Bansal Test Solidstate PDF

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Formula of ionic solid from unit cell description

Q.l A cubic solid is made up oI two elements A and B. Atoms B are at the corners oI the cube and A at the
body centre. What is the Iormula oI compound.
Q.2 A compound alloy oI gold and copper crystallizes in a cubic lattice in which gold occupy that lattice point
at corners oI the cube and copper atom occupy the centres oI each oI the cube Iaces. What is the
Iormula oI this compound.
Q.3 A cubic solid is made by atoms A Iorming close pack arrangement, B occupying one. Fourth oI tetrahedral
void and C occupying halI oI the octahedral voids. What is the Iormula oI compound.
Q. 4 What is the percent by mass oI titanium in rutile, a mineral that contain Titanium and oxygen, iI structure
can be described as a closet packed array oI oxide ions, with titanium in one halI oI the octahedral holes.
What is the oxidation number oI titanium?
Q. 5 Spinel is a important class oI oxides consisting oI two types oI metal ions with the oxide ions arranged in
CCP pattern. The normal spinel has one-eight oI the tetrahedral holes occupied by one type oI metal ion
and one halI oI the octahedral hole occupied by another type oI metal ion. Such a spinel is Iormed by
, Al
and 0
~, with ZxI' m the tetrahedral holes. Give the Iormulae oI spinel.
Edge length, densitv and number of atoms per unit cell
Q.6 KF crystallizes in the NaCl type structure. II the radius oI K

ions 132 pm and that oIF~ ion is 135pm,

what is the shortest K-F distance? What is the edge length oI the unit cell? What is the closet K-K
Q.7 A closed packed structure oI uniIorm spheres has the edge length oI 534 pm. Calculate the radius oI
sphere, iI it exist in
(a) simple cubic lattice (b) B CC lattice (c) FCC lattice
Q. 8 Calculate the density oI diamond Irom the Iact that it has Iace centered cubic structure with two atoms
per lattice point and unit cell edge length oI3.569 A.
Q: 9 An element crystallizes into a structure wh i c h may be described by a cubic type oI unit cell having one
atom on each corner oI the cube and two atoms on one oI its body diagonals. II the volume oI this unit
cell is 24* 10"
and density oI element is 7.2 g cm
, calculate the number oI atoms present in
200 g oI element.
Q.10 Silver has an atomic radius oI 144 pm and the density oI silver is 10.6 g cm
. To which type oI cubic
crystal, silver belongs?
Q.ll AgCl has the same structure as that oI NaCl. The edge length oI unit cell oI AgCl is Iound to be 5 5 5 pm
and the density oI AgCl is 5.561 g cm
. Find the percentage oI sites that are unoccupied.
fe Bansal Classes Solid State

Q.12 Xenon crystallises in the Iace-centred cubic lattice and the edge oI the unit cell is
620 pm. What is the nearest neighbour distance and what is the radius oI xenon atom?
Q.13 The two ions A

and B have radii 88 and 200 pm respectively. In the closed packed crystal oI compound
AB, predict the co-ordination number oI A

