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ATTENTION ALL VICTIMS / CAMPAIGNERS I highly recommend that you all view the documentary "Programming The Nation". The on-line version is at


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... and watch it over again for 72 hours

Proceeds from the viewing of this film will go towards the sequel which will focus directly on the plight of those Programming the Nation monitored and harassed using covert technologies. Many of you are silenced and/or discredited for questioning or commenting on crime in high places despite the "programming" or fear that stops most from doing so. Others amongst you have carelessly or unwittingly crossed paths with connected criminals. This film will assist you all...possibly more than any other endeavour WATCH TRAILER to date. **N.V.B. Direct DONATIONS to help fund the sequel are

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Gift it via e-mail and FB/TW at 20% off needed since it's being done as a community service only; out of the filmmakers own sense of duty. Donations can be made by direct deposit into the treasurer / fundraiser's account; Suzanne Le Boeuf, herself a victim. Any bank, anwhere should accept donations to the account. Even if all victims only give $5 or $10 it will be enough...but we all stand to gain so we should all donate.
***DONATIONS CAN BE MADE BY CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER MADE OUT TO... SUZANNE LEBOEUF, 303, 91st Ave.,NE, E502, Lake Stevens, WA, 98258, USA, (Pls include an email address if you want a receipt). *** US DONORS CAN ALSO DIRECT DEPOSIT DONATIONS TO... SUZANNE LEBOEUF, BECU CREDIT UNION, Account #: 3590644320, Lake Stevens Safeway, 717 State Route 9, NE, Lake Stevens, WA, 98258 Don't delay. DONATE TODAY. The sooner we have the funds the sooner filming on your film can commence. Thank you.


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This site contains information relating to advanced satellite surveillance and "harassment" technologies which are made available to covert government agencies and organised crime syndicates. The secret technologies in question are covered by military/agency secrecy orders, mostly obtained under the US Inventions Secrecy Act, 1951. There are currently over 5,000 hidden devices, many computer - based and satellite facilitated, all with military / criminal applications. A list of known patents is available on the "Surveillance" page after the article on "Social Engineering". Neurophones, brain scanners and brain wave vocabulary software, directed energy and E-M weapons are amongst these as are technologies to affect the weather, cause earthquakes etc etc. Undemocratically, and to protect powerful criminals from scrutiny,various other Secrecy, National Security and Defamation legislation has been enhanced in recent years. The US Patriot Act, for example, protects governments and connected criminals from criticism and/or detection and prosecution. Under this act anyone whistleblowing or fighting the system on a major concern is arbitrarily deemed to be unpatriotic (when it's the criminals they criticise who betray us). They can then be listed (by a senior politician or at the request, through them, of a connected criminal) as a security risk and harassed covertly; using secret technologies. In fact a Dep't Of Defense Directive, Directive 5240 1-R, 1994, gives open permission for those under surveillance to be used for remote experimentation. It's no coincidence that this particularly undemocratic and evil move was followed in 1996 by a significant increase in the number of satellites deployed for the purpose of civilian surveillance and harassment. Over 20,000 satellites

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currently target and silence countless people worldwide (est. 500,000 plus) as a result of such bad laws. The victims are not openly confronted as that would remove any feigned excuses and leave the perpetrators open to all manner of accusation. Instead the methods used are covert; employing high tech' to remotely torment and deceive victims without leaving evidence. Often targets are tricked into believing they are having psychic, medical, psychiatric, religious or even alien experiences (which they are not). This leaves them discredited as they vainly seek help from ignorant or complicit authorities (police, MPs, doctors, media etc). This leaves them neutralised and possibly even silenced on the issue they originally raised. This, along with various research aspects, is the purpose of the exercise. The situation is getting worse not better with more and more secretive, undemocratic legislation being sneaked past the unwary public all the time. State treachery and terrorism are behind it yet it is all hidden under the guise of "the war on terror". For example, the US gov't just passed the National Defense Authorisation Act, 2012, giving the President (and others) the power to target and silence anyone questioning State corruption. When this is done openly in other countries the US is the first to condemn such evil yet when they are guilty of the same they do it in secret and no-one dares to criticise lest they join the ranks of those they persecute. So much for gov't of the people, for the people and by the people. The criminals who do such things abuse their authority, betray our trust and secretly mock the democratic ideals they publicly support. They don't serve us, they simply help themselves and their criminal associates. By using stealth they can feign ignorance and hide their true nature from most. Eg. In the USA over 300,000 NSL's (National Security Letters) have already been issued. These allow the agency targeting of innocent civilians whose objections to corruption / crime in high places have been deliberately skewed or misinterpreted as a threat to powerful people. Once placed in a program people can be abused and experimented on, from a distance (using satellites / high tech'). This effectively silences and discredits them while providing agency researchers with guinea pigs for experiments in control, brain function, dreams, health, robotics and much more. Post 9/11, $750 billion per year has been spent on satellite weapons used for human experimentation / targeting. Most of this has found it's way from gov't coffers to about 80 defense contractors who are also culpable for the crimes against humanity that are addressed on this site. There is a circular / Catch 22 type problem in that governments use "classified" covers to hide criminal activity (esp. if it is an unconstitutional act) but targets can't prove any of that BECAUSE it has been classified.... Eg. NSA Whistleblower William Binney in an interview (see

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Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API points out that Executive Order 13526 section 1.7 (covering classified status allocation) specifically says that **"You cannot classify information merely to cover up a crime"**. Even if devices or procedures are classified this also applies to them and information on them when they are being used for criminal purposes. So, in theory, by misusing devices, abusing authority and so on the administration not only commits crimes but should open up the information relating to that for public scrutiny...(Government of, by and for the people). Now Presidents Obama and Bush both signed this executive order 13526 so if any of these hidden crimes was to be presented to the US Supreme Court then any current US leader could be impeached as having breached their oath of office...which includes upholding the constitution. The ECHELON spying system, neurophone harassment, remote neural monitoring, the use of directed energy weapons and more are all clearly crimes against the people and humanity in general and so by classifying the devices the government and it's leaders are breaching the constitution as well. As with any crime the break in the loop between the acts, investigation, trial and incarceration is the lack of proof. "Classifying" information and calling it a matter of National Security negates the need for the criminals involved to even create excuses for their conduct. The ability of government to classify crime is what must be fought. Through this site the author seeks to provide a community service; to inform the general public and encourage forthright but peaceful protest against the corporate/military/government crimes outlined herein. I should also add that whilst the topic of violence (as a sad reality) was addressed in my fictional novel, "In the year 2252", at no stage and in no way was it my intention to encourage violent responses to the real life criminal conduct of corrupt members of corporate/government/military organisations. Passive resistance to oppression is the only acceptable method ... but resist we must. Contact: Paul Baird Email: [email protected] (please put 'surveillance' in the subject line) Guestbook: Leave a message

NOW AVAILABLE Copies of 'Satellite Tyranny' by Paul Baird, a compilation of the articles on this site, can be obtained from -

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Diane Frola Earthlink Publishing (Aust) Pty Ltd PO Box 738 Jimboomba QLD 4280 Australia Phone: (07) 5548 7205 Email: [email protected]

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Categories of Surveillance/Harrassment Technologies Articles Satellite Spies Illegal Experimentation on Humans The Sons of Satan Brainwashing and It's Consequences AN OVERVIEW ON SECRET SURVEILLANCE AND HARASSMENT TECHNOLOGIES SPIES VILLAINS NOT HEROES Surveillance Surveillance Results Case Study

NB: The satellites are not available to law enforcement agencies. Instead they protect illegal operators (like drug traders and corporate criminals) who in fact spy on law enforcers, lobbyists etc. They also facilitate remote, nonconsensual human experimentation by the US military, the CIA, Office of Homeland Security and so on. In fact

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when asked who was centrally responsible - the military, defence contractors, the agencies, the media, or the mafia - one senior AFP executive replied: "Well, they all have access don't they".

Case Study References Links


(Source - US Congress Office of Technology Assessment)

Electronic Eavesdropping Technology - (Audio Surveillance) Radiating devices & receivers (e.g. miniature radio & ultrasonic transmitters) Non-radiating devices (eg wired surveillance systems including phone taps and concealed microphones) Tape recorders Laser-facilitated listening devices, rifle mikes and other "remote " equipment (incl. satellites) N.B. Even phones can be made "hot on the hook" i.e. turned into microphones when not in use.

Optical/Imaging Technology
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- (Visual Surveillance)

Photographic techniques (incl. zoom lens and infra red cameras) Television (e.g. closed circuit) Night vision devices (e.g. image intensifiers) Satellite based viewing (up to and including the monitoring of writings as they are written; indoors) Aircraft facilitated viewing

Computers & Related Technologies - (Data Surveillance)

Microcomputers - decentralisation of machines and distributed processing Computer networks Software (eg. expert systems) Pattern recognition systems Voice Activated & thought activated computers (incl. "remote" equipment) N.B. In many countries the military operates tracking stations; assisting the giant American National Security Agency. The NSA covertly monitors every call, fax, e-mail, telex and computer data message. The relevant computers search for key words/phrases. Anything/anyone of interest is drawn to the attention of agency operatives. This can lead to a large scale personal surveillance operation by the NSA or other agencies; like the CIA and their criminal connections. The current system is called ECHELON.

Sensor Technology
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Magnetic sensors Seismic sensors Infra red sensors Strain sensors Electromagnetic sensors (incl. brain wave sensors)

Other Devices and Technologies

CB radios Vehicle location systems (incl. satellite tracking) Machine readable magnetic strips Polygraphs Voice stress analysers Laser interception devices Cellular radio Anti personnel weapons - sonic and phasar weapons as well as psychotronic weapons; which target the nervous system. (These have been trialed in riot control in France etc) Scalar wave weapons - (scalar waves emanate naturally from living organisms and the earth itself). Infrasound weapons - inducing various forms of illness from remote sources (Also used on dissidents in France) Neurophones and similar (more advanced) technologies - Satellite or ground based. These can deliver aural harassment via microwaves or lasers aimed at the target. Visual harassment laser systems. These deliver blurred vision, holographs and so on to disorientate the target and/or experiment; victims' reactions being monitored to study how best to "control" targets. Brain wave monitors/analysers (remote sensing). These newer technologies actually allow the target's thoughts to be interpreted.
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"Over the horizon" technologies - These facilitate ground-based methods of harassment (eg The Alaskan HAARP project which bounces signals off the ionosphere). N.B. There are literally hundreds of ways of tracking the earth's inhabitants which are available to corrupt agency officials and their criminal contacts (e.g. the mafia). The last seven are examples of devices used to covertly menace political targets who do not have a public profile. Most can be satellite based and anyone can be targeted provided they have neither influence nor contacts in public life. Government secrecy provisions help to prevent public disclosures regarding these technologies. However, there is more than an element of corruption / complicity evident amongst politicians, journalists and other public figures who are aware of what goes on. Others are afraid to interfere. Further Information It is evident that countless people (world wide) have already lodged complaints about the following technologies. They are available to government agencies, defense contractors and "organised" crime figures. The Neurophone Although the offered explanations for "Hearing Voices" can include everything from trickery to hidden transmitters to tinnitus to psychic/haunting experiences to possession or encounters with God/aliens (to so - called schizophrenic episodes) by far the most common REAL reason is covert Neurophone harassment as arranged by government agencies and/or other criminals. US Patent # 3,393,279. July 16th, 1968 US Patent # 3,647,970. March 7th, 1972 The Neurophone was developed by Dr Patrick Flanagan in 1958. It's a device that converts sound to electrical impulses. In its original form electrodes were placed on the skin but with defence department developments, the signals can be delivered via satellite. They then travel the nervous system directly to the brain (bypassing
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normal hearing mechanisms). Dr Flanagan's "3D holographic sound system" can place sounds in any location as perceived by the targeted / tortured listener. This allows for a variety of deceptions for gullible victims. Today, the CIA, DIA (etc) use satellites and ground - based equipment to deliver verbal threats, deafening noise and propaganda; using neurophone technology. Anything from TV's/radio's appearing to operate when switched off through to "Voices from God" and encounters with "telepathic" aliens are all cons using neurophone technologies to torment, deceive and (most importantly) discredit agency/criminal targets. Naturally, the system can mimic anyone's voice and automatic computer translations (into any language) are incorporated. Anecdotal evidence indicates that people like David Koresh, Martin Bryant and others could have been programmed then remotely triggered (or tricked) using harrassment technologies like the neurophone. (Although most of the targets are intelligent and law-abiding). For example, John Lennon's killer, Mark Chapman, reportedly heard voices before and after silencing the agency-hounded peace advocate. "God" apparently told him to confess verbally. To explain why others physically moving into the path of the laser (or whatever) do not pick up the signals, please note the following "possibilities"... a) Kirlean photography may be an ancillary system so it's attuned to the targets personal energy field (their unique EM waves). b) The magnetite in our brains can act as a detectable fingerprint. c)Equally each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in our brains. EMF Brain stimulation may be encoded so that pulsating EM signals sent to the targets brain cause audio-visual effects which only the target experiences. This, to me, is the best explanation. d) The individuals "vibrational pattern" could be used as a signal filter like a radio receiving only the sound modulating the frequency of the station it's tuned to. e) The monitors simply adjust the volume downwards when you're in a position where the signal could hit someone else's body. Even if they heard it (briefly) they'd attribute it to another voice in the crowd etc.
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As with the final proof, the definitive answer lies in the actual blueprints; secreted in the bowels of the Pentagon or some similar facility. Nonetheless, there is no report of ANY intercepted neurophone signals. If it wasn't so effective it would not have been used to facilitate silent communications between U.S. government agents/military personnel.

