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Late 1900s __________ *COINTELPRO (infiltration and subversion of activist groups; Students for Democr atic Society, Black

Panthers, Weathermen Underground) *MK ULTRA [1950s] (behavioral engineering research) - subproject 68 *MK CHICKWIT *MK OFTEN *MK SEARCH *MK DELTA *MK NAOMI *QK *QK *QK *QK *QK *QK HILLTOP (behavioral engineering research) ACTIVE BROIL DEMON DROOP ENCHANT

*MH CHAOS (infiltrating resistance groups) *Project CHATTER (identification and testing of drugs in interrogation and in re cruitment) *Project RESISTANCE (domestic espionage of student radical groups) *Project MERRIMAC (domestic espionage of student radical groups; infiltration an d intelligence gathering) *Project SHAMROCK [1945] (illegal surveillance program) *Project MINARET [1945] (illegal surveillance program) *Project ARTICHOKE [1950] (became MK Ultra, originally focused on interrogation methods) *Project FUBELT [1970] (coup of the Chilean government, undermining the election of Salvador Allende) *Project AGILE [1960] (research on conducting remote, limited, asymmetric warfar e; terrorist methods. Led by Advanced Research Projects Administration, ARPA) - subprojects 1-7 *Project OCONUS (testing chemical agents overseas, experimenting with defoliatio n chemicals; a subproject of AGILE) *Project SCORPION (a multinational military modernization program focused on con cept development; civil-military affairs, effects based operations and net centr ic warfare) *Operation AJAX (Iranian coup) *Operation PBSUCCESS (Guatemalan coup) *Operation PBFORTUNE (Guatemalan coup) *Operation Popeye, Intermediary Compatriot (use of weather warfare in Vietnam; c loud seeding to cause excessive rain) *Operation Mongoose, The Cuban Project [1960] (state sponsored terrorism against Fidel Castros communist government) *Operation Paperclip (operation to recruit Nazi scientists guilty of war crimes and human experimentation, pardoned and hired by U.S.) *Operation Mockingbird [1950] (recruitment of domestic journalists to infiltrate news outlets and propagation of desired perceptions) *Operation WASHTUB [1950] (covert operation for planting phony Soviet arms in Ni caragua to represent Guatemalan ties to Moscow; part of the Guatemalan coup) *Operation Northwoods (proposed operation to carry out domestic acts of terroris m against self (the U.S.) as a false flag operation) *Operation Charly (covert operation designed to extend illegal repression method s from Argentina to Central America)

*Operation IA Feature [1950] (supporting African militants) *Operation Cyclone [1980] (funding the Mujahideen to combat the Soviets) *Operation Midnight Climax [1950] (Another ULTRA subproject, luring victims to p redesignated safehouses to dose them with LSD and assess its effects) *Iranian coup d'etat in Operation Ajax *Guatemalan coup d'etat in Operation PBFORTUNE, PBSUCCESS [1950] *Chilean coup d'etat in Project FUBELT *Unit 731 [1950] (Japanese scientists conducting human experimentation, guilty o f war crimes, pardoned and hired by the U.S.) *The Assassination Archives and Research Center *Project Jefferson [1990s-2000] (experimenting with anthrax vaccines) *Project Bacchus [1990s-2000] (experimenting with covert anthrax production) *Project Clear Vision [1990s-2000] (experimenting with bioweapon dispersion meth ods via Soviet bomblets) ___ NOW ___

*Operation TIPS (assimilates the U.S. public into the suppression of subversive activity, creates Terrorism Liaison Officers, turning common workers into citize n spies) *FISC (private court that provides authority for conducting surveillance on unwi tting U.S. peoples) *FBI Stingray system (secret cell phone tracking system) *CTS (Combat Zones That See; a program initiating domestic, urban mass surveilla nce via CCTV) *ADVISE *VIRAT *MALINTENT (programs that assist in surveillance operations and data analysis of intelligence) *CISPA *SOPA *PIPA (bills for the authorization of federal bodies to record all internet acti vity) *NDAA (authorizes the killing of U.S. citizens deemed suspicious by gov't) *Agricultural gag laws (illegal to record slaughterhouses) *Raytheon 'Silent Guardian' program (creating portable ray weaponry for authorit ies)

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