Q.14 CsCl has the bcc arrangement and its unit cell edge length is 400 pm. Calculate the interionic distance in CsCl.
Q. 15 Gold crystallizes in a Iace centered cubic lattice. II the length oI the edge oI the unit cell is 407 pm,
calculate the density oI gold as well as its atomic radius assuming it to be spherical. Atomic mass oI
gold 197 amu.
Q.16 The density oI KBr is 2.75 g cm"
. The length oI the edge oI the unit cell is 654 pm. Show that KBr has
Iace centered cubic structure.
(N 6.023.xlO
, At. mass : K 39, Br 80)
Q.17 An element crystallizes in a structure having FCC unit cell oI an edge 200 pm. Calculate the density, iI
200 g oI this element contains 24x 10
Q. 18 The eIIective radius oI the iron atom is 1.42 A. It has rock salt like structure. Calculate its density
(Fe 56 amu)
Q.19 A crystal oI lead(II) sulphide has NaCl structure. In this crystal the shortest distance between PtI
' and S
- ion is 297 pm. What is the length oI the edge oI the unit cell in lead sulphide? Also calculate the
unit cell volume.
Q.201 II the length oI the body diagonal Ior CsCl which crystallises into a cubic structure with CI" ions at the
corners and Cs
ions at the centre oI the unit cells is 7 A and the radius oI the Cs
ion is 1.69 A, what is
the radii oI Cl~ ion?
M A & C & ` I e v ` C H C p )
NToVOXA` o V U/AiUr C ` i c . b a `
l - r S- ; vv& o
\ I n \ a W t o S , ,
<!l Bansal Classes Solid State [9]
1. Crystalline solids are isotropic.
2. Rhombohedral, triclinic and hexagonal are the unit cells, which have only primitive arrangement possible.
3. Rank oI FCC and HP units cells are same.
4. The minimum void Iraction Ior any unit cell in any shape having only one type oI atom and all voids
unIilled is 0.26.
5. Packing Iraction oI a lattice structure depends on the radius oI the atom ciystallizing in it.
6. The location oI tetrahedral voids in FCC unit cell are the centers oI 8 minicubes Iorming a large cube.
7. EIIective number oI octahedral voids in a unit cell is equal to the eIIective number oI atoms in the unit cell.
8. Radius ratio Ior co-ordination number 4 having tetrahedral and square planar geometry is same.
9. The radius ratio value Ior co-ordination number 4 having square planar geometry and co-ordination
number 6 having octahedral geometry is same.
10. A metallic element crystallises into a lattice containing a sequence oI layers oI AB AB AB Any
packing oI spheres leaves out voids in the lattice 26 percent by volume oI this lattice is empty space.
11. The relation between edge length (a) and radius oI atom (r) Ior BCC lattice is .
12. The relation between edge length (a) and radius oI atom (r) Ior FCC lattice is .
13. AB CABC layering pattern is called packing, Iound in lattice.
14. ABABAB layering pattern is called packing, Iound in lattice.
15. Height (c) oI the hexagonal primitive unit cell in terms oI radius oI atom (r) is .
16. Anions would be in contact with each other only iI the cation to anion radius Ior a given co-ordination
number is .
17. The number oI tetrahedral voids in hexagonal primitive unit cell is .
18. The limiting radius Ior co-ordination number 8 is .
19. For cesium chloride structure, the interionic distance (in terms oI edge length, a) is equal to .
20. Density oI a crystal due to Schottky deIect and due to Frankel deIect.
<!l Bansal Classes Solid State
Q 1 Iron has body centered cubic lattice structure. The edge length oIthe unit cell is Iound to be 286 pm.
What is the radius oI an iron atom?
Cesium chloride Iorms a body centered cubic lattice. Cesium and chloride ions are in contact along the
body diagonal oI the unit cell. The length oI the side oI the unit cell is 412 pm and CI" ion has a radius oI
181 pm. Calculate the radius oI Cs

Q.3 In a cubic closed packed structure oI mixed oxides the lattice is made up oI oxide ions, one eighth oI
tetrahedral voids are occupied by divalent ions (A
) while one halI oI the octahedral voids occupied
trivalent ions (B
). What is the Iormula oI the oxide?
Q.4 ` A solid A

and B" had NaCl type closed packed structure. II the anion has a radius oI 250 pm, what
~ should be the ideal radius oI the cation? Can a cation C

having a radius oI 180 pm be slipped into the

tetrahedral site oI the crystal oI A

B" ? Give reasons Ior your answer.

Q.5 Calculate the value oI Avogadro's number Irom the Iollowing data:
Density oI NaCl 2.165 cm"
Distance between Na

and CP in NaCl 281 pm.

Q.6 II the radius oI Mg
ion, Cs

ion, 0
~ ion, S
~ ion and CI" ion are 0.65 A, 1.69 A, 1.40 A, 1.84 A, and
1.81 A respectively. Calculate the co-ordination numbers oI the cations in the crystals oI MgS, MgO
and CsCl.
Q.7 Iron occurs as bcc as well as Iee unit cell. II the eIIective radius oI an atom oI iron is 124pm. Compute
the density oI iron in both these structures.
N a

N a

KC1 crystallizes in the same type oIlattice as does NaCl. Given that ~
0 5
and "

(a) The ratio oI the sides oI unit cell Ior KC1 to that Ior NaCl and
(b) The ratio oI densities oI NaCl to that Ior KC1.
Q.9 An element A (Atomic weight 100) having bcc structure has unit cell edge length 400 pm. Calculatethe
density oI Aand number oI unit cells and number oI atoms in 10 gm oI A.
Q J 0J Prove that the void space percentage in zinc blende structure is 25.
Q.ll A unit cell oI sodium chloride has Iour Iormula units. The edge oI length oI the unit cell is 0.5 64 nm.
What is the density oI sodium chloride.
Q. 12J In a cubic crystal oI CsCl (density 3.97 gm/cm
) the eight corners are occupied by CP ions with Cs