Psycho-Acoustic Projector U.S. patent #3,566,347, (23/2/71) A device/weapon which can actually deafen the target.

Silent Subliminal Messages US Patent # 5,159,703. October 27th, 1992 Inventor - Dr Oliver M. Lowery Non aural carriers in extreme audio frequency ranges are amplified or modulated with the desired material and propagated acoustically for direct inducement into the brain. This is an excellent method of influencing people without their knowledge. An alert reader would recognise how this could create coincidences and stir up conflict; especially if what's fed to one person corresponds with what's gathered (via surveillance) from another. It can also help to create coincidences of the sort the media creates (through surveillance feedback) only in reverse... where the subjects are fed information prior to the event (eg. a news story) and coerced into believing they are psychic. Patented devices known to facilitate subliminal message delivery are too numerous to list. However, examples include: - Auditory subliminal message system and method. U.S. patent #4395600, Rene Lundy and David Tyler, 26/7/83. A system to mix messages into background music (ala the subliminal transmissions used in some U.S. department stores to prevent shoplifting or boost sales). - Subliminal message generator. U.S. patent #5,270,800, Robert Sweet, 14/12/93.
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To be used with TV, cable TV and computers. (A visual medium). - Superimposing method and apparatus useful for subliminal messages. U.S. patent #5,134,484, Joseph Wilson, 28/7/92. Relates to video signals. The subliminal data can be from a prerecorded or live signal. And yes... the entertainment industry can use such technologies to boost sales of CD's, movie tickets etc. As intimated earlier, the criminals involved not only operate in media/political circles, they seek total control of everything. In time they may win due to suppression of information and their terrorist tactics. N.B Sound can also be induced by radiating the head with microwaves. One unpublished application was the Gulf War but, more times than not, the targets are mostly innocent/oppressed civilians trying to exercise their basic rights to free speech in so-called western democracies.

Methods and Systems of Altering Consciousness US Patent # 5,123,844. June 23rd, 1992 US Patent # 5,289,438. February 22nd, 1994 These systems stimulate the brain with different frequencies and wave forms to alter the subject's state of consciousness. Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) monitoring/interference is one of the most insidious and secretive of all methods used by the agencies. N.B. Similarly, EEG cloning feeds back the results of EMF monitoring in an attempt to induce emotional responses (e.g. fear, anger, even sleep etc.). This could possibly work on certain members of a crowd or audience....again this could facilitate scams etc. Dr Ross Adey concludes that all aspects of human behaviour can be affected, even controlled. He used 0.75 milliwatts per square centimetre of pulsed, modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz.
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Notably the Alaskan HAARP project (featuring the B.J.Eastland patented technology - U.S. patent #4,686,605, 11/4/87 - "Method and Apparatus for altering a region in the Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere or magnetosphere". AND others) also facilitates experiments in the disruption of human mental processes. It's the largest, most versatile radio frequency radiation transmitter in the world also allowing experimentation in weather "modification", wireless, electrical power beaming and communications "disruption". Its systems like this which could one day see attempts made to brainwash/control entire populations. And that is just as feasible as a wholesale nuclear holocaust. Microwave Weapons Twenty years ago a scientist, Allan Frey, found that if a microwave carrier were to be sliced and carried audio modulation, that modulation could be heard by someone in the signals path. The thin pulses of radio carrier wave cause currents to flow through the nervous system - the result is a remote transmission; no wires or contact is needed. "A hearing system" U.S. patent #4,877,027, 31/10/89. Wayne Brunker. "A hearing device" U.S. patent #4,858,612, 22/8/89. Philip L.Stocklin. Eg. The latter involves microwaves aimed at the auditory cortex. A mike turns the sounds to electrical signals which are treated so as to provide multi frequency microwaves which are applied to the brain area. Whatever sound the mike picks up (like a voice) is relayed to the target. The first known experiment with microwaved voices was conducted by Sharp and Grove in the early 70's. However, the Defence Intelligence Agency and ARPA (The Advanced Research Projects Agency) are principally to blame for the abuse of such technologies since. eg Project Pandora etc. The CIA's Langley Research Centre as well as an army of "mad" scientists working in Energy/Defence department labs across the U.S. are also responsible. As with the NASA Apollo program, many of those originally involved were ex Nazi or
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Russian Cold war scientists (even WWII Japanese) recruited, regardless of their earlier crimes, to commit more crimes, this time for the U.S.A. It's worth noting the reported experiments carried out in bygone days included The MKULTRA (mind control)/LSD experiments, germ and nuclear fallout testing (on military and civilian personnel), electro-shock treatment on institutional victims and so on. The U.S. Energy and Justice departments are now involved in such programs so the U.S. can escape violation of international defence/agency treaties. That's also why the "D" for "defence" was dropped from DARPA. In any event, once a technology is labelled "Top secret-classified" they can use it any way they like on anyone. God Bless America. Brain Wave Monitors / Analysers Lawrence Pinneo, a neurophysiologist and electronic engineer working for Stanford Research Institute (a military contractor) is the first "known" pioneer in this field. In 1974 he developed a computer system which correlated brain waves on an electroencephalograph with specific commands. In the early 1990s, Dr Edward Taub reported that words could be communicated onto a screen using the thought-activated movements of a computer cursor. (Currently under secrecy provisions; "Classified") In 1994, the brain wave patterns of 40 subjects were officially correlated with both spoken words and silent thought. This was achieved by a neurophysiologist, Dr Donald York, and a speech pathologist, Dr Thomas Jensen, from the University of Missouri. They clearly identified 27 words / syllables in specific brain wave patterns and produced a computer program with a brain wave vocabulary. It does not take much thinking to realise that the US agencies have access to a perfected version of this technology. In fact the relevant computers have a vocabulary in excess of 60,000 words and cover most languages. In fact, the NSA's signals intelligence monitor the brainwaves of their targets by
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satellite and decode the evoked potentials (3.50Hz 5 milliwatts) that the brain emits. So, using lasers / satellites and high-powered computers the agencies have now gained the ability to decipher human thoughts - and from a considerable distance (instantaneously).

How is it done? The magnetic field around the head, the brain waves of an individual can be monitored by satellite. The transmitter is therefore the brain itself just as body heat is used for "Iris" satellite tracking (infrared) or mobile phones or bugs can be tracked as "transmitters". In the case of brain wave monitoring the results are then fed back to the relevant computers. Monitors then use the information to conduct a "conversation" where audible neurophone input is "applied" to the victim. Human thought operates at 5,000 bits/sec but satellites and various forms of biotelemetry can deliver those thoughts to supercomputers in Maryland, U.S.A, Israel, etc which have a speed of over 300 trillion bits/sec which means just one (Blue Gene) supercomputer can process more information than ten times the entire world's population. These, even today, monitor millions of people simultaneously. Eventually they will monitor almost everyone...worse than any Orwellian "Big Brother" nightmare you could possibly imagine, only it will be a reality. Yet our world leaders, who know this, do nothing. UPDATE (2005) - IBM's Blue Gene computer can reportedly process 227 trillion flops per second. Even if each calculation involved only one 'bit' of information, one such computer could process more information than five times the earth's total population... With supercomputers taking overt brain downloads within 40 years, total computer consciousness looms as an open threat for the future of mankind, just as, secretly, it already torments those victimised as covert targets of high tech brain monitoring technology.
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Usually the targets are aware their brain waves are being monitored because of the accompanying neurophone feedback. In other words, the computer repeats (echoes) your own thoughts and then the human monitors comment or respond verbally. Both are facilitated by the neurophone. NB Whilst the live/human comments are individualistic and unrelated to the victims own thought processes oftentimes the artificial intelligence involved will parrot standard phrases. These are triggered by your thoughts while the human monitors remain silent or absent. To comprehend how terrible such a thorough invasion of privacy can be - imagine being quizzed on your past as you lie in bed. You eventually fall off to sleep, having personal or "induced" dreams, only to wake to the monitors commenting / ridiculing your subconscious thoughts (dreams). If the ability to "brain scan" individuals expands from the million or so currently under scrutiny to include ALL inhabitants of the planet (as per the Echelon surveillance system which already monitors ALL private/commercial telecommunications) then no-one will ever be able to even think about expressing an opinion contrary to those forced on us by the New World Order. There will literally be no intellectual property that cannot be stolen, no writing that cannot be censored, no thought that cannot be suppressed (by the most oppressive/invasive means).

Conclusion The combined use of these technologies enables remote torture and interrogation. (Memories are triggered by neurophone questioning and the brain wave analysers deliver the answers). Any nebulous arguments about US national security and the need for classified research on
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human subjects speak for themselves. (The writer has a copy of a White House internal memo, signed by Bill Clinton on these matters). Remember that in the past CIA mind control experiments have involved LSD as well as electroshock treatment. The MK Ultra (Mind Control) program itself is infamous as are the instances where implants have been detected by X-Ray etc. Also there are those experimented on under the the cover of 'Alien visits'. Today, Neurophone and mind reading technologies are at the forefront of similar programs. In many ways these new technologies are an even more sinister means of conducting illegal human experiments. Colonel John Alexander, advising head of NATO'S non-lethal weapon initiative, is the main proponent of these technologies. He favours all manner of devices which can, from a distance, induce illnesses, read minds and covertly harass innocent targets. If he could he would implant a microchip in each newborn child and initiate a mind control programme designed to brainwash the entire planet or at least those not fully in tune with their New World Order. Even to entertain such a thought is criminally insane yet he has said such things in public. In fact Scientific American magazine and the major Scandinavian newspaper, Helsingen Sanomat, have suggested all people will be implanted with a DNA microchip in the future. E.g Prince William has already been implanted (for "location" purposes?) while some U.S Military/Agency personnel, including NASA astronauts, have been implanted so as to study their thoughts/emotions etc. Think of the possibilities for robotics and cloning in the future. Remember, these technologies (developed for times of war / terrorism) are (post cold war) being used today on lobbyists, intellectual dissenters and peaceful activists; to discredit and silence them. (So much for democracy.) Notably different methods are often used on different victims within a certain area (city) so as to avoid providing a pattern for investigators to observe. This also provides a cross section of political targets for their experimental programs. It is also noteworthy that some of the victims are ex-agency / military personnel who have rebelled or tried to blow the whistle on corrupt practices within these organisations. Some of these report that not only have the thoughts and emotions of millions of targets been catalogued by military/intelligence agencies but all such agencies have political/mafia/media links due to both infiltration and association. Many of the actual monitors/harassers are also
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links due to both infiltration and association. Many of the actual monitors/harassers are also recruited from the worst possible sources. These people also report that experiments in controlling voters by these remote methods were tried in Haiti, Bosnia etc AND that in 1994, the U.S D.O.D proposed using such technology on all individuals opposing their views(and competitors etc). The DIA would know. N.B. These technologies are invariably used in conjuction with satellite (audio / visual) surveillance; creating the effect of an electronic POW concentration camp. Mental rape is only one of the many crimes committed in this mobile environment. E.g scientists, writers, political/military leaders etc can have their intellectual property stolen at the source. Without doubt the computers store and analyse the intelligence gathered by surveillance/harassment technologies. Their vast memories allow detailed studies of how the human mind works so as to learn how to influence and/or control people. Duplicating these processes for robotics and other artificial intelligence purposes is another sinister goal. The US and other world governments are guilty of fostering gross human rights abuses by using these methods. Their covert operators can now do their worst without fear of detection. The cost is justified by the control gained and the experimental results achieved. Of course, (as with the space program and military expenditures in general) the funds used could be better spent solving real problems like hunger, disease, poverty and crime.

