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HDS - Diesel

HDS Tutorial Diesel Hydrotreater Simulation

Copyright 2009 by EnVision Systems Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

HDS Tutorial
This interactive HDS tutorial provides an overview, fundamental principles, control principles and operating principles for an ultra-low sulfur diesel/gas-oil hydrotreater unit, using voice, video, animation and graphics. The principles taught for the hydrodesulfurization unit (HDS) are also applicable to other hydrotreating units, such as naphtha, gasoline, aviation gas/kerosene or cat-feed hydrotreaters. The topics covered are:


Introduction Importance of Hydrotreating (HDS) Various Hydrotreating (HDS) Processes

Safeguard System

Introduction Unit Depressurization Reactor High Temperature Shutdown Reactor Feed Shutdown Feed Furnace Shutdown Recycle Gas Compressor Shutdown High Pressure Separator Safeguards


High Reactor Tem

Loss of Feed to Re

Loss of Recycle G

Loss of Make-up H

Diesel-HDS Unit Overview

Product Stripper an

HDS Components

Feed Preparation and Preheat Section

Reactor Section Reactor Effluent Cooling and Separation Section

Absorber Safeguards

Startup Operation

Pre-Startup Check Purging Reactor Loop Pressurization Reactor Heat Up and Feed Preparation Introduce Feed to Reactor Achieve Product Specification Achieve Design Operating Condition

Amine Absorber Recycle Gas Compressor Make-up Hydrogen Product Stripping Section

Principles of HDS

Hydrotreating Reactions Reaction Kinetics Hydrotreating Catalyst Catalyst Deactivation and Regeneration

Shutdown Operation

Feed Reduction and Shutdown Reactor Bed Dry Out Product Stripper and Vacuum Drier Shutdown

Key Process Variables

Unit Pressure Reactor Temperature Quench Strategy Separator Temperatures Wash Water Treat Gas Rate and Hydrogen Purity Feed Vaporization Hydrogen Partial Pressure Hydrogen Consumption Product Stripper and Vacuum Drier

Reactor Cool down

Copyright 2009 by EnVision Systems Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Diesel Hydrotreater Simulation

The HDS simulation is a rigorous and high-fidelity mathematical process model that provides a realistic dynamic response for a hydrodesulfurization unit.

Process Overview:
The gas oil or diesel HDS unit primarily removes sulfur, nitrogen and other impurities from diesel-fraction for sale as ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD).

Major Sections:

Feed Preparation and Preheat Section Reactor Section Reactor Effluent Cooling and Separation Section Amine Absorber Recycle Gas Compressor Section Make-Up Hydrogen Section Product Stripper Section Vacuum Drying Section

Major Operations for Trainee Practice:

Startup and Shutdown Operations Normal Operations

Emergency Shutdown Operations Troubleshooting Equipment, Instrument and Control Valve Malfunctions Malfunction Recovery Actions

Simulation Features:

Hydrotreating Reactions: Olefin Saturation Aromatic Saturation Desulfurization Denitrogenation Effect on Hydrotreating: Temperature and Pressure H2 Partial Pressure H2 to Oil Ratio Liquid Hourly Space Velocity (LHSV) Feed Sulfur and Nitrogen Content Make-Up Hydrogen Composition Catalyst Activity Decay H2S and NH3 Inhibition Effect on Catalyst Activity Interlock/Safeguard System Diesel Product Properties such as Sulfur, Nitrogen, ASTM Analysis, Flash Point, Cetane Index and Specific Gravity

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