ions at the centre Calculate the distance between the neighbouring Cs

and CP ions.
QT3,j KF has NaCl structure. What is the distance between K

and F in KF iI density oI KF is 2.48 gm/cm

Q. 14 j The composition oI a sample oI wustite is Fe
0 93
. What percentage oI iron is present in the Iorm oI
fe Bansal Classes Solid State [11j
Q.15 BaTi0
crystallizes in the prevoskite structure. This structure may be described as a cubic lattice with
barium ions occupying the corner oIthe unit cell, oxide ions occupying the Iace-centers and titanium ion
occupying the center oI the unit cell.
(a) II titanium is described as occupying holes in BaO lattice, what type oI holes does it occupy?
(b) What Iraction oI this type hole does it occupy?
Q. 16 Rbl crystallizes in bcc structure in which each Rb

is surrounded by eight iodide ions each oI radius

2.17 A. Find the length oI one side oI Rbl unit cell.
Q.17 II NaCl is dopped with 10~
mol SrCl
, what is the numbers oI cation vacancies?
Q. 18 Find the size oI largest sphere that will Iit in octahedral void in an ideal FCC crystal as a Iunction oI
atomic radius 'r'. The insertion oI this sphere into void does not distort the FCC lattice. Calculate the
packing Iraction oI FCC lattice when all the octahedral voids are Iilled by this sphere.
A cubic unit cell contains manganese ions at the corners and Iluoride ions at the center oI each edge.
What is the empirical Iormula oIthe compound?
What is the co-ordination number oI the Mn ion?
Calculate the edge length oI the unit cell, iI the radius oI Mn ion is 0.65 A and that oI F ion is 1.36 A.
Q.20 NaH crystallizes in the same structure as that oI NaCl. The edge length oI the cubic unit cell oI NaH is
4.88 A.
(a) Calculate the ionic radius oI H~, provided the ionic radius oI Na
is 0.95 A.
(b) Calculate the density oI NaH.
Q.21 Metallic gold crystallises in Iee lattice. The length oI the cubic unit cell is a 4.07 A.
(a) What is the closest distance between gold atoms.
(b) How many "nearest neighbours" does each gold atom have at the distance calculated in (a).
(c) What is the density oI gold?
(d) Prove that the packing Iraction oI gold is 0.74.
Q. 22 Ice crystallizes in a hexagonal lattice. At the low temperature at which the structure
was determined, the lattice constants were a 4.53 A, and b 7.60 A(see Iigure).
How many molecules are contained in a unit cell? |density (ice) 0.92 gm/cm
Q.23 Using the data given below, Iind the type oI cubic lattice to which the crystal belongs
Fe V Pd
ain pm 286 301 388
p in gm cm"
7.86 5.96 12.16
Q.24 Potassium crystallizes in a body-centered cubic lattice with edge length, a 5.2 A.
(a) What is the distance between nearest neighbours?
(b) What is the distance between next-nearest neighbours?
(c) How many nearest neighbours does each K atom have
(d) How many next-nearest neighbours does each K atom have?
(e) What is the calculated density oI crystalline potassium?
Q.25 Prove that void space in Iluorite structure per unit volume oI unit cell is 0.251.
Q.26 A compound Iormed by elements X& Y, Crystallizes in a cubic structure, where X is at the corners oI
the cube and Y is at six Iace centers. What is the Iormula oI the compound? II side length is 5 A, estimate
the density oIthe solid assuming atomic weight oI X and Y as 60 and 90 respectively.


<!l Bansal Classes Solid State [12j

Q.27 The metal nickel crystallizes in a Iace centred cubic structure. Its density is 8.9 gm/cm
. Calculate
(a) the length oI the edge oI the unit cell.
(b) the radius oIthe nickel atom. |Atomic weight oI Ni 58.89|
Q.28 The olivine series oI minerals consists oI crystals in which Fe and Mg ions may substitute Ior each other
causing substitutional impurity deIect without changing the volume oI the unit cell. In olivine series oI
minerals, oxide ion exist as FCC with Si
oI octahedral voids and divalent ions occupying