Recommendations Agencies such as the CIA, ASIS and ASIO should be accountable to appropriately selected committees etc. Military units, like Australia's DSD and the U.S. DIA, should not have the right to access satellite (or other) technologies to spy on or harass law-abiding citizens; especially in their own country. Equally they should not assist foreign governments with 'Big Brother' systems like Echelon, except where assisting with law enforcement activities (which they do not). Federal Police should be able to access oscillating scanners and EEG machines like SQUID (Superconductor Quantum Interface Detector) through the defence department or appropriate facilities. These can detect the relevant frequencies and this provides proof.
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There needs to be a United Nations Satellite Committee to oversee developments in satellite technology from a humanitarian perspective. UN weapons inspectors should include non-lethal weapons and satellite weaponry on their checklists. The International Criminal Court should deny veto rights to the US government. The threat of class actions against US government departments may then lead to the end of these atrocities. WHAT'S BEING DONE ABOUT IT (i) Pres. Bill Clinton issued a memo and an Admin' order of governmental Federal Policy change but it was not implemented before he left office. It related to "Strengthened protection for human subjects of classified research", 27th March, 1997. (May 13th, 1997....Federal register). His wife, Hillary Clinton, later as US Secretary of State (responsible for the agencies), made no further attempt to stop the atrocities in question. (ii) Senator John Glen introduced the "Human research subject protection act" (s.193, 105th congress, Jan 22, 1997). As an ex astronaut he knew full well how necessary this was but the bill was not passed. (iii) The European Parliament recently passed resolutions calling for a world convention to ban all weapons used for human experimentation/manipulation. (see Resolution on the environment security and foreign policy A4 - 0005/99, Jan 28th, 1999.EP1159). The European Parliament also called for a convention introducing a global ban on any weaponry enabling manipulation of human beings. The International Committee of the Red Cross also expressed its concerns in July '94. (iv) UNIDIR (The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research) has issued a media guide to disarmament esp. re weapons of mass destruction. Non-lethal weapons are listed and the list includes mind control weapons. Resolutions, treaties, international conventions/laws must quickly be introduced to bridge the gap between rapidly advancing (and usually 'classified') technologies and inadequate laws. UN weapons inspectors should then seek access to government (et al) facilities (worldwide - including the U.S.) to eradicate these evil weapons.
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(v) ON 28TH DECEMBER 2003 THE MICHIGAN GOVERNOR SIGNED PUBLIC ACTS 256 AND 257 (EFFECTIVE 1/1/04). THESE OUTLAW THE USE OF ANY EM WEAPON ON ANYONE. PENALTY - 15 YEARS-LIFE. (vi) US Rep Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) introduced a bill "The space preservation act of 2001" (HR 2977). This was an attempt to ban all weapons in space, including the ones referred to on this site. The congressional record shows that "Mind Control", "Psychotronic" and "Mood Management" weapons were referred to in HR 2977 but the bill had to be reintroduced as HR 3616 as a watered down version that excluded such terms. Like the earlier attempts by Pres. Clinton and Sen. Glenn this failed to shore up the loopholes which allow non-consensual human experimentation by the agencies and the military. And, like most things kept from the public, these secretive crimes, allowed by the deliberate placement of bad laws, are undemocratic, abhorrent and inspired by an inhumane, elitist mentality that the Nazis and Dr Mengele himself would be proud of.
The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) filed a lawsuit in early 2012 against the US government ( Obama administration) concerning the covert targeting / killing of individuals by the agencies; with executive approval or orders.

However these are only promises recognising the problem. None have yet bore fruit. The use of most "non-lethal" weapons contravenes the spirit of all privacy laws and criminal codes as well as every relevant code and convention in play internationally; including The Declaration of Human Rights. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Geneva Convention and The Nuremberg Code. The perpetrators are guilty of crimes against humanity. Those supporting them are engaging in class warfare of the worst kind.

Some of the martyrs to the cause are listed below. These people, all of which spoke with authority and inside knowledge, were all murdered for blowing the whistle on covert satellite harassment.... * Bill Roy, ANU lecturer and Chief Technician, Canberra Black Mountain Tower. He was planning to enter politics and tell the world the truth about satellite surveillance / harassment. He was run down

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while on his bike, alone in the Uni' grounds after dark. * Dr Fred Bell, Physicist and ex DOD employee. He was speaking publicly about evil attacks on citizens using classified technologies. He was murdered in his hotel room just after speaking on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy show on TruTV. Ironically, he was the great grandson of Alexander Graham Bell who invented the "telephone" while he himself was killed for telling people about "neurophones", amongst other things. * Ted Gunderson, Ex FBI agent. Ted was an effective activist that assisted many and worked tirelessly to resolve this situation. He died suddenly in suspicious circumstances. * Alistair Stuart, a Psychiatrist. He was discredited then murdered in his home for highlighting the number of political / agency targets who were falsely committed to mental institutions in order to silence them.

An array/farm of antennas in Alaska; an example of ground-based technologies that can affect both living organisms and the planet itself. By firing radio frequencies through the antennae the ionosphere itself can be altered. The heating effect can alter the weather,change jet streams, cause global warming etc. It can also affect the earth, causing earthquakes etc. In addition, the radio frequency energy can seriously harm humans. For example, the modulated signals can couple with the human brain altering the targets' brain chemistry and emotional state. This, like satellite-based technologies, can also alter studies/results covertly.

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Satellite Spies
The Shocking Truth

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Illegal Experimentation on Humans
Proof of Anti Personnel Technologies Developed through Illegal Experimentation on Human Targets By Paul Baird Exposure. Vol5. No4. 1998. pp 34-35 These technologies were tested (involuntarily) on civilian personnel using remote satellite tracking and over-the-horizon technologies. Today they are also used by covert government agencies to oppress political targets. (It is a strong possibility that they are also "available" to certain defence contractors and organised crime figures.) It's a matter of US Congressional record that in the 50's and 60's the CIA conducted behaviour or mind control experiments using LSD etc. on innocent victims. Only the most naive would claim that the "control" testing stoppedthey merely changed their methods and focus. The world also knows that US radiation experiments yielded tens of thousands of victims; vindicated, though rarely compensated. Indications are that the latest round of weapons testing will produce even more victims. Tens of thousands worldwide have already lodged complaints. The truth must be faced and publicised!!!
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PATENTED TECHNOLOGIES The Neurophone: U.S. Patent #3,393,279. July 16th, 1968. Inventor - Dr Patrick Flanagan (Invented 1958). Description: A device that converts sound to electrical impulses; allowing information to be transmitted to the brain by means of radio waves directed at any part of the body (skin). In other words, recorded or live messages, noise, music can be directed at an individual and, through the nerves, the signal will be carried (involuntarily) to the brain, bypassing the inner ear, the cochlea, and the 8th cranial nerve. Purpose: Practically, the Neurophone could be used to communicate with the deaf but, more often, it is used to terrorise political/military targets. The tracked individuals hear recorded/live threats, propaganda etc, which those around them do not hear (delivered mainly via satellite laser). This harasses and discredits the targets; especially if the problem is communicated to those unaware of the relevant technologies. Advanced Neurophone: U.S. Patent #3,647,970. March 7th, 1972. Inventor - Dr Patrick Flanagan. (Invented 1967). Description: This Neurophone incorporates an electronic circuit duplicating the encoding of the Cochlea and 8th cranial nerve themselves. The NSA placed a secrecy order on this development for over 5 years because of the military applications of the technology. Further Neurophone advances include the development of the time recognition processor, improved memory applications and the advances in satellites incorporating neurophone technologies. Purpose: As Above Psycho - Acoustic Projector; U.S. Patent #3,566,347. February 23rd, 1971. Description: A high directional beam, radiated from a number of transducers and modulated by a speech, code, or noise beat signal. It may take the form of a radiator mounted on a vehicle, aircraft or satellite. Purpose: To produce aural/psychological disturbances and partial deafness. Methods & Systems for Altering Consciousness : 1. U.S. Patent #5,123,899. June 23rd, 1992. Description: A system for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave rhythms and
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thereby altering the subjects' state of consciousness. 2. U.S. Patent #5,289,438. February 22nd, 1994. Description: A system for the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli (usually aural) with different frequencies and waveforms. Purpose: To disorientate/manipulate a target. Silent Subliminal Messages: U.S. Patent #5,159,703. October 27th, 1992. Inventor - Dr Oliver M. Lowry. Description: A communication system in which non aural carriers (in the very low or high audio frequency range or the ultrasonic frequency spectrum) are amplified or frequency modulated with the desired "intelligence", and propagated acoustically or vibrationally for inducement directly into the brain. This can be done "live" or recorded/stored on magnetic, mechanical or optical media for delayed/repeated transmission to the target. Sound can also be induced by radiating the head with microwaves (in the range 100 to 10,000 mhz) that are modulated with a waveform consisting of frequency modulated bursts. Purpose: To instruct or pass messages; in theory. In reality it's used to torment political/military targets. (One unpublicised application was the Gulf War) OTHER KNOWN TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY UNDER SECRECY ORDERS Brainwave Scanners/Programs: First program developed in 1994 by Dr. Donald York & Dr. Thomas Jensen. Description: A personal scanning and tracking system involving the monitoring of an individuals EMF via remote means; eg. Satellite. The results are fed to thought activated computers that possess a complete brainwave vocabulary. Purpose: Practically, communication with stroke victims and brain-activated control of modern jets are two applications. However, more often, it is used to mentally rape a civilian target; their thoughts being referenced immediately and/or recorded for future use. Note: In conjunction with Neurophone technology, this is a mechanism for remote interrogation/torture via satellite. EEG Cloning: Description: A system whereby the target's EMF is monitored remotely and EEG results fed back to them (or others) to mimic emotional patterns; eg. Fear, anger etc. Purpose: To induce emotional/psychological responses. For example, the feedback of Delta
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waves may induce drowsiness since these are familiar when in deep sleep. CONCLUSION This entire bracket of weapons was referred to by L.Brezhnev in 1978 when he told US President J.Carter that there should be a unilateral ban on certain secret weapons "more frightful than the mind of man has ever conceived". And clearly there are many others that we are yet to learn about; including advanced forms of infrasound weapons that can induce organ damage/illness from remote sources (esp.satellites). What's needed includes the following: 1. A UN Satellite committee and non-lethal weapons inspectors. 2. An International Criminal Court prepared to handle class actions brought by the victims. 3. A growth in public awareness regarding the testing of experimental technologies. Finally, it may also be worth noting the comments of one senior investigator from NASA'S Inspector Generals Office. Having conceded the existence of such technologies and commenting on the evil uses to which they are put he advised: "I suggest you pray". PATENT REFERENCES 1. Mind Control: Neurophone www.nettimakako/mind/neurop.htm . 2. #3 Lee Books 3. The military use of electromagnetic,and mind control technology, Armen Victoria (PO Box 99, Westport District Office, Nottingham, N.G.8 3NT UK)

