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Class: Spanish 2

Chapter: Así Se Dice: Chapter 2

 Family Vocabulary
 The verb tener
 Possessive Adjectives
 The verb ser
 Household vocabulary
Language Objectives:
 Teach students to correctly conjugate the verbs tener and ser in all
 Teach students to use possessive adjectives correctly to speak more
fluidly when talking about the things around them.
 Teach students vocabulary about their family so that they can talk
about their own families, ask about the families of others, and
understand their responses
 Teach students to discuss their homes and ask questions about
other people’s homes

Content Objectives:
 Students will use the new vocabulary and grammar concepts in
authentic and communicative ways so that they can retain the
information and connect it to their lives and experiences.
 Students will create a family tree
o This will teach them to use possessive adjectives and how to
say someone’s name and age is the él, ella, usted form.
o This will allow them to practice family vocabulary
 Students will interview each other about their families
 Students will design a layout for a house and write an ad to
advertise it as if they were real estate agents.
 Students will listen to
Other Objectives:
 Use more target language through the use of the “Solo español”
 Call more parents for both good and bad
 Bell ringer and individual activities
 Projects

 Quiz at the end of the chapter

Lesson Plans:
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Introduce Practice Further Review Apply
 Introduce  Students  Finish  Individual  Students
the new will family practice will
vocabular create a tree which will answer
y- family  Individual work with 20
overhead tree exercise/ the questions
 Students  20 family informal vocabular about
take members assessme y in themselv
notes , with a nt context es -
 Compreh sentence  Review written
ension ? for each board  Ask a
’s telling game partner
 Teach age and  Silent the
possessiv name of Reading questions
e person , write
adjective response
inductivel s in the
y él, ella
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Introduce Practice Elaborate/ Practice in Review/
Apply context Assessment
 Introduce  Students  Students  Individual  Review
househol will draw will practice game
d their complete  Listening  Written
vocabular dream their Activity- assessme
y/tener/ house dream students nt
and ser  They will house will listen  Silent
using a label the and turn to me reading
PowerPoi house, it in. read and
nt and then they will
ion write follow
 Comp. ? sentence along
’s- s to with
individual describe compreh
ly and in what the ension
groups house is activities
Standards Used:
 Communcati  Culture  Connection  Compariso  Community
on s ns

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