oI tetrahedral voids. The density oI Iorsterite (magnesium silicate) is 3.21 g/cc and that oI Iayalite
(Ierrous silicate )is 4.34 g/cc. Find the Iormula oI Iorsterite and Iayalite minerals and the percentage oI
Iayalite in an olivine with a density oI 3.88 g/cc.
Q.29 The mineral hawleyite, one Iorm oI CdS, crystallizes in one oIthe cubic lattices, with edge length 5.87A.
The density oI hawleyite is 4.63 g cm
(i) In which cubic lattice does hawleyite crystallize?
(ii) Find the Schottky deIect in g cnr
Q.30 A strong current oI trivalent gaseous boron passed through a germanium crystal decreases the density oI
the crystal due to part replacement oI germanium by boron and due to interstitial vacancies created by
missing Ge atoms. In one such experiment, one gram oI germanium is taken and the boron atoms are
Iound to be 150 ppm by weight, when the density oI the Ge crystal decreases by 4. Calculate the
percentage oI missing vacancies due to germanium, which are Iilled up by boron atoms.
Atomic wt. Ge 72.6, B 11
<!l Bansal Classes Solid State [13]
Q.l A solid has a structure in which W atoms are located at the corners oI a cubic lattice, O atom at the
centre oI the edges and Na atom at centre oI the cubic. The Iormula Ior the compound is
(A) NaW0
(B) NaW0
(C) Na
(D) NaW0
Q. 2 The density oI CaF
(Iluorite structure) is 3.18 g/cm
. The length oI the side oI the unit cell is
(A) 253 pm (B) 344 pm (C) 546 pm (D) 273 pm
Q. 3 Which oI the Iollowing statements is correct in the rock-salt structure oI an ionic compounds?
(A) coordination number oI cation is Iour whereas that oI anion is six.
(B) coordination number oI cation is six whereas that oI anion is Iour.
(C) coordination number oI each cation and anion is Iour.
(D) coordination number oI each cation and anion is six.
Q.4 The coordination number oI cation and anion in Fluorite CaF
and CsCl are respectively
(A) 8:4 and 6:3 (B) 6:3 and4:4 (C) 8:4 and 8:8 (D) 4:2 and 2:4
Q. 5 The interstitial hole is called tetrahedral because
(A) It is Iormed by Iour spheres.
(B) Partly same and partly diIIerent.
(C) It is Iormed by Iour sphei es ihe centres oI which Iorm a regular tetrahedron.
(D) None oI the above three.
Q. 6 The tetrahedral voids Iormed by ccp arrangement oI Cl~ ions in rock salt structure are
(A) Occupied by Na

ions (B) Occupied by CI" ions

(C) Occupied by either Na

or CI ions (D) Vacant

Q. 7 The number oI nearest neighbours around each particle in a Iace-centred cubic lattice is
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 12
Q.8 II the anions (A) Iorm hexagonal closest packing and cations (C) occupy only 2/3 octahedral voids in it,
then the general Iormula oI the compound is
(A) CA (B) CA, (C)C
Q.9 A solid is Iormed and it has three types oI atoms X, Y, Z. X Iorms a FCC lattice with Y atoms occupying
all the tetrahedral voids and Z atoms occupying halI the octrahedral voids. The Iormula oI the solid is:
' (C)X
Z (D)X
Q.10 The intermetallic compound LiAg crystallizes in cubic lattice in which both lithium and silver have
coordination number oI eight. The crystal class is
(A) Simple cubic (B) Body centred cubic (C) Face centred cubic (D) None
Q.ll A compound XY crystallizes in BCC lattice with unit cell edge lenght oI480 pm. II the radius oI Y" is
225 pm, then the radius oI X

(A) 127.5 pm (B) 190.68 pm (C) 225 pm (D) 255 pm
Q.12 The mass oI a unit cell oI CsCl corresponds to
(A) 1 Cs

and 1 Cl~ (B) 1 Cs

and 6 CI (C) 4 Cs

and 4 Cl~ (D) 8 Cs

and 1 Cl"
fe Bansal Classes Solid State
Q.13 In the closest packing oI atoms A(radius : r
), the radius oI atom B that can be Iitted
into tetrahedral voids is
(A) 0.155 r
(B) 0.225 r
(C) 0.414 r
(D) 0.732 r
Q. 14 Which one oI the Iollowing schemes oI ordering closed packed sheets oI equal sized spheres do not
generate close packed lattice.
Q.15 An ionic compound AB has ZnS type structure. II the radius A

is 22.5 pm, then the ideal radius oI B~

would be
(A) 54.35 pm (B) 100pm (C) 145.16 pm (D) none oI these
Q.16 NH
C1 crystallizes in a body-centered cubic type lattice with a unit cell edge length oI 387 pm. The
distance between the oppositively charged ions in the lattice is
(A) 335. lpm (B) 83.77 pm (C) 274.46 pm (D) 137.23 pm
Q.17 r 95 pm and r 181 pm in NaCl (rock salt) structure. What is the shortest distance between