The Sons of Satan
By Paul Baird 'Hard Evidence' Vol. 4 No. 1 Jan-Feb 2004
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Pages 18-25 Introduction Despite the defensiveness of groups suspected of having a secret agenda people will always believe that wherever there is concealment there could well be a conspiracy. Equally, if too many people are involved, you could have dissention due to conflicting views. This could lead to ultimate failureSuccessful "plotting" therefore seems to be effected when certain privileged groups, clubs, fraternities or societies of like-minded, and wealthy, individuals band together to direct people and events to suit their own vested interests. Unfortunately such groups promote inequality, prejudice and often crime by their actions. These problems are the focus of this article. SECRET SOCIETIES The higher profile groups, like political parties, religious organizations and so on, govern, to a certain extent, openly. They have large numbers of members. However the smaller, less well known, groups are often the worst in terms of prejudice, promoting their own through the ranks of any hierarchy, be it political, judicial, bureaucratic or whatever. By so doing such groups infiltrate and impose their views, standards and lifestyles on others in an underhanded, clandestine manner. Some have a finger in every pie. Along the way they alienate and destroy many who question or oppose their selfish goals. The groups or societies in question also seek to protect their operations using subterfuge and lies to enlist the unwitting help of those around them AND other criminal connections. The ostensibly innocent often damn themselves by their silence, their apathy, their fear. For good or bad some of the better known clandestine societies include:- The Bildeberg Club, The Club of Rome, The Illuminati, The Mafia, The British Round Table, The Knights Templar, The Freemasons, The Trilateral Commission, The Council of Foreign Relations, The RIIA, The Travistock Institute, The KKK, The Skull and Bones Society and The Project for the New American Century. Many World leaders are members of these influential organizations. For example, failure to attend the annual Bildeberg Club meeting is said to all but ensure failure at the next national elections. Additionally, there is an ever more worrying proliferation of criminally based networks of paedophiles, satanists, cultists, illegal researchers and so on. Each watches out for its own
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members and thereby allows them to prosper and multiply. The more of them there are in any field of endeavour, any sphere or sector, the more acceptable their ways and so the greater their influence. Many use various forms or terrorism to achieve their goals A SUBTLER TERRORISM In the Middle East, the perceived hub or terrorism for us in the West, many brand the US as "The Great Satan". This is as much for their oppressive stance in the zone as for their perceived immorality. Certainly there's no denying that The New World Order is an American concept. Likewise, we in the west are encouraged to see Islamic/Arabic extremists from that region as devils; fanatics waging a cowardly, "holy" war based on religious differences. Their collective hatred is supposedly directed, indiscriminately, at Jews, Westerners etc. Neither extreme view is strictly correct and even then it only applies to some. However, both sets of leaders are, with their allies, guilty of manipulation, provocation and escalation. This has led to numerous, tragic acts of terrorism in recent years; the World Trade Centre disaster, The Bali bombings and so on. Whoever they are/were and wherever they're from they do/did Satan's work. Now, "terrorism" is defined as the use of violence OR INTIMIDATION to achieve your goals. Therefore, the abhorrent use of psychological and emotional violence, pressure or harassment is just as much an act of terror as a violent hijacking or a suicide bombing. So, bloodless hostage crises, political or state repression/oppression, covert agency harassment, media fear campaigns etc are all acts of terrorism. Accordingly, the unregulated media mafia, the unchecked government spy agencies and so on should all be placed under careful scrutiny during any legitimate "war on terror". However we know why that won't happen. Most people fear corrupt media representatives and covert agency people (e.g. the CIA) more than anyone else, and with good reason. So much so that mere mention of their involvement instills such fear that it's an absolute conversation stopper; evidence of the worst terrorism imaginable. And unlike known terrorist networks they cannot be questioned let alone stopped. Of course, as the truth is always an early casualty anyway, the media/agency/crime figures involved replace it with whatever they choose; pointing away from themselves with suitable indignation and outrage. STATE SPONSORED TERROR Many of the US's enemies were trained and armed by the US. This, coupled with subsequent
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provocation of those enemies, must be recognized as part of the terrorism problem. The provocateur escapes detection then uses the retaliation as an excuse to escalate activity. The fact that money is generated by all of this is both a central and disturbing truth that is being largely ignored. If there was nothing to gain by it then it wouldn't happen. The public are also unaware that covert methods are used. For exampleRegular readers of "Exposure" and now "Hard Evidence" will be familiar with the existence of high tech' satellite, microwave and ground based weapons such as thought scanners, advanced neurophones and the like. Unlike the deaf-friendly miraphone, modern neurophone based technologies are weapons used for statesponsored crime effected by agencies like the CIA, NSA, DIA, and their criminal "business" associates. The technology allows operatives to use advanced computer programs and voice overs to deliver aural harassment/threats etc into the brains of millions worldwide via microwave and satellite. Satellite brainwave monitors and powerful computers (at secret facilities and relay stations) also allow for the deciphering of the targets thoughts, simultaneously. This will be explained more fully later on but suffice to say for now that the mind reading capabilities of the relevant technologies are another conversation stoppernot because of disbelief but because of fear. The result of applying such techniques can be varied across the community. Prominent persons who hold terrible secrets may suicide, while unstable psychopaths and assassins may be driven to commit murder(s). Meanwhile, protestors, writers, human rights campaigners, whistleblowers etc may be severly traumatized by long term exposure to techno-based torture and oppression. The results can be discrediting. Some can even be wrongly institutionalized. Notably, nursing homes, asylums and jails house many victims. They are easy targets for illegal human experimentation but, interestingly enough, most who are targeted, have a "political" background. To debase anyone is bad enough but to exacerbate the suffering of such people is unbelievably cruel. Yet another form of all too common terrorism is the media feedback of surveillance results. This is often facilitated by the state through MP's, agency personnel etc, who set up the spying, then relay the frequencies or pass on results. How it works is that any unwelcome (though private) comment leads to a response (directly with live TV/radio or later if not). Your own words/views/thoughts/actions etc are thrown back at you from the surveillance, usually from the appropriate public figure or sector (with or without their knowledge). It often
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takes the form of a threat. For example, the writers 91 yr old Aunt, who lives at Parramatta, had a turn and was taken to Westmead hospital. The next day, as I prepared to take the final draft of this article to my typing service (near my Aunts home) I listened to the morning radio news. The no.1 item was about a 91 yr old Parramatta woman (not my Aunt) who'd died at Westmead hospital after a bashing outside her home. Investigation and subsequent reports revealed that the news details were (deliberately) incorrect. "They" search for coincidences, then time and prioritise the reports in an attempt to terrorise their targets. When all else fails they just make it up. The facts are wrong but the intention is clear. The blame could be with whoever gets the surveillance results (solicited, intercepted etc). That may be a researcher, a writer, editor, stage manager, exec or presenter but all of them know what goes on. The presenter is usually blamed, at least initially. This can lead to the victim looking like an obsessed fan or something; a neat arrangement for discrediting people. Infact many have fallen for this trap. Some have even been wrongly institutionalised as a result of false complaints lodged by criminals/celebrities working for corrupt media empires. Despite the general public's suspicions most don't realise that the media's role in controlling knowledge, perceptions and beliefs extends to this sort of crime (against those who offend their criminal associates). In any event, taking an undue interest in a non public figure to the point of spying on them (yet refusing to talk to them) reveals the foul intentions of all involved in such practices...and those journos that oppose it are unwelcome in mainstream media circles. So only those who are complicit or silent survive. Therefore, to give these media terrorists the benefit of the doubt, to trust anyone in the mass media once victimized in this manner, is to make a serious error in judgement. Lies are spread, recordings made and there is no privacy at all. One example of this involved a female whistleblower contending with corrupt media execs, at channel 7. They lodged a false complaint through their own media "crime stoppers" people with "friendly"/corrupt police. It was said that she was about to rob a bank. This stopped her whistleblowing and she hid in her house for fear of being framed/set up with weapons, drugs etc. The terrible realization that those you should be able to turn to for help are fully culpable themselves is shattering for most. Equally the culprits go into denial and, in any event, are beyond the reach of any frustrated/honest law enforcers who may offer to help. Getting back to the governments themselveswith the legal/constitutional amendments taking
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place these days (supposedly only to combat terrorism) we now have a situation where innocent people can be framed/tortured/oppressed by the state with "terrorist watch" type excuses used to suppress the truth. Secretive societies, even groups of criminally connected "mates", can arrange this all too easily through their contactsand a conspiracy of silence covers it up. It's an excellent way of victimising and isolating people. To illustrate, recent responses to the September 11, (01) tragedy have seen civil liberties take a battering, bringing democracy itself under fire. Draconion laws have been passed and corrupt agencies are covertly targeting supposed suspects who I'm sure are (usually) nothing more than concerned citizens exercising their democratic rights. By "pretending" to doubt a target and refusing to talk with them agencies (like the CIA, DIA, MOSSAD, MI6, ASIS, ONA etc) can use their arsenal of "anti-citizen" weapons in a trial of how to terrorise/silence/discredit people. Those responsible remain "beyond reproach" using remote space-based technologies etc and quoting "National Security" as their justification for silence and the secrecy orders placed on the weapons themselves. As a result the public don't question this because they don't know the technologies exist. Sowe have a situation wherein patriotic, compassionate people who are raising awareness on important issues can not only be terrorized by government agencies (silenced on behalf of corrupt "business" interests) but they can also be falsely accused to justify the surveillance in the first place. The "Don't talk to them" attitude of the ruling class and associated "clubs" fuels the situation, along with their involvement in harassment directed at the targets who are usually totally innocent, of anything. In the post cold war era crimes against citizens are becoming a more substantial part of agency operatives work. Protected agency/"business" operations (like the drug and arms trades, prostitution, paedophile networks etc) cannot be questioned without consequences, especially for ordinary, unconnected people. These same people can be offered up for experimental programs where techniques and technologies are employed to study how to control/silence themThe visible results could be anything from minor stress through to institutionalisation or even death. This, of course is in keeping with the M.O. of criminals who trade in human misery and murder (i.e. drug barons, arms dealers, terrorists etc). This all leads to another question. Isn't failure to act on the part of an individual or agency part
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of the terrorist cycle? The technology mentioned could solve the terrorist problem but that's not what "they" want. Firstly, the space-based equipment available allows all telecommunications to be intercepted (Echelon), then there's the audio-visual monitoring of "persons of interest" and neurophone/brain-scanning of unconnected targetsSo why experiment with whistleblowers and decent people of any sort while ignoring known terrorists? Maybe September 11 type tragedies are allowed or even orchestrated by some vested interest groups with agency connections; loathsome criminals who deliberately stir up trouble and actively work against prevention or apprehension. After all, Big Brother does see all. So, because any "agent" moving in the field would be spotted they use patsies and Manchurian candidates to do their dirty work and take the blame. This applies equally to individual assassinations (e.g. John Lennon's death) and terrorist acts (like September 11). CENSORSHIP To control the flow of ideas and information "they" must control publishing, broadcasting and the mass media in general. So the number of popular, published authors is kept to a manageable level. These, in turn, feed off the plethora of unpublished material and, in the case of harassers, surveillance/agency information as well. This indicates something further about the systems by which organizations remain both prejudiced and hidden. The ugly truth is that freedom of thought/expression is an ideal not a reality. To dismiss writings is one matter. To harass/destroy the writer is another. Now propaganda can, like consent, be total invention. Control of the mainstream media allows this to happen. Every media outlet is controlled otherwise classified information would be leaked to the general public. So "they" place or hire people to fill crucial roles and thereby ensure this. A good example was the recent Iraqi war, 2003. Debate raged prior to troop deployment, and in fact only three nations were actively involved, but once troops were committed to the fight the media was almost 100% behind the effort; the public reasoning being that our troops needed our total support. However, there's little democracy or common sense in that. The soldiers always have our sympathy/support anyway but the instigators of any conflict, on either side, need to be questioned on their motives before everyone just accepts war as a necessary evil. The links between the Arabic political leaders and the terrorists, the weapons sales and build ups, the stated intentions etc were all too readily accepted, as presented. The money, the
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resources, the power up for grabs (on both sides) were matters not fully addressed. Only afterwards were better questions raised about the legitimacy of the whole affair. Why, for example, is there still no concrete evidence for the UN to support the action, even after the event? Why don't they all assist (through member nations) in the rebuilding of Iraq? Another good example is in the area of dual purposes. Many satellites, for instance, have frightening abilities (to torment, mind rape and kill) but the public only hear about telecommunications, weather and recon capabilities. Similarly, people working as PI's, security guards, journalists, MP's etc can also work for and/or with "them", thereby compromising their legitimate work. Clearly, suppression of information occurs at many levels, and the world stage really is full of excellent actors. They say all the right things; some even openly supporting charities, causes and so on but they secretly work in a conspiratorial fashion to destroy genuinely good people. As a result the truth may never surface on many matters esp. where those speaking out are emotionally, psychologically (even physically) tormented for their troubles. Public figures contend with threatened public ridicule/exposure (on other matters) for dissenting but non public figures can be tortured etc. Neurophones, brain scanners and directed energy weapons can create a mobile P.O.W situation that's indescribably oppressive. To even question the ruling class's crimes can leave some like modern day Galileos (under house arrest - figuratively) for merely expressing their views. All violence is wrong but State sponsored terrorism (emotional, physical or psychological) is the worst intimidation imaginable, especially when it's media backed. It's claimed that the most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. To control our minds they need acceptance and absorption (by the masses) of all the educational, media, government propaganda that we're exposed to. Those elements of the truth which, like public "acting", conceal the lies and deception are essential to their plans. So, in response, we need to read and see a little less and think a lot more. An example is the illicit drug trade; one of the scourges of most modern societies. Drugs are used to control/occupy both those in public life who indulge and those non public figures who follow their lead but cannot cope or even afford it long term. Following the money/control trail is a good indicator of who it is that's behind it. The most powerful vested interest groups, "societies" and individuals are, like the mass media that shapes our very thinking, linked to and/or controlled by organised
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crime and corrupt bureaucracies, through their agents/employees. These are the connections that point to the ugly truth. THE HYPOCRISY The hardest thing to come to grips with is the breathtaking hypocrisy of our political/media/business leaders. Only complicit or compliant people reach the upper levels of these sectors so we find media identities denouncing terrorists on the one hand while at the same time (and sometimes with "feedback" in the same item) terrorizing their own fellow citizens who are genuinely concerned. Also, Western democracies, esp. the U.S, are guilty of gross hypocrisy on matters like terrorism, torture, harassment, false institutionalization, weapons of mass destruction, human rights, religious persecution and much more. For instance, there are no U.N weapons inspectors swarming over Defence/CIA/NASA facilities searching for evidence of advanced weaponry that's being tested on the citizenry. Yet the very strategies to covertly silence those who are awake to the truth are perfected by experiments - using these very same technologies. The average, decent citizen takes time to grasp the concept as it is evil on a scale that's difficult to accept. "They" count on that. Individually, psychopaths like Martin Bryant and Timothy McVeigh can be manipulated/steered onto a collision course with their unsuspecting victims by monsters who brainwash/provoke them (using neurophone voices etc) to execute the events for which they take sole blame. Not only is there no authority to investigate the agency criminals behind it, but the public don't understand how, let alone why, such evil is fostered. The technologies are veiled by secrecy orders and the motives blurred by MP's and the media but there can be no excuses. UNDERSTANDING THE TECHNOLOGIES Pretend you've never used electricity or watched a plane in the sky. Forget all the modern inventions you take for granted. Now, if you were told about them by honest people with knowledge/experience would you believe it? Many technologies have military applications that their inventor didn't envisage. These can have secrecy orders placed on them and then only military bodies/contractors can work on developing and advancing them. Once developed these inventions can be tested and misused under a "National Security" screen of silence. Defence contractors, criminals, agency oppressorsall of these have access but not honest law enforcers or the general public.
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For example, DARPA (The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) has a program called LIFELOG which records TV viewing, photographs taken etc over a lifetime. Another is ECHELON, the NSA system that monitors all telecommunications worldwide. With Echelon advanced computers highlight communications "of interest" for human operatives. Those involved can then be placed on 24/7 audio-visual satellite surveillance as "people of interest". They can be MP's, personalities, activists, law enforcers, terrorists etc. On top of that the neurophone and brainwave scanning technologies facilitate the torture and mental rape of chosen targets. Again, to reiterate (for those unfamiliar with what this means) U.S satellites can track/monitor anyone using tags, infrared, brainwaves etc etc. E.g. For brain/thought monitoring the evoked potential emitted by the brain is scanned then decoded/interpreted by U.S/GB/Israeli supercomputers with a brainwave vocabulary. Also neurophones relay noise/voices via microwave/laser delivery systems. The signal travels the nervous system to the brain (bypassing the ears). The two together provide a means of remote torture/interrogation/deceit. Law enforcers (honest ones) cannot access this equipment but criminals in the agencies, in media circles, in politics etc can. Again, their defence is the "National Security"/"Classified" tag but most of them, as outlined in this article, are terrorists themselves. THE POLITICS OF HUMAN RESEARCH We hear more of illegal research involving animals than people yet cancer cures, LSD trials, nuclear weapons testing and so on have all involved human guinea pigs. Even organ donors risk having more taken than they planned for. Horrific anecdotes have been relayed on this alone; stories involving hospitals, morgues, universities etc. In fact, so insidious and deceptive are their methods that "they" use statistics to encourage drivers to indicate their willingness to donate organs on their licenses. Ostensibly, that's fine but where's the guarantee that the donated parts go where they should and what of "the rest"? Interestingly, one recent TV ad for brain tissue donors focused on schizophrenia studies. This also smacks of another "cover" for illegal research. Their reassurances ring hollow. These days the living guinea pigs for the experiments mentioned in this material are no longer just volunteers, students etc. Instead, people in institutions, helpless and alone, have been used and now anyone offending/questioning powerful criminals can be offered up to those
