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Submitted by Sourabh Malhotra

ENROLLMENT NUMBER:07716688512 Under Guidance of Puja Khatri Associate Professor University School of Management Studies(USMS), GGS Indraprastha University. Dr

To Understand Various Facets of human resource information system

1.Usage and Benefits 2.Issues and challenges/ pitfalls while implementing HRIS. 3.Advantages and Disadvantages

INTRODUCTION Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a systematic way of storing data and information for each individual employee to aid planning, decision making, and submitting of returns and reports to the external agencies.

It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field.

It can be used to maintain details such as employee profiles, absence reports, salary admin. and various kinds of reports.

The Human Resource Information Systems provide overall:

Management of all employee information. Reporting and analysis of employee information. Company-related documents such as employee handbooks, emergency evacuation procedures, and safety guidelines. Benefits administration including enrollment, status changes, and personal information updating. Complete integration with payroll and other financial and accounting systems. Applicant and resume management.

Usage of HRIS
* HR planning * Activity planning

* Job oblige planning * Work force planning * Staffing * Applicant recruitment and tracking * Employee data base development * Performance management * Learning and developing * Compensation and benefits * Pay wander * Job judgement * Salary looking * Salary cerebration * Worldwide rectification * Benefits direction * Develop innovative Org. Structure * Get IT (information technology)

HRIS Benefits
HRIS has showed many benefits to the HR operations. A few of them can be detailed as; => Faster information process, => Greater information accuracy, => Improved planning and program development, and => Enhanced employee communications

Barriers to the success of an HRIS

Lack of direction content o Satisfaction with the status quo

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No or poorly through needs reasoning Insolvency to allow key grouping Unfortunate to record plan a group uncastrated Sentiment / hidden agendas Unfortunate to relate / research remarkable groups Need of connection Bad timing (instant of gathering and continuance)

Advantages The basic advantage of a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is not only to computerize employee records and databases but to maintain an up-to-date account of the decisions that have been made or that need to be made as part of a human resource management plan. Critical disadvantages It can be expensive in terms of finance and manpower. It can be threatening and inconvenient. Thorough understanding of what constitutes quality information for the user. Computer cannot substitute human beings.

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