3 Experience Awards and Hero Setup

Experience points for this adventure are linked to the actions that the heroes performed, and how successful they were in solving the mystery. It is possible for a hero to earn over 600xp in the course of completing this adventure, but that would involve visiting every place in the adventure, and interacting with everybody. The adventure should take around 8 to 12 hours of playing about 3 sessions, but players who like to roleplay could take longer, and the more action players could shorten the game. With the threats that the heroes will have to deal with in this scenario, this works out to about 100200xp per session slightly higher than normal, but the dangers in this adventure match the rewards.

Heroes This adventure was written to be ran with the following characters. All have been advanced with 800xp, gained in the course of other adventures. Alarich Reiner Apprentice Wizard Human Heinz Weill Student Human Dirk the Fox Rogue Halfling Edric Alderheart Pitfighter Human Ezierel Kithband Warrior Elf Barshar Grimhagen Shieldbreaker - Dwarf

There is nothing stopping other characters being used with this scenario, as long as certain requirements are met. One of the heroes should be a friend of Holst, an ex student of the university. A hero with the Gossip skill, and an ability to open locks would also be of an advantage. Experience Rewards Chapter 1 Dealing with the Beggar bandits (Chapter 1) Solving the threat with out deadly Violence 10xp 10xp 10xp

Chapter 3 Noticing the jewellery that Holst hides in the Chest Chapter 3a Hearing the words of the Shade Helping the injured students 15xp 10xp

Chapter 4 Visiting the Library 10xp Checking out the Graveyard 10xp Checking out the Mausoleum, and solving how the money will be moved 10xp Checking out the Doctor and the Garden - 10xp April 2005 Upgrade Draft Version 1.1 Page 51 of 56 By CW, IJR, & MM

WFRP2 Chapter 5 Checking out the class, and getting Goulchers aid Chapter 6 Visiting each pub 10xp Talking with the Witch Hunters 10xp Chapter 7 Checking out the watch Gaining the extra information Contacting the Thieves Guild Gaining the extra information 15xp 10xp 15xp 10xp 10xp

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Chapter 9 Dealing with the Bounty Hunter fairly Chapter 12 Dealing with the Skeletons Chapter 13 Dealing with the Zombies Vanquishing Doctor Kasch Saving the captured girl Solving the Thieves Code Chapter 14 Dealing with the Thieves Rescuing Alissima 20xp 25xp 30xp 15xp 15xp 20xp 5xp

Chapter 15 Talking to Goulcher 10xp Checking out the Museum 10xp Trying to recruit help 10xp Stealing the two artefacts 20xp Chapter 16 Destroying the Vessel 30xp Killing a Demon Imp 15xp Killing a Cultist 5xp Vanquishing Holst 40xp Bonus for overcoming Chapter 16 via Combat 1 Bonus for overcoming Chapter 16 via Combat 2 Saving Gertrude from Sacrifice 30xp Overall Roleplaying reward per Hero Solving the whole problem 50xp 50xp

50xp 20xp

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Handout 1 Leopolds Letter

Office of the Chancellor Chancellery Department University of Altdorf Dear Alarich, I would that this letter be the bearer of good news, of laughter and of bright things, but alas, it is with a heavy heart that I write to you with evil tidings. Earlier this evening, a letter was pushed under my door at the University the sender blending into the crowd in the hall when I opened the door to who may have brought such a missive. The note was a ransom demand of 20,000 Gold Crowns for the safe return of my beloved Niece Alissima My Brothers Daughter who you met 2 summers ago when we visited my Familys farm outside of Altdorf. The fiends have kidnapped my Alissima, and if I dont give them the money within 3 days, she will be killed, and thrown into a river. If I tell the watch, they will know and kill her. This cannot happen. I need someone to help find her, or help me in handing the money over someone with experience of dealing in life and death matters. Please, I have no one else I can trust, and so I humbly ask you to come and see me at my office in the Chancellery of the University, and I will explain more. I await your reply, Your friend,

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Handout 2 The Kidnappers Letter Chancellor, We have you niece. We want 20000GC or we will drown her in the river. You have 3 days to find the money or she dies. Bring in the watch, and she dies. Cross us and she dies Dont pay and she dies We see anyone nearby at the drop off point, and she dies Young, beautiful girls shouldnt be left in this danger dont make a mistake, and think we will let her go without our money. The money will be dropped off in the University Graveyard Place it in the northern urn of the Mausoleum of the 3rd chancellor of the university at midnight. Your Niece will then be returned to you later in the night.

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Handout 3 Scar Faces letter

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Handout 4 The Brothers Letter

My Dear Brother Benni, Got a real good job on something I could really use your guidance, but you are out of town, so Ill have to earn a crust on my own. Some white haired Professor, up at the University as hired me and the lads to steal some artefacts from a couple of places I said jewellery, but he said that they were not some piece of junk to hang on clothes as a bauble, but an artefact of history mad! A right artefact nut all he every talked about. Anyway, the pay is great, and might give us the opportunity to prey on more Professors within the campus foot in the door and all that. Golden chance for some blackmail on him after the fact. Good hunting, Your Brother, Lenni

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