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involved in these experiments; studies in controlling other human beings remotely. Unfortunately there is no human equivalent of the RSPCA. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR - Church of Scientology) and CAHRA (Campaign Against Human Rights Abuse) do their best without resources or a public profile but their impact on the problem is minimal. However, sadly, mans inhumanity to man has few limits. Things you wouldn't see done to a dog are done to humans in the name of science, love, religion and the money/control they generate. Thankfully no other species is so "intelligently" organised. Again, writers of anti-crime works, whistleblowers, in fact any honest/decent people who exercise their rights to freedom of speech, thought, expression etc can be selected, (by their enemies), for these programs. This terrorises, silences and discredits them personally but more so it gives their tormentors opportunities to study methods of covertly influencing (and altering if possible) belief systems, actions etc. They hope to learn how to predict/normalize/control human behaviour. They thereby want to discover how to deal (covertly) with dissenters; people who see through the lies and propaganda and speak out against evil practices. Other purposes for the "research" may be to enhance methods of computer/human interfacing to the point that computers can almost think like humans. In fact, the US navy's National Research Laboratory in Washington has already conducted extensive research on computer chips with living brain cells. Stolen memories can also be used for robotics, cloning and all manner of mischief including selling results to interested parties. Long term dream analysis (a personal favorite of psychiatrists we're told) can also be carried out without reliance on the targeted persons recollections. Subliminal suggestions, even false memories (and the warping of surveillance results), can be planted in further attempts to influence human thinking and reactions. In addition, for creative targets, ideas can be stolen or implanted. For others still, fears/attitudes etc can be moulded by the lies they're told and so on. The goons delivering all of this harassment/torture can also facilitate ancillary perversions such as gambling on the outcomes e.g. when will a targeted person lose their temper, their job, their partner, their life. Great fun for all concerned especially the filth that set the target up in the first place. In the case of opposite sex monitors still more evil "enjoyment" can be found. There is literally no limit to the level of degrading, humiliating treatment these monsters can dish out.
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is literally no limit to the level of degrading, humiliating treatment these monsters can dish out. Cross sections of the community can also be tested as a group; usually without their knowledge e.g. crowd mood management during marches, elections, riots can be arranged/attempted using EEG feedback over a large area. And, of course, defence personnel are subjected to the testing of some very nasty lethal and non/lethal weaponry (on both sides). E.g. neurophones were used on Iraqi soldiers. Chemical, biological, even nuclear weapons can also be tested on troops. Also, worth mentioning are the people who "disappear" (30,000 a year in Australia alone). You could be forgiven for wondering if some weren't spirited away to some hidden facility for more face to face type research, brainwashing etc. Runaways, custody pawns, murder victims, protected witnesses, criminals, enslaved victims and so on form the bulk of the numbers but I'm sure "science" takes its share. Those few who survive to return to loved ones may be deluded (e.g. by their U.S/"alien" captors) or worse still, programmed (like Martin Bryant) to commit horrendous crimes for reasons only the criminally insane could comprehend (they're usually political of financial reasons). Although not too many remote targets can be successfully "triggered" to commit crimes like Bryant's they must still endure torture and deprivation of physical, emotional and mental liberty. For example, EM radiation/laser/microwave weapons can mimic signals emitted by the brain and nervous system. The relevant devices can also disrupt that system. The symptoms are coordinated (deliberately) to mirror mental illness which complicit psychiatrists diagnose, on cue, (as taught through agency modified texts). THE RESEARCHERS Dr Stefan Possony (the "father" or Star Wars) said, in 1995, that "messaging directly into a target mind with low frequency waves" was possible. But this had been known for decades before that and he would have known it. Why the act? The suppression, then timely open expression of such information is of concern Another control freak, John Alexander (a NATO chief) speaks of compulsory implants for newborns. This is an evil, insane notion yet its dangers have been ignored. In any event, it's unnecessary in one sense since mind modifiers, EEG feedback devices, neurophones, brain-scanner and radiation technologies can achieve total, submissive control of large sections of the citizenry without their cooperation or even their knowledge, in some cases. So, if political propaganda and media imaging fail, these devices are
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in reserve to effect obedience and conformity to the New World Orders ways of thinking. Yes they have ways Incidentally, Nazi/U.S scientist, Dr Herman P Schner, said: "There are no proven biological effects from electromagnetic radiation". More patent nonsense. Yet a colleague, Dr Schmitt, openly confessed to using a magnetic interpreted neuron duplicator on inmates at San Quentin prison where he was chief psychiatrist. Needless to say interference with potentially violent criminals can have dire consequences. Nevertheless, our jails, like our asylums, nursing homes, etcare just playgrounds for the monsters behind all of this. For instance, it's no surprise to learn that NSW jails, at Goulburn and Junee, have large numbers of prisoners complaining of neurophone harassment (voices in the head). Junee jail is privately run by Americans who handpick their victims/inmates. The inmate (from Goulburn) who relayed this information in the first instance has been set up, robbed and so on for his troubles. False medical records have been prepared claiming he has a heart condition (just in case they want to dispose of him) and a history of violence in Ireland (a country he has not even visited). Yet the same victim successfully introduced articles, patents and so on (relating to the high tech devices described herein) to a jury which supported his contention that they'd been used on himself and others. And this faced with a hostile judge, corruptible crown prosecutor and three government psychiatrists all of whom claimed total ignorance. Even armed with false psychiatric assessments (paid for by the state to discredit this man) they could not have him labeled as mentally unfit. Unfortunately, others harassed by neurophone voices have, on their eventual release from prison, either been set up or killed almost immediately. Other interesting views on human research come from Mathew S Meselson who said "we'll learn how to manipulate every life process, genetic ones, mental ones, emotional ones" and Dr Robin Coupland who talks of "weapons that can cause psychosis, epilepsy, blindness etc." Instead of referring lovingly to such madness these "gents" would do well to follow the lead of Dr Rosalie Bertell who, instead, sympathetically and openly studied the victims of radiation weapons at Greenham Common. This was another despicable series of murders by "the state" aimed at peaceful anti nuclear protestors. The fact remains that, overall, there is little open discussion (legal/moral) on neurotechnology, dream analysis, human cloning research, advanced (humanoid) robotics, directed energy weapons or any other diabolical programs which misuse modern technological advances at the
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expense of the citizenry. The law and the parliaments lag way behindand intentionally so. Like the LSD trials and the nuclear tests decades ago we have protected military/agency operations going on which are removed from public scrutiny by secretive government/"business" bodies. The results are appalling, inexcusable evil directed at decent, honest people from all walks of life. THE FUTURE? For the privileged few, the complicit, the silent, (including our "secretive" groups), the future is rosy. They'll survive unscathed and continue to mock those of us who their delusions tell them are inferior. "Inferior" because we think and act differently to themselves. This "inferior", largely law abiding, majority will of course have less to look forward to. Brainscanning technology is enough of a danger in itself. To elaborate, aside from plans to cull the worlds population back to a manageable billion or two (and you won't feel a thing) the covert agencies are working towards total invasion of every home, every mind on the planet. Microchipping for security/ID purposes is only the next cover. The real motives are illegal research, larceny, perversion and total control, up to and including euthanasia/extermination through incurable disease/cancer etc. (By the way, one biblical interpretation refers to microchip enslavement of the world at the end of time). Today, astronauts submit to it for research and celebrities may agree for security purposes but the public agrees at its peril. Anyway, as said earlier, microchipping is unnecessary given the satellite-based technologies now available. It's a cover; another diversion. Given all of this, you could be forgiven for entertaining fanciful ideas such as the thought that scientists could create human clones, insert stolen human memories (extracted via brainwave scanning) then use neurophone relayed instructions etc to get them to organise/ run the whole world on behalf of their faceless, criminal masters. However, given the enthusiastic way corrupt power brokers (MP's/journalists/"businessmen") make a sport out of destroying decent people (usually covertly) today that's probably an unnecessary scenario. Perhaps it is only an illustrative notion like the "one world government" described in my unpublished fictional novel, "In the year 2252" (1991). In that story, given there were no more kingdoms to conquer, no causes to unify the haves and have nots, no external distractions, no one to blame for anything (be it social inequity, drugs, weapons/space research etc) then an "alien" sham was viewed as being as good as any available to shift the blame and divert unwanted attention. In
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the fantasy agencies, military or otherwise, would use secret/classified technologies to disastrous effect then rally public support (to play hero) in a scenario of their own creation. Unfortunately that sounded a little too close to today's reality for their liking, especially in an age where provoked global terrorism was about to take centre stageBut apparently we don't need to know the truth. Others more trustworthy than us have it all under control. So, the 99% that would be sickened by the truth must simply defer to their greater wisdom. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH (Progress in the war on psychological/emotional terror). The 80's was to be the "decade of the brain" according to the U.S government. Unfortunately the secret research conducted was largely inhuman and counterproductive. Sadly it continues to this day, unchecked. This fact has been recognized recently by a number of prominent international organizations. These include The International Committee of The Red Cross, CAHRA (Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse), CCHR (The Citizens Commission on Human Rights - Church of Scientology) and CAMS (Christians Against Mental Slavery). Influential individuals like U.S senator (and ex-astronaut) John Glenn, U.S rep Dennis Kucinich and President Bill Clinton have introduced bills and so on which address the problems associated with illegal human experimentation, including the abuse of remote mind control weapons. However, to date, nothing has been done in reply. Everything is watered down. Regardless, perhaps the two most significant moves have been made by the European Parliament and The United Nations. The European Parliament passed the "Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy", A4 - 0005/99, Jan 28th, 1999. This called for a world wide convention to ban all weapons for human manipulation. Also the UN, through UNIDIR (the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research), recognised and listed "mind control" weapons, putting them alongside nuclear and chemical weapons as weapons of potential "mass destruction" because of the manipulative possibilities. The UN too wants an international treaty to ban these weapons. They published material for the world wide media to use/disseminate but they have failed to do so. Ask yourself why. In fact the media is more likely to warp public perception on matters like "mind control" than it is to inform them. For example, a recent TV program with that title, "Mind Control" (2003), focuses on hypnotism not high tech satellite interference. (See Addendum for a list of organizations and contacts re formal opposition to the weapons in question).
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Because they anticipate further calls for treaties/bans on weapons for human torture and manipulation the US government is now systematically shifting responsibility for some of these technologies from the Defence Department to the internal Department of Energy. This is to evade the impact of any treaty/ban. Secretary of Energy O'Leary has apparently admitted that half a million US citizens (at least) have already been experimented on without their consent (or knowledge in the case of most). This confession alone should rank the emotional/psychological/physical torture and terror involved alongside anything orchestrated by a Dr Mengele, a Saddam Hussein, an Idi Amin or any other fiend for whom "crimes against humanity" are mere recreational pursuits. They can call it conditioning or any other euphemism they like, the fact is the victims are true "prisoners of conscience", to apply a term Amnesty International uses for physical, political prisoners, short or long term, (e.g. well known ex victims like Pauline Hanson and Nelson Mandela). Again, because our media is controlled by complicit vested interest groups they not only remain silent on such matters but are likely to exacerbate a victim's pain by actively participating; contributing to the suffering of targets with lies/deception, surveillance feedback and more. With no regulation or watchdog, with no empowered law enforcement agency to investigate and no politician free of fear of favour it's little wonder that the UN has been largely ignored on these mattersso far. PERSONAL COMMENTS In my own view the greatest (and worst) inventions of all time have been facilitated by the microchip. The brain scanning (mind reading) technologies alone represent the greatest threat to the "free" world that there has ever been. Aside from theft, oppression, torture, manipulation, military/political conquest and control, the horrific human rights abuses (starting with the most intrusive invasions of privacy) make these devices horrific/evil beyond the comprehension of most people. Some I've spoken to say they cannot imagine anything more frightening than mental rape. But when the corrupt agencies eventually run their "Thought Police" scans over the entire planet (in the same way Echelon monitors all telecommunications already) then anyone even doubting what they're told by those in high places will draw "special attention" from human operatives. And this before they even mouthe their concerns let alone convey them in a written form. This one alone could enslave the entire world and change it, for the worse, forever. Oppression/repression will lead to complete suppression. Freedom of thought, speech and expression of any sort will be only a memory (and probably a forbidden one at that). Democracy will become even more of a facade/farce than it already is, a system
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where attempts to exercise your democratic rights can lead to you losing them altogether. Differences of opinion on matters relating to crime/corruption already top the list. Even the silent majority who do, say or think only what they're told (deviating only between a narrow band of opinions) could be affected. The one safe democratic right, the right to vote for one of two "controlled" political parties (the rest incapable of forming governments), can be influenced unduly, not only by propaganda/lies but by mood/thought management technologies that people are unaware of. This raises an ancillary matter. In such an environment (which we call a democracy) is it democratic to make any service/duty compulsory? Electoral duty (voting), judicial duty (jury service) and military duty (where there's national service) are all (or can be) compulsory. Yet to vote for political representatives, take part in court proceedings or fight a foreign war without reference to personal (informed) opinion is anything but democratic. If the systems and individuals in question draw justifiable criticism or rejection that should be addressed not sugar coated by compulsory endorsement. Also, from my observations, class, cultural, religious and ideological "cleansing" can be carried out very slowly, over time, using stealth and deception. For example, very few whistleblowers seem to have children once they're criminally harassed. The ones that do wind up having those children harassed as well (some from birth). In the long run society's views can be altered to correspond with what the ruling elite believe, and few will be any the wiser. Those still disagreeing will become afraid to even express their views; especially when they see the dire consequences for others. We are being told not to think, only reactand react as expected, or else. In such a situation those in the affluent west who have a conscience are also silenced on certain matters; powerless to help the starving, diseased, war ravaged and oppressed peoples of the rest of the world where 25,000 die of starvation alone every day. Today, opponents of all manner of injustices are ridiculed, set up, robbed, (mentally) raped, tormented and often totally destroyed (usually in private) using high tech. Our media and political identities are often at the heart of the problem (or sympathetic with the criminal activities in question) so they will not intervene. Yet again, it is vital to understanding the problem that the reader realises that "they" vet all who enter public life; especially in politics and the mainstream media. Only the corruptible, malleable and fearfully silent are tolerated. If confronted these people feign ignorance and delude themselves into believing they are not to blame; being beyond reproach. Meanwhile mass media surveillance feedback (including sly references to private words/actions/thoughts) is responsible for the grief of many targeted individuals. And the
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writers can't be blamed in isolation. What of the sources? And what of the actors, singers, presenters that deliver the pain? "It's my job""I only read it""I do what I'm told" "I didn't know". None of these is a real/legitimate excuse. They are used to drive a wedge between victims and any source of assistance. From my perspective, our secret societies, our vested interest groups either order, effect or allow all manner of ills in our world today. The web of conspirational arrangements woven perverts justice and creates class resentment. Honest endeavour is to be mocked by thieves in high places and those speaking of justice? Ridiculed AND crucified Again, for those unaware of the fact - Big Brother is NOT the law. He's the agent/criminal who thwarts the law enforcer. He works for the drug baron, the arms dealer, the oppressor etc. So the old argument that you don't need to be alarmed if you're doing nothing wrong is seriously flawed. You don't have to do anything wrong; Big Brother and his associates are the wrong doers and they monitor/harass those who question their crimes. Law enforcers should have the resources to investigate these high tech crimes but the criminals monitor them too and so stay "one step ahead". This should change but I suspect it won't. As for those that Big Brother fosters, obeys and protects, (those removed from the sane, moral world by the exaltations of position, power and science)Technology allows them to see and hear from afar, to monitor through all obstacles, to read men's minds and create/destroy life itself in ever more bizarre waysbut they are not Gods. They are motivated by greed not altruism, by hate not loveand standing on a podium or sitting behind a desk and pretending to be something they're not, no matter how good the act, is ultimately transparent to more and more, despite the media staging. Meanwhile, for the majority, those that can't explain let alone create whole universes, God cannot be removed from the picture no matter how inconvenient that may be for "them". Theories which seem to credit our existence to some sort of cosmic accident, no matter how fancifully described, don't work for us. Yet for others it's as if they legitimise the prevailing system, the law of the jungle, by endorsing such theories/beliefs. Well we have it already; a world where crime pays and the groups/societies behind it influence every sector in the community. Deluding themselves into actually believing that they are rightfully above the law, and therefore not subject to it, these people have nothing but disdain and derision for anyone suggesting that integrity and fair play should be the norm. An honest, level playing field is not their idea of good sport.
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Finally, for true believers, our free will is God given. May I suggest that secretive organizations and individuals wishing to take his place (and remove that gift) band together Lacking integrity, conscience, faith or good intention they proclaim all things are possible for man. All things good or evil or both? I think we know. So perhaps a more correct title for such a collection of rogues would be "The Sons of Satan" because, whether they believe in him or not, they're following in his footsteps. CONCLUSION Our democratic and human rights are in jeopardy, right now. A total loss of privacy, dignity and control in our own lives is on the horizon. For many it's already here. The New World order will eventually enslave us, one way or another, and it's not a conspiracy theory it's a reality. They mould things to suit their own purposes yet the rest of us are told "you can't change the world". No reversals, only "progress". Progress for who? And at who's expense? To object is to invite terrorists into your life; to silence/torture/discredit you. Affluent onlookers are unaffected and so ignore the dangers for others and the shameful truth is hidden by political/media/business groups. They protect the ugly operations described in this article (just as "they", in turn protect them). Dialogue is avoided, especially where majority views and interests simply don't rate. The answers are also unclear for the individual but silence is definitely not one of them. It is for the UN and similarly empowered bodies to stand up to this openly and publicly. Those promoting evil, perverting justice and suppressing the truth must be held accountable and stopped. ADDENDUM FOR "VICTIMS" ADVICE AND SUPPORT CAN BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE FOLLOWING ORGANISATIONS/PEOPLE: MIND JUSTICE NEWS GROUP CONTACT ALLEN BARKER [email protected] MIND JUSTICE FORMALLY CAHRA (CITIZENS AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE) CONTACT CHERYL WELSH [email protected] OR [email protected] NOTE: THEY ALSO RUN VICTIMS STORIES ON THE INTERNET SEE MIND CONTROL FORUM (
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STORIES) DI HARRISON, EDITOR EXPOSURE, [email protected] MIND CONTROL MAGAZINE CONTACT: RON PATTON [email protected] LYNN SURGALLO, Peace / H.R. Activist and former Vice President US Psychotronics Association, [email protected] Joan Farr Heffington, Association for Honest Attorneys, (AHA), [email protected] Dr John Hall [email protected] Derrick Robinson, FFCHS, [email protected] Deborah Dupre, ICESH, HR journalist, The Examiner, [email protected] LOCALLY, SUPPORT AND INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED THROUGH PAUL BAIRD PHONE: (02) 9635 0752 (H) OR [email protected] AND THE WEBSITE

