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TITLE: Without Seeing the Dawn AUTHOR: Stevan Javellana SETTING: Manhayang, Sta. Barbara, Negros.

CHARACTERS: Carding (Ricardo Suerte) An industrious, strong, and quick-tempered son of Juan Suerte. Lucing (Lucia) beautiful daughter of the teniente del barrio; holds the title of Ms. Barangay Fiesta Juan Suerte farmer; father of Carding Teniente Paul Barangay Chief of Manhayang; father of Lucing Don Diego - landlord Luis Diego son of Don Diego SUMMARY: Here revolves the story of Ricardo Suerte, also called Carding. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. He aspired to marry sweet Lucia, the daughter of the teniente del barrio. The newlyweds lived happily on the land entrusted to Tatay Juan by Don Diego. Misfortune struck early when their first child was stillborn. Lucing disgraced herself, her family and her husband by the temptation of a houseguest Luis. The couple patched things up, but the land that Carding and Juan Suerte had been tilling for a very long time was given to another tenant. With no land to till, the pair tried their luck in the city. There, in Iloilo, Carding met Rosing and Nestong. The latter was his fellow stevedore and union member, and the former, a prostitute besotted with him, and also the reason why his wife left him and returned to their barrio. Soon, Carding followed Lucing with news that the representante entrusted them with land to till in Badlan. Lucing too, had news for her husband: she was again pregnant. They moved to Badlan and worked harder than ever. They were blessed not only by a promise of a bountiful harvest, but also with a healthy son they named Crisostomo. Sadly, their landlord sold the land, but they were given time to harvest what they sowed. A great flood destroyed everything that they had harvest and lost their carabao as well. Wanting to own their own piece of land, they were convinced to move to Mindanao, but Carding was drafted for military service. When he returned, he was delighted to find his wife heavy with another child. Misfortune welcomed him again as he was told that Tatay Juan and Crisostomo died of some illness. Little did he know that the Japanese soldiers who attacked their village killed his father and son and raped his wife. When he found out the truth, he became like a fearsome madman that even his wife and mother-in-law thought him to be bad. As his neighbors, relatives and friends in barrio Manhayang were tortured, raped and massacred by the Japanese soldiers, Carding too became a seemingly heartless executioner to his enemies, and not even his friend nor the brother of his mother-in-law were spared. He also almost killed the child that his wife had just delivered, were it not born dead. For that, Lucing was so enraged that she sent him away and wished him dead. The Japanese ordered everyone to enter a collective barrio or else be considered guerrilla supporters and be shot. However, Lucing was hesitant to go. She was waiting to see her husband despite everything, knowing that he will be leading the suicide attack to the Japanese garrison. When they did see each other, Carding asked for her forgiveness and left her what cash he had as he bade her farewell. In the end, Lucing refused to flee for she knew that she was still his wife, duty-bound to receive the corpse of her beloved husband.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

THEME: 1. Filipino way of life, dreams and aspirations 2. Nightmare of war 3. Recovery from hardships and misfortunes.
Presented by: Parba, Ralph Ramlyson & Patatag, Louel

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