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May 2013

Homeopathy in the Summertime Camping with Homeopathy

I love camping. But, lets face it sometimes camping can be dirty hard work that tests even the most avid campers resolve. Camping with kids can be even more challenging how do they get so sticky?! I have learned that in addition to the homeopathic first aid essentials noted in this newsletter, there are a few additional items I will not go camping without:

Aconite for ailments from shock, fright or exposure.

Belladonna for sudden intense fevers with a flushed face. Carbo Vegetabilis for fainting from heat/sunstroke. Herbal Salve something that has antiseptic, soothing & moistizing poperties. My family loves Butterflyweeds Green Wisdom All-Heal. Gelsiemium - #1 for influenza; sunstoke with shivering, shaking & fatigue. Ledum #1 for animal bites & puncture wounds. Bryonia for sprains (esp. ankles) with excrutiating pain from any movement or jarring. Chocolate nut butter* essential for the easiest & best Smores you have ever eaten and a great treat for rainy day meals.

* 250ml of your favorite nut butter mixed with 15ml of cocoa powder & honey to taste.

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Kerri Flood

May 2013

Homeopathic First Aid: Summertime Essentials

Summer is finally here! For a kid that means swimming, camp, picnics, barbeques, backyard sprinklers and kit flying. Whats not to love? For parents its all of those things as well as the inevitable bug bites, sunburns, cuts & scrapes and weird rashes. Whats not to love? Homeopathic first aid can help you and your kids love summer a little more. The Basics: 1. For serious conditions always seek professional medical help, as appropriate.

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Cantharis: great for burns (heat or sun), especially 2nd and 3rd degrees burns (blisters) that burn and itch intensely.

2. Select the Homeopathic medicine that best matches the characteristics/pattern of the symptoms.

Hypericum: for injuries to areas rich in nerves such as fingers, toes, the head and tailbone.

Dosage & Potency: 1. For most adults 2 pellets of a 200c dissolved under the tongue is a good place to start. For children use a 30c. 2. After 3-4 doses (at 30 min. intervals) if there is no improvement stop dosing. Re- evaluate your medicine selection or seek help from your Homeopath. 3. Stop dosing with improvement - resume dosing only if symptoms return.

Ledum Pallustre: for mosquito bites, puncture wounds and black eyes; mottled or blueness of the skin; feels worse from heat and better from cold applications.

Nux Vomica: for over indulgence think hangover. Well suited for irritability with a headache and digestive distress that is better with warmth.

Apis Melifaca: for stings (bee stings), anaphylaxis, and rashes with a lot of red swelling; itching and pain feels better from cold applications or cold bathing.

Rhus-Toxicodendron: perfect for poison ivy type rashes; for sprains and joint pain that feel worse for initial motion but better for continued motion; better with heat.

Arnica Montana : #1 for trauma & injury. Indications are: a sore, bruised feeling; unable to find a comfortable position; not wanting to be touched; saying they are fine immediately after a serious accident.

Urtica Urens: good for less serious burns and the agonizing stinging pains & rash that come from close contact with the nettle plant. For more information on homeopathic first aid and how homeopathy can help you contact me at 416-579-6234, or visit

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