Brainwashing and It's Consequences
By Paul Baird 'Hard Evidence' pp20-31, Vol 4, No 5, Sept-Oct, 2004 As most of us realise there are numerous ways to manipulate people's thoughts and beliefs. Propaganda and lies can be delivered through education, literature, the media and so on. In particular, the status of public figures of all sorts allows them to be used in the brainwashing process, especially if they've been criminally compromised. Read the rest of the article (PDF file download)

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COVERT CENSORSHIP Corrupt government agencies and their criminal contacts can covertly attack honest citizens especially those who criticize their criminal operations or conduct. They can abuse these people using high tech satellite surveillance equipment as well as satellite-based psychotronic and directed energy weapons. This is hidden from public scrutiny by bogus "National Security" laws drafted by the US government and its allies. The complicit mainstream media co-operates fully because of the legal ramifications and the fact that (as with the bulk of the entertainment industry) it is criminally owned and managed. The result of all of this is that many innocent people who attempt to highlight important issues are silenced, isolated, discredited or institutionalized. THE PRETENCE A "National Security"cover allows those responsible to PRETEND that their innocent targets are guilty of something or under suspicion or potentially dangerous or anything that they can tell themselves to somehow justify the inhuman treatment they mete out to their enemies; in secret. Their secret (usually remote, satellite-based) technology can track targets by many means, including by their brains unique electronic resonance frequencies. It can monitor audio-visually, inflict pain/disease, create or change moods and reactions, deliver computer-generated or relayed voices to the brain, read minds and cause other seemingly
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inexplicable happenings of an apparent psychic, paranormal or extraterrestrial nature. These secret weapons can cause targets to suicide, commit murders, be driven to madness and so on but most victims avoid these pitfalls and simply seek help from doctors, law enforcers, MP's, journalists etc. Even that is generally not a good move because ignorance, fear and complicity mean that little or no help is forthcoming from these people. For many (including MP's and journalists) a further pretence involves the self-delusion that this is all somehow necessary to hide the truth or silence certain opinions that are different to their own. This then accompanies their general denial that such horrific thing even happen let alone that they're involved personally. PUBLIC FIGURES' ROLE Public figures are fed the results of 24/7 surveillance operations carried out on targets; the gathering, of their words, thoughts and actions. Writers working for criminals/agencies sew the results into public figures speeches, scripts etc as they're gleaned from the surveillance. Celebrities may be told lies about the target or who/what the target is but, basically, they'll do it regardless (for money and opportunity). People are screened (by the CIA etc) as they enter public life to ensure that they'll remain silent/co-operative/pliable. Most can be easily blackmailed/threatened by agencies/criminals and are simply puppets dangling from the "Godfathers" strings with "Big Brother" overseeing their operations and intervening when necessary. All involved have sold out and sold their souls. Their conduct is illegal, indefensible, inexcusable and inhuman and they belong in prison for their part in it. Even those merely acquiescing are accessories/accomplices because they're providing a "legitimate" cover for these criminal practices. LAW ENFORCERS ROLE Police, like other professionals, are not officially told about any of this though some learn of it during their careers. They are not told because (i) They themselves can be monitored/harassed by wealthy criminals, using the relevant
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technology, if they get too close to their operations (as one-time acting NSW Police Commissioner, Bev Lawson, confirmed for me personally). Knowledge of this would cause an outcry and a mass exodus from the forces. Similar monitoring occurs for ex-services personnel who leave with "classified" information about corrupt agency practices. (ii) Police ignorance prevents honest law enforcers from believing/helping victims, thus discrediting and isolating them. PSYCHIATRYS ROLE The psychiatric diagnostic manuals are (in part) written and set up by corrupt government agency personnel (especially in the U.S.A) so as to provide an easy means of discrediting people who complain about covert harassment. Psych students are basically taught that if you can't see it or it leaves no evidence it doesn't exist, didn't happen and the complainant must be delusional. Their position therefore protects government agencies and clever criminals, allowing the following injustices:(i) All complaints about covert harassment can be dismissed as "paranoia". (ii) All complaints about voice to brain technology can be dismissed as"schizophrenia". (iii) All complaints about media feedback of surveillance can be dismissed as "delusional". (iv) All complaints about oppression, torture, abduction etc can be dismissed as "fantasy". Most psychiatrists discredit complainants out of ignorance or self interest but others (including the spy agency psychiatrists who coined most of the numbered terms above) act with full knowledge and total malice. Some even work within the actual experimental programs that are designed to study human responses to "remote control" stimuli. Those behind the programs help to create assassins and vegetables, conflicts and conspiracies, attractions or aversions, successes or failures and all as an experiment for political/economic advantage.