(A) 778.3 pm (B) 276 pm (C) 195.7 pm (D) 390.3 pm
Q.18 In diamond, carbon atom occupy FCC lattice points as well as alternate tetrahedral voids. II edge length
oIthe unit cell is 356 pm, then radius oI carbon atom is
(A) 77.07 pm (B) 154.14 pm (C) 251.7 pm (D)89pm
Q.19 Which oI the Iollowing will show schottky deIect
(A) CaF
(B) ZnS (C)AgCl (D)CsCl
Q.20 Give the correct order oI initials T (true) or F (Ialse) Ior Iollowing statements.
I. In an anti-Iluorite structure anions Iorm FCC lattice and cations occupy all tetrahedral voids,
n. II the radiu s oI cations and anions are 0.2 A and 0.9 5 A then coordinate number oI cation in the
crystal is 4.
m An atom/ion is transIerred Irom a lattice site to an interstitial position in Frenkel deIect.
IV. Density oI crystal always increases due to substitutinal impurity deIect.
<!l Bansal Classes Solid State [15]
Q. 1 The edge length oI unit cell oI a metal having molecular weight 75 g/mol is 5 A which crystallizes in cubic
lattice. II the density is 2 g/cc then Iind the radius oI metal atom. (N
6 x 10
). Give the answer in pm.
|JEE 2006|
Q.2 An element crystallises in FCC lattice having edge length 400 pm. Calculate the maximum diameter
which can be placed in interstital sites without disturbing the structure. |JEE 2005|
Q. 3 Which oI the Iollowing FCC structure contains cations in alternate tetrahedral voids?
(A) NaCl (B) ZnS (C) N`O (D) CaF
|JEE 2005|
Q.4(i) AB crystallizes in a rock salt structure with A : B 1 : 1. The shortest distance between A and B is
nm. The Iormula mass oI AB is 6.023 Y amu where Y is any arbitrary constant. Find the density in kg m-
(ii) II measured density is 20 kg m-
. IdentiIy the type oI point deIect. |JEE-2004|
Q. 5 Marbles oI diameter 10 mm each are to be arranged on a Ilat surIace so that their centres lie within the
area enclosed by Iour lines oI length each 40 mm. Sketch the arrangement that will give the maximum
number oI marbles per unit area, that can be enclosed in this manner and deduce the expression to
calculate it. |JEE-2003|
Q.6 A substance AB crystallises in a FCC lattice in which atoms "A" occupy each corner oI the cube and
atoms "B" occupy the centres oI each Iace oI the cube. IdentiIy the correct composition oI the substance
(C) A
B (D) composition cannot be speciIied | JEE-2002j
Q. 7 The Iigures given below show the location oI atoms in three crystallographic planes in FCC lattice. Draw
the unit cell Ior the corresponding structure and identiIy these planes in your diagram.
+ + +
Q.8 In a solid "AB" having NaCl structure "A" atoms occupy the corners oI the cubic unit cell. II all the
Iace-centred atoms along one oI the axes are removed, then the resultant stoichiometry oIthe solid is
B (C)A
Q.9 In any ionic solid |MX| with schottky deIects, the number oI positive and negative ions are same. |T/F|
Q.10 The coordination number oI a metal crystallising in a hep structure is |JEE-2000|
(A) 12 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 6
Q.ll A metal cryatallises into two cubic phases, FCC and BCC whose unit cell lengths are 3.5 and 3.0 A
respectively. Calculate the ratio oI densities oI FCC and BCC. |JEE-1999|
<!l Bansal Classes Solid State
Q.12 Which oI the Iollowing statements are correct:
(A) The coordination number oI each type oI ion in CsCl is 8.
(B) Ametal that crystallises in BCC structure has a coordination number 12.
(C) Aunit cell oI an ionic crystal shares some oI its ions with other unit cells
(D) The length oI the unit cell in NaCl is 552 pm.
95 pm ; r
181 pm| 1EE-1998]
Q.13 In the sodium chloride structure, each Na

ion is surrounded by six CI nearest neighbours and


ions next nearest neighbours. 1EE-1997]

Q.14 A unit cell oI sodium chloride has Iour Iormula units. The edge length oI the unit cell is 0.564 nm. What
is the density oI sod. chloride. 1EE-1997]
Q.15 Chromium crystallises with bcc lattice. The unit cell length is 287 pm. Calculate atomic rad. What would
be the density oI chromium. 1EE-1997]
<!l Bansal Classes
Solid State

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