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Whiteboard Music Lessons

Lower Primary/Elementary

Module One

Lesson Plans

Whiteboard Music Lessons - Module 1. Lesson Plans Page 1

Copyright 2011 The Fun Music Company


Introduction 3 Lesson Plan Guides 4 Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1 - What is Music? 4 2 - The Guitar 7 3 - The Piano 10 4 - Drums and Percussion 13 5 - Instrument Families 17 6 - The Rock Band 20 7 - What is Jazz? 24 8 - The Concert Band 27 9 - Music from Other Cultures 30 10 - How music is Written 33 11 - Short and Long 36 12 - Fast and Slow 40 13 - Loud and Soft 43 14 - Composing and Performing 46

Sheet Music for Songs 49 Music is Fun 49 Air Guitar Rock 50 The Piano 51 Four Families (of the Orchestra) 52 Hip Hop Bunny 53 Hungry Wolf Rock 54 All About Jazz 54 Band is Cool 55 Sanibonani 55 Banana Song 56 Wed Like to Play a Song 57 Song Credits List 58

Whiteboard Music Lessons - Module 1. Lesson Plans Page 2

Copyright 2011 The Fun Music Company

This module of music lessons is designed as a program of experiences in music, which can be taught by anyone with or without experience as a music teacher. It is designed for early primary/elementary school students, up to approximately grade 3. The overall aims of this program are: To To To To To To To To give children the chance to sing give children a chance to play music encourage creativity and composition in music understand relationships between music and culture from around the world give the children the chance to improvise listen and evaluate music performances expose children to a variety of styles of music introduce the reading and notation of music

These aims were defined after consulting the MENC standards for music education in the USA, the National Curriculum of the United Kingdom and the draft national curriculum of Australia. Each lesson has: A simple song to sing A percussion related activity, which can be done with whatever instruments are available Activities to develop active listening of music Games to develop understanding of critical aspects of music including dynamics, pitch etc.

Obviously not all activities may suit all classes, for this reason we have made this as flexible as possible within the confines of what can be done inside the software we are using. In any lesson you can:

Click the forward and back icons to move between activities

Click the centre of the circle at the bottom of the page to bring up a menu of just that lessons activities

Click the icons down the left hand side if youd like to skip to a song or a game that the children know and enjoy.

Whiteboard Music Lessons - Module 1. Lesson Plans Page 3

Copyright 2011 The Fun Music Company

Lesson 1 - What is Music?

Outcomes of this lesson: Students Students Students Students Students Students will will will will will will get a general introduction to learning music explore the difference between musical and non-musical sounds discover that music can be soft or loud discover high and low pitched sounds take part in active listening play an instrument in time to music Description Activity #1 Theme Song: Music is Fun! Sing the song with actions. This is the theme song for this unit. First try simply clapping along to the beat, and singing along. All songs in this program are included in the back of this teachers guide, so if you can play guitar or piano you are welcome to use your own accompaniment instead. Whiteboard Slide

Activity #2 What is Music? Hold a class discussion about What is music?. Children give ideas and the teacher writes their suggestions on whiteboard. There are not really right or wrong answers to this activity, but here are some ideas of words that you can use to prompt them with: Sound Bands Harmony Singing Notes Dancing Songs Guitars Singing Instruments Melody Good Fun

High and Low Pitch

Activity #3 Which are Musical Sounds? This activity has a selection of ten different sounds which play when you touch the music icons. This gives you the opportunity to continue the class discussion and hear different musical and non-musical sound effects. There are no right or wrong answers to this activity, as sometimes some of the environmental sounds may sound musical to the children. Have them take a vote on which they feel is musical or not. Class to decide as a group which sound belongs in which circle, and you can have children take it in turns to come up to the board, click an icon, then drag it to the appropriate circle.

Whiteboard Music Lessons - Module 1. Lesson Plans Page 4

Copyright 2011 The Fun Music Company


Whiteboard Slide

Activity #4 Worksheet Children Color the word Music and draw pictures of what they think music is, while listening to soft classical music. Children can draw whatever they think music is to them. Some might draw music notes or instruments on the paper, or you might like to encourage them to draw themselves singing or playing an instrument.

Activity #5 Loud and Soft Sounds Music can be LOUD or SOFT. Children classify different pictures of worldwide objects by dragging and dropping them into columns. Note: there are no sounds attached to the icons in this activity, this is deliberate as we want them to think about what loud and soft means in their head.

Activity #6 Time to Play This gives you the opportunity to use any instruments that you have in your classroom, or if you dont have instruments that is fine too. If you do have instruments separate them into three groups. Skinned instruments like drums & tambourines, metal instruments like triangles and wooden like claves. Sit them clearly in the three groups. Then, start and stop them playing with the music. You can then have a student come and be the conductor and start and stop the groups. If you dont have instruments, then have three children use the instruments on the screen by touching them in time, and have the rest of the children clap or use other body percussion. Activity #7 High and Low Sounds This activity has eight different melodies attached to the music icons. Have the children take turns in coming up to the board, click the icon and then discuss as a group whether this sound is high or low, and the student drags it into the appropriate circle.

Whiteboard Music Lessons - Module 1. Lesson Plans Page 5

Copyright 2011 The Fun Music Company

Description Activity #8 Musical Statues Game Game option #1 - You may choose either or both of the games (Activity #8 and #9) depending on the age and interests of the class. Musical Statues. Children move around the room and have to freeze when music stops. Class to elect one music captain to start and stop the track randomly, and one judge to decide if player is out. Have the music captain stand with their hands behind their back to touch the play button on the board, so that the children will not see when they are going to touch it!

Whiteboard Slide

Activity #9 Musical Matching Game This is a more complicated option, for older children than the musical statues game. In this game have the children take turns to come to the board, click two icons and see if the music matches. If they get a match, drag both icons to the rectangle.

Activity #10 Music Theme Song This gives you an opportunity to revisit the song of the day, and this time they have the chance to play along with it as well, as the tambourine graphic is able to be played in time with the music. You can have the children play with percussion instruments as well if you wish.

Whiteboard Music Lessons - Module 1. Lesson Plans Page 6

Copyright 2011 The Fun Music Company

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