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Spoken or written opposition to criminal activity Fictional writing about corruption, war etc Natural anger at criminal harassment by public figures Observing and commenting on what criminal public figures are doing Refusal to be "set up" by the media publicly Refusal to be manipulated in any way by criminals Association with fellow victims of high tech harassment Natural, normal defences to remote harassment

Intention to act as a vigilante or investigator Intention to advocate real-life revolutionary action. Intention to respond criminally yourself Intention to join them in some way or other Intention to hide something Intention to remain idle/useless Intention to adopt their beliefs, lifestyles etc Intentions that are mad, bad, sad etc

TOPIC "National Security" laws THE BRAINWASHING They protect us THE TRUTH They're mainly a cover for the crimes of the gov't/military/corporate conglomerate They're mostly thugs working for oppressors


They help and protect us

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Conspiracy theories

They're paranoid beliefs

The world is run by (and for) co-conspirators (the mafia, the illuminati, the cosa nostra, the CIA, DIA, MI6, the mossad etc). They control the media and hence our perception/knowledge of their role Many work for/with criminals in the drug trade, war promotion, ideas piracy etc. Most are phonies All politicians are vetted by the CIA etc. At the entry, preelection and election, stages, scandals/blackmail etc control them. They do what the wealthy criminals ask or they're out of office (or worse) All could be greatly reduced if not eliminated (but it's not profitable to do so)

Public figures

They're worthy of our respect/trust


We choose our representatives and they work for us

War, famine, poverty, diseases, illicit drugs

All are unavoidable


Live as normal a life as possible; work, play, socialise, pray. By doing this you partially thwart their monstrous remote control experiments. Maintain the rage; continue to speak out and write about their crimes especially the hellish mistreatment they force people to endure. By doing this you defeat their attempts to
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silence and discredit you. Speak only to honest, intelligent, courageous people about your own situation; to avoid frustration. Cope and survive. Contact the Federation Resistance Global Electronic Harassment Opposition Party see www.FederationResistance.Weebly.Com

INTRODUCTION Spying is an age old practice carried out on behalf of groups, governments, corporations, even religious organisations but todays spies are mostly desk bound rather than operating in the field; they monitor surveillance screens, they write, and they manipulate. Now, The Bard once wrote that all the worlds a stage and at least as far as modern day public figures are concerned, that is clearly true. However, few people realise that most players on the world stage are not only performing scripted roles but that those scripts are often prepared by writers who are spy agency plants or recruits. Many other writers are also corruptible or worse, organised crime figures, many of these also being agency connected. This effectively gives those directing spy and/or crime operations direct control over world events and how they are perceived as well as social attitudes, opinions and even in some cases, our minds. Their first and best sell is to brainwash the public into believing that they are heroes. Of course in reality theyre not. Theyre villains and this essay addresses that truth. Many spies are placed in or recruited into key roles (both public and non public) where they can betray the general public with immunity from detection/prosecution. Contrary to the mass media portrayal of spying as some noble, heroic venture it is, in fact, more times than not a significant part of an overall conspiracy to oppress innocent citizens and suppress the truth. Again, this is done not on behalf of the general community but for the benefit of the criminal element that controls and

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preys on that community. In effect, that element is The country which spies protect in that they own it financially (usually as a result of criminal/dubious activity) and dont want their crimes revealed. But by doing their dirty work spies become traitors to their real country which, especially in a democracy, should be the vast majority of the general population not the land or its wealth or those that corruptly control both but the normal, average, law-abiding citizens that inhabit it. This essay also deals with the various methods used by spies to betray us but the focus is on their treachery. By serving corrupt masters through their deceptions, their manipulations, their victimisations and other state sanctioned crimes they make themselves enemies of the people. Their functions/methods are often no less than crimes against humanity itself. A brief explanation of some of these methods follows (in no particular order). INFORMATION CONTROL Agencies have for a long time relied on controlling the flow of information to control our minds. That control has never been tighter than it is today. They place operatives everywhere that deception is convenient: politics, journalism, law enforcement, healthcare, beaurocracies etc. Forget the spy v spy scenarios of fictional fame, most spies victimise ordinary citizens. Also misinformation officers, like propaganda experts of all sorts, write for the mass media including writing news reports, ads, comedy, movies, articles, songs, books (including history books) etc. Hitler was infamous for organizing book burnings but these days thats hardly necessary as todays villains financially (through ownership) and practically (through staffing) control/censor the truth and/or totally prevent publication of it. Sex, violence and so on are not stringently censored but the truth regarding many important matters is brutally suppressed. Examples include the covert methodology and secrecy order protected technology outlined in this essay. Also course work in physics, psychiatry, law enforcement, even ethics reveals none of it (by design and law) thus allowing a range of crimes, unknown to most. Sadly, people have become so comfortable with certain government/media/corporate lies, so conditioned to being protected from the truth, that they actually dont want to hear or read the uglier truths. They prefer instead to believe the fantasies that theyve been fed. This is never more so than when talking about the crimes of the ruling classes; public figures, wealthy businessmen, powerful agency personnel etc. The excuses and self delusional belief systems adopted by those associating with these criminals (other community leaders, employees etc) is proof positive that aside from those primarily guilty of the crimes in question there are many others prepared to turn a blind eye for material reward, mateship, through fear etc. Then theres the distracted general public, brainwashed not to care about anything that doesnt directly affect them as individuals (see

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DISTRACTIONS below). I believe this to be the single biggest problem of all... not the unintelligent who cant understand, not the corrupt who refuse to acknowledge but the inaction of the apathetic and fearful who dont want to know. Selfish apathy and fear are problematic enough when looking at publicised issues like the environment, climate change, war/terrorism, poverty, weapons/drug proliferation etc but theres something worse The censorship/misinformation issue is by its very nature self-concealing and so the real reasons for other big problems often remain hidden from public view and so protected from community comment. The real issues get scant and incomplete coverage. Many dont even know there is a censorship problem; brainwashed by mass media propaganda into believing the media and thinking that spies are good not evil. They have no idea of the crimes spies commit to protect the ruling criminal elite from criticism. If people know and accept that many police are corrupt, that many public icons are untrustworthy, that businessmen will rob them why are they so slow to see that agency personnel are better placed than any of them to get away with murder etc. Official state secrets privilege allows these criminals to cover their activities with bogus national security laws. This secrecy in turn allows state sanctioned treachery when open government is the only acceptable democratic method SURVEILLANCE/MONITORING/HARASSMENT Persons of interest (both good and bad) are monitored via satellite 24/7; many are also tormented and tortured through the use of satellite-based directed energy weapons and psychotronic attacks using neurophones (voice to skull technology), mind reading technologies and so on. For starters, all of us have our telecommunications monitored (via satellite e.g. the Echelon system), public figures also have audio/visual monitoring 24/7. Banned/censored writers, whistleblowers and anti-crime campaigners etc also have harassment 24/7 On top of that (strangely enough) terrorists, madmen and other criminals are also monitored but rarely stopped; creating a chaotic state of affairs for governments and agencies to control with legislation and high-tech interference in peoples lives. This allows convenient events to occur without reference to the technology that could easily stop them but then, of course, people would wonder what else theyre used for if they were used to stop crime

THEFT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Computers/spies monitor telecommunications as well as all submitted writings, all real time conversations, and even some thoughts to create a mental slavery scenario where ordinary disempowered people can have their ideas stolen without recourse to the law. Monitoring of

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persons of interest who are not public figures actually also helps the corrupt to stay in touch with the common man (the silenced majority) and presents popular views and so on which are alien to the privileged few who run society. They do this not only because theyre thieves but because they will not tolerate honest men and women in their midst (theres been a kind of ethic cleansing) and so have only one way of accessing and using those peoples ideas. The theft is covered with ridicule (the oldest spy trick of all) and denial. Because only the corruptible are accepted into public life its no surprise that most public figures are prepared to steal from the disempowered. MEDIA FEEDBACK I should start by pointing out that this is very common and is a criminal practice well known to all media bodies including Australias Press Council, Broadcasting Authority and Journalists Association. To date nothing has been done to prevent it. The main reason for this is that the mainstream media is today made up of companies which are (almost exclusively) owned and controlled by organised crime and influenced by corrupt agency connections. This feedback method involves the most basic of spy methodology: to destroy opponents by ridicule. It can involve leading questions, misquotes and/or apparent mistakes or covers. OK, so this practice, the most common of all harassment techniques (except maybe for tampering with mail and personal items, aircraft swoops and emergency vehicle appearances) involves the satellite/computer collection and dissemination of surveillance results and the feeding back of these results through media scripts. For example, on a given morning a victim might say Ive had a gutful of corrupt governments, he may play golf, he may make his car repayment etc etc. Later that day he tunes into his favorite news program or reads his favorite afternoon newspaper etc only to find a clear focus on stories involving the very things he said (out of context). As the days, weeks, months roll by the coincidences multiply and the situation is repeated through ads, comedy, songs etc etc each and every day (incessantly) sometimes for decades. The intention is to criminally harass the victim in the hope that they go mad, bad etc as theyre surrounded by coincidences. If they complain to friends, family, authorities they can appear paranoid and be discredited (like the spreading of false rumours and the encouraging of personal ridicule, spies fuel this process by setting it all up to distance victims from any possible source of help). If victims approach the presenters of the surveillance scripted material for an explanation they can be institutionalized or at least severely embarrassed when the presenter feigns ignorance and treats the victim like a stalker or something. These presenters are accomplices who follow the instructions of criminal executives and agency liars. They are no better than their puppeteers. Law-abiding people with integrity would not participate in any of this. Unfortunately many prominent people have no integrity, having sold their souls for opportunity.

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FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS The present day portrayal of many Muslims as crazed terrorists, through events like The World Trade Centre tragedy of 11/09/01, is no different to Nero burning Rome and blaming it on the Christians. Throughout history the guilty have branded the innocent to cover their tracks and destroy their critics. One recent example was confirmed by ex Italian President Francesco Cossiga who admitted he helped set up Operation Gladio, a rogue spy network operating under the auspices of the US intelligence apparatus. These Gladio villains carried out bombings across Europe for over 3 decades (ending in the 80s), all aimed at branding their ideological political opponents as terrorists. Similar set ups can be carried out against individuals to frame them to look like criminals when, in fact, theyre innocent, even vehemently opposed to crime. Again the agencies and their masters do this to conceal their own activities by discrediting their opponents. With catch cries of dont talk to him/them or do something for your country or a combination of threats and rewards they also gain the co-operation of associates who should, in reality, help the victims not the victimisers. DISTRACTIONS In Roman times rulers offered bread and circuses, the British spoke of beer and skittles and todays catch cry remains sex and drugs and rock n roll. But whether it be a harmless pastime or a sordid preoccupation the effect is the same whilever people are focused on enjoying their own time and money with little or no concern for others they are out of the socio-political equation. The more time thats spent on trivia and self gratification the harder it is for people to display integrity, altruism and compassion when confronted with lifes harsher realities. In other words, apathy takes hold. The encouragement of this situation is another agency function. MURDERS Scientists who know too much about secret weaponry/plans or who may pass on their knowledge/skills to others, celebrities who oppose crime in high places, whistleblowers who have details on specific wrongdoings etc etc are the innocent ones that can be killed. Whether it be by a convenient accident (overdose, plane or car crash etc) or working off personal health problem (cancers, heart attacks etc can be induced via technology) or an apparent assassination (Manchurian candidates can be remote-controlled through brainwashing) the agencies are often the attack dogs that do the dirty work of the ruling elite. That elite then sit back smugly in denial and delusion about their role in the crimes in question. Then theres also the more widespread killings effected through things like the promotion of the use of dangerous foods/chemicals or the use of appliances like mobile phones. Theres also the

