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Spiral Dynamics Integral

Christopher Cooke and Ben Levi Over the past 50 years a radical point of view on the Integral development of a person has emerged. This point of view moves beyond Maslow and other earlier less complex appreciations. An Integral perspective now equips leaders with a truly holistic appreciation of the dynamics of change, and the evolving potential and priorities that offer fresh insights into their own development, and that of their followers, the organizations they may lead, and the societies within which they operate. The present theoretical basis for such an integral point of view is derived largely from the work of Ken Wilber (Integral philosophy), Clare W. Graves, and Dr. Don Beck (Spiral Dynamics Integral). A combination of these points of view provides an invaluable map and compass for the leaders of today and as a consequence will prepare and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. Ken Wilber has described this comprehensive map of human capacities which includes five major aspects. He refers to these five aspects as quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types. These aspects are potentials available to all human beings. The graphic on the left shows one representation of Wilbers map, sometimes refered to as AQAL, in terms of three components: 1) A vertical axis representing the Individual/Collective boundary; 2) a horizontal axis representing the Interior/Exterior boundary; and 3) the meta-memetic values systems, or levels, described by Spiral Dynamics, represented by the colors radiating out from the center. Wilbers quadrants refers to the fact that all major human languages have first-, second-, and third-person pronouns (e.g. I, you/we, and it). These three dimensions of reality (I, we, and it) often manifest as art, morals, and science (or the aesthetic expression of I, the morals of we, and the objective it of science). Plato referred to these three dimensions as The Good (science), the True (morals) and the Beautiful (art). If we realize that it can appear in plural, or its, then we have the four quadrants or dimensions that are present in all major human languages: I, we, it, and itsor the intentional, cultural, behavioral, and social dimensions of all human beings. The I dimension is also known as the Individual Interior, or the subjective, inner experience of an individual human being. The It dimension is known as the Individual Exterior, which describes the objective, or external manifestation of an individual traits and behaviors, as well as physical brain chemistry and other biological manifestations. The We dimension is known as the Collective Interior, and describes the cultural values and intersubjective relationships within a group of people. The Its dimension is known as the Collective Exterior, and describes the policies, laws, structures and systems that a collective creates in order to be a cohesive system. Note that the collective dimensions can represent any collective that the individual is a part of, whether it be a family, community, organization, country, or planet. The Integral approach simply points out that these dimensions of reality are present in all people and cultures, and therefore any truly comprehensive or integral approach to a problem or situation would want to include all of

Spiral Dynamics Integral

these important dimensions. If we exclude any dimension our analysis as leaders, we will have a partial, fragmented, and incomplete approach to any proposed solution. The same principle applies to the other four major aspects: levels, lines, states, and types. Most natural organisms show a capacity for developmentan acorn grows into an oak through various levels or stages of growth. Human beings likewise show various stages of growth, which can occur through many of their innate capacities. In short, human beings have many developmental lines (such as cognitive, emotional, interpersonal, values, physical, spiritual etc.) that unfold together like musical chords in various levels or stages of development. In 1978 Clare W. Graves, a psychology professor at the University of New York, announced his theory of an emergent, cyclical, double-helix model of adult bio-psycho-social systems. Wilbers model of quadrants and levels of development is a refinement of Graves model. Spiral Dynamics Integral offers additional insights into the deeper change dynamics within and between the waves, stages, or levels of human development. Graves and Wilbers work are unique in that they offer not only a perspective of personal development for an individual or group, but also a perspective that adds an evolution of species as existential states perspective, which takes the leadership role to new levels of inquiry and application. Simply put, the Integral map attempts to account for as many levels and lines of development as is pertinent for the situation, taking all four quadrants into account. We believe this is crucial in any truly comprehensive or integral approach to the worlds problems the leadership domain being the core of any solution. Note that Spiral Dynamics Integral places the Spiral at the center of the four quadrant map. The theory acknowledges that there are many lines of development that are distinct from the values development that the Spiral Dynamics theory proposes, but the power of the Spiral Dynamics Integral model lies in its ability to describe the dynamic relationships between the various lines and levels. This ability to sense the ebbs and flows between all the st quadrants, levels and lines is an essential skill for the 21 century leader. Lastly, Wilber writes about states and types. Many of the major states are well-knownwaking, dreaming, and sleeping, for exampleand once again, these major states are clearly potentials that are present in all human beings. Types attempt to explain different types of awareness, which takes into account that there are different modes and manners of perceiving and responding to a given situation. An Integral approach thus elicits solutions that acknowledge and incorporate all of these important variables of being human, without excluding or denying any of thembecause all of them are clearly impacting upon the perception of life conditions (time, place, circumstances, capacities) that leaders can consciously engage with. Simply put, anything less than a truly Integral approach (i.e. through ignorance) will more than likely make matters worse in the long term, not better. Spiral Dynamics reveals the codes that shape human nature. These codes create global diversities, and drive evolutionary change. These magnetic forces attract and repel individuals, form the webs that connect people within organizations, and forge the rise and fall of nations and cultures.Dr. Don Beck, 1996 When these ideas are combined into an integral, all-quadrants, levels, lines, states and types perspective, we believe that this offers a most robust and resilient leadership responseability and practice that enables individual, business, societal and even planetary success. This creates a process of resonance, coherence, alignment and emergence, simply making available to leaders today the best of mankinds knowledge, with extensive case studies of success.
Spiral Dynamics Integral 2

Leadership and Organizational Styles of the Spiral

FIRST TIER SYSTEMS 1st Level: AN/Beige 2nd Level: BO/Purple 3rd Level: CP/Red 4th Level: DQ/Blue 5th Level: ER/Orange
Produces instinctive skills to survive in the rainforest, savanna, bush and tundra, as well as in cases of serious deprivation and tragedy. Creates animistic thinking, bonds humans to closely-knit groups, and enriches inanimate objects with meanings and magical significance. Stimulates the impulsive self while generating powerful images of aggressiveness, conquest, and predator/prey relationships. Awakens transcendent purpose, impulse control; creates abstract causes, principles; focus on future reward; disciplined and dedicated. Forges the autonomous self, creates the algorithms of strategy, changeability and pragmatism; stresses status, winning and success Rejects authoritarian and materialistic codes while exploring the inner self and inner selves of others. Searches for harmony, supports egalitarian communities in a quest for peace and caring.

Congruent Leader Style Caretaker

Organizational Structure Survival Band

Caring Parent

Tribal Order Exploitative Empire Order-Driven Hierarchy Strategic Enterprise

Big Boss Rightful Authority Win:Win



Sensitive Facilitator

Social Network

7th Level: GT/Yellow

Integral, systemic, natural works to restore human viability to a world convoluted by First Tier systems, both their successes and failures. Legitimizes all of the vMeme codes; works to keep each healthy and open to movement along the Spiral Detects holistic energy flows that bind everything together. Constructs large-scale mandates in acting on behalf of all life. Nurtures all human manifestations that contribute to the whole, while sensing big picture perspectives and comprehensive initiatives.

Competent Partner

Systemic Flow

8th Level: Turquoise

Spiritual Counselor

Holistic Organism

Spiral Dynamics Integral

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