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suppression of cures for cancer and other diseases and the introduction of others; such as AIDS. The CIA even has contingency plans for culling a high percentage of the worlds entire population. PERVERTING THE COURSE OF JUSTICE Its not just Masonic organisations that interfere here, agency personnel can masquerade as almost anyone (from a witness to a victim), they can stop proceedings/arguments with secrecy orders, they can prevent investigations by police or health experts and so on and so forth. They also sit behind the scenes and ensure that whilst media/government hypocrites willingly line up and condemn small time criminals (petty thieves, thugs, drug abusers etc) that more serious criminals (such as corporate fraudsters, statesmen war mongers and drug barons) are protected and are positively portrayed to the people. In addition, division is created between those few good people who may be closer to these criminals and those good people observing from afar. This removes any possible conflict. Also, corruptible court and law enforcement officials, psychiatrists and others help to discredit those presenting the truth. Its all part of the conspiracies of silence which are run on certain important matters. For psych experts used in court proceedings freeing the guilty and branding the innocent are well known practices. Whats not so well known is that the psych texts were prepared/vetted by agency psychiatrists to allow their colleagues to be used to silence anyone speaking the harsher truths. Terms such as brainwashing and paranoid schizophrenia were in fact penned by spy agency psychiatrists, principally to brand victims of covert harassment as being deranged and therefore not to be believed. Many agency targets as well as agency whistleblowers have been destroyed in this way. Honest psychiatrists who try to blow the whistle on the practice are, like knowledgeable scientists, murdered. INSTILLING FEAR AND SELF DELUSIONAL BELIEF SYSTEMS Naturally mere mention of organisations like the CIA or the Mossad or Office of Homeland Security creates a panic in people because deep down inside they very well know that spy agencies cannot be trusted. Its not that members of the public have done anything wrong but they know that spies have. So it is with those agency/crime accomplices who are guilty by association; those who turn a blind eye to what their mates or celebrity friends or business acquaintances are up to. (One denial by a smiling celebrity negates a mountain of information). They co-operate out of fear, self interest etc and will not give the time of day to their associates targets. Even many members of the clergy are prepared to sell their souls for the gains received in this way. Sadly theyll support their powerful contacts and sell out the innocent. They must do this with stars in their eyes, a nobodys perfect excuse with regard to powerful criminals and a he must be mad delusion with regard to the innocent. The result is that instead of being thrown to the lions with the innocent victims they join the crowd and enjoy the blood sport. The level of hypocrisy is astounding. open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API

PROVOCATION The work of an agent provocateur has never been more effective than it is today. Various harassment methods from surveillance feedback to audio torture by neurophone transmissions to high tech brainwave monitoring and even directed energy blasts are available to hurt/provoke their targets. Corrupt agency personnel and their criminal associates can also arrange aircraft swoops, siren wailing and face to face conflicts. With most people simple anger, fear etc may be the emotional responses but they do nothing illegal or immoral in response; just defend themselves. However, when this provocation is directed at potential criminals or those mentally limited in some way the response can be catastrophic. For example neurophone input (a form of remote brainwashing when used on the weak-minded) was used on Martin Bryant (the accused from The Port Arthur massacre) and John Chapman (the man who killed John Lennon). Modern Manchurian Candidates like these can be fired up from a great distance. And in fact people like this are more and more often becoming the useful puppets of spies who are tagged/monitored themselves and so are confined to surveillance/harassment room operations. They need dupes and scapegoats to do their dirty work and high tech satellite equipment allows them to organise this remotely. SECRECY National security legislation, military acts, secrecy orders and all manner of official protection for crimes of the state are lined up to hide powerful criminals. Aside from whats already been stated, if the resources/technology mentioned in this piece was made available to honest law enforcers instead of corruptible spies then everything from truth serums to satellite surveillance and mind reading technologies could be used to monitor, prevent, detect, capture, interrogate etc. Crime could be all but wiped out. But, of course, those controlling the technology (being themselves the greatest criminals of all) dont want that. They want the mayhem to continue to justify crushing everyones basic human/civil rights so they fight their war on terror and launch criminal crackdownsetc. Meanwhile, spies and the ruling elite etc are protected, even from criticism, by the very technology that should be used to stop them. Its all about control and money. There are no excuses, only lies and cover-ups. Goons from the secret service and other covert groups are all too often used to harass the innocent to protect the guilty from criticism. DISCREDITING AND PUBLIC BRAINWASHING Aside from the obvious personal promotion or destruction of the reputations of individuals via, lies/rumours/harassment etc (and almost every victim is confused about what has been said or how

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theyve been set up) there are also elaborate hoaxes and scams run (using the secret technology mentioned). These include the promotion within the general community of notions such as the existence of aliens, ghosts, psychic phenomena etc. False beliefs flourish as a result. How is it done? Easy With the surveillance systems Ive outlined. Computers hold a wealth of information on everyone. Couple that with secret technology that can move objects in any way and at frightening speed, and/or put a voice in your head and/or read your mind and/or cause you to hallucinate and/or feel pain, anger, sorrow etc etc. Its all possible and from quite a distance away: Space. Why is it done? Governments and corporations etc may want to silence or discredit someone; they may want human guinea pigs for an illegal experiment that no one would ever volunteer for; they may want to manipulate people (e.g. through a false psychic); they may want general community acceptance to legitimize an operation (e.g. NASA/military spending) etc etc. Personally I believe that in each and every case of apparent paranormal psychic/alien phenomena there is a logical explanation leading back to the ruling elite (who betray us all by their secrecy on such matters). Its all mans inhumanity to man. There is a God and there is man. That is all. Everything else is the result of brainwashing and delusion. BLACKMAIL The crime/spy controlled media picks and chooses the timing, slant and effects of its reports so as to warn, control, stop or destroy monitored persons. The message being to do (or not do) something that may have no connection to the story at all. For example, if powerful criminals want to warn a government on a serious policy matter they can arrange for a sex scandal involving MPs to be publicised or focus on some slip of the tongue and blow it out of proportion. More seriously, with access to geophysical weaponry, spies (esp. military spies) can alter the weather, cause earthquakes etc (using equipment like HAARP in Alaska) etc. Satellite technology can also start fires, shoot down planes etc (without detection). Agency personnel can deliver many nasty warnings to get the co-operation of others EXPERIMENTS The modern term for brainwashing is mind control and todays technology (incl satellite based neurophones, mind-reading software and mood management techniques) allows many mind control experiments as well as dream/idea/thought studies, set ups, remote torment/torture, interrogation, murder and more. The expanding scope of illegal human experimentation indicates that the oppressive control of the politically aware population is increasing. No longer are these operations restricted to the physical tampering with missing persons or alien abductees, todays remote

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technologies are used to manipulate/restrict members of the wider population, across the broad spectrum of thinking, caring, knowledgeable people. On top of this mental slavery is part of the overall slave trade which is currently third (behind the weapons and drug trades) on the list of illegal but lucrative human activities. All three are partially run by the CIA and other agencies and their criminal associates. And these are the people that are protected from scrutiny by bogus national security legislation and secrecy provisions Without totally independent (and knowledgeable) regulatory or investigative bodies the agencies can act as they wish; breaking any legal/moral code and feeding off the population at will. All talk of a need to know, protecting the population, classified documents etc is usually little more than a phoney cover for sanctioned crime. In fact, the cover provided by bogus laws, wealth, power, position etc should be no defence yet laws and resources are made and allocated so as to provide cover for all manner of evil right up to and including illegal human experimentation and environmental ruin. In the case of national security, military, defamation and other laws the protection afforded the criminals far outweighs that granted to their victims. ORCHESTRATED CONSPIRACIES These range from conspiracies of silence concerning oppressed citizens (falsely branded as anything from nuts to terrorists) right through to large scale operations like wars and false terrorist threats (e.g. see the earlier reference to Operation Gladio under False Flag operations). In between we have individual assassinations (some using Manchurian candidates or dupes) and tragic events like The New York World Trade Centre disaster. To shrink from the term conspiracy like it implies some sort of paranoia is to ignore the real world and retreat into fantasy land. The world is, in effect, run by conspiracies of one sort or another. The term even appears on the statute books (conspiracy to murderetc). Its real and spies are the main culprits. Their harassment campaigns can be as simple as interfering with mail, bank a/cs, bills etc right through to organizing overt/covert torment and high tech torture. The bigger conspiracies present the world itself in the wrong light to an unsuspecting population. PROTECTED OPERATIONS The arms trade, the drug trade, illegal experimentation, paedophile networks, prostitution rings, money laundering, financial scams and more are, to a large extent, shielded from law enforcement intervention, criticism etc by spy agencies which profit directly or indirectly from such criminal activity. The entertainment industry, responsible for our opinions, distractions etc, is criminally controlled and is also one of these protected operations. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE

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Whats written here is based on research, observation, experts/victims anecdotes and personal experience gathered over nearly 20 years. To verify my position and convince the reader of my personal integrity and genuine concern I should point out that I am a Uni graduate who has tried his hand at a variety of jobs. I have held responsible positions in both the public and private sector. I have neither committed nor seriously contemplated any wrongdoing of any sort, yet out of ignorance/curiosity I have applied for a number of jobs over the years with employers which I later learnt were involved in criminal activity. One of these organisations was ASIO having completed their testing procedures I was at a final interview when I was confronted by the question: Are you prepared to do anything that youre told to without question? This immediately set off alarm bells. Clearly I would be asked to do things that were immoral or illegal etc so at this point I said No and abruptly walked out. My privacy may well have been invaded from that point. Certainly agency employees are monitored when they leave their employment; perhaps job applicants are similarly studied. Similarly disturbing was the question I was asked when applying for work with a politician. Again, the final question put me off... it concerned corruption and what Id do if the proverbial bag of money landed on my desk. My honest answer was clearly unacceptable; only the corruptible are welcome. A third example involved an application to a TV station for work. Afterwards I criticised the media for their crimes of privacy invasion and harassment. That particular station was later responsible for a set up in which an unsuccessful attempt was made to silence me by having me committed. This is what they (the media) do to people that cross them said an employee of the institution in question. I later learned that many media targets had been silenced that way. Clearly in all three cases my honesty was not to be tolerated. I later fielded multisourced and multifaceted harassment from corporations, the media, government and (foreign) agencies etc after I wrote In the year 2252, a fictional anti-corruption novel (which was not based on my own experiences). The connections between organised crime (which runs the entire entertainment industry, including publishing) and corrupt spy agencies which can access high tech surveillance/harassment equipment became clearer from that point (1990-1991) as powerful criminals (wrongly assuming the novel was based on todays criminals) came at me covertly to destroy me and prevent any chance of publication. ORGANISATIONS There are countless bodies reporting on agency misconduct but, more generally, Jack McLamb (ex police officer) runs an organisation called Police and military against The New World Order through which he tries to educate police and military employees about the ways they can be tricked into oppressing innocent people. However many wrongdoers are not tricked at all, they just follow

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orders and thats no excuse. Its no excuse morally and it should be no excuse legally. We need independent watchdogs in these areas but, more importantly we need them for the clandestine and dangerously powerful world of spying where corruption is rife. There needs to be a system of checks and balances on personnel and resources for bodies that can kill/manipulate the mind, body, spirit and emotions as effectively as they can using modern (secretive) technology. Existing systems, like the inspector generals office are a band aid in a battlefield; useless. For example, NASAs Inspector Generals office suggested prayer was the only answer to all of this. Clearly they were as helpless as the victims. CONCLUSION The crimes committed by spies are, like those of connected criminals, protected from scrutiny by corrupt laws, corrupt law enforcement bodies and a corrupt media. Lesser criminals are apprehended, tried and punished and often vilified by more serious criminals masquerading as community leaders. These same people use spies and goons to do their dirty work and then go into denial about their role in it all. In the absence of a genuine regulatory framework and proper independent supervision of spy operations all that individuals like myself can do is try to raise public awareness of the problems. It is clearly NOT a free world. You have the freedom to consume and live in blissful ignorance but that is all. As for democracy, free speech and other apparent rights, its all illusionary; the illusions being facilitated by agency criminals, the media and others. In other words, you live without oppression only if youre totally self-absorbed and distracted to the point when you dont want the truth; you dont care. Those actually seeking the truth and/or challenging the crimes of the ruling classes are brutally (but covertly) destroyed. Today, politics, the media and major corporate entities are primarily protected criminal operations with spies used as the enforcers. These spies are not the fictional heroes of entertainment fame but real life villains who betray the people. They commit crimes against humanity itself and lead the lawabiding majority in a direction theyd rather not go. If they only knew.

The Truth About Hearing Voices, Mind Reading, Secret Weapons Media crimes, psychic phenomena, paranormal activity, alien encounters USA, UK, Australia, China, India, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Finland
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There are those who can but wont. There are those who cannot yet try. Lets pray that the efforts of those trying encourage those that are not as that is our best hope.

Copyright P. Baird, 1998-2011 Last updated October 2011 Designed by Web Warriors

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